Recharge yourself with a dose of vitamins in order to meet the winter fully armed - what could be more important?! Our friends from famous Moscow restaurants shared their most delicious recipes for amazing tea with fruits, berries, mint and all kinds of spices. We have prepared all 10 and now we declare with full responsibility that neither colds nor weakened immunity threaten us anymore.

Cranberry tea


60 g orange
50 g lemon
40 ml orange juice
50 ml sugar syrup (heat 50 g sugar and 50 ml water until sugar dissolves)
50 g cranberries (you can use frozen)
1 cinnamon stick
400 ml boiling water

How to make cranberry tea:

Cut the orange into small pieces and place in a teapot together with the cranberries. Add orange juice, sugar syrup and cinnamon stick. Pour boiling water over everything and let it brew for 15 minutes.

Did you know that real tea, which nasta steeped for 3-4 minutes - this is super healthy, but if you brewed tea leaves for more than 5 minutes, the drink becomes poisonous!? Look and learn everything about tea!

Tea "Hot Citrus"


6 g hibiscus tea
1 slice each grapefruit, orange, lemon
40 g honey
400 ml boiling water

How to make Hot Citrus tea:

Pour boiling water over hibiscus tea, fruit and honey in a saucepan. Boil. Pour into a kettle. Leave for 2 minutes.

Tea "Trans-Siberian Express"

The Trans-Siberian Express is a legendary train connecting Europe and Asia along the longest railway. The tea, which combines the aromas of Asian ginger and sea buckthorn, common in Russia, is named after him. In addition to its invaluable medicinal properties, ginger effectively fights overwork, fatigue and tension, and sea buckthorn is an essential natural multivitamin.


100 g frozen sea buckthorn
200 ml orange juice
40 ml ginger juice
40 ml lemon juice
40 ml honey

How to prepare Trans-Siberian Express tea:

Mix everything, heat to 60°C. Tea is ready!

Ginger tea


200 g orange
60 g lime
80 ml ginger juice (made from a medium-sized ginger root)
400 ml boiling water
100 ml honey
mint sprig

How to make ginger tea:

Mash the orange and lime, add honey and ginger juice, pour boiling water and stir well. Add mint and let steep for 5-7 minutes.

Apple vanilla tea


100 g apple
100 g pear
60 g orange
50 g lemon
1 cinnamon stick
50 ml vanilla syrup (can be replaced with vanilla sugar, to taste)
400 ml boiling water

How to make apple vanilla tea:

Cut the fruit into cubes and place in a teapot. Add vanilla syrup and a cinnamon stick, pour boiling water over everything and let it brew for 15 minutes.

Tea “Berry mix”


10 g each of strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and blueberries (if you don’t have fresh berries, you can safely replace them with frozen berry mix)
40 g honey
400 ml boiling water

How to make Berry Mix tea:

Mash the berries, pour boiling water over them, add honey and stir. Bring to a boil in a saucepan. Pour into a kettle. Leave for 2 minutes.

Warming tea


60 g ginger root (or 30 ml ginger juice)
1 slice each lemon and orange
40 ml honey
400 ml boiling water

How to make warming tea:

Cut the ginger into thin slices. Combine all ingredients and bring to a boil in a saucepan. Pour into a kettle. Leave for 2 minutes.

Non-alcoholic mulled wine


300 ml cherry juice
40 ml currant syrup
40 ml honey
cinnamon, cloves, star anise - to taste
4 slices each of apple, orange, lime and lemon

How to make non-alcoholic mulled wine:

Pour cherry juice and currant syrup into a saucepan with fruit, add spices. Heat. Pour into a jug and garnish with apple, star anise and cinnamon stick if desired.

Tea with sea buckthorn and quince jam


120 g frozen sea buckthorn
30 g quince jam
20 ml pear syrup
30 ml passion fruit puree (optional)
6 g Ceylon tea
350 ml boiling water

How to make tea with sea buckthorn and quince jam:

Prepare sea buckthorn puree: boil frozen sea buckthorn with sugar and rub through a sieve (we will need 70 ml of puree). Add sea buckthorn puree, quince jam, pear syrup, passion fruit puree, Ceylon tea and boiling water to the saucepan, bring to a boil and strain into the kettle.

