People are allowed to live on Earth for a certain number of years, after which they leave this world. It would seem that a person existed - and he disappeared, and that was the end of it all. But different cases from life make you think completely differently. There are many contradictory premises on this topic.

As a result of numerous studies, scientists have come to the conclusion that every person has a soul that is immortal. Professor Stuart Hameroff said in his report that when a person leaves the world, accumulated information remains in his brain, which cannot be destroyed, and therefore continues to exist. This is the soul.

Confirmation of this fact was found by Eben Alexander, a neurosurgeon at Harvard University, who never believes in God or the afterlife. In 2008, he suffered from bacterial meningitis, which left him in a coma. I stayed in this state for a whole week. When he regained consciousness, he said that he was in space among the clouds, surrounded by flying butterflies and creatures representing the highest form of life, reminiscent of angels. The doctor reported that he was escorted to the house of God by a delightful girl with blue eyes and brown-golden hair. The sensations that Alexander experienced were so heartfelt that he firmly realized: life after death will continue.

Mysterious stories also happened with ordinary people. For example, there was such a case: one day a mother saw that her daughter was talking on the stairs with someone invisible. When the parent asked her about the interlocutor, the child claimed that she was talking to stranger. But no one except his daughter saw him. After a certain time, it turned out that the girl’s great-grandfather, who lived very far from them and whom she had never seen, had died. He died on the day the little girl first met an invisible stranger on the stairs. Later, when the girl was looking at the family album, she saw a photograph of the person she was talking to on the stairs. This was her great-grandfather.

One day, an accident happened to an old friend of mine: he was in a car accident, from which he was seriously injured and ended up in a Novosibirsk hospital. He was in a state of clinical death for several days. When he came to his senses, he said that he saw everything that happened around his body in the hospital. I saw myself lying on the bed and how the doctors were fussing around him. My friend says that while he was unconscious, he knew the answers to all the possible questions. Many difficult situations in life, which he did not know how to resolve, suddenly became clear. At the same time, I felt lightness and freedom in myself; you could ask him any question - he knew the answer to everything.

There are many similar cases. Of course, science finds a logical explanation for such events in that the brain is a very sensitive human organ. Even if he receives less oxygen than normal, negative consequences quickly come, not to mention the impact of injury. That's why "people who have been seriously injured always tell strange stories and this does not mean at all that all this actually happened to them.” Science also finds its own logical explanations for other strange situations. But to believe in science or in the existence of the soul, spirit, in life after death is up to the person himself to decide.

An interview with a clairvoyant largely clarified the mystery that humanity has been trying to solve for centuries: “What happens when you die”? Sofia Mashina received the gift of clairvoyance from her mother, and has lived with it for many years. Many things that are closed to the average inhabitant of our planet are not difficult for her to see.

— Sofia, do you think there is an afterlife?

- It depends what you mean. The existence of the energy world has already been proven by scientists, and it is closely related to the physical. The essences of this world manifest themselves differently in our space, for an ordinary person it could be simply inexplicable things, for example, for some reason all the books suddenly fell from a shelf that was firmly nailed to the wall. Psychics see this as a manifestation of the activity of other forces...


- There is no power higher than God. Man is created in his image and likeness, we are given great powers and opportunities, and no force in the world can surpass man in his greatness. Therefore, energy entities are in any case weaker and lower in status than us, and even theoretically they cannot be higher. Only God is higher than man.

So what awaits a person after death?

By faith it will be given to everyone. Our universe is designed in such a way that it responds to any of our thoughts. The consciousness of a person who believes in the existence of another reality forms one, and the soul of the person who wants to continue existing in the physical and energetic cosmos will find life after death. Moreover, we have the power to imagine ourselves in a future life, we ourselves are free to choose who we will be born as, a man or a woman, poor or rich, with whom to live and communicate, and to determine the tasks that we will have to solve.

So life after death is simply the rebirth of the soul? How does she exist in between lives?

— When dying, a person leaves his physical body. The souls of those people who have not realized their purpose in this world simply decompose into energy atoms. More enlightened individuals with great will will definitely retain their consciousness in the vastness of infinity, existing there, and then allow their soul to find a new body on our planet, such as they wanted in previous life. Therefore, what awaits a person after death is determined by the person himself.

