The question of why a child’s mouth is constantly open is quite relevant and worrying for many parents. This phenomenon often occurs in our lives and, indeed, is a serious problem, because an open mouth is not only ugly and indecent, but also dangerous. Is your child's mouth constantly open? Perhaps this is just a bad habit picked up from someone close to you or a consequence of frequent colds. It is likely that this is the result of respiratory failure or the consequences of physiological and psychological problems with health. Perhaps this is muscle failure, or maybe even a symptom of a serious neurological disease.

Secondly, how to improve tongue position during feeding?

Repeat this procedure frequently with a breastfeeding finger replaced. Do correct exercise with praise. Warm tone of voice we have the most beautiful prize for a child. When you see that the problem lies deeper. It doesn't end with opening your mouth and flattening your tongue. Try a different exercise. Gently irritate your newborn's lips, and when he opens his mouth, repeat: “Put your tongue down.” At the same time, insert your finger, and when the child is lying on the tongue and covering it with the gums and lower lip, turn the finger towards the tongue so that the tongue is under your finger.

In any case, an open mouth is always a reason to think about the child’s health and an impetus for changing his behavior. Moreover, the constantly open mouth itself is also a gateway for new serious illnesses, as well as the source of new unpleasant consequences and problems in life for now little man. Therefore, today we, having studied many medical reference books and analyzed similar real situations, tried to find objective reasons why a child’s mouth is constantly open.

He will plunge into the desired groove and begin to move, sucking properly. Finally, lift your finger away from your baby's mouth while lightly squeezing your tongue. When this exercise is perfect, nothing should happen that could cause the newborn to be unable to latch on.

Sometimes starting natural feeding is difficult. Baby and mother learn from each other. It is important to follow a few rules to bring your baby to the breast. Sit comfortably, place stools under your feet or some books to keep your legs free. The baby should be placed in a straight line facing the mother's entire body. The child's spine should be erect.

  • Calm down before you start feeding.
  • The baby's head should lie in the mother's elbow joint or on the forearm.
  • The baby's mouth should be at nipple height.
  • Mom holds her child's hand.
When the baby is built this way, 4 fingers should be placed under the breast, the thumb should be placed on top part breasts

ENT diseases.

The most common reason why a child’s mouth is constantly open is the presence of any ENT diseases. The fact is that adenoids, as well as chronic runny nose, otitis, rhinitis and sinusitis - all of this, together or separately, negatively affects the child’s breathing. A baby who breathes through his nose rather than his mouth sooner or later encounters a number of serious problems. The fact is that humans are naturally equipped with the function of breathing through the nose. It is justified by the fact that the inhaled air, passing through the nasal passages, is moistened, warmed and purified. At the same time, brain receptors are activated, which are directly involved in blood gas exchange, oxygen supply to the brain and in regulating the functioning of the entire body. It has been noticed that children who breathe through their mouths catch colds more often and get sick more often. They have problems with bite, posture, as well as with speech and, in general, with behavior and communication with other children. Due to insufficient oxygen supply to the brain, such children are often depressed and anxious. They often have sleep disorders, they are more inattentive and quite restless.

You should sculpt the breast so that the nipple is slightly up and slightly forward. Initially, the mother irritates the baby's wart when she opens her mouth wide and her tongue is placed on the bottom of her mouth in a groove and then the baby is applied to the breast.

Mom checks the functionality of her breasts. When the child is well placed. The wart, together with most of the capsule, is located in the mouth of the child. the child's lips roll out. Initially, the baby's sucking movements are deep, long, later a little shallower and shorter, then the baby's sucking movements are measured, slower, the baby swallows food. There is no clicking sound or baby mumming during sucking. Children's cheeks are not destroyed. Do not pull your breast out of your baby's nose. The baby has a raised nose and will not choke during feeding, and the breast may slip out of the baby's mouth.

  • Beard and beard.
  • The baby's cheeks and entire face are filled with breasts.
  • The end of the nipple should be at the border of the palate of the soft and strong baby.
  • You can see how far it is by putting your finger in your mouth and feeling that boundary.
Nature has adapted small trials.

Moreover, a baby who breathes through his mouth can be easily distinguished by his characteristic external signs. Such a child has a constantly open mouth, a slightly raised upper lip, narrower nostrils than usual, and a slightly wider bridge of the nose. He has an elongated face shape, narrow shoulders and a sunken chest. To maintain balance, the posture of such a child also undergoes changes. It becomes characterized by a forward tilt of the head - and this is a serious load on the temporomandibular joint, which provokes headaches and facial muscle pain, as well as pain in the lumbar region and spine. This is exactly the portrait of a child who has problems with nasal breathing and whose body needs as soon as possible undergo examination and treatment. Because a constant runny nose and any other frequent ENT diseases easily turn into chronic forms, and breathing through the mouth becomes a habit, which sometimes it is not possible to get rid of even adult life.