Chamomile tea with elderberry and cranberry


500 ml water
50 g dried apples
100 g cranberries
25 ml elderberry syrup (don't worry, it's sold in pharmacies!)
5 chamomile tea filter bags
prunes, cranberries, dried apples - for serving

How to make chamomile tea with elderberry and cranberry:

Boil dried apples in a saucepan, add cranberries, elderberry syrup, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Throw filter bags into the same pan and brew. Cool and strain. Reheat before serving. Serve in a teapot with prunes, cranberries and dried apples.

In the 17th century, a new era began in Russia, associated not only with the name of Peter I, but also with the appearance of a drink made from tea leaves in Russian culture.

The Chinese plant is so beloved that it is now simply unthinkable to imagine life without it.

However, tea traditions are not limited to brewing black or green varieties of the drink.

Tea at home can be brewed according to special recipes or prepared from traditional herbs.

It will turn out no less tasty and healthy.

Tea at home: black or green?

There is no arguing about tastes, so there is no point in discussing which is better: black or green tea. Moreover, in fact we are talking about the same plant, the leaves of which have undergone varying degrees of fermentation. The same applies to exotic white, red, yellow varieties.

The degree of fermentation determines the taste and color of the tea. Non-fermented or slightly fermented teas convey their natural taste and aroma in a cup in an almost unchanged form. These are green, yellow, white varieties in which fermentation is stopped by roasting the leaves. The color of the drink is quite pale. Black (as well as red) varieties of tea give a thick, rich color and aroma.

When brewing tea at home, you should follow the general rule: Pre-dip the dishes with boiling water, that is, warm the walls of the teapot well. This is necessary so that the tea leaves release all their aroma. Now the most important thing is to prevent the leaves from rotting and at the same time ensure sufficient temperature conditions.

The classic proportion of dry tea and water is a teaspoon per mug and another additional spoon for the entire teapot. When brewing quickly and not quite correctly, tea is simply poured with boiling water and left to steep for six to seven minutes.

There is another a more correct way:

Pour the measured amount of tea with boiling water halfway, cover with a lid, and cover the spout of the teapot with a woven napkin. This is necessary in order to preserve the benefits and aroma of essential oils;

After three minutes, add boiling water, leaving at least a centimeter between the surface of the water and the lid;

Infuse the drink: green tea – eight minutes, black tea – five to six minutes.

In Russia, it is customary to prepare tea leaves - a thick tea infusion, which is subsequently diluted with water. This is convenient because it is fast, simple and plentiful: you can give a drink to a large number of people. But in eastern countries and England, tea infusion is not diluted with water.

Black tea leaves should not be brewed more than once. The maximum that can be done is to “marry” the drink if it has just been prepared and the guests have drunk everything. The taste and aroma are weaker. But green varieties can easily withstand brewing five or even seven times, each time delighting with a new shade of taste.

You should drink the infusion made from black tea throughout the day. After spending the night in the brewer, the drink will turn from healthy into dangerous (an Eastern proverb compares it to the venom of a snake). And all because of a special substance - guanine, which, as a result of oxidation, turns into toxic guanidine.

If a film has formed on the surface of the tea, if the tea has clearly overstayed (it is especially dangerous to brew it in a thermos and leave it for a long time), or if it has overheated, you should not drink such a drink, as you can be seriously poisoned. Guanidine affects the heart and blood vessels, causes speech impairment, a surge in blood pressure, damages the liver, reduces calcium in the blood, and provokes the development of gout.

Tea at home: preparing herbal infusions yourself

In Rus', herbal teas have always been held in high esteem, which we still drink with pleasure today. You can prepare them yourself using the same technologies as for preparing Chinese tea: drying, rolling, withering, fermentation.

Tea at home is prepared from the leaves of forest or garden plants, and when brewing, you can add berries, fruits and even nuts to it. Simply drying the grass and the grass is not enough (it will turn out tasteless). Ideally, you need to go through the entire technological chain to get a truly healthy and tasty drink.

Leaves of raspberry, strawberry, lingonberry, blueberry, currant, blueberry, as well as linden blossom, heather, fireweed (fireweed), mint, chamomile, etc. are suitable for harvesting. You can only brew plant petals (rose, jasmine). Tea at home can be prepared either entirely from herbal infusions or by adding it to regular black or green tea when brewing.

Processing stages.

1. Spread the raw materials on a dry surface in a thin layer of three to four centimeters and leave in the shade for five to eight hours. This is the wilting stage, which is necessary to prevent the leaves from becoming brittle.

