I bake this tender, moist, incredibly tasty cake once a year, namely during the celebration of the onset of spring..., during the holiday of March 8th! There are some varieties of this dessert. I would like to present to your attention the Mimosa cake, as it is baked in northern Italy. I don’t think anyone has any questions about the origin of the name of this cake! Its name fully corresponds to the appearance of the dessert, reminiscent of a mimosa flower - just as yellow and fluffy!

In Italy, Women's Day began to be celebrated in 1946, and the mimosa flower immediately became a recognized symbol of this holiday, since it begins to bloom in the first days of March. In general, without further ado, I suggest you treat yourself to this tender and melt-in-your-mouth cake!

I would like to note that the cake turns out to be “expensive” in terms of the number of eggs used!.. But, in justification, I can say that this cake has not yet left anyone indifferent, either with its appearance or its taste! Pamper yourself too!

Mimosa cake is a bright and pretty Italian dessert, especially popular in the spring on the eve of the women's holiday on March 8th. The recipe uses a sponge cake with yolks and turmeric, a delicate custard with the addition of cream and splashes of pineapple. Like the popular one, the dessert is generously strewn with yellow fluffy grains, symbolizing flowers. Colorful, interesting and tasty!

The Mimosa cake does not have a single recipe - the main idea is the design, which justifies the name of the dessert. The rest of the composition can be varied to taste - if desired, replace the cream or biscuit, use other fruits in addition to pineapples. Thus, based on the presented recipe, you can create new options.


For the test:

  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • egg yolks - 8 pcs.;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • flour - 200 g;
  • potato starch - 40 g;
  • turmeric - 2 teaspoons without a slide.

For filling:

  • canned pineapples - 250 g.

For cream:

  • milk - 500 ml;
  • cream 33-35% - 250 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 180 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 8-10 g;
  • potato starch - 30 g.

Mimosa cake recipe with photos step by step

  1. Prepare the dough. Break all 4 eggs into a bowl at once, without separating the whites and yolks. Add sugar and beat with a mixer for about 10 minutes. The mass should greatly increase in volume and become cream-like - “airy” and thick.
  2. Separate 8 yolks from the whites. Gradually add to the whipped mass, continuing to work with the mixer. The recipe requires significantly more yolks than whites, so pour the remaining protein mixture into a suitable plastic container or other container with a lid and put it in the refrigerator or freeze until needed. Then the aged proteins can be used for making meringue cakes, for example, etc.
  3. Separately combine flour and starch. For extra yellowness, add turmeric. If you come across eggs with rich, bright orange yolks, you can do without this spice or reduce its portion. You can also use any other sponge cake recipe as a base for the cake and simply add a few drops of yellow food coloring.
  4. After sifting through a fine sieve, add the flour mixture to the egg mixture in 3-4 additions.
  5. Stir the mixture each time, completely dissolving the dry clots. Mix carefully, strictly in one direction from bottom to top, trying to preserve the volume of the fluffy mass as much as possible.
  6. When all the flour has been mixed in, place the homogeneous yellowish dough into a baking dish (diameter 22 cm). For convenience, we line the bottom with parchment paper and do not grease the walls.
  7. Bake the cake for about 30-40 minutes at 180 degrees. We check readiness traditionally by piercing the middle of the crumb with a wooden skewer/toothpick. There should be no wet dough left on the stick.
  8. Cool the baked goods completely. Then we run a knife along the sides to separate the cake from the walls. Freeing from the form.

    Cream for Mimosa cake recipe

  9. In parallel with baking the cake, you can start preparing the cream. Combine eggs with starch and granulated sugar, add vanilla sugar for flavoring. Grind the mixture.
  10. Bring the milk to a boil. Gradually pour half of the portion into the sugar-egg mixture in a thin stream, actively stirring the mixture so that the eggs do not curdle.
  11. Pour the mixture into the remaining milk and place on low heat. Cook with intense and continuous stirring until thickened. Remove from heat and be sure to cool the cream completely.
  12. After some time and making sure that the custard has cooled completely, we proceed to the cream. Don’t forget that to whip the cream, it must be cold and have a high fat percentage (at least 33). We work with a mixer until the mass thickens.
  13. For convenience, transfer the custard into a large bowl. Add whipped cream little by little, stirring gently each time.
  14. We set aside part of the finished cream (about a third) to coat the cake, and add pineapples chopped into small pieces to the rest of the mixture. Stir.

