Adults have already written so much about teenagers and their problems that there is enough for a single library, but problems from generation to generation are still not solved. Leading psychologists, honored teachers, famous psychiatrists - all offer solutions, but the cart is still in the middle of nowhere. And moreover, all those who themselves are the most “clever” and help us decide psychological problems of adolescents in practice, they often cannot even cope with their own children. Have you ever wondered why this happens?

We see the main difficulty in the fact that the parents themselves have their own psychological problems, which are multiplied by the fragile child’s psyche, social environment and genetic predispositions, and ultimately give rise to a great many developments of conflicts that are difficult to determine. You can read more about the problems of parents in the article “Problems of teenagers with parents”, and in this review we will talk directly about the psychological problems of teenagers.

Root causes of psychological problems in adolescents

To effectively solve problems, you must always understand their roots. A child must be raised correctly from early childhood and taught to have order and safe behavior. If you have children growing up in your family, then “Defender Bagheera” recommends that you also read about fire safety for preschoolers. Of course, adults themselves were teenagers and, it would seem, should know how they feel, but in fact, parents’ memory often fails them. So why at all? adolescence difficulties begin, the main reasons:

  • Inadequate or untimely methods of parenting, without taking into account character traits and physiological problems;
  • Active growth of the body. Constant change in body proportions. Difficulties with coordination. Skin problems;
  • Release of sex hormones. Final formation of the reproductive system;
  • vestibule adult life. Active emancipation, that is, the desire to quickly get rid of parental control. Prove your maturity;
  • Herd instinct. An attempt not to stand out from one's own kind;
  • Lack of life experience. Lack of self-confidence and inability to understand other people. Often hidden behind the “I know everything” attitude.

It is not for nothing that we put mistakes in upbringing in first place, since this is the most common reason psychological problems in adolescence. This time can be called a “planned illness.” A time when a teenager requires support and understanding, not pressure and condemnation. It’s something like if you were lying in the hospital, and relatives came to you and instead of support and oranges they scolded you for being unkempt. appearance and an uncleaned bedside table. Would you feel pleasant sensations?

Psychological problems in a teenager. Find and neutralize

Adolescent problems cannot be considered in a vacuum; they are a consequence of adolescent character types, social environment and other factors. There are children who are completely immersed in the world of the computer and the Internet; read about such cases in more detail in the material about the dangers of the Internet for children. Well, some people withdraw into themselves during puberty and become depressed, others show acts of disobedience and are openly rude, or run away from home and try to grow up faster with the help of alcohol and sex. But in one article we will not be able to write out an entire scientific treatise and will present only the main psychological problems in adolescence and possible ways their solutions:

  • Manifestation of hypersexuality;
    • Masturbation and associated feelings of guilt;
    • Inferiority complex due to her virginity;
    • Erotomania;
    • Early sexual contacts;
  • Weakness, isolation, depression, suicide attempts;
    • Failure to fulfill basic duties and hygiene rules;
    • Suppressing parents' attempts to establish contact;
    • Lack of friends;
    • Abandonment of previous interests and hobbies;
    • Immersion in a fantasy world, virtual world.
  • Attempts to assert oneself, to prove one’s importance and maturity:
    • Deviant behavior – leaving home, skipping classes, drinking alcohol, nicotine, drugs, early sexual intercourse;
    • Conflicts with parents and teachers. Attempts to impose your opinion and desires;
    • Rejection of interference in personal life, unwillingness to listen to instructions.
  • Attempts not to stand out from the social teenage group. Be like everyone else:
    • Participation in criminal activities;
    • Group initiation into bad habits;
    • Shared absenteeism from school;
    • Depraved behavior. Orgies.


IN Soviet times Rare literature on this topic declared masturbation to be an extreme degree of deviation, which could lead to blindness and dementia. For an adequate adult, this is complete nonsense, but for a child such information can cause serious mental problems, because this has always been considered “shameful” behavior. Currently, the opposite trend is observed, self-pleasure is openly talked about and almost glorified, and wide access to pornographic content via the Internet only makes the situation worse. The truth, as always, lies in the middle. On the one hand, there is nothing reprehensible in teenage masturbation, or, as they say in everyday life, masturbation. But on the other hand, the problem may lie in another plane - a bad habit, when a person gets used to such sexual stimulation and will get by. for a long time only by her. And also in a significant loss of energy with frequent repetitions, when self-satisfaction becomes an end in itself and replaces other aspirations. Here, of course, the solution is educational activities and correct coverage of the issue. In general, in matters related to sex, it is always better when the information is provided to the child by the parents, and not by the street or porn sites. This also applies to the desire to lose virginity at any cost, and the replacement of love with simple sexual desire, when young people think that they are Romeo and Juliet, and as soon as the passion is satisfied, the rose-colored glasses fall off, but the consequences can already be far-reaching. The result could be: early pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, promiscuity.

Shutting off from others

May be caused by character predisposition. But it is usually provoked by misunderstanding on the part of adults and peers. Failures, unhappy love, various complexes or fascination with artificial reality, when a child transfers all his goals and thoughts to a non-existent world. As a result, it can manifest itself in mental instability, phobias, hysterics, and lack of real friends. Here, parents should always keep their finger on the pulse, look for the reason for this behavior and eliminate it. If you cannot identify it yourself, then you need to contact a psychologist. After all, such behavior tends to get worse, Bad mood develops into subdepression, then depression and thoughts of suicide may occur. In some cases, periods of depression may be followed by periods of activity, the so-called cycloid type of adolescence.