When the mother discovers that the baby is not doing well on her breast, stop feeding by inserting your thumb into the corner of the baby's mouth and starting the baby all over again. It's not easy, but it's worth a try. To help your baby open wide, you can do the following exercise.

Wash your hands thoroughly before starting the exercise. Use your index finger to tease your baby's lower lip first and then his upper lip. Express and open, open, open. When the child does not want to do this, use your index finger to pull down the child's beard. We place your index finger, fingers up, towards the baby's lips, watch the baby's lips roll well, and then check for suction. This exercise is repeated until the child opens his mouth wide.

Dental diseases.

Another common cause of an open mouth in a child can be dental problems. Early caries, destruction of the integrity of teeth and their complete loss, along with adenoids, pacifier abuse, the habit of sucking fingers, rickets and neurological diseases, negatively affect the formation of a child’s bite. An incorrect bite affects how the tongue is positioned in the mouth and how its teeth and lips are closed. And the incorrect position of the tongue and the natural deformation of the jaws in this situation affect the processes of sucking, chewing, swallowing and, of course, breathing. Perhaps the child’s mouth is constantly open, because due to an incorrectly formed dental system, it is simply inconvenient for him to close it. Therefore, if your child has a constantly open mouth, visit the dentist and seek advice from an orthodontist in order to quickly cure dental diseases and correct the bite.

Also check that the baby has a good tongue fit and how deep the nipple and covering are in the baby's neck. A monthly baby may be given a small rattle and will not put his finger in his mouth. You can hold your baby's hand and offer the breast. You may need to change your baby's position to the breast. In this case, the position will be checked under the armpits.

You can look into the baby's mouth to see if there is any thrush present. You can't put a hungry, crying baby into your chest. When the baby fits abnormally into the breast, the woman breastfeeding the nipples. Over time, you may have less food in your chest as the balance between supply and demand is disrupted.

Weakness of the orbicularis oris muscle.

The orbicularis oris muscle is a tightly fused bundle of muscles that are located around the lips. A decrease in the tone of this muscle is a fairly common phenomenon in newborns, as well as in preschool and even younger children. school age. It is believed that an open mouth in children under one year of age is a completely normal phenomenon, which is not worth worrying too much about, but should not be ignored. Although it may go away over time without any intervention from parents or doctors, open mouthing can still become a habit. And such a habit is dangerous for the development of mouth breathing in a child, a crooked bite and the onset of other health problems. Therefore, if an infant has a constantly open mouth, but breathes through his nose and does not have neurological problems, then special attention they don't pay attention to this. But for older children orbicularis muscle the mouth is strengthened. This is done with the help of facial massage and special speech therapy exercises.

Feeding your baby a pacifier, a bottle nipple, or putting a properly designed nipple on a silicone cap disrupts his suction reflex. The baby will suck on the breast, open his mouth less widely and, therefore, the food in the breast will disappear. Leaving baby food residue and saliva on the warts will speed up their healing.

My baby has a hard time latching on. He suckles, but often wants to be placed in the breast, in fact he suctions or sleeps all the time. Something is wrong with my diet. Some advice, don't bend over. Do not give milk to your baby through the nipple. Abnormal breast latching is easy to spot.

Neurological problems.

However, if, along with an open mouth, the child experiences excessive salivation or the tip of his tongue is constantly sticking out, it is necessary to urgently contact a neurologist. Such symptoms indicate the presence of neurological problems in the child: from ordinary hypertension and ischemic damage to the central nervous system to more serious illnesses.

Has a narrow mouth position, withdraws the tongue after grasping the breast, does not place the tongue on the lower lip before grasping the nipple itself. the nipple slides back and forth, the sunken cheeks tug at the lips. Also, when you feed, you can pretend and lick, and you can feel severe pain in warts.

Practice regular breastfeeding

Proper placement of your baby's mouth and tongue during feeding is a skill. Sometimes a baby can learn to struggle badly with the first hospital feeding, you thought you were feeding well and no one gave you professional help, he didn't explain how to put the baby on the breast correctly. Now there are effects, baby dubs bad habits. To do this you need to practice a little.

An adopted bad habit.

