The bull shark or blunt-nosed shark belongs to the family gray sharks, that is, it is the closest relative of the blue and tiger shark. The habitat of this predatory fish is huge. It is found throughout the world in warm and shallow waters. Comes in deep rivers and rises upstream. These are the Amazon, Ganges, Zambezi, Mississippi. It can be found in small rivers, as well as lakes connected to the World Ocean.


This predatory fish does not move away from coastal waters further than a depth of 150 meters. Its usual habitat is limited to a depth of 30 meters. IN Atlantic Ocean it can be found in the coastal zone of America from the northern states of the USA to southern Brazil, and near the African coast from Angola to Morocco. IN Indian Ocean her ancestral patrimony stretches along Africa from South Africa to Kenya. The fish also lives near the west coast of India and in Persian Gulf. As for the Pacific Ocean, these are almost all the islands of Oceania. This species is not found only along the southern coast of Australia. And off the west coast of America it lives from California to Ecuador.

In the muddy Amazon dangerous predator feels great. Upstream the fish rises 2 thousand km. Some representatives of the species were even seen in Peru. In the Indian rivers Ganges and Brahmaputra, the blunt-nosed shark is also common. Its native home is Lake Nicaragua in Central America. A toothy monster enters it from the Caribbean Sea through the San Juan River. At the same time, this species gravitates towards warm currents and tries to avoid cold ones. Therefore, in latitudes with a temperate climate, the bull shark is absent.

The body of the fish has a stocky shape. This is where the association with the bull came from, and people included this word in the name of the shark. Females of this species are larger than males. The length of the toothy predator reaches an average of 2.5 meters, and the corresponding weight is 130 kg. The maximum length reaches 3.5 meters. It is said that fishermen caught females 4 meters long, but there is no evidence of this. But the maximum recorded weight of a blunt-nosed shark is 315 kg. Although experts admit that this is not the limit.

This species is characterized by 2 dorsal fins. Moreover, the front one is much larger than the rear one. But the caudal fin is longer than that of other members of the family, but located lower. When capturing prey, the fish's jaws compress with a force of 600 kg. This is one of the highest rates among all types of selachy. The fish's skin is gray on top and its belly is white. It is quite difficult to see a predator in water, especially in muddy river water. This toothy monster is even credited with attacks on people that he did not commit.


This species is viviparous. That is, it is not caviar that is born, but small fry. There are from 5 to 10 of them. Their sizes are quite large and reach a length of 60-70 cm. This is after 12 months of pregnancy. Sexual maturity occurs when the bluntnose shark grows to 1.5 meters in length. The female gives birth in lagoons and river mouths. Maximum sizes the fish reaches the age of 10 years.

Behavior and nutrition

The bull shark usually hunts alone. Sometimes there are exceptions, and toothy predators go hunting in pairs. By nature, the fish is aggressive and unpredictable. In water, it can attack both humans and large animals. This species is the most dangerous for people, as it lives in shallow salt and fresh waters. In terms of danger, it is on a par with tiger and white sharks.

The main diet consists of small sharks, various types fish and dolphins. A predator, without hesitation, can swallow a representative of its own species, if it has small sizes. The toothy monster does not disdain waste, which is similar to a tiger shark. Representatives of the species are accused of many bloody crimes against people. Although there is a suspicion that some of these crimes were committed White shark.


In the World Ocean, the bull shark has few enemies. These are tiger and white sharks. The remaining large selachians live in a different habitat. But the main enemy is man. He has been destroying this fish and eating its meat for many centuries. The most unprotected are the fry. They are caught by birds and more large fish, and in Australia crocodiles eat with pleasure. But when the fry grows up and turns into adult fish, then it becomes a real thunderstorm in coastal waters.

The bull shark, or blunt-nosed shark (Carcharhinus leucas) is a species of shark from the family Carcharhiniformes.

   Row - Carchariformes
   Family - Gray sharks
   Genus/Species - Carcharhinus

   Basic data:
Length: up to 3.5 m.
Weight: up to 50 kg.

Puberty: achieved with a length of 1.5-2.5 meters.
Gestation period: 10-11 months
Number of cubs: from 3 to 13 fry.

