More than 150 human diseases today are caused by calcium deficiency. From incomplete absorption and leaching of the mineral, cardiovascular diseases arise, the development of the skeletal and muscular systems is disrupted, nervous disorders appear, immunity suffers, and allergies develop.

If a blood test for biochemistry shows a calcium content value of less than 2 mol/l (with a norm of 2.2 to 2.5), this is an important reason for urgent replenishment of the macronutrient.

You can buy Calcium Nycomed or Complivit vitamins at the pharmacy, but the mineral is best absorbed from food. Due to the fact that the quality of dairy products (the main source) is not particularly good now, you can get wonderful natural calcium from eggshells. In what cases does it bring benefits and harm, how to prepare and take it correctly, answers to all questions in this article.

Look at the animals of prey: foxes, wild cats, if they find an egg, they may not drink it completely, but will eat the whole shell, why? Animals intuitively know that without strong muscles and bones, sharp teeth, and warm, hairy skin, they will not survive or will be left without offspring. Likewise, calcium is essential for people to have good health, as it supports literally all vital processes:

  • forms bone tissue, teeth, hair,
  • activates the contraction of skeletal and smooth muscles, including cardiac muscles,
  • stabilizes the permeability of cell membranes,
  • participates in blood clotting processes,
  • normalizes the body's hormonal levels,
  • regulates the functionality of the endocrine system,
  • stimulates nervous activity,
  • forms immune defense.

Deficiency of the mineral is especially dangerous for children, since the development of a healthy, growing body requires an increased amount of calcium. Eggshells as a source for children are, first of all, safe, since they do not contain any extraneous chemical additives, unlike pharmaceutical tablets. In addition, the digestibility of calcium is over 92%.

Can calcium from eggshells cause harm?

The crazy amounts of money that people spend on dietary supplements containing minerals often do not pay off in health. On the contrary, an overdose of one or another micro or macro element threatens metabolic disorders, as a result, the acquisition of new diseases. What's in the beautiful box is a trade secret.

At the same time, eggshells are a source of natural calcium; excess consumption is also dangerous, however, it’s how much you need to eat for them to form. No normal person would eat spoonfuls of powder. Although, in relation to baby food, the addition of egg shell powder should be strictly controlled, and, of course, first consult with a pediatrician.

For children, eggshells, as a source of calcium, are used in the treatment of atopic dermatitis (), as well as to strengthen the skeletal and muscular systems. In addition, the mineral is often used to stabilize nervous activity and improve nutrition of brain cells.

How to eat eggshells

In addition to natural calcium (90%), the egg shell contains more than 27 natural minerals, vitamins, and essential amino acids necessary for humans. That is, when a person consumes the powder, he simultaneously receives a whole range of substances beneficial to health. However, for better absorption of many of them, vitamin D is needed. The best source of it is sunbathing and.

If it is impossible to take advantage of these factors, eggshell powder, as a source of calcium, should be taken by children and adults simultaneously with food rich in this vitamin: sea (fatty) fish, cod liver, cottage cheese, cheese. Can be used with dishes seasoned with butter and vegetable oil - porridge, puddings, salads. Include egg yolks, sour cream, beef or pork liver in your diet.

The use of eggshells for allergies in children and adults

Provided there is no individual sensitive reaction or immune response to the protein, traditional healers advise how to take homemade calcium from eggshells.

The norms for taking eggshells as a source of calcium are as follows:

for children

  • starting from 6 to 12, add a little powder on the tine of a fork to the portion of complementary foods,
  • from one to two years at the end of a teaspoon in porridge,
  • from two to six - seven approximately a quarter of a teaspoon,
  • over seven years, the norm increases to half a tsp.

For an adult, the ideal amount of powder is 1 tsp. with any dish in the morning.

How to give eggshells to children?

The powder can be diluted with a few drops of lemon juice and left for several minutes until the bubbling reaction is completed. This treatment promotes maximum calcium absorption. If citrus fruits are contraindicated, simply add calcium to the dish during breakfast. Time period: no more than a month in spring, the same in autumn.

Contraindications: individual intolerance, oncology, use of industrially produced eggs.

Doctors' opinions about the benefits of using eggshell remedies for children against allergies are contradictory; some experts consider such treatment to be obscurantism, others allow the use of a folk remedy, but only under medical supervision.

