In the midst of complete health, you suddenly began to notice unusual symptoms that were not there before. For example, for unknown reasons, your heart rate increases, you are worried about dry mouth or other unpleasant sensations. Do not ignore these alarm bells, because each of them carries information about certain problems in your body. Perhaps, to eliminate the problem, it will be enough to adjust your diet and improve your lifestyle, but it is possible that you will have to take your health seriously. Moreover, the sooner you do this, the easier it will be to fix the problem.

Do you lick your lips often? Keep in mind: if this happens outside, the skin becomes chapped and dries out. Often this condition is caused by a lack of vitamins and amino acids. Another reason may be the use of poorly selected cosmetics - cream or lipstick to which you are allergic. For some people, the skin of the lips “does not like” nicotine: it reacts with inflammation and dries out. If cracks have formed in the corners of the mouth, this may be due to infection with staphylococcus or yeast.

What to do

If the problem has just arisen, try to work on it yourself. For example, change your lipstick, increase your water consumption (at least 1.5 liters per day). Choose a moisturizing balm or hygienic lipstick containing vitamins A and E. Review your diet. Make sure it contains butter, liver, meat, dairy products, oatmeal, brown bread, vegetables and fruits. At night, do a light lip massage with a softening cream. And be sure to see a doctor: you may need medication treatment.

If you notice that blood appears in your mouth while brushing your teeth, pay attention to your gums. Are you using your brush too hard? Choose another one with softer bristles. But you should know that bleeding gums occur in many diseases, such as gingivitis, diabetes mellitus, hemophilia, vitamin C deficiency.

What to do

See a doctor and get tested (blood clotting, prothrombin level). If platelets and prothrombin index decrease, bleeding time increases, you should contact a hematologist. Eat more fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin C. Take a multivitamin. It is good to rinse your mouth with a decoction of oak bark, St. John's wort or yarrow (they have tanning properties).

Often the lower eyelid may suddenly twitch, although this unpleasant phenomenon can also occur with the upper eyelid. The reasons are stress, overwork, excessive use of strong coffee, prolonged work at the computer, sleep disorders, as well as allergic reactions on household dust or pollen of flowering plants. IN severe cases neurological problems occur.

What to do

Find out and eliminate the cause: normalize sleep, adjust visual stress. Buy special computer glasses. Contact an ophthalmologist to check your visual acuity, and, if necessary, a neurologist.

Sometimes your hands tremble after excessive physical exertion. Also, fingers may tremble with strong excitement. As a rule, after the situation returns to normal, the shaking goes away. Tremor is observed with alcohol abuse, serious nervous disorders. In old age, hand tremors may indicate the onset of Parkinson's disease.

What to do

For frequently recurring tremor, you need to consult a neurologist. If, along with trembling of the hands, coordination of movements is suddenly impaired, the face turns red, and vomiting begins - these are signs of acute poisoning. Call a doctor immediately!

You've probably noticed that after working too hard, black dots, “strings”, or both at the same time float before your eyes. In most cases, such unpleasant phenomena are the result of overstrain of the retina. But this may also indicate destructive changes in the vitreous body of the eye that occur with diabetes mellitus, vascular diseases and metabolic disorders.

What to do

Reduce eye strain as much as possible, or at least take breaks throughout the working day, and alternately look into the distance and at nearby objects from time to time. In more serious cases, it is necessary to be examined to determine the disease and act on it.

This unpleasant phenomenon can ruin even the sweetest dream. Sometimes the sweating is so profuse that you have to change your bed at night. This happens with influenza and others. viral diseases when the fever drops sharply. Although it is possible that you are covering yourself with a blanket that is too warm. But if there are no indicated reasons, it is necessary to find out whether there is some ailment hidden behind hyperhidrosis (thyroid disease, pulmonary tuberculosis).

What to do

Most likely, you will need to consult an endocrinologist or phthisiatrician. The examination will include blood tests (general and sugar) and urine, chest X-ray, and thyroid examination.

This rather unpleasant sensation can occur with viral and infectious diseases accompanied by high temperature, vomiting, diarrhea, blood loss, and also signal the onset of certain ailments (anemia, diabetes, hypertension, rheumatoid arthritis and a number of others). Saliva production is reduced due to smoking, taking antidepressants, tranquilizers, painkillers, cold medicines, antihistamines and other medications.

What to do

Discuss the likely causes of the problem with your doctor. Perhaps, to restore the natural moisture in the mouth, he will prescribe a mouth rinse or a drug that stimulates salivation. You will also have to change some habits, since reduced salivation increases the risk of developing gingivitis (inflammatory gum disease), tooth decay and various oral infections (for example, thrush),

In a woman, facial hair growth can be hereditary, constitutional, or due to diseases of the endocrine system. Very often, hirsutism accompanies polycystic ovary syndrome. According to statistics, hair growth male type occurs in 10-12 percent of women.

What to do

Before starting an irreconcilable war against excess hair using various depilation methods, be sure to consult a gynecologist-endocrinologist. Perhaps he will prescribe hormonal medications.

