Does it look cool? What do you think it is and where? Are they making some kind of movie? And now about this in more detail

Taiwan's Special Forces and several other military units recently received new bulletproof uniforms that include a ballistic mask designed to protect soldiers from fatal head shots.

NIJ Level II protection.

  • Size: L;
  • Height: 11.2;
  • Width: 7.2;
  • Weight: 1.1 kg;
  • Material: DuPont Kevlar 129.
They gained popularity in wars against drug cartels in the 1980s, and are now again finding popularity and use for conducting special operations, when escorting VIPs, escorting convoys in Iraq and Afghanistan, storming buildings and freeing captured hostages. And another interesting application is when hunting wild boar.

The ballistic mask meets the N.I.J. standard. Standard 0108.01 Threat level II.

The mask protects against most 9mm bullets, including holding a .357 mag shot with a 158gr JSP bullet traveling at a speed of 380 m/s.

The mask also protects against bullets of calibers 22 .25 .32 .380 .38 .41 .44 .45 9mm, 10mm.

Material: Dupoint Kevlar, coated with a special compound, protects the ballistic material from moisture.


  • Visibility through the mask: beautiful, but you won’t be able to put a mask on your glasses.

  • Aiming: you can aim using external sights(rear sight and front sight) without problems, but you may have to slightly change the angle of the head or the point of contact with the shoulder (depending on the butt). Aiming is much more convenient compared to aiming with a gas mask on. Aiming using optical sighting devices (red dot, laser, electronics) is also possible without any problems.

  • Breath: The mask does not interfere with breathing.

  • Comfort: The mask is quite comfortable to use. Increased inertia was noticed when turning the head sharply, to which one quickly gets used to. Ergonomically fitted, the mask can provide protection against ballistic penetration from the face with maximum comfort. Linings inside the mask (2 specially shaped on the forehead and 2 in the jaw/cheek area) reduce impacts. 6 pcs. Elastic straps allow you to adjust the mask to suit you for maximum comfort.

An additional feature is that it produces a frightening effect (a la Jason) and significantly reduces the visibility of the face through thermal imagers.

Feedback from military personnel using these masks in Iraq indicates that they fit perfectly with the MICH helmets used on this moment used by the military in Iraq - you just need to remove the frontal pad from inside the helmet and you get complete protection of the head and face.

This mask does not fit the PASGT helmet type.

Lifetime warranty subject to proper use.

A bit like the Unsullied from the third season of Game of Thrones...

Nowadays, anti-terrorism activities are becoming more and more relevant. Some situations require protection that only an elite special forces team can provide. And in many countries there are similar military units of highly professional and trained - both physically and psychologically - fighters. Which special forces are considered the best in the world?

15. Taiwan Special Forces
In 2013, Taiwanese special forces received a new bulletproof black uniform that literally covers the soldier from head to toe. Includes a Kevlar ballistic mask to protect against fatal head shots. It protects against most 9mm bullets, including .357 mag. With special forces dressed in such powerful uniforms, Taiwan is clearly in good hands.

14. Scout Rangers of the Philippines
If we talk about guerrilla warfare, the best specialists in the world are the Philippine Scout Rangers. The men of this elite regiment know how to fight in the jungle better than anyone else. They are called "men in black". The selection process for the Philippine Scout and Ranger Regiment is considered to be one of the toughest in the world. Candidates undergo a series of tests to test their psychological and physical strength. But how could it be otherwise in special forces?

13. 2nd Joint Task Force 2 (JTF2) - Canadian special forces
This is Canada's elite special forces team. It is one of the youngest in the world - created only in 1993. JTF2 is involved in counter-terrorism operations, mostly covert. Very little is known about it - neither the government nor the Canadian Department of National Defense has commented on the capabilities, structure and operational missions of this unit. But many regard him as a serious force to be reckoned with.