Habits: Males are territorial animals, aggressive towards any potential rivals, which can sometimes even be considered humans.
Food: All sharks of this group are omnivores and, along with live prey (coastal fish and crabs), devour any waste.
Lifespan: no data.

California tripletooth shark.

   These sharks, reaching 3.6 m in length, inhabit coastal areas of the tropical region. The blunt-nosed shark and its relatives are undoubtedly dangerous to people.


   These are rather lazy and slow-swimming sharks. The diet consists mainly of large invertebrates, small sharks, other fish and dolphins, along with live prey they devour any emissions. They can eat individuals of their own species. All sharks of this group are omnivores and, along with live prey (coastal fish and crabs), devour any waste.


   These sharks, reaching 3.6 m in length, inhabit coastal areas of the tropical region. These rather lazy and slow-swimming sharks are common in all oceans. Species belonging to this group often enter rivers and other fresh water bodies, moving 160 miles or more from the sea. They penetrate in particular into the Ganges, Zambezi and many other tropical rivers of Asia, Africa and America. In the freshwater lake of Nicaragua, located in Central America, there is even a living form of the blunt-nosed shark that never goes to sea. All sharks of this group are omnivores and, along with live prey (coastal fish and crabs), devour any waste.


   This is a viviparous fish, the length of which at birth is about 60 cm. Sexual maturity is reached at a length of 1.5-2.5 meters. Pregnancy lasts 10-11 months, after which the female gives birth to 3 to 13 fry.


   The blunt-nosed shark and its relatives are undoubtedly dangerous to people. Especially many attacks were noted in the waters South Africa. Around 60 people have been attacked while swimming off the coast in the area over the past 50 years, with almost half of the incidents resulting in death. It happened there in 1942 mass attack large quantity sharks on passengers of a steamship torpedoed near the shore during the war. True, in this case the species of the sharks was not determined, and it is likely that representatives of many dangerous species. The number of victims of this bloody massacre also remains unknown.



  • Their testosterone levels are higher than any other vertebrate, which partly explains their aggressiveness.
  • This species can be kept in special round or rectangular aquariums with a volume of at least 3000 liters.
  • It is an object of fishing, the meat is eaten. The bull shark is an aggressive shark that is known for its attacks on humans.


   The body length of marine subspecies of the bull shark reaches 3.5 m, freshwater subspecies are slightly smaller.
   Coloring, as a rule, gray, only the belly remains white.

- Bull shark habitat
These sharks are ubiquitous and often enter rivers. Sometimes they climb many kilometers upstream. They penetrate in particular into the Ganges, Zambezi and many other rivers of Asia, Africa, America and Australia (for example, the Clarence River), were observed in the Amazon (near the city of Iquitos, 4000 km from the mouth!), in the Mississippi River (to St. Louis and the Illinois River), Lake Michigan. Lives permanently in Lake Nicaragua.
This species can be kept in special round or rectangular aquariums with a volume of at least 3000 liters. Aquariums must be provided with powerful filtration and aeration of water.

The bull or blunt-nosed shark (lat. Carcharhinus leucas) is considered by many as the most dangerous shark for humans on our planet. So why does it have a reputation on par with its notorious relatives, the great white and tiger sharks? Well, read on, we’ll try to figure it out together.

Common name: Bull shark
Scientific name: Carcharhinus leucas
Size: Maximum 3.5 m (11.5 ft), average: 2.4 m (7.8 ft)
Weight: Over 230 kg (500 lbs)
Attacks: 104 attacks in the last 150 years, 33 fatal
Deadly Rating: 4 out of 5

Bull Shark Information
Blunt sharks get their name primarily from their short, rounded snout. Most of the sharks in this family got into it because of their nose, actually Carcharhinus means sharp nose.

The name also describes their pugnacious nature and tendency to headbutt prey as a prelude to an attack.

These sharks are also known as: Zambezi shark, Van Rooyen shark, Nicaraguan shark, Ganges shark, squarenose shark, shovelnose shark, freshwater whaler, Swan River whaler or gray bull shark.

