Already- This is a fairly large non-venomous snake. The average length of this reptile is from 80 to 90 centimeters, but more can be found large specimens one and a half meters long. The snake's body is unevenly colored: top part the body is dark (black, brown or dark gray), and the ventral side is almost white. It is very easy to distinguish it from other snakes by the yellow or bright orange spots that are located on the sides of its head. He swims very well, quickly bending his body and keeping his head above the surface of the water, and even knows how to dive.

Where live

Snakes live in almost all European countries, with the exception of Great Britain and Scandinavia. Their favorite places are damp, shady forests and the banks of rivers and lakes, where they hide under piles of stones, under tree roots or in burrows. They can often be seen near human habitation.

What do they eat?

Snakes feed mainly on frogs, toads, lizards, chicks that have fallen from nests, and very rarely on fish. They hunt only during daylight hours, and at night they hide in secluded places. Juveniles mainly eat insects. The snake swallows its prey whole. If she settles near a human dwelling, she successfully catches mice. Therefore, in some countries, these snakes are tamed, and they, just as well as cats, help people get rid of rodents in their homes.

How do they reproduce?

At the end of summer, female grass snakes lay from one to three dozen eggs, which are covered with a soft, leathery shell. The female chooses a secluded, damp place for the nest, and after one and a half to two months small snakes emerge from the eggs. They immediately crawl out of the nest and begin to live an independent life.

How do they winter

With the onset of cold weather, snakes hide in places where frost cannot penetrate. These can be deep holes that other animals have dug, or voids under large stones and roots. Very often, several snakes spend the winter in one such secluded place. When it gets warmer they wake up from hibernation, become active and spread out.

Snakes are not dangerous at all, which is why many people keep them as pets. They need to be kept in special boxes - terrariums, in which the required temperature and humidity are constantly maintained. These snakes live well in captivity and very quickly become completely tame.

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Nowadays, common at home, it is not at all considered a rarity. Someone as pet keeps a cat or a guinea pig, and some like reptiles. The common viper and the common viper are the most common creeping reptiles in nature, but if you decide to have such a creature at home, then it is better to opt for a non-poisonous one rather than dangerous viper. To contain this moisture-loving creature in home terrarium, you need to know some rules and features of caring for an animal. If you do not create the necessary conditions for it, then it may die, which, unfortunately, happens very often with careless owners of this creature. It is not very easy to create such conditions; in this article you will find recommendations and tips that will help make the stay of a reptile with ears in your home comfortable. If you adhere to all the rules, then a pair of snakes will even give their owner considerable offspring.

Ordinary: description

Of the numerous kinds of its own kind, the ordinary one is the most major representative. Moreover, the tail of this creature occupies a fifth or third of the total length. Typically, adults are about one meter in length. It is known that on the Svir River the common grass snake reached two meters in length; this place is famous for such large reptiles.

Most people imagine a reptile with a black body and two large yellow spots located on the back of the head. Few people know that in nature, in some places, the common fish can be “colored” completely differently. The upper body can be gray with various shades; against this background one can see spots arranged in a checkerboard pattern, or narrow stripes “drawn” across. The common grass snake, which is more than one meter long, has a mesh pattern all over its body and looks very beautiful.

As you know, it differs from the viper in the presence of yellow spots on its head, but there are representatives of this species that do not have such distinctive characteristics at all. There are also individuals with pink, white or orange-red markings. In this case, all shades are acceptable yellow color.

The scutes of the upper lip are white, separated by black stripes. Its belly is white with gray tint and black or blue-gray spots. Pure black snakes and white-pink albinos with a grayish tint are found in nature. The latter have red eyes.

It is difficult to distinguish males from females, except by size and tail. “Boys” are much smaller than “girls”, and males also have a noticeably longer tail.

Character and lifestyle

The ordinary one behaves actively only in daytime. He loves to bask in the sun and swim in the pond. By the way, snakes are excellent swimmers and divers. They can stay under water for 20-30 minutes. There have been cases when a swimming snake was seen very far from the shore. With the onset of dusk, the reptile looks for a cozy and safe place for the night and spends the night there, during which her body cools down. A pile of branches or leaves, a snag or a fallen tree can serve as a refuge for a grass snake.

