There are many techniques that make dreams come true, but not all of them work. We have found three proven techniques for making wishes come true that will help everyone.

Very often it turns out that we for a long time We can’t decide which method to use to achieve our plans. There are many exercises to make wishes come true, but for some reason not all give the expected result. And after another failure, you begin to wonder if it all really works, or if it was just someone playing a cruel joke on us.

Some argue that the same technique may work for one but fail for another, and that you have to try a lot before you find your own method. a large number of exercises and rituals.

In fact, everything is much simpler. Any technique will help if you follow it certain rules and the laws of the Universe. After all, they are the ones who greatly influence our Destiny, even if you don’t believe in it. Having studied the laws of the Universe, you will learn to make your dreams come true easily and quickly.

Three proven techniques for making wishes come true

Below are three ways that will help you realize everything you've dreamed of for so long. However, you need to remember that to fulfill any desire, except exercise, you need to start moving towards your goal. And it doesn’t matter whether you make a sharp throw forward or just a small step towards the goal. Even one action can trigger the entire mechanism, and the desire will begin to come true. Also remember to strictly follow the recommendations.

Visualization technique

You can do it at any convenient time, as long as no one distracts you. Sit comfortably and relax your body, take a few deep breaths. After this, imagine a golden-colored ball in front of you, smile sincerely and direct your love and warmth inside it. Look carefully at the area to see if you like it or maybe there is something about it that doesn’t suit you. In this case, correct everything you don’t like.

When the adjustments are completed, imagine yourself inside this sphere and your desire. Now connect them together. Think about how you will feel, how you will behave, etc., when your wish comes true. Pay attention to whether you are happy with its performance or if you do not feel comfortable enough.

After this, imagine how a ray of green light stretches from the area of ​​your heart, which pumps up your sphere like a balloon. Your light fills it more and more until it is completely filled. After this, release your sphere along with your desire into the Universe and slowly come to your senses. Open your eyes, smile and be sure that your wish will certainly come true.

If you have any of the Reiki levels open, you can strengthen your request with the help of this teaching. In this case, you practically won’t have to waste your energy. All you need is intention, a clearly formulated desire and reiki activation. As a rule, having the first stage, many argue that making wishes in this way is impossible and that this energy can only cure diseases. But it is not so. With some experience, you can not only treat people, but also make your dreams come true.

Simoron rituals

IN Lately Simoron techniques are gaining powerful momentum. The point of these exercises is that you can come up with any funny action and during it make the most cherished wish. As a rule, many become fixated on their dreams and create an excess of energy, which can slow down the process. Simoron helps you easily release your desire into the Universe and thereby give the Higher Powers the opportunity to fulfill your dream in the best possible way.

This method is good for big company where you can laugh heartily. Buy some gel balls. On one of them, write your wish with a marker or draw a symbol that will mean your dream. And tie it so that it doesn’t fly away ahead of time. You will need the rest of the balls to lift your spirits. Take air from them into your lungs and then in a thin voice begin to read a poem or sing a song. All this is done to liberate people and start fooling around. Be sure that after such a performance everyone will laugh, even you. Repeat these steps until you run out of balls or have had enough fun. Here you can turn on your imagination to the fullest, organize a choir of singing balls and the like.

After this, take the pre-prepared balloons with your wishes and release them into the sky. Enjoy how they soar in the clouds, imagine that your wishes have already come true, and then forget about it. And soon you will be surprised how quickly and unexpectedly they came true.

Method of setting strict limits and promises

This method often used in psychological practice. Its essence lies in the fact that you personally create conditions for yourself in which you simply cannot help but start moving towards your goal. This exercise encourages you to take action, and you yourself become both the customer of your goal and the executor. For example, you make a promise to yourself that if you don’t achieve your goal in a month, you will pay your friend for a fancy dinner at a restaurant. The cost of not achieving your goal must be significant enough to motivate you to move.

This exercise is quite tough and takes the wish-maker out of his own comfort zone, but it is also very effective. Remember that when setting goals, the deadlines must be realistic and the punishments must be severe. Those who have used this method claim that it is difficult to take only the first step, and then Fate itself presents all the possibilities on a silver platter.

By using one of these techniques, you will certainly get what you want. The main thing is to believe in yourself and not give up. And simple meditations will help you cope with excess tension and stress. Dream big, look for the positive in everything and don't forget to press the buttons and


Positive psychology 14.12.2013

Dear readers, probably each of us often makes wishes, right? Whether they come true or not is another question. Probably, we all want our desires to coincide with those wishes that we hear from loved ones or simply pronounce them in private.

But once you make a wish, what happens in the end? Do they often come true for us? Today on the blog I want to talk about techniques for making wishes come true. Perhaps some of you are familiar with them, perhaps some information will be completely new to you. In any case, this topic, in my opinion, is worthy for us to expand our thinking horizons a little and become a little children, a little wizards...

This is especially important for us now, during the New Year holidays.
In the bustle of passing days, we do not notice how a holiday is approaching us, beloved not only by children, but also by many adults. Some kind of array of decorated Christmas trees, holiday menu and the upcoming fun he looms ahead, imperceptibly getting closer and closer. And even those who are not supporters of such celebrations and, perhaps, do not accept the festive hype, feasts and fun, still love this holiday. For what? Of course, for its symbolism and magic.

Looking back at our childhood, we understand why in our subconscious the New Year is associated with something fabulous and magical. After all, this period is a time of desires, as well as hopes and faith. The very first confirmation of this is the tradition of making wishes during the chimes. You are probably not only familiar with this, but have also ever tried, closing your eyes and clutching a glass of champagne in your hand, to say your desire to yourself. The same treasured one. And for a moment, an unshakable confidence settled in you that your wish would definitely come true, because you want it so much! And guess what? We were very close to the truth. But we'll talk about this a little later.

And what are children's aspirations to receive a long-awaited gift worth? After all good wizard Santa Claus will definitely bring a New Year's surprise.

Anyway, period New Year's holidays- that time when this magic of magic and the general “desirable” mood is just in the air. More pragmatic people expect gifts from their loved ones; some even know what they will receive. And those in whom, no matter what, believe in those same fabulous miracles, hope that their cherished desire will be fulfilled by fate itself.

But a considerable part of people believe that everything that is wished for will definitely come true - you just need to be able to make wishes. On this basis, there are many techniques for fulfilling desires, which, according to reviews of those who have tried them, almost always work.

People thought about how to make their wishes come true many centuries ago. Confirmation of this is all kinds of conspiracies and rituals. Many of them, having changed slightly, have survived to this day and are today successfully used by those who believe in their functionality. But we are most likely not talking about magic or religious faith. Modern esotericists claim that the main driving force To fulfill a desire, the person himself appears, or rather, his desire to receive what he has wished for. Having correctly formulated and directed this desire into the Universe, we have every chance of receiving a response.

The best techniques for making wishes come true

There are hundreds of recipes and techniques for making wishes come true.
Some of them are aimed at specific desires(money, love, material values), some suggest abstract concepts of “success” and “happiness” as goals.

Simoron School

These techniques are funny and even humorous. The main point is to approach life lightly and with a smile on your face. A prerequisite is that we carry out the ritual and believe unshakably in its fulfillment. As an example, I will give one of the money rituals.

Green socks are a ritual to attract money.

So, we take green “money” colored socks and wash them to wash away all the previous information. After drying, we put a banknote of any denomination in each sock, saying “Charge yourself with money!” Next we take Blank sheet paper and visualize our desire on it. Yes, yes, we will not just ask for money, we will ask for what we want to get for this very money, which is still not enough. For example, a new computer, a car or a tour to an exotic island.

