Elementary education in Bill Gates's biography, it was obtained at a public school. Then he studied at private school, where he was interested in mathematics, he first began writing small programs on a minicomputer. In 1973, Gates entered Harvard University. In 1975, he founded Microsoft with Paul Allen. In his third year, he left the university to devote himself entirely to the company (later in 2007 he was recognized as a Harvard graduate and received a diploma).

The year 1995 in Gates’ biography was marked by the publication of the book “The Road to the Future.” Gates, being one of the co-authors of the book, expressed his vision of the development of information technology. In 1996, Microsoft began to develop Internet technologies, and Bill Gates amended his first book. The second book, “Business at the Speed ​​of Thought,” was published in 1999 and presented possible solutions to business problems using information technology.

In 1998, Gates ceased to be the company's president, and in 2000 he resigned as chief executive. In June 2008, he gave up his executive powers to Microsoft Corporation, but remained Chairman of the Board of Directors. In October 2008, in the biography of Bill Gates, his third company, bgC3, was founded - a research center in the field of analytics and information technology.

In the photo, Gates looks like a good-natured person. That’s right: together with his wife, he founded the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, whose funds go to support healthcare and education.

Bill Gates' story is reminiscent of the American dream. Working hard, he achieved not only the prosperity of the company, but also the title of the richest man. Gates' net worth is now about $57 billion.

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William Henry Gates III (William Henry Gates III), known as Bill Gates (Bill Gates ) - is one of the most richest people planet, and his biography is full of interesting events. The billionaire received his fortune thanks to his company, which produces various software, among which operating system Windows, used on most computers on the planet.


And the story of the future billionaire began on October 28, 1955 in the American city of Seattle, Washington. Bill Gates was born into a wealthy family, and his parents were lawyer William Gates and Mary Gates, who was on the board of directors. First Interstate Bank, United Way and several other companies. The family also had two daughters - Libby And Christie. The child was sent to the elite Lakeside School, where he immediately began to show increased interest in computers, practically abandoning other subjects.

After completing his secondary education, Gates entered Harvard, but was expelled two years later. Bill did not lose heart and immediately began creating his own business developing PC software. In 1975, together with his companion Paul Allen he starts a company that makes them incredibly rich.

Interestingly, the name was invented by Paul Allen, not Bill Gates - Microsoft. Almost immediately, things took off, and the company was doomed to success. In 1994, Gates married Melinda French, with whom he eventually founded a charitable foundation. The couple currently live on the shores of Lake Washington. Bill Gates's smart home is equipped with last word equipment, and also on its territory there is a swimming pool with an underwater audio system, a garage for 23 cars; the guest house alone can accommodate 200 people.

Inside the building there is a huge number of rooms: living rooms, rooms for receiving guests, a library, on the ceiling of which there are quotes from the book “ The Great Gatsby“, as well as the Leonardo Davinci manuscript, which Gates bought for $30 million. The house has 6 kitchens, a mini cinema for 20 people, a private beach with sand from the Caribbean islands.

This is only half of all the features, since in addition to comfort, the house is equipped with a huge number of technological features.

The total cost of the mansion is estimated to be $120 million.

Bill Gates currently serves as a technology advisor at Microsoft and also sits on the board of directors.

Bill Gates with his family

Watch a fascinating and very interesting video from rare shots And interesting story Bill Gates:

Bill Gates is widely known around the world, and most people primarily know the fact that he is fabulously rich, rather than the fact that the billionaire is the founder of Microsoft and has made a major contribution to the development of computer technology. Questions “how much did Bill Gates earn? What is his success story? sound constantly. This is not surprising, because in the period 1996 - 2007, in 2009 and 2015, the billionaire was recognized as the richest person on Earth according to Forbes. On this moment Bill Gates' fortune is estimated at $89 billion.

When Gates and Allen started their company, they didn't have much capital. There was even a case when in 1975, a few months after the creation of Micro-soft, Bill was arrested for driving without a license, and Paul had to give up his last savings to free his companion.

