The name Christina for a girl is sonorous and unusual. The child will be a bright personality in the future. And this is confirmed by the fact that many are known famous people with the same name - Christina Medici, Alchevskaya, Goryunova, Stewart, Aguilera, Orbakaite, Asmus and others.

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The meaning of the name Christina comes down to a Greek word that translates as “in honor of Christ,” “Christian,” “born and dedicated to Christ.” The initial option is Christina. It appeared just with the spread Christian faith. But the name Christina is a European version of this ancient church name. In ancient times, the daughter of a peasant from poor family. But for girls from the noble class they did not use such a name.


    Christine's life is usually difficult. Since childhood, the child is taciturn, very observant and curious, but is in no hurry to open up to other people. Christina is shy. The girl really needs praise. Plays for her great importance what teachers and parents think about her. Christina handles things carefully. Gradually she will take on some of the housework.

    Studying is easy for Christina, especially in the humanities. From time to time she develops various hobbies to which she gives everything free time. Such people grow up developed, purposeful and talented.


    WITH strangers she is very reserved. At work he behaves distantly. But it is precisely those close to her, whom she loves very much, who know what an ardent and temperamental nature is hidden under a calm appearance. Christinas are characterized by arrogance and a certain temper from childhood, but after some time, thanks to their upbringing, they manage to smooth out such “sharp corners” in their character. Women with this name are quite sociable - they get along well with other people.

    For some, such a beautiful and sonorous name evokes slight hostility or even envy, so a representative of the fair sex needs the ability to stand up for herself and respond to offenders. Otherwise, Christina will turn into a person with a lot of complexes.

    The name has strong energy, so such a person will have good resistance to stress. Throughout his life he will try to get into high society, to confirm his chosenness. Even if the girl remains an ordinary housewife, she will still consider herself special. Quite often it happens that Christina, in pursuit of a great goal, simply does not pay attention to ordinary human happiness and does not enjoy everyday things.

    But this does not mean that Christina is only a dreamer. In life, she relies only on herself, so she is a very reasonable and purposeful person. She even becomes a perfectionist to some extent. Such a girl can easily calculate not only her own steps, but also events several stages ahead. Thanks to this, she makes thoughtful decisions.

    Christina tries to adhere to all the rules that are accepted in society. She respects traditions family values. There is practically no inclination towards adventurism. People around her consider Christina conservative.

    This woman:

  1. 1. She has a strong character, but reacts painfully to any criticism in her direction. She is very touchy, and remembers such unpleasant moments for a very long time. But even in the most difficult situation this person will not be rude or rude. But he won’t tolerate this from others either. She always strives for justice. Moreover, her own foundations are much more important to her than friendship.
  2. 2. Has good health, but there is a tendency to various infectious diseases (viral and bacterial). In old age, problems with the lungs and bronchi appear, and joints begin to ache.


It is difficult for Christina to trust the people around her - she does not keep secrets with anyone. It is difficult for her to find “her” person so that their compatibility is maximized. But if she is attracted to a man, then she completely devotes herself to family life. She tries to choose a husband for herself who is well off financially. She will never be lonely.

Meaning of the name Christina: this name for a girl means “baptized,” “Christian,” “dedicated to Christ.”

Origin of the name Christina: Latin.

Diminutive form of name: Kristya, Kristinochka, Kristenka, Chris.

What does the name Christina mean? Sometimes the name can be pronounced as Christiana or Christiana - this is typical for Catholic countries. It is also known that in ancient times the name characterized a poor person, as it sounded like the word “peasant”. So, aristocrats didn’t call their children that. There was a period when the name completely disappeared from the Russian language, but then it became fashionable again, and then aristocrats also began to use it. At the same time, Christina, on the contrary, began to look respectable. Even now, despite the fact that, for example, in Russia foreign words are more popular, the name has not gone out of fashion.

A girl with this name is interested in everything from painting to reupholstering furniture; she enjoys attending master classes and meeting other participants. The girl keeps up with the times and chooses ultra modern professions. Kristinochka is looking for a reliable man for marriage, but she is unlikely to give up building a career.

Angel Day and patron saints named: The name Christina celebrates name days several times a year:

  • January 6, 15
  • February 19
  • March 13, 26
  • May 31
  • June 13
  • July 24
  • August 6, 18
  • 27th October
  • December 15

The Catholic Saint Christina the Miraculous is very revered in Western Europe, considered the patroness of doctors and psychiatrists. It is believed that prayers to her can cure a person of nervous and mental disorders.

Zodiac: Aries, Scorpio.

Characteristics of the name Christina

Positive features: Kristinochka has sufficient strength of character. It is characterized by elitism and selectivity. The name Christina bestows aristocracy. The girl attaches great importance to style.

Negative features: What character traits does the meaning of the name Christina determine? Ambition and arrogance make the situation worse. She has to constantly defend her positions, views and beliefs. The girl knows how to stand up for herself if necessary, and can successfully make sarcastic remarks, which often offends people. If her parents do not develop her natural inclinations in childhood, then she can turn into a timid, complex person.

Personality of the name Christina: The meaning of the name Christina from the point of view of numerology is determined by the number 6, which indicates that its owner will successfully go through life if she manages to win recognition from others. Actually, this is exactly what Kristinochka will try to achieve with all her might. Very often she manages to become a civil servant and occupy not the very last post. WITH early years the girl is different philosophical views, analytical thinking. But it is important that their words coincide with deeds, since society still expects Christina to implement her goals and plans. She attaches great importance to honesty, considering it better than ambition, and rarely resorts to radical measures in achieving her goal. A woman named Christina almost always literally radiates cheerfulness and positivity, justifying the position and work that they have. But almost always she strives forward, not being satisfied with what she already has. This happens due to the fact that the girl’s character contains such qualities as complacency and self-satisfaction.

In general, the person with the name grows up to be very active and quick-witted and has a good memory. The owner of this name makes decisions thoughtfully and easily establishes contacts with other people. In her personal life, she is quite changeable and feels the need for her feelings to be mutual. A girl falls in love quickly enough, but she can also become disappointed in a man almost instantly. Her temperament is very difficult.

Christina and her personal life

Compatible with male names: The union of the name with Arseny, Bartholomew, Venedikt, Vladlen, Gerasim, German, Evgraf, Eremey, Efim, Karp, Kasyan, Lavrenty, Mitrofan, Rurik, Sidor, Terenty is favorable. The name Christina also goes with Felix. Complex relationships of the name are likely with Adam, Adrian, Korney, Martin, Mirko, Tryphon, Fedot, Eldar.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Christina promise happiness in love? Family doesn't matter much to her. Behind her vain aspirations, Kristinochka may not notice simple family happiness, which, as it will certainly become clear over time, cannot replace even the most tremendous success and fame.

A girl with this name values ​​family very much and does not like strangers invading her personal life with their recommendations. She often cannot reach mutual understanding with her mother-in-law. As for the husband, in the vast majority of cases he is very jealous of the girl, which is the reason for conflicts.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Most likely, a woman will feel the need to achieve a high position in society, for which she may choose some fashionable profession or simply strive to establish communication with people from high circles. Even if she doesn’t succeed and fate assigns her the role of an ordinary housewife, such dreams will not leave Christina. It’s just that in this case, Kristinochka will consider her life unsuccessful and in vain.

Business and career: She is unlikely to need money. A girl can ensure a stable financial position for herself.

Health and energy

Health and talents: The meaning of the name Christina from a medical point of view. “Autumn cats” may have frequent ear infections, their ears are very weak and susceptible to any breeze. She suffers from sinusitis, so she definitely needs to have her polyps removed. The “November” girl grows up very capricious and hot-tempered. She is susceptible to colitis, and sometimes hemophilia, a blood disease, is observed.

“December” - when eating, she can scratch and spit out if she doesn’t like it. When playing with children, he may pull out toys. You should pay attention to this and show the girl to a psychologist and neurologist. She has diathesis and dermatitis, so you shouldn’t give her chocolate. “Winter” Christina is growing up as a very difficult girl; no screams affect her, so you only need to talk to her in a calm tone. In infancy, such a girl may suffer from croup.

"Mayskaya" having a name is predisposed to infectious diseases, to sore throat, which is transmitted to her by genotype from her parents. Some people have heart problems in early childhood. Some of these girls suffer from performance disorders gastrointestinal tract, it is also passed down genetically from the mother. There is no need to sound a strong alarm - after three to four years, the functioning of the stomach improves on its own. You can be examined by a doctor to know for sure that there are no special deviations. The "April" girl has a predisposition to osteochondrosis, which can cause other diseases. Sometimes there are problems with teeth - incorrect bite, uneven teeth.

“Yanvarskaya” - does not like strangers, does not go into their arms, can cry until they leave her alone. At the age of 3 years, enuresis is possible as a consequence of fright or nervous shock. The spring system is especially weak. A woman named Christina is prone to infectious diseases, most often suffering from measles. Be careful, complications are possible that will affect the musculoskeletal system. Kristinka should not be given chocolate in large quantities; she may have severe diathesis.

A “March” girl may have sinusitis. She is also susceptible cardiovascular diseases. There may be ischemia at the age of 7-8 years. She may have giardiasis since she loves animals very much. You need to keep her hands clean. She doesn't have a very good appetite, but you don't need to force feed her; if she gets hungry, she'll ask for it herself. She Christina is vocally gifted and endowed with good hearing, which will manifest itself later.

Summer - prone to scoliosis, you should pay attention to this in time, because the girl may develop dystrophy of the shoulder girdle. She has complex nature, contradictory, persistent. When talking to her, you should not be harsh or harsh; calm intonation and a persuasive tone have a much better effect on her. A girl often has a difficult relationship with her mother. Perhaps this is due to the fact that she was named after her mother. The girl constantly lies to her mother, they can have a big fight.

Christina's fate in history

What does the name Christina mean for a woman's destiny?

  • Kristina Kosach is a poet of Belarusian origin.
  • Kristina Šmigun-Vähi is an Estonian athlete, skier, who is a two-time Olympic champion and world champion.
  • Kristina Orbakaite is a Russian performer, daughter of singer Alla Pugacheva.
  • Christina Maria Aguilera – American singer, known as Christina Aguilera. Is the owner large quantity music awards and prizes.
  • Christina Lilley is an American actress who most often starred in Latin American melodramas.
  • Kristen Stewart is an actress known for her role as Bella in the Twilight saga.

Christina in different languages ​​of the world

Translation to different languages has a similar meaning and sound. On English language translated as Christine, in Catalan: Cristina, in Czech: Kristina, in Danish: Christine, French: Christine.

Christine's predominant personality traits are activity and intellectuality, they are patient, shy and reserved.

The name Christina means “dedicated to Christ,” “Christian.”

Origin of the name Christina:

The name came into our speech from the ancient Greek language during the development of Christianity in Rus'.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Christina:

Even as a child, Christina was withdrawn and taciturn. In appearance and character she resembles her mother, but often reaches mutual understanding with her father. She gives the impression of being “inhibited” - she needs a little more time to think than other children. Despite this, Christina is savvy and quick-witted. She may seem offended, but in reality she is simply in her inner world and is completely happy with life. She is a little lazy in her studies, but is diligent and patient, and gets to the heart of things.

Christinas are realists, with both feet on the ground. They are careful and hardworking in their work, prone to scientific activities. One of their main features is diligence. They are also good at teaching - Christina is a good mentor and knows how to find a common language with children. They plan their careers carefully, do not trust emotions and rely only on reason. They rarely follow other people's advice, they are independent and persistent. They do not achieve success immediately, but stubbornly move towards their goal. Rational, sometimes boring. Failures rarely cause them to panic; Christinas are collected and businesslike. Dreams and fantasies are not for them; for Christine, only really existing things are significant.

Typical Christina is conservative, in mature age- to the point of philistinism. She does not strive to make friends; she feels most comfortable in a male group. She does not tolerate shamelessness, she is capable of deep offense, like an enemy she is vengeful, inventive and insidious. He often builds a wall around himself and does not allow anyone to get to know his feelings and experiences. She selects her friends carefully, is devoted to them, prefers to plan joint meetings, does not like impulsiveness and thoughtlessness. Christina is well-mannered and respects the requirements of etiquette. Her own moral principles are more important to her than friendship; in her beliefs, Christina is unshakable and unshakable. Her own competence is important to her and she is susceptible to criticism.

In love, Christina is strict and picky. Pays great attention to the rules of public morality. IN opposite field seeks reliability and attentiveness. Highly values ​​manifestations of self-love and feels the need for hidden tenderness. What is important to her, first of all, is the confidence that she is loved and appreciated; she attaches secondary importance to words. Not inclined to attribute the slightest echoes sexual relations in public, in bed she is gentle and temperamental.

Christina loves her family very much and turns her home into her fortress. Does not tolerate sudden and uninvited visits, any surprises, chaos and laxity in everyday life, does not allow strangers into family life. Sometimes she is overly demanding of her husband, which can cause conflicts. Raises children carefully. She values ​​her husband’s reliability and smooth family life more than fleeting crushes. Betrayal hurts her deeply.

Christines, born in winter, are mysterious, thoughtful and silent. “Autumn”, in addition to this, are pedantic and neat. “Summer” bearers of the name are good-natured and charming, “spring” ones are amorous and romantic, talented in art.

Men named Anatoly, Lev, Peter and Gleb suit her well, less so - Gregory, Anton and Thomas.

Starting from the very early childhood, reveals a far from simple personality. An active, cheerful, smart little girl never ceases to amaze her loved ones with her photographic memory. This female name periodically rises to the peak of popularity, after which it remains in the shadows for several years.

Accordingly, in order to compare the interpretation with the characteristics of behavior specific person You won’t have any difficulties finding an example.

Origin of the name Christina

The name Christina is a Russian pronunciation female name Christina. The name Christina is derived from the Latin name Christianus, meaning “Christian.” In the Greek version, the name already sounded like Christina. This name is also sometimes pronounced Christiana (Christiana).

Previously, peasants in Rus' used the word Christina to call ordinary people. Over time, it left the Russian language. Having returned as a name, it began to carry a foreign connotation with a share of aristocracy. Despite the fact that today in Russia native Russian names are becoming increasingly popular, the name Christina has not gone out of fashion.

The diminutives Tina and Nana are also independent names, and the address Anya is a short form of many names as feminine (Floriana, Juliana, Androna, Anisya, Anfima, Diana, Kiriana, Liana, Viviana, Liliana, Rufiniana, Feliciana, Anna, Susanna, Juliania and others), and male (Angius, Fabian, Christian).

Christina's character is reminiscent of her mother's. She is a smart, active girl, with excellent developed memory. She is very observant, although from the outside it seems that she is shy. Makes decisions thoughtfully. The owner of this name easily establishes contacts with strangers.

In her personal life, Christina is quite changeable. She feels the need for mutual feelings. At the same time, he falls in love and is disappointed very quickly. Christina can be difficult to understand. She has a difficult inner world and a stormy temperament.

Many men pay attention to Christina. She doesn't like her friends to invade her privacy. Christina values ​​her family. She often comes across a jealous husband. They cannot always find mutual understanding with their mother-in-law. Winter Christines usually give birth to girls.

The secret of the name Christina

Outwardly, Christina looks like her father. She is agile and smart, has an excellent memory. Christina loves life and never panics, no matter what happens. This is a realistic woman who does not give in to daydreaming.

Christina thinks about her every step; it is quite difficult for her to instantly respond to a task. Christina easily gets along with strangers and quickly falls in love. But she also quickly becomes disillusioned with them. She needs tenderness and love. If she is not there, Christina considers her life incomplete.

It is quite difficult to penetrate into Christina’s inner world; she hides her feelings. Such women always have male attention and many lovers. Christina's husband is very jealous. Christina values ​​her family and does not let other people into it.

  • Zodiac: Gemini
  • Name color: silver
  • Emission: 97%
  • Planets: Jupiter
  • Talisman stone: andalusite
  • Plant: cypress
  • Totem animal: elephant
  • Main character traits: will, intuition, excitability

Numerology of the name Christina

Holders of the name number 6 are distinguished by calmness and sanity. Sixes value stability, customs and traditions. For them, honesty and good name more expensive than immediate benefits. They never resort to radical methods of solving problems, preferring the liberal path.

Sixes are no different leadership qualities, however, they are capable and diligent workers. There are arrogant and self-satisfied “sixes”, but for most of them the main guideline in life is family and a small circle of loyal and devoted friends.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Christina

TO- endurance, which comes from fortitude, the ability to keep secrets, insight, the “all or nothing” life credo.
R- the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the essence; self-confidence, desire to act, courage. When carried away, a person is capable of taking stupid risks and is sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.
WITHcommon sense, the desire for a strong position and material security; in irritation - imperiousness and capriciousness. It is important for a person to find his own path in life.
T- intuitive, sensitive, creative person, a seeker of truth who does not always balance desires and possibilities. The symbol of the cross is a reminder to the owner that life is not endless and one should not put off until tomorrow what can be done today - act, using every minute effectively.
AND- subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.
N- a sign of protest, inner strength not to accept everything indiscriminately, a sharp critical mind, interest in health. He is a hard worker, but cannot stand “monkey work.”
A- a symbol of beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.

Translated from Greek - “Christian”.

Christina is very similar in appearance to her father, but her character is maternal: she, like her mother, is active, quick-witted, sometimes unpredictable, and has an excellent memory. This is a cheerful woman who doesn’t do anything hastily and doesn’t panic.

She stands firmly on the ground and does not waste time building castles in the air. Christina does not have an instant reaction; she usually takes some time to make a decision. While giving the impression of being shy, even timid, in reality Christina simply observes, listens and remembers everything.

In society, these women quickly get along with strangers, but prefer a few selected friends. They quickly fall in love and just as quickly become disappointed.

Such women feel a constant need for tenderness and love with corresponding external manifestations. It is difficult to penetrate into their inner world; it is not always possible to understand what they are thinking about.

However, behind Christine's external impenetrability, a stormy temperament is often hidden. These women are not ignored by men's attention, and they come across jealous husbands... Christina loves friendships to look beautiful, and cannot stand shameless intrusions into her life. She values ​​family, but does not get along well with her mother-in-law.

Winter Christinas are married twice, they have daughters and very rarely sons. It works out best family life Autumn Christines - they tend to avoid open conflicts and give in to their husband in everything.

These women always need someone they can rely on - a person who would help them create a reliable and cozy family home.

Character: 85%

Radiation: 78%

Vibration: 63,000 vibrations/s

Color: yellow.

Basic features: intelligence - activity.

Type: women named Christina are phlegmatic, they have inhibited excitability and a somewhat slow reaction. They don’t do anything hastily and don’t panic. They stand firmly on the ground and do not waste time on illusory dreams.

Psyche: It’s not always possible to understand what these women are thinking. When they are silent, they appear to be angry about something, when they are simply watching and listening. They look timid, timid, although they have huge internal reserves; it is possible that they lack self-confidence.

Will: strong, but often not enough to achieve the goal.

Excitability: below average. They need time to understand the problem and make a decision. Very impressionable and reserved.

Speed ​​reaction: weak, as well as excitability. They do not count on any extraordinary luck: They achieve success through perseverance and diligence, although it comes a little late.

Activity: Such women need time to demonstrate their capabilities.

Intuition: Without relying on inspiration alone, they carefully plan their affairs and actions.

Intelligence: They have a more masculine mentality. They get along well with the team, giving preference to men. An analytical mind gives them the ability to patiently delve into details.

Susceptibility: These are not the girls who pester their parents with the question: “Do you love me?” They need tenderness and love without any special external manifestations. It is better to avoid collisions with such women, as they are vindictive and do not know how to forgive.

Moral: adhere to principles that many consider philistine.

Health: average and must be monitored from childhood. They require prolonged exposure to the fresh air, walks, and sports. Prone to osteochondrosis and susceptible to viral diseases.

Sexuality: This is a secret area of ​​their nature; they cannot stand it when someone intrudes into it. However, behind the inscrutability lies a violent temperament.

Field activities: they are attracted scientific activity. They can become scientists, electronics engineers, or exemplary teachers. They should not be disturbed in their choice of profession.

Sociability: Prefer a few selected friends. They like their friendships to look beautiful and cannot stand the shameless intrusions of their friends.

Additionally: They value family, they make strict but fair mothers. They need someone they can rely on, a person who would help them create a reliable and cozy family home.

Christina has sufficient strength of character. It is characterized by aristocracy and even elitism, selectivity and, as they say, stylishness.

Negative traits of the name

Christina's ambition and arrogance make the situation worse. Christina has to constantly defend her positions, views and beliefs. She knows how to stand up for herself if necessary, and can successfully make sarcastic remarks, which often offends people.

If her parents do not develop her natural inclinations in childhood, then she can turn into a timid, complex person.

Choosing a profession by name

Most likely, a woman with this name will feel the need to achieve a high position in society, for which she may choose some fashionable profession or simply strive to establish communication with people from high circles.

Even if she doesn’t succeed and fate assigns her the role of an ordinary housewife, such dreams will not leave Christina. It’s just that in this case she will consider her life unsuccessful and in vain.

The impact of a name on business

Christina is unlikely to need money. She can ensure a stable financial position for herself.

The influence of a name on health

Psychology of a name

Christina often reacts very painfully to comments addressed to her, but she can completely melt from compliments. It would be useful for her to remember to be careful, otherwise someone will certainly take advantage of her weakness, hiding a cunning calculation behind her flattery.

Name forms

  • Full name: Christina.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Krista, Kristi, Kristinka, Khristina, Hristya, Kristinochka, Krisya.
  • Declension of the name - Christina, Christina.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Khrestina.

The name Christina has Latin roots. It is a feminine derivative of Christian (derived from Christianus), meaning "Christian". Translated from Greek, it has the same meaning, as well as “dedicated to Christ”, “follower of Christ”. The name is very popular all over the world, and Russia is no exception.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Virgo
  • Patron Planet: Saturn
  • Talisman stone: jasper, amber
  • Color: brown, orange
  • Plant: heather, hot pepper
  • Animal: dog, rooster
  • Favorable day: Tuesday

Character traits

The secret of the name is revealed when meeting its bearer. As a child, Kristina is a smart and very talented girl. She is distinguished by her careful attitude towards all things and toys. At school he stands out for his photographic memory, studies well, and also attends various clubs. An adult representative of this name has a deep inner world and the need for self-expression. In terms of her energy, she is a strong, bright and kind girl. She is characterized by a strong character, often equated to the male type.

Christina's positive qualities: cheerfulness, mobility, intelligence, loyalty, sociability, observation and responsiveness. She is always in good mood and gets along with people easily. You can achieve her favor by resorting to compliments and gifts.

Christina can be described as a mysterious woman. She is timid, impressionable, withdrawn and silent, but an invisible inner strength is hidden in her. He approaches life optimistically. Likes to plan everything in advance and always demonstrates independence. The presence of aristocracy is manifested in impeccable taste and style in clothing. She is always elegant and follows the latest fashion trends. She knows how to appreciate and cherish friendship and carries this quality through her entire life, continuing to meet and take care of close friends.

Negative character traits of Christina: arrogance, touchiness, hot temper and lack of self-confidence. She is sensitive to criticism and comments and worries about this for a long time.

Interests and hobbies

The girl loves to spend time with her friends. Prefers active sports and fitness. Her hobbies include reading books and magazines.

Profession and business

In the work sphere, Christina demonstrates all her perseverance and hard work. She is interested in fashionable modern professions. He achieves great success in medicine, journalism, scientific and teaching activities. For her, an important criterion for choosing a place of work is also the level wages. If he is low and does not correspond to her ideas, she will never get a job there. The profession of an engineer, diplomat and massage therapist suits her. She can become successful in business if she shows confidence and determination.


Christina is in average health. She often suffers from colds, pneumonia and osteochondrosis.

Sex and love

The representative of this name is quite amorous in nature. She is surrounded by numerous suitors and admirers. Her feelings for her chosen one quickly flare up, and just as quickly her interest in him fades away and disappointment sets in. In relationships with the opposite sex, Christina uses a mask, under which she hides her sensuality, tenderness and femininity. Therefore, only for real loving man able to open it true face. She only falls in love with a strong, self-confident guy with good and stable material income.

Family and marriage

Christina considers family the most important value in life. For a serious relationship, she chooses a man who can become a patron and protector for her, and who can always be relied upon, create a strong and friendly family. To do this, she is even ready to yield to him in everything and show gentleness in her character. She takes the search for her other half as responsibly as possible. She makes a caring and tender wife. She treats children with special love and maternal severity. For the sake of her loved ones, she is ready to do crazy things. Her house is always warm, cozy and comfortable. If the spouse is financially wealthy, Christina is a good housewife and an excellent mother to her children.