We write our desire on the sheet, and in the form of a statement: “I’m going to the Maldives!” You can even paste a photo of the resort itself for greater persuasiveness. All that remains is to place the sheet with the wish on the windowsill so that the moonlight falls on it at night, and put your “money” socks on top. At the same time, do not forget to say: “The moon wakes up - the wish comes true, the moon rises - money comes.”

In the morning, hide the piece of paper in a safe place and do not forget to periodically take it out and admire it, repeating the words about the fulfillment of your wish. And the bills removed from socks must be exchanged on that very day - this is how the ritual is activated. That's all. Put on your charged green socks more often and most importantly, believe that the Universe has already begun to work on making your desire come true.

Wish card.

The essence of the technique: everything is written in the present tense and pictures are selected - your desires, dreams.

How to apply everything?

On a piece of Whatman paper you need to write your desires, or rather plans and intentions. An accurate message is definitely needed. That is, you need to say not “I want”, but “I started/bought/made”, etc.

They usually place their own photograph in the center, and around it are wishes (“I bought a car,” “I’m healthy,” “I’m married”). It’s good to complement your wishes with illustrations - an image of a car/wedding/resort can be found in old magazines. Hang everything in a visible place so that it is in front of your eyes all the time. It’s not difficult to do, and everything works, you just have to believe it!

Notebook 100 days.

In a notebook or notebook you need to count one hundred pages and on the last one write your wishes, again in affirmative form and as a fait accompli. Needed on every day new page notebooks to describe the actions that we did to implement our plan; you can simply describe your day and mood. This technique is directly aimed at awakening determination. After all, by programming ourselves for success, we subconsciously try with all our might to achieve it. The Universe will definitely react to such active actions.

Technique for fulfilling wishes “Glass of water”

Many consider this technique to be one of the most powerful and effective. There is something in it from ancient rituals of charming water, but the author of its modern interpretation belongs to Vadim Zeland. You know about my love for transurfing, so I will dwell in more detail on this technique of fulfilling desires. How to apply everything?

We write down a wish on a piece of paper, which we formalize in the form of a fact that has come true: “I am healthy and happy. Illnesses pass me by. My body works without failures or disturbances.” Place a glass of water on this piece of paper (preferably melted water or spring water). Then, rubbing our hands, we try to feel our energy between our palms, something like a ball. We concentrate and place our hands around the glass of water placed on the sheet with the desire. So we seem to charge it with our energy.

Do not forget to concentrate on your desire all this time and repeat it, mentally visualizing it. Next, just drink water. The ritual must be performed in the morning after waking up and in the evening before going to bed. Vadim Zeland claims that the intention will definitely be realized.

By the way, I would like to draw an analogy between this technique and the widely known New Year's ritual. After all, holding a glass of champagne in our hand as the chimes strike, we also make a secret wish and, with faith that it will come true, drink the contents of the glass. And if you also take into account the magical transition from one time to another and the energy of universal wishes simply floating in the atmosphere, you can safely hope that the magic of the ritual will work. The main thing is to believe.

Tibetan wish fulfillment techniques

The wisdom of Tibet is known to everyone. The main thing that makes Tibetan techniques stand out is the pronunciation of specific mantras. They are considered a sacred text and involve precise proclamation of sounds with full concentration. For greater effectiveness, they are recommended to be pronounced in specific phases of the moon and a specific number of times. It is believed that they contain sacred meaning and together with correctly directed energy they have the most powerful force.

You know, I've been lucky in life. Fate gave me a meeting with a Tibetan monk. This was last summer. I won’t write the details, I simply can’t for many reasons, but a very remarkable event really happened. I saw all these rituals.

The main conditions for performing wish fulfillment techniques.

  • The wish you make should not be harmful. To no one and nothing. These are the conditions for harmonious existence in the Universe, which rewards good only upon a kind request. And there is a certain bright hope in this or some unspoken law of life - do only good, wish only good.
  • Unshakable faith that your wish will come true. And even the feeling that what was dreamed has already come true. According to psychologists, in this way we configure our subconscious to perform all possible actions and measures that will ultimately lead to that very cherished goal.

How can one not recall the famous phrase of Kozma Prutkov “If you want to be happy, be happy”? And also the saying that “everything is in our hands.” It’s probably no coincidence that these expressions have become popular.

How to make a wish? Alexander Sviyash.

I suggest watching the video. Psychologist Alexander Sviyash talks about this very simply and clearly. Pay attention to all the subtleties. I always listen to him with pleasure.

Dear readers, we would all like to wish you only faith in yourself. And the Universe will definitely hear us. And already under New Year You should definitely try one of the wish fulfillment techniques. Perhaps create your own. And may the magical moment of the birth of the first new day in the coming year become for you a confident step towards goodness, happiness and well-being.

Happiness to everyone, may our wishes come true! Believe in it - everything will be exactly like this!

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We hope that this site really helps you, charges you with positive energy and gives you faith that your wishes really do come true. Therefore, in this article we will look at another concept of wish fulfillment. This is, so to speak, another important component that allows wishes to come true. But not everyone knows about it. Perhaps they know, but they don’t realize it. This article is dedicated to wish fulfillment techniques.

Recently, the topic of wish fulfillment has been gaining momentum. Why? Because finally, the mystery is revealed. The secret of making wishes come true. Some people won’t believe this, but as they say: “To each his own” . You and I believe that wishes can come true if you find special equipment!!! Each person has his own. Still, every person thought and asked the question: “Why is that person more successful than me if he doesn’t even have a secondary education?”

There are people who are worse than you. Worse in intelligence, talent, skills (depending on which ones, of course). Well, they are worse than you and have much less experience than you. But they live better. And it seems that they were born that way. But is it?

Why is this happening?

We will not talk here about the power of thought and the laws of extension. You should have known this a long time ago. Why is this happening my answer is this : They are doing something right and they are doing it unconsciously. They think correctly. They feel right. They believe until the end. And so they do the right things. They go to the events that are true and necessary for them. Events do not fall on our heads. We are the ones going to them. And it depends on how our brain is wired. And our brain is a kind of compass. Whatever wave he is tuned to, that’s what he will follow throughout his life. Therefore, it is important to properly tune your brain. And not just for one day, but for the rest of your life. You won't get your first results tomorrow. Perhaps in a year. But this does not mean that you need to “hold out” for a year in order to get results immediately, as time passes. Of course not. Miracles will happen to you all the time!!! But only if you begin to turn your helm towards another life. And while you are wrapping, everything happens to you, as it happened before. So have the conscience to be constant. Agreed?

I described how to tune your brain to the desired wavelength in the book " Rainbow of Happiness." There are clever techniques that allow you to do this as quickly as possible. Although if you are not new to such matters, then you will still learn something new. This is not available anywhere on the Internet. Now about one component that we will reveal here.

The technique of wish fulfillment is an important component

Personally, I understood how wishes come true. I want you to understand too. If you really want to learn how to make your desires come true, then you can check out the course " Technique for making wishes come true from BC Chance." There you will learn about one more Very an important component that will allow you to fulfill your wishes. If you take this information seriously, the effect is guaranteed. Many have already done this, so do you, dear readers.

What kind of component is this that allows wishes to come true? It’s difficult to describe it in words or give it a name, but you must literally with your desire "soak up" What does it mean to be soaked? This means that you must (again, it’s difficult to explain in words), let’s say, see and feel your desire in everything. If you want to attract love, then you must feel it every day and see your love in everything. Here you are watching a romantic film, what happens there, all this is love, it happens to you (only positive moments). You are watching a video with your favorite singer, and this singer is your love.