From a financial point of view, things started to improve for the guys only closer to 1980, when Microsoft began cooperation with IBM. Over the course of six years, Gates and his team developed a number of software that helped gain a foothold in the computer market, and in 1986 he became a billionaire. From that moment on, Gates's capital began to grow upward, which was greatly facilitated by the release of the first version Windows next year.

In 2015, the billionaire’s fortune was estimated at $79.2 billion, and in three years it grew by about 10 billion, and this despite the fact that during these years he actively invested in charity.

As mentioned above, Bill Gates earns $6,659 in one minute. Based on this fact, we can conclude that his monthly income is approximately 9.6 million.

The decision to start a business

The idea to create own business originated in the head of Bill Gates back in his school years, when the boy began to seriously become interested in computers and programming. Already at the age of 13, the future billionaire, using the Basic programming language, created his own tic-tac-toe game. After this, the hobby became so strong that Gates and his friends hacked school computers PDP-10 to work for them without restrictions, for which the guys received a severe reprimand. Bill already understood then that these technologies were the future, and he needed to work in this direction.

The key moment that pushed Bill and Paul to create Microsoft was the release of the personal computer Altair 8800 in 1975. Gates was so delighted with the device that he made the final decision to create a company. Bill was quite rightly convinced that very soon there would be a computer in every home, but PCs of that time still did not have intelligible software - this is what he decided to fix.

Gates called MITS, which produces this model, and stated that he already had an OS for the Altair 8800, although at that time neither Bill nor Paul Allen had ever seen it in person. Emulating this model on a regular PC, they wrote programs in BASIC and took copies of them to the MITS office. After this, Bill and Paul received an order to develop the OS.

Bill Gates' start-up capital and first steps in business

In the first months of Microsoft's existence, Gates and Allen had virtually no start-up capital. Almost all expenses were made from the young people’s own pockets, and the money received for writing programs went back into circulation to maintain the functioning of the company.

The system helped Gates get a truly clear initial capital Quick and Dirty Operating System(QDOS). He bought it for a considerable amount, spending almost all his savings. Having received this system, Bill slightly modified it and renamed it MS-DOS, after which he showed IBM. It turned out that MS-DOS was perfect for Intel processors that time. The corporation liked this OS so much that it paid Microsoft 50 thousand dollars for it. This money was enough for Gates and Allen to keep their business running for several years to come.

It was with this starting capital that the first versions were developed Word And Excel, which in turn helped make enough money to create the first version of Windows.

Founding of Microsoft

Initially, the entrepreneurs wanted to call their company “Allen and Gates,” but Paul suggested combining the words microprocessors And software. The resulting combination Micro-Soft and became the name of the company formed in January 1975. After registering the company, Gates took 64% of the shares, and Allen 36%.

It is worth noting that initially Microsoft did not have an office, and the guys worked in the garage, developing software using improvised equipment.

However, a deal with IBM regarding the MS-DOS system significantly improved the guys' affairs, and they were able to move to a separate office. Since then, the company has begun to expand steadily.

Bill Gates' success

Gates was always goal-oriented and did everything to accomplish the tasks he set for himself. Even at school, he was not afraid to neglect subjects he did not need in order to do what he loved: computers and programming. Moreover, Bill made the most of all the resources available to him to extract benefits. His innate ability for mathematics only helped him.

Key moments in Gates' life were:

  • Meeting Paul Allen, without whom Microsoft or its equivalent might not have existed;
  • Development of software for the Altair 8800 computer was the first successful deal for the billionaire;
  • Development of the first Windows versions, which brought Gates fortune and fame.

These three events play the most important role in Gates' life. Moreover, he was never shy" borrow» something from others for their own benefit. This happened with MS-DOS, and this happened with Windows.

There are rumors that Windows was stolen from Apple, which at that time was also preparing to release its own operating system, and Microsoft stole the work and got ahead of it. Bill Gates and Steven Jobs don'tcommented on the situation, but there were never friendly relations between them, despite the fact that both of their companies periodically collaborated - this may indicate the veracity of the rumors.