Sofia, many psychics express completely opposite opinions about life after death, for example, that a person dies and his soul goes to heaven and lives there forever or to hell.

— Life on Earth is a paradise given to us by God. But not everyone realizes this. We can use our consciousness to turn our existence into hell. As for whether there is an afterlife, I can answer as follows. Many great personalities who have risen to high levels of knowledge have left and are leaving through meditation into the universe of their own free will, without subsequently having the opportunity to be reborn. This is how the yogis leave, and our Slavic ancestors went through dolmens into space. For many living people this is not news. Psychics are very familiar with such facts. The soul of these individuals wants to open the eyes of humanity to eternal questions, and any of us can get answers to them by coming to the dolmen or the place where the person left. Unfortunately, for most people this information is still closed, and the task of all enlightened people is to convey the truth to them.

Many people want to know what psychics say about life after death, the afterlife and the further journey of the soul. Mediums make various assumptions about what happens after the death of a person. Unfortunately, today it is very difficult to understand which of them is right.

In the article:

What do psychics say about life after death?

About the afterlife and the journey of the soul after death physical body many people argue. These are ordinary people, scientists and, of course, famous clairvoyants. Each person has his own idea of.

In most cases, such a view is influenced by a person’s religious worldview. However, different. Therefore, it is difficult to believe in such information.

So what do mediums say about life after death? Today, the clairvoyants from the show “Battle of Psychics” are very popular and well-known. Season after season, viewers learn about new, strong and talented mediums, tarot readers, clairvoyants who are trying to give answers to exciting questions. Including shedding light on the secrets concerning the world of the dead.

For example, he holds the theory that there is subtle world- astral. If there are physical bodies in our world, then souls move to the astral world after the death of a person. Almost any soul that lives in this astral world can be contacted. However, this requires certain abilities.

He did not reveal the secrets of the other world, but said that souls from the other world can really make contact. For this, it is very important to use images of deceased people. When working with photographs, you can really get in touch with souls that are already in the other world.

However, there are so many people, so many opinions. Describing the other world in which they were, some psychics say that its inhabitants are not at all like people, but like some kind of substance. But, despite this, other clairvoyants claim that the souls of the dead retain their human appearance.

In fact, it is very difficult to say what happens to a person after death. Most people believe that the human soul goes to another world either. However, psychics are inclined to believe that human souls are capable of moving after the death of the body to another world, the astral, which really exists.

How else can we explain the fact that various mediums regularly use the services of souls and turn to them to receive the necessary information. Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to verify the authenticity of similar stories, because not every person can enter the astral plane and see everything with their own eyes.

Despite the fact that all psychics see the afterlife in their own way, they agree that human death is not the end point. This is just another stage in a person's life. The human soul actually exists and it continues its journey. Some are sure that she ends up in the astral plane, others - that she is reborn, and others - that she goes to Heaven or Hell.

However, today we are still not able to say with exact certainty which of these theories is the only correct one and reflects real events. Perhaps some of the psychics are right, and perhaps some of the skeptics are right, and in fact, this whole afterlife that clairvoyants draw for us is nothing more than a human fantasy.

Japanese writer Haruki Murakami correctly speaks about people’s attempts to understand what will happen beyond death:

I decided not to think about such things... No matter how much you think, you still won’t find out the truth, and even if you do find out, you won’t be able to check it in any way. You'll just be wasting your time.

Edgard Cayce on life after death

Edgar Cayce - the sleeping prophet

On our website you could get acquainted with his views. Today he is one of the most famous psychics and clairvoyants. He was sure that the human world can be represented as a shaky structure that is constantly moving in search of support.

The clairvoyant believed that one day the day would come when death would no longer be something secret for people. Casey was convinced that people would learn to understand its essence. In addition, the clairvoyant believed that true immortality really awaits man. However, this will be immortality not for the body, but for the soul.

If we talk about the life of the soul after death, Edgar was sure that the death of the physical body is just an opportunity to move on to another life. And in fact, such incidents should not be a tragedy, because a person simply moves on to the next stage of development.

The medium assured that when insight comes to most people, it will be much easier for them to realize that such a transition is actually joyful and there is no need to grieve. Also, according to Edgar, contact her.

