Natalya Pravdina

I attract success

How to achieve success and realize your desires,

having fun

Practical guidance from a Feng Shui master, a specialist in consciousness transformation

“Natalia’s books are distinguished by a special, bright energy - as if you are falling into a life-giving spring. They give hope, self-confidence and simply make you jump out of your seat and immediately put all ideas and methods into practice. These books are a wonderful gift for friends and anyone who needs hope for better life. Thank you for the joy and inspiration!”

N. Shlyapnikova. Saint Petersburg

“I was lucky enough to meet Natalia Pravdina at one of the most difficult moments of my life. Thanks to the system she developed, I was able to correct the negative situation within two weeks. Feng Shui helps to harmonize the space around a person, and working with the subconscious, or internal Feng Shui, recreates harmony in the person himself. This beneficial combination allows you to achieve results twice as fast. People have an expression: “If you want to be happy, be happy.” On my own behalf, I would add: “And healthy, and rich, and loving.” You just need to understand the rules of the game.

My heartfelt thanks to Natasha for so generously sharing knowledge that ten to fifteen years ago were simply inaccessible to many of us, for her sensitivity, attentiveness, and for the light that she brings to people.”

Irina Medvedeva

“This is an amazing book! The wisdom contained in it can bring all the gifts and riches of the Universe into your life. The experience of Natalya Pravdina and her many followers around the world, of which I am one, confirmed the truth of what the book teaches.”

V. Kharitonov (painter)

“We all love fairy tales and miracles. You start reading and you become convinced that everything can be changed for the better. You start taking action and see positive changes. I bought this book without any prospects at work and in my personal life. After several months of working on the method of changing consciousness and Feng Shui, my salary was increased and people began to appear around me. interesting men. I'm very happy. Long live the New Life!

Olga Koroleva

“By studying according to the methods of Natalia Pravdina and applying the knowledge of Feng Shui, I gained the opportunity to act consciously and improve what can be improved, neutralize what can harm. When you start to change yourself, your inner world and our home according to the laws of Feng Shui, then the Universe responds to this and confirms the correctness of our actions, sending us what we need. Life becomes harmonious.

I am eternally grateful to Natasha for the fact that she brings this knowledge to people in an accessible, easy and joyful way.”

Olga S.

Natalia Pravdina is a professional Feng Shui consultant who conducts seminars on the psychology of success and wealth in the USA and Russia.

Proper application of Feng Shui gives everyone exactly what they need most. Proof of this is not only the success of the author herself, but also the amazing changes in the lives of her followers.

The uniqueness of the author's methodology is that it combines the ancient knowledge of the East and the new positive thinking of the West. By following the proposed program, you will gradually change your consciousness, appearance and life in general. You will learn to attract good luck, create an attractive image, and learn about flirting as the basis for successful relationships.

The book will tell you how to apply the teachings of Feng Shui to achieve recognition and activate the energy that brings success.


The world in which I live is called a dream.

Do you want me to take you with me?

Do you want me to share it with you?

I'll give you love

I'll teach you to laugh

You will forget about sadness and pain

And you will swim in the clouds!

This is my world, how beautiful and bright it is!

Anthem of the New Consciousness (song “My World”)


The book talks about an effective working method for achieving happiness, transformation and prosperity. In a confidential and witty manner, the author introduces the reader to the Universal Spiritual Laws of Success, prolongation and flowering of youth, attractiveness, and also shares own recipes beauty, charm and influence on others. The book contains stories of people who have achieved remarkable success thanks to this technique.

Here are some tips to help you make the necessary changes to your home decor to encourage personal growth, prosperity, and abundance. The author pays great attention to positive thinking, an attitude towards success and good luck, and gives many examples of amazing changes in people’s destinies as a result of classes at seminars on the psychology of success and wealth.