Reptiles with ears on their heads are very fast; it costs them nothing to instantly climb a tree. In winter they hibernate, and their greatest activity is observed from April to September. During this same period, these harmless reptiles reproduce.

When asked whether the common snake is poisonous, the correct answer is the word “no.” It's no surprise that many terrarium lovers keep them as pets. Unlike their wild counterparts, domestic snakes are easily tamed and quickly get used to their owner. They can be held freely.

How to set up a terrarium

If you decide to place a snake in your home, you must be prepared for the fact that you will need to create for it all the conditions necessary for its existence. Many people ignore advice on caring for reptiles, and as a result, their pets simply die. In order for an ordinary one to feel comfortable in your terrarium, it must be equipped according to all the rules.

For such a non-venomous snake, you will need a spacious and long terrarium, since you will need to place a large pool in it. Such a bath should be quite big size so that the pet can fit completely in it. So most of the snake’s house will be occupied by the pool; it will not be able to live without it, since it needs to bathe and drink water often.

The bottom of the terrarium is covered with peat or sand, the main thing is that this soil retains moisture for a long time. It is necessary to place moss in the corner so that the snake can burrow into it and rest. In a place free from the pool, driftwood, branches or scattering stones are placed. The top of the terrarium should be tightly closed with a mesh so that the nimble pet cannot escape from its house.

Common snake: content

A very important point in the content is the temperature regime. A stone or driftwood is placed in one corner of the terrarium, and a heating lamp is placed on top. Here the snake will be able to warm itself at a temperature of no more than 35 degrees. A cool corner is being set up in another place. In this shelter the temperature should be about 22 degrees. At the specified standards average temperature in the terrarium is from 22 to 26 degrees.

The humidity level in the snake's home is maintained by regularly spraying the soil and moss. At night there is no need to light or heat the terrarium; during the day warm time For a year, normal sunlight will be sufficient.

With proper care and maintenance, a pet snake can live for about 20 years.

How to care for a common snake

In addition to the fact that the owner of the reptile must monitor the temperature and humidity in the terrarium, he will need to create all the conditions for hibernation and an active lifestyle for the snake. The house is cleaned once a week; the home must be cleaned regularly. Once every 30 days, to remove ticks, the pet is dipped in a solution of potassium permanganate (1%), only during this procedure you need to carefully monitor so that the snake’s head does not get wet.


A person purchasing a reptile must know what the common reptile eats, since it prefers to eat only live food, and the owner will have to give his pet mice, toads, and fish that have not been killed beforehand. The fact is that this snake will not be interested in either a rodent or a frog if the food does not move. In rare cases, owners manage to train their pets with a well-developed hunting instinct to eat killed food.

You need to feed it 1-2 times a week. If your pet is large, then it eats less often, but its lunch should be larger. The snake should receive mineral supplements to its food monthly. You can add from time to time mineral water to the drinking bowl.


A couple of snakes mating games start with a nod of the head. This ritual begins with the male holding his head high, shaking it from side to side. If the female accepts signs of attention, she responds to the gentleman with the same gestures. When mutual understanding in the couple is achieved, the “suitor” moves on to more active courtship and rubs himself against the back of his “lady.”

The eggs of the common grass snake contain small snakes whose hearts are already beating, since the development of the offspring begins already in the female’s body. The eggs themselves are not the same as chicken or bird eggs; they are very soft and sticky, which is why they are able to stick to each other. If the terrarium is not humid enough, they will dry out and the offspring will die.

The incubation period lasts about 10 weeks. Young females are capable of laying 10-15 eggs in a clutch, while a mature individual lays about 30 eggs or even more.

Offspring of the common grass snake

Newborn babies have a special tooth with which they break the shell and look at things for the first time. the world. The baby will leave the egg only when he is convinced of his complete safety; at this time there should be complete silence and calm around him.

The size of newborn babies is already 10-12 cm, and from the first day of their life they begin to behave very actively. You can feed them earthworms and small frogs.

Hibernation of snakes when kept at home

In order for an ordinary snake to hibernate, its owner must provide it with the proper conditions for this. With the onset of autumn, over the course of 30 days, it is necessary to gradually reduce daylight hours to 4 hours and do the same with the heating period.