The famous American seer was sure that, while living life, a person can rise, or he can fall. The clairvoyant believed that some souls have a very large experience of earthly life, while others have very little.

What did Vanga say about life after death?

Wang was often asked about what happens after death, whether there is an afterlife and what is the further path human soul. Such questions have always bothered people. Therefore, it would be unwise not to ask a famous clairvoyant about this.

Vanga said that death only overtakes the physical body and the human spirit continues its life in eternity. It is possible that this soul returns to earth again and again, where it is reincarnated in new forms.

Thanks to experiencing several lives on earth, the soul can become older, smarter, gain new knowledge and move to the so-called " new level" The more times the soul is reborn and the more better life he lived, the higher the level she occupies.

In the human body, the soul appears from space. Vanga believed that, like a ray of sunshine, she enters the fetus that is in a woman’s womb. The clairvoyant said that the birth of the soul occurs 3 weeks before the birth of a child. If this does not happen, then the baby is born dead. Vanga believed that the soul could descend through a silver cord into the human body. When this cord breaks, the person dies.

Such a silver thread is described not only by this clairvoyant. They talked about her Carlos Castaneda And Charles Lebdieter. If we talk about rebirth, Vanga assured that this does not happen to all souls. Especially evil and hate-filled spirits cannot reincarnate or go to heaven.

Vanga also noted that after physical death, personality remains, and the strongest connection between people is spiritual, not family. This suggests that most likely the deceased will come into contact with the person who was close to him in spirit, and it does not matter whether they were blood relatives or not.

Scientists have long argued about Is there life after death. Many believe in the existence of the soul, others deny it. But in Lately there was even electronic evidence of the existence afterlife. These are the so-called electronic voices.

But let's go back a little to the past. Everyone knows the famous illusionist and magician Harry Houdini. In ancient times, he amazed the crowd by freeing himself from his shackles in a matter of minutes. No one could understand the secret of his tricks; some tests cannot be repeated by any magician to this day.

But besides magic tricks, Houdini was interested in magic and mysticism. At that time it was popular to visit the so-called. spiritualist clubs where séances were held.

It was at that time that Harry Houdini agreed with his wife Beth to contact him using a special code phrase some time after his death. Only Houdini and his wife knew this code phrase and no one else. And after the death of the magician, the wife went to numerous magicians and, with the help of spiritualistic seances, tried to establish contact with the soul of Harry Houdini. Only a few years later, with the help of a psychic, she managed to do this. As a result, she received an answer from the other world; she was told a code phrase. It was the phrase: “Beth, believe me.” It turns out that there really is life after death.

British scientist Vladislav Gushchin, together with his fellow scientists, is trying to explore such a phenomenon as the phenomenon of electronic voice. This voice appears during a radio recording, while watching TV, or with any operating electronic device. Perhaps many people will think that all this is nonsense, but when analyzing the recording, whole words and messages from the other world can be identified.

Electronic voices are a special phenomenon that really defies any logical explanation. Electronic voices are suddenly heard through the electronic noise. The recording may contain the voices of people who were not present in the room at the time of the recording. At first it is difficult to make out what these voices are saying, but with careful processing, entire words and phrases can be identified.

If we recognize the phenomenon of electronic voices as real, then the question arises - who is their source? Scientists say that this is a so-called technical connection with the other world. That is, with the help of engineering means you can contact the other world.

Researchers receive hundreds and thousands of such requests from ordinary citizens who hear otherworldly voices from their deceased relatives.

American resident Martha lost her daughter Katherine, who was 21 years old, in a car accident. Katherine and her friend were driving along the road and suddenly, out of the blue, another car crashed into their car in the opposite direction. Both girls died. But six months later, the deceased Katherine contacted her mother Martha via computer.

The girl said hello to her mother and even the dog from the other world. She didn't want her loved ones to mourn her. On the electronic recording, the words “I’m still here” can be heard.

Thomas Edison tried throughout his life to create a device that would serve as a means of communication between the living and the dead. He created a voice recorder, but was unable to improve his device to the extent of communicating with the world of the dead.