2. Now you need to twist the wilted leaves a little, rubbing them with your palms.

3. At the fermentation stage, the raw materials are poured into any container (a wooden box, a yogurt maker, a turned off oven. The point is to create a moist, warm environment. The layer of leaves should be no thicker than five centimeters. To create a moist environment, you can cover the container with a piece of wet cloth. Time fermentation - approximately ten hours. Ambient temperature - at least 26 degrees. After fermentation, the leaves will become dark.

4. The last stage of the preparation is drying. The prepared raw materials should be placed in the oven at a temperature of approximately 100 degrees and dried for about an hour, constantly checking readiness.

To prepare traditional teas, dried rose hips, viburnum, and frozen berries (strawberries, sea buckthorn, currants, cherries) are used.

The peels of citrus plants are also a wonderful product for making flavored tea at home. They are used not with herbal teas, but with ordinary black or green tea leaves.

Tea at home: popular drink options

The most popular are flavored or specialty drinks. Here are some of the most popular tea options at home.


Two tablespoons of dried mint, three teaspoons of regular tea leaves, four clove buds and a pinch of cinnamon (or a cinnamon stick). Pour the mixture with half a liter of boiling water, leave for about five minutes, then pour into cups and sweeten with honey if desired.

Mint tea is good both warm and cold. It is wonderfully invigorating in the morning, relaxes in the evening, and improves digestion throughout the day.


Grate a piece of fresh ginger root. In a liter of boiling water you need to throw three tablespoons of ginger, boil it for two minutes, then strain, add lemon cut into slices, a pinch of black pepper, two mint leaves, leave for five minutes. Strain, pour into cups, if desired, add a little honey.

Ginger tea perfectly restores digestive processes, cleanses the body, improves complexion, thins the blood and prevents colds.


A tablespoon of chamomile should be poured into half a liter of boiled water and left for fifteen minutes. After straining, add honey and drink warm, because cooled chamomile tea loses all its benefits.

And the benefits are considerable. The drink relieves headaches, normalizes digestion, relieves insomnia, helps control appetite, removes excess fluid from the body, and strengthens the nerves. Chamomile tea is useful for gastritis, liver diseases, diabetes and ulcers.

Apple cinnamon

Cut the apple into slices, put in a teapot along with a tablespoon of black or green tea, and a cinnamon stick. Pour two glasses of boiling water, leave for ten minutes and strain.

This drink can stop a cold if you drink it within the first hours after the first symptoms of illness appear.

Sea buckthorn

Thaw a glass of frozen sea buckthorn berries. Pour two cups of boiling water, add two tablespoons of regular tea leaves (black or green), leave for fifteen minutes. Drink warm, sweeten with honey if desired.


Brew regular black tea, adding the zest taken from one lemon and the juice squeezed from one grapefruit. Leave for eight minutes, then strain. Add half a spoon of grated nutmeg, sweeten with honey or brown sugar.

The drink has powerful anti-inflammatory properties, increases the body's immune strength, and tones well.

You can mix fruit and herbal teas at your discretion. Linden blossom, calendula, thyme, coltsfoot, lemongrass, dried berries, eucalyptus, bay leaves, dried slices of pineapple, apple, banana, pear, peel of citrus plants - all this plant abundance goes well with green and black varieties of traditional tea .

Tea at home: unusual recipes

So many traditional and unusual recipes for tea at home have been invented that you can drink more and more new versions of the drink almost all year round.

Chinese punch

Tea with added alcohol perfectly warms and lifts your spirits. the main thing is to stop in time.

For half a liter of boiling water, take two tablespoons of black tea, the juice of one lemon and one orange, one tablespoon each of cognac and rum (or two spoons of one alcoholic drink). Brew, insist, strain. Can be sweetened with honey or sugar. When pouring, you can use the Chinese secret: raise the kettle high so that the drink has time to become saturated with oxygen before it enters the cup.

Iced tea (ice tea)

Brew regular black tea. Place one hundred grams of ice cream at the bottom of the glass, pour in the juice of one orange, two tablespoons of lemon juice, pour in a small amount of chilled drinking cream, then top up with cold sweetened tea.


Brew black or green tea. While it is brewing, beat the egg with a pinch of nutmeg and a spoonful of sugar until a fluffy foam is obtained. Pour tea into the bowl, add the egg-nutmeg mixture, stir. If desired, add a spoonful of rum or cognac.