The book is distinguished by a fresh outlook on life, bright, colorful language and a special atmosphere of a joyful perception of life. After reading it, you will be able to:

Gain self-confidence;

Radiate success and prosperity, thereby attracting them;

Find the road to happiness and enjoyment of life through self-realization and self-improvement;

Correctly use “body language” to convey your messages;

Learn to influence people and consolidate the positive effect of your words and actions;

Use Feng Shui knowledge for career success.


There is one funny thing in life. If you choose only the best, then this is most likely what you will get.

Somerset Maugham

Hello, my dear readers!

I really hope that encountering this book will bring you good luck. It was written with faith and hope that everyone will find in it their own individual path to financial and personal freedom and a new, joyful perception of the world, will gain strength and self-confidence, as I myself and many of my clients, readers and listeners managed to do.

I myself went from a weak, sickly girl, whom doctors did not give much chance not only for success, but also for a full active life, to a happy, healthy and successful young woman, loving life and enjoying it to the fullest. The doctors, with all their gloomy forecasts, were wrong. I never believed their threatening diagnoses and lived as if all this did not apply to me, but to someone else who happened to have the same name. Because I didn't believe bad things about myself, I tried to do everything that I could do at the moment and that I liked to do. In other words, I focused on what I had and tried to develop and improve it in every possible way. Now I can happily report that the gloomy predictions of the doctors did not come true! The doctors couldn’t believe their eyes - my health had improved so much. And let’s not even talk about the mood. It is beautiful, joyful all the time and improves every day. As don Juan says in the book by C. Castaneda: “I simply changed the idea of ​​myself.”

It started with Pravdina’s books long ago new stage my life and introduction to Feng Shui, positive thinking and affirmations. I haven’t read it for a long time; I’ve switched, so to speak, to new level;), and after looking at Pravdina in the video, I was a little disappointed (I didn’t like her voice, appearance, manners)... But I’m still grateful to her for the books, and to myself for paying attention to them.

I won’t explain what affirmations are and how you need to have a positive attitude. If anyone is interested, read the author’s numerous books.

Here's how reading books helped me:

In 2005, her books caught my eye and I started reading. And, most importantly, immediately implement all the recommendations: I rearranged them according to Feng Shui, thought about the good, found the positive in bad things, carried out small rituals (put things in order in my closets, my wallet, cleared away the rubble of clothes and magazines), wrote out and read affirmations and even ... (it’s funny) I read mantras)))))). Overall, I was very inspired. I had a lot of time, I had just graduated from college and was looking for a job, but somehow things didn’t work out... The HR department offered a secretary position with a salary of 350 UAH (yes.., there were such salaries)). Well I'm on principle positive thinking I didn’t get upset, but decided for myself what kind of job I wanted and went through it in my head. I did all this calmly, with great confidence that everything would be as I needed. After all, I could have agreed to the position of secretary, but no - the plans were drawn up and the salary was clearly higher there.

Books encourage self-development, self-improvement different areas. And even though I had a good command of a computer, I decided to go to computer courses. I came and found out information about the courses. And it turned out to be a recruitment agency! After enrolling me in the course, they told me about the open vacancy of a credit manager. It was necessary to go to study in another city and undergo an interview. I thought for 3 days and agreed! So I got a great job. This was what I wanted - communication with clients, computer work, cool team, corporate events, you rarely see your bosses :), schedule 3 to 3. Everything as I put it in my magic lists!

Next story. How my salary rose from 1000 UAH to 4000 UAH (2006):

4 months have passed since I got this job. My partner and I worked in one large store, we issued loans, everything was fine, good schedule, good team, but there were few loans, so the salary was about 1000 UAH. There were no plans to transfer to other points, and there weren’t any special ones anywhere profitable stores, since people did not take goods on credit very actively.

And I decided to write myself a new positive list. There I wrote down everything I wanted. Something like this:

My partner and I apply for a lot of loans.

My salary increases several times.

It's easy for me to work.

I am increasing my income. And so on.

And what? A month passes, a new point in the store opens opposite, where “Interest-Free Credit” is launched, two girls are taken there, but they refuse, since it is a long way for them to get there. And our point is just closing!!! We are moved to a new store and then the credit BOOM begins! We come to work, and clients who were lining up are already waiting for us!!! We work a lot, productively, and somehow very easily, and we earn 4,000 UAH or more. At the same time, we have an excellent schedule - you work 3 days, 3 days at home. Girls from other “weak” points even asked to come to our point in order to fulfill the loan plan, and for this they brought us sweets and chocolates.

I understand that one can say that these are all mere coincidences, but I don't mind such coincidences. And I noticed this pattern: you start to think about the positive, this positive appears. If you think about bad/sad things, you get bogged down in even more negativity.

Disadvantages of the book: very simple language of presentation, very “sweet” and flattering. There are people for whom such language “will not suit.”

Let's make our lives more fun and positive!

Help "KV"

Natalia Pravdina is the author of numerous books that are popular among readers. Natalia was born and received a higher economic education in St. Petersburg. She created clothing models and was a member of the Club of Young Designers of St. Petersburg. After graduating from school acting, worked in a fashion theater, and also studied English, French languages and psychology. In the mid-90s. moved with her husband to the USA. She graduated from the Institute of Design in Los Angeles. Natalia finds her true calling in the study and practice of Feng Shui - the ancient and mysterious teaching of Taoist monasteries. In 2006, Natalia graduated from the Feng Shui Academy in Malaysia. She constantly improves her level of professionalism by attending Qigong and Feng Shui seminars from many internationally recognized masters. Now Natalia Pravdina is the author of numerous bestsellers, winner of the “Author of the Year” award. She conducts seminars on Feng Shui, positive thinking and abundance in Russia and abroad.

About the twist of fate

Natalia Borisovna, what led you to the lifestyle you lead now? You give master classes all over Russia. And one after another you write books about how to attract love, success, and wealth.

In the nineties, my husband and I lost everything we had. Saving the last, they left for America. My husband Konstantin is considered an advanced doctor in Russia, but in America no one is interested in this. We had to start all over again. I saw that it was very difficult for my husband, and I supported him morally as best I could. But one fine day I felt that my strength was no longer enough, I needed to do something. And I reached out for knowledge, turned to books for help. At that time, our family had limited funds. I couldn't buy myself a book even for ten dollars. But I read, read, read, fortunately in America there is such an opportunity - there are libraries right in the stores. What did you read? Books on psychology, motivation for success, esotericism, feng shui. Authors: Louise Hay, Robert Stone, Mark and Elizabeth Prophet, Deepak Chopra, Lillian Tu. It took five years! And at the same time I studied at the Institute of Design. What happened next? I began to apply this knowledge in practice. And suddenly, with the help of esotericism, Feng Shui, and positive thinking, the situation for our family improved. For years, my husband worked for days, as if he was banging his head against the wall, but nothing worked out for him! Then I began to use positive thinking and affirmations. I told him: “You are doing well. You are safe. People love you. Everything is fine". In addition, I began to apply my accumulated knowledge of Feng Shui, and gradually our business went uphill. To the point where we moved from a tiny apartment to a luxurious apartment on the ocean.

Books are books, and meetings with which people changed your life in better side?

In 2000, the Grand Master of Feng Shui, Yap Chen Hai, came to Los Angeles, where we lived then. My husband and I gave our last money to attend his seminar. For four days we paid 1800 dollars, in family budget 50 left! But it was this meeting with the master that became a turning point in my life. After receiving my diploma, I began to practice, and I immediately had clients. They started recommending me to other people. I started making money! Agree, earning your own money is very nice.

About recognition

How did you achieve recognition among Russians?