Bull sharks are in the same family as great white sharks, tiger sharks and sharks. This family is called Carcharhinidae or "Requiem Shark" and these sharks are responsible for almost all unprovoked attacks on humans.

Bull sharks are the third most likely to attack people. According to the International Shark Attack File (ISAF), these sharks are the most likely to be involved in an attack after great white sharks and tiger sharks. Over the past 150 years, there have been 104 recorded bull shark attacks, a third of which were fatal. It is also believed that these numbers are an underestimate because many attacks occur in third world countries and are not included in the statistics.

Many experts consider the bull shark to be the most dangerous shark in the world. This is due to the fact that, unlike others, potentially dangerous sharks The bull shark is found only in shallow waters. And this is where they can meet people, including on some of the world's most famous beaches.

It is widely believed that attacks bull sharks inspired the filmmakers of Jaws to make the film. The infamous shark attack off the New Jersey coast in 1916 killed four people and injured one. Although there were no further attacks after a 2.5-meter (8-foot) great white shark was caught nearby, some experts do not believe the captured shark was involved in the attacks. The reason for this is one of the attacks committed in the Matawan Creek, the place of the attack was located at a great distance from the sea and there was fresh water there. As we know, great white sharks are not found in fresh water, while bull sharks are often found in rivers and lakes.

Bull sharks have the strongest bite for their size of any shark species measured.

Video: Scientist Eric Ritter joins several fierce-looking bull sharks in the water.

Bull shark: Habitats and distribution
Bull sharks are common in all warm waters. They have been spotted as far north as Massachusetts on the Atlantic Coast of the United States and as far south as Brazil. While they are not often seen in the colder regions of the Pacific, they can often be seen from Bahia in Baja California (Mexico) all the way to Ecuador. Bull sharks have also been found in many places in the Indian Ocean, including much of Africa, Western India, and from Vietnam to Australia.

Photo. Where can you find a blunt-nosed shark?

These sharks are usually found in water no deeper than 30 m (100 ft).

Bull sharks are one of the few sharks that thrive in fresh water. All sharks must retain a certain amount of salt in their bodies and bull sharks have special device, allowing them to do this even if it is fresh water.

Bull sharks have been seen as far inland as 3,700 km (2,220 miles) up the Amazon River in Peru and more than 3,000 km (1,800 miles) up the Mississippi River in Illinois. In Africa they are also known as the Zambezi shark as they frequent this river, while in India they are sometimes called the Ganges shark. A population of these sharks has also been established in Lake Nicaragua; at one time it was believed that it had access to the sea. However, these sharks appear to be able to navigate various rivers, including some rapids, to gain access to the lake. There have been a series of attacks (some fatal) in the lake over the years.

Bull sharks were seen swimming in flooded streets and areas around Brisbane, Australia, during the 2010 floods.

There are rumors about bull sharks that they supposedly live in the Mediterranean Sea, but there is no conclusive evidence.

Despite stories of bull sharks in Lake Michigan, this appears unlikely. Although there is a channel between the Mississippi, where they were found, and Lake Michigan, there are many obstacles, such as locks, that sharks are unable to overcome.

South American bull sharks migrate 3,700 km (2,300 mi) up and down the Amazon River seasonally.

Bull shark anatomy
Bull sharks are recognizable by their stocky and blunt snouts. They are proportionally shorter and wider than other Shark Requiems.

Sharks are light to dark gray in color and have a white underbelly. Young sharks may have dark fin tips.

The largest recorded specimen was a 4 meter (13 ft) shark, although this has not been very well tested. Sharks are often reported to reach lengths of 3.5 meters (11 ft).

Photo. Bull shark teeth

The heaviest bull shark recorded was a 315-kilogram (694 lb) specimen.

Bull sharks do not have a crest. This is the ridge that runs between the front and rear dorsal fins on a shark's back. Other sharks actually have it.

Bull sharks have small eyes, smaller than most other Requiem sharks. It is believed that they rely more on scent when hunting in murky coastal waters.

The teeth are wide and triangular, reaching 4 cm (1.5 in) in length. They are highly serrated on the sides, which is ideal for cutting and tearing flesh.