Brew black tea according to the basic recipe, adding a clove bud, a cinnamon stick and a piece of fresh ginger. Separately, brew mint tea. Strain both drinks and combine them. Squeeze two tablespoons of lemon juice. Pour the tea mixture into cups, filling halfway. Pour a spoonful of lemon juice into each serving, add sparkling water (unsalted), and add an ice cube if desired.

Milky (steppe)

This version of tea at home is one of the recipes used by nomadic tribes. For six tablespoons of black tea you will need half a liter of water and two liters of milk. Pour hot milk and boiling water over the tea leaves, simmer the mixture over low heat for ten minutes, leave for another ten to fifteen minutes. Strain, add a little salt and drink.


Brew fireweed tea (a spoonful of dried herbs per glass of water). You will need three glasses of the finished drink. Pour it into a saucepan, add a teaspoon of cardamom, three clove buds, and a glass of vodka. Bring the mixture to a boil, then leave for ten minutes. Strain, add honey.

The beauty of tea is that you never get tired of it. Whatever brewing recipe you use, you will get a delicious tonic drink.

Fruit tea is a drink made from a mixture of dried or fresh fruits, berries, herbs and flowers. It can be made with water, juice or tea. Each of these methods has nuances in preparation.

  1. Fruit water tea is brewed from dried fruits and herbs. Tea is usually not added (this drink does not contain caffeine). But if you simply pour boiling water over the dry mixture, you get a compote. Water must be boiled and cooled to 85–90 °C. The teapot must be warmed up and the drink allowed to brew for 8–10 minutes.
  2. Fruit tea with juice is made both with and without the addition. In the first case, the juice must be heated, but not brought to a boil. In the second case, the juice is simply diluted with brewed tea. You can drink it either hot or chilled.
  3. If the basis of fruit tea is black, green or white tea, then you need to first brew and let the latter brew, and then add a fruit blend to your taste. This drink perfectly quenches thirst, relieves fatigue and tones the body.

10 fruit tea recipes

liz west /

Grind 1-2 small pears using a blender. Brew jasmine tea (2 teaspoons per 0.5 liters of water). Add pear puree, juice of half a lemon and a cinnamon stick. Let sit for 10–15 minutes.

Gihan Dias /

Brew strong black tea (0.5 liters of water for 2-3 teaspoons of tea). Strain. When the tea has cooled, mix with half a glass of pineapple juice and the same amount of orange juice. Add a couple of tablespoons of lime juice, as well as fresh lime wedges and mint sprigs. If desired, you can add sugar.

Harry Knight /

You can use any berries: your favorite ones or those available in season. For example, you can take a couple of tablespoons of raspberries, currants and wild strawberries or a few strawberries. Mash the berries and mix with any fruit puree (3-4 tablespoons) and honey (2-3 tablespoons). Pour hot water over the berry mixture and leave to steep for 5 minutes.

Dominique Archambault /

Lightly mash the mint leaves to extract juice, add a tablespoon of green tea and pour boiling water over it. Select proportions based on the desired volume of the drink. An interesting flavor can be obtained by adding lemon balm to mint during brewing. This tea is best drunk hot.

In summer, you can cool it to room temperature and put it in the refrigerator for several hours. After this, strain, add a little honey and fresh mint sprigs and drink with ice.

Sherwin Huang /

Brew chamomile tea (2 tablespoons of dry chamomile per 0.5 liter of water). Add 2-3 orange mugs to it. Cover with a lid and let it brew. When cool, refrigerate for several hours, or preferably overnight. Before serving, strain the tea, add strawberries cut into large slices and sugar.

Nhã Lam /

Brew white tea (2-3 teaspoons per 0.5 liters of water). Strain and let cool. Then mix it with half a glass of peach juice. Add a couple of fresh diced peaches. Place the drink in the refrigerator for several hours.

Brew 0.5 liters of black flavored tea with strawberry flavor (can be from bags). While it is hot, melt 3 tablespoons of honey in it. Add coarsely chopped strawberries (5-6 pieces) and mango (1-2 fruits) to the cooled drink. Place it in the refrigerator for several hours. Drink with ice and mint sprigs.

Personal Creations /

Mix 0.5 liters of strong black tea with a glass of watermelon juice with pulp. Leave to cool for 1.5–2 hours. Before serving, add large slices and garnish with a sprig of fresh basil.