Basic principles of success from Bill Gates:

Beware of venture capitalists

Gates did not use venture capital to develop Microsoft until its initial public offering in March 1986. According to Fortune, this meant he still owned 45% of the company when it went public.

But it must be recognized that this strategy is not for everyone. If you own a company, venture capital can be a vital channel to keep you afloat by providing the funds to build a strong business before it starts generating sustainable profits.

So, if you need it, you can attract the attention of wealthy investors to your business to attract private financing. But if you know you can stay solvent without venture capital, consider following Bill Gates' path to keep your full share of the pie when your firm goes public.

Gates may have become so rich because he never planned for it. He didn't want to grow Microsoft as fast as he could, which meant he didn't need private capital to finance rapid expansion. By keeping things under control and moving slowly and steadily, Gates was able to hold on to that precious forty-five percent stake. That was until he sold most of his shares in the years following the collapse of the dot-com bubble.

Invest in your education

This is a quote taken directly from Gates in a Reddit thread " Ask me about something" in 2014. The author of the post asked Gates to give him best advice By financial matters for those earning less than $100,000 per year. Gates simply told the user to "invest in your education."

Gates is famous for dropping out of Harvard University after two years of study in the 1970s. He had a good reason - he started Microsoft with Paul Allen - but he wouldn't recommend everyone do the same.

Before leaving the Ivy League, Gates attended the prestigious Lakeside School in Seattle. It was there that he first discovered his love for computers. The school invested $3,000 in a modern computer, which 13-year-old Gates liked.

Giving average schoolchildren access to this kind of technology was unheard of in the 1960s, but Gates attended a school that now costs $33,280 a year to attend. It seems to have done him good.

Keep an eye on the legal side

One of the main reasons for Gates' unfathomable wealth, according to economist Sam Wilkin's book " Secrets of the One Percenter's Wealth" is that he had good title to the software he developed in the 1970s. It didn't hurt that Gates' father was a high-powered Seattle lawyer at the time.

Ownership rights can protect you and your start-up company from greedy competitors who use legal niceties to negotiate contracts. If no one can copy what you do, no one can rob you of your potential profits.

Surround yourself with the right people

Gates said the best business decision he ever made was hiring the right people in the early days of Microsoft and entering into a business partnership with co-founder Paul Allen.

Allen and Gates met as students at Lakeside Prep. According to Allen, according to his memoir, "Idea Man," the two had a rocky relationship in the past. Allen said Gates was a shrewd negotiator who sometimes went behind Allen's back or criticized him for not helping enough. But still, Gates and Allen today call each other friends.

Don't rest on your laurels

As soon as you first feel sweet taste success, don't let it cloud your judgment. " Success is a lousy teacher" says Gates. " He corrupts smart people making them think they can't lose».

Bill Gates' partners

Bill Gates, despite all his genius, would never have been able to achieve success if he had not had reliable partners next to him to help him develop his business.

In addition to the people listed above, Bill Gates constantly collaborates with a considerable number of people and companies who, together with Microsoft, work daily to improve the products of the IT giant and those areas in which the billionaire invests as part of his charity.

Bill Gates' competitors

At the moment, Bill Gates has practically no competitors, because... He successfully destroyed any beginnings of emerging companies that could compete with Microsoft in the IT technology market, creating an unbreakable monopoly. However, over the decades, the same world giants have emerged that can challenge Gates’ brainchild.

The first one is Apple. It was already mentioned above about the relationship between the companies, and although they never announced open confrontation, competition between them for last years became quite dense.

You can guess that this refers to the struggle for customer preferences between Windows computers and MacBooks, which have their own operating system. Apple has firmly entered the personal computer market in a couple of years, and now many people use its products as their main devices. Of course, this hurts Microsoft's pockets.