Females live longer than males. They can live approximately 16 years, compared to 12 years for males. This explains larger size adult females.

Young sharks are born after 11 months of gestation. The mother gives birth to them alive, they are immediately free to swim (viviparous) and she does not care for them much after they are born.

What do bull sharks eat?
Bull sharks are at the top of the food chain among predators. This means that they are not usually hunted, although on rare occasions they have been known to be attacked and eaten by other large sharks and there have even been cases of crocodiles killing bull sharks.

Photo. Killed bull shark

Bull sharks will eat anything! They are opportunistic hunters, they will try to eat whatever they find rather than searching for specific prey. Despite this, their diet typically consists of fish, and they have even been known to eat stingrays and other sharks, including small ones of their own species. Less commonly, bull sharks eat sea turtles, dolphins, crabs, seabirds, squid, dogs and even unlucky horses, not to mention people.

Bull shark attacks
The bull shark is sometimes called the pit bull of the sea due to its increased aggressiveness when attacked. This is also due to the shark's habitat and range, making them more likely to come into contact with humans than any other shark. Many attacks have occurred in rivers and lakes, making it much easier to identify the shark species due to the fresh water.

The bull shark is also called the blunt-nosed shark. Belongs to the gray shark family. Its closest relatives are the tiger shark and the blue shark. You can meet this predatory fish all over the world.

Habitat: Warm, shallow waters. The shark enters deep rivers, such as the Ganges, Mississippi, Amazon, Zambezi, and goes upstream. Also found in small rivers. It can live in lakes flowing into the World Ocean.


The bull shark does not swim away from coastal waters to a depth of more than 150 meters. Its usual habitat is a depth of 30 meters. IN Pacific Ocean found on almost all the islands of Oceania and on the west coast of the American continent - from California in the USA to Ecuador. The bull shark is not found near the southern coast of Australia. In the Atlantic Ocean it can be found near the continents of America - from the north of the USA to the south of Brazil, and near Africa - from Morocco to Angola. In the Indian Ocean, it lives in the waters between South Africa and Kenya. Found in the Persian Gulf, near the western coast of India.

Excellent habitat for these predators - muddy water Amazons. A shark can rise 2 km up its current. Individuals of this species have been seen near Peru. The predatory fish also lives in India, in the Brahmaputra and Ganges rivers, and in Central America, in Lake Nicaragua, where it comes from the Caribbean Sea by river. Bull sharks are absent from areas where temperate climate, she prefers warm currents and carefully avoids cold ones.

The bull shark is a natural hunter and killer.


The name of this species is directly related to the shape of the body, because I associate this toothy predator with a bull because of its stocky shape. Females blunt-nosed sharks larger than males. The average length of a predator is 2.5 meters, while average weight– 130 kg. Maximum length bull shark reaches 3.5 meters, and Weight Limit, which was registered - 315 kg. According to experts, the maximum parameters may be higher, but there is no evidence of this. The stories of fishermen that they caught sharks reaching a length of 4 meters have also not been proven.

Blunt sharks have 2 dorsal fins of different sizes: the front one is significantly larger than the back one. Compared to other representatives of the genus, these sharks have a longer tail fin, which is located lower. When this predator captures prey, it closes its jaws with a force of 600 kg. Among all members of the family, this is one of the highest indicators. The shark has a gray skin on top, its belly white. Due to its color, it is very difficult to see a shark in the water. She is even accused of attacks on people to which she has nothing to do.

Diving next to a blunt-nosed shark - where can you find an activity that will further tickle your nerves and play with fate?


These predators become sexually mature when they reach a length of 1.5 meters. is viviparous; it gives birth to fry, the number of which ranges from 5 to 10. They are large in size, their length is about 60-70 cm. Pregnancy in sharks lasts 12 months. The female gives birth in river mouths and lagoons. At the age of 10 years, the blunt-nosed shark reaches its maximum size.

Behavior and nutrition

The shark usually hunts alone; they rarely go out in pairs. This species lives in small fresh and salty rivers and reservoirs, therefore it is extremely dangerous for humans and large animals and can attack them. The shark's behavior is aggressive and its actions are unpredictable. The level of danger is comparable to white and tiger sharks.

