Seeing a large fire engulfing a high-rise building in a dream means the patronage of influential people and the successful course of business.

If a large amount of money that belonged to you was burned in a fire that destroyed your office, deception and envy on the part of those you trust are possible in reality.

A fire in which your house burned down foreshadows a hectic and extremely risky undertaking that could result in financial ruin for you.

Putting out a fire by pouring water from buckets on it - in reality you will try to reconcile quarreling friends, which will not lead to success.

If you dream of a fire engine roaring and rushing to the scene of a disaster, this foreshadows anxiety and unrest associated with an emergency at work, where you will be hastily called at an inopportune time.

Seeing a huge flame being knocked down by firefighters using a fire hose is a great joy in the family circle.

Smoke from a fire rising high into the sky and visible from afar promises you good news in reality, followed by awards and honors.

A fire with tragic consequences and loss of life means that in reality you will suffer significant damage and be punished.

A dream in which you witnessed a devastating forest fire means the successful implementation of plans, which will bring the expected results and allow you to unfold even more.

If in a dream you take part in putting out a fire or helping people affected by it, it means that in reality you will change your point of view in accordance with suddenly changed circumstances.

Seeing yourself in the role of a heroic fireman, risking his life, carrying a child out of the flames - such a dream is designed to dispel your doubts about the fidelity of your husband or lover.

If you dream that you are suffocating in the smoke of a fire and lose consciousness or are seriously injured by a collapsed burning beam, this means that in reality you may get into an accident or become the victim of a collision while carelessly crossing the street.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dreams are a phenomenon that has not been fully studied. Some experts believe that the pictures we see at night warn us of future danger, others call them the voice of our subconscious and the embodiment of our hidden desires, others say they are an echo of our experiences. Lately events. Be that as it may, people very often see dreams in which various natural disasters. For example, a fire. The dream about fire, its essence and secret meaning are explained in detail different astrologers and magicians.

Vanga's Dream Book

The Bulgarian seer described everything possible options associated with fire. She claimed that if you saw a burning sheet of paper, then this foreshadows severe fires on the planet that will destroy many hectares of forests. People will experience a shortage not only of wood, but also of fresh air. If you dreamed that something was flying from the sky towards you fire ball- this means the fall of a meteorite or comet.

If the flame emits bad smell, know that you have many ill-wishers, whose machinations and intrigues you will reveal in the near future. Sitting by the fireplace and watching the flames means that the house is in danger of fire. A dream in which cities or forests are burning marks a drought on the planet.

Despite Vanga’s rather gloomy and joyless interpretations of dreams about a fire, there are also positive meanings. For example, warming up by the fire - such a dream will remind you that in life you happy man and have many reliable friends. And seeing a lit candle is a good omen that brings you peace, tranquility and love.

Psychoanalytic dream book

First of all, the book calls any fire seen in a dream a symbol of home and family. If the flame is somehow connected with the body (for example, a burning person), then this picture is interpreted as the emergence of passion and love in the heart. A lamp, candle or other small lights mean enlightenment, learning, in a sense, even insight and the removal of so-called rose-colored glasses.

Seeing a fire in a dream means passion and warm emotions. But such a dream not only signifies good things, because, being an element, fire destroys everything in its path. Therefore, love can turn out to be tragic and unhappy. A burning fire is a symbol of extinguished feelings and unfulfilled hopes. If you dream of a forest fire, this means an explosion of emotions that can be fatal, as well as aggression and uncontrollable passions in a state of passion. In a dream, putting out a fire means the revival of internal energy. Also, such pictures can signal a conflict within a person, because fire and water are two diametrically opposed elements that are in constant confrontation.

Dream book of psychologist Loff

The specialist believes that fire in many cultures of the world symbolizes purification. Therefore, if a person dreamed that he came out of the flames or was saved from a fire, changes for the better will occur in his life, his soul will open towards goodness, his thoughts will get rid of the shade of selfishness and selfishness.

If in a dream you dream of a fire in which you are burning, this is a sign that you do not see the purpose and meaning in the events taking place. Existence seems empty and useless. If you happen to see a fire in your house, car or office in a dream, it means that you are too attached to material values. Passion to inanimate object At the same time, it can cause a lot of trouble and trouble.