You have to feel it every minute. Every thought you have should be connected to your desire. This happened to me, and my wish came true after 7 months and in an amazing way. I hope you understand what I mean.

Unfortunately, our words are the most primitive way we express anything. And yet I will still give an example. Do you want to attract into your life more money. You should also be imbued with this desire. Whatever you look at, listen to - it’s all connected with your desire - attract more money. You really live it.

Usually in such situations, when a person is really saturated with his desire, a filter of information occurs. You begin to notice everything related to your desire. If you wanted a Porsche 911, you even begin to notice them. On TV, for example. And, of course, you begin to notice your desire even where it is not there at all. For example, with the same car Porsche 911. You just notice something similar to it, like a sports car. And as soon as you saw it, another sports car, you thought about Porsche 911.

In addition, all your thoughts about what you want are positive. In other words, you don't have it, but you think you have it. You even felt it so plausibly that you are no longer particularly interested in it. You've had this for a long time and you're tired of it.

Every thought, every focus is directed towards your desire. You walk and feel joy at the same time. This can be compared to being told that you have won the car of your dreams and it will be delivered to you soon. How would you feel in moments of anticipation? That you already really have it. You would feel joy within yourself. It's the same here. You don’t have this, but you think differently!!! Why? Because our brain, as has been said more than once, does not distinguish the difference between the real world and the imaginary world. If you have replayed something in your head many times, then at the moment of realizing it, you no longer feel that it is something too special. Or that it was so scary to do it. For example, have you imagined how many times you went on stage and experienced (real) fear and nerves? You have done this so many times in your head that at the moment of this event, it seems that not everything turned out to be so scary.


For some time you will live your desire and see it in everything. You will be haunted by a feeling of inspiration and joy that this is truly yours. This is such a special feeling and difficult to describe. You can speed up this process if you use special techniques for this. You can also sign up for training 3-week training in wish fulfillment techniques. This is very powerful training.

In this article, we talked about one component that makes wishes come true. You can develop such a state—the state of “impregnation”—through meditation and performing special techniques through it. Actually, in this article I gave you all the recommendations. Then everything depends on you. So it was, so it is and so it will always be.

I wish you that your wishes really come true. So that you feel some kind of magical state. And, of course, may you always be lucky!!!

There are many rules for making a secret wish. This exercise outlines the main ones. This exercise describes specifically working with a desire, not a goal. For example, “I want to live in my own house” is a desire.

“I want to buy a house” - we decided on a house, chose it, calculated how much money we need to earn, outlined steps to make money - that’s all the goal.

A correctly conceived desire must be released (how to do this will be discussed at the end of the exercise). The most important thing is not to invent for the Universe, which one exactly in this way the desire will be fulfilled. For example, if again you want a house, you don’t need to dream of 10 million rubles to buy a house, dream of winning money or a house in the lottery, dream of an unknown inheritance being revealed and completely by chance you get the house of your dreams. The Universe is able to take care of your desire. So don’t stop the Universe from making your dream come true.

Imagine that your child asks you to give him 20,000. Almost under torture, you find out that the money is needed to buy a rare brand of bicycle. You promise that you will buy the bike yourself and begin your search. And every day your child begins to pester you - and you asked Uncle Vasya, maybe he knows where such bicycles are sold? Or maybe we should sell the piano so we can have money for a bicycle? But I saw my grandmother’s gold teeth. Are these teeth expensive? Or maybe if you sell them, there will be enough money for a bike? Let's put up a notice in the entrance that we are looking for such a bike! I saw a similar bicycle in a boy’s yard, maybe we can steal it? Agree that it would be much easier to search for a bicycle if your child did not interfere with you in this.

So here you go - just make a wish. Don’t get in the way, don’t be boring, don’t ask “quickly, quickly,” and don’t interfere. Wish and wait.

1. One specific wish. As mentioned above, the desire must be specific. Not “I need 10 million rubles for a house, car and travel,” but “I want a house.” Or “I want a car.” When you decide on your desire, here you can already specify it - a large house in the Moscow region, a silver Opel Mokko car, an automatic transmission, a new one, and so on.

2. The desire must be elementary. After making a wish, ask yourself - so what? For example, I want a job with a big salary → so what? I can afford to buy an apartment with a mortgage → so what? I will move away from my parents and be independent → so what? It will be happiness.

As soon as the answer to the question “so what” becomes feeling - happiness, joy, buzz, satisfaction, This means that this is an elementary final desire. In this case, the desire will not be “a job with a big salary” or even “ new flat”, and “independence from parents”. Look, if you make a wish “a big salary”, then it may well come true, but you still won’t have enough money for a mortgage. Or you will have so much work that you won’t even have time to go to the bank. Or your salary will increase, but prerequisite there will be employers - no mortgages or loans.

If the desire is formulated correctly - “independence from parents”, then it can be fulfilled in a variety of ways - parents will be able to buy Vacation home and move there and leave the apartment to you. Or they will offer you a job in London and provide you with an apartment there. Or suddenly you save a drowning man, and he turns out to be a millionaire and, as a sign of gratitude, will give you 10 million rubles. So, the wish you make must be elementary and final.

3. No one should get hurt. If you dream of an apartment, then the desire should not look like “I wish my great-aunt would die.” If you dream of a director’s position, then you don’t need to think “let the current director take a bribe and get fired.” It is quite possible that if you wish new position, then you will get it precisely because the previous director was dishonest. But it shouldn't be your fault. Dream what you want, and leave the ways of fulfilling your desires to the Universe.

4. Dream to ourselves. Not in the sense of silently, so that no one hears. And in the sense, the desire should not concern anyone but you. No “let my child study well,” “let my wife learn to cook,” “let my boss stop yelling at me.” If the desire just to yourself is completely out of your mind, then reformulate the desire in such a way that it concerns you directly. For example, “I want to be proud of my child’s studies,” “I want to eat with pleasure what my wife cooks,” “I want to enjoy communicating with my boss.”

5. And more, more. Unfortunately, wishes are not always fully fulfilled. You wanted new job with a salary of 200,000 rubles, but they offered only 100,000. We wanted to go on vacation to the Maldives, but went to Thailand. The more you desire, the more you receive. If you dreamed of a salary of 500,000, perhaps they would offer you a salary of 200,000 rubles. Dream to the maximum, to the fullest.

Try not to limit yourself with thoughts - all my friends are buying one-room apartments, and I will dream of a one-room apartment, I won’t be able to afford another. Dream about a three-room apartment. But! Another nuance is important here. The more you want your desire to come true, the greater the likelihood of it coming true. For example, if you have a wife (or husband), a child, a dog, then your dreams of a three-room apartment may well come true in the form of a two-room apartment, which, you see, is also not bad. But if all your life you have dreamed of living in a studio apartment somewhere in the center of Moscow on the top floor, then your dreams of a three-room apartment in a residential area may remain dreams. Dream to the maximum, but in such a way that you want this dream to come true. For example, if you dream of a palace with 15 rooms in the hope that you will end up with a 4-room apartment in the center, then, again, your dreams may not come true. It's hard to dream of a huge palace - but why? And who will clean all this up? What taxes will be on it? Want more, don’t limit yourself, but don’t invent too much. You must want your dreams to come true with all your heart.

