Troparion is a genre of church hymnography, a short chant expressing the essence of the celebrated event. Early troparia were written in rhythmic prose, in the 4th-5th centuries. poetic troparia appeared.

Troparion, tone 4

Kontakion is a genre of church hymnography created by the Venerable Roman the Sweet Singer; in its original form it was a poem of 20-30 stanzas. In its modern form, kontakion is a short chant, very close in form and content to the troparion, so that the troparion and kontakion together complement each other.

Kontakion, tone 4

Greatness is a short solemn church hymn sung by the clergy in the center of the church in front of the festive icon during the most solemn part of the all-night vigil on the eve of the holiday. The singing of magnification is picked up by the choir, and then by all those gathered in the temple, and they sing it until the priest censes the entire temple.

We magnify You, Most Holy Virgin, and honor Your holy parents, and glorify Your birth all-gloriously.

Zadostoynik is a church hymn sung at the liturgy during the Eucharistic canon. At the liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, “It is worthy to eat...” is sung, at the liturgy of St. Basil the Great, “He rejoices in You...”, but on the twelve feasts, which is the Nativity of the Mother of God, instead of “It is worthy to eat...”, choruses and irmos are sung 9th song of the canon, which is why the name “Zadostoynik” came from.

Troparion of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, tone 4

Kontakion of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, tone 4

The Greatness of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary

We magnify You, Most Holy Virgin, and honor Your holy parents, and glorify Your birth all-gloriously.

First prayer for the Nativity of the Virgin Mary

Oh, Most Holy Lady, God-chosen Mother of Christ our Savior, asked of God with holy prayers, dedicated to God and beloved by God! Whoever does not please You or who does not sing Your glorious Nativity. Your Christmas was the beginning of the salvation of people, and we, sitting in the darkness of sins, see You, the dwelling of the Impregnable Light. For this reason, the florid tongue cannot sing songs about Thee according to its heritage. Thou art more exalted than the Seraphim, O Most Pure One. Otherwise, accept this present praise from Your unworthy servants and do not reject our prayer. We confess Your greatness, we bow down to You in tenderness, and we boldly ask Your child-loving and compassionate Mother, who is quick in intercession: pray to Your Son and our God to grant us, who have sinned a lot, sincere repentance and a pious life, so that we may be able to do everything that is pleasing to God and useful to our souls. Let us hate all evil, strengthened by Divine grace in our good will. You are our shameless hope in the hour of death, grant us a Christian death, a comfortable procession to terrible ordeals air and the inheritance of the eternal and ineffable blessings of the Kingdom of Heaven, may we, together with all the saints, silently confess Your intercession for us and may we glorify the one True God, in Holy Trinity worshiped, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Second prayerfor the Nativity of the Virgin Mary

Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of heaven and earth, Thy miraculous image falling, with tenderness we say: look mercifully on Thy servants and through Thy omnipotent intercession send down what is needed for everyone. Save all the faithful children of the Holy Church, convert the unfaithful, guide those who have gone astray to the right path, support old age and weakness of strength, grow the young in the holy faith, guide courage for good, bring sinners to repentance and hear the prayers of all Christians, heal the sick, assuage sorrows, those traveling travel. You weigh, All-Merciful, as we are weak, as sinners, as embittered and unworthy of God’s forgiveness, otherwise be of help to us, so that by no sin of self-love, temptation and the devil’s seduction we anger God: Thee are the Imams, the Intercessor, Whom the Lord will not reject. If you so desire, you can bestow everything upon us, like a source of grace, who faithfully sing to You and extol Your glorious Nativity. Deliver, O Lady, from sins and misfortunes of all who piously call upon the holy your name and those who worship Your honest image. You cleanse our tuna with your prayers of iniquity, so we fall down to You and cry again: drive away from us every enemy and adversary, every misfortune and destructive unbelief; Through Your prayers, giving timely rains and abundant fruitfulness to the earth, put Divine fear in our hearts to fulfill the commandments of the Lord, so that we may all live quietly and peacefully for the salvation of our souls, for the good of our neighbors and for the glory of the Lord, for He is the Creator, Provider and Savior All glory, honor and worship are due to us, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer three for the Nativity of the Virgin Mary

Oh, Most Pure and Most Blessed Virgin, Lady Theotokos, born from barrenness according to promise and for purity for the sake of Your soul and body, worthy to be the Matter of the Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ, with Him now residing in heaven and having great boldness towards the Most Holy Trinity, from the Unborn, Like a Queen, you are crowned with the crown of eternal reign. In the same way, we humbly resort to You and ask: intercede for us from the All-Merciful Lord God the forgiveness of all our sins, voluntary and involuntary; salvation, peace, silence and piety are restored to our suffering fatherland, times are peaceful and serene, the sedition of the evil is not involved; to the abundance of the fruits of the earth, the air of goodness, the rains are peaceful and well-timed. And ask us for everything that we need for life and salvation from Thy Son, Christ our God. Most of all, hasten for us to adorn ourselves with good morals and good deeds Yes, very powerfully, we will be imitators of Your holy life, with which You adorned yourself from your youth on earth, pleasing the Lord; For this reason you appeared, the most honest Cherub and the most glorious Seraphim. To her, Most Holy Lady, be our quick Helper in everything and the wise Teacher of salvation, so that by following You and being helped by You, we may be considered worthy of being the heir to the existence of the Heavenly Kingdom, through the sufferings of Your Intercessory Son, and fulfillers of His promised holy commandments. For You are, Lady, our only hope and hope according to God, and we commit our whole life to You, hoping for Your intercession and intercession that we will not be put to shame at the hour of our departure from this life, and at the Last Judgment of Your Son, Christ our God at His right hand to be worthy of standing, and there to rejoice forever with all those who have pleased Him from time immemorial, and to silently glorify, praise, thank and bless Him with the Father and the Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Akathist to the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Kontakion 1
Chosen from the human race and born from barrenness, let us praise the Most Pure Virgin Mary, as with Her Nativity the beginning of our salvation was realized and the coming of the Savior into the world was heralded. Let us also joyfully cry out to Her: Rejoice, Most Pure Virgin, the Mother of the Savior of the world, chosen from time immemorial.