An increased heart rate can be caused by anxiety, fear, or excitement. You can feel your heart beating faster when climbing stairs or moving vigorously. And this is natural. However, if this happens without visible reasons, you need to think about it. Rapid heartbeat may be a manifestation of the initial stage of neurosis, arrhythmia or thyrotoxicosis, when blood circulation becomes too active.

What to do

Analyze your lifestyle and try to treat what is happening more calmly, and even better - with a sense of humor. But if your heart is in a hurry, not only after worries, but also without them, contact a cardiologist so as not to expose yourself to the risk of more serious heart problems.

An experienced doctor can appearance language to assess the patient's health status. An unusual color or appearance of the tongue indicates a problem in the body. For example, a yellow coating indicates problems in the gastrointestinal tract, a white and dense coating indicates food poisoning, a dark red tongue indicates disorders in the cardiovascular system and problems with the lungs, and when there is a loss of strength, the tongue has a pale blue tint. White spots on the tongue indicate stomatitis or thrush.

What to do

If you notice that your tongue doesn't look like itself, don't panic. See a specialist to dispel doubts or solve the problem at the very beginning.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia affects the functioning of various organs. The variety of symptoms makes diagnosis difficult. Eye floaters are one such controversial phenomenon. This sign can be as simple as blurred vision from fatigue, it can indicate the development of pathology of the visual system or signal a disorder such as VSD.

The role of the autonomic nervous system

The autonomic nervous system is responsible for regulating the functioning of all organs. Salivation and changes in pupil size, increased body temperature and production of digestive juices, acceleration and deceleration of heart function, changes in blood pressure - this is far from full list regulatory functions performed by different parts of the spinal cord. The signal from it reaches the organ through nerve endings automatically, bypassing the brain. The system consists of two sections that have the opposite effect: sympathetic (responsible for activating an organ or process) and parasympathetic (responsible for inhibiting the process, slowing it down). When the neural connection between spinal cord and one or another part of the body is disrupted, VSD occurs. Moreover, the organ itself does not have any pathological changes.

Enter your pressure

Move the sliders

The disease is manifested by poor health, frequent headaches and emotional outbursts.

VSD has a wide range of symptoms. This is due to the complex effect of the autonomic nervous system on the entire body. It is in the system where there is a loss of balance between the spinal cord and the organ that the disorder occurs. The patient passes big number examinations, trying to find the cause of the ailment. During the study, it turns out that the seemingly affected organ is healthy, and the person feels symptoms of vegetative-vascular dysfunction. After its correction, everything painful sensations pass. However, if you do not pay attention to the manifestations of dystonia, its signs can provoke dangerous disease. Symptoms of VSD include:

  • An increase or decrease in blood pressure, which is accompanied by visual disturbances in the form of spots before the eyes or a veil.
  • Pain in the heart area, irregular heartbeat.
  • Difficulty breathing, lack of air, yawning.
  • Drowsiness or, conversely, sleep disorders.
  • Abdominal pain, digestive system disorder.
  • Frequent urination, disorder menstrual cycle(in women), the appearance of prostatitis (in men).
  • Chills and coldness in the extremities or, conversely, a rush of heat to the face.
  • Disturbances in the psycho-emotional sphere, a state of apathy.

Floaters before the eyes with VSD

To exclude or confirm a disease that may not be related to vision, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Patients describe floaters in front of their eyes as white dots, sometimes with a black rim, flickering ribbons or bright spots. A person sees all these objects due to the fact that they do not transmit light. Floaters can be a sign of various diseases: retinal detachment, destruction of the vitreous, anemia, brain tumor, VSD, bleeding inside the eye, infectious diseases. In addition, floaters and blurred vision may appear during pregnancy or be the result of taking certain medications.

Floaters as a symptom of VSD

With vegetative-vascular dysfunction, it can sharply increase or decrease arterial pressure patient. In both cases, cerebral blood flow is disrupted. The blood vessels of the eyes also experience a lack of oxygen. Retinal ischemia begins, and the patient sees spots or flying spots before the eyes. The condition is accompanied, especially with a sudden change in body position.

Eye floaters are a common ophthalmological symptom associated with a variety of diseases. The pathology is more common in the elderly, but can also develop in young and healthy people. Such a defect usually does not affect visual acuity, but causes severe discomfort, because a person sees surrounding objects as if through a dirty lens. Despite the fact that foreign spots in front of the eyes are not dangerous to health, it is necessary to consult a specialist in a timely manner to find out the cause of this problem.

Symptom Definition

Floaters before eyes

From a medical point of view, black dots before the eyes are polymorphic opacities in the viewing radius that have different shapes, color and area. They can look like black, sometimes white threads, dotted elements or rings. Floaters before the eyes are easier to notice on a white or light blue background, such as the sky. Pathology can occur once or be a chronic symptom of the disease. Often a person does not pay attention to such a problem, but consults a doctor when the number of flies increases significantly and the duration of outbreaks increases. In this case, it is recommended to consult an ophthalmologist in a timely manner in order to promptly determine the source of such pathology.