People still ask themselves: is there life after death? Every person was tormented by the question, what is there after death? Scientists cannot accept the fact that the soul is eternal. But real examples of a miraculous return to life even after death exist. For example, such an incident occurred in Barnaul in February 1964. Forty-year-old Klavdiya Ustyuzhanova was resurrected in the city hospital. A woman was hospitalized with a terrible diagnosis - cancer. When the doctors began the operation, they were horrified, as the metastases covered all the organs and practically ate up Claudia’s body. It was clear that this man would not survive. Klavdia Ustyuzhanova’s heart really stopped. Doctors recorded death...

However, three days later in the morgue, Klavdiya Ustyuzhanova opened her eyes and everyone who was present there was simply horrified. They urgently called the intensive care unit, and the doctors were perplexed - Claudia turned out to be alive. She began to tell me that she had been to the next world. When the woman's heart stopped, she hovered above her body and heard the doctors' voices and everything they were talking about. Then she began to rise upward and this happened for some time until a strange voice appeared and told her that her life program had not yet been completed, she had not yet experienced such and such. Claudia was brought back to life. But imagine the surprise of the doctors when they discovered that cancer tumor Claudia's pain disappeared and she was completely cured.

The doctors were shocked; they could not explain this phenomenon in any way and quickly rushed to discharge the already healthy woman from the hospital. It was a real miracle.

What is the soul?

Alexey Pokhabov talks about the concept of the soul, as a kind of energy shell or essence. Every person has a soul, but the soul and consciousness are not the same thing. Consciousness is what a person has in this particular life. But consciousness cannot understand the soul. The soul is something that cannot be explained. Alexey Pokhabov says that life after death exists; in reality, only the body dies.

There is real evidence that in the distant past Hitler came to power not by accident. The fact is that he was categorically unlucky, but in 1932 he made a deal with the devil, where the signature was made in blood. This document really exists. It was after this that he became very driven. However, according to the terms of the agreement, after 13 years Hitler had to give his soul to the devil.

It is known that suicide occurred, and thus Hitler passed away.

Many psychics and mediums say that the soul looks special. This is a kind of clot of energy, a kind of field. This field contains a wealth of information. Alexander Litvin talks about the wave theory, that the soul is light or a wave.

Scientists became interested in whether there is life after death and decided to personally verify through experience that the soul really exists. To do this, they conducted a series of experiments when a dying person lost his life. It was at the moment of a person’s death that scientists recorded this on camera and the results shocked them. In all photographs, at the moment of death of a person, some balls of light are visible that come out of the chest area and rush upward. A lot of these photographs were installed, scientists concluded that some kind of information field leaves his body when a person dies.

Scientists also wanted to measure the soul, its weight. To do this, they measured weight before and after death. The result shocked them. After the death of a person, his weight invariably became several grams less. Scientists even managed to determine the exact weight of the soul - it is about 50 grams.

In order to test this version experimentally, scientists decided to invite a person who can consciously leave his body. This is the so-called astral exit, when a person’s soul leaves his body, but then returns back. It turned out that at the moment the soul leaves the body, body weight decreases by 49 g.

Cases of the soul leaving the body

The question of whether there is life after death has disappeared famous writer Arseny Tarkovsky. In January 1944 Arseny was dying from loss of blood, from gangrene in a military hospital. There was no switch in the room; in order to turn the light on or off, you had to unscrew the light bulb from the base. One day Tarkovsky was so weak that he felt his soul leaving his body. He wondered what would happen next. The soul slowly floated into the next room and had already begun to pass through the wall. But suddenly a terrible thought came to Tarkovsky, what if he lost contact with his body. It was at this second that the soul quickly returned to the body and Arseny Tarkovsky came to life.

There is a belief that the soul is attached to the body with a special silver thread. At the moment of a person’s death, this thread breaks and the soul leaves the body forever. But the soul can leave the body simply in astral travel and then return back to the living physical body. At the same time, a person lives on and does not die.

There are many cases when a person was buried ahead of time and soon came to life. There are many cases when a dead person suddenly came to life in the morgue. It turns out that for some reason the person was in a lethargic sleep, in a special state when the body seemed to freeze, but the soul did not leave him. The silver thread was not broken; the soul was attached to the body.

