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The appearance of the smell of acetone from the mouth (“the aroma of Antonov apples”) is associated with metabolism (ketone bodies), or more precisely, with its violation. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the syndrome in question is in any case pathological.

Even if the patient does not have obvious (pathognomonic) signs of any disease at the time of examination. This indicates that the patient is leading an incorrect lifestyle or is on a “harmful” diet.

That is, there is a violation of the physiological process. Why it occurs, with what disease, and what to do if you smell of acetone on your breath is a question that worries many people.

IN normal conditions The human body extracts energy from glucose, but if this substance does not enter the body for one reason or another, fats are used.

But the combustion process of these substances occurs in a completely different way and is accompanied by the synthesis of ketone bodies - compounds that are toxic to the body, which cause a specific odor and all other symptoms characteristic of acetonemic syndrome.

What diseases cause the smell of acetone from the mouth, what are its causes and signs, what does a recurrence of this condition mean, and how to get rid of it - read this article.

It is important! According to statistics, thin people are more at risk of developing acetone syndrome.

Diseases leading to the development of acetonemia (release of ketone bodies into the bloodstream).

This category includes a lot of diseases of very different origins, but they are similar in one thing - the pathogenesis of each of these nosologies includes metabolic disorders, in particular carbohydrates. Despite the different origins, the manifestations of the condition in question are similar, regardless of the cause of its occurrence.

Another interesting point is that the smell of acetone, which occurs during metabolic disorders, is comparable. So, what pathologies provoke an abnormal increase in the concentration of ketone bodies in the blood?


The pathology in question becomes the cause of the development of severe acetone syndrome in the vast majority of cases (naturally, the specific smell will be felt very strongly). Moreover, to feel the presence of acetone in the inhaled air in severe cases It is possible even at arm's length from the patient.

The mechanism of disruption of ketone metabolism is as follows: the inertness of the surface cell receptors designed to ensure the passage of glucose leads to the fact that the monosaccharide is simply not absorbed by the human body and remains in the bloodstream.

The paradox is that there is too much glucose in the bloodstream, while in the intracellular space there is not enough of it, because it is “impossible to let in.” But even in the absence of glucose, the “fuel” for metabolic processes, the cell must somehow function so that the necrotic process does not begin, accompanied by cell death. So lipids are consumed, through the breakdown of which energy is obtained, accumulated in macroerg compounds (adenosine triphosphate).

That is, the problem of providing the human body with energy is solved in a similar way, but the following question arises: what to do with the ketone bodies formed in large quantities when breaking down fats? After all, it is these compounds that are a toxin and lead to the whole symptomatic picture, the appearance of an odor in which is the safest manifestation.

Important! Attempts to independently stop acetone syndrome in a severe stage will not be successful - hospitalization is urgently required.

Pathologies of the thyroid gland - hyperthyroidism

Just like diabetes, hyperthyroidism is a disease of the endocrine system. Thyroxine and triiodothyronine are hormones that regulate the level of metabolic intensity in the human body. That is, the higher the content of T3 and T4 hormones in the blood, the more pronounced all metabolic processes will be, the implementation of which will require a lot of energy.

The breakdown of glucose alone becomes insufficient, and the processing of lipids begins, which provide more energy than monosaccharides. Well, then everything is the same as with diabetes mellitus - fat breakdown products (ketone bodies) enter the blood in high concentrations, leading to similar consequences.

Kidney diseases causing the unpleasant odor of acetone

As mentioned above, ketone bodies are a toxin that the kidneys are responsible for excreting to a certain extent. It is logical to assume that with a decrease in excretory function (filtration capacity), the removal of these compounds from the body is impaired. As a result, acetone syndrome occurs against the background of general intoxication, and the smell of acetone from the mouth is one of the manifestations.

This is interesting! It is also very difficult to relieve acetone syndrome in children due to uncontrollable vomiting when attempting oral rehydration. There are two ways out - either infusion of solutions (dropper), or an enema with an alkaline solution (for its preparation, warm water and soda).

Other nosologies

Liver failure can also lead to the occurrence of the symptom in question. Taking into account the fact that the liver is the organ responsible for detoxification, a violation of its functional activity will lead to a significantly reduced cleansing of the body from harmful substances.