    Assembling the Mimosa cake

  15. Cut off the top of the cooled cake and set it aside.
  16. We form a “basket” - manually remove all the yellow crumb, leaving only the bottom and thin walls. Carefully pour the resulting workpiece, as well as the set aside top, with syrup from canned pineapples. We save the crumb that we removed from the cake for decoration.
  17. Place the cream with pineapples into the formed “basket” and compact it.
  18. Cover the top of the workpiece with the cut off top. Generously coat the cake on all sides with the reserved cream.
  19. We manually tear the yellow crumb into small pieces, almost into crumbs. Sprinkle fluffy grains on the surface of the cake. We also generously cover the sides with the yellow mixture, pressing lightly with the palm of our hand for better fixation. After “assembling”, put the cake in the refrigerator overnight to soak and fix the shape. It is advisable to cover the dessert with a microwave lid or other suitable container so that the top layer does not dry out.
  20. Cut the prepared and soaked spring Mimosa cake into portions and serve.

Enjoy your tea!

If you don’t bake traditional Easter cakes, but want to please your family with something tasty, sweet and original to end the holiday table, try baking an Italian “Mimosa” cake, spring and brightly decorated. At first glance, it may seem that the cake is very labor-intensive to prepare... But every step in this recipe is described in as much detail as possible so that everything turns out in the best possible way! In addition, the preparation can be divided into two days: on the first day, bake the biscuits, and on the second day, prepare the cream and assemble the cake. There is no one indifferent to this delicacy - the cake will turn out incredibly tasty and tender, befitting its name!

Author of the publication

I fell in love with cooking as a student. In those same years, from various trips to different countries, she began to bring and collect cookbooks, from which she currently has a collection of more than 100 books. And with the move to Italy, the active development of new gastronomic “secrets” began. It’s almost impossible to live in this country and not love cooking! Appreciates affordable and tasty everyday cuisine and shares only proven recipes! He prefers to live by the principle “Happiness is when you have someone to cook for and with something to cook with.” Happy wife and mother of two daughters.

  • Recipe author: Irina Proshunina
  • After cooking you will receive 10
  • Cooking time: 2 hours


  • 4 things. egg
  • 220 gr sugar
  • 8 pcs. egg yolk
  • 200 gr wheat flour
  • 40 g potato starch
  • 300 ml milk
  • 500 ml cream 33%
  • 1/2 pcs. vanilla beans
  • 8 pcs. egg yolk
  • 200 g sugar
  • 55 g wheat flour
  • 2 tbsp. powdered sugar
  • 100 ml water
  • 50 g sugar
  • 50 ml orange liqueur
  • powdered sugar

Cooking method

    Prepare biscuits - there will be two of them. Crack 4 whole eggs into the bowl of a food processor or into a large bowl if using a hand mixer. To avoid troubles, we advise you to first break each egg into a glass and only then add it to the rest. Add sugar to the bowl. At high mixer speed, beat the egg mixture for about 10 minutes until its volume has at least doubled.

    Meanwhile, prepare the required 8 yolks. After 10 minutes, continuing to beat the egg mixture, add the yolks one at a time. While adding the yolks, you can reduce the mixer speed slightly and then beat again at high speed. As a result, the fluffy and airy egg mass increased in volume by about 3-4 times.

    While the eggs are beating, sift the flour and starch twice (you can sift once into a separate bowl and a second time directly into the bowl with the egg mixture). Add flour to the egg mixture in 2-3 additions, each time mixing very carefully with smooth rolling movements from bottom to top, further saturating the dough with air. Do not stir for a long time so that the dough does not settle - just until a smooth structure without lumps is obtained.

    Turn on the oven and preheat to 180 degrees. Prepare 2 biscuit tins with a diameter of 22-24 cm. Grease them with butter and sprinkle lightly with flour (“French shirt”). Divide the dough evenly into 2 forms: one sponge cake will become a cake, and we will use the second to decorate its surface.

    Bake the biscuits in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 30 minutes. Check the readiness of the sponge cake with a wooden skewer - it should come out dry from the middle of the sponge cake. Turn the finished biscuits over and cool on a wire rack. Wrap them in cling film and leave overnight or at least 5-6 hours.

