Saying a lot with little means is what skill comes down to
(A.M. Vasnetsov)

A doctor’s certification report on the work done is, in fact, a scientific and practical work in which the doctor analyzes the results of his professional practice and work activities over the past three years on all issues of his specialty.

Below are the sections that a normal doctor’s certification report should consist of.

I. Introduction

1. Brief information about the author It is advisable to keep it to one page. Sparingly cover your career path, note the main milestones of professional growth, highlight achievements in your work, remember diplomas, certificates and certificates from advanced training courses.
2. Brief information about the medical institution Briefly and discreetly provide information about your medical institution: number of beds, number of visits, types of diagnostic and medical procedures etc. Focus on the characteristics of the institution.
3. Characteristics of your structural unit (for example, department) Again, in a lapidary style, present the characteristics of the department: the main tasks and principles of organizational work. Equipment of the department (for functional, laboratory, physiotherapy, etc.) Staffing structure of medical personnel and the place occupied by the doctor in the described structure. Performance indicators of the department for the reporting period by year.

II. The main part of the certification report is the doctor’s personal work over the past three years

All indicators are presented in comparison with annual data analysis for the last three years. It will be appropriate to compare your data with similar indicators for the institution, region or country. Each digital material (table, graph, diagram) should be followed by an analytical explanation that reveals the essence of the dynamics of the numbers (or lack thereof), which will demonstrate your ability to critically analyze.

1. Characteristics of the contingent Structure of treated patients by age, gender, groups, highlighting the most common nosological forms, complex cases. Features of the clinic, age-related pathology. Analysis of the contingent (in comparison with previous years).
2. Diagnostic system Display the diagnostic system (tables, algorithms and conclusions) for profile (most common) nosological forms. Demonstrate your knowledge of modern diagnostic methods: capabilities, limitations, indications, interpretation. Give examples of the most difficult diagnostic cases from practice.
3. Therapeutic work Display treatment work (tables, algorithms and conclusions) for profile (most common) nosological forms. Analysis of treatment results with global assessment, own experience application of certain methods. Describe clinically interesting cases from practice.
4. Mortality analysis Analysis of fatal cases by nosological units.
5. Innovation Rationalization work or development and implementation of new methods of diagnosis and treatment, prevention and rehabilitation. It is especially important to describe the therapeutic and diagnostic effect achieved as a result of the introduction of new methods.
6. Advisory work See treatment work analysis
7. Organizational and methodological work As a rule, this section of the certification report is intended for heads of departments. Development methodological instructions, instructions, implementation of a system for monitoring and analyzing the quality of work, etc.

III. Sections of the certification report that may be required

IN different regions may set their own rules of the game and require additional disclosure of certain issues in their attestation report.

Work to improve the qualifications of a doctor provides for some sections, one of them is assignment to a doctor qualification category. Doctors can be gradually certified for the second, first and highest category. A doctor has the right to receive a second certification category after he has achieved 5 years of work experience in the relevant specialty. In order to be certified, the doctor must submit a detailed report on his activities over the last 3 years of work.

For reporting there is no single form. Such a report is an individual creative document of the person being certified. However, the presence of an orientation program greatly facilitates the doctor’s task, without excluding his initiative.

Based on my experience, we recommend the following scheme for certification work of a doctor. The proposed scheme is not a rigid template; it is intended only to help the doctor systematize the accumulated material, analyze it, draw conclusions and set, based on the analysis, tasks aimed at further improving the work in his area.
Certification work consists of three parts: introduction, main part and conclusion. The introduction indicates the main directions of the doctor’s work to protect the health of the assigned patient population.

The following is a brief description medical institution with its structure and organization of work and the relationship of departments with the department in which the certified person works.
The main part, in turn, is divided into several sections.

IN first section In the main part, it is advisable to characterize the department, its structure, staffing, organization of work, equipment, organization of reception and preventive activities.
Then follows in detail characterize the treatment, diagnostic and preventive work for 3 years and give its comparative assessment.

At description of therapeutic activities First of all, it is necessary to reflect and analyze the work at outpatient appointments, showing the number of patients admitted in the clinic and served at home, the proportion of patients admitted and preventive medical examinations performed, and the load per 1 hour of admission. It is necessary to analyze the incidence of temporary disability by nosological forms. Home assistance work involves the number and proportion of active and repeat calls.