Make 0.5 liters of hibiscus (this is tea made from the flowers of the Chinese rose - hibiscus). Add sugar to taste. You can drink it immediately hot, or when it cools down, pour in a glass of apple cider and add slices of fresh lemon with ice.

Bring 0.5 cups of freshly squeezed lemon juice to a boil along with the currants. Cook for 5 minutes, then remove from heat and strain the berries through a sieve. Mix the resulting currant puree with 500 milliliters of black tea. Add sugar, ice and fresh currants. Garnish with lemon zest and enjoy.

Herbs and spices are an excellent substitute for store-bought tea. They can be used to make various mixtures or brew separately, which, if prepared correctly, will help improve well-being and mood, and will also inevitably lead to strengthening the immune system. Let's look at the beneficial properties of some herbs and spices and try different combinations to determine your favorite homemade tea recipe. But we still recommend preparing several different mixtures of dry leaves, flowers and spices for different moods and well-being. And also for guests.

Homemade chamomile tea

Chamomile tea has a calming effect, which is why it is often used as a folk remedy against insomnia. In addition, chamomile decoction helps relieve inflammation; it is recommended for gargling and to relieve stomach pain. Chamomile is considered the most universal herb, which has virtually no contraindications, so it is suitable for everyone, but it is still better to listen to how you feel and track the effects of such tea on your body.

To prepare chamomile infusion, you need to brew one teaspoon of dried chamomile flowers with a glass of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes.

Rose petal tea

Rose petals give tea a delicate delicate aroma and enrich it with vitamins. The essential oils contained in the petals have antimicrobial and restorative properties. The petals can be dried at home by spreading them on a sheet of newspaper.

To prepare the infusion, you need to pour two teaspoons of petals with water at a temperature of 70–80 ° C and let it brew for five minutes.

Ginger tea

Tea with the addition of ginger has a tart taste, it warms, speeds up metabolism and improves digestion. Due to the anti-inflammatory properties of ginger, it is often used to prevent and treat colds, especially when combined with lemon and honey.

In order to prepare ginger tea, you need to wash, peel and grate the ginger root, pour boiling water over two teaspoons of the resulting mass and let it brew for 15-20 minutes.

Fennel seed tea

Spicy fennel tea helps with colic and abdominal pain, improves digestion and has an anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, fennel protects against flu and helps with coughs.

To prepare the infusion, you need to brew one teaspoon of fennel seeds in a glass of boiling water.

Homemade tea based on thyme (thyme)

Thyme leaves are rich in essential oils, which turn it into a natural antiseptic. Thyme is used to treat colds: it has an expectorant, antispasmodic, and analgesic effect.

Thyme should be brewed at the rate of one teaspoon of dry leaves per glass of boiling water.

DIY crushed tea

Homemade mint tea quenches thirst, refreshes, gives a surge of strength, gives fresh breath and improves digestion. Of course, homemade mint tea will relieve nervous tension, help you relax, relieve headaches and, if necessary, help you fall asleep quickly.

You can use either fresh or dried mint. Add mint to any tea at the rate of 2-3 leaves per cup.

Cinnamon tea

In addition to its spicy aroma, cinnamon gives tea many beneficial properties: it has a warming effect, improves metabolism, and helps remove toxins.

The recipe for cinnamon tea is very simple: add half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon or a whole cinnamon stick to your favorite tea and let it brew for 5-7 minutes.

Homemade tea made from mixtures of herbs and spices. Recipes

Fragrant tea mixtures can be easily prepared at home: just add dried berries, zest, flowers and spices to your favorite loose-leaf tea. The result will be an original mixture for home tea drinking or a great gift for loved ones. We offer several recipes.

Spiced Ginger Tea Recipe

20 pcs. cardamom
1 tsp. pink pepper (unground)
1 tsp. black pepper (unground)
2 tsp. fennel seeds
1 tsp. coriander (unground)
1 tsp. carnations
3 cinnamon sticks
4 tsp. chopped candied ginger
1 cup of black tea (infusion)

Preheat the oven to 180°C. Mix all ingredients except ginger on a piece of parchment and place in the oven for 15 minutes. Then we take out the mixture and grind it, it’s convenient to do this in a mortar. Add chopped ginger and tea leaves to the spices and place the mixture in a jar with an airtight lid. This mixture is especially tasty when brewed with milk and honey.