After such preparation, lighting stops completely. The temperature in the terrarium is reduced to 10 degrees. As a result of such actions, it goes into hibernation and spends about two months in this state. Such a break in the reptile’s activity is necessary so that in the future it will develop well and reproduce to the delight of its owner.


Shedding is normal for snakes. The common grass snake, like all its relatives, sheds its skin. If molting occurs normally, the entire skin of the reptile's body comes off. Before this process begins, the snake becomes less active and loses its appetite. During this period, the owner must ensure that a sufficient level of humidity is maintained in the terrarium; this is necessary in order to make it easier for the pet to change “clothes”.

How does an ordinary person defend himself?

As mentioned earlier and as everyone knows, the common one is not poisonous. How then does this snake defend itself and how does it behave in moments of danger? It is better not to try to pick up a wild snake, but a domestic one does not protest against such an action only on the part of its owner, to whom it is accustomed. If this creature with ears on its head does not like human attention, it will behave like poisonous snakes. When the menacing hissing and head thrusts do not help scare off the enemy, he uses his signature trick, releasing a liquid from the intestines that has a very strong and bad smell. After all the above actions, the offender should probably retreat, but if this does not happen, he will simply pretend to be dead. As for bites, this animal decides to take such a step in very rare cases.

Common grass snake and viper

The creeping reptiles most known to all people are vipers and snakes. How is it different from the common viper? The answer to this question needs to be known primarily by those who like to relax in the forest or near bodies of water in the lap of nature. If an encounter with a snake does not threaten a person at all, then a close acquaintance with a viper is very dangerous, since this creature is poisonous.

It is absolutely impossible to distinguish between a snake and a viper by color; the main difference is the ears on the sides of the head of a non-venomous snake, but there are snakes that are completely black and without characteristic ears. In this case, it is better to avoid this crawling creature. The difference between venomous and non-venomous reptiles is observed in the pattern on the body. On the back of the snake, dark spots are arranged in a checkerboard pattern, while the viper is painted with zigzags.

  • To completely remove the skin during molting, the snake finds narrow cracks and crawls through them. Thus, the skin slides off the animal, like an inverted stocking (this starts from the head).
  • The bite does not pose any danger to humans.
  • Residents of small villages often domesticate wild snakes so that these non-venomous snakes exterminate rodents on the farm.

  • Snakes swallow prey alive without killing it first.
  • When the weather is too hot, the reptile can sink to the bottom of the reservoir and stay there for quite a long time, waiting for its body to cool down.
  • If a snake is in danger while it is swallowing food or has just swallowed it, the snake regurgitates the food and flees or tries to defend itself. In this case, a mouse or frog that has been in the mouth of a reptile may remain alive.

We all, both adults and children, like to meet environment. This is truly an exciting activity. Today we will take a closer look at the colubrid family.

First of all, let's find out who he is? It's a snake. Snakes are usually classified as belonging to the class of reptiles, as well as to the order of squamates.

Who is he, the origin of the name

The name of this reptile has both Proto-Slavic and Lithuanian roots. Often, it is customary to translate as “narrow” or “cramped”. This reptile is divided into thousands of subspecies. But we won't discuss them. Let us pay attention exclusively to one species - this is an ordinary one. First, let's look at the structure of the snake's body.

Structural features of the snake

The body of a snake. Reptiles have quite slender body. It is often covered with scales (as is the case with the common grass snake). The common one is considered the largest representative of the reptile family. Maximum length this reptile is more than 3 meters. The body of females is always larger and larger in size than the body of males. If we talk about ordinary snakes, then the upper side of the body of such reptiles is usually gray with different shades. Shades on the body can be located in the very in different order, even in chess. There is also a black one.

Snakes have small heads (including black ones). In its back part there are spots of yellow, pink and even orange-red hue. In some cases, shades are completely absent on the snake’s body. In some species of snakes, including common snakes the head is protected by special shields.

Eyes. Common grass snakes have rather large eyes. The pupils usually have round shape. Sometimes the pupils may be vertical. For example, a cat snake. This species also belongs to the colubrid family.

Tail. Snakes are endowed with short tails. Their length is 3 or even 5 times shorter than the body. The shape of the tail may vary. The tail may be stubby, sharp or rounded. It is noteworthy that the females have a longer tail than the males of the common grass snake.