Most of the difficulties of adolescence are associated with it. Attempts at self-affirmation and growing up in themselves are not a problem; the difficulties are in the methods. When a teenager plays sports, is interested in science, art, an interesting hobby and through this asserts himself - this is wonderful. But when emancipation consists of aggression against adults, ardent disobedience, leaving home, antisocial behavior - this is of course destructive and requires immediate correction. Often the situation goes so far that parents can no longer influence it themselves; in this case, the help of professionals will be required. But if you influence the child in time, establish contact with him, be honest, explain your position, try to understand the motives of behavior and direct him in a positive direction, then you can quite do it on your own.

Herd instinct

Often teenagers fall under the influence of stronger friends who drag them into trouble. And a psychologically weaker child strives for group “coolness.” For company, he can commit hooliganism, theft, take drugs, alcohol, and commit indecent acts. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the teenager’s priorities, be in emotional contact with him and try to gently correct behavior. If you yourself cannot become an authority for him, then it is better for him to become a famous football player, a famous writer or a successful programmer who has earned millions on the website he developed, than some immoral classmate with mental disabilities who, in order to assert himself, needs to recruit a group of weaker ones guys and command them.


It is unconditional that the child develops, becomes a teenager, a young man, an individual and acquires certain patterns of behavior in the social environment around him. The higher mental functions of a person are initially formed as external and only gradually become internal. But adolescence is quite complex from a psychological and sociological perspective, since at this time the child already has adult judgments, he understands that he is changing, so he has a fear of many problems, both internal and external.

The relevance of the work lies in the fact that adolescence is the most difficult and complex of all childhood ages, representing a period of personality formation. This age is characterized by the presence of a wide variety of psychological problems and difficulties, which are most often repressed due to the fear of awareness.

Adolescence is the age when a teenager begins to re-evaluate his relationships with his family. The desire to find oneself as a person gives rise to alienation from all those who habitually influenced him from year to year, and first of all this applies to the parental family. The desire to be freed from adult guardianship in some cases leads to more frequent and deepening conflicts with them. However, teenagers don’t really want complete freedom, because they are not yet ready for it; they just want to have the right to their own choice, to be responsible for their words and actions.

Parents, being the most important people in the lives of their children, directly contribute to the formation of certain character traits, personality traits, and abilities. Children, responding to the direct and unspoken demands and expectations of their parents, try to be the best they can by satisfying these demands. However, parents are not always aware of what personal traits and properties influence the development of the child, the formation of his personality, and the formation of certain patterns of behavior.

The purpose of the work is to study the main problems of adolescence.

    To study the characteristics of adolescence, relying on the works of domestic and foreign psychologists;

    Consider the teenage crisis as a problem in the relationship between a child and adults;

    Consider deviant behavior as a pathological problem of adolescence;

    Consider aggressive behavior as a form of deviation in adolescence.

Subject of research: problems of adolescence.

Object of study: adolescence.

The main content of adolescence is its transition from childhood to adulthood. This transition is divided into two stages: adolescence and adolescence (early and late). However, the chronological boundaries of these ages are often defined in completely different ways. The acceleration process has violated the usual age boundaries of adolescence. Medical, psychological, pedagogical, legal, sociological literature defines different boundaries of adolescence: 10-14 years, 14-18 years, 12-20 years. Addressing national history, it can be noted that age terminology regarding adolescents was also not unambiguous.

At the present stage, the boundaries of adolescence are approximately with the education of children in middle classes from 11 - 12 years old to 15 - 16 years old.That is, approximatelyfrom 12 to 15 years (± 2 years), characterized by the beginning of restructuring of the child’s body: accelerated physical development and puberty. Dramatic changes occur in the body due to the activity of the endocrine glands, in particular the sex glands. Metabolism intensifies. A violation of the previous coherence in the body’s activities and a new system of its functioning that has not yet been regulated are the basis for the general imbalance of a teenager, his irritability, explosiveness, sharp mood swings from violent activity to lethargy and apathy. The peculiarity of adolescence is that outwardly and in its claims it is an adult, but in internal features and in many ways it is still a child. Hence the adolescent’s continued need for affection, attention, interest in games, fun, and fiddling with each other. Along with this, along with a sense of adulthood, the teenager awakens and actively develops self-awareness, a heightened sense of self-esteem, and awareness of gender. Teenagers are characterized by increased criticality. If, as a child, he did not pay attention to many events in the world around him or was lenient in his assessments, then as a teenager, he begins to overestimate what has long been familiar and customary, making his own judgments, often very straightforward, categorical and uncompromising.

But it should be noted that the main criterion for periods of life is not calendar age, but anatomical and physiological changes in the body. The most significant development in adolescence is puberty. Its indicators determine the boundaries of adolescence. The gradual increase in hormone secretion begins at age seven, but an intense rise in secretion occurs during adolescence. This is accompanied by a sudden increase in growth, maturation of the body, and the development of secondary sexual characteristics.

Such educational psychologists as Friedman L.M., Bozhovich L.I. talk about the problems of adolescents. Teenagers are very sensitive to everything that concerns not only the assessment of their personal qualities, but also the assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of their family, parents, friends, and favorite teachers. On this basis, teenagers can enter into a deep conflict with the offender. They can react to the loss of authority of their parents or someone else previously significant in the most extreme and unexpected way: withdraw into themselves, become rude, stubborn, aggressive, demonstratively contradict, start smoking, drink alcohol or drugs, make dubious acquaintances, leave at home, etc.