There is practice that up three days a person cannot be buried. There have been cases where a person was buried, but he did not die. He came to life in the coffin, but then died physically, from lack of air. Psychics sometimes see during a funeral that a person is actually alive, as his silver thread is attached to his soul.

After the death of the physical body, his soul moves to thin bodies, astral body- it's just one of our bodies. Scientists found that nurses reported that people in a state of clinical death saw Angels, the beauty of nature and even their loved ones. Entities that they had not seen in ordinary life suddenly appeared before them. People saw their body from the outside, felt flight outside their own body.

The famous artist Vysotsky visited the next world twice. He experienced two clinical deaths. Not every person is given this during their lifetime - to experience clinical death and then come back. But after Vysotsky’s death, many people started talking about the fact that sometimes his spirit appears to them. There is evidence from climbers who claim that a dark ghost can appear in the mountains. It appears when people may be in danger. Before snow avalanches, which in one second can take the lives of many people, and such a ghost appears.

It turns out that many people know that life after death really exists. Thus, Alexander Bogodayko many times felt as if someone was looking at him. Once he even felt the touch of hands, as if someone had put their hands on his shoulders from behind. Alexander talks about how he did not have time to say goodbye to his grandmother, who was dying at that time. Perhaps it was the grandmother who came to Alexander’s house.

To the question of whether there is life after death, Alexander can now give a definitive answer - there really is. So one day his grandfather was dying, he said that his grandmother was standing next to him. He saw her in the same way as Alexander, but Alexander did not notice anything. It was very strange and surprising at the same time.

Where does the soul go after death?

There is an opinion that after death the soul can go to any parallel worlds. There can be a huge number of such worlds; the soul can forever travel through these labyrinths. But physical entry into such a parallel world is possible in the mines. There are a lot of researchers who said that underground there is an entrance to a parallel world. But there is a law that only the soul can enter this world, and all living things are prohibited from entering here. This is a special law that is never violated. However, there was one case in a mine in Gelendzhik, when a young guy disappeared for a week in this mine. When they managed to find the guy, everyone was horrified and shocked - in front of them was a decrepit old man. It turns out that anomalies with a smooth passage of time are possible in this mine.

One day the medium Dana Forsythe started talking about how she had found a door to a parallel world. Now she has no doubt that life after death exists. There was such a case when children entered an attraction with distorting mirrors. But some of them did not return back. At first several people disappeared, and after a while it happened again. The police were confused, thinking about a kidnapping, but there were no signs of a kidnapping. It turns out that the crooked mirrors could have become the door to the parallel world that attracted these guys.

Nastya more than once saw people’s faces, ghostly figures, shadows, women’s faces in mirror reflection. One day she saw the face of her long-dead grandfather.

It turns out that Nastya’s grandmother had psychic abilities. She was a witch, and this gift was passed on to her granddaughter.

There are people who have seen a ghost with their own eyes. Sergei Demidov says that the door to a parallel world can be absolutely anywhere. One day he saw a real ghost who came to him for unknown reasons. Sergei was very frightened at first, but then he overcame himself and managed to look at the ghost. It was a floating woman in his room.

But then Sergei felt a strange phenomenon. He managed to rise above his body and fly around the room. Sergei clearly saw his physical body on the bed, as if from the outside. He remembered all this forever, but the strangest thing was that it never happened again.

Famous parapsychologists say that in a dream a person can communicate with the world of the dead. There is a kind of dialogue between the soul of a living and a dead person. Sometimes the souls of long-dead loved ones and people who knew us come in the face of some danger. They do this in order to soften the future blow and then the person becomes a little easier.

Perhaps immortal souls live somewhere there, in parallel world, another space. This is a big secret and it is not possible to capture or record or photograph a trip to a parallel world.

At all times, humanity has been concerned with the mystery of the birth of man and the mystery of his death.

If modern medicine has figured out the mystery of birth, then there is no reliable evidence of the existence of an afterlife.

In order to somehow lift the veil of this secret, various exoteric theories, warlocks, spiritualists and shamans arose. If shamans, using special rituals, entering into a trance, communicate with the spirits of the dead, but shamans never try to attract the souls of the dead to return to the world of the living.

Necromancers and spiritualists, on the contrary, with their actions always try to attract such a subtle substance as the soul into the real world.