Children often develop an unpleasant odor for fever very different pathogenesis. The development mechanism is similar - a rise in body temperature provokes an acceleration of metabolism. As a consequence, the breakdown of fats and the release of ketone bodies into the blood, already described above.

In what cases is the appearance of odor not a consequence of some disease?

Not in all cases, you can feel this smell only if you have one of the previously listed pathologies. In many cases, the person himself is to blame for the fact that this kind of symptomatology occurs. One can even say more - it is bad breath, as one of the most harmless signs of acetonemic syndrome, that often occurs precisely under the following conditions:

    (usually this is running). The mechanism is similar - metabolism increases, fats are broken down, and the concentration of ketone bodies increases. Naturally, it cannot be said that every workout is accompanied by acetonemic syndrome - the body itself must cope with the utilization of this compound, however, in some cases, even in the absence of pathologies, such a situation is possible;
  • Reception drugs that speed up metabolism. First of all, this includes fat burners (for example, “Black Widow”). Causing a significant acceleration of the heart rate, they lead to a pronounced acceleration of metabolism, and very often their use leads to the development of severe acetonemic syndrome;
  • It is reliably noted that acetonemic syndrome occurs much more often in young children than in adults. This is explained by imperfect metabolism and the inability of physiological processes to normalize on their own.

It is important! Many people are interested in why the breath smells of acetone (reasons), and the “aroma” of the chemical solvent often stinks in the morning, after sleep, and what to do to ensure that the acetone smell goes away as quickly as possible - in such cases, it will usually be enough to brush your teeth and use a mouth rinse , since the smell arose due to low saliva production.

How to get rid of the “aroma”?

First of all, you need to understand that the appearance of a specific odor is a consequence, and the cause must be eliminated first.

However, with severe acetone syndrome, which is manifested not only by poor breathing, but also by signs of general intoxication, great importance There is also detoxification therapy.

  • Drip administration of a solution of sodium chloride 0.9%, glucose 5-10%, rheosorbilact and xylate;
  • Sorbents. Atoxyl or white charcoal will work;
  • Diluting an ampoule with Betargin (Citrarginine) in boiled water. You will need to take 1-2 capsules per day, depending on the severity of the patient’s condition.

In the event that you do not have any of the listed remedies at hand, you can limit yourself to just drinking alkaline water - this will do mineral water"Borjomi" or "Essentuki". Or just a weak solution of soda.

Nothing spoils a person’s life more than the smell of acetone from the mouth. Medical terminology calls the disease halitosis. The smell of acetone from the mouth has various causes. For example, from the food you eat, garlic or onions. This is a natural occurrence, the same as the smell after sleep, i.e. of physiological origin. It’s another matter when the smell becomes a constant phenomenon, not drowned out by anything. No amount of mouth fresheners, chewing gum, or lozenges can help get rid of the smell of acetone from your mouth. If the process is incorrect, incomplete breakdown of proteins and fats occurs in the stomach, which gives rise to the production of acetone. Such violations can not only create bad breath, but also radically worsen the condition and functioning of the human body.

If it concerns a violation of acidity, the performance of the body, disruptions in the normal functioning of the digestive organs, then there are symptoms, indications, diagnosis of diseases and methods of treating the disease. The smell of acetone in the mouth may indicate a number of diseases that have the following characteristics.

Dietary fasting

Many diseases in adults arise not only from gluttony, but also from malnutrition or starvation. There is no need to try to do everything from one extreme to another. Everything should be in moderation, then there will be a place of stability. This principle also applies to the work of human organs, which, when stressed, experience stress and malaise, which are then expressed in the manifestation of diseases. The information power of the Internet and the media promotes various diets for weight loss, which many segments of the population are now resorting to. The body catastrophically ceases to have enough glucose in the blood, which is why the digestive system begins to process proteins and fats. Thus, a sharp change in the stable state of the gastrointestinal tract occurs, a strong smell of acetone appears from the mouth of an adult, and appetite decreases. Today, the cause of long fasting and different diets is a disease that is equivalent to mental disorder, but has every chance of being considered a killer of all life in the body, this is anorexia. At the first sign of bad breath, which clearly does not appear from physiological effects, you should contact a medical facility.