In 2001, I came to Russia to visit my relatives. And I couldn’t resist telling my family, neighbors, and acquaintances at home, at the dacha, about what I had learned. Many listened with open mouth. And suddenly I was invited to give lectures at the Institute of Psychology! It turned out that people are interested in new thinking. More and more listeners began to attend my lectures. Among them were employees of editorial offices and publishing houses. I was offered to write a book. I did it. The book “I Attract Money” instantly became a bestseller, but I never returned to America. I returned my tickets twice because it turned out to be more in demand in Russia. They began to take an interest in me, calling from television, radio, newspapers...

Oh happiness

What did you have to change in yourself to become successful Natalia Pravdina?

If we had met you twenty years ago, you would not have believed your eyes. I was very unsure of myself, shy. She had a bunch of complexes, including a tendency towards depression. Just a little bit, she started crying. I was very afraid of life! I believe that it was these negative traits that I had to overcome thanks to qualities such as discipline and will. As the great author Joseph Murphy said, “Everyone can be happy, but it is a matter of mental discipline.”

About success

Why do some people succeed and others do not?

In any country, all the losers sing the same song, and everyone successful people repeat the same thing. Losers say: “I was just unlucky, but you are lucky!” At the same time, for example, a loser spends all his evenings having fun, and I work day after day for my dream. Success is solely a state of human consciousness.

What are you proud of in your practice?

I am proud of how I managed to transform myself. From the ugly duckling to what I like the most! I am proud that I have great willpower - I constantly play sports. I am proud of my listeners and friends. Imagine, someone rides on reindeer for 24 hours to my seminars in Yakutsk!

With this knowledge, how do you cope with difficult life situations?

No one is safe from them. But every day, when I open my eyes, I say: “Every day and in everything, my life is getting better and better.” I set myself a positive program and believe that everything will be fine. Great place My life is occupied by spiritual and energy practices: prayer and Chinese gymnastics - qigong.

About self-love

Is there really such power in knowledge that a person, having mastered it, can become happy?

Many people say: “Why do I need Feng Shui? I’m already doing well!” To which I can say, even if you are a millionaire, but you move into a house with bad feng shui, then all your millions can melt away within six months. I've encountered this myself. And the same thing happened to many of my clients. So feng shui is power. Loving yourself is easy. Loving yourself is natural. The first thing you need to learn is to stop criticizing yourself. Listeners often ask me: “Well, how can I love myself when I’m like this?” I answer: “When a person turns the light of love towards himself, the darkness in his soul dissipates. If a woman has emptiness in her heart, she will attract the wrong man. Don't assume that a man will come and make you happy. This doesn't happen! I talk and write about this all the time. Everything happens differently. You become happy: you have happy eyes, a graceful gait, you play sports, dance - you love yourself! And only then can you share the joy of life with someone else. When you share the joy of your existence, crowds of fans follow you. This is a real miracle!

About the principles

What is your daily routine?

Crazy! I'm rarely at home. In the morning, when I wake up, I read positive statements, then go to the bathroom for about forty minutes, where I continue to listen to audiobooks from my teachers. Then I sit down at the computer and work until two in the morning. I take time off from the computer for meetings, sports, visits to beauty salons... I can only write books at night. I sleep 6 - 7 hours.

With such a busy schedule, are you able to run a household?

For this I have wonderful assistants.

What principles do you adhere to in nutrition?

The main thing is to have time to eat. I prefer vegetables and fruits. I don’t eat sweets at all, although I really like them. I eat less meat than seafood.

Have you managed to meet the man of your dreams?

I'm very happy in family life. Happy that ours love relationship My husband and I are constantly evolving. Konstantin now lives in Moscow. He is a successful businessman. Things are going great for him and he always supports me.

From the point of view of Feng Shui, what can you say about Kazan and its inhabitants?

Kazan seems like a second Paris to me; there is nothing inharmonious in it. I also like that in Kazan they pay a lot of attention to sports. Your UNICS alone is worth it: it is on the rise! Kazan residents, unlike Muscovites and St. Petersburg residents, are more open and warm. By the way, people who profess Islam are very close to me. I have many Muslim friends from Kazan, from Turkey. And Kazan residents are as open as children to acquiring new knowledge.