The second competitor is Sony, which shares the console market with Gates' company. The PlayStation series of game consoles and the Xbox console have been competing with each other for decades, and players around the world are arguing which device is better. It is not clear who will finally win the console war, but with each new version Both Sony and Microsoft are trying to surprise their customers by expanding their gaming options.

Bill Gates Quotes

Since childhood, Gates has not minced his words, actively getting into various skirmishes and throwing out sharp words. After the advent of fame, he toned down his ardor a little, becoming calmer, but still did not hesitate to say witty statements, which were readily taken away by the press for quotes. Here are some of them:

  • Don't offend the nerd, because he can become your boss;
  • Get used to the fact that life is not fair;
  • People expect achievements from you without caring about your self-esteem;
  • The teacher will seem strict until you have a boss;
  • If your parents seem boring to you, then think about it: maybe your upbringing made them like that;
  • They don't come in life summer holidays, and the employer will not wait until you “find yourself”;
  • If something doesn’t work out for you, then neither your parents nor anyone else is to blame: you are to blame for your failures.

Movies and books

Bill Gates' books are widely known all over the world, and many aspiring IT specialists read them from cover to cover in order to gain the necessary knowledge.

Who doesn't know this name? Bill Gates is the head of Microsoft, a leader in the production of computer software. The corporation's income has long exceeded tens of billions of dollars a year, and its branches are located in all countries of the civilized world. Of course, the biography of Bill Gates deserves close attention.

Childhood and youth

William Gates was born in Seattle on October 28, 1955, the son of a lawyer and a schoolteacher. Besides him, the family had two more daughters. William's favorite subject at school was mathematics, but he did not like the humanities, considered them unnecessary and, accordingly, had low grades in these subjects. Gates took up programming at the age of 13 while studying at the private Lakeside School.

The year 1973 was marked by Bill Gates's admission to Harvard University. Here he meets Steve Ballmer, currently Microsoft's vice president of sales and support.

While studying at Harvard, Gates developed BASIC, the programming language for the first Altair 8800 minicomputer. In 1975, together with Paul Allen Bill Gates starts Microsoft- this matter absorbs him so much that he, without regret, quits his studies at Harvard University. The friends were convinced that personal computers had a great future - and today we can say with confidence that their conviction was truly prophetic.

Brilliant Bill

Gates told his Harvard professors, “I will be a millionaire before I turn 30.” Everything turned out much better than he expected - at the age of 31 he became a billionaire.

The genius of Bill Gates was manifested not only in his participation in the development of new products for the PC, but also in his gift as a manager and strategist. He frequently meets with clients and maintains contact with his employees around the world. Microsoft is rapidly gaining momentum, improving its information products designed to make the user's work at the computer as easy as possible.

March 2005 saw Bill Gates awarded a Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire for his significant contributions to UK businesses and work to reduce global poverty.

Bill Gates was considered the richest man on the planet from 1996 to 2007 and in 2009. In September 2009, his fortune reached $50 billion, however, the onset of the global crisis somewhat reduced this figure the following year.

In June 2008, Gates resigned as head of Microsoft, while remaining non-executive chairman of the board of directors. At the moment, he is paying more attention to his fund - the latest sensations include his proposal to transfer 50% to all billionaires own state for charity. At the same time, Gates is ready to be the first to lead by example.

Bill Gates is a man of varied interests. He is the founder of Corbis Corporation, which develops the world's largest source of visual information - a digital archive of photographs and works of art stored in various collections and different countries. Bill Gates is also a member of the board of Icos Corporation, owner of Darwin Molecular shares, and has invested in the Teledesic company, which is developing a project to launch Earth satellites to provide two-way broadband telecommunications. His versatility is not an obstacle to his hobby: founder of Microsoft loves to play bridge and golf, reads a lot, collects cars and jumps on a trampoline to concentrate his thoughts.