Ikos 1
A heavenly angel standing before God was sent quickly to the righteous Joachim and Anna to announce to them great joy, for through their barrenness they were about to give birth to the Most Blessed Daughter, from whom joy would come to the whole world. In the same way, we, who are partakers of the joy of sowing, will sing a song of praise to the Virgin: Rejoice, in the Trinity Council the Matter of the Son of God was chosen from time immemorial; Rejoice, thou who was foreshadowed by the ancient prophets and patriarchs in a variety of images and senech. Rejoice, you who have been faithful servants of God for five thousand years since the creation of the world, as the awaited Mother of the Deliverer; Rejoice, seen by Jacob's ladder, God's descent to man, foreshadowed. Rejoice, foreshadowed by the burning bush seen in the desert of Sinai by Moses; Rejoice, who gave a dry path to Israel by the Red Sea and drowned Pharaoh, figuratively written. Rejoice, thou who helpest us in the lower part of the Eternal Belly; Rejoice, intercessor of the Kingdom of Heaven, an unrestricted entrance for us. Rejoice, Most Pure Virgin, the Mother of the Savior of the world, chosen from time immemorial.

Kontakion 2
Seeing the righteous Joachim and Anna, the Angel appeared to them, proclaiming Thy Nativity, the Most Holy Virgin, giving thanks to God, who had foreseen to take away the reproach of their childlessness, and with all her heart she cried out warmly: Alleluia.

Ikos 2
The All-Good Lord will fulfill the mind of Divine construction and His descent onto earth, beginning with the message of His Angel to announce to Joachim and Anna about Your Nativity, Most Holy Virgin. We also cry out to You in praise: Rejoice, manifestation of the Divine mind; Rejoice, His fulfillment is marvelous to behold. Rejoice, predestined of old to serve the incarnation of the Son of God; Rejoice, pre-elected from all generations into the dwelling of all the King. Rejoice, foretold to paradise by the saying of the tempter of the serpent about the state of enmity between the Woman and Her Seed; Rejoice, after the fulfillment of times from unfruitfulness, by the will of God, you have become more glorious. Rejoice, who made the human race glad with Your birth; Rejoice, you who have offered the lament of those who sought the joy of Israel. Rejoice, Most Pure Virgin, the Mother of the Savior of the world, chosen from time immemorial.

Kontakion 3
The power of the Most High resolved the barrenness of righteous Anna, who had become pregnant in her days: for Thee was conceived, O Most Pure One, and, anticipating Thy birth, joyfully sang a song of praise to the God of Israel: Alleluia.

Ikos 3
Having the power to give birth to the Savior of our souls and bodies, You and Yourself, like a miracle before a great and incomprehensible miracle, were gloriously born from barren parents, O Most Holy Virgin. In the same way we sing to thee: Rejoice, thou who camet from the root of Jesse and David; Rejoice, you who were wondrously vegetated from the barren lies of righteous Anna. Rejoice, by the prophecy of Isaiah, the Virgin Mother was revealed before the ancient years; Rejoice, born according to the promise of an Angel. Rejoice, prefigured by the tabernacle of the meeting and the Ark of the Covenant; Rejoice, symbolized by the prosperous rod of Aaron. Rejoice, consecrated and prepared before Your birth as the Mother of God the Word. Rejoice, Most Pure Virgin, the Mother of the Savior of the world, chosen from time immemorial.

Kontakion 4
The storms of human reproach about their barrenness were delivered at Thy conception, O Most Holy Virgin, Thy righteous parents rejoiced, and in honor of Thy birth I created a great institution with relatives and known ones, and they rejoiced at them, crying out to God, who created His mercy, a song of praise: Alleluia.

Ikos 4
Hearing that the surrounding people heard that the daughter of Joachim and Anna was named Mary, the Lady, the Most Pure One, the great and glorious One would be not only among people, but also among God. We, knowing this well, magnify thee: Rejoice, Most Holy Virgin, who received Your name not from man, but from an Angel even before conception; Rejoice, having been honored by this name as the Lady of all creation. Rejoice, for Your righteous parents give thanks to God for Your birth, great gifts were sacrificed to Him; Rejoice, for as one who is related and known, you have created a supper of love for the poor too. Rejoice, for thou art blessed by the priests who were called to the house of Thy parents for the celebration; Rejoice, for you were praised and glorified from all those who gathered for the joy. Rejoice, appearing above all honor and praise; Rejoice, thou who hast been honored with the existence of the Matter of God the Word. Rejoice, Most Pure Virgin, the Mother of the Savior of the world, chosen from time immemorial.