Is your child's mouth constantly open? Could this be an acquired phenomenon? If you previously did not notice the baby’s habit of keeping his mouth open, but by the age of 6-7 he suddenly began to actively do this, think and take a closer look, perhaps he is copying his friend or one of the adults. As a rule, at this age children are characterized by imitation, which passes quickly and does not require any action. However, to prevent open mouth from becoming a permanent habit, you should talk to your child and try to teach him to control his actions. At the same time, do not scold or yell at your child under any circumstances. Explain that this is ugly, uncivilized and threatens the development of serious diseases.

First, open your baby's mouth wide. You have to stick with it, it will be difficult initially, but don't be discouraged. First, wash your index finger with your lower and upper lips. You should calmly, firmly, in a pleasant tone, loudly say "open, open", opening your mouth wide open, as if you were to say "Ahhh."

Repeat until baby opens his mouth wide and then apply pressure with your fingertip. Make sure baby's bottom lip is curled. Repeat until baby is wide open. You can help yourself by trimming your child's beard. The next exercise is to practice the correct placement of your baby's tongue. You can specify the language by checking the function of the suction method on your finger. When your baby is sucking well, wrap your tongue around your finger and you will feel a strong sucking motion and you will see a tongue tip in the corner of your mouth.

If your child's mouth is constantly open, do not panic, remember when your baby began to open his mouth: from birth or this happened quite recently under the influence of someone around him. Pay attention to how your baby breathes: through the mouth or through the nose. Observe your child how often his mouth is open, when he opens it, and under what circumstances. Perhaps he just occasionally opens it slightly out of zeal, surprise or attention. Well, if this happens all the time and if you are seriously concerned that the child’s mouth is constantly open, contact an ENT specialist, dentist, orthodontist and neurologist. There is a huge variety medicines and medical devices in order to get rid of certain diseases that provoke the habit of keeping the mouth open. There are a huge variety of different techniques for getting rid of this habit, ranging from facial massage to special devices. The main thing to remember is that an open mouth is the source of many problems and the cause for the development of a number of diseases, so be vigilant and attentive towards your child.

However, when the language is poorly organized, you must do the exercise. Irritate the child's lips and wait for the mouth to open. When baby opens his mouth wide, you say, “Put your tongue in,” and your finger rolls over as baby puts his tongue in and covers it with his gums and lower lip. You then turn your finger towards your tongue so that your tongue is under your finger. After lowering your child's mouth, make sure the tongue is working correctly. Finally, you remove your finger from the baby's mouth by squeezing the tongue slightly.

You can do the same exercise on your chest. Once your baby has only caught the wart, you should stop feeding and press firmly on the breast. If your baby latch on, you'll know it. Baby's first sucking movements will be fast, pulling the breast into the mouth, only the next one will be slower and deeper. You should listen to the baby's mouth sounds. You can't hear the smack, the pat. You will feel that your breasts are free of food.

Many parents notice that their child's rum is constantly open. What is the cause of this problem and is it really a problem? A constantly open mouth is not only an aesthetic problem; such a phenomenon can pose a serious threat to the baby’s health.


What is the reason why a child's mouth is constantly open? This question cannot be answered immediately and unambiguously.

The child's mouth is wide open, and the baby has rolled most of the shell from the outside into the child's mouth.

  • The baby's boot is tucked into the tip of the chest.
  • Babies on their feet touching your baby's belly is relaxed.
  • The child's fists are flabby and his toes are straight.
Feed the baby until she gives up and spits on her chest. After feeding, the baby usually sleeps. Then you are both calm and happy.

Imagine suddenly waking up on stage. There are dozens of eyes staring at you in front of you. Someone puts a microphone in their hand and expects you to say something smart. Here on this moment, you come up with this idea. You feel that you are red and that every second is getting worse.

So let's break it down possible reasons this problem:

  • Habit. This point is not entirely the reason, however, it is worth noting that children are copies of us adults. Watch, perhaps someone close to you often walks in front of the baby with his mouth open?
  • Does your child often get colds? This factor may play a major role in exposing the cause of our problem.
  • If a child's mouth is constantly open, the cause may be a violation of the respiratory system.
  • Physiological characteristics of the body.
  • Presence of psychological problems or development of a neurological disease:


This is how a shy child feels when he leaves home. Return to this scene for a moment. Since you have no idea what to do, you start thinking about how to escape. On stage you are your mother. You are happy that you are not alone, so you quickly run to her and hide in your arms in hopes that you will get out of here. But she pulls you out, puts you in front of the audience, pushes the microphone under your nose and pleases her with a pleasant voice: Don’t be afraid.

This is what parents of a shy child do when they go out with him. Now imagine this scene in last time. You are blinded by headlights. You feel like everyone is already impatient with your behavior. This is what people do when they see a shy child.

Ischemic damage to the central nervous system.