12. Detachment "Sayeret Matkal" - Israeli special forces
Sayeret Matkal is an anti-terrorism unit of the General Staff of the Israel Defense Forces, which operates both in the country and abroad. People are selected there not only on the basis of physical data, but also on intellectual abilities. They undergo 18-19 months of training: 4 months of basic infantry training, 2 months of advanced training, 3 weeks of parachute training, 5 weeks of counter-terrorism training and the rest of the time practicing the acquired skills to perform reconnaissance missions.

11. Special forces of the French gendarmerie (GIGN, Groupe d’Intervention de la Gendarmerie Nationale)
The intervention group of the French National Gendarmerie GIGN is one of the most famous and powerful special forces in the world. With a motto like “saving lives without taking into account your own,” it cannot be otherwise. It was decided to create an anti-terrorist squad in France after the terrorist attack at the Munich Olympics in 1972, when terrorists from the Black September group took 11 athletes from the Israeli Olympic team hostage. All athletes were killed by terrorists. The French gendarmerie received a special anti-terrorism squad on March 1, 1974. The selection there, as usual, is very serious. Only 7-8% of candidates end up serving in special forces.

10. Special Services Group (SSG) - special forces of Pakistan
This group is one of the largest special forces in the world. Consists of 8 battalions, each with 700 people. To qualify here, a candidate must have at least two years of experience in the armed forces. All candidates then undergo a rigorous training course over a period of 9 months. One of the regular training sessions of this course is a forced march of 60 km with full equipment in 12 hours, periodically running. Only 5% of candidates remain, the rest are eliminated.

9. Fr?mandskorpset (Danish Frogman Corps, FKP) - special forces of the Royal Danish Navy
In 1957, the first military school light divers, and in 1970 a division of combat swimmers separated from it. The unit consists of about 50 people, each of whom was trained according to a special program. Only the best of the best are recruited into this corps. During the existence of the corps, only 311 people became its members.

8. Gruppo di Intervento Speciale, GIS - Italian special forces
In 1977, in response to a surge in terrorism, the Italian police's Carabinieri Corps created an elite group to combat terrorist threats. The GIS detachment took part in the war in Persian Gulf and in the NATO operation in Libya. The unit consists of 150 people, several of them are professional snipers. In addition to shooting, training includes hand-to-hand combat - various martial arts, including Wushu and Muay Thai (Thai boxing).

7. Navy SEALs - US special forces
Navy SEALs are American special forces who are not only highly trained, but also very well equipped. This special forces unit has a lot to brag about, but their most famous achievement is the destruction of Osama bin Laden in 2011. The mission was carried out by SEAL Team 6, consisting of 40 people. Getting into this elite group is, of course, very difficult. To qualify for selection training only, candidates must pass a physical fitness test that includes a 12-minute 500-yard (460 m) swim, 50 push-ups, 50 sit-ups, and 10 pull-ups (2 minutes per set), and a 2-minute run. 5 km in 10 minutes and 30 seconds.

6. MARCOS - Indian special forces
Previously, this special unit was called the Naval Landing and Sabotage Group. MARCOS comprises some of India's most elite special forces personnel. One of the last known operations in which the unit participated was the seizure of an Iranian cargo ship carrying smuggled weapons. 9 MARCOS fighters took part in the capture of the ship.

5. 707th Special Forces Battalion - South Korean special forces
After the terrorist attack at the Munich Olympics, several countries decided to create their own anti-terrorist units. And one of these countries was South Korea. The government of this country was, as it were, forced to create elite special forces, because the 1988 Olympics were to be held in Seoul. On this basis, the 707th Special Forces Battalion, also known as " White Tiger"The battalion consists of 200 men and women. It is divided into 2 attack groups, one support group and a separate women's group for special missions. The fighters train under very harsh conditions - for example, they are forced to swim in water at temperatures near zero.

4. Green Berets - another American special forces
In the United States, besides the Navy SEALs, there is another special group called Special Forces. However, more often they are called Green Berets - after the color of their headdress. Green Berets are designed to lead guerrilla warfare, organizing sabotage, counter-terrorism and other operations, special reconnaissance, search and rescue operations, mine clearance, combating drug trafficking and terrorism. The special unit was formed in 1952. Its motto is De Oppresso Liber (Free from Oppression).