About purpose in life

What else would you like to achieve in life? What's your next goal?

I want to become a popular singer. And she has already begun to realize her dream. In January, together with the famous author Igor Vasiliev, she began recording a disc, which will be called “Dreams”.

What does happiness mean to you now?

Happiness in my very life. I celebrate every day of my life - every minute spent with family, friends. I enjoy life! I drink life! Life is a holiday! Even when illnesses come, you understand that this is an opportunity to rethink something, to finally relax.

Pravdina offered affirmations that help people achieve success in all areas of life. Let's look at the most popular and effective positive statements for working with the subconscious.

Affirmations are well-formulated positive statements that are used to work with the subconscious. It is believed that replacing negative thoughts to positive ones, you can change the reality around you to a more favorable one.

Natalya Pravdina believes that the surrounding space is a mirror of your thoughts and beliefs. What you put out is what you receive. That is why it is so important to strive to eliminate negative attitudes from the subconscious and add positive ones.

How to use affirmations by Natalia Pravdina

There are certain recommendations that you need to follow to get results. It’s great if you learn how to make the right affirmations yourself, but not everyone succeeds on the first try. Therefore, you can first work through the ready-made statements of Pravdina.

  1. When you wake up in the morning, you can arbitrarily take any affirmation - it will become your motto for the entire next day. Read the text thoughtfully and carefully, think about why you chose this statement. Perhaps the Higher Powers want to give you some kind of signal
  2. Also read affirmations that suit your situation before going to bed. Out loud or to yourself - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that you fully concentrate on the thought, fill your consciousness with it, believe in magical power own subconscious
  3. After repeating the affirmations, close your eyes and start visualizing: draw in your mind pictures of the happy future you dream about. Imagine that happy events are already happening in your life

After this you can go to bed. Reading affirmations before bed will fill you with positive energy, you will receive a huge reserve of strength that you will need to solve the problems of the next day. The quality of your sleep will also improve.

Examples of positive statements

In her book, Natalya Pravdina talked about 48 affirmations that are suitable for all occasions.

Here are some of them:

  • To gain self-confidence: “I believe in myself, in my abilities and in powerful force my thoughts. This helps me get what I want and achieve my goals every day.”
  • To call for help from Higher powers: “I believe that my guardian angel always protects, protects me, helps me in all endeavors, fills me with love and faith”
  • For filling vital forces and energy: “My strength is growing every day. I attract love and luck. I accept and give love to everyone who inhabits this planet."
  • To create positive energy radiation around yourself: “I fill all the space around me with goodness. I get exactly what I give. I love people and they love me back."
  • To attract Divine help: “I believe that God is within me. He is always with me, he guides me along the right path, I have found my destiny and my lucky star protects me.”
  • To fulfill desires: “All my desires are fulfilled easily, for my and everyone’s good. I know what I want and I get it in simple ways."
  • To change your attitude towards everything that happens in life (changing negativity to positivity, leaving the role of a victim): “I always have time for the things that are important to me. I have clear goals and desires that meet the needs of my soul. Everything in my life happens on time."
  • For spiritual growth and harmony: “I am growing and developing, becoming stronger spiritually every day. My thoughts are free of limiting beliefs. I am an example of inner strength and harmony for the people around me."
  • To find happiness: “People rejoice at my appearance. When I am at peace, everything around me blooms and fills with light. I radiate happiness and harmony and share them with the people around me."
  • To find purpose and life mission: “My highest goal is in front of me and I do everything possible to achieve it. I know what I want and I go towards it step by step."
  • To gain youth, health and beauty: “I am getting younger every day, my skin is smoothing out, my health is getting better and better, I am becoming more attractive and looking fresh”
  • To forgive yourself and your offenders: “I am free from grievances, I sincerely forgive everyone, all my negative thoughts dissolve in a stream of light. I and the people around me are one whole in the world of Divine truth. I know how to forgive and do it all the time.”