Assessing the work of hospitalizing patients, it is necessary to indicate the number of hospitalized people and their composition by nosological forms, the indicator of discrepancies in clinical and outpatient diagnoses. Should be given detailed analysis these discrepancies and their reasons.

Analyzing diagnostic and treatment work, a list and number of procedures performed, outpatient operations, manipulations, consultations should be provided and an assessment of this section of activity should be given. Next, it is necessary to show how, in a clinic setting, the diagnosis and treatment of diseases for which patients seek help from this specialist are carried out. It is advisable to illustrate this section with a description of the most interesting cases from practice, providing examination and treatment data.

In chapter preventive work highlight the participation of the doctor in conducting annual medical preventive examinations, provide the number, proportion and structure of newly identified patients, the timeliness and completeness of taking them for dynamic dispensary observation.

Dynamic clinical observation patients with chronic diseases is characterized by the number of patients registered at the dispensary, their composition according to nosological forms, movement among dispensary registration groups, and indicators of disability.

It is necessary to present the volume and nature of medical and health-improving events(outpatient and inpatient preventive treatment, sanitary-resort treatment, etc.) and show their effectiveness in a group of patients undergoing dynamic dispensary observation for 3 or more years.

IN fourth section It is necessary to characterize the health education work carried out by the doctor over 3 years and show its effectiveness.
Fifth section must be devoted to work on scientific organization labor, indicate which proposals were implemented and what effect was obtained.

Sixth section It is advisable to devote the report to the doctor’s work to improve professional skills. It should be indicated whether the doctor underwent advanced training in various cycles and workplaces, when, for what time and on what topic, it is necessary to describe the scientific and practical work carried out by the doctor during the reporting period, its results (published articles, presentations and reports at various conferences, etc.).
It is necessary to indicate which way doctor participates in the social life of the team.

In conclusion, brief remarks are made reasonable conclusions about the work done over 3 years and ways to further improve the activities of the certified person are outlined.

To summarize briefly the above, then you get the following diagram.
1. Introduction.
2. a brief description of clinics and ENT departments.
3. Characteristics of the department’s personnel.

4. Reception characteristics:
a) the number of those accepted in the department and personally certified;
b) the number of people served at home and personally certified;
c) load for 1 hour;
d) data on appeal by nosological forms (in%);
e) call handling data (in%);
e) number of active calls (in%);

g) the number of planned and emergency hospitalized patients, where, according to nosological forms, how long they wait before hospitalization;
h) the percentage of discrepancies between diagnoses and the hospital and analysis of discrepancies;
And) average duration disability of patients in the department and the person being certified;
j) the same for nosological forms;
k) the number of patients under dynamic observation according to f. 30 and principles of their observation and treatment. Results (efficiency);
l) movement of dispensary patients and analysis of their disability;

m) average duration of disability during exacerbations of the disease in patients on the f. thirty;
o) the average number of days for which the exacerbation lasts (taking into account that the person is retired and does not work);
n) the number of medical examinations and the detection of diseases (in% and by nosology);
p) timeliness of registration at the dispensary;
c) percentage of dynamic surveillance coverage;
r) number of outpatient operations and which ones;
y) number of procedures and which ones.

5. Organization of knowledge improvement.
6. Increased knowledge of civil defense.
7. Number of complaints, reprimands, comments, thanks, etc.
8. Participation in the public life of the clinic - where, in what capacity.
9. Treatment and diagnostic work.
10. Goals and objectives for the future.
11. Conclusion.

The report is signed by the person being certified and dated. His signature is certified by the chief physician of the clinic and sealed with the official seal of the institution.

A doctor’s qualifications are determined during certification procedures and make it possible to identify the level of compliance of theoretical knowledge and practical skills with the qualification characteristics of the relevant specialty. Certification for assignment of a category is carried out on the initiative of the medical worker himself; it is a good incentive for his professional growth. Subsequently, the established category gives the doctor the right to provide medical services defined for this specialty, affects the size wages, increases the prestige of the doctor, contributes to his further advancement in the profession.

Qualification categories and procedure for obtaining them

The qualification of a doctor can be assigned for a main or combined position and is determined in accordance with the requirements for the second, first and highest categories.

During the certification procedures, the employee must undergo professional retraining (courses and internships in leading medical institutions), then personally attend the meeting certification commission, where the assessment report on the work done, testing and interview are carried out. When assigning a category, the education and experience of the doctor in the certified position are also taken into account, which must meet the requirements:

The second category is 3 years of experience, higher and secondary vocational education;
- first category – experience of 7 years if you have a higher education and 5 years if you have a secondary vocational education;
- highest category - experience of 10 years if you have a higher education and 7 years if you have a secondary vocational education.