“Battle of psychics” about the world of the dead

In one of the seasons "Battles of psychics" the topic was revealed psychics about world of the dead.

One of the participants, Fatima Khadueva, claimed that she works with such subtle matter as the astral plane. The emergence of the theory of the astral world is based on the fact that there are two principles in man: physical and spiritual. The everyday world is the abode of the human physical body, and the astral world is the world where souls live. It is believed that the soul can find rest only in the astral world.

Another participant, Khayal Alekperov, claims that he easily communicates with the souls of the dead through photographs. He is sure that the dead can return to their photographs.

Psychics about the world of the dead admit that if they need information about the soul of the deceased, then they contact the afterlife, which is part of the astral plane.

Many viewers turned to the program asking for an explanation of why the dead often visit them in their dreams.

Psychics about the world of the dead This phenomenon is explained by a number of reasons:

  • The experiences of close relatives do not allow the soul of the deceased to find peace.
  • Affairs in material world, especially if there are small children left in it, they tie the deceased to the ground and do not allow the soul to go to the astral plane.

The world of the dead and the Orthodox Church

If the deceased often “comes” to visit, then psychics about the world of the dead completely agree with popular belief that in such cases it is necessary to order a forty-day funeral service in the church.

Remember what he says Orthodox Church: You cannot express your grief for the deceased too violently. This prevents his soul from leaving for a better world.

If the deceased is buried according to Christian rites, then many obligatory rituals are performed. All this is done with the aim of paying tribute to the deceased and breaking his connection with the world of the living.

Psychics about the world of the dead give an explanation for such “live” communication with the deceased in a dream by the fact that the deceased and the remaining relatives were closely connected by strong bonds of love. Relatives remaining in this world can communicate even after death with a dearly beloved relative who has passed on to another world.

Scientists have now been able to photograph the soul as it leaves the body. Powerful cameras installed at the bedside of a dying person were able to record how the body leaves the body at the moment of biological death. vitality, which is called the human soul. Perhaps in the near future, modern medical knowledge and powerful high-tech equipment will be able to reveal the burning secret of the human soul.

The work of psychics with the world of the dead

Most people are interested in life after death. Everyone wants to know what will await them in the next world. There are many versions of what is happening, but no one agrees on a single opinion. Scientific minds categorically deny the existence of the other world. Psychics about the world of the dead they tell something completely different.

This world parallel to us exists. We don’t see these ghosts for one reason, we perceive them in a completely different way. We know ourselves as a body that has arms, legs, torso, head and much more. The inhabitants of the other world are not at all like us. Psychics about the world of the dead they say that they kind of look like a ball. This is a certain substance that cannot be seen, touched, or heard. They exist in parallel with us, but we do not have the opportunity to see them, because, in fact, we don’t really want it. Most people are afraid of this because the unknown is scary.

Only a few people have the willpower to meet the spirits. Basically this is it. Some of them use various ritual objects in their work. They help them see the past or look into the future. But not always a candle, or for example a ritual wand, can provide enough information to unravel some mystery. Therefore, the best psychics resort to the help of spirits; if you establish contact with them, you can learn a lot of very useful things.

Psychics about the world of the dead they say that they are getting in touch, not only with them, but also with ordinary people. There are many cases when, before death, people see their deceased relatives. They call them with them to the other world, offering better life and people agree, trying to get away from the bustle of this world. But there are also those who refuse and magically remain alive in seemingly predetermined situations.

The dead will also appear to people during fortune telling. During this process, without knowing it, they can enter into contact with the other world. But during this you need to know the rules by which they live. Not knowing all the problems that can be brought upon themselves, people fall under the influence of evil spirits from the other world. This could all end very badly and the person might even go crazy. Therefore, it is better for uninitiated people not to do this.

Many of us saw spirits as children, but don't remember anything about it. Little children perceive things completely differently. the world and see a lot more adults. Through children, ghosts can convey information that they want to convey to people. Therefore, we need to be very sensitive to the words and actions of young children, and be able to correctly decipher them.

Psychics about the world of the dead they say you need to be extremely careful with it. Don’t try to penetrate it yourself or try to change something in it. It's better to trust this matter. By contacting a good psychic, it is quite possible to find out the information you are interested in and still remain sane in mind and in a healthy body.