Impact on the kidneys and liver

These organs are a kind of filters that pass many substances through themselves, filtering out the useful ones and processing the negative ones. Accordingly, any disorder of the kidneys or liver creates a risk of serious diseases due to the fact that elements that should have been processed begin to enter the body. But due to disability, decreased activity, the liver or kidneys become unable to cope with the entire volume, as evidenced by the deterioration of the general condition. The formation of various negative compounds in the digestive system begins, the release of acetone, which causes the breath to smell of acetone. But in the case of disease of these organs, the strong smell of acetone from the mouth is not a fundamental factor. As a rule, in cases of kidney and liver disease, it manifests itself at a late stage of the disease. Therefore, when making a diagnosis, it is necessary that the doctor is also guided by other symptoms, and not based only on bad breath.

The thyroid gland as a source of unpleasant odor

Disease and dysfunction of this organ causes the unpleasant odor of acetone from the mouth. It is formed during the breakdown of fats and proteins associated with metabolic disorders during illness and increased secretion of thyroid hormones. The presence of odor is not the only indicator of thyroid disease; this is facilitated by a number of signs that the doctor uses to make a diagnosis.

Firstly, the man becomes very irritable and hot-tempered. Such a sharp change in mood does not occur at the will of the patient, but has its manifestation due to a disease of the thyroid gland. The disease requires nutrition, you want to eat and have a good appetite, but at the same time there is noticeable weight loss, which also indicates disturbances in the normal rhythm of the thyroid gland. The patient experiences difficulties associated with normal, sound sleep, and is often bothered by insomnia for no apparent reason. The eyes make it clear about the disease; the eyeballs become enlarged. Thus, the diagnosis should be made taking into account the complex of reasons for a person’s abnormal behavior, obvious symptoms of the disorder, and not just based on bad breath.


Often, the cause of poor digestibility of proteins may not be an organ disease, but a common stomach upset. Occurs from poor nutrition, food poisoning, exposure to any infection. Since the matter concerns a violation of the absorption and processing of proteins by the body, the question immediately arises about the appearance of the smell of acetone from the mouth. Poisoning or infection is a temporary phenomenon; with proper treatment, the intestines return to normal and the smell disappears. But it should be noted that in this case you should not self-medicate. It is necessary to contact specialists and undergo an examination in order to quickly identify the cause of the disorder and only after that begin treatment and take medications, which must be prescribed in the form of a specific course by the attending physician.

Main cause of bad breath

One of the most obvious reasons for the acetone odor manifested due to diabetes mellitus This is a difficulty in processing proteins and fats. Typically, the disease develops in older people and can indicate its presence by causing a person to become obese. But this is not due to frequent meals, but to poor absorption of food elements in the body. Caused by a decrease in cell sensitivity to such an important component as insulin. As a result, it turns out that due to such a shortage, the male body stops absorbing glucose, which leads to the body consuming other sources - fats, proteins, which creates bad breath. A kind of starvation of the body occurs. Diabetes mellitus is a serious disease, the treatment of which is long-term, and a number of medications are taken continuously, from the moment the disease is diagnosed until the moment of death. Therefore, eliminating acetone odor from the mouth is problematic, because when the blood sugar level changes, a malfunction immediately occurs and the odor intensifies. To eliminate odor in diabetes mellitus, it is necessary to adhere to the prescribed diet, which will certainly entail the elimination of the unpleasant acetone odor from the mouth.

Ways to eliminate odor

Whatever the malfunction of the body, accompanied by bad breath, the solution can only lie in treating the disease. All other methods will only temporarily eliminate the smell. To quickly tidy up your mouth and freshen your breath, at least for a while, you can resort to rinsing your mouth with the following compositions:

  1. Decoctions of various herbs can stabilize normal breathing. A solution of chamomile, sage, and mint is suitable for this. Oak bark, which has beneficial features, sharp, strong taste. Eliminating odor is a long-term process, i.e. rinsing is not a one-time process. It is necessary to use decoction cleaning for 1-2 weeks until the smell is eliminated. To achieve the goal, it will be enough to rinse your mouth 3-5 times a day.
  2. The second option for eliminating odor is to rinse your mouth. vegetable oil, which has the properties of taking away negative elements found in the mouth. It will be enough to resort to this procedure 2 times a day for a week. You should rinse your mouth with oil for 10-15 minutes, then spit it out and rinse again. clean water. A small amount of oil entering the esophagus will not cause problems, but a large amount can cause deterioration in health. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to swallow the contents of your mouth when rinsing.
  3. One of the drugs available in pharmacies and retail stores is hydrogen peroxide, which can eliminate bacteria in the mouth and freshen breath. It will be enough for treatment of several days, during which you rinse your mouth once every day for several minutes. The solution must be prepared in advance, for which hydrogen peroxide is mixed with clean water in equal proportions.