Teeth. In addition to the tail, the teeth of this reptile deserve special attention and consideration. Snakes' teeth can vary in appearance, shape and size. It all depends on the type of reptile itself. In some species of snakes they are small and smooth, in others the teeth are sharp and motionless. In addition to teeth, snakes have an unusual-looking tongue. In a reptile it is forked.

Other types of snakes

During review general characteristics appearance we mentioned one of the snakes known species snake - this is too ordinary. But in nature there are other species of snakes that also have interesting features body structure. Here are a few of these types of snakes:

How is it different from a viper?

Snakes are sometimes confused with vipers and snakes. In this regard, it is important to know some of the features of snakes that distinguish them from vipers.

Here are the main differences between a grass snake and a viper:

These are the main differences between snakes and vipers. Let's continue our further acquaintance with snakes and see what the life expectancy of a snake is.

How long does he live and how does he move?

In fact, the life expectancy of snakes is very good (from 19 to 23 years). However, the quality and duration of existence completely depends on water. This reptile spends almost all of its time in water. Snakes drink a lot of water. They mainly swim along the banks of rivers or seas. Some species of snakes can go out to the open sea.

It moves just like a snake. While moving, it raises its head and alternately bends its body and then its tail in a wave-like manner. He prefers to dive during the hunt. But this reptile is accustomed to resting at the bottom of a river or sea.

Features of snake hunting

As already mentioned, snakes are big fans of hunting. This is almost their main way of finding food. Snakes are looking for food in different time days (both during the day and in the evening). Although experts note that grass snakes are more active and eager to hunt during the daytime. With the arrival of darkness, reptiles are more inclined to look for a secluded place for the so-called overnight stay. What do snakes eat? The diet of snakes is considered monotonous. It may consist of:

Snakes (including common snakes) are not attracted to plants. At the same time, snakes like fish. While in the water, snakes use wait-and-see tactics and patiently wait for the prey to swim closer. After which, they take possession of the victim. How often should you eat?

If the reptile has eaten a hearty meal, then for the next five days it can easily do without food. In some cases, it will last several months without food.

Peculiarities of snake reproduction

In this species of reptile, puberty occurs in the third or even fourth year of their life. And here mating season falls in the spring months (from April to May) and in the summer months (from July to August). After mating, the female snake lays eggs. Eggs, that is, future offspring, need careful care. So, eggs must be protected from cold and drying out. Therefore, the female snake lays her eggs in a special warm incubator in the form of a pile of rotten leaves. However, she never hatches offspring. After 5-8 weeks, small cones hatch.

The main enemies of the snake

Snakes have their ill-wishers, who actively hunt for them after sunset. So, the enemies of snakes can be considered:

  • ground beetle and ant;
  • fox, hedgehog, weasel;
  • heron and stork;
  • toad, frog;
  • trout.

Some eat adults, others, on the contrary, prefer to hunt snake eggs. So, ants hunt for eggs.

As a child, I often went fishing and into the forest to pick berries or mushrooms. And, of course, in wet weather I met snake. Very unpleasant animals. And most often snakes. Yes, many will say that you shouldn’t be afraid of snakes, and they are generally harmless. But when you are in the forest and see a snake, you do not have time to quickly determine what kind of snake it is. So, now I will tell you about the fear of my childhood. About " already».

What do snakes eat?

Already - this snake, which is most common in Eurasia, not poisonous. His diet is not very varied, here is a list of what he usually eats feeds:

  • Alive frogs.
  • Rodents.
  • Fish.

Here's a list of those who usually eats snakes:

  • Storks.
  • Predatory birds.
  • Some mammals.

The snake's feeding method is the same as that of all other snakes. No longer chews prey, but swallowsfully, and since this snake has no poison, the victim at the moment of swallowing will still be alive. If the object is large enough, then the eating process can last a very long time. But after such a meal maybe I won't eat for several days. Several cases were recorded when the snake remained without food for 300 days and did not suffer any harm to health. Snakes can go a long time without food, but They cannot live without water.

A snake usually stays on earth for a long time pursues your victim. In water, on the contrary, it hides in some place and waitingt booty, which itself floats to him.

A little information about already

Identify a snake from other snakes you can on yellow, or white spot on the head. But in very rare cases there may be no spot on the head at all. Usually snakes do not differ in size, but in some cases the size of females reaches up to 2,5 meters in length.

