Safety in any organization is the basis for its smooth and efficient operation. In order to record employees' familiarization with it, a special document is used, which is called the safety briefing log.

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What is “safety precautions”

The definition of “safety precautions” means a set of certain rules, drawn up in the form of a single document, which employees of the enterprise are obliged to comply with when fulfilling their labor functions. These rules are usually developed at the very beginning of the organization’s creation and are based on individual legal norms and the specifics of the company’s work.

Safety precautions reflect the measures that must be taken when working with certain devices, equipment, information about the means personal protection, the procedure for action in the event of life-threatening or health-threatening situations.

Not all company employees are required to undergo this type of training, but only those who have direct access to production lines or some equipment. But, for example, such briefings are usually not carried out for office workers.

Most often, safety training is in demand at enterprises with hazardous and harmful working conditions (chemical, biological, physical or radiation).

General information about training

The first safety briefing is carried out in conjunction with other types of briefings directly upon hiring. At its core, it provides theoretical and practical training in the fundamentals that help staff comply safe mode when performing labor functions. Without a mark on its completion, an employee cannot be allowed to perform work. At the same time, instruction is not a one-time thing; over time or for objective reasons (for example, when changing equipment or introducing new technologies), it can be repeated several times.

The briefing can be carried out individually or in a group; all employees who have completed it must attest to this fact in the safety briefing log.

The duration of the briefing is determined on a case-by-case basis.

Failure to comply with safety rules by an employee gives the organization's management the right to apply one of the forms of disciplinary action to him (a reprimand, a reprimand, or even dismissal - in particular difficult cases). In addition, if the employer suffered material damage as a result of the violation, he also has the right to recover compensation from the subordinate.

What is a magazine for, its importance

The importance of the journal is difficult to overestimate. It records the fact that all employees performing their duties in difficult or dangerous production conditions received the necessary training in a timely manner and in full. Thus, it serves as a direct basis for allowing a particular employee to work and, in some way, relieves the organization’s management of responsibility for the occurrence of unforeseen situations.

The absence of a log of safety briefings during inspections by the labor inspectorate or other supervisory authorities can lead to punishment by the company's management, which is usually expressed in the form of a fairly large fine.

Who is responsible for maintaining the document?

Responsibility for the formation and maintenance of the journal, as a rule, rests with the same employee who conducts these same instructions.

That is, an occupational safety engineer or a specialist in the personnel department (it is these employees who are most often involved in preparing personnel for work). In addition, the responsibility for conducting safety training may be assigned to the head of the structural unit (workshop, site), under whose leadership the person being instructed will work.

How to make a journal

There is no unified magazine template, so representatives of organizations can create it in any form without any problems. But if the company’s management offers its own unique sample document, then it is necessary to use it.

Design features

There are also no conditions specified in the law regarding the design of the magazine, i.e. it can be “drawn” by hand, or it can be done in electronic form. If the second method is chosen, the prepared form must be printed, since employees who have been instructed must be able to sign on it.

The journal is formed in a single original copy; no additional copies are made.

If you are faced with the need to compile a safety briefing log that you have never encountered before, check out the sample and read the explanations - taking them into account, you will create what you need without much effort.

At first everything is standard. Indicate in the document:

  • Name of the organization,
  • position and full name of the employee who is responsible for conducting safety briefings and keeping a log,
  • the date when the above journal was opened (after the end, also do not forget to put the appropriate mark).

The main section of the document is formed in the form of a table, which is compiled arbitrarily, i.e. the number of rows and columns in it is not limited. But the log must contain the following items: the date of the briefing, position, full name of the employee who completed it, and exactly the same information about the instructor. In addition, both of these people must sign the form. Other information that can also be added to the journal remains entirely at the discretion of the document creator.

The list of local regulations, magazines and instructions on labor protection required for each enterprise depends on the specifics of its activities and on what professional specialties are involved in production processes. List of safety logs that will need to be filed in general case, is given in this article.

The article addresses the following questions:

  • What occupational safety magazines should the enterprise have?
  • Description of occupational safety journals;
  • The procedure for preparing and maintaining labor safety journals.