Kontakion 5
The God-bearing star, heralding the coming of the Sun of Truth, Christ our God, appeared at Your Nativity, O Most Holy Virgin; Likewise, the people of God, who had hoped for the coming of the Savior by faith, seeing You miraculously born of barrenness, mysteriously rejoiced and cried out: Alleluia.

Ikos 5
Having seen the righteous Joachim and Anna, the Mother of God Mary, who was born of them, the Angel of God, some wondrous and wondrous one, proclaimed her as the ark of God, serving as the one who educates and protects You, like the apple of your eye. In the same way, we praise the Fathers of God, who were honored to be the parents of such Daughters, and joyfully sing to the Virgin Mary: Rejoice, Most Pure Virgin, for at Thy Nativity, Thy parents rejoiced greatly; Rejoice, for at Your appearance into the world Angels and men rejoiced in agreement. Rejoice, for all the prophets spoke about You in many different ways; Rejoice, for you are the only one from them with the gates closed, and also with the mountain overshadowed by your name. Rejoice, for all that was glorious in ancient times was spoken of mysteriously about You; Rejoice, for the psalm lips called Thee the City and Village of God. Rejoice, thou who hast been a seven-luminous lamp, for she was filled with the seventh gifts of the Holy Spirit, and was fore-ordained; Rejoice, at the gilded table with the showbread, as the Bread of Life, Christ, who was foreordained to give birth. Rejoice, Most Pure Virgin, the Mother of the Savior of the world, chosen from time immemorial.

Kontakion 6
Preacher of God-bearing broadcasts and fulfilling verbs, by the will of the Creator of creation, you appeared on earth, the Most Holy Virgin, the color of our nature, Adam and Eve’s invocation and the erection of the first kindness. Moreover, all the faithful have found joy in Your Nativity, spiritually triumphant, singing to our wondrous God in His counsel: Alleluia.

Ikos 6
The dawn of Your birth, Most Pure One, the dawn of our salvation, in fulfillment of the Divine vision, in which You alone, of all generations, are worthy to appear as flesh to lend to Your Creator, who came to save our race from the ancient forefathers’ oath. For this reason we cry out to You: Rejoice, call to Adam and Eve; Rejoice, permission of the ancient oaths. Rejoice, the end of the high law and the beginning of new grace; Rejoice, thou who providence of the Divine Mystery and ever instructing us in good deeds. Rejoice, thou who is alone in all kinds, worthy of being found to be the Matter of God the Word; Rejoice, the spiritual Mother who has appeared to us as new people in Christ. Rejoice, O Mother who leaves us no longer under Your care; Rejoice, thou who preparest us to be sons and daughters of Thy Son, worthy and acceptable. Rejoice, Most Pure Virgin, the Mother of the Savior of the world, chosen from time immemorial.

Kontakion 7
Desiring to repay your vows to the Lord, Your righteous parents, the Most Holy Virgin, brought Your triplet maiden into the temple of the Lord with glory and much joy, and the High Priest (Zechariah), embraced by the Spirit of God, led You into the Holy of Holies, who was also a prototype of Your Holy Place. For You have not contained within Yourself the ark of the Covenant, but the saints of the Most Holy Son of God, who in Your womb received virgin flesh. To Him also You sang from the faces of the virgins: Alleluia.

Ikos 7
A new and glorious divine providence came about You, Virgin Mary. In the temple of God, those living in the temple received food from the hands of Angels, O Most Holy One. In the same way, we pray to You: feed us with food of grace, so that we may grow spiritually into a perfect husband and to You, the All-Tsarina, we cry out in praise: Rejoice, adorned with virtues, O Young Lady, honored to live in the temple of God and be worthy to be an Angel of the Interlocutor; Rejoice, you who received the food sent to you by God from the Angels into the Holy of Holies. Rejoice, wonderfully raised by heavenly bread in the temple; Rejoice, you who were there prepared for the great mystery of the incarnation of the Son of God. Rejoice, for by the command of God the Angels on earth diligently serve You; Rejoice, for now in Heaven, as the Queen, they reverently serve You. Rejoice, for we also magnify Thee with unworthy songs of praise; Rejoice, for we always please the Godfathers who gave birth to You and call on them in our prayers. Rejoice, Most Pure Virgin, the Mother of the Savior of the world, chosen from time immemorial.