6. And when? Don't tie your desire to a time frame. Let him go. When we set specific goals, the execution dates are very important - after all, we give the task to ourselves. In this case, the task is given to the Universe. Don't limit her possibilities. For example, you really want to become a chef at a fashionable restaurant in a year. And the Universe has the opportunity to make you a chef in only 14 months. If you stubbornly set boundaries in your desires - in a year I will become a chef, then you may not become one at all. In a year, the Universe will not be able to fulfill your dream, and in 14 months you don’t seem to need it - you stubbornly repeat about 12 months. Make a wish - let it go. Everything will be fulfilled exactly when it can be fulfilled in the best possible way.

7. Don't talk! Again, when you set goals for yourself, talking about them can even be useful. This helps you not to be lazy and do everything you have in mind. But when it comes to dreams, don’t tell everyone - I made a wish and now I’m waiting, it will probably come true soon. It’s not for nothing that desire is called secret - hide your desire from prying eyes.

8. All positive. Your desire should resonate in your soul. You should be pleased to think about it, dream, imagine how it will come true and how happy you will be about it. If you experience discomfort or negativity, perhaps this is not your desire? For example, you were born into a dynasty of doctors, and everyone is looking forward to you becoming a doctor too. And since childhood, you know that your destiny is to treat people and you dream of going to medical school. Your desire doesn’t look like: “Oh, I’ll be a doctor, I’ll save people!”, but “I wish I could enter this institute as soon as possible, then everyone will leave me behind.” You don’t want to constantly imagine how you study, how you get a diploma. This is not your desire. This is your parents' wish. You may go to college, but it is unlikely to bring joy and satisfaction. Look for those desires that are exactly yours. The fulfillment of which you would like even if your friends or parents did not find out about it.

9. Write it down so you don’t forget. Everything that we write down with pen on paper is stored in the subcortex. American scientists conducted a study: they asked people whether they wrote down their desires or kept them in their heads. Those who wrote down wishes turned out to be only about 10%. The rest dreamed mentally. When scientists surveyed the same group of people two years later, it turned out that almost all of the 10% who wrote had their dreams and desires fulfilled. For the rest, dreams remained dreams. Therefore, write down your desire in as much detail as possible, but without mentioning deadlines and ways of fulfillment, and put it in a secluded place. It will definitely come true.

Very, very often I am asked what technique to use to fulfill a particular desire. I'll tell you this... All techniques work differently for everyone. For example, “Glass of Water”, “Celestial 911” and some other techniques work well for me personally, for Svetlana Kuleshova - a wish card, a mirror, etc. For some, nothing works at all, then you need to deal with your blockages first.

You don’t have to use any techniques at all; the most important thing in fulfilling your desires is firm intention and action. But techniques help to tune in to what you want, to keep it in focus, thus the desire is often realized faster in some incredible way. But at the same time, I want to draw your attention to the fact that if your desire is very, very important, such that you can’t even think about anything else, and it hasn’t been realized for a long time, then it will be difficult for you to realize it with techniques alone. Although... anything has happened in our experience.

1. The most popular techniques for fulfilling desires

So, first of all, of course, the Book of Desires itself.

The essence of this technique: you write down your desire in the present tense, and if possible, add pictures. You can use any notebook for this, or use the free online Book of Desires on this site. Read more.

How effectively does it work? Judge for yourself! The Book also fulfills my wishes, although some take a lot of time. At the time of updating the article, more than 60 thousand fulfilled wishes were noted.

Card of Desires

There is another technique that is similar in effect - Card of Desires.

The essence of the technique: you select pictures that show what you want. Perhaps it will be a photo of a new car, a beautiful office if you are looking for a job, or maybe a happy newlyweds (you can glue your face), or maybe some country you would like to visit. Then you paste these pictures onto a large sheet of paper and hang it in the most visible place so that it is always in front of your eyes. And you will see how all your wishes gradually come true.

We have researched all possible information on creating working, effective wish cards, made many such cards for ourselves and our friends, and now we are pleased to offer article with all the details on how to make a wish card so that it works(even if wish cards didn’t work for you before). You can read more about this here:.

"Glass of water" technique

There is another great technique for making wishes come true with a glass of water. As far as I remember, it was proposed by V. Zealand, and subsequently it spread widely on the Internet.

The essence of the "Glass of Water" technique: you write your desire in an affirmative form on a piece of paper and place a full glass of water on this piece of paper. Rub your palms to form a clot of energy (if you don’t feel it, just imagine) and place them over the glass. Consciously affirm and visualize what you want to yourself, drink water and go to bed.

The technique is very effective, I have at least 2 wishes come true, and in the most as soon as possible literally in a few days.

You can learn more about this technique or find the original source.

Equipment "Celestial 911"

I also really like the Celestial 911 Technique.

The essence of the Celestial 911 technique: you need to completely relax and imagine a door behind which there will be a beautiful imaginary world, the way you want. You enter it and see... well, who likes what more... a small town on the seashore... a village in the mountains... In this world there are different institutions, for example, a bank where you can come and ask for money , and where you can meet the people you need who you can ask for help. In fact, you can ask for anything, in any case, you will get results.

Technique "Tomorrow I want"

An excellent technique for fulfilling small everyday desires, fulfillment rate up to 80%!

This is an amazing technique that will color your life. Have you ever thought about how your day might go tomorrow? What are your plans for him, your wishes for him? Write down what you want to get out of tomorrow. And... come tomorrow, you will be surprised how much has come true!

The essence of the technique: go to your personal section on the site, then here. Write down your wishes for tomorrow and rest assured, many will come true tomorrow, some a little later. .

A note in the book “Journey to a New Life”

This method was invented by readers of Svetlana Kuleshova’s book “Travel to new life" Or rather, it all started with a girl whose cherished wish thus came true. She wrote to us about this, and from that moment on, readers order a paper book, despite the cost of delivery, in order to also include their piece of paper with their wish. And there are already very, very many reviews that the wish has come true, we read them in reports at marathons, in reviews, on the gratitude page, by mail, etc. I personally have already made my wish, after reading these reviews, I am waiting for it to come true. Even Sveta’s husband put his wishes in her book) By the way, many of them have already come true.

Technique "Notebook 100 days"

There is another interesting method of fulfilling wishes, and I, of course, could not help but try to use it, since the reviews about it were the most encouraging. And I would like to immediately note that the first use gave excellent results, most of my wishes came true to one degree or another, but the second time it turned out to be much less effective. The technique is called “100 Day Notebook”.

The essence of the “100 Days Notebook” technique: you take a notebook or notebook and count out 100 pages. That works out to one page for each day. On the last page, write all your wishes, as usual, in the present tense and in the affirmative form. After that, every day on a new page, write down the steps to your desire, if any. You can read more details.

You really need to write something on every page, even if there are no changes, but at least about the mood or something else. The very first time I experimented with this technique, I was also working on expanding the range of accepting money, an idea for which I also got from the forum. In other words, every day I wrote down that I received 30 thousand rubles for some purpose (by the way, it was not so easy to figure out from day to day what I needed so much money for!), signed for their receipt and use. It just so happened that I wrote it down in this notebook. Unfortunately, I didn’t start receiving 30 thousand a day, but nevertheless, by the end of the term, my income almost doubled, and many of the wishes from the notebook, as I said, came true.

2. How to raise money? Best techniques

But still, you can use certain techniques to make more money in your life. Techniques also help to tune in to wealth.

Our favorites:

Money House

Very efficient technique, which was proposed by Svetlana Kuleshova - Money House. She herself writes about the results: “I managed to increase my income 3 times, large sums of 30,000 or 50,000 rubles began to appear at once. A car appeared.” Personally, I, my sister, our marathon participants and many site visitors have already made such houses for ourselves, and our income has increased.