Watch a video on how to create your own affirmation:

How to make a positive statement yourself

After you have practiced enough ready-made examples, you can begin to compose your own affirmations.

  1. The proposal must be written in the present tense and in the affirmative form
  2. Only in a positive way - you cannot wish bad things on yourself or anyone around you
  3. Avoid denials and negative language
  4. Your desire must be truly yours, ask only for what you want, do not try to meet the expectations of other people (mother, boss, husband or children)
  5. Start with simple things - first ask the Universe for little, and only then increase the “level of complexity”
  6. Repeat affirmations regularly. It is advisable to devote time to practice at least 10-15 minutes a day
  7. Pleasant music will enhance the effectiveness of working with thoughts, which will relax your mind and allow you to fully concentrate.

You can use affirmations for meditation. In a state of meditative trance and relaxation, the subconscious is most receptive to whatever you want to put into it.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: Focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Natalia Pravdina

I attract success! How to achieve success and realize your desires while having fun


There's one funny thing about sneaking around. If you choose only the best, then this is most likely what you will get.

Somerset Maugham

Hello, my dear readers!

I really hope that encountering this book will bring you good luck. It was written with faith and hope that everyone will find in it their own individual path to financial and personal freedom and to a new, joyful perception of the world, will gain strength and self-confidence, as I myself and many of my clients, readers and listeners managed to do.

I myself have gone from a weak, sickly girl, whom doctors did not give much chance not only for success, but also for a full active life, to a happy, healthy and successful woman who loves life and enjoys it to the fullest. The doctors, with all their gloomy forecasts, were wrong. I never believed their threatening diagnoses and lived as if all this did not apply to me, but to someone else who happened to have the same name. Because I didn’t believe the bad things about myself, I tried to live the way my intuition and my one and only body told me. Often this went against the recommendations of doctors, but I was always stubborn and went my own way. All my school and student life I was exempt from physical education, but little by little I started doing exercises myself, and then I became interested in tennis. Today I can’t imagine my life without fitness and practice yoga professionally. In other words, I focused on what I had and tried to develop and improve it in every possible way. Now I can happily report that the gloomy predictions of the doctors did not come true! The doctors couldn’t believe their eyes – my health had improved so much. And let’s not even talk about the mood. It is beautiful, joyful all the time and improves every day. As don Juan says in Carlos Castaneda's book: "I simply changed the way I thought about myself."

I can say with confidence that New Consciousness and Positive Thinking can change a person’s life beyond recognition. New, amazing friends appear, and everything that previously seemed an unattainable dream comes true with ease. Success in all endeavors becomes as natural as breathing.

Moreover, the path opens to a completely new vision of the world and oneself in it. After the first successes, a fabulous feeling of lightness and joyful understanding appears that we really create everything in our lives ourselves. Now, after a significant amount of time, I never cease to be amazed at how I managed to make all my dreams come true, guided by simple truths gleaned from books and seminars on Feng Shui.

In this book, I will be happy to tell you how to learn to change your life for the better. Now, looking back at my path, I understand that I often acted intuitively correctly, as if my Guardian Angel was telling me the right actions.

However, the turning point in my life was meeting and studying with the world famous Feng Shui Masters Yap Chen Hai and Lilian Tu. Of course, these meetings did not happen by chance, since the teacher always appears when the student is ready. I am very grateful to Feng Shui, this amazing science of earthly harmony. Feng Shui led me to the path that brings endless joy, prosperity and new opportunities in life. The fact is that the use of Feng Shui gives a person what he needs most.

While studying and practicing Feng Shui, I noticed that its goal is almost always to attract money and success, since by dealing with the energies of the Earth, Feng Shui masters can awaken earthly energy to attract success into their lives. Then I assumed that there is an independent energy of luck and abundance. And I turned out to be right!

