Kuznetsky Alatau Nature Reserve

Kuznetsky Alatau Nature Reserve is located in the central part of the mountain range of the same name, in the Tisulsky and Novokuznetsky districts of the Kemerovo region. The reserve was founded in 1989, its area is 412.9 thousand hectares, 253 thousand hectares are forests, 15 thousand hectares are meadows, 1.6 thousand hectares are reservoirs. The relief of the territory is mountainous, smooth, the peaks of the mountains are dome-shaped. The highest mountain peaks of the Kuznetsk Alatau are Bolshaya Tserkovnaya (1449 m above sea level), Suitcase (1357 m), Krestovaya (1549 m), Kanym (1871 m). On the territory of the reserve there are sources largest tributaries Obi - Tom and Chulym rivers. The climate is continental, with hot, dry summers and cold winter. The average annual temperature is 4.9 °С, the average July temperature is 21.1 °С (maximum 40 °С), the average January temperature is -10.8 °С (minimum up to -40 °С), the average annual precipitation is 385 mm. Most of the Kuznetsk Alatau nature reserve is covered with mountain taiga forests of fir, spruce and Siberian pine, giving way to pine and larch forests on the eastern slopes. The vegetation cover includes altitudinal zones from steppe and forest-steppe to black taiga, alpine meadows and alpine tundra. There are many rare plants: radiola rosea (golden root), leuzea safflower (maral root), lady's slipper and endemic species. Red deer, elk, roe deer, and sable are common in the reserve, and musk deer are also found. Wild reindeer constantly live and migrate within the Kuznetsk Alatau. Rare birds include the black stork and golden eagle; a total of 103 species of breeding birds have been recorded.

Shorsky national park

Shorsky National Park is located in the south of the Kemerovo region. Length of territory national park from north to south 110 km, from east to west 90 km. The administration of the national park is located in Tashtagol (652990, Kemerovo region, Tashtagol, Sadovaya str. 8).

The terrain of the national park is complex, highly dissected river valleys mountain system. The average height above sea level is 500-800 m, individual peaks reach 1600-1800 m. It is sharply continental and harsh, which is due to the location of the park almost in the center of the Asian continent. The high ridges enclosing Mountain Shoria from the west with the Salair Ridge, from the south by the Altai mountain system and from the east by the Kuznetsk Alatau and Western Sayan ridges, create a unique climate regime. average temperature January?20-22 degrees. From July - +17-18 degrees. C. In the mountains, average temperatures drop sharply with altitude. The average annual precipitation is 900 mm, in the mountains on windward slopes up to 1500-1800 mm. Snow lasts for more than six months, from October to April. The depth of the snow cover reaches 200-250 cm, in the lowlands of the middle mountains - more than 400 cm. Winds of the southern and southwestern directions predominate.

The territory of the national park is dissected by a network of rivers and streams. The main waterway is the Mras-Su River, which flows through the main body of the park from north to south and divides its territory into approximately two equal parts. Water mode- typical for mountain rivers. The main sources of food for rivers and streams are precipitation and groundwater.

There are many commercial and hunting species in the national park's fauna: white hare, squirrel, sable, American mink, weasel, otter, wolverine, fox, wolf, lynx, elk. In addition to the listed species, there are the Siberian mole, chipmunk, water vole, muskrat, common hamster, ermine, weasel, steppe polecat, badger, Brown bear, wild reindeer, musk deer, roe deer, deer. Among the representatives of the avifauna, many are the object of hunting: the common mallard, shoveler, pintail, gray duck, teal, whistling teal, red-headed pochard, wood grouse, hazel grouse, black grouse, quail, corncrake, woodcock, snipe, great snipe, woodcock, etc. From Rare bird species in the park include the black stork, golden eagle, peregrine falcon, and osprey. The rivers are inhabited by grayling, lenok, taimen

Specially protected natural areas federal significance

Currently, in the Kemerovo region there are three specially protected natural areas of federal significance:

State nature reserve"Kuznetsky Alatau";

Shorsky National Park;

natural monument "Linden Island".

State nature reserves carry out:

security natural areas in order to preserve biological diversity and maintain protected areas in their natural state natural complexes and objects;

organizing and conducting scientific research, including maintaining the Chronicle of Nature;

environmental monitoring within the framework of the national environmental monitoring system. Promote environmental education of the population, training of scientists and specialists in the field of environmental protection.

State zoological reserves of regional significance

As of December 31, 2007, there were 12 zoological reserves of regional significance operating in the region with a total area of ​​474,962 hectares.