The essence of the “Money House” technique: you need to create a beautiful house for money. You can use a box (don't forget to cut out windows and doors) or buy a ready-made house, after which you need to make furniture for this house. After that, put coins and a few bills in the house.

Money mat

Another technique from Svetlana Kuleshova, which received a lot of feedback, is the money mat. For example, the reviews are:

11-16-2015 Author: Diana
This is great! I couldn’t find a job for a long time; I had a hard time living with money at the expense of my parents. Since there was no money, I made the rug myself and knitted it for 2 days. I did everything according to the instructions, and after I activated it, amazing things began to happen. A friend offered me an excellent job, and they paid me every week; in the first week of work, I managed to exceed the plan and received 8,000 rubles. more. My hobby is doing makeup and one photographer invited me to work with him at a photo shoot, my work was noticed and now I also go out to do makeup for money, at various events and photo shoots. Just imagine 2 weeks ago I had nothing, but now I have so much and I always have money in my wallet. Thank you very much to the creators of the site, I now believe in the power of thought and miracles) 05-11-2015 Author: Zhenya
Ahhhh... It works. I find this incredible, but the facts say otherwise. 5 days ago I ran out and bought it. I don’t really believe in the phase of the moon, so I didn’t wait for the new moon, but I sincerely believed in my rug). And lo and behold, today I receive super news, in the month of October I had the most contracts for the sale of services of one company, the sales amount exceeded 3 million and this company awarded me a pleasant cash bonus and a vacation package to Prague for 4 days. To say I'm shocked is an understatement. Firstly, no one had talked about such a bonus before, and secondly, I didn’t even think that I had so many sales. I love your site and thank you very much for this technique.

The essence of the “Money Mat” technique: you'll need a nice new red rug. WITH reverse side on the rug you need to write “Wealth and success”, then place it at the entrance to the hallway, and under it a piece of paper with the phrase “My monthly income..... I am rich and very successful.” When leaving the house, stop on the rug, relax and imagine how it is filled with money, how the energy of wealth fills you.

You can get all the details and reviews.

I am a money magnet

This is an affirmation from the movie "The Secret" - I Money magnet. Say it to yourself every day.

I am a money magnet.
Everything I touch turns to gold.
I have more wealth than King Solomon's mines.
Money falls from the sky on me.
IN this moment Even more money is printed for me.
Ideas that bring money come to me every day.
I get unexpected checks in the mail.
I have more than enough money for everything I want.
I have the house of my dreams.
I have the best.
I am grateful for every day and celebrate it.
I know that when I ask for what I want, no matter what it is, no matter how impossible it may seem, if I believe and know that it is mine, the answer must be... "I listen and obey."

3. The best techniques for materializing things

The next two techniques that I want to introduce to you are great for getting some things, for example, a new cell phone, travel, a dress, etc. However, they can be used for any desire.

List of 10 wishes

Technique for fulfilling 25 wishes

The essence of the technique for fulfilling 25 wishes a little different: write down 25 wishes and treat yourself to something over the next 10 days. More details about this are discussed on the forum.

4. Techniques for fulfilling love desires

Love desires are usually the most difficult, because it is in them that the importance is off the charts, there are a lot of emotions. Therefore, no matter how difficult it may be, it is advisable not to get attached to specific persons and simply wish for happiness in love for yourself, to meet a loved one with whom you will have a serious relationship, but do not specify with whom. After this, you need to be distracted by various useful things, communicate with different people, without a hungry search for your soul mate.

You can use many of the techniques already listed, for example, a glass of water, a wish card and others. You can write a portrait of your future partner, but I don’t want to give this technique now, there are many nuances in it. Or you can try the ritual from Natalia Pravdina.

Attracting love

Many site visitors have tried the ritual from Pravdina’s book “I Attract Love...” This is a classic love ritual. It came to us from time immemorial and serves to affirm one’s own value, sets us up for a special wave of love, and helps to find the desired tender and romantic relationship with a loved one.

The essence of the “I attract love...” technique

You will need:
- pink or red candle;
- mirror;
- pen and sheet of pink paper;
- your own photo (the one where you like yourself is required);
- pink or red ribbon.

Make sure that no one disturbs you for 20. Turn off your phones. The world, with its bustle, can wait a little. Tune in to inner peace, joy and confidence in own strength. Learn to trust your feelings and knowledge. You can turn on some nice music. Wear clean clothes, preferably light-colored. All this helps create the right mood.

In a dimly lit room, light a candle so that its flame illuminates your reflection in the mirror. Try to look into your soul, thinking only about the good things that you want for yourself. Focus your thoughts on your own wonderful qualities, as well as your desire to start a new relationship.

Take several deep breaths and exhales, imagining that as you exhale, all your doubts, fears and worries about your appearance go away. After some time, take a pen and, being in a calm and relaxed state, draw an image of your desired lover on a sheet of pink paper. Here you can write a few words that come to your mind, for example: kindness, tenderness, harmony, etc.

Place your photo and drawing together and tie them with pink or red ribbon. Connect them together also in your imagination. Then hold these two sheets of paper to the mirror so that they are reflected in it and say the following words:
All my doubts have flown away, My heart is open to you, come, Future happiness is opening now, Joy and love are ahead.

Extinguish the candle using your fingers. Never blow on candles in such cases. Look in the mirror for a while. Particularly sensitive people may see the image of a pleasant person in the mirror. It may have nothing to do with your drawing, but that shouldn't bother you. Place the photograph and drawing linked together in your love sector or southwest.

Be absolutely sure that your invisible assistants are already literally turning over the earth in search of the best partner for you. Go to bed calmly, don’t tell anyone about your experience and soon you will see the result!

One of the reviews:

I did everything exactly, although I was a little afraid to look in the mirror in a dimly lit room. I wished for a husband from Europe, preferably from Germany. I thought of “parameters”, as the ritual says. And I forgot. Nothing “happened” for a long time. Other ideas and desires appeared than to get married in Germany. But a year later, I think, a friend from a dating service called me and asked if she could send my profile to a dating service in different countries. I easily agreed - not believing in the result. But after some time (I don’t remember how long), she called and said that I had received a letter from Germany that He wants to spend Christmas with you. There were first conversations on the phone in my clumsy German, there was a vacation with him, and then there was a marriage. He is as I wished for - reliable, strong, thrifty and - very sexy. Well, I had to “work hard” on the things that didn’t suit me, he changed - and is changing now (knowledge of psychology and various wise advice from books These are the pies. I live in Germany. It’s amazing that he chose me from a catalog where there were more than 800 ladies from Russia! (He later told me how he found me).
A small addition.
Using the same Book by Pravdina, I also glued together a house (from a children’s book of homemade crafts, and, as Pravdina recommends, I added “male attributes: shoes, a shirt, something else, I don’t remember anymore. I placed this entire structure in a certain sector in my a real house (according to Pravdina, I don’t remember which one).
Oh, yes - we must not forget about ourselves: I found a miniature photo of myself with a satisfied smiling face (so that it would fit in the house - and glued it to the wall inside it). That is, as I remember now, I reinforced this ritual with something like this. And a figurine of two white doves, tied with a pink ribbon, still stands in the love sector in my bedroom. I used a heart shaped music box. According to Pravdina, you should always have everything double, so I glued the second heart. She put her wish for marriage in the box. Periodically, she opened it to let the music play—to remind the heavens of her desire.
It turns out that I used different techniques - for one desire. But that didn't stop me. Apparently, the point is not to internally stress about desire. Otherwise, you reinforce a desire, or perform some kind of repeated ritual - this does not mean that you become fixated. I cleaned up my toy house only last year, when I went to Russia. To strengthen her status, “Frau” did not clean for so long.
That's not all! According to N. Pravdina, there should always be something sweet in the love sector. I had:
TWO chocolate hearts
TWO chocolate roses

Free yourself from love addiction

If you are going through a difficult period right now, for example, you are going through a divorce, be sure to use it. Below I describe how it helps unlock creativity, but it is just as effective in helping you get through tough times.