Homemade flower and berry tea. Recipe

40 g of tea leaves with fruit aroma (it is better to take white or green tea)
3 tsp. dried lingonberries
3 tsp. dried raspberries
3 tsp. dried chamomile flowers
3 tsp. hibiscus
1 tsp. vanillin

Mix all ingredients and transfer to an airtight jar. This tea goes great with fruit desserts and cottage cheese pastries.

Orange-cinnamon tea recipe

50 g black tea
zest of one large orange (it is convenient to remove the zest using a special knife)
3 tsp. ground cinnamon
1 cinnamon stick

Dry and chop the orange zest. Grind the cinnamon stick. Mix all ingredients and transfer to jars. This tea is especially good with chocolate or coffee pastries, as well as puddings.

Lemon tea recipe

50 g leaf green tea
zest of 1-2 lemons (to taste)

Dry and chop the lemon zest. Mix it with tea and put it in jars for storage. If desired, you can also add dried berries and dried rosebuds.

Enjoy your tea and everyone - have a great mood!

We suggest you look:

How to make mayonnaise at home?
How to make cottage cheese at home yourself

Hot fruit and berry teas are an ideal drink for the cold season. Firstly, they warm up quickly. Secondly, they contain a lot of vitamins and minerals, which are so necessary for us in the absence of fresh seasonal fruits and herbs. Thirdly, they are very tasty and can be prepared in a matter of minutes. Much faster than a smoothie or freshly squeezed juice. And finally, by adding a couple of spoons of rum or cognac to this tea, you will get a tasty and fragrant cocktail for adults.

Fruit and berry teas are prepared in different ways, depending on what is the basis of the drink. If it is water, then just pour boiling water over the ingredients, stir, cover with a lid and leave to brew for 5-7 minutes. If you are preparing tea based on fruit juice, you will have to heat it. The main thing is to do this over low heat and make sure that the juice does not boil, otherwise it may curdle or simply lose its taste and most of the vitamins. If you add a sweetener, simply heat the juice over low heat until the sugar or honey dissolves.

It is best to brew and serve such bright and beautiful tea in a transparent glass teapot. If the ingredients include berries with grains (for example, sea buckthorn) or you add loose leaf tea, then you can use a French press so that the drink gets into the cup pre-strained. Tea with apple, pear or orange can be brewed in a large mug, from which you can drink it. Pieces of fruit or berries will be an additional bonus - they can be eaten with a spoon.

Sea buckthorn tea with apple

Recipe from Sergei Eroshenko, chef of the Honest Kitchen restaurant

Ingredients (for 1 serving): 40 g fresh or frozen sea buckthorn, 1/4 (30 g) apple, 1/2-1 tsp. honey, 250 ml water.

Instructions. Finely chop the apple. Place sea buckthorn, apple and honey in a container, add water and heat for 15-20 minutes over low heat, without bringing to a boil. Then let it sit for 3-5 minutes.

Green citrus tea

Recipe from Artem Ushakov, head bartender of the Prozhektor restobar

Ingredients (for 1-2 servings): 70 ml orange juice, 70 ml hot green tea, 2 grapefruit slices, 1 tsp. maple syrup (or any other to taste), 1 tbsp. l. lemongrass syrup (or any other citrus syrup), 1 sprig of fresh mint, 3 cardamom seeds, 150 ml boiling water.

Instructions. Heat all ingredients (except grapefruit) in a copper kettle, but do not bring to a boil. Before serving, squeeze and add grapefruit slices to the tea.

Lingonberry tea with cranberries and mint

Recipe from Sergei Chesnokov, bar manager of the Strelka bar

Ingredients (for 1 serving): 70 g lingonberries (fresh or fresh frozen), 30 g cranberries (fresh or fresh frozen), 2 tbsp. l. honey, 3-4 fresh mint leaves, 300 ml boiling water.

Instructions. Rub the berries with honey, add hot water, boil for a couple of minutes, without bringing to a boil. Add mint before serving.

Pomegranate tea

Recipe from Evgeniy Sirbu, bar manager of the restaurant Zafferano

Ingredients (for 1 serving): 100 ml pomegranate juice, 1/4 (30 g) apple, 1.5 tsp. honey, 1 cm lemon zest, 150-200 ml boiling water. Pomegranate seeds and apple slices for decoration.

Instructions. Cut the apple into strips and the lemon zest into thin slices. Heat all ingredients without bringing to a boil. Strain into a glass and garnish with pomegranate seeds and apple slices.