Adolescence, according to L. S. Vygotsky, is a set of conditions that are highly predisposing to the effects of various psychotraumatic factors. The most powerful of them are the unworthy behavior of parents, conflictual relationships between them, the presence of shortcomings that are humiliating from the point of view of the teenager and others, an offensive attitude towards the teenager, manifestations of distrust or disrespect for him. All this not only complicates educational work with them, but sometimes makes it almost impossible. A teenager may experience various behavioral deviations due to this.

L. S. Vygotsky, like P. P. Blonsky, approached adolescence as a historical education. He believed that the characteristics of the course and duration of adolescence vary markedly depending on the level of development of society.

E. Spranger developed a cultural-psychological concept of adolescence. Adolescence, according to Spranger, is the age of growing into culture. He wrote that mental development- is the ingrowth of the individual psyche into the objective and normative spirit of a given era. Discussing the question of whether adolescence is always a period"Storm and Drang" , described 3 types of development of adolescence:

The first type is characterized by a sharp, stormy, crisis course, when adolescence is experienced as a second birth, as a result of which a new one arises." I " .

The second type of development is smooth, slow, gradual growth, when a teenager joins adult life without deep and serious changes in his own personality.

The third type is a development process when a teenager actively and consciously shapes and educates himself, overcoming internal anxieties and crises through willpower. It is typical for people with high level self-control and self-discipline.

The main neoplasms of this age, according to E. Spranger, discovery" I " , the emergence of reflection, awareness of one’s individuality. Based on the idea that the main task of psychology is cognition inner world personality, closely connected with culture and history, E. Spranger initiated a systematic study of self-awareness, value orientations, the worldview of adolescents, and also tried to understand one of the most profound experiences in a person’s life - love and its manifestations in adolescence.

E. Stern considered adolescence as one of the stages of personality formation. According to Stern, adolescence is characterized not only by a special orientation of thoughts and feelings, aspirations and ideals, but also by a special way of action. Stern describes it as intermediate between children's play and serious, responsible activity and selects for it a new concept, “serious play.” An example of a “serious game” can be playing sports and participating in youth organizations, choosing a profession and preparing for it, games of a love nature (flirting, coquetry).

In the concept of D. B. Elkonin, adolescence, like any new period, is associated with new formations that arise from the leading activities of the previous period. Educational activity produces a “turn” from a focus on the world to a focus on oneself. The solution to the question “Who am I” can only be found by confronting reality.

Features of the development of a teenager at this age are manifested in the following symptoms:

    Difficulties also arise in relationships with adults: negativism, stubbornness, leaving school, because... The main thing for a teenager now happens outside of her.

    Children's companies (searching for a friend, searching for someone who can understand you).

    A teenager begins to keep a diary.

Comparing himself with adults, the teenager comes to the conclusion that there is no difference between him and the adult. He begins to demand from those around him that he no longer be considered small; he realizes his equality. The central new development of this age is the emergence of the idea of ​​oneself as “not a child.” The teenager begins to feel like an adult, he rejects his belonging to children, but he still does not have a feeling of genuine, full-fledged adulthood, but there is a huge need for recognition of his adulthood by others. Types of adulthood were identified and studied by T. V. Dragunova. These include imitation external signs adulthood, comparison with the quality of adults, the desire to master various “adult skills” - social and intellectual adulthood.

Communication activities are extremely important for the formation of a teenager’s personality, because self-awareness is formed in it. The main new development of this age is social consciousness transferred internally. According to L. S. Vygotsky, this is self-awareness. Consciousness means shared knowledge. This is knowledge in a system of relationships. And self-awareness is social knowledge transferred to interior plan thinking. The teenager learns to control his behavior and design it based on moral standards.

Modern social life places different, higher demands on the adolescent’s psyche than half a century ago. The flow of information has become more abundant, life experiences have become more varied and richer, the pace of life has accelerated, and education has become more complex. New programs for computerization of education have been introduced. All this requires the development of intelligence and abilities. And if we add to this the collapse of ideals and the collapse of teenage organizations (pioneer and others) and almost nothing created in their place, then it becomes clear why behavioral disorders in adolescents have become a pressing problem.

Personality characteristics of adolescents:

1. The central new formation of an adolescent is a sense of adulthood.

2. Development of self-awareness.

3. Critical thinking, a tendency to reflect, the formation of introspection.

4. Growing difficulties, puberty, sexual experiences, interest in the opposite sex.

5. Increased excitability, frequent mood swings, imbalance.

6. Noticeable development of volitional qualities.

7. The need for self-affirmation, for activities that have personal meaning.

Thus, during rapid growth and physiological restructuring of the body, adolescents may experience a feeling of anxiety, increased excitability, and decreased self-esteem. Common features of this age include mood swings, emotional instability, unexpected transitions from joy to despondency and pessimism. Therefore, adolescence has crisis features.

The psychological approach examines deviant behavior in connection with intrapersonal conflict, destruction and self-destruction of the individual, blocking personal growth and personality degradation.

The criteria for deviant behavior are ambiguous. Latent offenses (travel without a ticket, violation of traffic rules, petty theft, buying stolen goods) may remain unattended. However, sudden changes in behavior when the individual’s needs do not correspond to the supply; decreased value towards oneself, one’s name and body; negative attitude towards institutions of social control; intolerance to pedagogical influences; rigorism in relation to drug addiction, prostitution, vagrancy, begging, associated with special victim experience; offenses are the most established signs of deviant behavior. It is unacceptable to label any type of behavior as deviant under all circumstances.