Personal life

Bill Gates' personal life is also prosperous. On January 1, 1994, he married Melinda French Gates, an employee of Microsoft. For the wedding, Gates rented one of the islands of Haiti. The Gates couple have three children: Jennifer Katharine, Rory John and Phoebe Adele. The family lives in a large, spacious house (total area of ​​40 thousand square feet) on the shores of Lake Washington. The house is full of modern electronic systems, being an example of a “smart home” of the 21st century.

Books by Bill Gates

First book "Road to the Future" co-authored with Microsoft Vice President Nathan Myhrvold and journalist Peter Rynearson, it was published in 1995. In it, the founder of Microsoft shares his thoughts on how society is changing under the influence of developing information technologies. The book immediately became a bestseller and was published in 20 countries in millions of copies.

In 1996, the book “The Road to the Future” underwent changes and was published in a second edition. This was mainly due to the change in the orientation of Gates’ company towards Internet technologies. Accordingly, the second edition of the book was supplemented with material about the World Wide Web and its role in the history of the development of civilization.

Bill Gates' second book "Business at the speed of thought"– was co-written by Collins Hemingway in 1999. It reflected the idea of ​​how they can information Technology help in solving business problems. Like the previous one, this book also became a bestseller and was released in 60 countries in 25 languages.

Bill Gates donates all proceeds from book sales to his charitable foundation.

Bill Gates Foundation

The Gates couple are the founders of a charitable foundation Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, founded in 1994 and designed to support philanthropic initiatives in the fields of education and healthcare. It is thanks to this fund that low-income people in the United States and Canada have the opportunity to work with PCs and access the Internet in public libraries. Funds from the Bill Gates Foundation are also allocated to the development of various public projects in other countries, in particular for activities to overcome poverty, as well as prevention and treatment viral diseases in developing countries in Africa and Asia.

It is no exaggeration to say that the biography of Bill Gates is a hymn to human intelligence and genius, inspiring many young people passionate about programming around the world.

American entrepreneur, founder of Microsoft Corporation William (Bill) Gates was born on October 28, 1955 in Seattle (Washington, USA). His father was a lawyer, his mother school teacher, Washington State University board member and chairman charitable organization United Way International.

He received his secondary education at the privileged private school Seattle's Lakeside School.

Gates began to show interest in computer programming at the age of thirteen. In 1970, he wrote his first traffic control software with his high school friend Paul Allen and started a distribution company called Traf-O-Data. Gates and Allen earned $20,000 from this project.

On the wave of success, friends were eager to open their own company, but Gates’s parents opposed this idea, hoping that their son would graduate from college and become a lawyer.

In 1973, Bill Gates entered Harvard University. At the university he met Steve Ballmer, who would later become general director Microsoft. However, Gates was not interested in studying; he often skipped classes and worked on programming. Gates continued to communicate with Paul Allen, who entered the University of Washington, but after two years he dropped out and moved to Boston (Massachusetts), where he began working for the Honeywell Corporation. In the summer of 1974, Gates joined his friend.

In 1975, after reading an article in Popular Electronics magazine about the Altair 8800 computer created by MITS, Bill Gates and Paul Allen suggested that MITS write software for the computer in Basic. The result of the work of the young programmers satisfied the customers, Paul Allen was hired as a staff member, and Bill Gates took over academic leave at Harvard, became actively involved in writing programs and organizing his own company, Micro-Soft. It was under this name that the company, which later became Microsoft, was registered in 1976.

In February 1976, Gates introduced the practice of selling licenses for his software directly to computer manufacturers, which allowed them to “build” these programs - operating systems and programming languages ​​- into computers.

This marketing innovation dramatically increased the firm's revenue. And although the MITS company soon ceased to exist, Microsoft was able to attract new customers - Apple and Commodore, which were quite firmly on their feet, as well as the Tandy company, which produced the popular Radio shack computers.

In 1979, Gates was expelled from Harvard. And already in 1980, Microsoft received an offer from IBM to create an operating system for the world's first personal computer. For these needs, Gates acquired the right to exclusively license and then own the 86-DOS operating system created by Seattle Computer Products (SCP), adapted it for IBM's needs and profitably sold it to IBM under the name PC-DOS. The release of the IBM PC and MS-DOS was widely announced in August 1981.

