Yesterday's episode of Lera Kudryavtseva's popular show "Secret for a Million" simply blew up the Internet. The fact is that the guest of the program was famous actress Elena Proklova, who has long been credited with having affairs with her most famous colleagues.

When Lera Kudryavtseva asked the heroine of the program whether she really had affairs with such famous actors, like Andrei Mironov, Alexander Abdulov, Oleg Tabakov, Oleg Yankovsky, Elena did not deny the rumors, answering the provocative question in the affirmative.

Unexpectedly for the audience, the 63-year-old actress shared details of her relationship with one of the most prominent actors in the country, Oleg Yankovsky.

Elena Proklova refused to destroy the family of Oleg Yankovsky

For a large army of fans, Oleg Yankovsky was and remains a true legend.

The actor whom thousands of women considered an image ideal man, lived his whole life with Lyudmila Zorina, whom he began dating while still a student at the Saratov Theater School.

The legendary actor invariably appeared at all social events, accompanied by members of his family, so yesterday’s revelations of Elena Proklova came as a real shock to fans of Oleg Yankovsky.

According to Elena Proklova, she had an affair with Oleg Yankovsky. The relationship was so serious that the actor persuaded his beloved to continue the pregnancy. However, Elena Proklova, who knew Yankovsky’s son and wife, decided to terminate the pregnancy and end the relationship.

Elena Proklova frankly admitted that it was a very painful decision:

I did it cruelly overnight and it hurt him. I'm sure he forgave me for this, he knew that he had no right to a second family

After the separation, Yankovsky and Proklova for a long time didn't communicate. Only at the funeral of Alexander Abdulov they managed to talk. Elena is sure that until the very last day There was still a place in Oleg Yankovsky’s heart for her.

Sometimes the revelations of famous people cause negativity in society. Elena Proklova's story about her affair with Oleg Yankovsky caused a huge number of indignant comments on the Internet. Viewers are outraged that the actress is opening up about her relationship with a man who is no longer alive:

You see, there are things in life that are not worth talking about. Well, don't. Be quiet...

“I didn’t want to hurt anyone,” Proklova insisted at first, saying that at that time Yankovsky had a wife and son. Now, does that mean pain can be caused? Let not only the wife and son listen, but also the grandchildren of the deceased.

Memories of those who have gone to another world are very annoying famous people, because they can’t answer anything...

Well, why all this, explain? For the sake of money or to take revenge on the late Yankovsky, who never got divorced and can no longer say anything? Or to humiliate his already middle-aged widow and amuse his vanity as an aged beauty? For what?

I don’t understand why these revelations and digging into dirty laundry. Yankovsky was married at that time, she would have kept quiet. This is obviously unpleasant for Yankovsky’s relatives and is not good for her image.

As a naive, enthusiastic child, she first came to the set. Before casting 12-year-old Proklova in the role of a charming pioneer in the film “They’re Ringing, Open the Door,” Alexander Mitta looked at almost ten thousand Soviet schoolgirls! Not finding his heroine among them, the director was indignant and appealed to the team. After another such scene, assistant director Viktor Proklov responded: “Well, what should I do now, bring my granddaughter to you?”

Lenochka gave the impression of a meek and naive child, but the entire film crew noted her extraordinary endurance and character. They were given to their girl by professional sports: at the time of filming, Lena was already a master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics. The coaches predicted high achievements for her, but fate had other plans for Lena.

A novel covered in mud

Proklova herself recalls her pure, first love with tenderness, never mentioning whether her affair with the brilliant Tabakov had intimate details.

Elena was barely 16, Oleg Pavlovich was 34, when Alexander Mitta approved both of them for the filming of “Shine, Shine, My Star.” There, they say, a serious romance began between the actors, in the midst of which Tabakov seduced the young Proklova.

She protests. They say it’s the gossip around intimate life a minor actress and an already famous actor prevented them from taking decisive action. But she recognizes the fact that Tabakov became her first true love, taught her to feel and got a place in her heart for life.