Since the establishment of state reserves, the number of some animal species has increased significantly (beaver, sable). In addition, the number of wild ungulates (elk, roe deer) has stabilized.

In order to more effectively protect animals, increase and stabilize their numbers in the reserves, moose and roe deer are fed, and the number of predators is regulated. IN winter time The issue of mineral nutrition of animals is especially acute. Mineral feeding of animals is carried out by installing salt licks on the territory of the reserves.

Most of the raptors located on the territory of the reserves are subject to protection, and some of them need to be restored in numbers. So, to the specially protected birds of prey include osprey, white-tailed eagle (on migration), eagle owl, all types of owls and falcons.

Special category predators are represented by dogs (some of which have gone wild) that enter the territory of the reserves from populated areas and holiday villages.

During the nesting and brooding period, dogs cause significant harm to the populations of many species of protected animals, destroying clutches of birds, their chicks, as well as young mammals. In order to combat stray dogs, their widespread and constant catching is carried out.

Large predators in the reserves include bear, badger, lynx and fox. The number of lynx and fox has been consistently low in recent years. The wolf, if it appears in the territories of the reserves, is subject to complete destruction.

Hunting for all types of game animals is prohibited on the territory of the reserves.


Salairsky reserve created as a species for the purpose of protection and reproduction of elk. Area 35449 hectares. The territory of the reserve is located in the foothills of the Salair Ridge. The main watercourses are the Istok, Chebura, and Kasma rivers. Woodlands are represented mainly by fir-aspen taiga, significant areas are occupied by secondary forests - birch-aspen small forests in overgrown clearings and burnt areas. Small areas of open forest-steppe areas are used for Agriculture. The center of the reserve is the village. Zhuravlevo, Promyshlennovsky district.

The flora of the reserve includes 682 species of higher vascular plants and 36 species of bryophytes.

The vertebrate fauna of the Salair reserve includes 241 species. Invertebrate animals on the territory of the reserve, as well as in the Kemerovo region as a whole, have been studied fragmentarily, only in individual systematic groups. In this regard, evaluate total invertebrate species is not possible. Therefore, only rare species insects included in the Red Book of the Kemerovo Region (2000).

Among plants and animals, a significant number of species have diverse economic and environmental significance. 27 plant species and 37 animal species are included in the Red Book of the Kemerovo Region (2000).

A significant part of the species diversity is associated with the water area of ​​Tanaev Pond (Zhuravlevskoye Reservoir on the Istok River).

Many aquatic and semi-aquatic animals enter the reserve for a short time and irregularly (birds: wading birds, waders, waterfowl) or are found at the very border of the protected area.

State Natural Zoological Reserve "Pisany"

The reserve is located in the northwestern part of the region, in the forest-steppe part of the Yashkinsky and Kemerovo districts on the right bank of the river. Tom in the lower part of the Pisanaya River basin, on an area of ​​29,415.5 hectares. The center of the reserve is located in the village. Pacha Yashkinsky district. The relief of the reserve is a hilly plain, strongly dissected by ravines. Among the tracts of aspen-birch forests there are pine and cedar forests. The Pisany reserve is complex. The reserve has established a protective regime for elk, roe deer, otter, black grouse, hazel grouse, common weasel, hare, squirrel, fox, mink and lynx.

Comprehensive botanical and zoological studies carried out on the territory of the state zoological reserve "Pisany" in 2006, as well as an analysis of scientific literature, departmental materials, collections and observations showed that the flora and fauna of the studied territory is very unequal in the concentration of rare species. Largest number rare species were noted along the Tom River and in the vicinity of the Tomsk Pisanitsa Museum-Reserve.

The “Pisany” zoological reserve was created to protect the elk, but did not fulfill its task. Elk migration across the Tom River has decreased to a minimum. According to the Office of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance for the Kemerovo Region (2000), the number of moose on its territory ranges from 20-45 animals, and in recent years it has tended to decrease. The reserve also protects large game species: roe deer (12-22 heads) and bear (4-6 heads).

The flora of the reserve includes 615 species of higher vascular plants.

The wildlife of the reserve includes 258 species of vertebrates. At the same time, a significant part of birds, including the vast majority of waterfowl, waders, and gulls, are found only along the river bank. Tom on migration in spring and autumn time of the year.

The Red Book of the Kemerovo Region (2000) includes 20 species of plants and 34 species of animals found in the territory of the Pisany reserve.