The agreement with IBM provided for payments for each copy of Microsoft software, which provided significant dividends thanks to the success of the IBM PC in the 1980s. The success of both products subsequently led to the fact that Intel architecture, IBM computers and Microsoft programs became de facto industry standards.

After Microsoft was restructured in 1981, Bill Gates took over as president and chairman of the company's board of directors. The first version appeared in November 1985 Microsoft Windows. Original code name system was Interface Manager, but the Windows option was ultimately chosen because it best described the on-screen computing "windows" that became the centerpiece of the new product.

In 1986, Microsoft shares began trading on the stock exchange. The price of shares grew at lightning speed, and within a few months, at the age of 31, Bill Gates became a billionaire for the first time. In 1988, Microsoft became the world's largest-selling computer software developer.

In 1993, total monthly sales of Windows exceeded one million copies. By 1995, when the company released its new Windows 95 operating system, complete with Internet access software Internet Explorer, approximately 85 percent of PCs worldwide were running Microsoft software.

As the head of Microsoft and the holder of the majority of its shares, Gates became the richest person in the world by 1998. At the end of 1999, Gates announced his decision to step down as head of the company and take up programming. Despite this, he remained in charge of Microsoft's manufacturing strategy until he stepped down from business development responsibilities in 2006, saying he wanted to devote his time to philanthropy.

Bill Gates was the non-executive chairman of the company's board of directors, but on February 4, 2014, he left this post. At the same time, the founder of Microsoft remains a member of the company's board of directors and is a consultant on the company's key projects.

For the 21st time in a row, Bill Gates, with a fortune of $81 billion, topped the annual list of the 400 richest people in the United States, published by the American magazine Forbes.

In September 2015, he topped the rankings for the 22nd time with a net worth of $76 billion, 13% of which comes from Microsoft shares and the rest from the billionaire's investments in numerous businesses across a variety of industries.

Bill Gates has been investing for many years through his investment company Cascade Investment. Nearly 50% of the funds managed by Cascade Investment are invested in Warren Buffett's holding company, Berkshire Hathaway. Gates' top five investments also include shares of Coca-Cola, McDonald's, Caterpillar (a manufacturer of equipment for the construction and mining industries) and the Canadian National Railway Company (a railway company).

He is the author of two bestsellers. Published in 1995, The Road Ahead spent seven weeks at number one on The New York Times bestseller list. In 1999, Gates published Business the Speed ​​of Thought, which has been translated into 25 languages ​​and explores new ways to use computer technology to solve business problems. Proceeds from the sale of both books were donated to non-profit organizations dedicated to supporting the development of technology and education.

Bill Gates is a Knight of the British Empire (2005). In 2007, the administration of Harvard University, recognizing the merits of Bill Gates, presented its former student with a diploma.

Bill Gates is married to Melinda French Gates and they have three children: Jennifer Katharine, Rory John and Phoebe Adele.

In 2000, the couple founded " Charitable Foundation Bill and Melinda Gates" to support health and education initiatives.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Bill Gates is a famous entrepreneur, public figure and one of the founders of Microsoft. The authoritative publication Forbes named him the richest man in the world 16 times.

As of 2016, his capital exceeded $90 billion, while he regularly and seriously engages in charity work. Gates has his own fund, in which he has already invested more than $30 billion.

After that, Bill and Paul worked for some time at large companies Information Sciences and TRW. They still wrote programs, studying a lot of software codes.

Having reached the age of 18, Gates enters Harvard University, where he meets his future partner Steve Ballmer. After studying for 2 years, he was expelled for poor academic performance and frequent absenteeism.

Ultimately, Bill decided to devote himself to creating computer control programs, since only this work brought him pleasure and aroused real interest.

Microsoft Company

In 1975, Paul and Bill learned that Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems had begun selling new Altair 8800 computers. Without thinking twice, Gates decides to call its owner, Ed Roberts.