How to properly prepare eggshell powder, a source of natural calcium

First of all, it is important to make sure that the birds are not sick. Then you need to thoroughly wash the shells with laundry soap, discard the films, and dry.

  • bake the shell inside the oven for 5 minutes,
  • grind with a masher or coffee grinder to a powder,
  • sift it through a fine mesh sieve,
  • pour into a dark glass jar with a tight stopper.

Do not prepare a lot of powder at once; it is not known for certain what reactions occur during long-term storage.

Recipes for taking calcium from eggshells for illnesses

The list of people who especially need to consume the mineral includes, first of all, children, then women bearing and feeding a child. Also of great importance is the use of egg shells as a source of calcium for the health of the following categories of people: women with climatic disorders, patients after injuries, fractures, and in the senile period of life.

  • For osteoporosis, older people should eat ½ tsp three times a day, washed down with milk (cream).
  • To strengthen bone tissue, accelerate cell regeneration after fractures 1/2 tsp. Stir fine shell powder into 100 ml of tea, add lemon juice. Drink the drink in the morning and afternoon until recovery.
  • Relief from heartburn with high acidity: egg shell powder - 2 tsp. stir in a glass of milk, drink until the suspension sinks to the bottom. After taking this cocktail, you should not lie down, you need to sit or stand.

Nowadays, almost every person has a lack of calcium, since disgusting ecology, food flavored with chemicals starting with the letter E, smoking, alcohol, nervous stress, and rapid running through life contribute to its leaching. Therefore, eat to your health, but within the recommended limits.

Doctors have long been saying that taking calcium supplements, which are now abundant in pharmacies, is practically useless - an important macronutrient for the body is practically not absorbed from there. But another source of calcium is known, absolutely natural and proven by the centuries-old traditions of traditional medicine. This is eggshells with lemon juice - together they represent a completely organic vitamin and mineral complex.

Recently, targeting calcium from food has become popular, but this does not always bring the desired results. The fact is that as calcium is supplied from some foods, its accumulation in cells is depleted due to the consumption of others. For example, frequent and irregular consumption of coffee leads to the leaching of calcium through the kidneys.

In addition, obtaining calcium through food is complicated by the fact that most foods contain it in molecular form, while its ideal absorption in the body occurs only when it is presented in the form of ions. Nature has created a unique source of this substance for humans in the form of bird egg shells. The whole secret is that the macroelement in the bird’s body manages to go through the stages of synthesis from an organic compound to an inorganic one.

What are the benefits of eggshells?

Regular consumption of eggshells with lemon juice is useful not only from the point of view of replenishing calcium deficiency in the body. The shell contains about thirty micro- and macroelements, including zinc and silicon, phosphorus and sulfur, copper and manganese, iron and fluorine, molybdenum and selenium. Powdered chicken egg shells can be given even to small children, since it will not harm their health, but will help eliminate the symptoms of diathesis.

Diathesis of allergic origin brings a lot of trouble, especially in children. Take note of the old recipe published in the book by I. P. Neumyvakin and L. S. Neumyvakina “Health is in your hands”:

Boil a fresh egg hard-boiled, remove the shell, and carefully remove the film lining it. Dry the shells for 2-3 hours (not in the heat or in direct sunlight). In a porcelain mortar, grind the shells into powder (but not into fine powder).

A child from 6 months to 1 year is given powder on the tip of a knife, from 1 to 3 years twice as much. At 5-7 years old, half the shells are crushed. Before giving it to a child, squeeze a few drops of lemon juice into the powder, while chemical reactions convert the substances contained in the shell, in particular calcium, into forms that are easily absorbed by the body. This is done daily for one to several months. The method is absolutely harmless. The result will be that subsequently there will be no reaction to those foods that caused diathesis.

Rickets, curvature of the spine, insufficient growth and various dental diseases - this is not a complete list of problems that can be prevented by taking eggshells in combination with lemon juice. This remedy helps remove radionuclides from the body, increase its resistance to radiation, and prevent the development of osteoporosis, herpes on the lips, colds and allergic diseases. For women, homemade shell preparations are recommended to strengthen the uterine muscles and prepare for a healthy birth.

Lemon juice, which is widely used to strengthen nails and also to stimulate hair growth, in this case is added as a “background” rich in vitamin C. After all, it is the latter that significantly accelerates the absorption of calcium at the level of the digestive tract.