Psychologists often identify fire with masculine strength. Therefore, a dream in which there is a flame means your desire to control the situation. If you manage to put out the elements, then in life you will be able not only to coordinate the course of events, but to predict upcoming events and possible actions of those closest to you.

Miller's Dream Book

Another famous psychologist who loved to interpret dreams believes that a “fiery” dream is a good and kind sign. But only under one condition: if you yourself do not burn in the flames. Otherwise, you will face serious health problems, both at work and in your personal life. Pictures with burnt walls or ruins will also be a bad omen.

If the fire is not directly related to you, then this portends only pleasant moments. Especially for people of certain professions: earth workers, sailors and travelers. To dream about a fire in the house is evidence that you have obedient children, a loving husband and faithful friends. If a store is on fire, it means signing lucrative contracts and moving up the career ladder.

Trying to put out the flame is a sign of restlessness nervous work. If, on the contrary, you light a fire in a dream, this promises pleasant surprises and surprises. A big fire means success, honors and good luck. The greatest benefits are received by those people who work in business sphere and in the field of literature.

Interpretations of Freud and Nostradamus

Mr. Sigmund is more than obvious in his statements. All his interpretations in one way or another relate to our secret desires, instincts and aspirations. Even a dream, fire, fire or flame in which are the main decorations, symbolizes intimate relationships and everything connected with them. In his opinion, if you put out the fire during a night dream, this indicates problems in the genitourinary area. Looking at the flame means hiding your erotic fantasies and dreams.

As for Nostradamus, his explanations of “fiery” dreams are very interesting and shown from an unexpected angle. If a person witnessed a fire in a dream, this indicates the presence of carnal weaknesses in his life. Most likely, for some reason the individual slows down the course of events, withdraws into himself, and backs down. If you see a picture where you set fire to yourself, this is a sign of upcoming changes.

Gypsy dream book

Gypsies are sure that a dream in which there is a small fire in the fireplace or stove is a sign of health or a pleasant feast with friends. If the flame is strong, the meaning changes to the diametrically opposite - to quarrels and discord.

If a fire goes out on its own in a dream, expect illness or financial difficulties. When you light a fire easily and without much difficulty - to offspring, if you make futile efforts - to shame, trouble and even death. A person who touches the flames and does not feel pain will suddenly experience success in an important matter. Burn in fire - to high temperature, infectious disease, seeing something burning means the death of that person. In any case, according to the gypsies, a candle, hearth or fire that you dreamed about are harbingers of trouble. Therefore, be as careful as possible after viewing such night pictures.

Interpretations of the writer Aesop

The ancient writer is sure that fire seen in a dream is a sign. Soon you will meet a hot-tempered person or someone who will be able to inflame your feelings. Putting out a fire means quarreling with someone close to you, making a fire means a major conflict, which you yourself will provoke. Seeing a fire in the forest in a dream means an unsuccessful trip, a business trip that will not bring the desired result. A house engulfed in flames warns of a possible robbery or family discord.

Seeing a burning person in a dream is a harbinger of a meeting with an interesting member of the opposite sex. If the dreamer is a bachelor, then such a dream promises a happy, long-term marriage. Burning yourself means a deal that will not bring benefits and may even lead to prison. Smoke without fire suggests that all the unpleasant rumors about you have a basis in reality. If the smoke from the fire is acrid and billows, be careful in your dealings, do not make rash decisions, otherwise you will fail.

Versions by Longo and Tsvetkov

The dream book, published by the famous Russian white magician, has its own interpretation of dreams. The fire, according to Longo, marks losses, quarrels and discord. If a person puts out a fire, he is advised to reconsider his attitude towards people with whom he often conflicts. Running away from the flame is a sign of cowardice, immaturity, and the desire to shift one’s problems onto the shoulders of other people. Arson of a room is often dreamed of by self-confident egoists who, with their behavior, make loved ones unhappy.

According to psychotherapist Tsvetkov, the fire is a sign of impending disasters. It is very dangerous, Tsvetkov believes, to see a completely burned door in a house where the building itself was not damaged by fire. Such a dream portends mortal danger.

