Due to numerous requests, we inform you that in the Central region of Russia, NOBODY is yet paying Customers for used tires handed over for RECYCLING, including our company!!! If you consider them suitable for further use, then do not apply the term recycling to them!

Tire recycling in Moscow. Recycling of tires.

The Inter Green group of companies provides a range of services for the collection, transportation, processing and sale of products obtained from waste tires.

Our financial conditions acceptance and disposal of tires:

The location of the waste tire collection point is at a considerable distance from the processing complex, as well as imperfections legislative framework makes it impossible to compensate for scrapping them. You can calculate the cost of recycling tires based on their total number. It is about 2000-3000 rubles per ton. You can make payment by bank transfer.

Where to donate old car tires?

Waste disposal takes place with everyone's attention necessary documents- environmental acts, financial.

Disposal of tires is carried out on the basis of the Federal Law “On Production and Consumption Waste”. This protects enterprises from possible sanctions and exorbitant fines from government executive bodies for their unauthorized placement.

The tire collection point is open on weekdays. Disposal of tires is accompanied by determination of the quantity, as well as the exact weight. Reception of waste tires is carried out according to the weight table. The diameter of the tires themselves determines their weight. Acceptance of used car tires We carry out on working days. Also, control weighing is always carried out in the presence of the Client.

We accept old tires using the technologies we use for storing tires before disposal (see photo), which have been tested by many years of practice. We will be happy to tell your specialists how to use them. This will significantly reduce the space used for the accumulation of waste tires at the enterprise.

Contact our company to get all the answers to the question - rubber recycling.

Growing vehicle fleet in modern world entails an increase in the number of used tires. Disposal of car tires always requires regularity, for these reasons:

Waste tires are a strong source of long-term environmental pollution; their untimely disposal leads to a decrease in the standard of living of us. Tire piles are often home to countless hordes of rodents. For these reasons, the use of car tires is becoming very relevant today.

There are many methods, the use of which can be successfully described as recycling tires or recycling rubber goods. For example, they are used to make:

  • Sports surfaces - parts of a football field, tennis courts or playgrounds;
  • New car tires by partial addition crumb rubber,
  • Rubber products with partial use of the processed product,
  • Specialized roof coverings directly from crumb rubber,
  • Railway sleepers and rail pads made of compressed rubber,
  • Construction of road surfaces by adding the resulting rubber to asphalt;
  • Decorative tiles made from rubber crumbs using vulcanization.
  • Production of crumb rubber (a very valuable raw material for making rubber coatings)
  • Fuel oil produced by pyrolysis serves as an excellent source of heating.

You can hand over your tires to our waste tire collection point by simply calling our company.

If you have any questions, please use the feedback form and we will contact you immediately.

Disposal of tires and tires is extremely important process to protect the environment and public health. It is important that every person in our country understands the need to recycle rubber products. Read our article on how to recycle tires and where to recycle rubber.

In order to understand why tire recycling is necessary, you need to consider their composition.

In the production of modern car tires, synthetic and natural rubbers, carbon black, and resin impurities are used. It has been established that when these rubber products wear out, their smallest particles can penetrate into human body, causing diseases:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • allergies;
  • oncology, etc.

Note! In addition to the negative impact on the human body, car tires have a negative impact on the natural environment.

It takes about 100 years for tires and other rubber products to decompose, since they practically do not decompose biologically. At the same time, they highlight a large number of harmful substances in environment. In addition, when tires catch fire, they become sources of toxic compounds that are dangerous to human health and the lives of living beings. On plot of land where the rubber burned, not a single blade of grass will grow for 10 years. Also, used rubber products are a “paradise” for rodents and insects that carry various infections.

However, despite the potential danger, the scale of landfills of old tires and rubber tires is only increasing in our country and already amounts to thousands of square kilometers. Although many people know that tires, due to their chemical composition can be used as recycled materials in the production of new products and materials.

Important! Proper disposal will help ensure the protection of the environment from the negative effects of rubber products and the preservation of natural resources. This is why tires and car tires need to be recycled.

Tire Recycling Law

Information on this issue contained in 89-FZ “On production and consumption waste”. In 2015, changes were made to the law on tire recycling, according to which manufacturers and importers of these rubber products must carry out mandatory recycling of used tires. Moreover, their annual volume is established by the state through the introduction of regulatory recycling indicators. Such standards are calculated as a percentage of the total number of products produced per year. Thus, tire manufacturers in 2016 and 2017 should and will have to dispose of products in accordance with established standards: 15% and 20%, respectively.