List of occupational safety magazines that should be in the enterprise

Since labor protection at an enterprise is a system that ensures the safety of the life and health of personnel in the process labor activity, it is regulated by a number of documents. The list of documentation includes regulations, orders, programs, regulations and journals. Occupational safety journals are designed to record and record work related to compliance with occupational safety and health regulations. They are necessary for operational control in the field of labor protection and for compliance with the established deadlines for conducting training. The forms of occupational safety journals, which are necessary in most cases, are approved by regulations of the Russian Ministry of Labor. All of them must be conducted in accordance with GOST 12.0.004-90 “Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions." Types of occupational safety journals can be either mandatory for use at each enterprise, or special, the maintenance of which is determined by the type of activity of a particular enterprise.

Mandatory occupational safety magazines required at every enterprise:

  1. Logbook for registration of primary (repeated, unscheduled, targeted) briefing at the workplace
  2. Logbook of instructions on labor protection at the enterprise
  3. Logbook for assignment of group I for electrical safety to non-electrical personnel
  4. Occupational Accident Register
  5. Logbook for testing knowledge of rules and regulations in electrical installations
  6. Logbook for introductory fire safety training
  7. Logbook for the 1st and 2nd stages of monitoring the state of working conditions
  8. Logbook of inspectors (inspections)

Some necessary occupational safety journals may be determined by the specifics of production:

  1. Journal of work accounting for work permits and orders for work in electrical installations
  2. Logbook for registration of work permits for high-risk work
  3. Journal of accounting, maintenance and issuance of funds personal protection(PPE)
  4. Test log of dielectric rubber protective equipment
  5. Register of occupational diseases
  6. Hot work log
  7. Log book of maintenance and current repairs of buildings and structures

Description of the main occupational safety magazines

Water instruction log book

Contains information about employees who underwent introductory training on labor protection and those who conducted it, indicating the topic, date and position. Each entry in the journal must be certified by the signature of the person being instructed and the person conducting the instruction.

Logbook for registration of primary (repeated, unscheduled, targeted) briefing at the workplace

The Journal contains information about employees who have undergone training, which must be organized by the immediate supervisor of the work. The briefing should be completed with an oral interview to test knowledge and acquired skills of safe work practices. Based on the results, a note about admission to independent work is made in the journal.

Logbook of instructions on labor protection at the enterprise

Maintaining occupational safety journals in which instructions are recorded must be entrusted to the appropriate service or specialist responsible for this issue in the organization. For convenience, it is recommended that each occupational safety instruction be assigned a unique number, and the name indicate for which service this document was developed. A sample journal on occupational safety is offered in Methodical recommendations, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 80 of December 17, 2002. On our website, by registering, you can download the occupational safety magazine for free.

Logbook for issuing instructions to employees

A set of labor protection instructions valid for each division of the organization must be kept by the head of this division. This journal records instructions given to employees for study. A sample journal on labor protection is proposed in the Methodological Recommendations approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 80 of December 17, 2002.

Logbook for assignment of group I for electrical safety to non-electrical personnel

This group of personnel includes all workers who are not involved in the maintenance of electrical installations, but who in one way or another use them during work. Those of them who are exposed to the danger of electric shock must be assigned electrical safety group I after appropriate instruction and an oral assessment of the acquired knowledge. The results of the check are recorded in this log. Filling out occupational safety logs with the results of the briefing must be entrusted to a responsible employee who has III group on electrical safety.

Occupational Accident Register

The form of this occupational safety journal was approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 73 on October 24, 2002. Filling out occupational safety journals recording accidents that occurred in the organization is carried out based on the results of an inspection of the incident and is entrusted to a specialist in the occupational safety service.

Logbook for testing knowledge of rules and regulations in electrical installations

The standard form of this document is established by Appendix 6 to the “Rules for labor protection during the operation of electrical installations”, approved by Order No. 328n of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation on July 24, 2013. The log records the results of checks carried out by employees who are electrical or electrical engineering personnel.

Logbook for introductory training fire safety

Such instruction should mandatory be carried out with all employees hired. Maintaining and filling out labor safety logs related to fire safety is entrusted to the person responsible for the state of fire safety at the enterprise or the specialist assigned this responsibility by order.

Logbook for occupational safety training

In order to prevent occupational injuries, all employees working at the enterprise must periodically undergo occupational safety training. Upon completion, an inspection is carried out. The log keeps track of attendance, records the amount of knowledge acquired and the progress of employees. The form of maintaining this document is arbitrary.