  • muscle failure.
  • ENT diseases:


Chronic rhinitis,


  • Dental diseases:

Tooth decay

Tooth loss,

Finger sucking or excessive love for the pacifier (pacifier),


What to do if a child's mouth is constantly open?

We talked about what the reason may be, but it is impossible to accurately determine it on your own. It is very important to report your experiences to your pediatrician and undergo a medical examination that will help identify health reasons or refute their presence.

Mom and Mom were so afraid of strangers. Maybe you can write it in kindergarten? So he sat in the corner and cried for half the day, and the other half looked out the window, waiting for him to come. The shy one will not become the life of the party, since the short one will not grow, the blue-eyed ones will not have the eyes of beer, and the red-haired one will even betray the copper sprouts.

Because shyness is not acquired and is innate. For example: find positive results. Is it even better that he doesn’t go after the one who treats him with sweets? But environment requires them to give kisses left and right. Are you giving away all your trust? So don't listen to those who say it's your fault. The angry mother holds her son under a bowl instead of sitting him in the middle of the room and asking him to recite poetry. Mourners will eventually get used to it! Be with your child when he is afraid.

So, you noticed that the child’s mouth is constantly open, watch the baby - whether he breathes through his nose or whether he always uses only his mouth to breathe. Is an open mouth accompanied by excessive drooling? If yes, there is a reason to consult a neurologist.

If a child develops such a habit as a constantly open mouth at the age of 6-7 years, most likely he is simply imitating one of the adults.

Don't rape him, just slowly get used to the world. What are the most suitable positions for breastfeeding? If you're a first-time mother, breastfeeding a newborn can be challenging. You need to practice as often as possible. Many mothers prefer to sit in a chair or chair when they want to breastfeed. Stools and pillows are very necessary additional items during breastfeeding. The most important thing is to make yourself as comfortable as possible and keep your baby close to you while supporting the chest.

Therefore, you can encourage him to open his mouth. You may feel pain at first - you don't have to give up, but try again. Comfortable position for breastfeeding. Valid advice, regardless of your chosen position. Look for a place where you can feel comfortable when you want to breastfeed your baby. Take some pillows near where you want to sit to make it more comfortable. Make sure you always bring your baby to your breast and do not lean over him.

Pay attention to the condition of your child’s teeth; if you notice anything wrong, take your child to the dentist. Breathing problems require consultation with a doctor. A child’s constantly open mouth due to ENT diseases, of course, requires a visit to an ENT doctor. Adenoids are the most common cause of an open mouth in a child.

You should not scold your child if he constantly opens his mouth, because the problem may be much deeper than you think. An open mouth is a reason to think about the baby’s condition, since this phenomenon can cause new ailments.

Nasal breathing plays an important role in our lives. First of all, nasal breathing provides humidification, purification and warming of the inhaled air. In addition, when breathing through the nose, brain receptors are activated, which is necessary for the normal course of gas exchange in the blood. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the child’s breathing, and if problems arise, take care of his health.

The child's mouth is constantly open.

Why does a child's mouth always open?

The question of why a child’s mouth is constantly open is quite relevant and worrying for many parents. This phenomenon often occurs in our lives and, indeed, is a serious problem, because an open mouth is not only ugly and indecent, but also dangerous. Is your child's mouth constantly open? Perhaps this is just a bad habit picked up from someone close to you or a consequence of frequent colds. It is likely that this is the result of breathing problems or the consequences of physiological and psychological health problems. Perhaps this is muscle failure, or maybe even a symptom of a serious neurological disease. In any case, an open mouth is always a reason to think about the child’s health and an impetus for changing his behavior. Moreover, a constantly open mouth itself is also a gateway to new serious diseases, as well as a source of new unpleasant consequences and problems in the life of a still little man. Therefore, today we, having studied many medical reference books and analyzed similar real situations, tried to find objective reasons why a child’s mouth is constantly open.

ENT diseases.

The most common reason why a child’s mouth is constantly open is the presence of any ENT diseases. The fact is that adenoids. as well as chronic runny nose, otitis media, rhinitis and sinusitis - all of this, together or separately, negatively affects the child’s breathing. A baby who breathes through his nose rather than his mouth sooner or later faces a number of serious problems. The fact is that humans are naturally equipped with the function of breathing through the nose. It is justified by the fact that the inhaled air, passing through the nasal passages, is moistened, warmed and purified. At the same time, brain receptors are activated, which are directly involved in blood gas exchange, oxygen supply to the brain and in regulating the functioning of the entire body. It has been noticed that children who breathe through their mouths catch colds more often and get sick more often. They have problems with bite, posture, as well as with speech and, in general, with behavior and communication with other children. Due to insufficient oxygen supply to the brain, such children are often depressed and anxious. They often have sleep disorders, they are more inattentive and quite restless.

