Shade of the nasolabial triangle

Some diseases of infants are very difficult to determine by external signs. That is why, during the examination, the pediatrician asks young mothers many questions about sleep, behavior and external changes of the baby. Short-term or long-term blue discoloration of the nasolabial triangle may be the first signs of abnormalities in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Additional blue discoloration of the child’s extremities should cause real concern for parents.

A false alarm can be called blueness of the nasolabial triangle in children with light and thin skin. Similar effects can appear in the first days of life, even around the eyes.

Heart disease is most often determined by these symptoms. The blue tint to the skin appears due to the mixing of two types of blood - arterial and venous. This process is caused by a simultaneous decrease in oxygen in the blood. Before the nasolabial triangle turns blue, the child may suddenly become worried. Sometimes his movements look like a strong tremor.

If this situation occurs to your baby, you should immediately consult a doctor. It is better to call a specialist at home. During the inspection, you must accurately describe all the details you saw. In addition to cardiac dysfunction, similar symptoms may indicate the presence of diseases nervous system or abnormal structure of the heart septa. In some cases, surgery is prescribed.

Child examination

When a blue tint to the skin of the nasolabial triangle appears in a child, he is prescribed a special examination. First, the baby must be shown to a pediatrician, surgeon and neurologist. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to undergo an additional ultrasound examination. Only after all these steps have been completed will the baby be diagnosed.

You should never remain silent about any suspicious observations. Be sure to tell your pediatrician all your concerns.

Blue discoloration of the nasolabial triangle in a healthy child

Quite often, blue discoloration of the nasolabial triangle appears in completely healthy children. The main reason This effect may be hypothermia. In this situation, pay attention to the air temperature in the room and the clothes the child is wearing. The baby's lips may turn blue, for example, if you bathed him and did not pay attention to the fact that the temperature in the child's bathroom and bedroom is sharply different.

Most often, blueness of the nasolabial triangle is observed in capricious and restless children. Due to constant emotional stress and crying, blood changes occur. The amount of oxygen in it decreases significantly. The result of this process is a blue tint to the skin around the nose and above the top.

Quite often, mothers notice that the baby’s nasolabial triangle area turns blue. This is a fairly common phenomenon and in most cases there is no danger behind such a change in skin color. But sometimes blue discoloration of the nasolabial triangle can be a symptom of a serious illness.

What is cyanosis?

Blue discoloration of the skin in medical terminology is called cyanosis. Essentially, this is a symptom indicating a lack of oxygen in the child’s body, accompanied by an increased content of reduced hemoglobin. It is this that gives the skin such an atypical shade.

The blueness that mom observes in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle is called peripheral cyanosis (acrocyanosis). This can be both a physiological norm and a pathology. Most often, acrocyanosis is diagnosed in babies born prematurely.

Causes of acrocyanosis

The reasons why the nasolabial triangle in a baby turns blue can be physiological - an acceptable norm - and pathological, i.e. be a sign of a serious illness.

Physiological reasons

Here we can highlight the following:

  • Inappropriate physical activity for age.
  • The nasolabial triangle turns blue with prolonged crying. When a baby cries, there is a low level of oxygen in the blood because the baby exhales frequently but inhales little air.
  • Blue skin during feeding. To get milk from the mother's breast, the baby has to make some efforts. Under the influence of stress, the subcutaneous vessels expand, and the skin receives a characteristic bluish tint.
  • The nasolabial triangle of a baby may also turn blue if the child spends too long in mountainous areas. This condition is not dangerous.
  • The nasolabial triangle turns blue in infants and during hypothermia. If you warm the child, the cyanosis will go away.

But if the skin does not restore its usual color, and cyanosis is accompanied by a blue discoloration of the tongue and other parts of the body, then the child must be urgently shown to a doctor.

Pathological cyanosis

Pathological cyanosis has an internal gradation determined by the mechanism of its origin.

Persistent cyanosis

The reasons here may be:

  • birth injury;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • immaturity of the respiratory/vasomotor center of the brain.

For these pathologies, blue discoloration of the nasolabial triangle in combination with a reduced sucking reflex is typical. Additionally, the doctor determines the atypical tension of the large fontanel.

Respiratory cyanosis

In this case, problems arise with respiratory function. Pulmonary cyanosis is always combined with pale skin color and blue discoloration in the eye area. Also, in some cases, you may notice that when the child inhales, the intercostal muscles are retracted.

The cause of the appearance of pathological coloration of the nasolabial triangle can be:

  • pneumonia;
  • bronchitis;
  • hiatal hernia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • penetration of a foreign body into the respiratory tract, etc.