Primary fire extinguishing equipment log book

For the purpose of timely inspection and testing of fire extinguishing equipment, maintaining them in working condition, this occupational safety log is maintained. The log is filled out by an authorized employee of the labor protection service. The form for filling it out is arbitrary.

Logbook for the 1st and 2nd stages of monitoring the state of working conditions

Monitoring the state of labor conditions and safety in the organization must be carried out constantly. Based on its results, a three-stage occupational safety journal is filled out or two separate journals are maintained. The first takes into account the results of level 1 and 2 checks, the second – level 3. Level 1 inspections are carried out by the head of the unit together with a public labor safety inspector on a daily basis. At level 2, inspections to eliminate identified deficiencies are carried out weekly. At level 3, a monthly assessment of workplaces is carried out by a specially created labor protection commission headed by the chief engineer of the enterprise.

Logbook of inspectors (inspections)

In accordance with current legislation, the Audit Log is required to be kept and legal entities, and private entrepreneurs. Its standard form was introduced by Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated April 30, 2009 No. 141. This document contains detailed information about all labor safety inspections carried out, violations identified and orders issued.

Log book of work according to work permits and orders for high-risk work

Only specialists with the appropriate rank and who have undergone special instruction and testing are allowed to carry out such work. The unified form of the log book for such work was approved by order No. 328n of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 2013. In cases where the basis for carrying out work is a work order, all columns in the journal are filled in. When the basis is an order, column 2 should be left blank.

Logbook for pre-trip medical examinations of drivers

The responsibility of the head of the enterprise is to organize medical examinations of drivers going on trips. The results of these medical examinations are recorded in this journal. Its form is given in the “Instructions on pre-trip medical examinations of drivers” and approved by Order No. 555 of the USSR Ministry of Health dated November 29, 1989.

Logbook for recording, maintenance and issuance of personal protective equipment (PPE)

The form for maintaining this journal is established by the “Instructions for the use and testing of protective equipment used in electrical installations”, it was approved by Order of the Ministry of Energy No. 261 of June 30, 2003. on his title page The name of the enterprise, the name of the service or the number of the site, the start and end date of filling out the log must be indicated.

Registration of occupational safety magazines

All occupational safety magazines are legal documents Therefore, special requirements are imposed on their registration and maintenance. Before entries can be made in the journal, it must be laced and numbered. The numbering of the occupational safety journal is continuous and should begin with the title page. The ends of the cord with which all pages are stitched should be brought to the last page, and a strip of paper should be glued on top of them, on which the number of laced and numbered pages should be indicated. The inscription is certified by the signature of the person who laced the magazine, as well as by the seal and signature of the head of the enterprise. The seal must be placed in such a way that part of it is on the pasted strip of paper, and part of it is on the back of the last page of the magazine.

At each production site, before starting work, employees are provided with safety and labor protection instructions for study. After studying, they sign in a journal that complies with GOST 12.004.90. Such a log is stored even after it is completely filled, and its storage period is not limited.

The absence of such a log threatens the company with a fine, and if an employee suffers harm to health or death, even a prison term is possible.

Safety precautions - basic concepts

Occupational safety includes instruction, hazard calculations, danger warning signs, face washers and fountains, as well as dispensaries and sanatoriums to preserve life and health in the process of performing job duties.

Industrial safety is responsible for maintaining an acceptable level of risk during work. First of all, it is ensured by laws, acts and rules regulating labor safety in the workplace, as well as the duration of work shift, rest and work regime.

In accordance with sanitary, hygienic, treatment and preventive measures, workers are provided with showers, detergents, clean work clothes, food, milk and vouchers to a sanatorium.

A harmful production factor entails a deterioration in well-being, and subsequently illness. Occupational diseases are diseases that occur during work due to exposure to harmful factors.

A hazardous production factor is a factor that leads to injury or death.

A working production area is a place where workers are located during their work activities. At the same time, the place where they spend more than 2 hours without a break or 50% of their working time is considered a permanent workplace. It is equipped technical means necessary for the work of one or more workers performing the same job.

Legislation regulating safety precautions

The relationship between the employee, the employer and the state is regulated by laws and regulations: the Constitution, the Labor and Criminal Codes, as well as the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Some details can be found in Federal Laws No. 17, 52, 69,116, 125, 128, 181, 184 and 2490-1

Compliance with laws is checked by the service for supervision of compliance with labor protection at enterprises.