Dream book of the 21st century

New editions of the book of dream interpretation have their own versions of explanations for this or that night picture. For example, a dream about a flame means an impossible dream that you have in your life. If the fire is strong, then the completion of an important task is not far off. Fire in the sky - to a change in management, a flame falling on your head - to sorrow, wandering elements - to small talk. If the fire you dreamed about occurs in the mountains, this means career development, promotion; a flame on the surface of the river promises longevity and happiness, true friends and reliable life partners. Such a dream foretells good luck in business.

Usually something good and pleasant in your life is predicted by a “fiery” dream. A fire in the house means well-being and prosperity; burning in a flame means having influential, reliable support; going through the raging elements means rebirth. But an overly gigantic fire symbolizes trouble. Getting burned in a dream is not good sign. This is evidence of the presence everyday problems and threats of loss of property. A brightly burning flame in a fireplace or stove means a visit from a long-awaited guest.

A few more versions

Muslims have always been wary of the fire element. They believed that in any case such dreams did not bode well. In their opinion, a flame that destroys and kills warns of war. If in a dream it is absolutely harmless, it means a terrible epidemic. The ancient Egyptians also believed that fire is bad sign. According to them, this is a symbol of the loss of a male loved one.

Some psychologists associate the meaning of a dream about fire with the time of year. For example, if you had such a dream in the fall, the achievement of your goal is just around the corner; in the summer, expect recovery; in the spring, your hope will come true. Apostle Simon the Zealot claims that lighting a fire is a sign mutual love. In a dream, putting out a fire is a warning about unsuccessful plans that will not be implemented, and therefore should be abandoned.

However, no matter what we see at night, during the day each of us independently builds our own destiny and makes decisions. Therefore, future life depends solely on our own actions.

Interest in dreams has always existed, and people have sought to find out what the meaning and semantic load they have. Were created different dream books that offer interpretations different dreams. In order to correctly decipher the pictures seen at night, you need to try to take into account as much detailed information as possible.

What does a fire mean in a dream?

Dream books offer a huge number of interpretations related to fire, so we will focus on the most common versions:

  1. If the fire spreads quickly big building This means that the work started will not be able to be completed, and this may be related to the work and personal spheres.
  2. It is worth finding out why you dream of a fire or fire on the street, it is a warning that you should beware of thefts in in public places. The dream book also advises to be wary of strangers on the street.
  3. A dream about heavenly fire symbolizes companionship, so you can safely invest your money.
  4. If you had to observe a large-scale tragedy in an unknown building from the side that did not pose any threat, this is a good sign that predicts good luck and complete happiness.
  5. When you dream of a fire in which people die, it means that soon you will receive an offer to participate in some dubious business, so be careful.
  6. Night vision, in which you had to find yourself inside a burning room, personifies strong feelings the dreamer due to a past event. The dream book advises to put a final point and enter into.
  7. Seeing a building on fire and firefighters putting it out, then it’s worth analyzing your mistakes.

Why do you dream about your own house fire?

Although such an event in real life causes huge problems, such a plot in a dream often appears before a wedding or addition to the family, and everything will go off without problems. There are several options for why you dream of a fire in a house:

  1. When your own home is on fire in a dream, this is a positive omen, and it indicates that there are true friends nearby and you can trust them.
  2. A night vision during which the dreamer got burned indicates that he will become a participant in an unexpected love story.
  3. If an unmarried girl dreams of a strong fire in her own house, it means that she has a fear of starting an independent life.
  4. A dream in which the dreamer experienced joyful feelings promises success in the material sphere, and if severe fear was felt, then problems at work cannot be avoided.
  5. If such dreams are not the first time, this means that in real life a person often makes wrong decisions and it’s time to change the trend.

Why do you dream about a fire in an apartment?

A night vision where a person watched the flames spread throughout the apartment promises trouble in reality. If the fire did not touch the walls, this is an indication that there are true friends nearby. This dream also foretells receiving a reward for work done. Other dream books offer different information about why you dream of a fire in an apartment.