Cyanosis of cardiovascular origin

With congenital pathologies of the cardiovascular system, the nasolabial triangle in a child turns blue, starting from the first days of life. But it is not possible to hear noises in the work of the heart muscle right away. That is why it is necessary to visit a pediatrician and undergo medical examinations, since only in this case can the presence of pathology be detected at the earliest possible date.

Is there any reason to worry?

Should you always worry when you notice a change in the color of the nasolabial triangle? Answer the following questions:

  • Is the child developing in accordance with average standards?
  • Did he have a heart murmur?
  • Is the development of cyanosis accompanied by cough or difficulty breathing?
  • When the nasolabial triangle is cyanotic, do other parts of the body turn blue?
  • How quickly does a child get tired when compared with his peers?
  • Is your baby sleepy and lethargic?
  • Is his skin too pale?

If you answered yes to at least one question, then it is advisable to take your child to the pediatrician. Since only a specialist can identify the presence of pathology. If necessary, the child will be given a consultation with a neurologist and cardio-rheumatologist.

What can you do?

First of all, it is necessary to monitor situations in which a child develops cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle. If the skin turns blue after bathing or when the baby is cold, then this is a physiological norm.

But if the skin remains blue constantly, then it is necessary to consult a pediatrician observing the baby. The doctor will prescribe for the child necessary tests and studies, in particular, EGC, ultrasound of the heart, chest x-ray.


Blue discoloration of the nasolabial triangle is a symptom that deserves close attention. If the reason lies in hypothermia or prolonged crying, then there is no need to worry. But if acrocyanosis develops without any visible reasons, then the baby needs to be shown to a doctor. Timely treatment reduces the development of complications to almost zero.

Such a phenomenon as a blue nasolabial triangle in a baby occurs quite often, and in many cases does not pose a danger to the child’s health. However, there are situations when such a symptom manifests itself as a dysfunction of the cardiovascular system, as well as the respiratory system. What is cyanosis and why does it appear?

Cyanosis is a symptom of oxygen deficiency in the body, which increases the formation of methemoglobin. It is this reduced type of hemoglobin that makes the skin and mucous membranes darker. Blue discoloration of the epidermis in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle in infants can be of a pathological and physiological type.


Basically, this phenomenon is a consequence of increased physical activity. This area also turns blue due to:

  • long crying, during which the baby exhales a large number of air, but inhales little, which is why there is a deficiency of oxygen in the blood;
  • during feeding. Nutrition breast milk– this is a large load for the baby, due to which the superficial vessels expand and become more noticeable;
  • prolonged exposure to altitude leads to a non-pathological decrease in the level of oxygen in the blood;
  • hypothermia during swimming or changing clothes causes cyanosis of the area above the upper lip. If after infant warm up, the blue discoloration will disappear, which means this condition is not dangerous.

If the baby’s nasolabial triangle turns blue and does not return to its original appearance in the near future, a blue tint appears on the tongue and fingers, you should immediately consult a doctor.


Pathological cyanosis is divided into 3 groups depending on its development algorithm.

  • pneumonia;
  • airway aspiration;
  • runny nose;
  • bronchitis;
  • bronchial type asthma;
  • inhalation of tobacco smoke or carbon monoxide;
  • diaphragmatic hernia.
  1. Pathology of the cardiovascular type. Appears due to congenital heart defects from the first days of a child’s life. Since this diagnosis cannot always be made immediately after birth, it is necessary to regularly attend routine examinations to prevent the development of dangerous complications.

How to distinguish the norm

To analyze the baby’s health status, parents just need to carefully monitor him. If the nasolabial triangle has acquired a blue tint, pathology can be excluded:

  • with normal growth and development of the child;
  • in the absence of heart murmurs;
  • at normal color skin in the area around the mouth and other parts of the body;
  • in the absence of cough or difficulty breathing, when cyanosis appears;
  • with a normal pinkish skin tone;
  • in the absence of a drowsy and lethargic state.

If at least one of the listed points does not coincide with the actual condition of the baby and the area above the upper lip rapidly turns blue, an urgent consultation with a doctor is required.