Diseases internal organs occur in both adults and children. Of course, the appearance of diabetes in a child is too rare. But the disorder due to poisoning or intestinal infection is quite real or the consequences of hunger. The latter occurs because children most often do not want to eat themselves, and due to the carelessness of parents who do not sit down at the table in time and do not monitor the feeding of the child, starvation of the body often occurs. Or a young guy neglects to eat on time due to study or other reasons. This, in turn, causes a disruption in the digestibility of proteins, fats, and a deficiency of glucose in the blood, which leads to the appearance of an unpleasant odor of acetone from the mouth.

In addition to general disorders in the body of children, there is another reason, which is the instability of hormonal levels, because the body is in early age has high regenerative abilities.

In other words, any change in acidity immediately leads to failures digestive system, and that in turn leads to an unpleasant odor. Acetone in a child’s blood is nothing more than a huge risk of causing a serious blow to the young body. Therefore, at the slightest appearance of the smell of acetone from the child’s mouth, it is necessary to promptly contact the specialists of a medical institution.

take care of yourself

It seems that bad breath is not such a problem if you do not give it serious attention. How to get rid of odor if chemical processes in the body are combined into a system. Changes signaled by bad breath do not just disrupt metabolism, but lead to a sick state of internal organs, thereby reducing their viability. You should not delay identification and treatment; you must consult a doctor as soon as possible, especially if we're talking about about the health of children, because they are nothing more than the future nation and the continuation of the human race.

The smell of acetone in the mouth of an adult does not just appear. There is always a reason for this. Its increase in the body occurs if the work of the organs responsible for removing waste products is disrupted.

After all, a person eats fats every day, after the breakdown of which acetone is formed. It is quickly absorbed into the blood, causing the body to try to quickly eliminate it. But if there are problems with the functioning of the organs, this does not happen.

The reason for this may be various factors, for example, pathologies or hypovitaminosis. In these conditions, a lot of ketone bodies begin to accumulate in the body. And they are excreted only through the kidneys and respiratory organs. Therefore, when talking with an adult, we can feel the presence of acetone in his breath.

If the smell of acetone appears from the mouth of an adult, the reasons for this may be different. Most often it occurs during development, which is caused by impaired metabolism.

In the initial stages of development of this disease, acetone in the blood and in the breath appears as a result of a deficiency of insulin in the body, which is responsible for blood sugar levels. This phenomenon occurs due to the fact that with impaired metabolism, the pancreas suffers, which is responsible for the synthesis of insulin. Its work is disrupted, which means that this enzyme is produced in insufficient quantities.

But in addition to diabetes mellitus, it can appear as a result of:

  • impaired kidney and liver function;
  • intestinal infections;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • fasting.

A person should pay special attention to his diet. If he is constantly on strict diets, this can negatively affect his health and cause increased levels of acetone in the body. Despite the fact that diets such as do indeed give very good results in terms of weight loss, they have a negative impact on health.

During their maintenance, the body experiences a severe lack of carbohydrates, which leads to a malfunction of almost all internal organs and systems. This is what causes bad breath.

It should be noted that if an adult’s breath smells of acetone, this may indicate psycho-emotional stress. Stress, like other disorders in the body, also negatively affects the functioning of the pancreas and kidneys, and therefore can also be the cause of this disease.

Alcohol abuse also does not have the best effect on the functioning of all internal organs. Therefore, its frequent use can lead to disruption of their work and provoke the occurrence of various diseases, which will lead to an increased level of acetone in the blood.

Intestinal infectious diseases are most often accompanied by severe diarrhea and vomiting, which leads to dehydration. This condition may also be accompanied unpleasant smell from mouth.

What to do?