No matter how strange it may sound, it’s really easy tamed and does not experience special problems with life Vcaptivity. In Ukraine and Belarus, cases have been recorded where local residents tamed snakes for catching mice.

Already - not aggressive snake. But when he is attacked, he begins hiss and throws his head forward. If this does not help, then he releases odorous liquid, which scares away animals. When all else fails, the snake simply pretends to be dead, relaxing all muscles.

Not many people like snakes, but we have to meet them. The main thing is to know how to distinguish one snake from another. But never go close to a snake unless you are sure that it will not cause you much harm. be careful!

A snake is a snake that belongs to the class of reptiles, the order Scaly, the suborder of snakes, the family Colubridae (lat. Colubridae).

The Russian name “uzh” may have come from the Old Slavonic “uzh” - “rope”. Moreover, the Proto-Slavic word supposedly comes from the Lithuanian angìs, which means “snake, snake.” According to etymological dictionaries, these words may be related to the Latin word angustus, which translates as “narrow, cramped.”

Types of snakes, photos and names

Below is short description several varieties of snakes.

  • Common snake (Natrix natrix )

It has a length of up to 1.5 meters, but on average the size of the snake does not exceed 1 meter. The snake's habitat extends across Russia, North Africa, the countries of Asia and Europe, except for the northern regions. In southern Asia, the range boundary includes Palestine and Iran. Characteristic distinctive feature common grass snake is the presence of two bright, symmetrical spots on the back of the head, on the border with the neck. Spots with a black border are yellow, orange or off-white. Occasionally there are individuals with faint spots or no spots, that is, completely black common snakes. There are also albinos. The back of the snake is light gray, dark gray, sometimes almost black. There may be dark spots on the gray background. The abdomen is light and has a long dark stripe that stretches all the way to the snake's throat. Most often, the common grass snake is found along the shores of lakes, ponds, quiet rivers, in coastal shrubs and oak forests, in floodplain meadows, in old overgrown clearings, in beaver settlements, on old dams, under bridges and in other similar places. In addition, common snakes settle near human habitation. They make their home in the roots and hollows of trees, in haystacks, in burrows, in other secluded places, in gardens and vegetable gardens. They can settle in basements, cellars, barns, woodpiles, piles of stones or garbage. In poultry farms, snakes like moist and warm litter, and they get along well with poultry. They can even lay their eggs in abandoned chicken and duck nests. But snakes almost never settle near large domestic animals that can trample them.

  • Water snake (Natrix tessellata )

In many ways it is similar to its close relative the common snake, but there are also differences. It is more thermophilic and widespread in southern regions The habitat of the genus of snakes is from the southwest of France to Central Asia. Also, water snakes live in the south of the European part of Russia and Ukraine (especially at the mouths of rivers flowing into the Caspian and Black Sea), in Transcaucasia (very numerous on the islands of the Absheron Peninsula in Azerbaijan), in Kazakhstan, in the Central Asian Republics, up to India, Palestine and North Africa in the south and to China in the east. Outside of reservoirs, snakes are extremely rare. Water snakes live on the coasts of not only fresh water bodies, but also seas. They swim well, can cope with strong currents of mountain rivers, and stay under water for a long time. The water snake has a color of olive, olive-green, olive-gray or olive-brown with dark spots and stripes located almost in a checkerboard pattern. By the way, Natrix tessellata literally translates from Latin as “chess snake.” The snake's abdomen is yellowish-orange or reddish, covered with dark spots. There are also individuals that have no pattern or completely black water snakes. Unlike an ordinary snake, there are no “signal” yellow-orange spots on the head of the water snake, but often on the back of the head there is a dark spot in the shape of the Latin letter V. The length of the water snake is on average 1 meter, but the largest individuals reach 1.6 meters. With the onset of morning, water snakes crawl out of their shelters and settle under bushes or, literally, “hang out” on their crowns, and when the sun begins to get hot, they go into the water. They hunt in the morning and evening. During the day they bask in the sun on rocks, reeds, and in the nests of water birds. The water snake is non-aggressive and safe for humans. It is not able to bite at all, since instead of teeth it has plates to hold slippery prey. But because of its color, it is confused with a viper and is mercilessly destroyed.

