VSS "Vintorez" AS "VAL" SR-3M "Vikhr" and VSK-94

Father of VAL and Vintorez RG036.

In the early eighties, a group of designers from the Klimovsky Central Research Institute of Precision Engineering began developing a fundamentally new weapon for snipers.
When creating a silent sniper rifle, it was necessary to find a solution that would ensure high accuracy and confident destruction of various targets at a distance of up to 400 meters. The weapon was developed for the 7.62 mm US (reduced velocity) automatic cartridge. IN
At the end of 1981, a prototype rifle under the symbol RG036 was ready. The military struck her appearance: with a total length of 815 mm, it weighed only 2.2 kg. It is not surprising that the nickname “toy” was immediately attached to the rifle. This “toy” easily penetrated an army helmet and a 25-mm pine board at a distance of 400 meters. However
new requirements that emerged around the same time insisted on the invention of a more powerful cartridge capable of penetrating standard military body armor. Therefore, the design idea, which had died down, began to work again.
The result was not long in coming. In the mid-eighties, new 9mm ammunition was created.

The SP-5 sniper cartridge, which provided an accuracy of 75mm at a distance of 100 m in a group of five shots, and the increased penetration cartridge - SP-6, which was capable of penetrating an 8-mm steel plate at a distance of the same 100 m. The RG036 rifle was redesigned for new cartridges and in 1987 it entered service with special units of the KGB reconnaissance detachments of the Soviet army under the name VSS (special sniper rifle).

In the VSS silent sniper rifle (Klimovsk designers call it “Vintorez”) main role plays an integrated silencer that extinguishes both the sound of the shot and the flame. The sound of a shot is reduced due to the cooling and dispersion of powder gases, as well as the elimination of the supersonic wave from the bullet. VSS has automation based on the removal of powder gases. The barrel bore is locked by turning the bolt. Unlike the SVD, the Vintorez uses a striker-type impact mechanism. The lightweight striker gives a slight jolt to the rifle when fired, which contributes to good accuracy at a high rate of fire.

The main mode of firing from a rifle is single fire, but the possibility of automatic fire is provided.

The magazines are made of plastic and are designed to hold 10 and 20 rounds. The Air Force can be easily disassembled into 3 main units: a barrel with a receiver, automatic parts, a trigger mechanism and a forend, a muffler with sights and a stock. These parts easily fit into a specially made case. A PSO type sight is attached to the rifle, as well as any standard night sight. It should be noted that silent shooting is achieved thanks not only to the silencer, but also to a special cartridge. Therefore, “Vintorez” is not called a sniper rifle, but a sniper complex.

The design of the rifle was considered so successful that on its basis they created the Special Automatic (AS) “Val” and the small-sized SR-3 “Vikhr” assault rifle.

The silent assault rifle complex, which includes a special assault rifle (AS “Val”, index 6P30) and the SP6 cartridge, which entered service in 1989, constitutes one “family” of weapons with a silent sniper complex. 70% of the parts and components of the VSS rifle and the AC assault rifle are unified.
The machine gun has a skeletal metal stock that folds to the left, a plastic pistol grip that folds to the left, and a plastic pistol grip; it is used with a magazine with a capacity of 20 rounds.
The St. Petersburg cartridge, designed by Yu. S. Frolov and ES Kornilova, is equipped with a bullet of increased penetration. Hardened steel core longer length, than in SP5a it protrudes from the shell. The SPb cartridge, with its accuracy slightly worse than that of the SP58, allows it to hit live targets at ranges of up to 400m, protected by class 2-3 body armor and an armored helmet, or unarmored vehicles - the bullet pierces a 4-mm steel sheet. The similarity of the ballistics of SP5 and SPb bullets allows them to be fired on the same sight setting.
For an assault rifle, reducing the noise level serves not only for stealth use, but also to reduce the acoustic load on the shooter and provide the possibility of voice communication when fighting in close quarters, underground structures, etc.
VSS and AS are produced by the Tula Arms Plant for special forces units of several law enforcement agencies.

SR-3 “Whirlwind” is a compact Russian assault rifle, developed at the Klimov TsNIITOCHMASH by designers A. D. Borisov and V. N. Levchenko in 1994. It was brought to production by designer A.I. Tashlykov and was launched into mass production in 1996. Created on the basis of the silent AS "Val" assault rifle, with which it is unified in its main parts, which has a positive effect on the production and operation of weapons.