I wanted a dress

And Elena will get married a little later - at 17. The wedding was scheduled for her brother. The actress was organizing the celebration with her future daughter-in-law, and suddenly she herself wanted to show off in a “princess” dress. Proklova’s then-young man was her brother’s friend Vitaly Melik-Karamov My parents really liked it. The marriage was blessed. The Proklov sister and brother celebrated their wedding on the same day.

Family life I found Elena in her first year at the Moscow Art Theater School. My husband started demanding children from the first day. At the age of 18, the couple had a daughter, Arina.

It was a time of constant proposals and hard work. Elena left her daughter in the care of her parents, and she was constantly on set. “It seemed normal to me to be a Sunday mom. You bring sweets on the weekend, jeans from abroad, and you’ve already fulfilled your duty. In general, I’m a relative mom.” It must be said that Arina’s daughter argues with this statement.

Proklova’s husband was a supporter of the classic patriarchal family and tried to make sure that Elena took care of the house and children, and not creativity.

One day, in the heat of a family quarrel, he presented her with a choice: “Either me or the theater!” "Theater!" - Lena, tired of such a relationship, shouted, collected her things and the child and immediately left.

Love to death

The actress was in no hurry to start a new serious relationship after such a marriage. But she never ceased to be popular with men. It seemed as if the most talented actors fell at Elena’s feet, wandered around her in flocks, and loved her to the point of madness.

For example, someone who received main role in “Be My Husband,” Andrei Mironov chose his partner for filming himself, and settled on Proklova. Having tried to hit on the actress, he was surprised to discover that she was having an affair with the father of the boy Philip, who participated in the filming, a set designer Alexander Adamovich.

Married man love for Proklova forced her to leave the family. They lived together for two years, after which the duty of husband and father returned Adamovich to his French wife and two children.

Soon Elena received news of her lover's death. In her circle they still say: “Adamovich died of longing for Lena.”

Doctor Sasha

For a long time, Proklova perceived her second official husband only as an annoying admirer. He really fell in love with her acting talent at first, showered her with flowers and met her at the theater, which only caused the actress’s dissatisfaction. But for ten whole years he firmly believed that this was “his” woman and that she would come to him herself.

Time passed and my daughter grew up. One day, Arina was admitted to the hospital with a disappointing diagnosis: the girl had an ulcer. One of the actors, sympathizing with Elena, gave the address of the famous doctor Alexander Deryabin. Elena immediately rushed to him. Imagine her surprise when the door was opened by that same admirer.

At first, Arina began to recover, and then serious passion flared up between Sasha and Lena. They soon got married, but Arina didn’t like her stepfather: he put her on a tasteless diet, what kind of child would love such a doctor, Sasha?!


That marriage marked the beginning of a drama that would force Elena to leave the stage for eight long years. But everything started well: the young people began to dream of a child. The happiness of the couple knew no bounds when it turned out that Proklova was pregnant with twins! But after the birth it turned out that both sons were too weak to live. They died less than a minute after birth. Realizing this, Proklova lost consciousness.

Elena went into deep depression, the meaning of life was lost. She thought that God was punishing her in this way for her early glory, for her success.

Instead of being there and comforting his wife, Deryabin also closed in on himself. Later, Elena will say that at that time they both had somewhere to escape from grief, and at that time they had not yet acquired serious family traditions and warmth. The tragedy ended in divorce.


Elena went to her brother for reassurance. After some time she had to receive a guest. Her brother's friend, eight years younger than Proklova, struck her heart at first sight. The day after we met Andrey Trishin took her with him to St. Petersburg, and then to a long, happy life.

However, it didn't start out easy. The wedding of an ordinary builder and famous actress called misalliance. The new stepfather seemed very young to my daughter - he was only 25, the girl did not accept him. But that wasn't the worst thing.

The dark streak that began for Elena in her last marriage continued with Andrey. The long-awaited pregnancy ended with the birth of a weak son, who spent a whole week in a special box and then suddenly died. This time the right words of consolation were found. The tragedy brought the lovers closer together and forced them to fight for their happiness. But the next pregnancy brought Proklova to the hospital already in the sixth month, and an incorrect diagnosis deprived the happy couple of another child.

By the age of forty, the actress terminates all contracts and takes her health seriously. She will never regret the decision to leave both the stage and the camera. But a careful examination will reveal the cause of the series of tragedies: Lena’s blood is too thick, which simply does not pass through the placenta, which impedes the development of the fetus.

Second wind

Elena spent all nine months of her next pregnancy in the hospital. She endured 700 injections in the stomach, necessary to thin the blood and pass through vital elements for the child, and gave birth to a charming girl, Polina. I haven’t worked at full capacity for eight years. During the first six years I left the acting scene altogether and devoted myself to my family and children.

At the beginning of the 2000s, Elena Igorevna returned to the profession, began acting again, and also appeared on television as a presenter. Now her career is in perfect order.

Everything would have been fine if a year ago all the media had not announced that the actress had divorced her husband. She stated on camera that after thirty years of marriage their relationship had cooled, and read ex-husband new family.

Oksana Fandera, the wife of the director of the film “In Motion”, escaped from his unhealthy hysterics in the warm embrace of Konstantin Khabensky

The broadcast of the series “Mysterious Passion” has ended on Channel One. The project was long-awaited, but in reality it turned out to be a dummy. Alas, there are practically no positive reviews about the film. Although the cast was strong. But either the team led by director Vlad FURMAN (he became famous for directing several parts of “Gangster Petersburg” and “Agent national security") was not entirely coherent, or they were unable to feel the full depth of passions on the basis of which the rather thin script was written. In a word, there was no catharsis for the audience.

In this series, Philip YANKOVSKY, the son of Oleg Ivanovich, played well. He got the role of Yan Tushinsky, whose prototype was Evgeny EVTUSHENKO. Philip, of course, knows the poet personally thanks to his father. However, he has a lot to be grateful to the famous dad for. After all, it was he who saved his son’s marriage with Oksana FANDERA many years ago. And now she helped Philip emerge victorious in his battle with a terrible disease.

In 2009, shortly after pancreatic cancer killed Oleg Yankovsky, his son was diagnosed with follicular lymphoma. The disease is rare and unpleasant. In the last stages, bleeding growths begin to appear, plus hellish breaking pains throughout the body, plus a state of monstrous fatigue - as if I had been driving piles for three days without rest. But then, seven years ago, Philip refused treatment. Yes, the symptoms of the disease were not pleasing, but he learned to drown them out.

The son of the great Oleg Ivanovich developed a bad habit, which seemed to make Yankovsky’s life brighter and more fun, in his youth. When the parents found out, they sounded the alarm. But, for obvious reasons, they could not control every step and hour of the grown-up heir. Of course, dad and mom saw salvation in Oksana and the children she gave birth to from Philip. They thought that for the sake of their son Vanya and daughter Liza, Filippok would give up the nonsense that makes the mind cloudy.

Oleg Ivanovich, like no one else, understood: without Funders, this charming Odessa girl with big black eyes and a sensual mouth, his offspring will disappear. IN literally words. Only she knew how to find the key to her husband and, by some miracle, hide the family drama from the public. And she tried with all her might to prevent the destruction of this marriage. For taking care of his unlucky son, Yankovsky’s father thanked the beautiful Odessa girl like a king: he took him to expensive shops and bought various gifts. From the outside it seemed to everyone that Oleg Ivanovich had far from fatherly feelings for his young daughter-in-law. And she reciprocates his feelings. Of course, no one held a candle, but in this case everything was quite decent - Oksana has principles! No, no, we are not making a saint out of her, although living for so many years with a not entirely balanced spouse requires a lot of strength and patience.

People in acting circles say different things about Oksana. That she slept with unknown lighting crews and a director Roman Prygunov(who starred in the thriller “Loneliness of Blood” in 2002). And allegedly Prygunov later said that she was so sensual that during an orgasm she almost lost consciousness. By the way, at the same time, in 2002, Philip had a relationship with the singer Lena Perova, who starred in his directorial debut, On the Move. When good people informed Fandera about her husband’s hobby, she rushed to the set. I caught the infidel in an inappropriately aggressive state. If not Kostya Khabensky, who took Oksana to his room in time to wait out the storm and lick her wounds, that scene did not end well.

Chain of random events

However, Philip was never a “walker” like dad. Even in student years when his childhood friend Fedya Bondarchuk and classmates Volodya Mashkov Yes Valera Nikolaev They squeezed everything out of life to the fullest. He was modest and quiet. He preferred music and leisurely conversations over a glass of something inspiring to carnal pleasures. In 20-year-old Fander, he saw first of all a muse. But, of course, not ethereal. And with a delicious ass and other tempting curves.

“On his part, I felt a pathological curiosity about my figure,” Oksana recalled more than once. – For some reason, Philip was amused and greatly surprised by my excessive sociability, openness, smile, laughter and habit of kissing when we met. Over the many years of marriage, I realized one thing important thing: No matter how hard it is, you can’t give up. We must fight - for ourselves, for loved ones, for the sake of children, for the sake of general happiness. And Philip and I have it!

It was very difficult for the family in 2014. When Philip was taken to the hospital in serious condition and diagnosed with the third stage of the disease, which he brushed off for five years. When you are facing an abyss, the question is: “Why me?” - gets up by itself.

Igor YANKOVSKY, like his famous uncle, had problems with his son Denis - the guy even received a prison term for possession of drugs (in the photo Igor Rostislavovich with his German wife Evelyn)

– Lymphomas are not caused by lifestyle or bad habits. For example, smoking, as happens with lung cancer, says the doctor Vyacheslav Dymov. – You are not to blame for anything and did not do anything that could provoke the development of lymphoma. Lymphomas usually arise from a chain of random genetic events, but doctors have not yet been able to determine their sequence in each patient.

Genetics is a complicated matter. Just like karmic retribution. According to the laws of karma, as is known, their children always pay for the misdeeds of fathers. Usually with your health and problems in your personal life. Oleg Ivanovich lived for 47 years in marriage with Lyudmila Zorina and instilled in his son the “truth”:

- I must marry once and for all! And there can be thousands of novels. But only if they don't ruin your family life.

One day Yankovsky almost destroyed his. Because of Elena Proklova. Who slept with his nephew Igor. Zorina suffered inhumanly. You have to pay for this...

Mom's word

Then, in 2014, standing by the hospital bed of her son, who was almost not breathing, Lyudmila Zorina tightly squeezed his thin palm and said harshly:

“I won’t let anyone take my second beloved man away from me!” You will be treated as long as I live!

The words of the mother, the sobs of the wife, the phrase “We really need you, dad!”, sparingly pronounced in a manly manner by the matured bass voice of Vanya’s son, the rosy forecasts of the doctors - apparently everything played a role here.

Philip underwent seven courses of polychemotherapy, a serious restorative course of immunostimulating treatment in Israel.

- I'm back in action! – smiling charmingly, he told everyone the other day white light at the Moscow premiere of the thriller “Queen of Spades” Pavel Lungina, where his 26-year-old son played the main role. – Ready for big roles and new horizons. Thanks a lot to everyone who supported me. I will never forget your kindness and care. Now I will keep my health under strict control. I promise!

The actress who played the role of Larisa Ivanovna in the film “Mimino” refused to reciprocate Andrei Mironov, but lost to the “gypsy” Mihai Volontir

Elena Proklova had many affairs in her life, and her men were no less worthy than the legendary Budulai - Mihai Volontir. For example, few people know that Alexander Abdulov was passionately in love with her, although a long-term relationship did not work out. Alas, in search family Elena's happiness was destined to survive the most terrible test for a woman - the death of her children.

Proklova's first husband was Vitaly Melik-Karamov, whom she met at the age of 15. The oriental handsome man gained fame as a journalist and documentary director. And Lena was an all-Union star from childhood. She was lucky enough to star in Alexander Mitta’s film “They’re calling, open the door!”, which was a huge success. At the same time, the talented girl did not think about an acting career. She practiced artistic gymnastics, receiving the title of Master of Sports by the age of 11. And suddenly such a success!
Why out of hundreds of fans Elena chose Vitaly and married him at the age of 17 is difficult to say. But four years later the marriage broke up. Even the birth of his daughter Alina did not save him.

“He was too good and loved me too much,” Proklova said about Vitaly in an interview. - Kind oriental man, and I was such a joker. I think now he himself recalls with humor how he forbade me to kiss in the play “Valentin and Valentina.” When the question became clear - profession or family, we parted ways. I don't like edge questions.

Elena PROKLOVA with her husband Andrei TRISHIN and daughter Polina. By the way, Elena loves not only fishing, but also hunting. Photo: PhotoXPress

I want Larisa Ivanovna!

The marriage with MELIK-KARAMOV was not saved even by daughter Alina.

In 1977, the film “Mimino” was released on Soviet screens. Proklova has a cameo role there - a couple of shooting days, no more. But after that, the entire USSR repeated the phrase of the hero Vakhtang Kikabidze: “I want Larisa Ivanovna!” The blue-eyed flight attendant played by the 24-year-old actress has become the standard of female attractiveness. Elena Igorevna met her second husband just after the premiere of Georgy Danelia’s masterpiece. It turned out to be an outstanding physician - Alexander Savelov-Deryabin. One day a friend, actor Vsevolod Shilovsky, came to visit him. And with him - oh, God! - the same “Larisa Ivanovna”!

“I didn’t even hope for such a miracle!” - Alexander later recalled. — I couldn’t find a place for myself. She certainly sensed my passion.

Four years later, Proklova turned to an experienced physician for help - her daughter Alina was suffering from an ulcer. Alexander helped. And suddenly the doctor and the actress were irresistibly drawn to each other.

“This woman is so incredibly sexy,” Savelov-Deryabin says nostalgically. “She has a fabulous figure, fabulous skin... I’ll never forget how Lena greeted me from my business trip. She runs along the platform in a light dress, holding a huge armful of flowers. Everyone envy me: “God! This is..." Flowers are scattered on the platform, she jumps on my chest... There were so many threats! One criminal constantly called: “It will still be mine!”

Refused Andrey Mironov

On the set of the film “Be My Husband,” the actress began an affair not with Andrei MIRONOV, but with the father of the boy Philip (behind her back) - Alexander ADAMOVIC

The marriage cracked after a terrible tragedy. This happened after a joint visit by Alexander and Elena to an underground maternity hospital, where births took place in water fashionable then the method of Igor Charkovsky. Elena was pregnant and persuaded her husband to visit this dubious place. The couple found a half-dead woman there, who was trying to give birth in agony. Thanks to the efforts of Savelov-Deryabin, the unfortunate woman was saved. As is her child. But all this made such a shocking impression on Proklova that she had a miscarriage - she lost twin boys. This was very difficult for the spouses. And the breakup occurred on the set of the film “Be My Husband.” But not at all because of his partner in the film Andrei Mironov, as many people think. Although it was he who chose the actress to play the role of his beloved and persistently courted her. Later, Larisa Golubkina, Andrei’s then wife, admits that she felt something was wrong and rushed to Sochi for filming, where she found her sad, rejected husband.

Elena’s new chosen one was the father of the same boy who touchingly played the role of Proklova’s son, the artist Alexander Adamovich.

Punishment for vanity

Passion literally covered the lovers. For Elena's sake, the artist abandoned his French wife and two children. But the relationship lasted only two years. This is precisely the case when it was not possible to build happiness out of the misfortune of others.

Alexander SAVELOV-DERYABIN still loves PROKLOVA. Photo:

Alexander returned to the family and soon died... And Elena found solace with her brother’s friend, businessman Andrei Trishin. In 1985 they got married, and the actress became pregnant again. “We had a son,” Elena Igorevna recalled. “The doctors who delivered me that fateful time cried with me with happiness. For some reason, I then said that we would not rush to register the child, we would wait a little. And then, on the eighth day, they came to me and said that this had happened.” The son suddenly died... But this time there was a man nearby who was able to fill the void in his heart. Their union turned out to be so strong that together they were able to endure another blow of fate - a few years later, shortly before giving birth, she lost another son... Only in 1994 did fate reward them for all the torment: the long-awaited daughter Polina was born.
“I was rewarded for both the bustle and the feeling that everything in this life comes easy,” Elena admitted not so long ago. - Punishment, without which I would not exist. There would be a different person. And much less worthy.

Irina Yurevich, who played the role of the heroine Proklova’s rival in the film “Be Happy, Yulia!”, told how the filming of the piquant episodes took place:

— All the bed scenes went somehow naturally. Neither Elena nor I were embarrassed and didn’t do any doubles. For that time, these scenes were a revelation. Mihai played as seriously as if he was living life. After filming, we didn’t see each other again, but I heard that he was sick. I wish him to get better!

Golden wedding in the hospital

As Efrosinya Alekseevna admitted, she and Mikhai had love at first sight:

“It was real, pure, romantic love.” Once he saw me, his eyes became misty. After four months of dating, Mihai wrote me two sentences in the middle of the sheet, the meaning of which was that I should marry him. I realized that I was in a trap. So beautiful, wavy hair. But most importantly: he thought like me. Mihai and I are very similar. The newlyweds did not have a wedding - after the registry office they immediately left for filming. — It was in 1960. There was no celebration - they lived like Spartans back then, sharing one apple and one pear between two. There is no apartment, the salary is low. But if everything was smooth, it would not be interesting. I never stuck my head out in front of my husband, I knew my place.

After the release of “Gypsy,” viewers married the actor to Klara LUCHKO

Many people told me that I should be set as an example. We got married in 1990. This could not be done under Soviet rule in Moldova, so we left for Romania. There the priest performed the ceremony.
Two years ago, Euphrosyne and Mihai celebrated their golden wedding. Alas, the celebration, as on the day of registration, did not work out, because the actor was unwell.

“We celebrated our golden wedding in the hospital,” recalls Efrosinya Alekseevna. “I still go to him every day to cheer him up.” This is my cross, and I must bear it with dignity. There is only one piece of news: they started using fewer IVs, but the council has not yet decided how to treat further. What would you like? Four operations in St. Petersburg, one in Moscow and three in Chisinau.

Irina YUREVICH (right) played PROKLOVA’s rival

Faith will save you

By embroidering icons, Efrosinya Alekseevna believes that by doing this she is saving her husband:

— I have been baptized since childhood. And I have an outlet in life: I either knit or embroider icons. When he was in intensive care last Easter, I started knitting a napkin with roses for the table. For eight months it lay unfinished. And at the hospital I tied her up. Otherwise I would have gone crazy there. I couldn’t read, so I found a hook and started knitting. I named the tablecloth “Renaissance”. Mihai says so: you are my guardian angel. He has another patron - the Holy Archangel Michael. Me and faith in God brought him back from the other world. Mihai is my heart. I feel it, I foresee the beginning of deterioration. He wonders: “How do you know?” How not to know: so many years side by side.