How to take eggshells with lemon juice?

Some traditional healers consider white shells more useful and give them preference over those with a brownish color. But, by and large, the color of the shell does not matter that much.

How to prepare the shell? First, remove the remaining thin translucent film from it, and rinse the shells themselves under a running stream of cold water. Then they should be dried and ground to a powder. This is best done with a coffee grinder or mortar. Then the resulting powder needs to be “quenched” with lemon juice, just as you would quench soda while preparing the dough. For a powder made from the shell of one chicken egg, 1-2 teaspoons of lemon juice is enough. And then everything is simple: a pinch of this product should be consumed twice a day with meals. You can drink the powder with water, or you can “seize” with a portion of food.

If shells with lemon juice act as a prophylactic agent, then the length of one course is from 1.5 to 2 months. When replenishing an acute lack of calcium in the body, the course can be extended for 3-4 months. Two courses are usually conducted during the year.

You also need to be careful when using eggshells, not to overdo it with the dosage:

To treat allergic diseases (dermatitis, asthma, urticaria, allergic rhinitis, etc.), take a tablespoon of crushed eggshells diluted with lemon juice daily. For children 7-14 years old, a teaspoon will be enough, for 3-7 years old - 2 times less. At 1-3 years old, the dosage of eggshells is no more than 2 grams (a quarter of a teaspoon), and at the age of up to one year, the amount of powder should be on the tip of a spoon. Take eggshells until the condition returns to normal.

To treat gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis, peptic ulcers, colitis, etc.), drink a teaspoon of crushed eggshells diluted with lemon juice once a day for 10 days. Take a week's break after completing the course of treatment, then continue therapy if necessary. To treat a child, reduce the dosage by half.

To treat orthopedic diseases (osteoporosis, congenital dislocation of the hip, etc.), drink a teaspoon of eggshell powder diluted with lemon juice twice a day for a month. For children, half the dose is enough.

For preventive purposes (adults), it is enough to consume 1/3 teaspoon of eggshells diluted with lemon juice.

You cannot store eggshells in bags. To do this, you need to put it in a glass jar and close the lid.

Eggshells are so fragile in appearance, but so “strong” against many diseases associated with a lack of calcium in the body. As they say, small is big!

Gulhayo Rakhimova

Are your nails brittle, your hair split, your teeth deteriorating, your joints hurting, your bones fragile, are your plants and crops wasted? Natural calcium - eggshells - will help cope with all these diverse ailments. Affordable, fast, efficient...
Recipe contents:

If you think about it, we throw away an incredible amount of eggshells every year. But it can be used for the benefit of your health and at home. For example, it is used to make food for animals and plants, used for medicinal purposes and much more.

Features of eggshells

Why shouldn’t you throw away eggshells and how to use them after cooking scrambled eggs or an omelet?

  • Eggshells fight tooth decay, bleeding gums, osteoporosis, rickets, irritability, spinal problems and allergies. The product will soften asthma attacks, and traditional medicine suggests they treat duodenal ulcers. The shell also helps with burns, gastritis, diarrhea, and also crushes stones in the kidneys and bladder.
  • The product is a natural source of natural calcium, which is important for the functioning of the body. Of course, calcium is also present in other products: soda, gypsum, chalk. However, as part of the shell, it is completely absorbed by the body, because The composition is almost identical to human teeth and bones.
  • It is very important to replenish calcium reserves for women who are planning to have children and are pregnant. If it is deficient, childbirth may be difficult.
  • Eggshells are good for children, especially in the first 3 years of life, because... During this period, the skeleton and bone tissue are formed.
  • Our body quickly accumulates radioactive substances, like radionuclides, from the environment. To prevent them from negatively affecting health, they should be removed. For this purpose, use 1/4 tsp of eggshells. per day for several weeks.
  • Calcium is a source of beautiful nails and hair. To keep your hair and nails always looking great, use 1/3 tsp. shells once a week.
  • The product also helps in everyday life. The white shell has a good whitening effect. Place its powder in a linen bag and place it in the drum of the washing machine along with the laundry you are washing.
  • Natural calcium will also remove plaque and scale from the kettle. To do this, pour the crushed shells into a teapot or thermos and pour in? part of water, shake and leave for 12 hours. The dishes will be clean. The shell is also a good way to clean a greasy frying pan: sprinkle it on the bottom and scrub with an iron sponge.
  • Natural calcium perfectly improves the soil. When you dig your garden, add shells to the soil. This method will reduce the acidity of the soil. This method is especially good before planting cucumbers, tomatoes, and potatoes. Simply scattering crushed shells around the garden near the plants will repel slugs.
  • An excellent fertilizer is infused water with eggshells. Fill the crushed shell with water and use it a day later to water indoor and garden plants.
  • The taste of coffee will be brighter and less bitter if you put a little crushed shell in the coffee pot or on top of the coffee in the filter of the coffee maker.