  1. If the tragedy occurred on your own square meters, which means that serious quarrels should soon be expected in. Sometimes such a plot promises betrayal of a spouse.
  2. I dreamed of a fire in the apartment, but there was no smoke, which means that in reality you will be able to feel a psychological uplift and this will give you the strength to successfully implement your plans.
  3. A night vision in which the apartment was on fire, but no one was hurt, promises positive changes and monetary gain.
  4. If the fire appeared due to the fault of the dreamer, then in real life it will be this moment are oppressed by some relationships and responsibilities.
  5. A dream in which the parents’ apartment was on fire foreshadows problems in reality. An event will happen in the near future and she will be forced to suffer, but you need to gather your strength into a fist to take the blow of fate.

Why do you dream about someone else's house fire?

A dream in which another person's house was engulfed in flames promises financial problems and troubles at work. If a lot of smoke was generated during the combustion, then you should expect news in the near future. Other dream books offer other versions of what dreams of a fire in a house mean:

  1. A dream where you had to watch someone else’s house burn means that in reality you will have to witness a serious scandal.
  2. Seeing someone else's home on fire, but there is no smoke or burning smell, is a good sign that predicts the successful implementation of your plans.
  3. If there were casualties in the tragedy, then expect the loss of loyal friends.

Why do neighbors dream about fire?

A night vision in which the neighboring house was covered in smoke, but no fire was visible, means that the dreamer will soon learn a great secret. Often, a dream about a fire among your neighbors promises problems and scandals with them, and they will arise in the near future. There are several versions of why neighbors dream of a fire, which differ in some plot details.

  1. If you saw such a night vision unmarried girl, then it is believed that she will soon have to move or temporarily change her environment.
  2. Putting out a fire with your neighbors is a good sign, foreshadowing an invitation to a celebration.
  3. If you dream of a fire in your neighbors from which people had to be rescued, then you should expect changes in reality.
  4. There is another meaning, according to which you should be wary of the gossip of your colleagues. Don't worry, they won't last long and you'll soon be able to work in comfort again.

Why do you dream about a fire in a bathhouse?

A dream where the main object was a blazing bathhouse means that the time has come to solve all existing problems, especially those related to jurisprudence. The faster this is done, the lower the risk of negative consequences. If a girl dreams of a bathhouse fire, it means that she will soon learn about the long-term sympathy of one guy. For representatives of the element of Fire, such a dream promises serious problems that will arise after love feelings end. Sometimes a flaming bathhouse promises a journey.

Why do you dream of a fire in the forest?

According to the most popular dream book, a flame spreading through a forest means that well-thought-out plans will be implemented with success in the future. Often such a plot means that negative emotions the dreamer will cause trouble. To understand why you dream of a forest fire, you should take into account other details of the plot:

  1. If you had to walk through a burnt forest, then you should prepare for trouble.
  2. A severe disaster in a dream promises minor difficulties that will help.
  3. If you dreamed of a fire in a forest that was in the distance, this is a favorable symbol that promises good news.
  4. When trees burn, a lot of smoke appears, then you can expect health problems.
  5. A dream in which a fire destroyed a lot of forest prophesies serious financial problems. The dream book indicates that it will not be possible to pay off your debts for a long time, so in the near future you should think about your spending.

Why do you dream about a fire at work?

People spend a lot of time at work, so it is understandable that many dreams are associated with it. If a lot of problems arise at work and there is a desire to quit, then the dream may simply represent internal desires to say goodbye to a hated place. In the case when everything is fine and you dreamed of a fire at work, then this should be taken as a signal that you need to solve existing issues and start taking action. If the fire arose due to the dreamer’s fault, it means that any actions will have negative consequences.

Why do you dream of a fire in a church?

A dream where a fire appeared in a temple is generally a favorable omen that promises to receive good news and it will have a positive impact on life. There is another interpretation that explains what it means when you dream of a fire in a church; it represents emotional experiences. It is believed that such a dream appears during a period when a person feels tired and loses faith in himself.

Why do you dream about a fire in a cemetery?

Things that have a connection with death evoke unpleasant memories in a person, this also applies to dreams. Many are sure that they promise problems and grief, but this is not true. In dream books, why you dream of a strong fire in a cemetery is explained by the approach of serious changes in life. They may be related to friends and relatives or the dreamer's views on life. Don't be afraid of change because it will be positive.