Pear tea with jasmine

Recipe from Oleg Kashin, bar manager of a restaurant chain Il Forno

Ingredients (for 1 serving): 100 g pear, 1 cinnamon stick, 1 lime wedge, 1 pinch of jasmine tea leaves, 200 ml boiling water.

Instructions. Finely chop the pear and mash into puree. Brew jasmine tea and add lime juice, pear puree and cinnamon. Let it brew for 10-15 minutes.

Berry tea

Recipe from Andrey Vakarchuk, head bartender of the Noah's Ark restaurant

Ingredients (for 1 serving): 1-2 strawberries, 2-3 blueberries, 1 blackberry, 2 raspberries, 1-1.5 tsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. l. any fruit puree, 1 tsp. flower honey, 200 ml boiling water.

Instructions. Place the berries (fresh or defrosted) in a large glass, add fruit puree, sugar and honey, crush the berries with a spoon, pour boiling water over everything, stir, cover and let steep for 3-5 minutes.

Hot tea “Pumpkin head”

Recipe from Ilya Doronin, head bartender of the gastrobar “We’re not going anywhere”

Ingredients (for 2-3 servings): 300 g pumpkin puree, 50 g strawberry puree, 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 25 g ginger, 1 grapefruit slice, 1 cinnamon stick, 1 pinch ground red pepper, 25 g ginger root, 200 ml boiling water.

Instructions. Grate the ginger on a fine grater, place all the ingredients in a kettle, pour boiling water, cover with a lid, let it brew for a couple of minutes, then pour into cups.

Apple sbiten

Recipe from Alexey Ponedelin, bar manager of the restaurant “Fedya, game!”

Ingredients (for 1 serving): 150 ml apple juice, 1/2 cinnamon stick, 1 star anise, 1 clove inflorescence, 1 apple slice.

Instructions. Place all ingredients in a container and place over low heat. Boil for 2-3 minutes, without bringing to a boil. Then pour into a serving container and let sit for 5-7 minutes.

Hot Chili Tea

Recipe from Vlad Mozgovoy, head bartender of a restaurant chain Ribambelle

Ingredients (for 1-2 servings): 2 tsp. black tea, 1/2 apple, cut into pieces, 2 cinnamon sticks, 1 pod of hot red pepper, 2-3 mugs of lemon, 2-3 cloves, honey to taste, 400 ml of boiling water.

Instructions. Place all ingredients in a kettle, pour boiling water, cover with a lid, let steep for 5 minutes, then pour into cups.

Fruit tea “Moscow Autumn”

Recipe from George, the restaurant's mixologist Siberia

Ingredients (for 1 serving): 1 pinch of fruit tea leaves, 2 pinches of dry hibiscus tea, 1 cinnamon stick, 1 star anise, fruit to taste, 200 ml of hot boiled water.

Instructions. Pour hot but not boiling water over fruit tea and hibiscus and leave for 4 minutes. Pour into a glass, add anise and cinnamon. If desired and to taste, add 1 tbsp. l. chopped fruit. Stir.

Blackcurrant tea with basil

Recipe from Peter Rabchevsky, chef of the burger bar Burger Heroes

Ingredients (for 5 servings): 150 g blackcurrants (thawed), 75 g sugar, 1 large bunch of purple basil, 1/4 lime, 1 liter boiling water.

Instructions. Separate the basil leaves from the sprigs, place in a teapot (leave a little for decoration), add blackcurrants and sugar, mash until the berries release juice. Fill with hot water 75-80°C. Let it brew for 5-7 minutes. Pour the tea into cups, squeeze a lime into each wedge and garnish with basil leaves.

Sea buckthorn tea with ginger

Recipe from Evgeny Gizatulin, head bartender of the Scottish Cell restaurant

Ingredients (for 1 serving): 5 g ginger root, 100 g frozen sea buckthorn, 1 tbsp. l. honey, 1 tbsp. l. passion fruit syrup (or any other syrup to taste), 1 sprig of mint, jam to taste, 180 ml boiling water.

Instructions. Slice the ginger thinly. Place sea buckthorn, ginger, honey, syrup and mint in a French press, pour boiling water over it, leave for 5-7 minutes. Then pour into cups and serve with jam to taste.

Another recipe for detox tea with honey and spices from Oleg Goncharov, bar manager of the Bank cafe - in our social networks.