Kontakion 8
Having seen the strange Nativity of the Most Pure Virgin, let us withdraw from the vanity of the world, turning our minds to Heaven, where the Mother of God in glory stands before Her Son and God, interceding before Him for all the faithful, Her all-glorious Nativity (and introduction into the temple) with the love of those celebrating and crying out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 8
All creation in Your Nativity, Most Pure One, will find joy, consuming the sorrow of our forefathers: having come from You as Christ God, our nature, which fell into the sin of disobedience from the fall of the rise, was again created kindly to the Creator. The same touchingly we cry: Rejoice, forerunner of world joys; Rejoice, sacrament revealed from the ages of secrecy. Rejoice, Who rose from the fall; Rejoice, Our previously denied nature has now been appropriated to God. Rejoice, thou who Joachim and Anna were freed from the reproach of childlessness; Rejoice, Who turned the barrenness of our hearts into fruitfulness. Rejoice, for an abundance of eternal blessings is given to the faithful from the Lord. Rejoice, Most Pure Virgin, the Mother of the Savior of the world, chosen from time immemorial.

Kontakion 9
All the Angels of God, who did not know the mystery of God-manhood in the Council of the Trinitarian Deity, hidden from the ages and finally revealed by the Virgin Mary, were greatly surprised when they saw how the Daughters of Joachim and Anna, unusual for the female nature, were introduced into the Holy of Holies. In the same bewilderment I embraced the former, reverently crying out: Alleluia.

Ikos 9
Beth, the most ancient, the all-wise of the kings of Israel, Solomon, foreseeing Your birth, the Most Pure One, in the Song of Songs exclaimed with surprise: “Who is this, who penetrates, like the morning, good, like the moon, chosen, like the sun.” Moreover, the Church, rejoicing in Thy feast day, joyfully cries out to Thee: Rejoice, brightest morning of the unevening day of the knowledge of God, in the canopy of the law, as in darkness, shining forth; Rejoice, sun-shaped Virgin, the true Sun - Christ, who introduced Christ into the world with her virgin incarnation and thereby enlightened everything. Rejoice, light-like element, which has essentially accepted God, who lives in the unapproachable light; Rejoice, having declared with your small womb the Infinite One, who embraces all the ends of the universe. Rejoice, full moon, directly receiving the divine light and thereby illuminating us; Rejoice, purest mirror, in which the many perfections of God are wonderfully and faithfully depicted. Rejoice, you who also strive for us through the perfection of Your virtues; Rejoice, strengthening our weak strength to do good deeds. Rejoice, Most Pure Virgin, the Mother of the Savior of the world, chosen from time immemorial.

Kontakion 10
Although the Lord created the human race from the original oath, the Lord created His wondrous vision: for He chose Thee, the Most Pure One, from the race of Abraham and David, and from You He deigned to be incarnate without seed, having passed over the statutes of nature, but He also produced You from the matured and barren root of Joachim and Anna the righteous. Likewise, we celebrate Your birth (and your entry into the temple) today, and those who gave birth to You sing songs of praise, crying out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 10
O Heavenly King, for the sake of our salvation, although to appear on earth and live with man, the holy palace of Your incarnation, You, the Most Pure One, was prepared in advance, giving the fruit to the childless Anna, tearfully with Her spouse, who prayed for the permission of his barrenness. We also pray to Thee, Mother of God: resolve the barrenness of our souls, so that we may be able to bring to God the fruit of good deeds of virtue, crying out to Thee: Rejoice, most luminous Emblem of God’s seedless incarnation; Rejoice, animated Palato, prepared for the dwelling of all the King. Rejoice, brightest cloud, in whom He who sits on the throne of the Divine has descended to us; Rejoice, Mediatrix of law and grace, seal of the Old and New Testaments. Rejoice, unfading Lozo, beautiful flower - the Savior of the world, who brought forth; Rejoice, fragrant apple, which grew from being unfruitful and appeared pleasing to Christ. Rejoice, and we, Your singers, are pleased to be presented to Christ by your diligence; Rejoice, for you do not deprive us of spiritual consolation, who are unfruitful in our good deeds. Rejoice, Most Pure Virgin, the Mother of the Savior of the world, chosen from time immemorial.

Kontakion 11
Do not reject the song of praise for Your birth (and your entry into the temple), O Good Lady, but for those who gave birth to You, be blessed to us, praying for us to Your Son and our God, may He grant forgiveness of sins and correction of life, which we gratefully sing in tearful repentance To him: Alleluia.

Ikos 11
The Light-receiving and pre-worldly Light of the Divine Light, the only-begotten Daughter of Joachim and Anna, chosen to be the Mother of the Only Begotten Son of God, has now come forth gloriously from barrenness, and enlightens all Her birth (and entry into the temple) who faithfully celebrate and reverently cry out: Rejoice, luminous Candle, with the Divine flame kindled; Rejoice, who thereby graciously enlightens and warms us. Rejoice, mystical Mite, who bore the Divine Coal of Christ the Lord in the womb and in Thy hands; Rejoice, making us worthy to receive Him in the Sacrament of Communion. Rejoice, living and adorned Temple of the Lord, about Him David sings: “Holy is Your Temple, wondrous in righteousness”; Rejoice, Holy Censer, not incense that spreads in the air, but Christ, who contained the eternal fragrance in Herself, and thereby made all creation fragrant. Rejoice, Throne, exalted with glory, the animated seat of the Great King, our Savior and Lord; Rejoice, Queen of Heaven and earth, reigning forever with Your Son and God and not forgetting us, the poor. Rejoice, Most Pure Virgin, the Mother of the Savior of the world, chosen from time immemorial.