Why do you dream about a car fire?

According to numerous dream books, such a plot is an omen of troubles that may concern home, work and relationships. This may also be a warning about health problems. Different interpretations The meaning of a car fire in a dream depends on the nuances of what you see:

  1. A burning car promises serious quarrels with loved ones. It can also represent problems that have arisen on the way to achieving your goal.
  2. The meaning of why you dream about a fire in someone else’s car is as follows: a harbinger.
  3. I had to put out a car that caught fire in a dream, which means that the dreamer will be able to cope with all the troubles.

Why do you dream of putting out a fire?

Dreams where you had to put out a fire are a good omen, foreshadowing a fun time in the company of close friends. Eat different meanings what dreams of putting out a fire mean:

  1. Fighting fire with water in a dream is a sign that you will soon have to face numerous troubles, but they will ultimately help improve your financial situation.
  2. For a woman, a dream where she had to put out a fire promises separation from her loved one. It can also mean a quarrel with an emotional person.
  3. If burns were sustained while extinguishing the flame, it means that you will soon have to face claims from your superiors.
  4. Using improvised means in extinguishing is advice that you need to stop imposing your opinion on the people around you.

Find out from online dream book, why do you dream about Fire, after reading the answer below in the interpretation of the interpretive authors.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about Fire and what does it mean:

Fire - Seeing a house on fire in a dream means unexpected happiness; if there is a fire in your house, it means losses. In winter, fire means frost, and in summer, it means heat. Such a dream about a fire can also mean a quarrel, loss or a thief in the house. If a fire breaks out inside a house, this is a sign that quarrel and hatred will take root in it.

Seeing a house on fire with a large fire from the street means pain and unexpected happiness, but if you are standing in a large crowd, it means slander. If there is a fire with smoke, but the flame is not visible, it means trouble and loss.

Participating in putting out a fire is a sign of what awaits you unexpected job in the wind or frost. To water a fire with a watering can means to put out a quarrel. To see a whole village, a number of nomes on fire, is very fortunate.

Climbing a fire tower means receiving unpleasant news. A falling tower is a symbol of anxiety and worry; be prepared for petty quarrels and disputes. If you saw a fireman in a dream, this dream should dispel your doubts about your friends.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Fire in a dream?

Dream about a fire - A fire that did not cause the death of people foreshadows changes in life that will have a beneficial effect on your affairs and bring happiness.

Lunar dream book

What does a fire in a dream mean:

Fire - Joy.

Modern dream book


Fire - Illness from a cold.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

If you dreamed of an alarm during a fire

Fire - The symbolic background of a fire can be interpreted in two ways, since fire can both warm and burn. It is not surprising that most signs about a fire seen in a dream are linked to the plot circumstances, its strength and the presence of other people who can turn fate onto a happy path or warn of trouble.

  • Did you see a house in the bright flames of a fire in a dream? Such a dream of a fire promises a surprise.
  • If you dreamed that a fire jumped between buildings and engulfed the whole city, this was a great unexpected happiness.
  • If in a dream there is a fire in your home, beware of losses.
  • Thick clouds of acrid smoke during a fire predict trouble.
  • Watching a fire from the sidelines or in a crowd is also not a good sign: the dream threatens with slander, groundless hatred, empty accusations.
  • Participating in putting out a fire with others means giving away strength and not receiving any benefit.
  • If the fire is extinguished without your participation, expect free help soon.

Psychological interpreter Furtseva

According to the dream book Fires

Fire - From a psycho-emotional point of view, a fire symbolizes not only the danger threatening the dreamer, but also his need for cleansing. The interpretation of a fire in a dream depends on the location: a fire is burning in the forest - a sign of near loss, and if some abstract house is engulfed in fire - this is a prediction of happiness. When no people die in a strong fire, the dream speaks of a simple resolution of the conflict situation.

A bad omen will be an open flame, a fire in your apartment: such a plot symbolizes family quarrels that constantly arise due to the costs of your character or the inability to restrain your emotions. An attempt to escape from such a fire is a desire to avoid personal responsibility, and if you follow its lead, your personal well-being will become the victim.