    Prepare Patissiere cream. Its difference from the usual custard is that we use only egg yolks. Pour milk and 300 ml of cream into a saucepan with a thick bottom. Add the seeds from the vanilla pod (in a pinch, you can replace it with vanilla extract). Put it on the fire, but do not bring it to a boil. Grind the yolks with sugar in a separate bowl. Add flour and stir everything until smooth. Pour a ladle of hot milk into the egg mixture and stir.

    After this, you can add the egg mixture to the pan with the rest of the milk and cook the cream, stirring constantly. Once the cream thickens, it is ready. Remove it from the heat. It should turn out smooth and without lumps.

    Transfer the finished cream into a wide container and cool completely, covering with cling film in contact with the surface of the cream so that a crust does not form on it.

    When the cream has cooled completely, beat the remaining 200 ml of cream with powdered sugar. Place the custard into a large bowl. Set aside 3 tablespoons of whipped cream and add the rest in parts to the Patissiere cream, stirring carefully each time so that the cream does not settle.

    Place the finished cream in the refrigerator.

    Prepare biscuits. Carefully cut the first sponge cake into 3 equal cake layers using a sharp knife or kitchen string. The sponge cake turns out bright yellow due to the use of a large number of yolks, without additional dyes!

    Carefully cut off the top crust from the second sponge cake, and then cut it into strips, and then into small squares (the smaller the better). Biscuits are very delicate and fluffy in structure, so you need to cut them carefully.

    Prepare liqueur impregnation: heating water in a small saucepan, add sugar and boil everything for a couple of minutes until it is completely dissolved. Remove the syrup from the heat, pour into a bowl and add liqueur (ideally orange, such as Cointreau). Allow the mixture to cool and begin assembling the cake. Place the first cake layer on a dish and use a silicone brush to generously moisten it with impregnation.

    Then apply a thin layer of cream (half the amount set aside) and distribute it properly over the entire surface of the cake.

    Visually divide the cream into 3 parts. Apply a layer of 1/3 cream onto the first cake layer. Cover with the second cake layer. First soak the second cake with liqueur impregnation, brush with the remaining cream and cover with the second third of the cream.

    Cover with the last, third, cake layer and grease the top and sides of the cake with the remaining cream.

    Decorate the entire surface of the cake with cut pieces of sponge cake - they stick perfectly to the cream.

    Place the cake in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours, or best of all, overnight, and you can serve it the next day! Before serving, lightly dust the cake with powdered sugar.

    Mimosa Cake ready! Bon appetit!

Description: This tender, moist, incredibly tasty cake in Italy is usually baked during the celebration of the onset of spring, namely March 8th! And the cake, in my opinion, fully lives up to its name - well, a real mimosa! Just as yellow, fluffy and tender!…)) There are already several Mimosa recipes on the site, but they all differ from my version. I would like to bring to your attention the Mimosa cake, as it is baked in northern Italy. P.S. The process of making the cake is not complicated enough, but there is a long description for the recipe... so that everyone can cope with its preparation!

Cooking time: 140 minutes

Number of servings: 8


For children:
For dessert

Competition recipes:
Competition "Taste of Holiday"

Ingredients for “Italian Mimosa Cake”:

  • Egg yolk – 8 pcs
  • Chicken egg - 4 pcs
  • Sugar - 220 g
  • Flour - 200 g
  • Starch - 40 g
  • Milk – 300 ml
  • Cream (min 33%) – 500 ml
  • Sugar - 200 g
  • Egg yolk – 8 pcs
  • Vanilla pod – 0.5 pcs
  • Flour - 55 g
  • Powdered sugar - 2 tbsp. l.


  • Water – 100 ml
  • Sugar - 50 g
  • Liqueur (orange) – 50 ml

Recipe for “Italian Mimosa Cake”:

Break 4 eggs into the bowl of a food processor (or just a large bowl if you use a hand mixer for beating). First break each egg into a glass and only then add it to the rest. We always use this method when working with eggs in cooking, but for me this rule is especially true when using a large number of eggs! This small rule will help you avoid unnecessary troubles.

Add sugar and begin beating the egg mixture until its volume has at least doubled, about 10 minutes at high mixer speed. In the meantime, separate the 8 yolks we need. After 10 minutes, we begin to add the yolks, continuing to beat the egg mixture (while adding the yolks, the mixer speed can be reduced slightly, and then continue beating at high speed again). As a result, we get a fluffy and airy egg mass. It increased in volume by about 3-4 times.