Kontakion 12
More grace than nature manifested itself in Thy Nativity, O Most Pure One; For the Lord heard the prayer of Thy childless parents, and gave Thee to them as a consolation, as He did to Abraham and Sarah Isaac, desiring together and His looking upon Thee to perform the sacrament and prepare Thee to be the Mother of His Only Begotten Son, our promised Redeemer. To Him we sing gratefully: Alleluia.

Ikos 12
Singing Your glorious birth from barren birth (and introduction into the temple of the Lord), we praise You, the Most Pure One, as the Mystery of God’s saving look upon us, the incarnation of God the Word revealed to You, and we cry out to Ti: Rejoice, pure Noah’s Dove, by Your birth the cessation of the stream of death announced; Rejoice, you who brought a branch of the gospel of Christ the Savior to the human race lost by sin. Rejoice, thou only blessed among women, who by Thy obedience to God corrected the disobedience of the foremother Eve; Rejoice, thou who transformed the sorrow of Adam and other forefathers (who were weary of waiting for the coming of the Savior) into joy through Thy Nativity. Rejoice, for Thy Christmas is the joy of proclaiming to the whole universe; Rejoice, for at Thy Nativity mothers rejoice and barrens rejoice (leading, for Thou also came from barrenness). Rejoice, for you grant grace-filled joy to all who faithfully and piously celebrate Your Nativity (and your entry into the temple); Rejoice, with Thy Son, at the right hand of the Father in His glory, make us sit, who beseech Him greatly. Rejoice, Most Pure Virgin, the Mother of the Savior of the world, chosen from time immemorial.

Kontakion 13
Oh, All-Singing and Most Pure Mother of the Virgin, accept this song of praise of ours in honor of Thy glorious Nativity (and into the temple of presentation) brought, and revive in us the desire for eternal blessings, and together deliver us, Thy Holy Church, our Fatherland and monastic monasteries from all kinds of troubles and misfortunes, from enemies visible and invisible, and future torment and the Kingdom of Heaven vouchsafe us, so that forever and ever we cry out to You: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)

St. John (1957) and St. George (1962), confessors (Georgian). Icons of Sophia of the Wisdom of God (Kyiv). Christmas icons Holy Mother of God: Izyaslavskaya; Syamskaya (1524); Glinskaya (XVI); Lukianovskaya (XVI); Isaac (1659). Icon Mother of God: Kholmskaya, Kursk-Root "Sign" (1295); Pochaevskaya (1559); Lesninskaya; Domnitskaya (1696).

The traditional tour takes in the bucolic landscapes of the interior of Minas Gerais and lasts less than an hour and operates from Friday to Sunday and holidays between November and March. Tickets can be purchased on site. There are also events throughout the year that bring together artists from all over the world. In addition to the films in competition and the history show, seminars and tributes are organized. For music festivals, in addition to the Winter Festival festivals, there is a Gold Pre-Band Festival in September, which is aimed at new acts; and the All Jazz Festival at the end of the year, which received international stars such as Wayne Shorter and Madeleine Peyroux.

Great, twelfth, universal, according to the importance of the event. Celebrating the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, the church and holy fathers glorify the highest degree of approach of the Divine to grace-filled unity with humanity.
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Saint is celebrated Orthodox Church as one of the great holidays on September 8 (September 21, new style).
Currently, the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which is still celebrated by the Church on September 8, has one day of pre-feast (September 7) and four days of post-feast, as well as giving (September 12).
Holiday September 21 - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary- the beginning of all Christian holidays. And not only because this is the first twelfth holiday of the new church year(September 1/14 Church New Year), but also the beginning of the fulfillment of God’s promised salvation of the human race from the curse that weighed on it. This is a holiday of universal joy: She was born who miraculously gave the Savior to the world.

The poetic view of Carlos Bracher. In addition to being a painter, he is a sculptor and drawer. Will you still believe in God in the near future? In an attempt to answer this, journalist Nicholas Weill invited Rabbi Delfin Horvilrur, political scientist Gilles Kepel, philosopher Jean-Luc Marion and biblical scholar Thomas Roemer. Vera showed stubborn resistance in last decades. However, France remains an exception: the practice is declining and tensions over the religious fact are increasing.

Can our modern knowledge, through advances in archeology and history, help us understand God better than the fundamentalists who are so present in the media? And then what are we talking about, God? What about the God of philosophers and scientists, Saint Anselm, Spinoza or Pascal?

Celebration of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The parents of the Most Holy Theotokos were Saints Joachim and Anna, from the Jewish people, pious people. They lived in small town Nazareth. Joachim came from the royal Davidic family, and Anna came from the priestly Aaronic family. They lived to old age without having children. Not having children was then considered among the Jews to be disfavored by God, and therefore Joachim and Anna grieved greatly, but did not despair and prayed that the Lord would grant them children, like Abraham and Sarah. They promised that if God gave them a child, they would dedicate him to God, that is, as was the custom then, they would give him to the temple to serve until he came of age. Finally the Lord heard the prayer righteous Joachim and Anna and gave them a daughter, but first tested their patience once again. One day Joachim came to the temple and brought a gift. The priest did not accept the gift from him and said that he was not worthy to bring the gift because he was childless; and childlessness is probably punished for some sins. “I will not go home,” said Joachim, “but I will go into the desert and pray and fast there until God promises me children.” Anna was just as upset. The maid reproached her with these words: “God does not love you and does not give you children.” In grief, Anna went out into the garden and sat down under a tree. On a tree she saw a bird's nest with babies. This upset Anna even more. “The birds have children, but I don’t have them,” she said and began to cry. Then an angel appeared to her and said: “Don’t cry, God will give you a daughter. Go and meet your husband." At the same time, an angel appeared to Joachim and said: “God has heard your prayer. He will give you a Daughter in whom all people will rejoice. Go home." Anna went and met her husband, and they told each other that God had promised them a daughter through an angel, and they thanked God. And indeed, a year later, on September 8, their daughter was born. They named her Maria.