What do we have to do

If your baby's area above his upper lip turns blue, you need to look at why it appears. If a symptom occurs during bathing and quickly disappears, it does not pose any danger to the baby’s health. If this skin condition persists, you should:

  1. Contact your pediatrician as soon as possible. At your appointment, the doctor may prescribe additional tests to make the correct diagnosis and tell you why the upper lip area turns blue. Among the procedures, the doctor may prescribe: an electrocardiogram, an ultrasound examination of the heart muscle, and an x-ray of the chest area. Also, in some cases, it is necessary to visit a neurologist to conduct a complete examination of the child.
  2. change your lifestyle. It is necessary to maintain optimal temperature and air humidity in the room where the child is. You should go for walks more often, and also soothe the baby when crying. This advice also applies to healthy children, since correct and timely development occurs only in a comfortable environment.
  3. Do massage. Carrying out a daily massage will stimulate the activity of the nervous system, as well as normalize the functioning of the respiratory system. If a foreign body enters the child's respiratory tract, you should carefully and quickly place the baby stomach down on your lap and lightly hit him on the back. If this method does not work, you should urgently call a doctor to prevent the appearance of blue skin in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, as well as suffocation.

Cyanosis of the area above the upper lip, giving a blue tint to the baby's skin, is a symptom that must be carefully monitored to prevent pathology. Only timely treatment can eliminate the development of possible dangerous complications.

During the first days of a baby’s life, parents are worried about everything; the baby is frightened by defenselessness and responsibility. One of the reasons for worry is the blueness of the nasolabial triangle in a baby - in medicine it is referred to as cyanosis.

This blue discoloration can occur in both healthy and sick children.

Let's consider the first case, which is not dangerous and does not require drug treatment. In a healthy baby, blueness of the nasolabial triangle is possible:

  • while crying;
  • after swimming;
  • after a walk;
  • due to thin skin.

When a baby cries, the blood is not saturated with oxygen. Therefore, the nasolabial triangle, in which the interweaving of veins, turns blue.

When swimming, the water temperature should be comfortable for the child, about 37 C°. If after water procedures the baby turns blue, it means he is cold, the blood supply is slowed down, and therefore cyanosis occurs.

During a long walk, the baby may also become hypothermic, as evidenced by the reaction of the nasolabial triangle. Multi-layered cotton clothing for your child will keep him from overheating and freezing.

If the baby has thin skin: the veins are clearly visible on the stomach, then the triangle will be blue. At the same time, the baby should be calm and content.

There are the following causes of cyanosis, which parents cannot influence on their own; require medical intervention:

  • heart disease;
  • underdevelopment of the pulmonary system;
  • underdevelopment of the nervous system;
  • viral or bacterial infection.

How to determine: should you worry or not? It is necessary to carefully monitor the child’s well-being, the condition of his skin, and breathing. Signs that cyanosis needs to be treated are:

  • permanently blue triangle;
  • cough, shortness of breath;
  • weakness and lethargy of the child;
  • prematurity.

Types of cyanosis:

  • central - occurs when pulmonary failure or mixing of arterial and venous blood, this is possible due to the presence of an oval window in the child’s heart;
  • peripheral - a consequence of slow blood flow due to hypothermia or heart pathology.

If a child’s nasolabial triangle turns blue, you should definitely tell the doctor about it, even if he is otherwise happy and calm. The pediatrician and neurologist will use a professional opinion to determine whether the child is healthy or not, and will prescribe additional ultrasound and ECG studies.

Possible consequences

Is cyanosis so dangerous, is it worth panicking? With cyanosis, the following consequences are possible:

  • development of hypoxia;
  • secondary erythrocytosis - blood thickening;
  • increased hemoglobin levels;
  • oxygen starvation;
  • headache.

All these unpleasant consequences are eliminated by long walks in the fresh air. It's about about normal blueness without attacks of shortness of breath.

This does not apply to cyanosis due to serious pathologies when the child is catastrophically short of oxygen. In such cases, the child’s condition speaks for itself, you need to call an ambulance.

Prevention of cyanosis

Is it possible to prevent cyanosis? The best time to think about this is when the baby is in the womb. A pregnant woman should eat well, exercise a lot and not consume harmful products. Unfortunately, even observing all these points cannot guarantee the birth of an absolutely healthy baby. If a child was born with pathologies, it’s not scary, modern medicine strong. All you need from your mother is love and care.

Prevention of cyanosis in the newborn is:

  • balanced nutrition of the mother of the baby;
  • adherence to sleep and wakefulness;
  • long walks;
  • daily wellness massage and gymnastics;
  • compliance with the temperature regime.

And the main point that cannot be ignored is the mother’s peace of mind. A satisfied and rested mother always knows what her child wants. Her mind is clear and active. Many young mothers neglect this important point: tired and exhausted, they cannot charge their child with their joy and love, and do not understand his needs.


There is no treatment for cyanosis itself, only prevention and control of symptoms.