Making wishes come true in love

And of course, I can’t help but mention my own technique for fulfilling desires, which I use and describe in the webinar “Fulfilling desires in love and reducing importance” (attached to it is “The author’s technique for fulfilling desires. How I realize my desires”).

5. Improved relationships

Hawaiian Cleansing Technique or Ho'oponopono

A very popular technique that produces incredible results is the Hawaiian Cleansing Technique or Ho'oponopono. This was the first time I heard about it, and since then I have repeatedly used it to solve some problematic situations. Many visitors to the site also talked about their experiences: with the help of this technique you can solve many problematic situations, but it works especially well for improving relationships. If you have difficulties (conflicts, misunderstandings, etc.) with your mother-in-law, mother, colleagues, girlfriend, or anyone, try this technique. Very soon you will see changes. But I want to warn you that sometimes the situation temporarily worsens, it seems that it has become even worse. You have to experience this, continue to do it, systematically, every day, and then everything will be harmonized.

The essence of the Ho'oponopono technique:
Since a person creates his surrounding reality with his thoughts, it is worth starting the process of cleansing from himself by soulfully repeating the following phrases:
1. I'm really sorry
2. Forgive me
3. Thank you/I thank you
4. I Love You

Mental conversation

There are a huge number of varieties of this technique; you can communicate with a person on a mental level using meditation, incl. aimed, for example, at working out the relationship specifically with your mother, but you can do this in any form, mentally. For example, one of the site visitors suggests this method:

The essence of the “Mental Conversation” technique (quote):

Almost everyone who works a lot with people, for example, with store visitors, beauty salon clients, etc., sometimes experiences irritation and fatigue. There are psychological explanations for this (when clients show aggression, complain a lot, etc.) and esoteric (when you are energetically and emotionally devastated). If this is your case, then try placing a water bottle near your work area. The water will take negative energy. At the end of each working day, throw this bottle away. Advice from the forum will help you psychologically tune in to the client:

“Try to see a person in each of your clients. Imagine that you came to yourself and met yourself in such a terrible mood. I don't think you would like it. Clients also annoy me from time to time. And when this happens, I go and... pour them tea, put candy on the saucer, smile, and they immediately become so good-natured too. And my irritation disappears as if by hand. In a moment of strong irritation, do the opposite: talk to people, you can exchange a couple simple phrases like: “Wow, how wet you are, the weather is terrible! Warm up” And force a smile! And yet, you don’t need to come to work with the expectation that now...these freaks will come again, etc. Imagine that a fat girl with a laugh will come in, followed by a handsome guy, then a modest man with glasses... that's enough for your imagination. I think sooner or later you’ll actually see them.”

6. Solve the problem, conflict

The best technique that will help you solve a problem as quickly as possible (resolve a situation, sell a house, get documents, etc.) is our Problem Destroyer. I know, you already thought that this was some kind of nonsense. How can this work? And so, first of all, the Destroyer reduces its importance. You throw out emotions, calm down, and loosen control.

The essence of the technique:

Read more about Morning Pages.

9. Answers to frequently asked questions about wish fulfillment techniques

Is it possible to use several different techniques for one desire?

Answer: you can! But don’t get carried away, two or three is enough. It is important not to get hung up, calmly and consistently follow the given rules and let go. Some techniques are performed once, others need to be repeated (for example, water spell).

Why do you describe techniques for fulfilling desires if the most important thing is to let go of the desire? After all, while you are doing it, you only think about it all the time.

Techniques are partly a “lightning rod”)) Ie. While you are performing this or that technique, you shift your attention, and if your faith is strong, you calm down. So the importance decreases a little. In addition, by making, for example, a Money House or a Wish Card, you clearly formulate what exactly you want, affirm your intention, and invest energy. The process starts. But then you don’t need to constantly return your thoughts to what you want, worry, worry that everything has not yet come true. We need to switch to other areas of life.

How to properly approach any technique for fulfilling desires?

Easy and like playing! Try to get maximum positive emotions, do not hang heavy, gloomy expectations. They played it as if it were a joke, decided for themselves: “it will come true, it will be great, but if not, it means it will work out later or something else, even better,” and left it. Very often my wishes were instantly fulfilled the first time I used the technique. But then everything, stopper, nothing worked. For example, a glass of water worked for two days on an unrealistic desire. Then from the heels of the glasses there were other desires - that’s it, it didn’t work. Because there was no longer a game, it all became very serious, it was immediately expected that it would work out quickly. I relaxed, abandoned this technique for a year, then tried it again just like that - it worked.

Is it possible not to use any techniques at all?

Certainly! Eco-friendly wishes will still come true sooner or later. I said above that the main thing is your unshakable intention to get what you want and at least some steps towards this. But techniques help you tune in to your desire and get it faster; something mysterious happens that brings you closer to your goal. Sometimes very, very quickly. I don't have any clear explanations. I myself have tried a million techniques, quite successfully, now, at the present time, I use almost nothing else, except for experimentation. True, I have the Money House)

Friends, remember, no matter what technique you use to fulfill your desires, you must definitely reduce the importance (this has already been talked about a lot, read the article What is inflated importance and how to reduce it?), not be tied to deadlines, take some actions, not expect that everything will work out on its own right away. The Universe will give you opportunities, information, send the right people, but whether you use it or not depends on you.

Read also:

Showing the last 100



Good afternoon Svetlana, please tell me the 100 days technique. Sorry, I didn't find the answer to my question. Will it be possible to write on the waning moon, or does it not matter? After all, most receiving techniques are done for a growing month. I want to write on my birthday, and it falls on a waning month. Thank you in advance for your answer!
Answer: According to my observations, it does not matter.


You can ask if these wishes come true
Answer: Executed)


Please tell me if I can help you for a pet(cat,) get rid of the disease? Maybe there was some positive experience. Thank you
Answer: Answer from Svetlana: Destroyer of problems or Book of Desires. I used it.


Hello! Please tell me if any techniques have contraindications for use by pregnant women. I want to try everything and choose the ones that work for me. The Celestial 911 technique is very interesting. Thank you in advance!
Answer: Usually you can do anything, but I wouldn’t start energy practices during pregnancy. "Celestial 911" is possible.


Please tell me one more thing. And if you have your own book by Rhonda Byrne, can you give it as a gift? But taking into account the fact that I want to buy a new one, this can’t have a negative impact on my giving away the old one? They just say what is not allowed, what is bad, etc. and now I'm confused and can't understand.
Answer: Why is it bad? Give it as a gift.


What to do with the notebook 100 days after the wish or wishes come true?
Answer: Whatever you want. I kept an email, it just went into the archives.


Hello. Please tell me.
1. A notebook of 100 days must be numbered on each page, for example, day 1 on the first page, day 2 on the second page. Do you only need to write down the days on one side of the sheet and on the back, or only on the first part of the sheet? For example, on one side the first day, on the second the second day? Which is better?
2. When is the best time to start keeping a notebook? On the arrival of the moon or on the departure? Will Monday be ok?
Answer: 1. Not necessary, but possible. Write as much as you want. 2. I was not tied to any deadlines.