If a person experiences the presence of acetone in their breath, then they first need to pay attention to their diet. You should not go on diets for a long time, this can become dangerous for his overall health.

If a person eats normally, but the smell of acetone is still present, then it is necessary to mandatory visit a doctor and undergo a full examination to identify pathologies. And if they are detected, treatment should be started immediately. If you do not start treatment measures, this can lead to dire consequences.

You should not be negligent about this symptom. Its occurrence always indicates that pathological processes are occurring in the body. Once they are eliminated, the smell of acetone from the mouth will disappear on its own.

Video about the smell of acetone from the mouth

The smell of acetone from the mouth can occur due to certain diseases and conditions of the body. This indicates that aggressive processes are taking place in it, possibly increasing the level of ketones.

Ketones are organic compounds that are synthesized by the human endocrine system, acetone is also a compound of the ketone group, that is, a strong odor of acetone from the mouth of an adult indicates disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system.

This often happens with diabetes. This disease causes a strong increase in ketones and abnormal functioning of the pancreas. When blood glucose levels increase, not only bad breath occurs, but also the following symptoms:

  • the person is constantly thirsty;
  • urination becomes frequent and quite abundant;
  • a rash or itching sensation may appear on the skin;
  • a person gets tired quickly and suffers from insomnia;
  • mouth dry;
  • There may be nausea and dizziness.

With such sensations, together with the presence of acetone taste in the mouth, we can talk about diabetes mellitus. The pathology is dangerous due to its complications, for example, hyperglycemic coma. It is also accompanied by a strong odor of acetone from the mouth, while the heart rate quickens, the skin turns pale, the pupils become narrow, and severe pain. This phenomenon occurs due to a strong increase in sugar during prolonged insulin fasting.

The breath smells like acetone when the kidneys fail, for example, with renal failure, polycystic disease, renal deformation, nephrosis and various infectious processes. The kidneys are a human excretory organ, which is why if there are problems with them, the strong smell of acetone may be present not only when breathing, but also urine has this smell.

Many quite healthy women wonder why they have an acetone odor from their breath. This happens with diets that cause disorders in the metabolic processes. If a woman eats Dukan or Atkins, the acetone smell is inevitable. With such a diet, the human body receives very little fiber, and, on the contrary, receives protein in excess, as a result of which intestinal function deteriorates. Undigested dietary fiber, when decomposed, also gives off the unpleasant smell of acetone. If such a phenomenon occurs, then you need to drink a laxative and get back to work gastrointestinal tract. You should eat more fiber - bran, greens, fermented milk products.

If fasting is therapeutic, then in this case the strong smell of acetone appears due to improper functioning of the pancreas. With water fasting, such symptoms can occur as early as day 3, and with dry fasting - on day 2. In such cases, fasting should be stopped, otherwise thyrotoxicosis, a severe endocrine disease, may develop.

The smell of acetone from the mouth indicates the following problems:

  • diabetes;
  • renal failure;
  • toxic or food poisoning;
  • stress;
  • lack of carbohydrates;
  • congenital lack of digestive enzymes;
  • fasting and diets;
  • high temperature during inflammatory or infectious processes.

Risk factors

The following factors can trigger the acetone smell:

  • alcohol abuse;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • enzyme imbalance;
  • renal pathologies;
  • inflammatory processes in the pancreas;
  • cardiovascular problems;
  • purulent-inflammatory infections with a high rise in temperature.

Symptoms of acetone halitosis

The smell of acetone from the mouth can have different causes, and its symptoms depend on the level of ketone compounds accumulated in the body. If there are not very many of them, then a feeling of weakness, nausea may appear, and the person becomes restless. In this case, a urine test diagnoses ketonuria.

What does the smell of acetone on your breath indicate? If enough ketone bodies have accumulated, then in this case the patient has a dry coated tongue, a sharp acetone odor, shallow and rapid breathing, dry skin, and constant thirst. Pain in the abdominal cavity may be present, but it is impossible to clearly localize it. Possible fever, nausea, chills, confusion. A urine test reveals highly elevated levels of ketone bodies.

With a maximum increase in ketone compounds, an acetonemic crisis occurs, its symptoms reminiscent of a diabetic coma.

In various comatose states there may be acetone halitosis. In an alcoholic coma, the skin of the face turns blue, the pulse becomes thread-like, the body becomes covered with sticky sweat and becomes cold, and the smell of alcohol and acetone is felt from the mouth. Treatment for this condition is carried out in a hospital setting.

In uremic coma, the condition worsens mildly. First, weakness appears, an acetone odor from the mouth, severe thirst, then the voice changes - it becomes hoarse, the person becomes lethargic, and there may be vomiting. Intoxication leads to damage to the respiratory center. As the state progresses, consciousness becomes confused, then it disappears, and the person may die. Urgent hospitalization and hemodialysis are required.

In hepatic coma, the patient becomes drowsy, the skin turns yellow, the body is confused, the smell from the mouth can be acetone or liver, consciousness gradually fades and the patient’s death occurs. Urgent hospitalization is required.

Acetone smell in a child

Why might a child's breath smell like acetone? Most likely this is a manifestation of acetone syndrome. The cause may be an unbalanced diet, nervous disorders, stress, infectious diseases, endocrine or genetic diseases.

If a child smells acetone from his mouth or urine, he should urgently call ambulance If, in addition, there are loose stools, weakness and frequent vomiting, then help should be immediate. Acetonemic syndrome, when it is mild, can be treated with the correct drinking regimen, using rehydrates or Oralite solution, and taking enzymes and diet are also indicated. The main thing is to react quickly to this dangerous symptom and take the necessary measures, then serious consequences can be avoided.

Diagnosis of acetone halitosis

During the examination, the doctor must find out the reason that led to the smell of acetone from the mouth. When talking with the patient, he will ask about how this phenomenon began and developed. Next, you need to identify the presence or absence of a diabetic condition, find out if there are problems with the thyroid gland and other diseases.

Then an examination is carried out for peeling and yellowing of the skin, listening to the lungs and tones of the heart muscle, determining the level of thyroid hormones, sugar and ketones in the urine and blood. After collecting all the tests, the specialist determines the cause of the acetone odor and prescribes treatment appropriate to the situation.

Principles of treatment

How to get rid of the smell of acetone from your mouth? This can only be done after the cause of its occurrence is understood. In some cases, it is enough to simply establish food and drinking regime, but only on the condition that the symptoms were caused by external factors - fasting, dehydration, etc. If the smell was caused by diseases or pathological processes in the body, treatment should be aimed at the disease itself. The sooner the patient seeks help from a doctor, the better the prognosis will be.

Required early diagnosis diabetes mellitus and thyrotoxicosis are the most common diseases that cause acetone odor from the mouth. In the absence of these pathologies, it is necessary good nutrition, as well as correct and sufficient drinking regimen.

The smell of acetone from the mouth of an adult patient is a rather atypical and frightening phenomenon, because such a strong chemical smell cannot but be alarming. Even more frightening for ordinary person There will be a situation when suddenly for some reason the smell of acetone is detected from a child’s mouth. This “aroma” cannot be confused with anything else; you can’t get rid of it either by rinsing your mouth or brushing your teeth. But should you be scared? And what to do in such a situation? In cases where someone has an odor of acetone from the skin or from the mouth, should it always be considered the cause? serious illness?

So, today we will find out what the unexpectedly appeared acetone “aroma” indicates, why sometimes such a condition does not require treatment, for what reasons this smell could arise and what laboratory tests are recommended to undergo.

How does this happen

Where does acetone come from in a living organism? The bulk of the energy a person uses comes from glucose. Through the bloodstream, glucose is distributed throughout the cells of the body. But when there is little glucose, or it is not able (for some reason) to enter the cell, the body begins to search for alternative sources of energy.

As a rule, such sources are fats, during the breakdown of which various substances enter the bloodstream, including acetone.

Having accumulated in the blood, acetone is excreted through the urinary and respiratory system. That is why such a patient will have an unpleasant sensation in the oral cavity, and exhalation will be accompanied by the smell of acetone. When analyzing urine, the acetone test in such patients will be positive. Sometimes the characteristic odor emanating from patients with acetonemia is compared to the smell of a pickled apple.


The reasons for the appearance of acetone odor may be different. For example:
1. Hypoglycemic state (diabetes mellitus)
2. Thyroid diseases

  1. Pathologies of the kidneys and liver
  2. Fasting and diets
  3. Special predisposition in childhood

Note! When certain types of diets are followed non-medically, the body often develops a state of ketosis, which is not physiologically normal. Therefore, low-carb diets can be dangerous to health and significantly worsen appearance person.

  • When following a low-fat, carbohydrate-free diet, a sharp breakdown of adipose tissue occurs in the body, creating an energy deficit. A person begins to smell bad, loses strength, develops apathy, deteriorates the condition of the skin, hair follicles, nails, and internal organs suffer.

General intoxication develops in the body, and it will be indicated not only by the characteristic odor, but also by the general condition of the patient - weakness, nausea, even vomiting, irritability and other signs of chronic poisoning. That is why, if you want to lose weight, do not neglect the services of a nutritionist who will create a suitable diet for you. Actually, the smell of acetone from the mouth, of course, does not mean that you already have some serious disease, however, it is a reason to change and diversify your diet.

Important! Some diets should be ignored, no matter how effective they seem. After all, then you will almost certainly have to treat their consequences.

Dangerous diets:

  1. French
  2. Protein
  3. Atkins
  4. Kima Protasova
  • Diabetes mellitus is the most unpleasant and, alas, the most common reason the appearance of a characteristic odor from the mouth, and sometimes even from the skin in adult patients.

The smell of acetone from the oral cavity appears in diabetes according to the following mechanism. Due to insulin deficiency in this disease, excess blood glucose cannot enter the cell, and the process of diabetic ketoacidosis develops in the body. When blood glucose rises above the level of 16 mmol per liter, the patient begins to complain of the notorious odor, dry mouth, constant thirst, and abdominal pain. The patient may vomit, consciousness is depressed, and everything can end quite sadly - a diabetic coma and even death.

Important! If the complex of symptoms described above appears, you should call an ambulance as soon as possible!

Risk factors for the development of a coma are newly diagnosed type I diabetes and type II diabetes if insulin was administered untimely or in violation of technology. Also at risk are pregnant women with type II diabetes.

The main treatment for ketoacidosis in diabetes is to administer insulin slowly, followed by maintaining the patient's blood glucose levels with regular insulin injections.

  • Thyroid diseases. Thyrotoxic crisis. Since the crisis condition associated with thyroid pathologies develops suddenly, the symptoms appear all together and quite abruptly. This is a condition that can be assessed as psychotic (the patient can be either inhibited or overexcited), and coma can develop. The patient's temperature rises, pain appears in the abdominal area, the skin turns yellow and, naturally, all this is accompanied by the appearance of a characteristic odor.
    The patient must receive rehydration, supportive and specific therapy.
  • Kidney and liver diseases. These organs act as natural filters in the body, participating in the elimination of toxic compounds. With nephritis, hepatitis, cirrhosis, this function is disrupted, and the products of the body’s chemical reactions, in particular acetone, begin to accumulate in excessive quantities.

The smell of acetone comes not only from the mouth, but even from the skin of such patients. This symptom is eliminated when the functions of the damaged organ are restored or compensated. The level of acetone in urine can be checked at home - special test strips are available in pharmacies.

  • Children with a genetic predisposition to acetonemia may periodically “demonstrate” the smell of acetone from the mouth until approximately the age of seven.
    Most often, this symptom appears in a baby after he has had rotavirus, received food poisoning, or caught an acute respiratory viral infection. The fragile body simply does not have enough glucose during the body’s recovery, the process of fat breakdown, already mentioned above, starts, and acetone enters the child’s blood. In such babies, blood sugar levels most often fluctuate around the lower limit of normal, and during illness they drop to even lower numbers. Sometimes the child feels sick, however, this condition is not considered dangerous and goes away spontaneously after recovery. As symptomatic therapy, it is recommended that the child be given sugar, sweet tea, bread, syrups and drink plenty of fluids, as well as use rehydrating solutions (for example, rehydron) if the child experiences repeated vomiting and diarrhea, leading to dehydration. In some cases, hemosorbents are indicated for additional relief of intoxication.

Advice! If such symptoms are observed in a child for the first time, and he has not previously been examined for diabetes, this must be done!

And at the end of the article, we will listen to what the famous pediatrician, Dr. Komarovsky, thinks about these symptoms.