  • Colchis, or big-headed already (Natrix megalocephala )

It lives in Russia in the south of the Krasnodar Territory, in Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Abkhazia. Already lives in chestnut, hornbeam, beech forests, in thickets of cherry laurel, azalea, alder, where there are clearings and ponds, on tea plantations, near streams. Colchis snakes can be found high in the mountains. They are adapted to life in fast mountain streams. This snake differs from the common snake in its wide head, with a concave upper surface, and the absence of light spots on the back of the head in adult specimens. The body of the big-headed snake is massive, from 1 to 1.3 m in length. The upper body is black, the head is white below, the abdomen is black and white drawing. In spring and autumn, the Colchis grass snake is active during the daytime, and in summer - in the morning and at dusk. Snakes living in the mountains are active in the mornings and evenings. Colchis is no longer dangerous for humans. He escapes from his enemies by diving into the water, even despite the rapid current of the river. The number of large-headed snakes is small and in Lately decreases. This is due to uncontrolled fishing and a decrease in the population of amphibians due to development river valleys and with the destruction of snakes by raccoons. Conservation measures are necessary to preserve this species.

  • Viper snake (Natrix maura )

Distributed in Western and Southern Mediterranean countries, not found in Russia. Snakes live near ponds, lakes, calm rivers, and swamps. Snakes of this species got their name because of their color, similar to that of a viper: on the dark gray back there is a black-brown pattern in the form of a zigzag stripe, with large ocellated spots on the sides of it. True, some individuals have a color similar to water snakes, and there are also individuals with a solid gray or olive color. The snake's abdomen is yellowish, with reddish and black spots closer to the tail. The average length of the reptile is 55-60 cm, large individuals reach 1 meter. Females are larger and heavier than males.

  • Tiger snake (Rhabdophis tigrinus )

Lives in Russia in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories, distributed in Japan, Korea, North-Eastern and Eastern China. Settles near water bodies, among moisture-loving vegetation. But it also occurs in mixed forests, far from bodies of water, in treeless areas and on the seashore. The tiger snake is one of the most beautiful snakes in the world, which can reach a length of 1.1 meters. The back of the snake can be dark olive, dark green, blue, light brown, black. Juveniles are usually dark gray. The dorsal and lateral dark spots give the snake the tiger stripes. Adult snakes have characteristic red-orange, red and brick-red spots between dark stripes on the front part of the body. The upper lip of the grass snake is yellow. The snake defends itself from predators by releasing a poisonous secretion from their special neck glands. The tiger snake is capable, like a cobra, of lifting and inflating its neck. When people are bitten by enlarged back teeth and poisonous saliva gets into the wound, symptoms are observed, similar to a viper bite.

Taken from:

  • Shiny tree snake (Dendrelaphis pictus)

Distributed in South-East Asia. It is found near human settlements, in fields and forests. It lives on trees and bushes. It is brown or bronze in color, with a light stripe bordered by black stripes on the sides. There is a black “mask” on the snake’s face. It is a non-venomous snake with a long, thin tail that makes up a third of its body.

  • Schneider's fish snake(Xenochrophis piscator )

It lives in Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, some islands of Indonesia, western Malaysia, China, Vietnam, and Taiwan. Lives in small rivers and lakes, in ditches, in rice fields. The color of the snake is olive green or olive brown with light or dark spots forming a checkerboard pattern. The abdomen is light. Length 1.2 m. The head is slightly widened and has a cone-shaped shape. Non-venomous fishing snakes are aggressive and fast. They hunt mainly during the day, but often at night.

  • Eastern ground snake(Virginia valeriae )

Distributed in the eastern United States: from Iowa and Texas to New Jersey and Florida. It differs from other species in having smooth scales. A small snake, the length of which does not exceed 25 cm. The color of the snake is brown, tiny black spots may be observed on the back and sides, and the abdomen is light. Ground snakes lead a burrowing lifestyle, living in loose soil, under rotten logs and in leaf litter.