Moreover, a baby who breathes through his mouth can be easily distinguished by his characteristic external features. Such a child has a constantly open mouth, a slightly raised upper lip, narrower nostrils than usual, and a slightly wider bridge of the nose. He has an elongated face shape, narrow shoulders and a sunken chest. To maintain balance, the posture of such a child also undergoes changes. It becomes characterized by a forward tilt of the head - and this is a serious load on the temporomandibular joint, which provokes headaches and facial muscle pain, as well as pain in the lumbar region and spine. This is exactly the portrait of a child who has problems with nasal breathing and whose body must be examined and treated as soon as possible. Because a constant runny nose and any other frequent ENT diseases easily turn into chronic forms, and breathing through the mouth becomes a habit, which sometimes cannot be gotten rid of even in adult life.

Dental diseases.

Another common cause of an open mouth in a child can be dental problems. Early caries, destruction of the integrity of teeth and their complete loss, along with adenoids, pacifier abuse, the habit of sucking fingers, rickets and neurological diseases, negatively affect the formation of a child’s bite. An incorrect bite affects how the tongue is positioned in the mouth and how its teeth and lips are closed. And the incorrect position of the tongue and the natural deformation of the jaws in this situation affect the processes of sucking, chewing, swallowing and, of course, breathing. Perhaps the child’s mouth is constantly open, because due to an incorrectly formed dental system, it is simply inconvenient for him to close it. Therefore, if your child has a constantly open mouth, visit the dentist and seek advice from an orthodontist in order to quickly cure dental diseases and correct the bite.

Weakness of the orbicularis oris muscle.

The orbicularis oris muscle is a tightly fused bundle of muscles that are located around the lips. A decrease in the tone of this muscle is a fairly common phenomenon in newborns, as well as in children of preschool and even primary school age. It is believed that an open mouth in children under one year of age is a completely normal phenomenon, which is not worth worrying too much about, but should not be ignored. Although it may go away over time without any intervention from parents or doctors, open mouthing can still become a habit. And such a habit is dangerous for the development of mouth breathing in a child, the formation of adenoids, a crooked bite and the onset of other health problems. Therefore, if an infant’s mouth is constantly open, but he breathes through his nose and does not have neurological problems, then they do not pay much attention to this. But for older children, the orbicularis oris muscle is strengthened. This is done with the help of facial massage and special speech therapy exercises.

Neurological problems.

However, if, along with an open mouth, the child experiences excessive salivation or the tip of his tongue is constantly sticking out, it is necessary to urgently contact a neurologist. Such symptoms indicate that the child has neurological problems: from ordinary hypertension and ischemic damage to the central nervous system to more serious diseases.

An adopted bad habit.

Is your child's mouth constantly open? Could this be an acquired phenomenon? If you previously did not notice the baby’s habit of keeping his mouth open, but by the age of 6-7 he suddenly began to actively do this, think and take a closer look, perhaps he is copying his friend or one of the adults. As a rule, at this age children are characterized by imitation, which passes quickly and does not require any action. However, to prevent open mouth from becoming a permanent habit, you should talk to your child and try to teach him to control his actions. At the same time, do not scold or yell at your child under any circumstances. Explain that this is ugly, uncivilized and threatens the development of serious diseases.

If your child's mouth is constantly open, do not panic, remember when your baby began to open his mouth: from birth or this happened quite recently under the influence of someone around him. Pay attention to how your baby breathes: through the mouth or through the nose. Observe your child how often his mouth is open, when he opens it, and under what circumstances. Perhaps he just occasionally opens it slightly out of zeal, surprise or attention. Well, if this happens all the time and if you are seriously concerned that the child’s mouth is constantly open, contact an ENT specialist, dentist, orthodontist and neurologist. There are a huge variety of medications and medical devices to get rid of certain diseases that provoke the habit of keeping your mouth open. There are a huge variety of different techniques for getting rid of this habit, ranging from facial massage to special devices. The main thing to remember is that an open mouth is the source of many problems and the cause for the development of a number of diseases, so be vigilant and attentive towards your child.

Parents often note that the child’s mouth is open during sleep or play, the baby breathes through the mouth or constantly sticks his tongue out. Should parents be wary if their child’s mouth is often open or is it just pampering and a bad habit? What diseases could this be a sign of and how dangerous can a constantly open mouth become? Where to go and what treatment methods will help with this problem.