When using special SP-6 armor-piercing cartridges, the machine allows you to successfully hit opponents in class 5 body armor at a range of up to 50 m, class 4 - up to 120 m, class 3 - up to 200 m, class 2 - up to 300 m, class 1 - up to 500 m. Small sizes SR-3 facilitates concealed carrying.

Later, a modernized version of the SR-3M was developed, which was supposed to combine the advantages of the SR-3, VSS and AS.

The financial problems of our defense industry in a market economy opened the way for many of the latest developments abroad in the 90s. VSS "Vintorez" was acquired by the countries of the Near and Middle East, South America. For the creation of the VSS, the designers - A. Deryagin, P. Serdyukov, N. Zabelin and other specialists several years ago became winners of the State Prize.


The VSK-94 military sniper complex, built on the basis of the 9A91 assault rifle, absorbed all the best that could be taken from its predecessor - light weight, traditional reliable design and already proven subsonic ammunition of 9x39 mm caliber. If almost nothing is known about the use of VSK-94 by special forces units during the first Chechen campaign, then in the second Chechen campaign all the silent weapons that were then possessed Russian army, showed its best side.

From June 23 to 24, in the village of Alkhan-Kala, the forces of a combined special forces detachment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB carried out an operation, during which one of the field commanders was eliminated Chechen militants Arbi Baraev with his group. It was in this special operation that the leading role was played not only by special forces soldiers who stormed the militants’ positions, but also by snipers of Russian special forces who worked on the militants’ positions using silent weapons.

Nikolai Rychkov, one of the participants in those events, in an interview with the Zvezda TV channel, told how it happened: “The work of silent weapons in Chechnya, in general, it seems to me, is a topic for writing a scientific dissertation. So many applications and almost one hundred percent effectiveness. Why almost? Well because sometimes weather interfered, sometimes the situation did not allow. Otherwise, the weapon always worked like a clock. As for Barayev’s gang, the snipers whose work I observed were literally crawling along the ground. Later I found out that they were working from VSK-94. The silhouette of the weapon is unusual. The height and overall dimensions are so well thought out that only later, when I personally took this weapon to look at it, I realized that this is the only effect it can give - hitting the target and silence. As far as I remember, the snipers shot out one magazine in total. That is, about twenty rounds each, or even less. And the job was done."

A special role in the liquidation of Barayev’s gang, in addition to the competent actions of special forces and operational intelligence reports, was played by the VSK-94, which was equipped with a conventional PSO-1 sniper scope. During this carefully carried out operation, the armor-piercing cartridge SP-6 deserves special mention, with which Russian special forces snipers hit the enemy “covered” by body armor.

In addition to participating in the liquidation of Barayev, the Tula complex had the opportunity to take part in a good dozen operations of the second Chechen campaign. Liquidation field commander Movsana Suleimenov, a special operation in Argun, an operation to liberate Urus-Martan... a dozen or even a hundred operations were successfully carried out precisely thanks to silent weapons, and it was the VSK-94 complex that made a great contribution to the overall victory.

During the fighting, almost no field changes were made to the design of the VSK-94 by the military, which usually occur with combined arms weapons. Almost no detail was modified, with the exception of a small pad near the sight, which was responsible for mounting a more powerful optical sight.

The trigger mechanism and devices for silent and flameless firing of the VSK-94 complex in combat conditions were not modified at all and in no way caused any criticism from the military. “Kalashnikov sniper assault rifle” - this is the nickname the VSK-94 received among special forces for its reliability.

Results of silent operation

The VSK-94 and its predecessor, the 9A91, proved in real combat work that weapons chambered for the 9x39 mm cartridge can be much more lethal and useful than conventional sniper and other special weapons. During the hostilities, military personnel who had the opportunity to work with Tula weapons noted that the service life of the VSK-94 and 9A91 barrel and the overall survivability and reliability of the scheme would soon make it possible to almost completely abandon the use SVD rifles during special operations.