A shark must always be in motion, otherwise it will drown.

The basis of the diet is various fish, small sharks, . It can also eat another blunt-nosed shark if it is smaller in size. Just like the tiger shark, it can feed on waste and garbage. It is believed that representatives of this species are responsible for quite a lot of attacks on humans, however, there is an opinion that the white shark is to blame for a significant part of them.

What is a bull shark?

The bull shark is a completely unique creature. It is this fish that is responsible for more than half of the cases of shark attacks on swimmers. It is this fish that is the only shark that can for a long time live in fresh water.

And it is this shark, with its disgusting reputation, that can be found in the waters of all oceans. Let's take a closer look at these phenomenal predators.

The bull shark, also known as the bluntnose shark, belongs to the family Carcharhiniformes. This creature received its strange name for a fish for its ferocious, unpredictable temperament, and for its ability: when shepherds drove their flock to water, bull sharks dragged large bulls into the dark waters.

Freshwater bull sharks

The gills and rectal gland are the tools with which this species extracts or secretes salt. There are known cases where bull sharks were caught 4000 km upstream of the Amazon. It is not surprising that there are bull sharks in the rivers of New Jersey, Illinois, central New York and other large cities.

This bloodthirsty animal constantly lives in the lakes of Mississippi and Nicaragua, as well as in the Ganges River. In India, by the way, when the corpses of people from the upper caste are thrown into sacred river waters, it is the bull shark that is the first to feast on their meat.

Watch video - Freshwater bull shark:

Bull sharks enter fresh waters to give birth to their young during the mullet breeding season. females give birth to 12-14 half-meter sharks, and they live in rivers or channels until they grow up - about 3-4 years. After this, the kids go to sea in search of larger food.

Bull shark - man-eater No. 1

Adults are not picky eaters. Their diet is usually dolphins, large invertebrates, mullet and other fish. Bull sharks do not disdain carrion, representatives of their species and, worst of all, humans.

Most often, lonely swimmers became victims of these fish, and they attacked bloodthirsty predators in the morning or late twilight, and, usually, at a shallow depth - 0.5-1 meter.

Bull sharks can change body color from dark gray to light, so even in shallow water they are not very noticeable. They are especially dangerous in muddy water.

There are known cases of people wading a river.

The victim is sometimes deceived by the apparent slowness and clumsiness of the 4-meter monster, but bull sharks are capable of attacking an unlucky swimmer or pet approaching the water with lightning speed. Tenacious and resilient, the predator develops tremendous speed in pursuit of potential food.

It was this species that served as the prototype for the toothy monster from the movie “Jaws.” These animals are the last link in the food chain; in nature, bull sharks have no true enemies except humans. People use the meat of young individuals, so this species is a commercial target. On average, a bull shark lives about 20 years.

Watch video - Bull shark attack on a person:

Bull sharks are endowed with extreme endurance and low sensitivity to pain. There have been cases where already gutted bull sharks, released into the water, feasted on their own offal.

Many legends are dedicated to these fish. In some villages in South Africa, bull sharks are considered sacred. In general, bull sharks are natural born ideal killers. These carnivorous aggressors produce more testosterone than any other creature.

The snout of predators has a flattened, blunt shape, which increases maneuverability, and a mouthful of teeth provides a reliable weapon.

By the way, baby sharks are already born with a large number of sharp teeth, and if a tooth in front falls out, a new one does not grow, and the one growing behind the fallen one simply moves forward. Only the back row is constantly growing, replenishing the jaws of the fish with new deadly weapons.

In female blunt-nosed sharks, as in other species of predators, . Giving birth to bloodthirsty babies, the new mother, without looking back, swims away to look for a new helpless victim.

The bull shark is an aggressive predator that has the right to claim the title of an ideal and all-powerful animal. It is impossible to escape from the king of the oceans - and, swimming in a quiet backwater, aren’t you afraid of coming close to a predator that spreads death?

Watch video - Deadly blunt-nosed shark: