Round black currants are valued for their undoubted medicinal properties. Kiwis, lemons and currants are “champions” in terms of vitamin C content. Strengthened ones become a kind of barrier protection during the winter “invasion of viruses.” Of course, fresh berries are a complete “ vitamin complex", and the jam contains only the remnants of useful substances that survived after boiling. But “five-minute” blackcurrant jam rolled into jars for the winter, the recipe for which is given below, will bring more benefits than berry jam simmering on the fire for hours. Currant jam helps strengthen the immune system; it has every right to be included in the list of products intended for.


  • black currant - 800-900 g,
  • sugar - 650 g,
  • water - 300 ml,
  • citric acid - 5 g.

How to make blackcurrant jam for the winter: step-by-step instructions

1. The degree of ripeness of currants is difficult to determine by appearance. The berries can be large and glossy black, and sweet taste will not be able to be detected. You definitely need to try the currants. Will not work good jam from berries that set your cheekbones on edge.

2. Selected sweet blackcurrants are washed. It will not be possible to cut off the dried remains of the inflorescences of round currants; they are too short. But in the finished jam you will not feel their presence, since the structure of the berries becomes homogeneous and soft.

3. The main task is to protect the berries from boiling, so first prepare the syrup. Place a measured amount of sugar in a deep bowl or pan.

4. Add citric acid, you can throw one star anise.

5. Pour water into the pan, boil the syrup for 5 minutes at medium boil.

6. Remove the pan from the heat and immediately throw the blackcurrants into the hot syrup. Stir the berries until they are all submerged in the syrup. The pan is not covered with a lid; the blackcurrants are left to steep for 5 hours.

7. Warmed berries will not crack en masse when the jam boils. Place the pan on the fire for exactly 5 minutes. The boil should be medium, and the pink foam that appears from time to time should be carefully collected with a spoon.

8. It is customary to stir the jam with wooden spoons. It’s worth purchasing a couple of large carved spoons so that they last for the entire harvesting season. Capacious spoons will be needed when packing jam: they can scoop up so many currants at a time that it will fill a third of a half-liter jar.

Recipes for currant jam for the winter

“5 Minutes” is one of my favorites winter preparations from black currants in many families. Attracted by the available ingredients, simple recipe...

2 hours 15 minutes

225 kcal

5/5 (1)

“Five-minute” blackcurrant among preparations for the winter is like “Olivier” salad at New Year's table. Probably everyone makes this kind of jam. experienced housewife. It’s easy to cook and can be used in winter for a variety of occasions.

Recipe for making Five-Minute blackcurrant jam for the winter

How to cook Five Minute Blackcurrant:

  1. We are preparing the jars. Wash thoroughly. I always recommend washing jars for winter preparations only with laundry soap and soda. Should not be used household chemicals. We definitely pasteurize it. This important condition for storing this product.
  2. We sort the blackcurrant fruits, clearing them of leaves, twigs and various debris. Rinse in a colander under running water. Dry it a little.
  3. Pour a glass of water into the bottom of the enamel pan. Pour in 6 cups of sugar. Bring to a boil. Cook the syrup for a few minutes to allow the excess water to evaporate. The syrup should thicken slightly.
  4. Pour berries into boiling syrup. Shake the saucepan gently so that all the berries are immersed in the syrup. Put it on the stove again. Bring to a boil. Boil for no more than five minutes.
  5. Pour in the remaining 5 cups of sugar. Mix. Bring to a boil. Collect abundant foam. Remove from the stove. The jam is ready!
  6. Carefully pour the hot jam into the jars. We leave the jars open. We place it in a place so that dust does not get on the jam or cover it with paper sheets. And only when the jam has cooled completely, close with tight lids.

Tip: It is better to pour “5 minute” blackcurrant jam into small jars – 0.5-0.65 ml.

  • It is not advisable to store berries for such jam for a long time. It is better to cook on the day of collection.
  • When sorting the berries, be very careful. You must not allow sour or spoiled berries to end up in the jam.
  • Cooled jam in a jar can be sprinkled with a small amount of sugar to form a sweet crust. Or put a circle of parchment paper under the lid. These measures will help preserve the jam longer.
  • Jars can be prepared in advance to save time and effort when making jam. Especially if before this you have already worked hard at your summer cottage. The main thing is to keep pasteurized jars tightly closed. An unclean jar can cause the jam to turn sour quickly.

How to store Five-minute currant

This jam should be stored in a cool place. Better in the refrigerator or cellar. Avoid temperature changes! It is strictly forbidden to allow condensation to appear on inside covers.

If it is not possible to place the preparation in a cold place, then try to use the jam in the first half of winter. It may not last until spring - it will become covered with mold at the neck.

At the same time, she is a real storehouse of useful things. And in terms of vitamin C content, it will surpass all other berries, and contains rutin, which, in combination with ascorbic acid, will strengthen your blood vessels. The high content of pectin and fiber will ensure the removal of toxic substances accumulated in the body.

Plus she's rich minerals: potassium, iron, copper, zinc, manganese. This is useful for hematopoiesis, and will also have a good effect on the condition of the skin and hair. In winter, preparations made from this berry will help you successfully fight colds. And finally, it's simply delicious.

Currant jam "Pyatiminutka": recipe

How to preserve all the wealth contained in a modest-looking but very useful berry? After all, you yourself know that it is simply necessary. I will offer the usual and not quite regular recipes, which will allow you not only to preserve vitamins in preparations as much as possible, but will also help diversify your winter menu.

Let's start with the simplest: "Pyatiminutka" blackcurrant jam. Our great-grandmothers had to cook the jam for a long time, so that the sugar began to caramelize, because in those days it was difficult to store the jam so that it would not spoil when cooked. room temperature. There were no seamers or screw caps.

Now all this is available to us, thanks to this, heat treatment of fruits, vegetables and berries can be minimized and all the beneficial substances contained in them can be preserved to the maximum.

It is on this principle that we will prepare "Five-minute" blackcurrant. Let's stock up on pre-sterilized jars and lids.

From my point of view, it is convenient to take small jars so that the contents are used as quickly as possible. And the beneficial substances preserved in the jam will not be lost when storing an already open jar, and the refrigerator will not be cluttered. Perhaps at first it will cost more than large-volume jars, but we stock up on containers more than once, they will serve us for many years.

In addition, small jars are often found in households after purchasing various products. The jars are prepared, and the only ingredients we need are a little water, sugar and currants. Wash the berries, let them drain thoroughly and separate them from the bunch.


    1/2 cup white granulated sugar;

    2 teaspoons of water;

    1 cup blackcurrants (separated from the bunch).

Dissolve sugar and water in a jam pan. As soon as it begins to dissolve, add the berries and, as soon as it boils, cook for no more than five minutes. We remove the foam, otherwise the workpiece may become moldy with it. Pour the finished jam into a sterile jar and close it. Turn it over onto the lid and let it cool under a towel. No sterilization required. As you can see, the recipe is very simple and accessible even to novice cooks. But I like it better when the berries are crushed into puree. Therefore, as an option for the recipe, the same ingredients can be placed in a blender, and the resulting mixture can then be cooked as whole berries. At the same time, you can do without water. will retain vitamins in its composition as much as possible.

Five-minute blackcurrant jam jelly

To improve the separation of the pulp from the skin, place the berries in a colander, rinse, and then immerse the colander in a bowl of boiling water for a minute. After this, take it out and cool quickly under running water, then rub it through a sieve with a masher or spoon.

Mix the resulting puree with granulated sugar, put the pan on the fire and wait until the mixture boils. Let it simmer for 4-5 minutes over low heat. Don't forget to remove the foam. Our jelly is ready and you can pour it into sterile jars.

It will keep well at room temperature. The ratio of berries and sugar can be 1:0.8. That is, per kilogram of berries we need 800 grams of granulated sugar.

Five-minute blackcurrant jam-jelly It can be prepared with other fruits, for example, by adding apples, which also contain a lot of pectin, and a small amount of blackcurrant liqueur will emphasize the taste and aroma of the preparation. To prepare the workpiece we will need:

    1/2 kg of peeled berries;

    1/2 kg of apples with dense pulp (Antonovka type);

    kilogram of white granulated sugar;

    2 teaspoons blackcurrant liqueur.

First peel and core the apples, grate them or chop them in a blender. Mix chopped apples with currants and liqueur in a saucepan. If the apple is not juicy enough, add a few tablespoons of water and heat the whole mixture over low heat to soften. Heat without sugar for about 10-15 minutes, without bringing to a boil.

As soon as the fruits have softened, gradually add sugar to the mixture, mix thoroughly and bring to a boil over high heat. Boil for no more than five minutes, then pour into sterile jars and seal tightly with lids.

Next, as usual: turn the lids down, cover with a towel and let cool. After this, we put the mixture away for storage. If the pectin content in apples was high enough, then you will succeed five-minute currant jelly. In general, currant puree often gels on its own after cooking. If you want to enhance the consistency, then agar-agar or pectin will come to the rescue (some companies call it Quittin); buying them in stores is not a problem now, and the proportions are indicated on the pack.

Currant five-minute jelly

Americans are big fans of jelly, and they prepare it quite sweet, but at the same time with the addition hot pepper. It turns out to be such a spicy and at the same time sweet seasoning. It is most often used on sandwiches on top of soft cream cheese. Why don't we prepare something similar. Currant jam "Five-minute jelly" when performed according to American traditions, it will look somewhat unusual, but this will not make it any less tasty.

IN this recipe You can use any currant: black, red, white or golden. Wash the berries and let them stand in a sieve or colander to drain the water. We grind them with a blender or you can simply mash them with a potato masher in the pan in which we will cook. Peel sweet and bitter peppers from stalks and cores and chop finely (you can also chop them in a blender without fanaticism). Add pepper to the berries. Then add sugar, mix and put on fire.

Bring the mixture to a boil and cook for 4-5 minutes. You can add spices to taste: cinnamon, mustard seeds, a couple of star anise or others that seem appropriate to you. But this is not at all necessary. After this, rub the mixture through a sieve. Pour pectin or agar-agar into the resulting puree, pour in apple or white wine vinegar (you can add regular table vinegar, but the taste will be rougher), bring to a boil and simmer for no more than a minute while stirring.

If there is foam, remove it, and then immediately pour the product into prepared, sterilized jars. Next, let them cool on the lids and put them away for storage when cooled.

The ingredients are:

    ripe Bell pepper 1 PC.;

    hot pepper to taste (if you, like me, prefer not very hot seasoning, then a couple of large, moderately hot peppers are enough);

    berries 1.5 cups;

    white or brown granulated sugar 3 cups;

    apple cider vinegar or white wine vinegar? cups;

    quittin 1 pack.

Since peppers vary in size, let me clarify that when crushed there should be about a cup of it all together.

While cooking, you can taste what you get and adjust the sugar and seasonings if you add them. You can prepare it in the same way, but you will have to slightly change the proportions of sugar and vinegar.

This is not quite normal currant jam "Pyatiminutka". This seasoning is very rich in vitamin C, although it will be destroyed a little when cooked. After all, pepper, especially not in technical, but in biological ripeness, that is, fully ripe pods, even surpasses currants in its content. The preparation should not be consumed immediately, but should be allowed to stand for 2-3 weeks.

Five-minute currant jam

Since we are talking about not quite ordinary methods of cooking from... currants "Pyatiminutki" for the winter, then you can’t keep silent about chutney. This dish of Indian cuisine, of course, adapted to our conditions, can be considered jam and sauce at the same time. Sweet and sour currants are perfect for making it. Considering the spiciness of the preparation, a red or white berry that does not have its own distinct aroma would probably be more appropriate. Let's take

    700g of berries, already picked from the bunches, washed and placed on a sieve;

    half a large or one medium red onion, finely chopped;

    half a glass of grated ginger root;

    a glass of raisins, dark or light;

    half a glass of apple or white wine vinegar;

    half a glass of white granulated sugar;

    a quarter glass of brown sugar or honey;

    large clove of garlic;

    red hot pepper flakes or freshly chopped, to taste or about one and a half teaspoons;

    mustard seeds half a teaspoon;

Put everything in a saucepan, bring it to a boil and cook for 5-7 minutes, place it hot in sterile jars. Chutney goes well with meat, poultry and meat pies. Or you can just spread it on bread - that’s also good.

Instead of bread, crispbread will also work.

If your berries are frozen, lightly blanch them over heat with 1 tablespoon of water, just until they become slightly soft. While heating, add half a vanilla pod to the bowl. Next, cool slightly, remove the vanilla and grind the berries and dates in a blender. It’s even easier with fresh berries: just mix them in a blender with pitted dates and chia seeds.

In principle, the raw mixture is quite suitable for consumption and can be stored in the refrigerator for a week. If you have the opportunity to keep the berries frozen in the refrigerator, you can cook all this at any time. But if you want to save the preparation for the winter, simply sterilize the jars with the preparation for 10 minutes in boiling water.

That is, immerse the filled jars in a saucepan with warm water, bring it to a boil and start counting the time. Certainly, beneficial features with such processing they will still be partially lost. You can try cooking it in a similar way.

Now let’s talk about what kind of beast this chia is. This is a plant from the Lamiaceae family (its most famous representatives are mint, lemon balm, sage, marjoram, rosemary, thyme and oregano), well known in Latin America, also called Spanish sage. It is becoming a real bestseller among vegans and healthy food lovers in general.

These seeds contain protein and polyunsaturated fatty acids omega 3 and omega 6, and omega 3 in just two tablespoons chia seeds more than 200g of salmon, and the calcium content is 6 times more than 200ml of milk. It is enough to eat just a pinch a day to feel energetic and lose weight.

The taste of the grains is pleasant, nutty. IN big cities It’s not that difficult to buy them, and if you can’t find them in your retail chain, then online stores can help you. The plant is an annual, so growing it in a garden in the south of our country should not be difficult.

- This is a simple and very convenient way to prepare currants for the winter, in which the berries remain soft and intact. At the same time, they do not wrinkle and do not have time to turn into a homogeneous puree. And all this because the jam cooks quickly. Of course, the name “five-minute” is conditional, and in fact the jam is cooked for about 10-12 minutes after the moment of boiling. But anyway, this recipe is a quick fix more attractive for housewives.

It turns out a little liquid, not as thick as we are used to seeing boiled currant delicacies, since it is cooked with the addition of water and in syrup. But the syrup still turns into jelly after cooling. If this does not happen, then the jam is undercooked, and it should be boiled for a couple more minutes to evaporate. excess water. The main sign that the jam is ready and has hardened into jelly is the appearance of plaque on the walls of the container in which it was cooked; that is, the jam will begin to stick to the walls without draining.

The proportions for five-minute blackcurrant jam are as follows: in the recipe, the ratio of the volume of currant berries to granulated sugar and the volume of water should be = 4 cups of berries + 6 cups of sugar + 2 cups of water. To avoid mistakes, it is better to measure products using identical containers. In this case, it is definitely impossible to get confused. But if the ingredients are bought by weight, then 4 cups of currants = 1 liter jar (700-750 g), and 6 cups of water = 1.35-1.4 kg. The components for other recipes are measured in the same way; for example, to the workpiece "".

Method of preparing the recipe " Blackcurrant jam – five minutes»:
? Some of the granulated sugar is dissolved in water and brought to a boil. Afterwards, currant berries (sorted, washed and dried) are poured into the resulting syrup and boiled for about 7 minutes, while stirring gently. Be sure to remove the foam periodically. Then the remaining sugar is poured into the undercooked jam, and it is boiled for an additional 5 minutes.

While the jam is cooking, the jars are prepared. They must be washed and scalded with boiling water. The ready-made quick currant jam is poured into jars and sealed with boiled lids. After cooling, the jam is stored in a dark, cool place.

There is another way to cook blackcurrant jam – five minutes. Or rather, it will be jelly. It contains more sugar and can be stored even at room temperature. Berries for jelly are washed, sorted and dried. Afterwards you need to weigh them to find out how much sugar is needed. Or measure the currants in a jar: 1 liter jar fits approximately 700 g.

The currants are laid out in a basin and filled with water so that the berries are barely covered; On average, 1 kg of berries will require 2 glasses of water. And you can cook the currants over moderate heat for 15 minutes from the moment of boiling, skimming off the foam.

Then granulated sugar is added, and the jam is again brought to a boil and boiled for another 15 minutes, stirring constantly. The jelly is ready when it begins to thicken and “cling” to the walls of the pelvis. This means it can be packaged in jars and closed. You can store the jelly, just like jelly, at home.

The unique berry has a huge amount of vitamins, which it retains even during heat treatment. Delicious and very aromatic five-minute jam - great way preparing delicacies for the winter. At the same time, each currant remains soft and whole, and due to the fact that they are not cooked for long, the consistency does not turn into puree.

How to select and prepare currants for harvesting for the winter

Before you cook blackcurrant for five minutes for the winter, you need to do several steps:

  1. Sort through the collected (or purchased) berries. Trim off the remaining sepals from each.
  2. The fruits should be placed in a colander in small portions. The water pressure should not be strong so that the berries are not damaged. Rinse with running water.
  3. Before cooking, the berries from the currant bush must be dried.
  4. To get excellent jam with a classic taste, you must strictly adhere to the proportions indicated in the recipes.

How to make currant jam for the winter Five minutes

Making blackcurrant preparations for the winter in Five Minutes is quick, simple and convenient. Boiling takes about 5 minutes, so the berries are not deprived of their health benefits and nutrients. In some cases, the delicacy cannot even be cooked. You can use black, red or yellow fruits of the berry bush, whichever you prefer.

Classic recipe with water

You can really make five-minute jam in five minutes. To do this you only need to have:

  • berries – 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 1 kg;
  • a small amount of water - 2 glasses.

The recipe for the delicacy is simple and very quick to make:

  1. Black currants are sorted and washed thoroughly. It is better to wash in a colander, then wait a little until the water drains completely.
  2. Water and sugar are mixed in a cooking container, placed on the stove, and brought to a boil until syrup is obtained. While the liquid is boiling, the fruits of the berry bush are added to it.
  3. After boiling, the ingredients are cooked for exactly five minutes. If foam forms on top, it must be removed.
  4. Delicious jam All that remains is to roll it into jars. The container must be sterilized in advance, because the preparation itself is done very quickly.

Five minutes of black currant for the winter without water

Jam without adding water is perfect for storing in an ordinary apartment in the city. The vitamin treat is made if the hostess has a kilogram ripe berries and the same amount of sugar. The five-minute step-by-step process is done like this:

  1. Wash the fruits of the currant bush, sort it, remove all the branches, put it in a container, and cover it with sugar.
  2. Leave the mixture for 12-14 hours to form juice.
  3. We put the pan on the fire, wait until it boils, do not forget to skim off the foam.
  4. After boiling, boil the future currant jam for the winter for 5-10 minutes.
  5. Pour the hot mixture into jars prepared in advance, then roll it up and wrap it in a blanket for 2 days.
  6. You can move the finished currant delicacy to the place where it will be stored.

How to cook black currants and raspberries

Delicious jelly with raspberries retains a maximum of vitamins even after rolling. To prepare it you need the following ingredients:

  • black fruits of the currant bush - 0.5 kg;
  • raspberries (ripe and juicy) – 0.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 700 g;
  • water – 1 cup (to cover all the berries).

We cook five-minute blackcurrant jelly for the winter, following the sequence of actions:

  1. We sort and wash all the berries.
  2. Place the jam ingredients in a bowl, add a glass of water, place on low heat, and cook the berries until they soften.
  3. Filter the released juice, let it brew, then drain.
  4. Boil the juice by half, while constantly skimming off any foam that forms.
  5. Add granulated sugar to the juice and cook until tender.
  6. Pour the aromatic mixture into prepared dry, sterilized jars and seal with metal lids.

How to cook with orange and minimal sugar

The recipe will be useful for those housewives who watch their figure and try to consume as little sugar as possible. You don’t even need to cook this currant and orange preparation. You can prepare a dietary treat like this:

  1. Take five glasses of black berries and two oranges (medium size).
  2. Wash the currants well and dry.
  3. Cut the citruses along with the zest into small slices.
  4. Pass all ingredients through a meat grinder or grind using a food processor.
  5. You can add a sweet apple so that the jam is not too sour.
  6. Mix the resulting mass thoroughly with a spoon and place in sterilized jars. Cover with plastic lids and store at cool temperatures.

Five-minute blackcurrant jelly for the winter - recipe for a slow cooker

Five-minute blackcurrant jam for the winter acquires a jelly-like state due to the special composition of the berries. With a multicooker, the process of making jam is faster and more convenient than cooking on the stove. To make a delicacy suitable simply for tea or as a filling for baked goods, you only need the currants themselves (8 glasses), sugar (10 glasses) and a couple of glasses of water.

Step by step, make jam-jelly in a slow cooker like this:

  1. The berries are sorted, all branches and leaves are removed, washed thoroughly, and covered with sugar.
  2. Leave the berries at room temperature until the juice appears (this takes about 6 hours).
  3. Transfer the contents of the bowl into the multicooker bowl.
  4. The equipment is set to the “Multi-cook” program, the temperature is set to 120 degrees, and the time is 10 minutes.
  5. There is no need to close the lid during cooking.
  6. Pour the jam-jelly into sterile jars, roll it up, and place it upside down until it cools completely.
  7. We put the jam in the refrigerator for the winter - this way the shelf life becomes longer.

Video recipe for currant jam Pyatiminutka