Waste class

End-of-life rubber products, including tires and car tires, are waste hazard class IV, established in accordance with Russian legislation. Although this type of waste belongs to the low-hazard category, it still needs to be properly disposed of for the good reasons described earlier. However, in Russia, automotive rubber products are usually disposed of in landfills, landfills and incineration.

Tire disposal methods

Recycling of car tires and other rubber products is a process for which the most rational methods today are mechanical processing into crumbs and cryogenic processing.

In the first case, the following are carried out:

  1. Preparation for crushing: separating the steel cord, cutting the product into pieces.
  2. Crushing into crumbs (usually occurs in 2 stages).
  3. Sorting factions.

The process uses basic tire recycling equipment such as a guillotine, shredder or crusher.

In the second method, the first stage is the same as in the mechanical crushing method. The following steps follow:

  1. Loading prepared rubber materials into a cryogenic chamber with liquid nitrogen.
  2. Hardening of the material (temperature -110 o C).
  3. Grinding hardened rubber with a pneumatic or steam-air hammer.
  4. Sorting of crushed metal, textile and rubber components, additional crushing of rubber into crumbs.

Also, with any recycling method, tires must be washed before disposal.

How to recycle at home

Recycling tires with your own hands is an extremely complex process that requires a significant amount of effort. You can only grind pre-prepared rubber into smaller fractions using a certain tool. Further processing of crumbs at home is hardly possible. And using it as a fuel for heating rooms is extremely undesirable from an environmental point of view.

You can get rid of used tires by using them as, for example, decor for a summer cottage: “rubber” flower beds and other crafts made from waste rubber. However this method getting rid of old tires does not solve the issue of proper and environmentally safe disposal of rubber products.

Disposal of other rubber products

Rubber recycling, in addition to tires and tires, includes the processing of a number of other rubber-containing products and materials. Acceptance of rubber for recycling involves the acceptance of hoses, drive belts, transport conveyor belts, old workwear, shoes, etc. This type of rubber reception is carried out by specialized companies that can both independently process rubber products (using the methods described earlier) and send them to the plant for use as recyclable materials.

Where to recycle tires for money

Is it possible to recycle tires for money? Some companies accept tires and accept tires by paying their owners a certain (small) amount of money. However, in most cases in our cities, it is the owner of the products who will have to pay money to hand over old tires for recycling. Where to donate tires? You can hand over rubber waste to special collection points, or you can bring it directly to the recycling company itself. As a rule, such companies recycle truck tires, car tires, tires and other rubber-containing products.

The dangers of tires, the importance of recycling them, methods of disposal and the problems associated with this are discussed in the following short video

Recycling of tires and tires is a poorly developed industry in Russia. However, its development is necessary today. After all, this is not only an activity that allows us to protect the environment and our health, but also promising business which helps preserve Natural resources, creating secondary raw materials useful for industry.

Sometimes a profitable project can contribute to a solution environmental problems. Tire recycling as a business: profitability, reviews and business plan with calculations to help a new entrepreneur.


Global volumes of waste plastic, glass and rubber amount to millions of tons. Therefore, the need for enterprises for processing recyclable materials increases every year. The problem is that the equipment for this is expensive.

Treatment plants are even more expensive, without which the plant pollutes the environment with emissions no less than garbage. It is much easier and cheaper to open new landfills for waste disposal, especially in Russia with its vast expanses.

Experts believe that if you focus on small volumes of recycling, tire recycling activities can be economically profitable.

There are several options for tire recycling ideas:

  1. Grinding into crumbs. The resulting substance is used for automobile parts, as a substrate for road construction, for filling sports equipment, and for repairing bridges.
  2. Tire restoration. The worn tread is removed from the tires and a new one is applied. A cold or hot technological method is used. Natural resources are significantly saved, since to produce one tire “from scratch” you need 30 liters of oil, and when manufactured using the retread method - 5 liters.
  3. Pyrolysis. At very high temperatures Fuel, gas, carbon black and steel cord are obtained from tires. The technology is unstable, expensive and takes a long time to pay off.
  4. Complete destruction by burning. This releases energy that can be used in production.