Category validity period

The validity period of the assigned qualification category is 5 years from the date of signing the order. If it is impossible to be certified after 5 years ( maternity leave, temporary disability) its validity period can be extended only if the certification commission agrees with a petition to extend the category, signed by the chief physician of the institution where the doctor works.

But in fact, the assignment of one category or another does not always directly correspond to the real level of qualifications of the doctor. Often, a higher category reflects the commission’s leniency towards your “long” medical experience or the presence of “necessary contacts”. A lower category may indicate conflict situation with the chief physician or about doubts about one’s competence and fear of the exam.

Ranking doctors by category, in my opinion, is typical only for free medicine. Where medical personnel receive a salary depending on the complexity and volume of work performed, where clear prices for examination and treatment are established, the doctor must only have a license confirming his admission and ability to provide the services offered.

However, modern culture, even in a society of "free medicine", is based on the principle of individual competition. Therefore, there have always been, are and will be doctors who have ambitions and strive for success (including defending a higher qualification category). A higher qualification category evokes a feeling of legitimate pride, promotes self-affirmation, increased respect/envy among colleagues and little material reward.

What is needed for category certification?

1. Have an idea.

For lovers of bureaucratic documents, here are the following:

  • Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 808n “On the procedure for obtaining qualification categories” dated July 25, 2011.
  • Letter of the Ministry of Health No. 2510/11568-01-32 “On the application of the regulations on the procedure for obtaining qualification categories” dated November 13, 2001.
  • Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 810n “On the central certification commission” dated July 25, 2011.

Be sure to look through the polemical article by Professor N. Melyanchenko “Doctor qualifications - an economic category.” From the article you will find out why there are no qualification categories in foreign countries and what is the admission system.

From January 1, 2016, certification is canceled and accreditation of doctors is introduced. The next article by Professor N. Melyanchenko will give you the opportunity to prepare for competition in the world of admissions and licenses.

2. Meet the qualification requirements for your specialty.

Qualification requirements for doctors are described in detail, including specific literature, in the order of the USSR Ministry of Health No. 579 “On approval of the qualification characteristics of medical specialists” dated July 21, 1988 - read.

Qualification characteristics of specialists with average medical education m are disclosed in Appendix 4 to the order of the Ministry of Health No. 249 of August 19, 1997 - read.

It is extremely important that the education received and the specialty (basic, basic and additional) do not contradict the nomenclature of specialties, and that the specialty in which you are going to defend the category corresponds to the position of the specialist. Otherwise, problems will arise both with protection and with payment for the qualification category. You can familiarize yourself with the range of specialties in the subsection “Admission to activity”.

3. Complete training at the faculty of advanced training for doctors.

This is a mandatory requirement. Doctors who have not undergone advanced training in the certified specialty in state institutions are not allowed to undergo certification. educational institutions over the past five years. I advise you to immediately choose a certification cycle, so that after completing the training and successfully passing the exam, you will also receive a certificate.

The list of institutions where you can undergo advanced training is contained on the Russian Medical Universities page. Please note that some information cards include the current schedule of study cycles. There is also a list of the required minimum things and documents that will be required for training.
4. View examples of completed certification work for doctors and nurses.

Completed certification works of doctors and nurses are posted on the website as an example and are not intended for copying or replication. The inability to independently comprehend the results of one’s activities is a reflection of intellectual and professional wretchedness.

  • Examples of doctors' certification reports
  • Examples of nurses' certification reports

5. Write a certification paper.

It should be said that the vast majority of certification works of doctors are uninteresting. Because usually colleagues limit themselves to a simple listing of statistical facts. Sometimes, to add volume, statistics are diluted with inserts from textbooks. Some doctors actually engage in outright plagiarism: they go to the archives, take reports from other doctors for the past years and just change the numbers. I even saw attempts to hand in sheets copied on a Xerox machine. It is clear that such a “creative approach” only evokes contempt. Well, they are completely stupid and lazy medical workers they simply buy (for example, via the Internet) ready-made certification works.

  • What to write about in your certification report is described in the document “Approximate scheme and content of certification work”
  • What it should look like certification work can be found in the file “Standards and requirements for the preparation of an attestation report”

6. Submit the necessary documents to the certification commission.

The papers that must be submitted to the certification commission are contained in the List of Documents for Medical Certification.