According to the military, the range of both the earlier 9A91 and the modernized VSK-94 is enough to hit the enemy and guarantee the secrecy of the sniper’s work. One way or another, Tula weapons went through all the stages of silent weapons: from the drawing board to real, harsh operation in battle and in thirty-degree frost and forty-degree heat.

Design engineers of the Tula Design Bureau in Once again were able to prove in practice that silent sniper weapons are perhaps the main tool for treating a disease called international terrorism. As for the Tula 9A91 and VSK-94, they have gained well-deserved respect and honor among the military, along with other silent weapons, such as the special VSS sniper rifle and the small-sized VAL assault rifle from TsNIITOCHMASH. The entire range of silent weapons, with minor modifications and improvements, are still used by Russian special forces to this day.

In the 80s of the last century, the question was raised about the development of new weapons for special sabotage and reconnaissance units of the GRU of the General Staff and for the KGB special forces, which would ensure flameless and silent firing at medium distances. Until this moment, special forces made do with silencers for standard weapons when using special subsonic ammunition (7.62 US and a silent and flameless firing device for AKM). This approach could not provide effective fire and sufficient bullet penetration at medium distances; the standard 7.62x39 cartridge with a reduced powder charge (PC) and subsonic bullet speed could not cope with this task.

In 1987, such a weapon was developed and put into service under the name VSS "Vintorez" (VSS - special sniper rifle). Together with the special subsonic nine-millimeter sniper cartridge SP-5 and the armor-piercing cartridge of the same caliber SP-6, the rifle is a silent sniper complex. The cartridge was developed almost in parallel with the rifle and eventually appeared before the commission in the form of a heavy sixteen-gram pointed bullet of 9 mm caliber, which was placed in a cartridge case from a 7.92x39 cartridge with a muzzle re-compressed onto a larger 9 mm bullet, that is, the cartridge case was unified, which reduced the cost of producing these cartridges. The powder charge was designed so that a bullet weighing 16 grams would fly out of the barrel at a speed just below the speed of sound, but due to the large mass and design of the bullet, this speed is sufficient for effective fire at distances of up to 400 meters. Both cartridges have a metric indicator of 9x39 mm, the tip of the armor-piercing bullet of the SP-6 cartridge is painted black. Later, the PAB-9 cartridge was created, conceived as a cheaper version of the armor-piercing SP-6.

SP-5 and SP-6 cartridges.

The weapon was developed by designers Serdyukov and Krasnikov at the Klimovsky Central Research Institute of Precision Engineering. Pyotr Serdyukov is a very talented designer; one should not have expected any other result from him that would have been worse than an “excellent” rating. The rifle even scored an A+.

VSS "Vintorez" with standard optical sight PSO-1-1.

VSS is an automatic rifle that allows both single fire in self-loading (semi-automatic) mode and fully automatic fire. The operation of the automation is based on the gas exhaust principle, that is, the energy of the powder gases diverted from the barrel bore into the gas chamber is used. Due to the work of gases in the chamber, the weapon is reloaded; the gases act on the gas piston, through which the bolt frame is thrown back. When it moves backward, the spent cartridge case is extracted and the firing pin is cocked, after which, under the action of the return spring, the bolt frame moves forward, sending a fresh cartridge from the magazine into the chamber and locking the barrel bore with the bolt. The system for locking and unlocking the barrel bore is organized according to the Mondragon scheme, that is, it is carried out by turning the bolt while moving the bolt frame, in which there is a diagonal groove, and the protrusion of the bolt, passing along this groove, causes the bolt to rotate around its axis (this scheme was used with success and was borrowed by many weapons designers, for example M.T. Kalashnikov). The bolt locks the barrel with 6 lugs. Thanks to the use of lightweight parts involved in the operation of automation (bolt, bolt carrier, firing pin) and the special design of the gas outlet unit, the designers managed to achieve minimal displacement of the weapon from the aiming line during firing.

The rifle's safety is located on the left side of the receiver; it functions in the same way as the fire transfer safety on Kalashnikov assault rifles. Only on the VSS this part works only as a fuse, closing the passage slot for the cocking handle when turned on. The fire selector is located inside the trigger guard, behind the trigger, in the place of the receiver that directly adjoins the pistol grip of the butt. The two-position fire selector, in the form of a button, changes fire modes from single to automatic and vice versa.