How much calcium should I take?

The shell of one medium-sized egg will yield approximately 1 tsp. powder, which is equal to 700-800 mg of calcium. The daily dose for most people is 400 mg, i.e. 1/2 tsp each in a day. For pregnant women, the dose is doubled, for children it is halved. It is advisable to divide the intake of the powder into 2 stages of 1/4 tsp each, because the body absorbs no more than 500 mg at a time.

But there are no standards for the use of calcium. If you drink a glass of raw milk or consume canned sardines, soup or bone broth, the dose can be significantly lower. Depending on the food eaten during the day, adjust the dose of additional calcium. Perhaps some day it may not be needed at all.

When to take calcium?

For better absorption of egg powder by the body, you need to consume calcium in the morning with food. Calcium is best absorbed with vitamins A and D. They are found in liver, coconut and butter, fermented cod oil and other products. Don't forget about vitamin C, it also improves calcium absorption.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - kcal.
  • Number of servings -
  • Cooking time -


  • Raw eggs – any quantity

Step-by-step preparation of eggshell powder:

1. They say that the healthiest shells are from birds that live in the wild, but in our modern life we ​​most often use chicken shells. Therefore, take raw chicken eggs, wash them well with warm running water and rub them with an iron brush to remove all the dirt. Carefully break the egg and drain the contents: white and yolk.

2. Wash the shells under running water again. Remove the thin white film from the inside. It is very easy to remove. It will be enough just to pry it, pull it and it will come off. Lay out the shells and leave to dry completely for about 3 hours. You can dry it in the sun, fresh air, tray, towel.

Note: if the eggs are purchased and not homemade, then dip the shells in boiling water for a few minutes and only then dry them. This way you will protect yourself from salmonella and kill bacteria.

3. In a similar way, collect shells from at least 10 eggs.

4. When you have the required amount, take a coffee grinder and place part of the shell into it. You can break it a little into smaller pieces.

The value of eggshells is sometimes underestimated by many people. But in vain! Indeed, in the West, such a folk medicine is very successful and in demand among the population, since more than 70 tons of powder from this remedy are sold annually. Eggshells are primarily a source of calcium, which is necessary to strengthen and prevent diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Chicken egg shells: a brief description

Describing this remedy, we can give an example of many diseases that are successfully treated with its help. But this is thanks to its composition, which is selected by nature in such a way as to provide the body with maximum benefit.

Eggshells consist of many useful elements:

  • calcium carbonate (more than 90%);
  • phosphorus (quarter percent);
  • magnesium (half a percent);
  • sodium;
  • silicon;
  • aluminum;
  • sulfur;
  • iron.

It also contains amino acids such as cystine, methione, isoleucine, and lysine.

Useful properties of eggshells. Indications for use

Eggshells, compared to other substances of natural origin, such as gypsum, soda, chalk, have a number of advantages:

  • the composition of the shell itself practically coincides with the composition of human bones and teeth, so calcium from eggshells is well absorbed by the body;
  • this substance stimulates blood production in the bone marrow;
  • egg shells are distinguished by their ability to remove harmful radioactive elements (for example, strontium) from the body;
  • the above natural substance fights caries and strengthens teeth, eliminates signs of bleeding gums, relieves irritability;
  • eggshells are very necessary for pregnant women, since due to a lack of calcium, childbirth is often difficult;
  • This substance helps treat burns, gastritis, diarrhea, bladder stones, asthma, and duodenal ulcers.

Indications for use:

  • pregnancy;
  • children from 1 year;
  • people with skeletal problems;
  • athletes;
  • people doing heavy physical labor.