Why do you need to keep a safety log?

Keeping a safety journal is necessary in order to more effectively control the list of those familiarized, the procedure and rules for conducting briefing, its types and other circumstances of familiarization.

At each production there is an employee responsible for labor protection, and he keeps a log. He is appointed by internal order, which should be familiar to all interested employees.

The journal is registered in a unified case nomenclature journal available in each organization. it is stitched, numbered and sealed with the seal or stamp of the unit or official who controls the maintenance of this document.

The journal is checked either by the company's management or by the person to whom this responsibility has been delegated. Supervision by the state is carried out by a special inspection: sectoral or departmental.

Types of instruction

Instruction depends on the time and focus of familiarization with work in hazardous conditions:

  1. Each enterprise has its own induction training. It is compiled taking into account the characteristics of the company, based on the laws. Conducted by a labor protection engineer. at the same time, he can (and should) use auxiliary means: simulators, teaching materials, etc. Necessary for workers just starting work in a new place (newbies, interns, students, business travelers).
  2. Initial briefing is the work of the immediate supervisor passed the knowledge test. For greater efficiency, practical training at the workplace is required. The program should familiarize the employee with dangerous or harmful factors at work, the requirements contained in the law, instructions, technical documentation, and tell them how to perform work with the least risks.
    This instruction may not be individual. It is possible to train several employees working on equipment or workplaces of the same type.
  3. Repeated instruction is a repetition of the primary and is carried out every 6 months.
  4. Unscheduled briefing is carried out after the relevant order is issued or instructions indicating employees, the reason for the implementation, the program and a list of responsible persons. As a rule, the program will repeat the initial instruction.
    The immediate supervisor instructs employees in updating tools, equipment, technology, regulations and laws. And also after a long break (more than a month) in work or violation of requirements.
  5. Persons whose work requires registration of special documents. And also for one-time work, after natural Disasters(for liquidation) or before mass events in the organization.

At the end of the instruction, an oral knowledge test takes place, the results of which are recorded in a journal. This entry is signed by both the donor and the recipient.

How to prepare a safety log

The log should have space to show each stage of the training. GOST 12.0.004-90 specifies the recommended form of logging. The company creates a template based on it, taking into account the specifics of its activity.

Fill out the log according to the following rules:

  1. Used for logging stationery book in A4 format. Entries are made on a facing page.
  2. Usually for making entries use 12 graphs written in a line. Their number varies depending on the specifics.
  3. If the entry does not fit on one line, use 2 or more. If the column is left blank, a dash is added to the line.
  4. The beginning of each year is marked by an entry“Year ****” with dashes on both sides. The list numbering is reset to zero and starts from one. If it is necessary to refer to a specific record, the number and year are indicated.

The graphs must reflect certain information:

  • serial number;
  • date of the briefing;
  • Full name of the person undergoing instruction;
  • employee's date of birth;
  • position and profession (for employees of other organizations, information is entered based on an official identification card or an order on permission to work);
  • type of briefing (if targeted, indicate the reason and basis);
  • the reason for the conduct (for repeated or extraordinary briefing);
  • Full name and position of the person conducting the instruction. If different employees instruct and permit, then both must be indicated;
  • Signatures of the employees (conducting the instruction and the student). The signature must not be erased;
  • dates of each internship and their number (if necessary);
  • signature of the person undergoing the internship (if necessary);
  • date and signature of the official who checked his knowledge and allowed him to work.

It must be remembered that logs differ depending on the enterprise. For example, a school magazine will look like this.

Noskova Elena

I have been in the accounting profession for 15 years. She worked as a chief accountant in a group of companies. I have experience in passing inspections and obtaining loans. Familiar with the fields of production, trade, services, construction.

Providing information to employees about basic fire safety requirements is the responsibility of any employer. For this purpose, each employee is given fire safety training. To record and record information, use the fire safety briefing log, a sample of which you will find in the article.

The fire safety briefing logbook has an official form, which is established By Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated December 12, 2007 N 645.

Only the person responsible for fire safety can instruct workers about the rules of behavior in the event of a fire and compliance with fire safety measures to prevent it. The responsibility for it is primarily the head of the organization, who himself is obliged to study and provide training in the fire safety technical minimum for workers responsible for industrial safety.

The manager appoints responsible persons by order. If necessary, each department assigns this role to individual employee, who has undergone off-the-job training and the necessary knowledge testing.

Types of fire safety training

There are 5 types of such instruction, which are also enshrined in Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated December 12, 2007 N 645:

  • Introductory carried out when admitting employees to the organization (not necessarily individually) in a separate room using special visual aids and educational materials, ends with training actions to extinguish a potential fire and a survey on knowledge of fire extinguishing equipment and personal protection. Also applies to seasonal workers, students undergoing internships, and business travelers.
  • Initial training at the workplace is carried out with each employee separately when becoming familiar with the immediate work environment. During the training, practical skills in using fire extinguishing equipment are developed, actions in case of fire, rules of evacuation and emergency assistance to victims are demonstrated.
  • Repeated carried out at least once a year, individually or with a group of employees using the same type of equipment. All employees, without exception, must listen to it and confirm their knowledge. Workers in fire-hazardous industries test their knowledge once every six months.
  • Unscheduled may be caused by changes in the technological process, violations of fire safety requirements, interruption of work, information about accidents at similar production enterprises, or the identification of insufficient knowledge of workers.
  • Target takes place when performing one-time dangerous work, explosive work using fire, eliminating the consequences of accidents and disasters, holding public events and excursions at the enterprise.

Penalty for missing a journal

Liability for violation of fire safety standards is provided Art. 20.4 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. The lack of a log of fire safety briefings will be perceived by supervisory authorities as a violation of established fire safety requirements, and if the first time inspectors can limit themselves to a warning, then a repeated violation will definitely entail a fine:

  • for legal entities - from 150,000 to 200,000 rubles;
  • for officials - from 6,000 to 15,000 rubles.

Under special fire conditions, the fine is higher:

  • for legal entities - from 400,000 to 500,000 rubles;
  • for officials - from 15,000 to 30,000 rubles.

Logging Rules

The fire safety briefing log contains:

  • date;
  • Full name of the person being instructed;
  • the year of his birth;
  • profession, position;
  • type of instruction;
  • Full name of the person instructing;
  • signatures of the person being instructed and the person instructing.

The document must be stitched, laced and numbered before use. It is also necessary to seal the magazine by gluing a paper strip to the ends of the lacing indicating the number of numbered and laced sheets. The stamp should fall partly on the seal and partly on the last page. The accounting document is certified by the signature of the manager.

You can purchase a ready-made magazine from a printing house or print and stitch it yourself using the sample below.

Fire safety briefing log form - sample filling

The logbook for fire safety instructions, as the sample shows, is quite simple to fill out.

List of required occupational safety magazines at the enterprise

OHS logs are used to systematize the necessary information, exercise operational control in the field of OHS at the enterprise and record information on compliance with deadlines for mandatory personnel briefings.

The list of occupational safety magazines that an enterprise must have depends on the specifics of its business activities, as well as which specialists are involved in the production process. However, there are also such registers, the presence of which is mandatory in any organization.

These are the logs:

In accordance with the specifics of production processes, enterprises can also use logs:

  1. Accounting:
    • Work according to orders and permits when working with electrical installations. It is used to display information on work carried out by specialists who have the appropriate rank and have undergone special instructions and knowledge testing. When compiling the journal, it is recommended to take the form from Appendix No. 8 to the Rules as a basis.
    • Medical examinations of drivers before flights. The register records information based on the results of medical examinations of drivers, based on the form presented in clause 5 of Appendix No. 9 to the order of the USSR Ministry of Health “On improving the medical examination system...” dated September 29, 1989 No. 555.
    • Issuance and maintenance of PPE (personal protective equipment). The recommended form of the journal is presented in Appendix No. 1 to the instructions, approved. by order of the Ministry of Energy dated June 30, 2003 No. 261.
    • Maintenance and repair work on real estate.
  2. Registrations:
    • permits to perform high-risk work;
    • PPE testing;
    • occupational diseases;
    • hot work.

Rules for filling out the OT magazine, how to lace the magazine

Until 03/01/2017, maintaining and, accordingly, filling out occupational safety journals at enterprises was carried out according to the GOST 12.0.004-90 standard. Now the procedure for maintaining occupational safety logs is used, adjusted to meet the requirements of GOST 12.0.004-2015 (Order of Rosstandart “On putting into effect...” dated 06/09/2016 No. 600-st).

All pages in the OT magazine must be numbered, and the numbering is used consecutively, starting from the title page. The title page, as a rule, indicates the name of the enterprise, structural unit (service, section), start and end dates of journal keeping.

The remaining thread after lacing all the pages of the magazine must be brought to the last page, fixed and sealed on top with a sheet of paper, on which it is necessary to indicate how many pages are numbered and laced. The inscription made on a strip of paper sealing the ends of the thread must be certified by the signature of the head of the enterprise and a seal (if any). When certifying with a seal, it should be taken into account that its imprint should be imprinted both on the pasted strip and on the last page of the laced journal.

How to keep a log of OT orders, how to flash it correctly

A journal of occupational safety orders is required at enterprises with operating production workshops (sites) to record all orders issued by management related to:

  • to employee training;
  • permission to perform work independently;
  • transfer of powers to carry out orders to responsible persons;
  • payment of incentives, announcement disciplinary sanctions etc.

The log must necessarily contain records of the familiarization of these orders by the employees mentioned in them. After finishing calendar year A bold line is drawn under the entries made for the past year and the next year is indicated. The numbering begins again.

Like all registers established at enterprises, the journal of occupational safety orders must be numbered (starting from the title page) and laced before use. The thread with which the magazine is laced must be placed on its last page and covered with a strip of paper with an inscription indicating the number of pages laced. The inscription is certified by the signature of the person responsible for maintaining the register, the head of the enterprise, as well as a seal - in this case, one part of the imprint should be located on a glued piece of paper, and the other on the last page of the journal (GOST R 7.0.8-2013).

How to properly prepare a journal for issuing occupational safety certificates

The form of such a journal is not regulated by law, so it can be issued in the form of an ordinary A4 book printed in a printing house (taking into account Article 10 of the Law “On Accounting” dated December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ, GOST R 7.0.8‑2013).

All columns in the journal must be filled in; missing lines and blots are unacceptable. Corrections can be made in the usual way in office work - by crossing out and writing the correct inscription next to it, certified by the signature of the employee responsible for maintaining the journal.

Before you start filling out, all pages of the magazine must be numbered, starting with the title, and stitched. The title page indicates the name of the enterprise, the start and end dates of its operation.

Inside the magazine is laid out in such a way that it is possible to indicate:

  • date of issue of the certificate;
  • number;
  • Full name of the employee to whom the certificate is issued;
  • job title;
  • place of work (structural unit, department);
  • notes.

What are the storage periods for logs, where can you download a free sample log of OT training sessions?

According to the provisions of section 7.3 of the list, approved. By order of the Ministry of Culture dated August 25, 2010 No. 558, occupational safety magazines have different shelf life, depending on the information entered in them. Thus, accident logs must be kept permanently (clause 630 of the List). Safety briefing logs are kept for 10 years (clause 626). Logs of registration of administrative penalties for violation of sanitary standards, as well as records of decisions on fines - 3 years (paragraphs 642 and 643).

As a rule, the procedure for preparing OT journals is similar to that used for maintaining other types of registers. Differences can only be in the number and content of the columns - this is due to the specifics of the industry and the content of information necessary to be reflected in the register on a particular issue. You can download samples of occupational safety magazines on our website.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with a sample register that records training activities on occupational safety.

The magazine cover looks like this:


accounting for occupational safety training


(workshop, department, laboratory, structural unit, site)

Teacher _________________________________________________________

(F.I.O., position)

Start of training: “___” ____________ 20__

Completion of training: “___” ____________ 20__.”

The pages of the journal are presented in the form of a table:


Every enterprise must keep occupational safety logs. Their exact list depends on the specifics of production, but there are also registers that are mandatory for everyone. Thus, there must certainly be logs for recording employee briefings and registers for recording orders issued to managers regarding occupational safety. Logbooks for recording accidents, personal protective equipment and fire protective equipment issued and handed over for the study of occupational safety instructions, etc. are also required.

Moreover, taking into account the specifics production activities and professional training of workers at the enterprise, other journals may be started. The storage period for OT registers is from 3 years, depending on their content. It is important to remember that all pages of magazines, regardless of content, must be numbered and laced before using them.