Pathologies of ENT organs

To begin with, I would like to reassure all young mothers who are reading this article - if frequent tongue protruding is the only strange behavior in your baby, you should not immediately take him to the pediatrician and re-read stories of serious childhood illnesses on the Internet. Children's forums are actually full of questions on the topic “What to do if the baby constantly sticks out his tongue?” This means that you are not the only one who has encountered this behavior in your baby.


Sometimes a child may be born with a tongue that is slightly too large and does not fit completely in his mouth. By six months the problem resolves itself, without any procedures or surgical intervention.

It is not uncommon for a baby to stick out its tongue when teething. The baby massages the gums to relieve itching and pain during teething. And since the baby does not yet fully control the tongue, it constantly “falls out” out.

Sticking out the tongue can be a simple act of pampering - the baby is just playing, exploring his capabilities, taste sensations.

The child may show his tongue during exercise, when he moves his legs, tries to roll over on his side, or grabs something with his hands, that is, when he needs to make physical efforts.

The baby wants to be fed or simply misses his mother. The feeding process calms the baby, and also breast milk contains substances with properties similar to morphine. Hence the baby’s craving for his mother’s breast.

Serious illness and tongue protrusion

A constantly protruding tongue can be a symptom of serious illness. But in this case, this is far from the only and not the most obvious sign of the disease.


The disease is associated with an insufficient amount of thyroid hormones or a problem with their absorption at the cellular level.

Hypothyroidism develops in a baby if there is not enough iodine in the mother's body during pregnancy. But in this case, in addition to the protruding tongue, there are other, more pronounced symptoms:

  • Lag in general development.
  • Delayed teething.
  • Rough facial features (thick neck, flattened nose, wide lips).
  • Swollen tongue.
  • Pale complexion, sometimes with a yellowish tint.
  • Dry skin.

When the disease occurs, the swollen tongue literally falls out and physically cannot fit in the mouth.

If your baby does not have all of the above symptoms, you should not immediately take him to an endocrinologist. In addition, in every maternity hospital, blood is immediately taken from the newborn’s heel to diagnose a number of diseases, including hypothyroidism.

Increased intracranial pressure

Unfortunately, in the post-Soviet space, the diagnosis of ICP is made by pediatricians very often, and usually without any serious reasons. Arterial pressure at small child can vary within very wide limits. Constant crying, tension, insomnia and similar factors can cause a surge in blood pressure in a baby.

But in serious cases, increased intracranial pressure is not an independent disease, but an additional symptom to such serious diseases as:

Of course, these pathologies, unfortunately, are not limited to just tongue protrusion. Hydrocephalus can also cause increased intracranial pressure, but this serious disease does not develop suddenly, but is a congenital pathology. The disease causes a pathological enlargement of the child's head - for example, about 45–50 cm in circumference in a three-month-old baby.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that in foreign medical practice, increased intracranial pressure in children is a rare disease that takes a long time to treat and requires intensive care. But for some reason, in the post-Soviet space, ICP is diagnosed very often and, as a rule, after a cursory external examination of the child.

Facial muscle atrophy

This serious pathology can also cause a constantly protruding tongue. But at the same time, the child is not able to control his facial expressions at all. The baby cannot smile, does not grimace, does not wince while crying. Such signs require urgent medical intervention.

Diseases of the internal oral cavity

It happens that a baby sticks out his tongue due to discomfort, pain in the mouth during infection of the cavity by candida fungus, herpes virus, strains of bacteria, during allergic reaction. But these diseases are accompanied by a number of more characteristic features:

  • Inflammation and redness of the mucous membrane.
  • Abundant white coating on the tongue, throat, gums, palate.
  • The appearance of ulcers on the inside of the mouth.
  • Fever, fever

Why is a child's mouth open?

Parents often note that the child’s mouth is open during sleep or play, the baby breathes through the mouth or constantly sticks his tongue out. Should parents be wary if their child’s mouth is often open or is it just pampering and a bad habit? What diseases could this be a sign of and how dangerous can a constantly open mouth become? Where to go and what treatment methods will help with this problem?..

Alas, detailed pathology is not uncommon in modern children, and this is not just an aesthetic defect, but a rather dangerous medical problem. If your baby's mouth is constantly open, it may be the result of a bad habit that the baby picked up from older children or from one of the adults. But this may also be a consequence of frequent colds, problems with respiratory system, consequences of physiological or psychological stress, and sometimes this can be the beginning of a serious neuromuscular pathology. The sooner you fix this problem, the less harm you will cause to the baby. After all, an open mouth is a gateway for various kinds of infectious diseases, a source of unpleasant teasing and psychological trauma.