The Kemerovo region is located in the southern part of Western Siberia, formed on January 26, 1943. Area 95.7 thousand square meters. kilometers, population 2885 thousand people. BUT PERSON DOESN'T ALWAYS TREASURE, USES RELENTLY AND CARES LITTLE ABOUT PRESERVING THESE RICHES.

“Tomskaya Pisanitsa” Kuznetsk Alatau Therefore, there was a need to organize nature reserves and wildlife sanctuaries in Kuzbass. On the territory of the Kemerovo region there are: the Kuznetsky Alatau federal reserve, the Shorsky national park, the Tomskaya Pisanitsa historical, cultural and natural museum-reserve and 14 nature reserves. Shorsky Park

Kuznetsk Alatau is a mountain system, the eastern spur of the Altai Mountains. It consists of mountain ranges with elongated peaks - tysyls. These thousand rise above the forest line. “Alatau” translated from the Turkic language means “Motley Mountains”. This name accurately reflects the first impression of bright colors Kuznetsk Alatau. Chulym Tom State Nature Reserve "Kuznetsky Alatau" was created on December 27, 1989 in the central part of the mountain range of the same name, on the territory of the Tisulsky, Mezhdurechensky and Novokuznetsky districts of the Kemerovo region. The terrain of the territory is mountainous. Most of the area is occupied by forests. There are alpine meadows and ponds.

The reserve contains the sources of the largest tributaries of the Ob - the Tom and Chulym rivers. Most of the Kuznetsk Alatau nature reserve is covered with mountain taiga forests of fir, spruce and Siberian pine. Spruce Cedar pine Siberian fir

In "Kuznetsky Alatau" you can see about three hundred species of birds, two hundred and nine of them nest in the reserve. The reserve contains 41 species of little-studied and rare birds, the numbers of which are gradually declining. Typical sedentary inhabitants of the taiga are wood grouse, nutcracker, jay, jay, nuthatch and others. The reserve's fish fauna consists of 13 species. Siberian grayling and taimen live in mountain rivers. In slow-moving waters there are pike, perch and burbot. In the spurs of the Kuznetsk Alatau there are 5 species of amphibians, but only two have been recorded on the territory of the reserve - the gray toad and the sharp-faced frog. Of the 6 species of reptiles of the Kemerovo region, only two have been discovered within the reserve so far - a viviparous lizard and a common viper.

Shorsky National Park Shorsky National Park was organized in 1990 on the basis of a decree of the Soviet Government of December 27, 1989. The park is located in the south of the Kemerovo region in the Tashtagol district. The length of the national park territory from north to south is 110 km, from east to west 90 km.

The park was created with the aim of preserving unique areas of cedar growth, black taiga in Mountain Shoria, as well as preserving the cultural heritage of the indigenous Shor nationality.

The forest areas of the mid-mountain part of Shoria are almost untouched economic activity and preserved in its original form.

"Royal Gate" - picturesque rocks on the right bank of the Mrassu River. The rocks are 100 meters high and drop steeply into the water. They are composed of marbled limestones. The color of the rocks changes depending on the weather and lighting. In sunny, clear weather, the rocks are light - white with a pinkish tint. In cloudy weather they become a moody gray with a purple tint.

Mountain Shoria is a beautiful corner of Kuzbass nature! The strong, original and talented Shor people have lived here for a long time. But now he and nature need help and protection. For this purpose, the State Natural National Park "Shorsky" was created.

The nature in the Kemerovo region is very rich - this is the taiga, where rare relict forests are found; alpine meadows, steppe and forest-steppe; cedar and spruce forests; a lot of lakes and rivers. But every year the state of nature becomes worse. People interfere more and more often in her life. The diversity of animal species is decreasing, forests are disappearing, rivers are drying up, and lakes are becoming swamped. The earth may become uninhabitable for human life if measures are not taken. There is only one way out - to preserve nature. This can be done with the help of nature reserves, wildlife sanctuaries, national parks, and natural monuments.

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On the territory of the Kemerovo region there are: the Kuznetsky Alatau nature reserve of federal significance, the Shorsky national park, and the Tomsk Pisanitsa historical, cultural and natural museum-reserve.

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“Kuznetsky Alatau” Chulym Tom State nature reserve “Kuznetsky Alatau” was created on December 27, 1989 in the central part of the mountain range of the same name, on the territory of the Tisulsky, Mezhdurechensky and Novokuznetsky districts of the Kemerovo region. The reserve contains the sources of the largest tributaries of the Ob, the Tom and Chulym rivers.

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The purpose of creating the reserve is to protect poorly disturbed forest ecosystems, as well as to protect the reindeer population.