If, when defining norms and deviations, we proceed from some approach depending on the framework of the culture in which one lives, it is impossible to unambiguously determine what is a norm and what is a deviation.

The phenomenological psychological approach allows us to note that in practice, psychologists are often faced not with deviant, but with unacceptable, rejected, rejected behavior by adults. Thus, the label “deviant” among teachers is worn by undisciplined children who constantly attract attention to themselves, cause the greatest concern by using obscene and slang language, occasional use of alcohol, tobacco, and fights.

It should be emphasized that from the perspective of the teenager himself, certain age and personality characteristics allow us to consider behavior considered by adults as deviant to be “normal” game situations that reflect the desire for extraordinary situations, adventure, winning recognition, testing the boundaries of what is permitted. The search activity of a teenager serves to expand the boundaries of individual experience. During adolescence, it is difficult to draw the line between normal and pathological behavior.

Therefore, a deviant can be called a teenager who “not just once and accidentally deviated from the behavioral norm, but constantly demonstrates deviant behavior,” which is socially negative in nature.

With certain reservations, the category of gifted teenagers can also be classified as deviants, since both of them stand out sharply among their peers, as in real life, and in educational institutions among the objects of frontal pedagogical influences. There is a certain closeness between a creative and a deviant personality (especially with addictive behavior). This is a special type - the “excitement seeker”. The difference is that for genuine creativity, pleasure is the creative process itself, while for the deviant type of search activity the main goal is “result - pleasure.”

It should be noted that the teenager is a “nerd” - a kind of fan of studying, whose fixation on educational activities turns out to be an obstacle to establishing full-fledged intimate and personal communication with peers. On the other hand, such monochannel activity of a teenager cannot be assessed as a kind of deviant behavior, since it is prosocial in orientation.

Some domestic and foreign scientists consider it appropriate to subdivide deviant behavior into criminal (criminal), delinquent (pre-criminal) and immoral (immoral). These types (varieties) of deviant behavior are identified taking into account the characteristics of an individual’s interaction with reality and the mechanisms of occurrence of behavioral anomalies.

A person who has committed a crime is called criminal. Murder, rape, and inhumane acts are considered deviations all over the world, despite the fact that during war, killing is justified.

Delinquency is traditionally understood as a delinquent or unlawful act that does not entail criminal liability. IN German the concept of “delinquency” includes all cases of violation of norms provided for by the criminal code, i.e. all legally punishable acts. Domestic scientists call the personality of a minor who has committed a crime delinquent; adult - criminal.

A.E. Lichko Delinquent behavior means minor social actions that do not entail criminal liability: school truancy, membership in an antisocial group, petty hooliganism, bullying the weak, etc. however, V.V. Kovalev objects to this interpretation of the concept of “delinquent behavior,” equating it with “criminal behavior.”

Therefore, in relation to adolescence, it is advisable to divide deviant behavior into two types - delinquent and non-delinquent.

There is another point of view that defines delinquency as a fault, a tendency, a psychological tendency to commit an offense. Such characteristics of behavior as aggressiveness, deceit, absenteeism from school, vagrancy, extreme disobedience, hostility towards teachers and parents, cruelty towards children and animals, insolence and foul language are considered delinquent.

Since the noted qualities are immoral (contrary to ethical norms and universal human values), there is a certain difficulty in distinguishing between delinquent and immoral acts. In many ways, criminal and delinquent behavior are similar. The difference between all these concepts is that criminal and delinquent behavior are antisocial in nature, immoral behavior is asocial. Immoral behavior, reflecting anomalies of character, predisposes to committing delinquent and criminal offenses.

There is another classification that distinguishes the following forms of deviant behavior: asocial (immoral, destructive, political crime), delinquent (criminal) and paranormal.

The third generalized classification identifies the following types of deviant behavior: crime, alcoholism, drug use, prostitution, suicide. These types can be classified as both painful manifestations and normal, and even remain unnoticed if society is tolerant of them (such as abortion and homosexuality in different cultures, in different eras).

The emerging term “addictive behavior” refers to the abuse of various substances that change the mental state before dependence is formed on them, and auto-aggressive behavior is directed at oneself, is associated with mental illness or severe mental disorders and is defined as suicide.

Belicheva S.A. Among deviations from the norm, he distinguishes the antisocial type of deviant behavior; examines social deviations of a selfish orientation (embezzlement, theft, etc.), aggressive orientation (insult, hooliganism, beatings), socially passive type (evasion of civic duties, withdrawal from active public life); believes that they differ in the degree of public danger, content and target orientation. It distinguishes the pre-criminogenic level, when a minor has not yet become the object of a crime, and criminogenic manifestations - antisocial behavior of a criminal orientation.

V.V. Kovalev identifies 10 main variants of deviant behavior:

    avoidance of educational and labor activity. Among schoolchildren, refusal to study, systematic failure to complete assignments, and absenteeism were partly explained by gaps in knowledge that made further continuation of their studies impossible;

    systematic presence in antisocial informal groups;

    antisocial violent acts. They are expressed in aggression, fights, petty robberies, damage and destruction of property and similar actions;

    antisocial selfish actions, expressed mainly in petty thefts, petty speculation, extortion;

    antisocial acts of a sexual nature. This variant of deviant behavior is expressed in the commission of cynical, obscene acts of a sexual nature, usually directed at persons of the opposite sex;

    alcohol abuse;

    use of narcotic and toxic substances;

    leaving home, vagrancy;


    other types of deviant behavior.