VSS Vintorez, incomplete disassembly.

Rifle components in the photo:

1. - Muffler.

2. - Receiver with barrel.

3. - Trigger, firing mechanism is not disassembled.

4. - Gas tube into which the gas piston enters.

5. - Return spring on a guide, the back of which is the latch of the receiver cover (like an AK).

6. - Bolt frame with gas piston.

7. - Shutter.

8. - Mainspring.

9. - Drummer.

10. - Receiver cover.

11. - Plastic forend.

12. - Quick-release wooden stock with a rubber butt pad.

13. - Magazine for 10 rounds.

The volume of the shot sound is reduced by cooling and dispersing the powder gases, as well as damping the sound wave from the bullet. Dispersion and cooling of gases takes place in an integrated silencer. Powder gases following the bullet through rows of holes located between the rifling (along the bottom of the rifling) are diverted into the expansion chamber, due to which the overall pressure of the powder gases in the barrel bore and their speed are reduced, and the stream of gases emanating from the muzzle of the barrel , after the bullet leaves, it hits a separator, in which it is divided into many multidirectional flows, and the bullet, having passed the path from the muzzle to the end of the muffler, flies out at subsonic speed, that is, there is no sound impact on the air. Thanks to the separator, there is an intensive reduction in the speed, pressure and temperature of the powder gases. As a result, the gases escaping from the silencer have a subsonic speed and low temperature, do not create pop or flame, and the shot becomes almost silent. But this rifle cannot be called a silent weapon; the word “silent” weapon is more suitable here. The sound of a shot from a VSS with a new muffler is approximately equal in volume to the sound of a shot from a powerful air rifle, only the sound is of a different nature. When the suppressor starts to burn out, the shot sounds about the same as a 5.6mm rifle chambered in .22 LR.

The designers Serdyukov and Krasnikov were tasked with creating a weapon that would allow for hidden sniper fire at a distance of up to 400 meters, with good penetration ability (the test was a shot at a 6B2 army body armor with titanium alloy plates, which was supposed to penetrate, and the bullet was then supposed to retain enough energy to defeat an enemy protected by this body armor). The ability to carry a rifle concealed was also required. All these conditions were implemented in the VSS. The block design makes it possible to quickly disassemble and reassemble the rifle for concealed carry; such disassembly involves disconnecting the optical sight, silencer and butt. The stock is quick-release, as is the muffler; all this can be removed in a few seconds. Special cartridges SP-5 and SP-6 provide trajectory stability and good penetration. But for a confident hit to the head, a distance of 400 meters is too long for this weapon; such a shot is “for sure” possible at no more than a distance of 200-250 meters.

VSS "Vintorez" disassembled for transportation.

The weapon is used with a standard PSO-1-1 daytime optical sight (a slightly modified PSO-1 sight, taking into account the ballistics of the cartridges used, which have a steep trajectory, the sight reticle is slightly modified). You can also install sights for night shooting NSPU-3 or MBNP-1, as well as any other sighting device, placed on a universal bracket. The sight mounts are mounted on a side dovetail mount mounted on the left side of the receiver. The rifle has permanent open sights - a front sight and an adjustable rear sight, graduated to fixed positions.

On the basis of the VSS, an automatic machine was developed - AS "Val". The special automatic machine has a similar device, the difference lies in the butt and a larger magazine capacity. The VSS is equipped with a wooden non-folding stock, the AC is equipped with a folding metal stock. The 20-round magazine installed on the Val AS also fits the VSS.

Video with the opinion of a specialist (former special forces sniper).

Over the entire period of operation of the VSS, Vintorez has won “love and respect” among the troops; it is considered a reliable, proven and effective weapon. Even despite some disadvantages inherent in any weapon capable of silent shooting (low maximum range of aimed fire for a sniper rifle - 400 m, and a short silencer life). Another disadvantage is that the rifle uses a non-standard cartridge. During the fighting in Chechnya, snipers with the VSS often faced a shortage of ammunition. Nevertheless, the VSS sniper complex is still considered one of the best examples of silent special weapons in the world.

The special sniper rifle “Vintorez” is a Soviet and Russian rifle system, characterized by low noise and intended to equip special forces units. "Vintorez" together with a special SP5 cartridge (9 mm caliber) form a silent sniper complex (BSK).