Historical approach to fundamentalism

Guests of the World Festival tried to give some answers to this thorny question. From the God that emerges from biblical criticism, Thomas Roemer, exegete and biblical scholar, reminds us that we always “tend to speak of it in the singular.” As for the Abrahamic religions, our speech is thus shaped by our cultural structure, the fruit of our monotheistic heritage. And this applies not only to the laity: even “in the science of religions we tend to assume that monotheism is a progress of rationality and autonomy over polytheisms.”

Pochaev Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary is located in the Pochaev Lavra in the Volyn diocese on Pochaev Mountain. The mountain itself got its name from the village of Pochaev. In the XIV century. Two monks were saved in a cave on the Pochaev Mountain. In 1340, they once saw the Blessed Virgin Mary standing on a stone on the top of a mountain in a column of fire. Having ascended the mountain, the monks saw that on the stone where the Most Holy Theotokos stood, there remained a pressed impression of Her right foot, filled with clear water as if the stone melted under the foot of the Mother of God and began to exude water. This trail remains to this day, still filled with water, which never decreases or overflows. Miracles began to happen at this source. In 1537, Metropolitan Neophytos of Constantinople visited the house of a certain Panna Goyskaya and blessed her with an icon of the Mother of God. Soon miracles began to happen from this icon. Then, in 1597, Goyskaya took the icon to Pochaev Mountain and gave it to the monks who lived in a cave there. A church was built on the mountain, the number of monks began to increase, and thus the Pochaev Lavra. In 1675, through the prayer of the monks before the icon, the monastery was saved from the attack of the Turks. Pochaev icon revered not only by Orthodox Christians, but also by Catholics; people come to worship her from distant parts of Russia. The icon is richly decorated. The Mother of God and the Infant of God are wearing crowns, surrounded by saints, including the prophet Elijah, the first martyr Stephen, the Venerable Paraskeva and others.

However, the holder of the chair of biblical environment at the College de France admits that "the late concept, Enlightenment, monotheism is very difficult to think about and that on the three holy books." First of all, the question about evil: is there one and only God the source of evil? From the Tanakh to the Gospel, Satan occupies everything more space, so much so that one can talk about dualism in Christianity.

Monotheism is a break with traditional and natural religion. According to Thomas Roemer, "in these texts there is no consistency of God alternating between the Warrior God and the God of mercy." Therefore, the actual issue is the account of the text: Take it literally or consider that these texts are interpretations, even human inventions.

Kholm Icon of the Mother of God located in the city of Kholm, in the cathedral. It is believed that it was written by the Evangelist Luke and brought from Constantinople by the holy Prince Vladimir. The icon was also in the hands of the Tatars, who inflicted two hitherto visible wounds on it, and the Poles. This icon, like the Kiev-Pechersk icon, is placed above the royal doors and lowered on cords. She attracts countless pilgrims.

This is why he defends the idea that "the historical approach is best protection from fundamentalism." Is the simplest solution to “do without God, as many people do”? May be. But a person cannot “reject the question of the meaning of life or death.”

Re-read, believe in God tomorrow

For a rabbi it is somewhat paradoxical that Delphine Horvilur “hates talking about God because it arises from a triple problem that is at the same time linguistic, sociological and theological.” Defining oneself religiously can lead to a social problem: being with fundamentalists who have established themselves as the only legitimate readers of religious texts, unchallenged according to their definition. Talking about God with bearded people is quite boring.

“The Sign” Kursk “Root” Icon of the Mother of God located in Kursk, in a monastery. In 1295, it was found at the root of a tree, with its front side facing the ground, which is why it received the name Root. When they lifted the icon, a source of water formed in the place where it lay. Prince Rylsky-Shemyaka built the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary in the city and erected an icon. But the icon repeatedly returned to the place of its appearance, and then a chapel was built there. In 1383, the Tatars wanted to burn the chapel, but could not; the icon was split and abandoned. Subsequently, the icon was found and glued together. In 1612, when the Poles were besieging Kursk, the residents of the city saw the special help of the Mother of God and promised to build a monastery in the middle of the city in the name of the miraculous Icon of the Sign. The monastery was established, and in 1618 the icon was transferred to it. Since that time, every year, on Friday of the 9th week after Easter, miraculous icon With procession is transferred from Kursk to the place of her appearance and remains there until September 13. Many pilgrims come to honor her. Kursk residents, through prayers before the icon, saw salvation both from hunger under Godunov and from the French in 1812.