3. Special Air Service (SAS) - British special forces
This is a special unit of the British armed forces, which is a role model in many countries. SAS is one of the most effective special forces. Engaged in reconnaissance of enemy forces, participates in counter-terrorism operations and direct armed clashes, as well as in the release of hostages. The SAS became known throughout the world in 1980, when, during the seizure of the Iranian embassy in London, members of this squad rescued 25 of 26 hostages and killed 5 of 6 terrorists, spending 17 minutes on the operation.

2. Jednostka Wojskowa Grom (Military unit Grom) - Polish special forces
JW GROM - operational maneuver response group. Like most special forces, Thunder is called upon to protect the country and its citizens from terrorist attacks. Selection for the Thunder consists of many trials and tests, including psychological ones. The most difficult test is called the "truth test", which eliminates unsuitable candidates.

1. Group "Alpha"
Official name - Directorate "A" of the Special Purpose Center of the Federal Security Service Russian Federation. "Alpha" was formed on July 29, 1974 on the initiative of Yuri Andropov. “A” means “anti-terrorism,” and the KGB also used the name “Andropov’s group.” Just like other countries on our list (France, South Korea), the USSR decided to create a special unit after the terrorist attack at the Munich Olympics in 1972. In 1980 the Summer Olympic Games in Moscow - and they had to be met fully armed.

It is no coincidence that the Alpha group is at the top of the rating. Alfovtsy have extensive experience in countering terrorism in the North Caucasus - this is simply not the case with any foreign special forces. These are professionals in their field for whom impossible tasks do not exist. In 2011, at the international championship of special forces Super SWAT International Round-Up, the team of Directorate “A” won first and second places in two categories and received the title of the best international team.

The uniforms of military and police units must first of all meet tactical objectives. How it will look on the fighters is of secondary importance. Sometimes you get quite frightening images that not only look unusual, but with their very appearance they can deprive the enemy of his mind from fear.

For example, today the Taiwanese authorities presented a new uniform for their infantrymen - black body armor and creepy ballistic masks of the same color. In response to the event, we have selected the most unusual and terrifying items of uniform that can be seen on military and police officers around the world.

Radical black camouflage

Who uses:


A black uniform, black weapon, black paint on the skin and a black-black soul - this is the mourning set of a special forces soldier from Peru. The radical black color these guys prefer is designed for nighttime combat operations. The only thing that can give away a fighter in the dark. - his snow-white teeth. But during the day, Peruvian special forces, armed with crossbows, look even too intimidating.

Brewster armor

Who uses:

snipers in the fields
First World War


If the comic was about Iron Man invented in the industrial age, then Tony Stark would look something like this - like a cross between a mad beekeeper and a tin lumberjack from Oz. In fact, the Brewster armor is a much more recent development; it was invented in 1917 specifically for American snipers. And it must be said that despite its rather crazy appearance, the suit coped with its task quite effectively and was used by American shooters until the end of the First World War.

Armor from the future

Who uses:


This futuristic robot armor, associated both with the police states of famous dystopias and the game Fallout, continued the history of dressing up the Peruvian military in frightening costumes. Eight years after the introduction of the all-black night special forces, the Peruvians dressed the city police in cyberninja outfits.

Ballistic mask

Who uses:


If we talk about the dystopian image of special forces, then in this matter the palm should be given to the Taiwanese police. Ballistic masks, which are at the disposal of local police special forces, instantly turn a smiling Chinese boy into a faceless cog in a ruthless machine of repression. However, in action films, as we know, masked soldiers have no chance against the half-naked protagonist, even with a numerical superiority of 1000 to 1 (although this does not make us any less scared personally).

Tactical sandals

Who uses:

Al-Shabaab group


Judging by the photographs available online from the marches and training of these Somali Islamists, their main tactical equipment is sandals. To their credit, they wear them without socks.

The choice of footwear for a soldier, as you know, is of paramount importance, so sandals in hot climates really become an important tactical advantage. While barefoot or wearing heavy combat boots, opponents of Al-Shabaab fighters trudge along the hot sand, these warriors of Allah make lightning-fast forced marches, winning one victory after another, bringing horror to the population of Somalia, already accustomed to constant wars. In general, in our subjective opinion, everything here is no less scary than in the case of ballistic masks.