The first two technologies are environmentally friendly; when using pyrolysis and combustion, harmful substances are released into the atmosphere. “Dirty” production will require lengthy and expensive coordination with environmental protection services, as well as the installation of special treatment facilities.

And given the relative innovation of tire retreading and the skeptical and wary attitude of consumers, your best bet is to get into the tire crumb business.

The main difficulties in implementing the project are obtaining raw materials and sales finished products. In a sparsely populated area there will be problems with both, so production should be launched near a metropolis.

Business plan

The implementation diagram looks like this:

  • registering an enterprise and obtaining permits to operate;
  • study of technology;
  • production location planning;
  • purchase of equipment;
  • purchase of raw materials;
  • hiring workers;
  • sales of finished products;
  • financial calculations.

When working with recyclable materials, competition is insignificant and you don’t have to do detailed market research. Numerous service stations and tire shops are stable suppliers of used tires, and with high construction rates there is always a demand for recycled products.

Download ready business plan for recycling tires, you can.

Registration and permissions

A tire recycling business can be registered in the form individual entrepreneur(800 rub.) or (4,000 rub.).

Waste tires belong to waste hazard class 4 - low-hazard substances. To carry out activities for the collection, transportation, processing, disposal, neutralization, disposal of waste of classes 1-4, a license is required, issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources.

The validity period of the license is unlimited, the cost of obtaining is 7,500 rubles.

In addition to the license, it is necessary to obtain work permits from the Sanitation Station and the State Fire Supervision Authority.


The process of recycling tires by shredding occurs as follows:

  1. Collection of tires.
  2. Sorting and selection of recyclable tires. Removing thorns, nails and other foreign elements.
  3. Cutting tires into small pieces.
  4. Loading the material onto a conveyor and then into a special installation, where the rubber is crushed and the metal components of the tire are removed.
  5. From the shredder, the crumbs enter the rotary crusher, where they undergo another stage of grinding and purification from impurities.
  6. To obtain the purest possible rubber, the material is further processed in a separator.
  7. The crumbs are sorted into fractions on a vibrating sieve.
  8. To obtain an especially fine powder, the crumbs are passed through a grinder.
  9. Packaging of products ready for shipment.

For storage in a warehouse it is necessary to provide room temperature and dry air, since high humidity has Negative influence for recycled material.

In addition to crumb rubber, the recycling process leaves behind the textile component of tires and metal wire, which can be scrapped.


A tire recycling business should not be located close to residential areas. It is best to rent part of a workshop from an industrial enterprise in an industrial zone. In this case, you will not have to deal with bringing the premises into compliance with fire and sanitary standards.

The size of the mini-factory should be approximately 300 square meters. m. to accommodate everything necessary equipment, a warehouse for raw materials, a warehouse for finished products and a change house for workers.

The premises must have proper communications - electricity, water supply, heat supply and sewerage.


The most expensive part is purchasing equipment for production. To ensure an uninterrupted technological process, the following machines and devices will be required:

  • equipment for removing the bead ring from the tire;
  • tire cutting machine;
  • devices for grinding rubber into crumbs of different fractions;
  • conveyor for feeding material;
  • magnetic separator – 2 pcs.;
  • air separator;
  • vibrating sieve for different degrees of crumb filtration - 2 pcs.;
  • bunker for collecting crumbs;
  • storage bin for metal wire;
  • dust cleaner;
  • electrical panel;
  • loader.

In addition, you need to purchase:

  1. Containers for packaging crumb rubber.
  2. A vehicle if you plan to independently deliver products.
  3. Workwear and protective equipment for workers.
  4. Computer and office equipment for record keeping.

Raw materials

Used car tires for recycling can be purchased:

  • at stations and;
  • at large motor transport enterprises;
  • at a recycling collection point, or open your own waste tire collection points.

The big advantage of tire recycling as a business is that the cost of old tires is very low, sometimes you can get it for free, and in some cases you can earn money for recycling.

Hiring workers

Depending on the volume and schedule of work, production will require:

  1. Shift supervisor - 2 people.
  2. Equipment operators - 4 people.
  3. Loaders - 2 people.
  4. Driver - 1 person
  5. Receiver at the tire collection point - 1 person.
  6. Product distributor - 1 person.
  7. Accountant - 1 person.