Destruction of the vitreous body

The appearance of any dots, waves or circles before the eyes is a signal of vision problems. Timely consultation with a doctor allows you to detect the disease in the early stages, which significantly improves the prognosis for treatment.


If floaters appear before your eyes, you should consult an ophthalmologist. The primary methods for diagnosing pathology are direct or indirect ophthalmoscopy, as well as biomicroscopic examination. If no problems with the visual organs are identified, then additional examinations are prescribed by other specialized specialists. CT and MRI of the brain, blood sugar tests, plus examination of the cardiovascular system using ultrasound and ECG are used as auxiliary diagnostic methods.

Treatment methods

Since floaters before the eyes are not a disease, but only a symptom, the choice of treatment methods depends entirely on the causes this problem. Depending on the diagnosis, conservative therapy may be prescribed, laser correction, as well as surgical methods for treating glass body pathologies.

Types of eye drops and a list of their names can be found in.

  • Today there is no universal medication to treat floaters before the eyes, therefore complex therapy is prescribed. It includes taking medications that stabilize the blood supply, instilling restorative drops, as well as taking vitamins with a high content of lutein to strengthen the structural components of the visual organs;
  • Laser vision correction is especially effective if the spots in front of the eyes were caused by a retinal defect. Often this is a rupture or detachment of its components; Recommendations after laser coagulation of the retina are found.
  • Surgical methods are used only in extreme cases, due to the complexity of the operation, as well as the duration rehabilitation period. Plus, there is a high risk of complications. Using surgical manipulations, microparticles that cause floaters before the eyes are crushed (vitreolysis), and in the most severe cases, the vitreous body is completely removed and then replaced with an implant with saline solution (vitrectomy).

Headaches and spots before the eyes can appear for many reasons. Most often spots different colors and shapes become noticeable when a person looks at light-colored objects. Symptoms appear regardless of gender and age. However, patients notice them only after they appear. Over time, people stop paying attention to them. But spots before the eyes, especially if they are accompanied by headaches, can indicate the presence of serious disorders and diseases. In some cases, pathologies lead to complete or partial loss of vision. That is why you should not ignore such symptoms and immediately consult a doctor.

Why do flies appear?

Floaters that periodically appear before the eyes can have different shapes, appearances and colors. They appear due to the destruction of vitreous glass. It consists of water and special protein substances that have a gel-like consistency. Under the influence of certain factors, it begins to disintegrate into particles. It is they who merge with each other and form clumps, which appear as black dots, spots and a veil. In medicine, this condition is called destruction and can occur for several reasons:

  1. Violation of the integrity of the vessel in the eye.
  2. Eye injury.
  3. Retinal detachment.

Destruction is also diagnosed in elderly patients, since over time the structures of the eye, like other organs, wear out.

Other causes of floaters and headaches

Destruction does not affect the quality of vision and is not considered a threat to human health. The appearance of various spots or branches before the eyes and headaches can be caused by other reasons:

  1. VSD. Dystonia is one of the most common diseases, characterized not only by headaches and floaters. The pathology manifests itself with various symptoms against the background of impaired blood circulation in the brain and the functioning of the central nervous system. Many patients with established VSD are bothered by small black or white floaters.
  2. Osteochondrosis. The pathology is characterized by deformation and destruction of cartilage tissue in the intervertebral discs. As a result, blood circulation to the brain and eyes is impaired. Retinal ischemia occurs, which is accompanied by dizziness, headaches and blurred vision.
  3. Pregnancy. The most wonderful period in a woman’s life can be overshadowed by the appearance of spots and headaches. Symptoms appear against the background of anemia, insufficient amounts of vitamins, fatigue and decreased blood pressure. However, they do not pose a danger to the health of the woman and baby.

Another reason for the appearance of unpleasant symptoms can be anemia, when the body lacks hemoglobin, as a result of which the body does not receive enough oxygen.

Special causes of headaches and floaters

Floaters that appear before the eyes and are accompanied by a headache, in certain cases talk about serious disruptions in the functioning of systems and organs. In this case, you should immediately contact a medical facility, as delay can cost your life. Dangerous causes of symptoms include:

  1. Stroke. It can be recognized by a sudden headache, difficulty pronouncing words, weakness in one limb and the appearance of facial asymmetry. If these symptoms appear, you need to call an ambulance and provide the person with fresh air.
  2. Hypertensive crisis. Often people themselves know about the presence of arterial hypertension. The main feature of the disease is a sharp increase in blood pressure. The retina of the eye at this moment ceases to receive the required amount of oxygen and nutrients. An increase in blood pressure is accompanied by the appearance of floaters, headaches and a decrease in the quality of vision. Over time, its complete or partial loss is possible. If the patient undergoes a course of therapy in a timely manner, vision restoration is possible.
  3. Internal bleeding. It can occur with a blow to the abdominal area, spleen, or against the background of an ectopic pregnancy. Accompanied by dizziness, increased sweating, loss of consciousness and weakness. The patient needs to be hospitalized urgently.