Romantic dream book

What does fire mean in dreams?

Fire is a dual sign, two-sided, symbolizing both losses and failures, and unexpected happiness.

  • Fire in your own apartment? Prepare for problems that will affect not only your financial capabilities, but also your personal life.
  • The interpretation of a dream about a fire changes if you start putting out the fire with a hose: in this case, the future promises relaxation in pleasant company, entertainment with a transition to light flirting.
  • If the dream is divided into several parts, in one of which you accidentally caught a fire, this is a prediction of intrigues and slander that can destroy your relationship with your lover or introduce a serious conflict into it.
  • The absence of casualties even in a severe fire portends a positive outcome, close person will forget about the insult.
  • A fire without fire in the house - in this presentation, the dream promises harmony and comfort in the family, healthy and loving children, and the absence of conflicts with the other half.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why do you dream about Fire?

Fire - Seeing a big fire in a dream, in which there are no casualties, means happy changes in the future.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why do you dream about fire?

Fire - Wedding, love, happiness, wealth, clear weather, heat (summer), getting money // quarrel, fight in the house, illness, death, loss, loss, troubles, there will be a headache, there will be a villain in the house, trouble, anxiety, to frost (in winter); the house is on fire - wonderful news; the city is on fire - war, pestilence, a long illness; putting out a fire is not good, you will get into trouble, you will get robbed, unexpected work, there will be hard work in the heat or cold; others putting out the fire is good.

Gypsy dream book

Why do you dream about Fire according to gypsy traditions?

Fire - Seen in a dream, foreshadows loss and loss; to see one or several houses burning, with a clean and bright fire, but not strong, means a change in condition, and sometimes only a change in apartment; but the fire is gusty and with strong smoke foreshadows dangerous disease, stoppages in enterprises, and sometimes sudden death.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why do you dream about Fire?

Fire - Quarrel. Fire - love and wealth. Secret love. If you dreamed of a fire in the house, then there will be trouble, as the dream book predictor reports.

Ancient French dream book

What does fire mean in dreams, interpretation:

Dreams about fires - A fire in a dream, tongues of flame consuming a house, is a prediction of a great misfortune that you must face with courage and dignity. The raging flames of a fire, which, however, do not touch the walls of your house, are a very happy omen, a sign that your merits will be highly appreciated.

Simone Kananita dream book

What does the saint dream of about fire:

Fire - Seeing the bright flames of a fire is a great joy; seeing smoke from a fire is good news; a lot of smoke - great joy.

Numerological dream book

How to understand fire

Fire - Dial 01 in a dream and wait for the fire brigade to arrive means that you have some knowledge that can ruin the career of your competitor or take your main rival in love out of the game. If in a dream you see how firefighters who arrived at your call are extinguishing a fire, then you will make public your incriminating evidence and emerge victorious from the fight, but if the fire is not extinguished, then you will not use secret information, since your opponent will be faster than you and will compromise you in the next month.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Fire from your dream

Fire - A clean fire and without smoke is a change for the better; fulfillment of desires; sometimes literally. Several houses are on fire - happiness. An already burnt house, a fire - trouble, misfortune. A fire suddenly broke out - a quarrel in the house. Barns and houses burning in a fire mean failure of business and hopes. Observing a fire from the outside is good, being inside a burning building is bad; in the next dream book you can find out a different interpretation.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about Fire, what does it mean?

Fire - This image symbolizes someone's devotion and willingness to help. But this is a warning about raging unbridled passions. Seeing a fireman in a dream means good luck, a new friend. Participating in putting out a fire brings happiness and peace.

Great modern dream book

Fire - why does the dreamer dream?