Finally, the theological question “is here perhaps peculiar to rabbinic Judaism,” since it refers to a God whom we cannot see or touch, who has not spoken since the fall of the Temple, and who cannot even be designated. Judaism develops in a theology of the absence of the divine, which Kabbalah defines as a complete withdrawal from the world. Therefore, to speak about Him means to risk idolatry, i.e. freeze the infinite in the finite.

The rabbi defines fundamentalists as worshipers of God present as miraculous rabbis who have wind in their sails as a return to the demand for purity in bodies, texts and rituals. However, many life traditions have been crossed by other ideas about the divine and revise and reread its texts. And Delphine Horvirvur concludes one of the possible etymologies of the word "religion", which, as it turns out, is accurately reread, "the only decision to believe in God tomorrow."

Isaac's Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary is located in the St. Isaac's monastery in the Yaroslavl diocese. The icon appeared in the village of Isaac in 1659. The monastery was built in 1662. On this icon, a hieromonk, a bishop, a priest and a deacon stand side by side; the priest holds in his hands an icon of the Mother of God - without the Infant God.

Syamsk Icon of the Mother of God became famous in the 16th century. In 1524, the Most Holy Theotokos appeared in a dream to the Vologda peasant Rodionov, who had been lying in paralysis for two years, and commanded him to go to the Syamskaya volost of the Vologda diocese and tell him to build a monastery there in the name of Her Nativity. For fulfilling the command, he was promised healing from his illness. Rodionov fulfilled the command and recovered. The villagers, having seen the miracle of healing, founded a monastery, where the temple icon became miraculous and became known under the name Syamskaya.

Register in the standard search

Specialist Arab world Gilles Kepel recalls that the confirmation of religious identity in the political field has been happening since the end of the year. God then becomes, or again becomes, "the producer of standards of remarkable power in a universe now completely dispersed." Religion has this role of structuring according to the guidelines that it instills. For Gilles Kepel, it is in Islam that this phenomenon is “best represented.”

Thus, the political scientist believes that "the normative dimension of the veil is more important than the mystical part of its port." While same-sex marriage may reflect a non-religious evolution of society, the Manifesto for All mostly heard a "demand for norms." This phenomenon transcended boundaries supposedly “conservative, provincial and Christian.” Indeed, Muslim associations were seduced by this revival of moral standards. Therefore, faith is part of the desire for standard and meaning before the multitude of values ​​of the real and virtual worlds.

Icon of Sophia - the Wisdom of God exists in several versions.
The icons in the St. Sophia churches in Constantinople (which was built by Emperor Justinian and, after the capture of Constantinople by the Turks, turned into a mosque) and in Kiev (which was built by Yaroslav) are written like this: a house or temple is presented in which, under a canopy supported by two pillars, stands the Mother of God in a chiton with a veil on his head. The arms and hands of the Most Holy Theotokos are outstretched, her feet are firmly planted on the crescent moon. With her breasts on her right hand - a baby blessing right hand and holding a scepter in the left. Above the canopy are written the words: Wisdom made herself a house, and established the seven pillars. Above the house above in the radiance of rays are God the Father and the Holy Spirit, and next to Them is the Heavenly Church, and seven archangels stand in the clouds. On the steps of the house, next to the Mother of God, the earthly Church of God is represented: depicted Old Testament forefathers and prophets.
The Icon of Sophia - the Wisdom of God in the Sophia Nogorod Church is written like this: the Lord Almighty in dalmatics (royal clothing), with fiery wings, like the Great Council Angel (Isa. 9: 6), on a fiery throne with seven pillars. Around Him is a blue sky with stars, on the sides is the Mother of God with an icon of Jesus Christ and St. John the Baptist is the closest witness to the incarnation of the Son of God. Above is the Savior in a circle of fire and the inscription: The Wisdom of God; even higher is the blue sky again, and on the golden throne is the Gospel, in front of which stand three kneeling angels. The icons of Sophia represent the Mother of God, who served as the embodiment of Wisdom, that is, the Son of God, or the most incarnate Wisdom. Therefore, the celebration of this icon takes place on the Mother of God days: in Kyiv - on the day of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, in Novgorod, Moscow and other places - on the day of the Assumption.

For academic Jean-Luc Marion, “it is easier to describe the consequences of the divine than to talk about God, this X, this unknown.” The paradox from God is that we never talk about Him, but about the consequences of faith or unbelief. Thus, we, “those who adhere to it or not,” only deform, destroy God “by the rules of the Texts that dress this great Absinthe.” In this regard, the philosopher quotes Jules Renard, who wrote: God is the one whom everyone knows by name.

Accept multiple interpretations

Thus, “to speak of God is to speak of oneself,” and somehow “falls into idolatry.” Can we then reason about Him, whose name we know? The academician believes that “a philosopher speaks better about God than God himself,” as did Pavel Valery, saying that “various theologians can make us think that God is stupid.”

Domnitsa Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared on the banks of the Domnitsa River in the Chernigov district, 12 versts from the city of Berezny, in 1696. Hetman Mazepa built a monastery here.

September 21 is an unusual date on the calendar. On this day, all believers celebrate the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin and pay tribute to the human Intercessor. Find out how to host a Christian event in 2015.