Egg shells: benefits for children

This natural substance is especially necessary for children's growing bodies. Some scientists claim that its use is allowed even for a six-month-old baby.

Chicken egg shells replenish calcium reserves in the child’s body or eliminate its deficiency. In the time of our grandmothers, if the baby did not walk for a long time and could not stand firmly, he was necessarily prescribed the use of powder from this remedy.

In addition, egg shells are an excellent remedy for treating symptoms of diathesis in children. There is an old recipe that uses eggshells with lemon juice. To do this, take a tablespoon of juice from this citrus and a quarter teaspoon of the powder of this product. Before use, this mixture is diluted in the same amount of boiled water. Children are prescribed this medicine to take after breakfast for 2-3 months.

Allergy eggshells are prepared strictly following several important rules:

  • It is necessary to wash eggs thoroughly before cooking, since there is a possibility of becoming infected with salmonellosis;
  • It is better to use this substance for medicine from domestic eggs;
  • Children are not allowed to give raw shells. It must undergo heat treatment (at least 5 minutes). Don't worry: boiled eggs do not lose calcium.

Eggshells for allergies in children are a very effective and easily digestible remedy. It is very important that this medicine is natural and will not harm the child’s body. In addition, eggshells with lemon juice are widely available and inexpensive ingredients. But the benefits from them will exceed all expectations.

How to prepare egg powder?

To prepare a medicine from this product, you must follow some recommendations:

  • before preparing it, it is important to thoroughly wash the eggs with soap;
  • after heat treatment, it will be necessary to free the walls of the shell from the thin film, since it complicates the process of preparing powder from it;
  • then this material should be dried well;
  • grind the shells into powder.

Important Tips:

  • It is not advisable to use a coffee grinder for grinding, since when obtaining powder in this way, some important elements of the egg shell are lost;
  • An excellent option for this process is a porcelain bowl (mortar) and a porcelain pestle.

Several recipes for medicines made from shell powder

Treatment of eggshells for many diseases is used in alternative medicine:

  • a tablespoon of lemon juice and half a teaspoon of shell powder are excellent for the symptoms of allergic reactions in the body;
  • To prevent calcium deficiency, it is recommended to consume a dose of this substance according to the age category with a serving of cottage cheese for breakfast.

There are no special complex recipes for medicines made from eggshells. It is easy to use for the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

Eggshells: how to take?

Doses for taking shell powder:

  • For children over 6 months of age: the product is given in an amount of 1-2 grams.
  • For children over 1 year of age: one sixth of the powder from the shell of one egg. In addition, this dose is divided into three more doses.
  • For an adult body, this norm depends on the needs and problems, and ranges from one teaspoon to one tablespoon of such medicine per day.

It is important to get advice from a pediatrician before giving this product to children. It is not advisable to prescribe such a medicine for a child on your own.

Calcium water from chicken eggshells: benefits

This tool has the following abilities:

  • eliminates calcium deficiency in the body;
  • improves oxygen absorption by the body;
  • is in ionic, that is, ready-to-use form.

Preparing calcium water is quite simple: you need to take the shells of boiled eggs and put them in a 3-liter jar, after removing the film from it, and fill it with water.

This natural substance perfectly purifies water, absorbs heavy metal salts from it, and deactivates chlorine. Egg shells turn water alkaline. Thanks to the alkaline environment, the absorption of oxygen by the body increases many times over. This liquid can easily be used to make tea or soup. The shell removes harmful radionuclides from the water.

Contraindications to eating eggshells

It is not advisable to use this remedy for medicinal purposes by people with the following problems:

  • the presence of cancer in the patient;
  • individual intolerance to eggshell powder.

It is important to remember that disinfection when preparing medicine from this product is as important as the result itself. If the shells are not properly processed, there is a risk of salmonellosis.

In alternative medicine, eggshells are an excellent way to replenish calcium reserves in the body and eliminate symptoms of various diseases in both children and adults. But in this situation, you need to remember that only a doctor can correctly determine the daily intake or required dose of this powder individually for each organism.

What source of calcium is almost one hundred percent absorbed? Regular egg shells are a balanced natural product, pure calcium carbonate. The hard shell of the bird embryo contains more than 90% of the valuable microelement. Egg shells can be eaten crushed to restore the acid-base balance and stimulate bone marrow function. Unlike chemical drugs, the natural shell of eggs does not cause an overdose.