Pathologies of ENT organs

This is the most common reason for a child's mouth to be constantly open. With pathology of the nose and throat organs, difficulties arise with the free passage of air through the nasal passages, which forces the child to breathe through the mouth in order to receive the oxygen he needs. The main pathologies that negatively affect nasal breathing are adenoid vegetations that partially or completely block the nasal passages. In addition, chronic runny nose or otitis media, sinusitis and vasomotor rhinitis, and allergic swelling of the nose can significantly interfere with normal breathing. A child who cannot breathe normally through his nose faces a number of significant problems as he grows and develops. Nature provides nasal breathing as a necessary element of cleansing, moisturizing and warming the external air. Along with the passage of air flow, special brain receptors are excited, directly involved in the process of gas exchange, the penetration of oxygen into the blood and brain cells, as well as the delivery of oxygen to all tissues and organs.

If a child has an open mouth and does not breathe through his nose, he catches colds more often and is sick longer and more severely, problems with bite and posture arise, and speech function suffers, general behavior suffers, and problems arise in communicating with peers and adults. Due to chronic oxygen deficiency in the brain, such children are anxious, depressed, easily tired and excitable. They have disrupted normal night and daytime sleep, problems with attention and perseverance. Children with such pathologies develop a special adenoid type of face, with narrow jaws elongated in the longitudinal direction, crowded teeth, an upturned lip, narrow nostrils and a wide bridge of the nose. Children have an elongated face, narrow shoulders and a sunken chest; the posture of such a child is characteristic - the head is tilted forward, the back is hunched, the child is slouched. Problems arise with the lower back and spine, headaches and muscle pain are frequent. At night, such children can simply snore terribly, which further aggravates respiratory problems. If such signs are detected, you must immediately go to an appointment with an ENT specialist and begin active treatment!

Presence of dental diseases

If nasal breathing is not difficult, but the child’s mouth is open, the cause may be diseases of the oral cavity and teeth. This includes early caries with tooth decay, and complete loss parts of the teeth, and prolonged sucking of the pacifier with a violation of the formation of the bite, and the habit of sucking fingers or toys, as well as the consequences of rickets or neurological pathologies. All this leads to the child developing a pathological bite, which affects the position of the tongue in the mouth when the teeth and lips are closed. If the tongue is positioned incorrectly in the mouth, it constantly impacts the child's lower jaw, leading to deformities, disturbances in chewing, swallowing and normal breathing. Perhaps problems with closing the mouth arise due to crowded teeth, while the baby simply cannot close his mouth tightly. If you suspect problems with your teeth and jaws, your trip to the dentist should be urgent.

What to do if your child's mouth is open all the time?

The question of why a child’s mouth is constantly open is quite relevant and worrying for many parents. This phenomenon often occurs in our lives and, indeed, is a serious problem, because an open mouth is not only ugly and indecent, but also dangerous. Is your child's mouth constantly open? Perhaps this is just a bad habit picked up from someone close to you or a consequence of frequent colds. It is likely that this is the result of breathing problems or the consequences of physiological and psychological health problems. Perhaps this is muscle failure, or maybe even a symptom of a serious neurological disease.

In any case, an open mouth is always a reason to think about the child’s health and an impetus for changing his behavior. Moreover, a constantly open mouth itself is also a gateway to new serious diseases, as well as a source of new unpleasant consequences and problems in the life of a still little man. Therefore, today we, having studied many medical reference books and analyzed similar real situations, tried to find objective reasons why a child’s mouth is constantly open.

He will plunge into the desired groove and begin to move, sucking properly. Finally, lift your finger away from your baby's mouth while lightly squeezing your tongue. When this exercise is perfect, nothing should happen that could cause the newborn to be unable to latch on.

Sometimes starting natural feeding is difficult. Baby and mother learn from each other. It is important to follow a few rules to bring your baby to the breast. Sit comfortably, place stools under your feet or some books to keep your legs free. The baby should be placed in a straight line facing the mother's entire body. The child's spine should be erect.

  • Calm down before you start feeding.
  • The baby's head should lie in the mother's elbow joint or on the forearm.
  • The baby's mouth should be at nipple height.
  • Mom holds her child's hand.
When the baby is built this way, 4 fingers should be placed under the breast, the thumb should be placed on the top of the chest.

ENT diseases.