Addressing "the overly simplified concepts we associate with God," the philosopher finally poses a question inherent in spirituality and the search for meaning: Is the question of divine existence sufficient to apply to God? Gilles Kepel illustrates this point by translating “Allahu akbar,” which means “God is the greatest.” The mystic Mansur al-Hallaj, popularized by the Islamologist Louis Massignon, was condemned by the doctors of the Law for saying "Ana al-Haq", "I am the Truth", which was understood as "I am God".

This is also an example of the clash between the "God of Standards and the Mystic God." Regarding the future of faith, Delphine Horvilleur questions the effectiveness of the speech of "religious moderates" on "God's own fools." "Dismissing fundamentalists as an aberration when they say the same thing" will lead to a dead end because it lacks self-criticism.

history of the holiday

Is it possible to call the birth of the Virgin Mary a random event and attribute it to a simple coincidence of circumstances? After all, so little is known about the earthly life of the Virgin Mary before the birth of Jesus Christ. There is also virtually no information about her parents - Anna and Joseph.

The family of the righteous from Jerusalem could not conceive a child and suffered greatly from the lack of children. In complete despair, the father of the family went to the desert, where, in complete solitude, he prayed to the Almighty with a request to give him a child. Anna stayed at home, also completely devoting herself to reading prayers. At the same time, Angels descended to them and brought good news to the suffering. The messengers of Heaven foreshadowed the birth of a child who would have to fulfill a special mission. Reunited, loving hearts They knew no bounds to their happiness, and soon an amazing girl was born, who was destined to become the earthly mother of the Savior. The parents made a vow before the Almighty that the girl’s life would be completely devoted to serving God. This event was predetermined in Heaven, and the pious couple was not chosen by chance.

And Delfine Horvirur ask a question in the form of a conclusion: Can we say that there is correct reading and misreading? Shouldn't we accept multiple interpretations, whatever they may be? After the holidays end, January may seem a little gloomy. Endless nights and bad weather don't help.

This is the coldest month in most of the country. However everyday life the capital does not seem to be suffering. Countryside under the snow it is luxurious, but the daylight lasts only seven or eight hours. In mid-February, Reykjavik is dressed in shadows and lights: nights in museums and swimming pools, illuminated monuments, cultural events, concerts and Children's Day celebrations.

Nativity of the Virgin Mary in 2015

The holiday falls annually on the same date - September 21, and does not depend in any way on Happy Easter. He is one of the Twelve Orthodox holidays- this is a list of the most important events in the Orthodox calendar.

International chefs team up with local chefs and compete for awards. They prepare their masterpieces with the best products from Iceland. It's almost the end of winter, but don't get too excited too quickly. The country is awakening and winter sports such as skiing are gaining popularity as the days get longer.

It's hard to believe, but beer was banned in Iceland for 75 years. Even more than usual, beer flowed through Reykjavik's pubs, restaurants and nightclubs that night. Spring arrives, the days grow longer, the thermometer rises, and Easter is celebrated in the traditional way as nature reclaims its rights to snowmelt, accompanied by the return of thousands of migratory birds.

The Nativity of the Virgin Mary has 1 day of pre-celebration and 4 days of post-celebration. Which means that holiday services in all churches will be held on the eve of September 21 and will last for another 4 days.

In every church - a small rural monastery or a large city church - there will be services that every believer should attend and honor the bright day of the Nativity of the Queen of Heaven.

Rather ambitious, Icelanders celebrate the first day of summer with carnivals and parades, including in Reykjavik. No, winter hasn't gone crazy: Icelanders are based on the old Scandinavian calendar, which divided the year into two seasons, winter and summer. In April, photographers and observers celebrate the divine comedy of puffin clouds for mating season. They settle throughout the country before returning to warmer climates in mid-August.

This shoulder season is an interesting time to visit the country, just before the real tourist invasion begins: decent prices, days that lengthen, spring blooms and thousands of birds to watch. The Reykjavik Arts Festival is the country's leading cultural festival. Over the course of 2 weeks it showcases theatre, film, dance, music and visual arts.

On this day, everyone can find support and feel holy intercession. A person who is weak in soul and body will perk up his spirit to find peace at Christmas, and will gain the strength that comes from Holy Virgin. The birth of the Mother of God is the beginning of all important church holidays, because on September 14, people also celebrated the New Year - the beginning of a new church year.

Around 23 species of whales live in Icelandic waters. Best time for their observation - from May to September. Boat trips to see them depart from the Reykjavík area and some towns north of Akureyri, but Húsavík remains the best in the area.

It's summer, three months short tourist season. Pros: weather, almost endless days, tours and excursions for the high season, best options placement. Disadvantages: crowds, rising prices, having to reserve his house. Fishing is an integral part of life on the island. On Sailor's Day, the first weekend in June, all the boats stay in the harbor and fishing village with drinks, rowing and swimming competitions, tug of war and fake lifeguards at sea.

Celebrate Christmas according to church traditions and read a sincere prayer to the Mother of God. You will feel enlightenment and strong faith in your soul. This sacred holiday has a special significance in the history of Christianity, and this must be remembered. Believe in the Almighty and don't forget to press the buttons and

20.09.2015 00:40

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