Fire - You see a fire truck in a dream - something extraordinary will happen to you; you will be very worried about your prospects. The girl dreamed that she was driving a fire truck - if the task offered to this girl was unpleasant to her, she should not take it on.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yuri Longo

If the dreamer dreamed of a Fire

  • Fire - To a major quarrel, loss, failure in business.
  • To escape from a fire - you are a very sensitive and vulnerable person, you are touchy and cannot forget what you experienced for a long time. Every little thing has a note for you; it is filled with some secret meaning.
  • Seeing a fire being put out means you are constantly in conflict with others because of your lack of restraint, and you cause a lot of suffering to your family and friends because, in their opinion, your behavior serves as proof of your disrespect for them. In order not to lose their goodwill, you should behave as carefully, attentive and tolerant as possible.
  • If you dreamed that people were dying in a fire, the dream warns you of participation in a dubious enterprise. You will have high hopes for the results it can bring you. But in reality, everything will not be at all what you expect. This means that the efforts you have expended will be in vain; this matter will affect the interests of many people, in whom you will have enemies.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Why do you dream about Fire in a dream?

  • Fire - A symbol of passion, carnal desires, sudden capture by an idea, desire for change.
  • Putting out a fire means that unrest will develop into an organized movement that will not be easy to stop and simply impossible to prevent.
  • Taking part in arson is a symbol of decisive changes that will be provoked by unfair treatment; the dream promises problems and instability.
  • Saving a person from a fire is a symbol of the tragic outcome of an event that haunted for a long time, kept one in suspense and required a lot of strength.
  • Seeing a fire in a room is a symbol of betrayal, which will happen with the consent of both parties, but will subsequently bring problems that will turn into the most unexpected adventures and disasters.
  • Seeing horses rushing about in a fire means that in 2038 the most a large number of marriages for the entire century and this year will be the beginning of solving the demographic problem for many countries.
  • Seeing the ashes left after a fire is a symbol of the invention of a new housing project that will provide everyone with a decent place to live.
  • Seeing a fire ignited by lightning means meeting the main person in your life under unusual circumstances.

Everyday dream book

Why do you dream of a fire according to the dream book:

Fire is considered by many peoples to be a symbol of passion, and at the same time has both positive sides(brightness and richness of emotions) and negative (can burn).

Seeing a fire is a dream that can warn you against getting too carried away. We should not forget that our life consists not only of hobbies, but also of obligations and we should not lose our heads.

You dreamed of a fire that you are trying to put out, then real life you will encounter a situation where you will need a clear head and iron logic. If you had a dream in which you set something on fire, then in reality you will experience not very positive changes, and you yourself will be the culprit of these changes.

If you see that you are saving a person from a fire, then in reality you will encounter events that will end tragically, and you will not be able to come to your senses for a long time. If you dreamed of a fire in your house, in your room, then in real life you are likely to encounter treason, the betrayal of a person close to you.

If you had a dream in which you witnessed a big fire - forests, fields, and so on are burning, then in reality you will encounter events that will greatly affect your life. Fire of someone else's house - Seeing ashes means very tiredness - you need to rest, go on a trip, and so on.

Dream Interpretation of D. Mendeleev

If you dream about Fire, what does it mean:

Fire - Seeing a fire in a dream means that in reality you will aimlessly and uselessly squander all your property inherited from your parents. Extinguishing a fire in a dream means that you can be confident in your loved ones and friends who will never betray you. You should always hope for the best and be an optimist in life, keeping your head held high, and a smile, joyful and radiant, should never disappear from your lips under any circumstances. In any situation you must be able to control yourself.

Dream Interpretation of Emperor Peter I

Why do you dream about Fire in a dream:

Fire - A dream in which you saw a fire is often interpreted favorably for the person who saw it. Seeing a fire in one or more houses in a dream is a sign of great joy. If the fire is light, clear, without crackling and does not destroy or destroy houses, for the poor the dream means that they will receive fortune, wealth, inheritance. If a rich person had such a dream, then in reality he will be showered with honors and receive important and honorable positions.

Dream Interpretation by A. Vasilyev

Why do you dream about fire?

If you dreamed of soot from a fire, then old facts from your biography may become known to ill-wishers.

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

Why do you dream about Fire, how to interpret the dream:

If you see that you have gotten dirty in a fire, then do not rush to interpret your dream as something unpleasant and hopeless.

To see that you are clearing soot from some object means that you will have to face troubles alone, solve problems without counting on the help of others.

Lunar dream book

Seeing Soot after a fire in a dream:

old facts from your biography may become known to ill-wishers.