Good luck!

List of orders for certification

The very first order that I know of is dated January 11, 1978. This was the order of the USSR Ministry of Health No. 40 “On the certification of medical specialists.”

Four years later, the USSR Ministry of Health issued order No. 1280 “On measures to further improve the certification of doctors.” The order provided for 2 types of certification: mandatory and voluntary ().

At the beginning of 1995, the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of the Russian Federation issued Order No. 33 “On approval of the regulations on the certification of doctors, pharmacists and other specialists with higher education in the healthcare system Russian Federation" This order left only one certification - voluntary.

In 2001, Order No. 314 “On the procedure for obtaining qualification categories” was issued.

After 10 years, the old order was replaced by a new one - Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 808n “On the procedure for obtaining qualification categories,” which is still in effect today.

4.1 /5 (ratings: 21)


The Galaganovs are medical workers. Natalya Vasilievna is an ambulance paramedic, Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich is a surgeon. They devoted many years to rural healthcare in the Primorsky Territory. The married couple has 20 years of strong marriage behind them, 18 of which were together work activity at the Yakovlevsky Central District Hospital.

Dentists receive qualification categories in the same way as doctors of other specialties.

There are second, first and highest categories. In this article you will learn about the new procedure for obtaining qualification categories, according to Order No. 274 “On the procedure for obtaining qualification categories by employees with higher medical education, higher and secondary pharmaceutical education state health care institutions.”

  1. Federal Law of November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation,
  2. orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated July 23, 2010 No. 541n “On approval of a unified qualification reference book for positions of managers, specialists and employees,
  3. section “Qualification characteristics of positions of workers in the field of healthcare”, dated 07.07.2009 No. 415n “On approval Qualification requirements to specialists with higher and postgraduate medical and pharmaceutical education in the field of healthcare"
  4. and dated July 25, 2011 No. 808n “On the procedure for obtaining qualification categories for medical and pharmaceutical workers.”
  5. Order No. 274

Requirements for dentists when awarding the category:

Second category At least 3 years of work experience in the certified specialty Good practical and theoretical preparation Work skills: modern methods of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of patients
First category at least seven years Required practical experience and good theoretical and practical training in the field of your specialty, well familiar with related disciplines modern methods of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of patients, active participation in the scientific and practical activities of the medical institution
Highest category work experience in the specialty for at least ten years high theoretical and practical professional training mastery in perfection modern methods prevention, diagnosis and treatment of patients in the area of ​​their specialty, well acquainted with related disciplines, having good performance professional activity who take an active part in the scientific and practical activities of the medical institution and advanced training of specialists with higher medical education.

What documents must a dentist provide to obtain a category?

  1. an application from a specialist addressed to the chairman of the certification commission, which indicates the qualification category for which he is applying, the presence or absence of a previously assigned qualification category, the date of its assignment, the specialist’s personal signature and date (Appendix No. 2);
  2. a completed printed qualification sheet certified by the HR department (Appendix No. 3);
  3. a report on the professional activity of a specialist, agreed upon with the head of the organization and certified by its seal, and including an analysis of professional activity for the last three years with personal signature(Appendix No. 4).

Requirements for a specialist report (working for the category of doctor):

You can familiarize yourself with the documentation in more detail by downloading the documentation for .

What should be contained in the work for the category of dentist (in the certification report)

  1. The first chapter contains information about the healthcare institution where the dentist works, the dental department, the equipment of the dentist’s office and workplace,
  2. The second chapter is a report on the work over the past three years. It analyzes the dynamics of the quality of medical work. Implementation modern technologies, the doctor’s mastery of new treatment methods. Also here are the main indicators of the specialist’s work in the form of tables and graphs, namely qualitative and quantitative indicators (percentage and absolute number of sanitized, number of fillings, UET in direct connection with the number of working days of the year). Do not forget to indicate the number of sanitation per rate, the number of sanitation, the number of fillings per day and the ratio of uncomplicated to complicated caries, % of one-session treatment of complicated caries. Each table and graph should end with a brief conclusion (1-2 sentences). Write what treatment methods you use in your work. Indicators of preventive work and medical examination.
  3. The third section includes an analysis of new methods of treatment and prevention.

Dentists' reports on the category are available on the Internet for free access; you can read them on our website. I made a selection of reports and did some initial editing and formatting in Microsoft Office Word. However, all of them leave much to be desired and do not fully meet the requirements. They can only be used as a basis, an example.