During the conversation, the guy confidently says that he and his friend are writing programs specifically for their PC, although this was absolutely untrue. However, he so confidently and boldly told Roberts about this that he believed Bill and even agreed to collaborate with the young programmers.

Delighted by this success, the friends began to come up with a name for their enterprise. At the very beginning they wanted to call him by their last names, but then changed their minds.

Then Gates and Allen paid attention to the name of the company with which they were to collaborate. As a result, they selected two words from it and then combined them. Thus, in 1976, a new brand called “Microsoft” appeared.

That same year, Bill Gates and Paul introduced licenses for the right to use their software. This allowed them to legally build their own operating systems into computers.

They were the first to start working according to this scheme. In the near future, this led to a significant increase in the organization's income.

Over time, the MITS company went bankrupt, but Microsoft managed to find new partners for further cooperation.

For example, Gates entered into a contract with the Apple corporation, which he owned. However, there were other companies that were happy to work with Microsoft.

Bill Gates and Steve Jobs

An interesting fact is that Bill Gates and Paul already at the very beginning of their joint collaboration discussed how their company would develop.

Allen worked on technical issues and owned only one-third of Microsoft shares. In turn, Gates was responsible for the development of the company and product advertising.

Their first serious project was the Microsoft Fortran operating system, developed in 1977. After that, they continued to successfully modernize their software, taking a leadership position in this area.

Soon Bill Gates introduced new system"MS-DOS" for PCs based on "Intel". In 1985, the legendary Windows system was developed, which was radically different from other systems with its unique interface. Every year, Windows has been modernized, gaining unprecedented popularity.

Bill Gates' company developed so rapidly that already in 1986 its capital exceeded $1 billion. In 1998, Gates became the richest person on the planet.

Soon he publicly makes a sensational statement that he is leaving Microsoft. However, he remained responsible for the company's productivity strategy.

According to the billionaire himself, leaving business was associated with charity, to which he decided to pay maximum attention.

Other companies

In 1989, Bill Gates founded Corbis. Its main goal was to license any multimedia material, for example, photos and videos.

The idea was that in the future people would begin to be interested not in original paintings, but in their digital reproductions.

Today Corbis owns the rights to use images of works of art in many museums around the world.

One of Gates' hobbies can be called collecting rare works of the great (see).

In 2008, a new event took place in the biography of Bill Gates: he founded the company “bgC3”, engaged in research and analytical activities.

As mentioned earlier, Bill Gates is seriously involved in charity work.

He opened the world's largest Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which provides support to poor people.

First of all, the billionaire seeks to improve the healthcare system, as well as solve the problem of hunger in the Third World countries.

Personal life

When Bill turned 22, he met Melinda French, who worked in his company. In 1994, after 7 years of close friendship, they decided to get married.

In this marriage they had a son, Rory John, and two daughters, Phoebe Adele and Jennifer Katharine.

Bill Gates with his wife and children

In 2005, Gates and his wife were named People of the Year for their enormous contribution to charity. After this, Bill was awarded the title of Knight of the British Empire.

Bill Gates net worth

Many people are interested in the question of how much Bill Gates' net worth is estimated. So, as of 2016, Forbes estimated his fortune at $90 billion.

Thanks to such a colossal fortune, he is considered the richest person on the planet. Moreover, experts predict an increase in its capital in the future.

Bill Gates today

Currently, Bill Gates' family lives on the shores of Lake Washington. Their home, covering an area of ​​12,000 km², is equipped with a huge amount of electronics that control the entire mansion.

The businessman often gives lectures in different educational institutions, traveling around the world. He not only shares his experience, but also discusses global problems of humanity with students.

Books by Bill Gates

Bill Gates has written two books about how he achieved success. Both books were translated into and became bestsellers.

Interestingly, all funds received from their sales were transferred to organizations whose activities are aimed at developing technology and education.

Surely Bill Gates will repeatedly surprise humanity with his new projects. Well, let's wait!

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