A.E. Lichko identifies the following forms of manifestation of behavioral disorders: delinquent behavior, running away from home and vagrancy, early alcoholism as substance abuse behavior, deviations of sexual behavior, suicidal behavior.

Thus, deviant behavior should be understood as a system of actions that deviate from the legal, moral, and aesthetic norms accepted in society, manifested in the form of imbalance of mental processes, maladaptation, disruption of the process of self-actualization, in the form of evasion of moral control over one’s own behavior.

Adolescence is also characterized by various types of disrupted behavior. It is necessary to highlight delinquent actions that are common among minors - drug addiction, substance abuse, alcoholism, car theft, runaways, home thefts, hooliganism, teenage vandalism, aggressive and auto-aggressive behavior, overvalued hobbies, as well as typically teenage deviations that occur only with the psychopathological type - dysmorphomania, dromomania, pyromania, heboid behavior.

2.2. Aggression as a problem in adolescence

During the difficult adolescence period, periods of aggression associated with psychophysiological transformations in the teenager’s body often occur. Many aggressive actions of adolescents that come to the attention of law enforcement and investigative agencies and require, due to their incomprehensibility and causal groundlessness, psychiatric analysis, are the result of a personal crisis. Therefore, very often the aggressive behavior of a teenager is completely unexpected and inexplicable for his relatives, acquaintances, peers and eyewitnesses.

In theories of the emergence of aggression in adolescents, we can identify two main trends. It's about either about a predominantly biological mechanism, which emphasizes the role of neurophysiological mediators and the functional state of deep brain structures, or the dynamic theory of aggressive behavior is brought to the fore, suggesting that the main mechanism of aggression is pathological personal development, especially during life crises.

Often, signs of personality disorder manifest themselves in the form of a painful attitude towards the perception of one’s own “I” by others, loneliness and isolation from the world, inconsistency of one’s “I” with certain, often false, ideals, a feeling of loss of integrity of the inner world is accompanied by brutal aggression.

Within adolescence, for both boys and girls, there are age periods with higher and lower levels of aggressive behavior. This is how it is establishedthat boys have two peaks of aggression: 12 years and 14-15 years. Girls also show two peaks: the highest level of aggressive behavior is observed at 11 years old and at 13 years old.

A comparison of the severity of various components of aggressive behavior in boys and girls showed that in boys the tendency to direct physical and direct verbal aggression is most pronounced, and in girls - to direct verbal and indirect verbal. Thus, what is most typical for boys is not so much a preference for aggression according to the “verbal - physical” criterion, but rather its expression in a direct, open form and directly with the conflicting person. Girls are characterized by a preference for verbal aggression in all its forms - direct or indirect.

When talking about the characteristics of aggression in adolescence, it is necessary to take into account the fact that a teenager grows up in a family; the family is almost always the main factor of socialization, and it is also the main source of living examples of aggressive behavior for most children.

The development of aggressive behavior in adolescents is a complex process in which many factors are involved. Aggressive behavior is determined by the influence of family, peers, and the media. Children learn aggressive behavior, both through direct reinforcement and by observing aggressive actions. In an attempt to stop negative relationships between their children, parents may unintentionally encourage the very behavior they want to get rid of. Parents who use extreme harsh punishment and do not supervise their children's activities may find that their children are aggressive and disobedient.

Numerous studiesshowed that families that produce aggressive children are characterized by special relationships between family members. Such trends are described by psychologists as a “cycle of violence.” Children tend to reproduce the types of relationships that their parents “practice” with each other. Teenagers, when choosing methods to clarify relationships with brothers and sisters, copy the conflict resolution tactics of their parents. As children grow up and get married, they use rehearsed ways of dealing with conflict and, completing the cycle, pass them on to their children by creating a distinctive style of discipline. Similar trends are observed within the personality itself (the principle of the spiral). It has been reliably established that abuse of a child in the family not only increases the aggressiveness of his behavior in relation to peers, but also contributes to the development of a tendency to violence in adulthood, turning physical aggression into an individual’s lifestyle.

The development of aggressive behavior is influenced by the degree of family cohesion, closeness between parents and child, the nature of the relationship between brothers and sisters, and the style of family leadership. Children who have strong family discord, whose parents are distant and cold, are comparatively more prone to aggressive behavior. Adolescents also receive information about aggression from communication with peers. They learn to behave aggressively by observing the behavior of other children (for example, classmates). However, those who are very aggressive are likely to find themselves rejected by the majority in the class. On the other hand, these aggressive children may find friends among other aggressive peers.

One of the most controversial sources of aggression training is the media. After many years of research using a wide variety of methods and techniques, psychologists and educators still have not figured out the extent of the influence of the media on aggressive behavior. It seems that the media still has some influence on the aggressive behavior of adolescents. However, its strength remains unknown.


As a result of this work, some conclusions can be drawn.

Adolescence is quite complex from a psychological and sociological perspective, since at this time the child already has adult judgments, he understands that he is changing, so he has a fear of many problems, both internal and external. This age is characterized by the presence of a wide variety of psychological problems and difficulties, which are most often repressed due to the fear of awareness.

Adolescence is the age when a teenager begins to re-evaluate his relationships with his family. The desire to find oneself as a person gives rise to alienation from all those who habitually influenced him from year to year, and first of all this applies to the parental family. The desire to be freed from adult guardianship in some cases leads to more frequent and deepening conflicts with them. However, teenagers don’t really want complete freedom, because they are not yet ready for it; they just want to have the right to their own choice, to be responsible for their words and actions. Parents are not always aware of what personal traits and properties influence their child’s development, his formation as a personality, and the formation of certain patterns of behavior.