Composition and beneficial properties

Scientists note the high therapeutic activity of bird egg shells with no side effects. In addition to calcium, the product contains phosphorus, sulfur, zinc, iron, fluorine, copper, manganese, sulfur and other useful minerals. Molybdenum and silicon (elements rarely found in everyday food) help normalize biochemical processes in the human body. Experts recommend taking crushed shells:

  • teenagers;
  • To old people;
  • during pregnancy, menopause, painful menstruation;
  • for adults for the prevention of osteoporosis and spinal diseases;
  • people leading a sedentary lifestyle;
  • athletes;
  • for stress, nervous exhaustion.

Anyone could benefit from adding eggshells to their diet for healthy nails and hair, strengthening tooth enamel and bone tissue, and improving blood clotting. The recommended daily requirement for calcium in children is 300-700 mg, adults – 900-1200 mg, persons over 60 years old – 1300-1500 mg. To replenish it, you can take magnesium calcide based on eggshells (dietary supplement), choosing trusted companies, being careful of counterfeits.

Of course, a more affordable, natural alternative is the eggshell itself, which in folk medicine is successfully used to treat the gastrointestinal tract, for headaches, gastritis, diarrhea, bladder diseases, and to alleviate asthma attacks. The powder is effectively used to remove radionuclides under conditions of radioactive contamination.

This product is of particular value for the child’s body, which requires an uninterrupted supply of calcium for the formation of the skeleton and healthy bone tissue. Eggshells are an excellent prevention of diathesis, anemia and rickets in children. Representatives of the fair sex, replenishing the lack of calcium, ensure the strength of the uterine muscles, easy pregnancy and childbirth in the future.

How to take it correctly?

Important: you cannot use eggs from geese, ducks, or turkeys (to avoid the risk of salmonellosis). In order to prepare calcium from the shell, you need fresh chicken eggs (white), which are thoroughly washed several times with soapy water. Rinse well and remove contents and inner film. Some sources recommend hard-boiling eggs. To disinfect, they can be soaked in a baking soda solution for 15-20 minutes, then rinse off the solution with hot water.

The clean, hard shell of the eggs is dried at room temperature for several hours. Then grind the eggshells into powder (in a blender, mortar, coffee grinder). Store the finished natural powder in a glass container. Take it by adding it to cottage cheese, yogurt, porridge, or in its pure form with water. As a preventive measure, a course is carried out twice a year for up to 40-60 days. In order for the product to be better absorbed, it is “quenched” with lemon juice and mixed well. Citric acid, reacting with bicarbonate, turns it into an easily digestible mineral complex.

For fractures

Take the finished shell powder one teaspoon (3 times a day), stirring thoroughly in a glass of water or tea. Continue the course until the bone tissue heals completely at the fracture site.

For atopic dermatitis in children

Atopic dermatitis is a common disease that can occur in children during a period of intensive growth of musculoskeletal tissue. To treat it, it is recommended to adjust your diet, daily routine, and maintain personal hygiene. Eggshells are given to children (after consulting with a pediatrician):

  • on the tip of a knife (for children under one year old);
  • half a teaspoon (from 1-3 years);
  • 1 teaspoon (children after three years).

For allergies in children

Powder from the shell helps with diathesis, rashes, and allergies in children. For treatment you need 0.3 tsp. Sprinkle the powder with lemon juice and give it to the child during meals until the symptoms disappear completely.

For calcium deficiency, for general bone strengthening, for osteoporosis

½ tsp. crushed shells are washed down with a glass of kefir or milk (before bedtime) for 25-30 days.

For stomach pain, heartburn

Two teaspoons of powder are diluted in ½ glass of milk and taken daily (4-6 months).

For burns, cuts, scratches

The crushed powder is used as a powder, applied to the affected surfaces.

Cleansing, whitening face mask

The finished powder is mixed with rice flour, a spoonful of honey and lemon juice. If the mixture is too thick, add a little water. The nourishing mixture is evenly applied to the face and washed off after 15-20 minutes.


Despite its extensive beneficial properties, eggshells have contraindications that should be taken into account:

  • excess vitamin D;
  • acute gastritis, ulcers, chronic diseases of the duodenum;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • oncological diseases.