To save money, some of the functions of accounting, sales and general management can be taken over by the business owner.

Since the business is specific, and workers will have to deal with waste, the company will most likely have a high staff turnover.

Sales of products

The main consumers of the mini-plant are construction organizations and enterprises producing building materials. List of manufactured products including crumb rubber for improvement technical characteristics wide enough:

  • roofing moisture-resistant coating;
  • railway sleepers and gaskets;
  • filler;
  • shoe soles;
  • road surface;
  • paving slabs;
  • fiber concrete;
  • various rubber products.

Wire from tires obtained as a result of processing is handed over to scrap metal collection points.

Financial calculations

The main article of initial investment in the idea processing business- this is the purchase of equipment. Manufacturing technology cannot be organized in a handicraft way, so a full set of machines is required to complete the production line.

Sum capital investments consists of the following costs:

Naming of expenditures Amount, rub.
1 Registration costs and permits 10 000
2 Workshop rental (2 months) 100 000
3 Indoor renovation work 60 000
4 Purchase, installation and commissioning of equipment 2 800 000
5 Purchase of vehicles 450 000
6 Purchase of raw materials and materials 50 000
7 Product promotion 50 000
8 other expenses 30 000
Total 3 550 000

The amount of monthly production costs is approximately equal to:

On average, the recycling line can recycle 3 tons of tires per day. From this amount of raw material, approximately 2 tons of crumb rubber and 800 kg of steel cord are obtained. The price of crumbs depends on the fraction, on average it is 17 rubles/kg. Scrap metal is accepted at 6.5 rubles/kg.

There is also additional income from acceptance of tires for recycling from delivery companies, 1,500 rubles/ton. Presumably, this is 20% of the total volume of incoming tires.

The total monthly income of the mini-factory is:

With annual expenses (including initial investments) of 9,010,000 rubles. and an income of 14,436,000 rubles, a business with the given parameters will pay for itself in six months.

We guarantee that all old tires will be delivered to the tire recycling plant.

Who pays?

You pay to transport the old tires to the recycling plant. Agree that it is not rational to drive your 4 wheels yourself to Chekhov or to the city of Raduzhny, 180 km away, to the plant. At the same time, tires are classified as hazardous waste and are subject to mandatory recycling; burying tires in a landfill is prohibited.

Where is it processed?

Tire recycling plant in the cities of Chekhov and Raduzhny. In Russia, 1,200,000 (one million two hundred thousand) tons of old tires are generated per year. How much it? A lot of? Let's try to imagine.

What is the price?

Radius R13 R14 R15 R16 R17 R18 R19 R20 R21 R22
Cars R13: 50 R14: 50 R15: 50 R16: 60 R17: 70 R18: 70 R19: 80 R20: 80 R21: 90 R22: 100
SUVs and UPV R15: 60 R16: 70 R17: 80 R18: 90 R19: 100 R20: 100 R21: 100 R22: 100
Minibuses R13: 70 R14: 70 R15: 70 R16: 80 R17: 80 R18: 80 R19: 80 R20: 80 R21: 80 R22: 80
Pickups and commercial vehicles R15: 90 R16: 90 R17: 90 R18: 100 R19: 100 R20: 100 R21: 100 R22: 100
Cost in ₽

In the photo there are approximately a thousand tons of tires (this is approximately 10,000 passenger wheels). Now imagine, approximately 3 million passenger cars are registered in Moscow - and this is not a lot of 12 million units. passenger wheels. Those. as in the photo there are 1200 such piles. And there are also freight transport! Should we allow such “landscapes” to form? It's up to you to choose. Ecology is no longer a question of the future, it is a problem of the present!

Letter of thanks

Bitter truth

About 10% of this volume ends up in factories. And everything else lies in landfills, in the ground, near garages and generally wherever they can reach Long hands and all-wheel drive for the car owner.

We understand that the topic of “paying your money 50 rubles per tire” looks strange compared to “just throwing it in the trash.” But throwing it in the trash is prohibited! Of course, sooner or later, there will be shareware recycling like in Europe (when the price of recycling is included directly in the tire). But that comes later. But the tires on your car are already worn out and 200 rubles for four wheels is very reasonable money that you will pay for transporting tires to a recycling plant.