An alarming symptom is the increase in the number of adolescents with problem behavior, manifested in antisocial, conflict and aggressive behavior, destructive and self-destructive actions, lack of interest in learning, addictive tendencies, etc. Adolescence is indeed problematic, since it is a transitional period when “ no longer a child,” but also “not yet an adult.” Psychophysiological transformations occur in a teenager’s body, which prepare the teenager for adult life, but many psychological problems arise on this basis. It is necessary to consider the main of these problems.

The problem with an identity crisis in adolescence is that he feels uncertainty in all areas of life, and this frightens him. The identity structure includes personal and social identity. Moreover, identity contains two types of characteristics: positive - what a person should become, and negative - what a person should not become.

During rapid growth and physiological changes in the body, adolescents may experience feelings of anxiety, increased excitability, and decreased self-esteem. Common features of this age include mood swings, emotional instability, unexpected transitions from joy to despondency and pessimism. Therefore, adolescence has crisis features.

The crisis of adolescence is an absolutely normal phenomenon, indicating the development of personality, but in the presence of some unfavorable factors and conditions, this crisis state leads to pathological behavior.

Deviant behavior should be understood as a system of actions that deviate from the legal, moral, and aesthetic norms accepted in society, manifested in the form of an imbalance of mental processes, maladaptation, disruption of the process of self-actualization, and in the form of evasion of moral control over one’s own behavior.

Deviant behavior of a teenager as a category is an interaction with the microsocial environment that disrupts his development and socialization due to the lack of adequate consideration by the environment of the characteristics of his individuality and is manifested by his behavioral resistance proposed by moral and legal social norms. P Adolescence is also characterized by various types of disrupted behavior.

Thus, all of the above factors should be taken into account by parents, teachers, psychologists and society as a whole when interacting with adolescents, because it is easier to prevent aggression than to correct aggressive behavior later. We will consider methods and technologies for the prevention and correction of aggressive behavior in adolescents in more detail in the next chapter.

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One of the most frequent topics for discussion on the Internet is the problems of teenagers. Both me and my friends have experienced this a lot, so I hope this article helps others modern teenagers fix something in your life. One of the most important teenage problems is quarrels and arguments with adults. So first you need to figure out what is behind it.

Problem number 1 - we are no longer children.

During the period that is usually called adolescence (which is approximately from 12 to 18 years), a person changes a lot. He grows up, begins to understand himself, listen to himself, and turns from a child into an adult. And it is at this age that a child learns to live separately, take care of himself and his environment. Because of this, the child moves away. He has already grown beyond the age when he is looked after, but is still too young to fully support himself . We already want to seem like adults, but to our parents we still remainchildren- that's the pointproblems for a teenager. But how to deal with this?

  1. The first thing you need to understand is that quarrels and arguments will lead nowhere. You need to communicate calmly, without raising your voice.
  2. Secondly: do not try to hurt or offend. Do not compare either children or parents: “But Nastya...”, “But Aunt Lena...”. This is unpleasant and offensive, it does not bring any benefit, but the person begins to look for a problem and think that he is somehow different, imperfect and incorrect. If the mother can still swallow the insult, then the teenager will begin to think that he is bad and his parents do not love him. If you talk about your child, you pay attention only to his actions, and not to how others are doing.
  3. Third: try to find common decision adolescent behavior problems. That is, you really need to hear the opinion of the parent and the teenager. Talk. We're old enough to understand. But also communicate with us like adults, and don’t scold us like little children.

Problem #2 When parents complain about us.

Let's imagine a situation when adults, in front of a teenager, begin to complain about him to someone outside. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? They complain to a lot of people: friends, teachers, relatives and acquaintances in the store and at a party. Why is this happening?

I can identify two problems:

  1. When parents want outside support. In fact, this is a complaint not even specifically about the teenager, but about the fatigue of the parent in general. An adult also wants to be comforted and supported. Even we understand this sometimes! But what you complain to us teenagers is very offensive!
  2. Second: when the parent wants to confirm his opinion. It is usually presented like this: “Well, even Aunt Lena agrees that two C grades are very bad!” Well, it's cool that she agrees. Believe me, we also know that getting five is better than getting three. Maybe it’s better to go crazy about why this happened?

In both cases, this is a big problem, especially when it is said directly in front of a teenager. Don't do this please! If you are tired, say so directly. Or at least think about why you so want to complain to that STRANGER person about your own child. I think the best way out is simply not to take family quarrels out of the house. If you quarrel, this is only your business, your emotions and there is no need to devote anyone else to them. Solve everything at home, alone, calmly.

Problem No. 3 - teenager's pocket money.

Next, I want to talk about another problem, which, by the way, is an excellent example of finding a joint solution to the issue. Teenagerok asks for more than they give him. Mom and daughter argue over money. My daughter wants to buy herself something, but she doesn’t have enough money. She believes that she should be given more pocket money. Mom thinks that this thing is not very necessary and that she should not give her daughter too much, since this spoils her.

Here are a few ways out of this problem:

  1. Great option - educationteenagerhandling money. At the beginning, the child is given small amount for pocket expenses. Then, as the daughter grows up, or when the teenager learns to handle finances better, this amount increases and the mother begins to include jewelry, accessories, stationery, and gifts for relatives and friends.
  2. An alternative solution to financial issues: Instead of pocket money, the teenager finds a part-time job that provides her with pocket money for small expenses. It may not be a difficult job, but the child will have his own money.