BSK "Vintorez" is capable of providing covert group destruction of enemy personnel protected by body armor of type 6B2 (2 and 3 protection class), as well as steel army helmets at a distance of up to 400 m. The Vintorez sniper rifle entered service in 1987. The first to try it were reconnaissance and sabotage units Soviet army and special units of the KGB. Today, the Vintorez sniper rifle occupies a worthy place in the arsenal of special forces.

History of VSS Vintorez.

Until the 1970s USSR special forces units mainly used modified models of combined arms small arms, equipped with integrated silencers and loaded with special cartridges with subsonic bullet speed. For example, these were the “Canary” and “Silence” complexes, built on the basis of the AKS74U and AKM, respectively. However, such solutions had their drawbacks, so the decision was made to develop a completely new weapon.

The following requirements were formulated for the future rifle:

  • covert destruction of manpower at a distance of up to 400 m;
  • penetration of an army steel helmet at a distance of no more than 400 m;
  • the possibility of using electro-optical sights at night and optical sights during the day;
  • lightness and compactness;
  • Possibility of quick disassembly and assembly, suitability for covert transportation.

To make weapons meet these conditions, gunsmiths had to develop ammunition.

The first version of the weapon chambered for 7.62 U appeared under the symbol RG036. The machine gun had an original gas exhaust system, which facilitated and simplified the design of the weapon, but had a negative impact on its reliability. As a result, the drawings had to be modified. In 1981, a second version chambered for RG037 appeared, and it turned out to be more reliable. A review of the rifle showed that, in general, the weapon meets the assigned tasks and has satisfactory characteristics.

The new weapon passed preliminary tests, but in 1985 the requirements for a silent rifle were tightened. Now the machine gun was supposed to hit the enemy at a range of no more than 400 m while wearing 6B2 body armor. As a result, it was decided to remake the machine gun for the 9×39 mm cartridge. In 1987, the Vintorez sniper rifle entered service with the GRU and the KGB. The machine gun began to be developed at the arms factory in Tula.

TTX "VSS" Vintorez.

  • Caliber - 9 mm
  • Cartridge - 9x39 (SP5, SP6)
  • Length - 894 mm
  • Barrel length - 200 mm
  • The weight of the rifle without cartridges, as well as the optical sight, is 2.45 kg
  • Initial bullet speed - 290 m/s
  • Rate of fire - 800-900 rounds/min
  • Combat rate of fire - 30/60 rounds/min
  • Sighting range using an optical sight – 400 m
  • Sighting range using a night sight - 300 m
  • Sighting range using an open sight - 400 m
  • Magazine capacity - 10 or 20 rounds.

Design Features

When creating the Vintorez VSS, classical design solutions were used. This made it possible to obtain good results and achieve high weapon performance.

The Vintorez rifle has the following main parts:

  • a barrel connected to the receiver;
  • butt;
  • gate;
  • bolt carrier with gas piston;
  • return mechanism;
  • drummer;
  • mainspring with guide;
  • trigger mechanism;
  • receiver cover;
  • muffler body;
  • forend;
  • separator.

The operation of the VSS automation is based on the use of the energy of powder gases, which are diverted into the gas chamber from the barrel bore, and then converted into the kinetic energy of the automation system. The barrel is unlocked and locked by turning the bolt. The trigger mechanism is striker type, with the ability to carry out automatic and single fire.

The cartridges are supplied from a double-row sector magazine with a staggered arrangement. The cartridge is chambered using the bolt. A spring-loaded swing ejector removes the spent cartridge case.

VSS barrel

The rifle's barrel is chrome-plated and has six right-hand rifling. In the middle part of the trunk there is gas chamber, including a cylindrical surface with grooves for attaching a muffler. The muzzle of the barrel contains 54 holes drilled along the rifling. Their purpose is to discharge gases into the expansion chamber of the muffler. To center the muffler, a special separator spring is placed on the muzzle.


The detachable butt of the VSS rifle is of a skeletal type (similar to the SVD butt) and is made from multi-layer plywood.

The butt of the rifle is connected to the receiver using a lining that has dovetail projections and a lock. The design of the clamp allows you to quickly disconnect the butt from the receiver.