While the eggs are beating, sift the flour and starch a couple of times (I sift it once into a bowl and a second time directly into the bowl with the eggs). Add the flour mixture into the egg mixture in parts, stirring very carefully each time with smooth rolling movements from bottom to top, saturating the dough with additional air. Do not mix for a long time so that the eggs do not settle, just until a smooth dough structure is obtained, without lumps.

Prepare 2 biscuit tins with a diameter of 22-24 cm. Grease them with butter and sprinkle lightly with flour. Divide the dough evenly into 2 forms. One sponge cake will become the cake itself, and we will use the second to decorate the surface of the cake with delicate pieces of sponge cake...

Bake the biscuits in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 30 minutes. Check the readiness of the sponge cake with a wooden skewer and, in any case, keep an eye on your oven. Turn the finished biscuits over and cool on a wire rack. It is best to let the biscuits rest overnight, or at least 5-6 hours.

In the meantime, let's prepare the Patissiere cream (its difference from the usual custard is that we use only egg yolks). Pour milk and 300 ml (!) cream into a saucepan with a thick bottom. Add the seeds from the vanilla pod (in extreme cases, you can replace it with vanilla extract). Put it on the fire, but do not bring it to a boil.

Grind the yolks with sugar in a separate bowl. Add flour and stir everything until smooth. When the milk mixture just begins to boil, add the yolks to it. Do not interfere under any circumstances! The yolks will rise to the surface of the milk (as in the photo). Allow the mixture to reach the point where the milk begins to boil, that is, the milk begins to “bubble” between the walls of the pan and the eggs, and small volcanoes form in the center.

At this point, whisk the yolks with milk until a homogeneous mass is formed. The cream is ready! It should turn out smooth and without lumps. In this recipe I offered you the so-called express method of brewing cream, proposed by the Italian pastry chef Luca Montersino... But you can prepare the cream using the method familiar to you, the old fashioned way!))

Transfer the finished cream into a wide container and cool, covering with cling film in contact with the surface of the cream so that a crust does not form on the cream.

When the cream has cooled, beat the remaining cream (200 ml) with powdered sugar. Transfer the cream to a large bowl. Set aside literally 3 tablespoons of the cream, and add the rest of the cream in parts to the Patissiere cream, stirring carefully each time so that the cream does not settle. Place the finished cream in the refrigerator.

Prepare biscuits. Carefully cut the first sponge cake into 3 identical layers. This is how bright and yellow it is due to the use of a large number of yolks, and no additional dyes!))

Free the second sponge cake from the top crust, and then cut into strips and finally into small squares (the smaller the better). The structure of the biscuits is very tender and fluffy. (This time the children and I tore the biscuit into pieces a little...)

Prepare liqueur impregnation. Heat water in a small saucepan, add sugar and liqueur (preferably orange, such as Cointreau). Stir thoroughly until the sugar is completely dissolved (do not overheat!), remove from heat and allow to cool. Let's start assembling the cake. Place the first cake on a dish and moisten it generously with the soaking mixture.

Then apply a thin layer of cream - 1/2 of the reserved amount of cream, and distribute it properly over the surface of the cake.

Visually divide the cream into 3 parts. Apply a layer of cream to the first cake layer.

Cover with the second cake layer. First soak the second cake with liqueur impregnation, grease with the remaining cream and cover with a layer of cream. On top is the third and last cake. Apply the remaining cream to the top and sides of the cake.

Finally, decorate the top of the cake with cut pieces of sponge cake, placing them on the cake. They stick perfectly to the surface of the cake on the cream. Refrigerate the cake overnight and serve it the next day!

In Italy, Women's Day began to be celebrated in 1946, and the mimosa flower immediately became a recognized symbol of this holiday, since it begins to bloom in the first days of March. In general, without further ado, I suggest you treat yourself to this tender and melt-in-your-mouth cake!

I would like to note that the cake turns out to be “expensive” in terms of the number of eggs used!.. But, in justification, I can say that this cake has not yet left anyone indifferent, neither in its appearance nor in its taste! Try it too!))

CONGRATULATIONS to everyone on the upcoming holiday of March 8th! And I will be glad if the recipe is useful...

P.S. I’ll add a cut of the cake a little later!)))