Parents, here are some more comments on the topic of pocket expenses - please read them and never do this. By these actions you are terribly offending teenager!

  • If you give your child money, don't take it back!

    It is very disappointing for a teenager when the money they gave you is taken back. If you have already agreed that you will give funds, try to at least reduce the amount due to an offense, and not take back what you gave from the teenager. Imagine you were paid a salary at work. You decided to buy a dress, gas up your car, go to a concert - whatever. And your boss comes to you and says: “We have problems, this amount needs to be returned.” How will you feel?

  • If you gave money to a teenager, that's his now, period.

    Let us decide for ourselves what we will spend it on, whether we will save it or spend it on the very first day. Nobody tells you how to manage YOUR funds. If you don't want to give money, it's better not to give at all. This is very offensive for us. Teenage interests are different, remember that

  • If you want your son or daughter to learn how to handle finances, give them complete freedom in this matter!

    How often do you hear phrases from parents: “Well, I bought some nonsense, it would be better if I bought myself a new pencil case, this one over there is already scary,” “Are you saving? What are you saving for, I’m interested to know? Well, it’s only for toys.” for children!". And it turns out even worse if the teenager listened to you and bought with his own money what you thought was necessary. And then, in response to her request, she receives: “Well, no, I won’t buy this garbage! You had the money, so I should have left it!” This is very unpleasant, believe me.

Problem #4 “But I’m your age...”

There is a point that could be classified as the second, but I want to talk about it separately. Admit it, children, teenagers, adults, how many times in your life have you heard: “But I’m your age...”. This phrase is usually followed by a story about the parent’s difficult childhood and adolescence and the conclusion: your parents worked so hard, but you are still lazy! Well, admit it, almost everyone has heard this, and more than once. So, dear parents of teenagers, now to you. Don't say that please. You compare us with you, but you completely forget how many years there are between us! You lived in different conditions, in a different time. You have your time, your life, and we have ours. We haven’t seen your past, we haven’t lived in it, and we simply don’t know how to live differently. And you are not teenagers now and do not live in our modern world! It’s not that simple for us either!

Problem No. 5: the realization of a parent through his child.

Essentially, it's very related to "Here I am at your age." This happens when mom or dad really wanted something when he was a teenager, but there was no way to make it happen. And now, when they already have their ownchildrenthey try to givesomething that we didn’t have time to try ourselves, while completely forgetting,maybe it's not interesting at all! And when the protest begins, we hear in response - what? That's right: “Are you also indignant? Yes, you should be happy! When I was your age, I really wanted to play the piano, but I couldn’t solve this problem. But you can!” This is terrible to hear as a teenager! And this is absolutely wrong. Did you want to play the violin? But your son wants to go to football. Have you wanted to learn German? And your daughter wants to learn French. Modern reality is different, and your child is a different personality. And this is important to understand.

We are not a copy of our parents, we are completely different people.

We teenagers may not want to do what you love and that's completely normal. And extra activities will not add joy, but will only take up time. This also includes other hobbies, other tastes, a different style of clothing and behavior. The modern world is different. And that's absolutely normal!

Instead of a conclusion.

Here I talked about the problems of modern teenagers. About what hurts us, offends us. I shared my opinion on how you can help us. You know, there are still a lot of teenage difficulties - lessons, not enough time, you always owe something to someone, but these are all trifles, if you understand us!

Parents, love your children! This is the main solution to the problem. Try to understand the teenager. Don’t quarrel, but come to an agreement, not just prohibit, but explain why you are against it. Don't think that we teenagers don't need care - we need parental love and affection like no one else. We are still children. If you want to make us happy, love us as we are! We are different. We are people. We want to be ourselves. But your support is important to us, even if it seems that the teenager doesn’t care. This is wrong! We love you very much too! After all, children and parents are family, relatives and friends.

How can the K.O.T training center help?

We understand the difficulties of children and parents, we know them “from the inside” and from all sides. That's why it's great when children start attending. Their outlook on life and relationships with their parents change. It’s interesting when this happens - a teenager who attends training persuades a parent to go with the words - I also want you to understand!!! And the result then exceeds all expectations :)

If the issue of relationships between children and parents is relevant to you, we are waiting for you at our trainings!

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Adolescence is a difficult time not only for parents, but also for the children themselves. At this time, parents often realize that the rules by which they communicated with their children no longer apply; at this time, parenting errors often emerge - they understand that something needs to be changed.

We are in website We decided to find out what so often prevents us, parents, from building strong, warm relationships with teenagers and not losing their trust.

13. Insist on honesty

Many parents find it difficult to accept that an older child does not allow them into all areas of his life. Often they begin to demand more frankness from the child. But it is extremely important for a teenager to feel independent and rely on his own opinion. The more he feels pressure on himself, resentment from his family, the more he begins to close himself off and protect his personal space: he moves away from frankness and begins to deceive.

12. Violating personal space

Sometimes, with the best intentions, parents begin to check the teenager’s pockets, bag, and correspondence. By doing this, we not only show disrespect to the child, but also devalue his personal space, and he is just beginning to try to handle it.

This greatly undermines his trust in both his parents and himself. It is worth making the effort to ensure that control is the result of an open and honest agreement between you and your child.

11. Ignore your teenager's opinion

When parents are not interested in the child’s opinion and do not take it into account, he feels that it is not important for his parents, and concludes that he is not loved or respected.

Such behavior can provoke aggression in a child. The second option is also possible: the child will give in in response to your persistence and one day may simply lose the ability to make decisions on their own.