Sorry for one more question, but if the notebook has not been maintained for a couple of weeks, is it better to start a new one? and is it possible to have several notebooks at once?
Answer: No, continue. Better one notebook at a time.


Jar with raspberry jam) and the inscription - work-raspberry. I just don’t remember how to write and what to do next
Answer: Maybe it was on the forum. I don't remember anything like that.


Hello! Happy holidays!
I kept a notebook for 100 days for about a week, then I forgot and didn’t write it down for three days. What should I do? start a new one? what to do with the last one?
And on the site I once read about techniques on how to find a job (jar of jam, etc.) now I can’t find it, please help. Thank you.
Answer: Continue this message. I don’t remember anything about the jar of jam, there was an article “How to attract work” in the money section.


How should I write, for example, if I don’t want my mother to leave?
Answer: Well, you do it yourself.

Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /home/magicf/site/forum/includes/bbcode.php on line 483

Answer: Yes, the forum now has errors, we will fix it.


Hello, I have a technical question. In the description of the hoonopono technique there is a link to a forum to read more about it. When you go to the link, there is text with these hieroglyphs on line 483

Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /home/magicf/site/forum/includes/bbcode.php on line 483. Is it just me?
Answer: No, actually it’s an error, thank you, I’ll contact the provider tomorrow.


Hello! Based on your tip, I read the book “911”. My problem is poor eyesight, I want to improve it to the point of not wearing glasses. But I can’t carry out this operation in front of the mirror; I see myself vaguely in the reflection, I have to fantasize, and it turns out that I’m breaking the procedure. Can you tell me something? Or maybe there is some other working equipment based on vision? Thank you.
Answer: “The Experience of a Fool or the Path to Insight” read.


Is it possible to create a “Comic of Desires” (a comic book of an ideal life)?
Answer: I don't know what it is.


Is it possible to make a wish album? From black and white pictures (not photos)? And my photo is only on the cover, but not inside?
Answer: Make it up.


But in the “100 days notebook” technique, do you need a notebook for 100 sheets or 50 sheets (100 pages)?
Answer: 50 sheets will do.


My son (16 years old) has epilepsy. Constantly has outbursts of aggression. Please advise how to correctly formulate a desire (so that the attacks of aggression stop) and what is the best way to choose to fulfill the desire? (treatment prescribed by a psychiatrist helps poorly)... Thank you!
Answer: I see my son healthy and calm.


Good afternoon.
I’ve been wanting my own apartment for many years now, I even moved to Moscow to earn money, but it doesn’t work out. I lent money to a man, but he doesn’t pay it back; in November it will be two years since he took it. Other wishes come true. But I can’t get an apartment. What else can I try? I work a lot. I'm afraid to take out a mortgage. I want to win an apartment. Help with advice. Thank you.
Answer: I don’t really understand, what have you already tried, besides moving to Moscow?


Hello. I have such a desire. I really want to get pregnant with two girls this year. And so that I don’t gain weight during pregnancy, since I’m a little overweight. Which method is best for me?
Answer: Intention and visualization. Better yet, eco...


Good afternoon. I have a very secret desire (I would even say the desire of my whole life). I really want to become a werewolf (no matter how stupid it may sound to someone, but this is my most sincere desire). Or gain the power of a werewolf wolf. Will my wish come true?
Answer: I doubt it.


Where should I put the piece of paper and when?
Answer: what leaf?


Hello. “100 days notebook” technique I read and read, but still don’t understand, so should there be 100 pages in a notebook or 100 sheets? And a few more clarifications: 1. Do you want to write on page 100 or 101, and describe the hundred days with your actions or do you have 99 days left?
2. if there are many desires, about ten of them, write every day what you did to fulfill each one? Or can you simply describe how your day went and it will work for all your desires?
3. write every day what actually happened or can you write what you would like to happen, naturally in the present tense?
Please tell me! I may be repeating myself with questions, but I want to understand the technique more precisely so that it works. Thank you!
Answer: follow the link in the article and read all the details. Write the real thing. 100th sheet.


Hello. I apologize right away, I may be repeating someone else’s question, but I didn’t find a similar one among the ones I read. The “glass of water” technique, is it possible to make the same wish on a glass every day until it comes true? Or is this a one-time technique (for one desire), done once and that’s it, wait? Not every time a different desire, but the same one. Is it possible? Thank you!
Answer: you can do the same thing.


People, do you read previous comments? Why ask the same stupid questions, and even
and with monstrous mistakes! Have pity on the author of the article!


Hello. Tell me, the “glass of water” technique, a piece of paper with a wish, after drinking the water, what to do with it? Throw it away, burn it, or store it until your wish comes true?
Answer: whatever you want. Not specified in this case.


Tell me, is it possible to indicate a date in the “Glass of Water” technique, if I don’t get attached to it, will I let it go?
Answer: if it’s important, please indicate, but it’s better to get by.


I didn't understand the Glass of Water technique. "Rub your palms to form a clot of energy and place them over the glass, consciously affirm and visualize to yourself what you want - I didn’t understand these lines a little? Please explain!
Answer: I didn’t understand the question, what’s unclear?


Do you need to write on the piece of paper that you missed? or just leave this unwritten piece of paper and start with a new one
I'm about
Thank you!!
Answer: what are you talking about? what leaf?


Hello, if I missed a day of the “100 Days Notebook”, do I already have the desire not to wake up and do I need a new notebook? And can you write a wish so that it comes true within the chosen time frame?
Answer: a new notebook is not needed, continue with this one. The second question is not about this technique, as far as I understand?


And using which particular technique, you can make a wish so that it comes true within the chosen time frame.
Answer: Try the 100 Day Workbook.


How often can you perform the “Glass of Water” technique? I mean, is it possible to make one wish on the first day, another on the second, etc. Or do you need some time before using the equipment again? Or should I not use it at all until my first wish comes true?
Answer: I haven’t checked, but I think it’s possible.


Is it possible in the 30,000 technique to record that I spend it, for example, on an expensive fur coat that costs 200,000? And the next day write that I am again spending money on the same fur coat, and so on until the fur coat is paid for? Or do you need to completely “buy out” something right away? And can I have a sample of how to fill it out, otherwise I don’t really understand documents and how to fill them out)
Answer: a fur coat is possible. There is no sample, what do the documents have to do with it? Use your imagination.


I want to try the Glass of Water technique. I have been wanting a Yorkshire terrier for a very long time, my mother says that she is not against it, but there is not enough space.
Are there any chances that the wish will come true?
Answer: yes


Hello, I’m talking about the “100 days notebook” technique. Do I have to sign that this is a 100 day notebook? Or is it not necessary? And should I start describing something right now when I started a notebook?
Answer: It is not necessary to sign. Start from the next day.


Hello, I have a question about the 100 days notebook. It says that you need 100 sheets (pages), but can you have 96 sheets and a drawing on a notebook?
Answer: try it.


Thank you very much for sharing with us! I really liked it! Please answer the question about the glass technique water - where to put pieces of paper with written down desires? Throw them away or save them until finished. desires?
Answer: I threw it away.


Encouraging advice, you need to try, believe, have a positive attitude... everything ingenious is simple....


What about techniques for making wishes come true?
Answer: I did not understand your question.


Hello! I have a question for you. I read Louise Hay's book about wish fulfillment. If I'm not mistaken, I've been recording 6 wishes since the end of March. I filled out 2 notebooks in 4 months (until mid-July), wrote 6 wishes, but the wishes have not yet come true. Then I kept a new notebook with a key from mid-July to early August. Can I leave this new notebook with the key somewhere else after completion without keeping it myself? I keep 2 notebooks at home without a key with 6 wishes (for 4 months). Now I continue to write. Or should I keep it for myself?
Answer: I haven't read this book.