Taiwan (translated from Chinese - “ Coast with terraces") is located between the East China and South China seas on the island of Formosa off the southeastern coast of Asia and is separated from the mainland by the Taiwan Strait. The length of the island from north to south is 395 km, width is 140 km. Taiwan also includes the Penghu (Pescadores) Islands. The area of ​​Taiwan is 35.98 thousand square meters. km, population (mostly Chinese) - 23.04 million people (2006), capital Taipei.

The first Europeans to land on the island were the Portuguese in 1590, who gave it the name “Formosa” (Beautiful) and captured it in 1624. In 1661-1662 the island was liberated by the Chinese. In 1683 it became part of the Qing Empire. From 1895 to 1945, Formosa was under Japanese domination and then returned to China. After the proclamation of the People's Republic of China in 1949, the remnants of Chiang Kai-shek's Kuomintang group settled on the island, for the protection of which the United States actually occupied Taiwan in June 1950, and began patrolling the Taiwan Strait American ships. In December 1954, a mutual security treaty was concluded between the United States and the Kuomintang, under which the United States pledged to defend Taiwan and the Penghu Islands.
In Taiwan, universal conscription was introduced and an armed force with a total strength of 474 thousand people was created, consisting of ground forces, navy, air force, coast guard, and missile forces and military police.
The ground forces (330 thousand people) consist of five local defense commands and three army corps (6th, 8th, 10th), including six tank, three motorized rifle, heavy infantry and light brigades, two airborne brigades , three airmobile and one special forces brigade, two missile groups and 24 reserve brigades.
The naval forces (35 thousand people) by 2020 will consist of 168 ships of the main classes, including: 10 submarines, 9 destroyers, 37 frigates, 83 anti-submarine missile boats, 12 minesweepers, 17 landing ships, as well as 205 landing ships -landing craft, 100 amphibious armored personnel carriers, 19 auxiliary vessels and 5 batteries of anti-ship missiles for coastal defense.
The Marine Corps is part of the Navy and includes two divisions (66th, 99th), supported by an amphibious regiment and a support regiment. The Marine Corps is charged with protecting military and government buildings.
The air force (70 thousand people) has 316 combat aircraft and is organized into tactical fighter wings (22 air squadrons) and a mixed air wing (5 air squadrons, including 2 transport ones).
The Coast Guard includes eight regional commands, 25 battalions for coastal defense and security through coastal, coastal and air patrols.
Missile Command, which combines Army and Navy anti-aircraft missile batteries, has about two thousand anti-aircraft and anti-ship missiles.
The Military Police Command includes five local commands and a training center.
The Taiwanese army is armed with mostly obsolete American weapons, which should be modernized and replaced with a new one over the next ten years.
On military service consists of personnel aged from 18 to 45 years. The ratio of officers and sergeants, as well as sergeants and privates, is 1:2.4.