The effectiveness of the rifle is ensured by another unit - a silencer integrated with the barrel, which consists of a separator and the silencer itself.

The separator is a stamp-welded structure consisting of a bushing, a cage, a washer and an insert. The cylindrical surface of the sleeve and washer serves to ensure the alignment of the body and the separator, the conical surface of the sleeve is used to install the separator on the separator spring, which is located on the muzzle of the barrel.

The muffler body is made of a muzzle muffler chamber, as well as an expansion chamber for releasing gases. A separator is installed in the front part of the housing. A sight block with an aiming bar, a separator latch with a spring, and a front sight base with a front sight are installed on the muffler body.


For shooting from a machine gun and rifle at different ranges, various optical and electro-optical sights are used. Day optical sight PSO-1-1 is similar to PSO-1 SVD, but it has remote scales for the ballistics of the SP-5 cartridge.

In addition to the PSO-1-1 sight, the 1P43, a daytime optical sight, can also be used, which allows for increased visibility. For shooting at dark time the weapon is equipped with an MBNP-1 or NSPU-3 night sight.

IN Lately New generation sights have been developed - for example, the 1PN93 family of sights. Some of them can be used at night. If the daytime optical sight fails, then a mechanical sighting device is used, which consists of a sector-type sight, as well as a front sight in the front sight, adjustable in lateral direction and height.

The placement of the front sight and sight on the silencer requires strict monitoring during the operation of the weapon for the correct connection of the silencer, protecting it from impacts and mechanical damage.


Each weapon is equipped with an individual spare parts kit, which includes:

  • ramrod;
  • belonging;
  • oiler;
  • scraper;
  • five 10-round magazines;
  • belt.

Packing supplies include: a separate bag for carrying the VSS, as well as a bag for carrying four magazines, an optical sight and spare parts.

MMG VSS "Vintorez"

Mass-Dimensional Layouts (MMG) in Russia are the only legal way to have a Vintorez VSS at home. MMG can be of two types:

  1. MMGs, originally produced as models, despite their external identity, as well as the similarity of the mechanisms, are made of materials other than military weapon. Therefore, they cannot be converted into military weapons.
  2. MMG made from deactivated weapons. Such a weapon was manufactured as a combat weapon, but a little later it was deactivated (a welded chamber, a drilled barrel, etc.). Conventionally, almost all Russian-made MMGs performed at weapons factories can be classified as this type of MMG.

Vintorez - Silent killer!

The Special Sniper Rifle (VSS) “Vintorez” is a silent sniper rifle created at the Tochmash Central Research Institute in the city of Klimovsk in the early 1980s, and intended for arming special forces units. The rifle uses special SP-5 and SP-6 (armor-piercing) cartridges of 9x39 mm caliber. The SP-6 uses a bullet with a tungsten carbide core.

The principle of operation of the VSS Vintorez automation is the removal of gases when fired. The rifle has an expansion-type muffler integrated into the design with annular diaphragm elements that reflect shock waves of powder gases, and the barrel has several holes for releasing pressure into the rear cavity of the muffler. In this case, a single sound exhaust from a shot is split into many sound waves. Reflecting from the obliquely placed partitions of the separator, the waves overlap each other in opposite phases and are mutually absorbed. In addition to optical ones, the rifle is equipped with an open mechanical sight - an adjustable rear sight, digitized up to 400 m, and a front sight with a protective stand placed on the muzzle of the silencer. A side dovetail mount is provided for mounting optics.

The VSS Vintorez is not a completely silent weapon - the sound of a shot approximately corresponds to a small-caliber rifle, and can only be distinguished in complete silence. This is significantly better than weapons with so-called tactical suppressors that are screwed onto the barrel.

Sniper rifle - special weapon support, designed for precise aimed fire. Feature- optical sight and special weapon design. It is used in both attack and defense, and is often used in special forces operations.

One of the features of a sniper rifle is the likelihood of silently hitting a target. This aspect makes it more difficult to reveal the shooter's position, which increases his effectiveness. This factor becomes especially necessary when carrying out quick or secret operations, for example, removing sentries.