Cause diseases treated:

  • inflammatory diseases - with medications;
  • pathologies of the lungs and heart - surgically;
  • prematurity - with medications and good care.

All newborns are prescribed an ultrasound of the organs, thanks to which pathologies are detected in the early stages. One of them is a patent foramen ovale in the heart, observed in most infants. Because of this, blood mixes and cyanosis occurs. The child is not operated on until he is one year old; the window usually heals on its own. Parents are advised to follow a cyanosis prevention regimen.

A newborn, sick or healthy, requires special attention and care. In the first year of a child’s life, the formation and formation of personality occurs: he grows very quickly and requires activities for full development. Diseases and pathologies at this age are treated with virtually no consequences, you can even forget that it happened.

Real stories

Mom Marina, Cheboksary: “Throughout my pregnancy I followed the regimen and all the recommendations, but for some reason my body was against pregnancy and I was always put on hold. The baby was born on time, but small, like a premature baby. There were a lot of pathologies and diseases: pneumonia, open oval window, underdevelopment of one hemisphere of the brain. With such a bouquet we were admitted to the neonatal pathology department. The child was pale, his nasolabial nose was blue. To maintain temperature, they were taught to place a bottle under their feet hot water, wrapped in a diaper. The room was warm, but it is difficult for a sick child to maintain his temperature, it takes a lot of energy, and blood circulation slows down. And of course we were cured, even though we lay there for a whole month. Now the boy is big, a first-grader, studying well. And you can’t say that there was such a test. Thanks to modern medicine."

Mom Sveta, Orel: “We had the nasolabial triangle turn blue after a walk. Although walking, on the contrary, should help with cyanosis. I consulted with the doctor, she said that the child is absolutely healthy, and most likely he is freezing. She advised me to dress in layers so that the warmth does not escape. Then I added another layer of vest and rompers. And the problem disappeared. It’s good that we didn’t catch a cold.”

If the nasolabial triangle of a baby turns blue, there is no need to panic, especially when the child is calm. First you need to try to find the reason: maybe he is cold or he cried and just calmed down. In this case, it's normal. It is also considered acceptable for a newborn to be blue in the nasolabial area for up to three days; his lungs have not yet adjusted to full function. But if the child breathes frequently, wheezes, is lethargic and does not eat well, you should call a doctor or ambulance. It’s better to go to an ambulance; the hospital will immediately do all the necessary tests and you can rest assured about the baby’s health.

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Blue discoloration of the nasolabial triangle in newborns is a fairly common and widespread phenomenon. This occurs both in absolutely healthy children and in children with diseases of the nervous, cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Let's look at the reasons for this phenomenon and what to do if the nasolabial triangle of a newborn baby turns blue?

Causes of blue nasolabial triangle

  • Blood oxygen saturation in newborn babies is normally 95-100%, however, during excitement and crying, this figure can drop to its extreme minimum - 92-93%. With a serious decrease in blood oxygen concentration, the nasolabial triangle in a newborn baby turns blue.
  • Blueness of the nasolabial triangle in recently born children is called cyanosis of pulmonary origin. As the child grows and improves respiratory system, this manifestation disappears without a trace. If after a month the blue color remains within the baby’s nose and lips, then this indicates some deviations in the state of health, accompanied by a lack of oxygen in the blood.
  • Blueness within the nasolabial triangle in children can also be associated with very thin skin in this area. Due to this structure of the skin, veins and capillaries shine through and create a blue effect around the mouth and nose.
  • A baby's nasolabial triangle may take on a bluish tint due to respiratory or lung disease. These diseases are accompanied by general pallor and weakness, heavy breathing and attacks of shortness of breath. The more severe the attacks, the brighter the child’s nasolabial triangle turns blue.
  • A severe cold or prolonged viral infection can also cause blue skin near the nose and around the mouth. A foreign object in the infant's respiratory tract is also accompanied by similar symptoms.
  • The cause of the appearance of a blue nasolabial triangle can be congenital pathologies - atrial and cardiac defects, abnormalities in the development of the respiratory system, acute cardiac and vascular failure. All these and many other deviations can only be determined by specialists in medical institutions.

A child has a blue nasolabial triangle - what to do?

Blue discoloration of the nasolabial triangle in children should not be treated negligently. To diagnose any disorders, an ultrasound examination of the heart is performed, a chest x-ray is taken, and an electrocardiogram is taken. An examination by a pediatrician, cardiologist and neurologist is required.

If doctors determine that a child has an underdeveloped respiratory system, this can be corrected by long walks and regular massage sessions.