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Most of the Kuznetsk Alatau nature reserve is covered with mountain taiga forests of fir, spruce and Siberian pine. Spruce Cedar pine Siberian fir There are many clearings in fir forests. They grow: tall wrestler, Siberian skerda, variegated thistle, nettle, tall honeysuckle. Along the valleys of taiga rivers, downy birch, willow, currant, bush alder and rowan grow.

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In "Kuznetsky Alatau" you can see about three hundred species of birds, two hundred and nine of them nest in the reserve. The reserve contains 41 species of little-studied and rare birds, the numbers of which are gradually declining. Typical sedentary inhabitants of the taiga are wood grouse, nutcracker, jay, jay, nuthatch and others. jay nutcracker capercaillie kuksha nuthatch

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The reserve's fish fauna consists of 13 species. Siberian grayling and taimen live in mountain rivers. grayling taimen In slow-moving waters there are pike, perch and burbot. pike perch burbot

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The mammal fauna of Kuznetsk Alatau includes 65 species. The majority are inhabitants of the taiga. These are the badger, tiny shrew, otter, Altai mole, chipmunk, red-gray vole and others. badger shrew otter vole Brown bear, fox, wolf and elk are also widely represented in the forests of the reserve. bear Fox wolf moose

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The reserve's protection regime allows for the effective protection of non-nomadic animals, such as sable, and the conservation of migratory animals, such as reindeer. sable Reindeer affects the most nomadic species of animals - roe deer, elk, deer. roe deer elk deer

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Shorsky National Park Shorsky National Park was organized in 1990 on the basis of a decree of the Soviet Government dated December 27, 1989. The park is located in the south of the Kemerovo region in the Tashtagol district. The length of the national park territory from north to south is 110 km, from east to west 90 km. The national park was created with the aim of preserving unique areas of cedar growth, black taiga in Mountain Shoria, as well as preserving the cultural heritage of the indigenous Shor nationality.

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Currently, more than 60 rare and endangered plant species listed in the Red Books of Russia and the Kemerovo region have been identified on the territory of the national park. These are species such as: curly lily (saranka), Siberian princeling, single-seeded ephedra, Siberian thyme, Altai rhubarb and other species. lily thyme ephedra princely rhubarb

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Maral root, kandyk-iris, and Asian swimsuit, which grow on the territory of the reserve, are also listed in the Red Book. maral root swimsuit kandyk-iris

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cedar aspen Siberian fir The leading plants of the national park are cedar, Siberian fir, and aspen.

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black stork golden eagle gray heron peregrine falcon needle-tailed swift falcon 6 species of birds are also listed in the Red Book: black stork, gray heron, needle-tailed swift, golden eagle, falcon, peregrine falcon.

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The park is home to about 60 species of mammals. Among them are muskrat, weasel, white hare, squirrel, and musk deer. muskrat squirrel White hare musk deer

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There are many natural monuments located on the territory of the national park. One of them is the Saga waterfall. The Saga waterfall occupies 30,000 square meters. m, located on the Sholbychak stream (left bank of Mrassu) 300 m from the Mrassu river. An eighteen-meter waterfall falls in several cascades into a small, icy lake. At the waterfall there is a small grotto that turns into a cave with a very narrow entrance.

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"Royal Gate" - picturesque rocks on the right bank of the Mrassu River. The rocks are 100 meters high and drop steeply into the water. They are composed of marbled limestones. The color of the rocks changes depending on the weather and lighting. In sunny, clear weather, the rocks are light - white with a pinkish tint. In cloudy weather they become a moody gray with a purple tint.

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Mountain Shoria is a beautiful corner of Kuzbass nature! The strong, original and talented Shor people have lived here for a long time. But now he and nature need help and protection. For this purpose, the State Natural National Park "Shorsky" was created.

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Tomsk Pisanitsa This special museum is located approximately 60 km. from the city in a pine forest on the banks of the Tom River in the open air. It all started with the discovery of ancient drawings or writings on the coastal rocks. This is where the name came from - Pisanitsa, which gave the name to both the rocks - Pisanaya Rocks, and the nearby village - Pisanaya. The drawings were discovered back in the 16th and 17th centuries, but other than being of narrow interest to specialists and researchers, they no longer had any significance. It was only in the 70-80s of the last century that work began on the restoration and preservation of rock paintings.