The special sniper rifle (VSS) is considered an effective silent weapon. Thanks to the design documents, it received the name “Vintorez”. The performance characteristics of the weapons were developed to order and taking into account the specifics of the actions of special forces.

History of the development and development of the Vintorez sniper rifle

The development of the Vintorez VSS is associated with the need to conduct silent fire by USSR special forces. Until the 1970s, “Silence” and “Canary”, as well as silent pistols PB and APB, were used in this direction. Such systems had disadvantages due to their size and shortened service life.

To eliminate the shortcomings, highly specialized samples of silent small arms were developed. By 1983, customers from special services set a number of conditions that the new sniper rifle had to meet:

  • silent and imperceptible defeat of the enemy within 400 m;
  • breaking through a steel soldier's helmet at the same distance;
  • the use of optical and electro-optical sights in the daytime and at night, respectively;
  • compact, lightweight, and disassembled for discreet transportation.

The first sample of the new RG036 rifle was created by V.F. Krasnikov chambered for 7.62 US cartridge. The design used an original system for removing powder gases: a ring-shaped piston was placed around the barrel and simultaneously became the rear wall of the expansion chamber of the muffler.

Such a system facilitated and simplified the design of the weapon, but could not ensure its reliability and reliability. Taking this factor into account, a new model with a more conventional gas outlet was developed. The new weapon was distinguished by good noise suppression at the PB level, small dimensions (815 mm) and weight (1.8 kg).

Despite such “lightweight” indicators, Vintorez RG037 showed good efficiency. At a given distance, it was possible to penetrate army helmets, as well as steel sheets 1.6 mm thick. However, after testing in 1985, new requirements were put forward for the rifle - penetrating 6B2 body armor within 400 m. Having assessed the capabilities of the rifle, the developers decided to change the design to chamber 9x39 mm.

Soon a prototype was presented, and already in 1987 the Vintorez VSS entered service with the KGB and GRU. It was he who began to be actively used in special operations of subsequent armed conflicts.

Later, on the basis of VSS, a silent automatic machine AS “Val” was developed. It differs from a rifle in its folding metal stock and pistol grip. Designed for 20-round magazines, however, the power supply is interchangeable: ten-round rifle chambers can also be used.

Rifle design features

Key distinguishing feature VSS "Vintorez" - dismountable kit. For ease of transportation, the rifle can be disassembled into three main parts:

  • barrel with silencer;
  • trigger mechanism;
  • butt.

Assembling the weapon from traveling to combat position takes less than a minute.

"Vintorez" has a chrome-plated barrel with six right-hand rifling. In the middle there is a gas chamber, the cylindrical surface of which has grooves for joining with the muffler. To center it, a separator spring is provided on the muzzle.

In the muzzle of the barrel along the rifling there are also 54 holes for venting gases into the expansion chamber of the muffler. It can be removed for cleaning; however, shooting from a rifle without a silencer is not allowed.

The VSS muffler is integrated with a stamped-welded separator structure. The latter consists of a sleeve, a cage, a washer and an insert. The muffler barrel consists of a muzzle and expansion chamber, the separator is located in the front part. On the outside there is a sighting bar, a separator latch and a front sight.

The butt of the VSS rifle is detachable and has a skeletal type, which is why it is similar to the Dragunov sniper rifle (SVD). Made from multi-layer plywood. Attached to the receiver by means of a dovetail tab and a latch.

Operating principle of a special sniper rifle (VSS)

The firing principle of the VSS Vintorez is based on automatic gas exhaust. Locking is ensured by turning the bolt cylinder, for which six lugs are provided. This mechanism provides for the removal of powder gases into a special chamber and the conversion of their energy into kinetic energy.

The key aspect of the VSS that ensures silent shooting is the silencer. Its design includes ring elements that ensure redistribution of shock waves. To do this, pressure in the barrel is released through holes into the rear of the muffler. As the bullet passes through the barrel, the powder gases enter the expansion chamber of the muffler gradually, and not all at once. Due to this, their temperature drops, which reduces the pressure and volume during automatic firing.

At the same time, the single sound of the shot is divided, and the fragmented sound waves are reflected from the oblique partitions of the separator and redirected to each other. Due to this, they overlap each other in opposite phases and corresponding self-absorption.