The most common reason why a child’s mouth is constantly open is the presence of any ENT diseases. The fact is that adenoids, as well as chronic runny nose, otitis, rhinitis and sinusitis - all of this, together or separately, negatively affects the child’s breathing. A baby who breathes through his nose rather than his mouth sooner or later faces a number of serious problems. The fact is that humans are naturally equipped with the function of breathing through the nose. It is justified by the fact that the inhaled air, passing through the nasal passages, is moistened, warmed and purified. At the same time, brain receptors are activated, which are directly involved in blood gas exchange, oxygen supply to the brain and in regulating the functioning of the entire body. It has been noticed that children who breathe through their mouths catch colds more often and get sick more often. They have problems with bite, posture, as well as with speech and, in general, with behavior and communication with other children. Due to insufficient oxygen supply to the brain, such children are often depressed and anxious. They often have sleep disorders, they are more inattentive and quite restless.

Moreover, a baby who breathes through his mouth can be easily distinguished by his characteristic external features. Such a child has a constantly open mouth, a slightly raised upper lip, narrower nostrils than usual, and a slightly wider bridge of the nose. He has an elongated face shape, narrow shoulders and a sunken chest. To maintain balance, the posture of such a child also undergoes changes. It becomes characterized by a forward tilt of the head - and this is a serious load on the temporomandibular joint, which provokes headaches and facial muscle pain, as well as pain in the lumbar region and spine. This is exactly the portrait of a child who has problems with nasal breathing and whose body must be examined and treated as soon as possible. Because a constant runny nose and any other frequent ENT diseases easily turn into chronic forms, and breathing through the mouth becomes a habit, which sometimes cannot be gotten rid of even in adult life.

Dental diseases.

Another common cause of an open mouth in a child can be dental problems. Early caries, destruction of the integrity of teeth and their complete loss, along with adenoids, pacifier abuse, the habit of sucking fingers, rickets and neurological diseases, negatively affect the formation of a child’s bite. An incorrect bite affects how the tongue is positioned in the mouth and how its teeth and lips are closed. And the incorrect position of the tongue and the natural deformation of the jaws in this situation affect the processes of sucking, chewing, swallowing and, of course, breathing. Perhaps the child’s mouth is constantly open, because due to an incorrectly formed dental system, it is simply inconvenient for him to close it. Therefore, if your child has a constantly open mouth, visit the dentist and seek advice from an orthodontist in order to quickly cure dental diseases and correct the bite.

Weakness of the orbicularis oris muscle.

The orbicularis oris muscle is a tightly fused bundle of muscles that are located around the lips. A decrease in the tone of this muscle is a fairly common phenomenon in newborns, as well as in children of preschool and even primary school age. It is believed that an open mouth in children under one year of age is a completely normal phenomenon, which is not worth worrying too much about, but should not be ignored. Although it may go away over time without any intervention from parents or doctors, open mouthing can still become a habit. And such a habit is dangerous for the development of mouth breathing in a child, the formation of adenoids, a crooked bite and the onset of other health problems. Therefore, if an infant’s mouth is constantly open, but he breathes through his nose and does not have neurological problems, then they do not pay much attention to this. But for older children, the orbicularis oris muscle is strengthened. This is done with the help of facial massage and special speech therapy exercises.

Neurological problems.

However, if, along with an open mouth, the child experiences excessive salivation or the tip of his tongue is constantly sticking out, it is necessary to urgently contact a neurologist. Such symptoms indicate that the child has neurological problems: from ordinary hypertension and ischemic damage to the central nervous system to more serious diseases.

An adopted bad habit.

Is your child's mouth constantly open? Could this be an acquired phenomenon? If you previously did not notice the baby’s habit of keeping his mouth open, but by the age of 6-7 he suddenly began to actively do this, think and take a closer look, perhaps he is copying his friend or one of the adults. As a rule, at this age children are characterized by imitation, which passes quickly and does not require any action. However, to prevent open mouth from becoming a permanent habit, you should talk to your child and try to teach him to control his actions. At the same time, do not scold or yell at your child under any circumstances. Explain that this is ugly, uncivilized and threatens the development of serious diseases.

If your child's mouth is constantly open, do not panic, remember when your baby began to open his mouth: from birth or this happened quite recently under the influence of someone around him. Pay attention to how your baby breathes: through the mouth or through the nose. Observe your child how often his mouth is open, when he opens it, and under what circumstances. Perhaps he just occasionally opens it slightly out of zeal, surprise or attention. Well, if this happens all the time and if you are seriously concerned that the child’s mouth is constantly open, contact an ENT specialist, dentist, orthodontist and neurologist. There are a huge variety of medications and medical devices to get rid of certain diseases that provoke the habit of keeping your mouth open. There are a huge variety of different techniques for getting rid of this habit, ranging from facial massage to special devices. The main thing to remember is that an open mouth is the source of many problems and the cause for the development of a number of diseases, so be vigilant and attentive towards your child.