Is it possible to make a wish map in Photoshop? And then put it on your computer desktop or phone screen?
Answer: read the article Map of Desires. Everything is there.


Hello. The "Glass of Water" technique. Can I have several wishes at once?
Answer: not advisable.


I want to sell my apartment urgently, how to write a wish correctly for the glass of water technique
Answer: yourself)


I tried the “glass of water” technique, it worked for me


Should I only do one?
Answer: what one?


I want to become an excellent student at school. Can I keep a notebook for 100 days? Or, using the 10 wishes technique, you can write it like this: am I an excellent student in my class?
Answer: you can


Or can you write a glass of water like this: I have a brand new iPhone 5s
Answer: you can


Is it possible to keep two books at once for 100 days? Or number all the desires at the end of the notebook, and describe my steps in order every day? For example: 1) I have a BMW 2) I have my own three-room apartment. And I describe 1) I earned 5 thousand rubles today. 2) I agreed with the apartment.
And it turns out that by the end of the term all wishes will come true if I comply with everything?
Answer: write several wishes in one notebook.


I very much wish and want to sing purely and beautifully, so that everyone would be pleased with my timbre of voice, etc.
Is this possible? What is the best technique to use? And how can one better form the desire?
Answer: I do not recommend technology. Sami.


Good afternoon Please tell me, in the method with water, then what should I do with the leaf on which the water stood? Can I use it a second time? And I also saw on the forum that you can’t use running and boiled water, is that true? Which one should I take then?
I also wanted to ask about the prayer to Saint Martha. Is this a prayer or a conspiracy? Is it important which moon to start on?
Answer: Do whatever you want with the leaf. Personally, I did it with regular water, successfully. I don't know if there really is a difference. I answered about the moon a hundred times in questions and answers, look, it happened recently. I can’t answer about the prayer to St. Martha, it’s floating around on the Internet, I haven’t tried it myself or suggested it. They seem to have written on the forum that it works.

Answer: Read the technique again. There is no need to put the piece of paper inside the glass.


6 of my paintings were stolen from me (I am an artist), I know that they were stolen in my entrance ((((There is no hope for the police. How can I get them back to me? Also with a glass of water?
Answer: try it.


My greatest dream is to become a werewolf. Will it come true?
Answer: of course!


And if after the technique with a glass of water you eat or drink something, will your wish no longer come true?
Answer: why?


In the “Glass of Water” technique, does the glass have to be full?
Answer: why not... is this a problem? Better full.


thanks for interesting article auto RU! I enjoyed reading it and hope to use it. I decided to read the comments and I was so surprised by the level of the contingent. In principle, nothing is impossible, and if someone wants to become a mermaid or a werewolf, it is quite possible - besides, in our time - go to a plastic surgeon, pay a tidy sum and he will make even a vampire out of you) It’s simply amazing to people nowadays how realistic this is they want and are afraid to ask about their real desires and try to stand out when they write all sorts of nonsense like vampires and fairies. All techniques motivate people not to get lost in unnecessary things and watch stupid programs on TV, but to focus on the real goals (desires) they need and develop a way to achieve them. When you clearly define your desires, you do not waste time on all sorts of nonsense, but follow the path you have chosen. So don't be afraid to want something. Just choose them correctly. May your wishes bring beauty, kindness and your personal well-being into the world!



I get excellent grades in all subjects, but one (mathematics) just doesn’t work out for me, what can I do? Will it come true if you make 10 wishes?
Answer: there is no point in reading anymore. You can replace it.


And what exactly is the limit? Can you be a little more detailed?
Answer: everyone has their own limits, depending on the level of personal energy, faith, awareness and other factors.


Here's my question. Do these techniques fulfill all your dreams?
Now, what if I want to become a psychic, and I make a wish, will it come true? Or if I want to become a mermaid, witch, werewolf, vampire or other mythical creature! Will they awaken or is there a limit?
Thank you for your attention!
Answer: there is a limit


Hello, I have a list of 10 wishes, so if a wish comes true, should I cross it off the list? but then there will be 9 wishes on the list. maybe write a new one to replace it? and when the desire will be fulfilled in what time frame.
There is nothing about this in the article!
Answer: The article cannot have everything, especially the timing. Try it.


I have a question. Now, if there are 10 wish lists in tech. If you had a desire to cross it out? But then the list will be 9 wishes.
Or if the desire arises, just replace it with a new one?
Because the article doesn’t say anything!
Answer: check the boxes


I didn’t really understand about the glass of water! I only understood: write your desire on paper, and put a glass of water on top of it, what does it mean to grind?, drink and sleep!
Answer: read the description again.....


I read the article list10 wishes! but I still don’t understand, is it possible when you write a desire to write, for example: I want to sing) could you write like that? with the words I WANT! or I WANT!
Answer: what was given to you is what I want. If the author does not clarify this point, write according to the general rules.


And in the glass of water technique, would such a formulation of a wish be suitable?: “I have an unusual seven-flowered flower that fulfills wishes. It lies on my table and looks very similar to a daisy, but the petals of this flower are all the colors of the rainbow.”?
Answer: it will do, but it won’t come true.


Is it possible to use the word I WANT in the wish fulfillment technique (a list of 10 wishes)?
Answer: there is an article on the site with this technique, read what the author suggests. Although personally, in any rules, I am inclined to adhere to the principles that I described in “How to correctly formulate a desire”


Well, since I can’t become a werewolf with the help of a glass of water, then with the help of this technique I will wish myself a seven-flowered flower and then I can become a werewolf :))))))

Answer: I don’t know, I didn’t do it and I don’t see the point in it.


What, yes, you can also turn into an animal???
Answer: and even a mermaid, of course)


Is it possible to change your appearance using the technique of wish fulfillment?
Answer: it is better to use other techniques for this. We do this at the beauty marathon.


I am 25 years old, and I just can’t have normal relationships with men. a serious relationship lasted 2.5 years when I was in school, I left him. After that I didn’t date anyone else. Men see me only as a friend, comrade, and if anyone sees me, they are losers, drug addicts, drunks, etc. My appearance is quite pretty and feminine.
I REALLY want to find a worthy man to start a family and have children. Tell me what is the best way to approach and how to correctly formulate desires. Thanks a lot
Answer: I doubt it


Is it possible with a glass of water technique to use an ordinary white cylindrical cup with a tiny little piece missing?
Answer: it doesn’t matter what cup. The glass is conditional.


Everyone says that you need to let go of your dream and then it will come true. And if my desire is so great that I cannot let it go, what should I do?
Answer: you won’t believe it, but every person’s desire is also very great)))


Thank you! very interesting, I want to share one technique that works great. There is a black square on the Internet, or I forgot what it is also called, in general, you add up the numbers on it, subtract them, and in the end they show various symbols, there is a mathematical calculation there, I guessed about it, but how exactly, no, and therefore I made various wishes, all of them I was fulfilled until my husband said exactly how all this was calculated, of course I was offended by my husband because I didn’t want to know how it worked, the main thing for me was that my brain took it for granted and my wishes came true, one more a powerful technique that I have tested: when you sit in the toilet against the other, if there is a door or wall, hang a paper with your wish written or about how rich you are. WORKS!


I made a wish using the Glass of Water technique. and I dreamed of a person who directly related to my desire, but I didn’t dream of him for a very long time. Could this mean something? about the fulfillment of a wish
Answer: most likely you were just thinking about him, that’s why you dreamed about him.