Equal attention is paid to the assembly of the rifle. For convenience and secrecy of transportation, it is divided into a barrel with a silencer, a trigger mechanism and a butt. This aspect was specially refined by order of the KGB special forces. Assembling the weapon to full combat readiness, which takes no more than a minute, makes it convenient and mobile during urban operations.

Basic equipment and additions to the rifle

The basic configuration of the Vintorez VSS includes the following components:

  • a barrel having a connection with the receiver;
  • butt;
  • gate;
  • drummer;
  • trigger mechanism;
  • bolt carrier with gas piston;
  • return mechanism;
  • mainspring guiding towards it;
  • receiver cover;
  • muffler body;
  • forend;
  • separator.

The general configuration of the rifle includes the following items:

  • ramrod;
  • oiler;
  • scraper;
  • belt;
  • five magazines of 10 rounds each.

A key addition to the Vintorez sniper rifle is scopes. Optical and electro-optical devices are used for day and night shooting. The model depends on the range of the lesion and the specifics of the operation.

For daytime shooting, PSO-1-1 is most often used, an analogue of PSO-1 for SVD. A distinctive feature is the presence of a remote scale for calculating the ballistics of the special SP-5 cartridge. In addition to this sight, a 1P43 device is used, which increases the shooter’s visibility. For night shooting, the MBNP-1 or NSPU-3 night sight is used.

IN last years more modern samples 1PN93 are used, some of which are used at night. If the optical device is damaged, aiming is ensured by mechanical devices. The latter consist of a sector sight and a front sight, adjustable in lateral direction and height.

A special bag is provided to carry the rifle. Additional magazines, sights and spare parts are carried separately. The rifle itself, when disassembled, along with the sight, also fits into a briefcase with dimensions of 450x370x140 mm.

Performance characteristics

The Vintorez rifle has the following technical characteristics:

  • weight - 2.6 kg without magazine and sight, 3.7 kg with chamber and PSO-1-1;
  • total length of the rifle - 894 mm;
  • barrel length - 200 mm;
  • caliber - 9 mm;
  • cartridges - 9x39 mm (SP-5, SP-6, SPP, BP);
  • food - box magazines for 10 or 20 rounds;
  • technical rate of fire - 700 rounds per minute, combat rate - 40-100;
  • initial bullet speed - 280-295 m/s;
  • targeting range - 400 m, optimal - 250-300 m;
  • The operating principle is based on the removal of powder gases and a rotary bolt.

The basic sight is sectoral; additional optical and electro-optical devices are installed on the rifle. If necessary, they are supplemented with special components that allow the weapon to be used effectively in different conditions.

Advantages and disadvantages of Vintorez

The advantages of the Vintorez VSS are associated with the requirements presented to its designers. This weapon was initially developed for certain tasks - noiselessness, penetration of armor, compactness. They are the ones who became distinctive features rifles in addition to its performance characteristics.

The noiselessness of the weapon predetermined the effectiveness of its use in special operations. Already in the First Chechen War, the advantages of the VSS were revealed, allowing them to conduct active fire on terrorists while maintaining secrecy. Particularly successful was the combination of VSS Vintorez and AS Val, which allows for fast and silent operations.

As confirmation of noiselessness, they cite a case from the Second Chechen war: a sniper, taking a position in the crown of a tree, discovered a group of terrorists. He waited until they reached the open area within the kill range, and destroyed all the enemies before they could determine where the fire was coming from.

One of the main advantages is the accuracy and reliability of the rifle, especially in urban environments. Within 300 meters, Vintorez hits targets both during the day and at night.

An example is given of a case where one of the snipers was able, after three sighting shots, to shoot the fuse of a non-removable grenade planted on a narrow path.

The compactness of the rifle is also its advantage during operations.

In Russia, the VSS is still in service with the special forces of the Airborne Forces, VNG, Air Force, GRU, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Special Forces, FSB and FSO. Lightness, convenience and compactness, combined with good performance characteristics of the VSS, allow the rifle to be used both in deployed combat operations and in special operations.

Disadvantages include a small target range. Despite the superiority of the VSS over foreign analogues, such indicators limit the use of the rifle, especially on open area outside the city. Also considered a disadvantage is the short stock and its non-adjustable length. This makes shooting uncomfortable, especially without practice.

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