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The rocks were given protected status and, in fact, the creation of an open-air museum began around them. A staircase was built, which is a descent to the rock, and educational activities were launched among the population. Over the years (especially in recent years 20) exhibitions were created telling about the mythology of the peoples who inhabited Siberia, and, in particular, Kuzbass, architectural and ethnographic complexes, a small zoo

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The flora of Tomsk Pisanitsa is rich and varied. About 400 species of higher plants (1/4 of the flora of the Kemerovo region) were found on its territory, of which 39 species of trees and shrubs, numerous herbaceous plants. Of these, 5 species are tertiary relicts, one species, feather feather grass, is included in the Red Book. About 40 species are rare in Kuzbass and need protection. FEATHER GRASS

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Diverse animal world. The reserve is crossed by an ancient moose trail leading to the crossing of the Tom River, and moose regularly pass along it. In winter, wolves and lynxes come running. The permanent inhabitants of the museum-reserve are fox, mink, weasel, ermine, weasel, badger, hare, squirrel, chipmunk. There are many small rodents - mice and voles, and there are 3 species of bats. MINK COLUMNS WEASEL

Vegetable world. The vegetation cover of the park is dominated by black taiga. Forests are represented by mountain types of communities. Communities with Siberian pine and Siberian fir predominate. Spruce, pine, downy birch, and aspen are much less common. IN age structure the most significant proportion is of middle-aged and ripening plantings. The share of mature stands is only about one fifth of the forested land. The most common are tall-grass and broad-grass types of forest communities. The proportion of moss and shrub-forb forest types is less significant, with bird cherry and mountain ash in the undergrowth, and in the herbaceous cover with female moss grass, bracken, northern borax, tall larkspur, and wild rosemary. The share of other forest types is insignificant. The forests of the mid-mountain part of Shoria preserve the unique and rich flora of the mountains of Southern Siberia. Its botanical attractions include such rare plant species as Siberian candyk, Lady's slipper grandiflora, Lady's slipper, and Rhodiola rosea.

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    Nature reserves are areas of land or water that are protected by the state and withdrawn from economic use. Reserves are formed for the purpose of preserving animals and flora, characteristic of this area. The reserves are strictly guarded; unauthorized visits are prohibited.

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    Kemerovo region - subject Russian Federation. It is part of the Siberian Federal District, formed on January 26, 1943 by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Area - 95,725 km². The administrative center of the region is the city of Kemerovo

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    The Kemerovo region is located in the southeast of Western Siberia and is located almost equidistant from the western and eastern borders of Russia. Natural resources region, its flora and fauna are huge and diverse. But a person does not always value, uses mercilessly and cares little about preserving these riches. Therefore, there was a need to organize nature reserves and wildlife sanctuaries in Kuzbass

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    On the territory of the Kemerovo region there are: the Kuznetsky Alatau nature reserve of federal significance, the Shorsky national park, the historical, cultural and natural museum-reserve Tomskaya Pisanitsa and 14 nature reserves.

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    Kuznetsk Alatau is a mountain system, the eastern spur of the Altai Mountains. It consists of mountain ranges with elongated peaks - tysyls. These thousand rise above the forest line. “Alatau” translated from the Turkic language means “Motley Mountains”. This name accurately reflects the first impression of the bright colors of Kuznetsk Alatau.

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    The Kuznetsky Alatau State Nature Reserve was created on December 27, 1989 in the central part of the mountain range of the same name, on the territory of the Tisulsky, Mezhdurechensky and Novokuznetsky districts of the Kemerovo region. The terrain of the territory is mountainous. Most of the area is occupied by forests. There are alpine meadows and ponds.

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    Kuznetsk Alatau – most beautiful place Kemerovo region

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    The forests of Mountain Shoria are famous all over the world - many even call them the second Alps. Forests consist of unique plants and trees - Siberian fir, aspen, spruce, pine and birch. Forest areas remain untouched and preserved in their original form. The Shorsky National Park boasts rare plants - lady's slipper grandiflora, Siberian kandyk, and rosea radiola grow here. Currently, about twenty species of unique endangered plants are registered in the park. The fauna of the reserve is also interesting - there are Siberian moles, ermine, weasels, American mink, wolverine, elk, lynx and other mammals. The avifauna of the Shorsky Park is represented by 108 species, including the black stork, peregrine falcon, golden eagle, and osprey, which are listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation. More than 70 natural attractions are described in the park - the Marble Rocks waterfalls, the Mras River valley with caves, Kul-Taiga with a mountain lake.

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    The park was created with the aim of preserving unique areas of cedar growth, black taiga in Mountain Shoria, as well as preserving the cultural heritage of the indigenous Shor nationality

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    "Tomsk Pisanitsa" - open-air museum-reserve

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