10. You make vague demands

Of course, at the level common sense the child will understand you, but It can be very difficult for him to implement the requirement, since the criteria are quite vague.

Over time, this can lead to a big difference of opinion between you: the child will believe that he already fully meets the requirements, and you will believe that there is always something to strive for. To avoid this, you should be clear about what you want and learn how to tell your children exactly what you want.

9. You invalidate his feelings.

Parents often feel that their children overdramatize events. But if a child does not regularly receive support from loved ones, he feels rejected and closes down even more. Or begins to protest against parents and behave aggressively.

Try to take seriously everything that happens to your child, respect his feelings, value his trust. Let him know that he is understood and accepted, that his feelings are important to you.

8. Not always consistent

Sometimes, in order for the child to comply with the requirements, parents resort to promises or threats that cannot be fulfilled in advance. But when the desired goal is achieved, they forget about their words or are simply in no hurry to fulfill them.

But it’s worth remembering: teenagers are very scrupulous about keeping the promises of adults. If loved ones say empty words over and over again, the child will stop believing them. So parents will lose authority in the eyes of the teenager.

7. Teach him too much about life.

You should not turn your parental authority into dictate. Otherwise, this can simply lead to either severe rebuff and aggression on the part of the child, or you simply risk breaking his integrity and self-esteem.

Parents of teenagers should strive for reasonable compromises. Make decisions together with the child, make concessions that will allow him to save his face. It is worth learning to see in a child, first of all, an individual who needs to be respected.

6. Live his life

When the entire life of parents is built only around the child, dissolved in him - this is already a clear overkill. Children, adopting the attitude of their parents towards themselves, can begin to treat them with the same obvious disdain.

Parents should devote time to their own interests and find time to relax. Without this, it is extremely difficult to build the right relationship with a child, and it is difficult for him to be proud of his parents and appreciate them.

5. Not interested in his life

Without knowing how a child lives and what interests him, it is impossible to build a trusting relationship with him, which is so important in adolescence.

If you try to find out more about what is happening in the child’s life, about his hobbies and show your awareness, then you will earn his favor and you will have something to talk about.

4. Constantly criticize

Parents often believe that praise should only be given for excellent grades. However Teenagers need approval in everything they do. This gives the child strength to move on and helps him cope with failures more easily.

However, no one can cancel healthy criticism. But you should always restrain your emotions and remember what your goal is: to punish the child? Express your attitude to the action? Help him realize he was wrong? Or solve the problem together with him?

3. Don't know their friends closely

It would be a good idea for parents to get to know their children’s closest social circle. To do this, it is often enough to simply invite them to visit you for a cup of tea and pie.

This will not only strengthen your relationship, but will also help you to be calm about your own child. If you are very concerned about one of your teen's friends, you can discuss this with them in a sensitive manner. Relying on your opinion, he himself will draw a conclusion about his comrade.

1. Spend little time together

It is only at first glance that it seems that teenagers are already big and do not need parental attention and affection. Even if you have very little time, let quality replace quantity. On weekdays, it’s enough to spend half an hour or an hour together, but without being distracted by your own affairs, weekends can be devoted to going on a hike together, watching a movie or playing games.

If the life together of parents and a teenager is reduced to only formal communication, he may begin to feel unnecessary, unprotected, feel hopeless, and have weak self-esteem.

If you ask what age a person is most at risk for psychological problems, most people will say that it is adolescence. This is the time when a person moves from the state of a child to the state of an adult, when all roles and expectations change, and life itself changes. If there are any external problematic factors, it can be very difficult to make this transition. Let's try to figure out what happens to teenagers in the process of growing up and developing their personality.

Causes of psychological problems in adolescence

Why do problems still arise? After all, they don’t bother everyone. There are happy children who, growing up, receive full support from family and friends, all the opportunities for development and self-realization. But even in this case, it may be impossible to avoid certain difficulties. The causes of psychological problems in adolescence can be caused by:

  • Relationships in the family: this is violence, excessive criticism from parents, imposing life principles on a teenager, a negative environment at home (quarrels between parents, a depressing atmosphere).
  • Growing up in a single-parent family: lack of certain aspects in upbringing, as well as emotional instability (stress of the parent) and forced early adulthood (for example, to help a mother who was left alone).
  • Criticism from others or lack of recognition: During adolescence, a serious process of self-determination occurs. A person understands who he is in the world, in the city, in his environment; understands what he is capable of, learns about his personal qualities and aspirations. Here there arises an awareness of the desire inherent in any of us - to feel needed, to know that you are not living in vain. And if some characteristics of a teenager are not accepted by his environment, dissonance arises and, as a consequence, a crisis.
  • Characteristics of temperament: hot-tempered and emotional people are at risk of drowning in their emotions and emerging from them in a not entirely correct direction.

Types of teenage problems, personality problems

What problems do teenagers most often face? There are several general problems that can be divided into minor and more in-depth ones:

Psychological problems: features and solutions

The solution to the problems of adolescence should be proper communication. And first of all, parents can provide such communication. It is necessary to allow the child to live in accordance with your own desires, give him the right and opportunity to try different things and look for his own. It is very important to respect parental boundaries. The child should always remember that if he fails somewhere or needs support (whatever), he can always come to his parents and get it. A balance of tenderness, attention and severity must be maintained. It is important that both the child and the parents understand the extent of their responsibility.

If you still have unresolved questions or feel a lack of strength to help a teenager cope with problems, I am always ready to help you. Sign up for a consultation by phone 8-983-269-35-31!