  • Green bush grass snake(Philothamnus semivariegatus )

A non-venomous snake that is found throughout most of Africa, excluding arid regions and the Sahara Desert. Green snakes live in dense vegetation: on trees, in bushes growing along rocks and river beds. The body of reptiles is long, with a thin tail and a slightly flattened head. The body of the snake is bright green with dark spots, the head is bluish. Scales with pronounced carinae. Active during the day. Not dangerous for humans. It already feeds on lizards,

  • Japanese snake ( Hebius vibakari)

One of the species of snakes found in Russia, namely in Far East: in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky territories, as well as the Amur region. Distributed in Japan, Eastern China and Korea. Inhabits forests in these regions, thickets of bushes, meadows in the forest zone, abandoned gardens. The length of the snake is up to 50 cm. The color is uniform: dark brown, brown, chocolate, brown-red with a greenish tint. The abdomen is light, yellowish or greenish. Small snakes are light brown or more often black. The non-venomous Japanese grass snake leads a secretive lifestyle, hiding under the ground, stones and trees. It feeds mainly on earthworms.

How do snakes reproduce?

The main part of snakes reproduces by laying eggs. Some species, such as American grass snakes, are ovoviviparous. And in some species the rudiments of viviparity are observed (for example, in the species Thamnophis sirtalis).

Males snakes reach sexual maturity at the 3rd year of life, females at the 4th or 5th year. There are snakes that become sexually mature when their body reaches a certain size.

Usually the mating season for snakes begins in the spring. Immediately, or 1-2 weeks after leaving wintering grounds, snakes begin to mate. In common snakes, “courtship” occurs as follows: the male, approaching the female, shakes his head from side to side, then presses tightly against her side or back, rubs against her, and wraps his tail around her. Sometimes several males gather around a female, forming a so-called “nuptial ball.” But the males do not fight among themselves, but only try to interfere with each other. Mating occurs in late April - early May, and snakes lay eggs in late June - early July. If the summer is cold, these dates are shifted to a later time.

In some species, mating occurs in the fall. This is typical, for example, for water snakes. In this case, the female lays fertilized eggs next summer.

Snake eggs are covered with a white leathery film consisting of microscopic fibers soaked in sticky protein. They can have different shapes: oblong, round, pear-shaped. The sizes of eggs and clutches vary, depending on the type of snake, age and length of the female. Clutches are often “collective” and can number up to 1000 eggs.

To lay eggs, snakes use secluded warm and damp places: heaps of humus, old straw, fallen leaves, rotten stumps, damp moss, loose litter under stones. Incubation period lasts 1-2 months. The embryo goes through the initial stages of development in the mother's body. The snake hatches from the egg using a special egg tooth, which makes cuts in the shell. The length of newborns is different different types snake. Newborns immediately crawl away and lead an independent lifestyle.

Enemies of snakes in nature

Snakes have no protective equipment; they can only scare or run away and hide. The greatest danger to snakes is humans. Many mammals (foxes, minks, martens, raccoon dogs), predatory or big birds(snake eagles, storks, kites), as well as some snakes include snakes in their diet. Rodents destroy their nests. Rats eat their clutches and small snakes. Even their future food threatens young harvests: frogs, toads, fish, insects.

  • In nature, two-headed snakes are quite often born. For example, every fiftieth newborn water snake has 2 heads. True, such individuals do not live long.
  • He never shows his stomach to the enemy. You can see the color of the abdomen only during “imaginary death” or when removed from the shelter during wintering.
  • Prey swallowed by a snake remains undigested in the stomach for some time, and if a caught snake regurgitates food in defense, then recently eaten frogs or fish remain alive and unharmed.
  • There are many tales told about snakes: that reptiles hypnotize frogs during a hunt or suck milk from a cow's udder. In fact, this is fiction.
  • The snake is a reptile that quickly gets used to humans. It is easy to tame. But keeping snakes at home is a troublesome task. It only eats living food, that is, food that moves. It is also difficult to maintain the desired temperature in the terrarium.
  • Since ancient times, there have been many fairy tales and beliefs about these reptiles, according to which the snake is the keeper of treasures and treasures, the ruler of all reptiles.
  • IN old times, in the villages of Ukraine, Belarus and the Baltic states they already lived in the house and caught mice no worse than cats. They were fed by deliberately leaving a jug of milk open. I have always been a security guard and as magic symbol, and as a rodent exterminator. Destruction or expulsion of the snake was considered unacceptable, as this threatened the house with misfortune.