The next step for me was to carefully study everything that has to do with the energy of money, life success and good luck. I was lucky enough to receive the most valuable knowledge about the high Art of Living. I began to understand that achieving success depends not so much on constant, exhausting, intense work, but on a certain state of consciousness and the mindset for an excellent result.

It was as if the heavenly gates to happiness had opened for me. And The more I learned, the more abundant the flow of information I received about Positive Thinking, Self-Love, and the Spiritual Laws of Success became.

The result of many years of Feng Shui practice and the practical application of positive psychology is my active work in disseminating this wonderful knowledge. Now I conduct seminars on Positive Thinking and Feng Shui in Russia, in the post-Soviet space, in Europe. I write books, sing and record mantras and songs, record CDs with yoga and qigong... You can’t list everything. However, I consider my greatest achievement to be the acquisition of absolute harmony and balance in my soul, which, in turn, attracts people I like, happiness, success and takes me to a new level of development in all areas of life.

Achieving success depends on the attitude towards results

I am very inspired by the fact that many of my dear readers and listeners are already telling me their own stories about miraculous transformations in their lives. Unemployed in the past - now a prominent leader (used mantras and positive attitudes); a patient with cancer in the past - today he is healthy and cheerful, writes books and inspires others; an unhappy, abandoned and deceived wife in the past - today a beautiful, confident and successful woman, lives in a luxurious mansion in the Mediterranean... And I have a lot of such examples. All this real people, their faces are now passing before my mind's eye. And I remember all their stories by heart. And it all once began with the first acquaintance at my seminars...

Many of those who turned to me for help found a way out of difficult situations.

A wonderful example of the creative influence of Feng Shui was my work with a manufacturing enterprise in St. Petersburg. At the time when I began to make changes in the office of the plant director, things were not going well, there were no orders, the enterprise practically did not work. A year after the introduction of Feng Shui, production indicators increased in an unprecedented way, the plant worked in three shifts, instead of laying off staff, workers were hired again for the first time in many years! Soon the enterprise became one of the most successful in St. Petersburg.

The combination of New Thinking and the use of Feng Shui techniques gives a stable positive effect. You are simply doomed to success if you use the technique that I offer you.

How to catch luck by the tail? How to experience satisfaction from an achieved goal and happiness from fulfilled hopes? How to rise above gray everyday life and soar in the shining space of Success?

Previously, this knowledge was possessed only by a select few, who did not seek to spread it among the uninitiated. If we compare this spiritual knowledge with rays of light, then very few of them came to Earth; they descended to people in thin rays.

But you and I are extremely lucky, since the flow of knowledge has expanded many times and turned almost into a waterfall of information. “He who has ears, let him hear!” Today there are many books on this topic; it is enough to name the works of the founders of the theory of New Positive Thinking and achieving prosperity and success - D. Carnegie, N. Hill, J. Murphy, L. Hay, D. Chopra...

The difference between this book is that I was able to superimpose the American experience on our domestic mentality. I am convinced that here in Russia, where they love fairy tales and miracles, we have every opportunity to successfully implement this technique. Moreover, I guarantee you that throughout the entire work on yourself you will experience bright, joyful and pleasant feelings. Numerous examples of my friends and followers are proof of this.

Among the noble teachers of humanity, on whose works and thoughts I relied when creating this book, I would like to mention the founders of the Christian Science Church in the USA, Mark and Elizabeth Prophet, the famous authors of books on positive thinking, Louise Hay, and Dr. Deepak Chopra, whose influence on the development of man The new type has yet to be fully appreciated.

With the help of my wise patrons from Subtle world I managed to find out, accumulate and apply it to own experience the most valuable information on achieving success and prosperity. I would like to convey this practical experience to you, my dear readers. I hope that your health will improve every day and you will begin to find more and more positive moments in your life. I love this amazing miracle - Life - and I try to spread this love to everything that surrounds me. I am sure that you will feel the beauty and charm of success and prosperity through your positive experiences. I wish you good luck and I believe in it.