Special Operations Forces of the Taiwan Armed Forces are available in ground forces, Navy, Coast Guard, Military and National Police.
In the ground forces, special operations forces are consolidated into the Aviation and Special Warfare Command ASFC, numbering 6,000 people, which includes three helicopter brigades (601st, 602nd, 603rd), a special warfare brigade (862nd), and an airborne special service company and aviation training center.
The 601st and 602nd helicopter brigades each include:
- a shock battalion armed with 24 attack helicopter AH-1W "Super Cobra";
- a reconnaissance and strike battalion armed with 24 OH-58D Kiowa Warrior helicopters;
- two air combat support battalions, each armed with 8 UH-IH Iroquois multi-purpose landing helicopters.
The 603rd Airborne Helicopter Brigade is armed with 9 CH-47SD Chinook landing helicopters.
The 601st Brigade is based in Lung Tan, the 602nd in Hsinha, and the 603rd in Kuei Yean.
The 862nd Special Warfare Brigade is an elite airborne unit. It consists of a headquarters, three special forces battalions and a support company. The headquarters has a command group, five headquarters sections, a headquarters company, an intelligence unit (3 teams of 6 people), communications, fire support, combat training and personnel units.
The battalion's strength is about 600 people. It is armed with American:
- 27 7.62 mm M240G machine guns (maximum effective firing range - 1100 m, rate of fire - 200 - 600 rounds per minute);
- 54 5.56-mm machine guns M-249 SAW (1000 m, 700 rds./min.);
- 12 12.7 mm M-2NV machine guns (1,830 m, 550 rounds/min.);
- 12 40-mm automatic mounted grenade launchers Mk19 (1,500 m, 40-60 rds./min.);
- 6 60-mm M224 mortars (70-3.490 m, 20-30 rounds/min.);
- 16 84-mm anti-tank systems Ml 36 AT-4 RAWS;
- 9 anti-tank rocket launchers"Jevelin" (2.2 km);
- FM-92A Stinger man-portable anti-aircraft missiles (4.8 km);
- 12 armed light vehicles RSOV (modified version of the Land Rover XD180) with a crew of 6-7 people. Each vehicle is equipped with an M240G machine gun and a Mk19 grenade launcher or a 12.7 mm heavy machine gun, and one of the crew members is armed with a RAWS anti-tank system. The RSOV (4x4) vehicle has payload 1450 kg and maximum speed 110 km/h, can be transported by CH-47 helicopter and S-130 aircraft. Automatic rifles M16A2 (550-800 m, 45-90 rounds/min.) are used as personal weapons, some of which are equipped with under-barrel 40-mm grenade launchers M209 (150-350 m), 7.62 mm sniper rifles M40A1 (1000 m) and 12.7 mm M82A (1800 m).
- 10 motorcycles.
RSOV vehicles are used to provide mobility and defense to battalion units, and motorcycles are used to deploy observation posts and save security forces.
The 862nd Special Warfare Brigade is part of the Rapid Reaction Defense Force of the Taiwan Armed Forces, and one of its battalions on a rotational basis is in combat readiness No. 1 and can be deployed to the destination area 18 hours after receiving an order, and one of its companies of this battalion with the command and control of the battalion should be deployed in 9 hours.
The airborne special service company ASSC was recently formed like the American Delta Force to conduct counter-terrorism operations.
The company consists of three operational platoons (squadrons), support detachments (recruiting and training personnel, supply, medical and financial services) and a technical training detachment. Each operational platoon is divided into sections (detachments) specializing in the primary use of parachutes, light diving equipment, etc.
The Army Aviation Training Center is located in Kuei Yean and is designed to train Taiwanese special operations forces personnel. To provide aviation training, the center has three helicopter battalions (one attack battalion is equipped with 24 AH-1W helicopters, two air combat support battalions, each with 12 UH-1H multi-role landing helicopters) and a squadron of training helicopters (28 TN training helicopters -67A "Crack").
Taiwan currently has 62 AH-1W helicopters, 37 OH-59D helicopters, 55 UH-1H helicopters, 9 CH-47SD helicopters and 28 TN-67A helicopters in service. Kestrel II unmanned aerial vehicles are used for aerial reconnaissance.

ASFC Air and Special Warfare Command helicopters have the following main characteristics.
The OH-58D Kiowa Warrior attack and reconnaissance helicopter is armed with 4 Hellfire guided missiles, 70 mm NURS, 12.7 mm machine gun, Stinger P3RK, flight range - 555 km.
The UH-1H Iroquois multi-role air combat support helicopter is armed with a 7.62 mm GAU-2B Minigun machine gun or a 40 mm grenade launcher, two 7-tube launchers 70 mm NURS. M-2N weapon systems and the Vulcan automatic cannon can be installed. The helicopter is capable of transporting a reconnaissance and sabotage group of 6 - 8 people or 13 passengers over a distance of 446 km at a speed of 185 km/h. The crew, depending on the task performed, can consist of 2 - 5 people.
The CH-47SD Chinook heavy landing helicopter carries up to 25 people, including at night, for which pilots use night vision goggles with a 40° field of view. The helicopter is armed with two 12.7 mm machine guns located in the rear door opening along the sides of the fuselage. Crew - 4 people. Flight range - 394 km.
To carry out special operations, the Ping Teams airborne forces, subordinate to General Staff, which includes the 62nd Special Combat Brigade, stationed in northern Taiwan, and the 78th Special Combat Brigade, stationed in the south of the island, two aviation groups and a training unit from both brigades. During the training of personnel, methods of unarmed combat are studied, parachute training is carried out, and training is carried out on conducting combat operations in populated areas. Then in training center Taichung trains parachute jumping, jungle action and survival.

Training course special forces lasts 6 months, including in the special forces of other countries.
In the Marine Corps, special operations forces are represented by a company of combat swimmers called " Sea dragons"(Sea Dragons), which is part of the 101st Airborne Reconnaissance Battalion. The previously existing UDT underwater demining squad has now been disbanded. Divisions Marine Corps located on the islands of Matsu, Cayman and Tungwin, as well as in the area of ​​the capital Taipei.
The personnel of the combat swimmer company are recruited mainly from Marines. During the three-week selection course, the physical and psychological capabilities of candidates are tested, and their ability to master existing combat and special equipment is assessed. After completing the training course, combat swimmers must be ready to swim 5000 m in 2 hours, perform a 10 km forced march in 46 minutes, run a 3 km cross-country race with full equipment, throw grenades at a distance of over 30 m, hit small arms all targets at a distance of up to 550 m and at least 90% of targets at a distance of 944 m. Combat swimmers are armed with 9-mm Uzi submachine guns, M-9 pistols (weight 850 g, firing range 50 m), 5, 56 mm M-4 carbines (firing range 500 m) and M-16 A1/ A2/AZ rifles (800 m), M-249, SMG-77 and M-77 machine guns, 7.62 mm T34/75 machine guns . The company of combat swimmers is intended mainly for anti-terrorist operations in the coastal waters of Taiwan.
The Coast Guard has its own special forces detachment.
Military Police Command has a special service company called the Nighthawks.
The National Police includes the Air Police Corps, the Special Police Corps, the Wei-An Civil Police Special Service Commando Units, and the highly trained Thunder Squad. This detachment numbers 200 people and consists of elements of 4 people each. Three such elements form a task force. Thunder Squad is an anti-terrorist police force in Taiwan.
Taiwan's special operations forces continue to improve to American standards and plan to switch to the latest weapons and technical means.

Taiwan's Special Forces and several other military units recently received new bulletproof uniforms that include a ballistic mask designed to protect soldiers from fatal head shots.

NIJ Level II protection.

Size L 11.2" - height, 7.2" mask width
Mask weight 1.1 kg

Mask material: DuPont Kevlar 129.

They gained popularity in wars against drug cartels in the 1980s, and are now again finding popularity and use for conducting special operations, when escorting VIPs, escorting convoys in Iraq and Afghanistan, storming buildings and freeing captured hostages. Another interesting application is when hunting wild boar.

The ballistic mask meets the N.I.J. standard. Standard 0108.01 Threat level II.

The mask protects against most 9 mm caliber bullets, including holding a .357 mag caliber shot with a 158gr JSP bullet flying at a speed of 380 m/s.

The mask also protects against bullets of calibers 22 .25 .32 .380 .38 .41 .44 .45 9mm, 10mm.

Material: Dupoint Kevlar, coated with a special compound that protects the ballistic material from moisture


Visibility through the mask: Visibility from under the mask is excellent, but you won’t be able to wear the mask over your glasses.

Aiming: You can aim using external sights (rear sight and front sight) without problems, but you may have to slightly change the angle of the head or the shoulder resting point (depending on the stock). Aiming is much more convenient compared to aiming with a gas mask on. Aiming using optical sighting devices (red dot, laser, electronics) is also possible without major problems.

Breathing: the mask does not interfere with breathing.

Comfort: the mask is quite comfortable to use. Increased inertia was noticed during a sharp turn of the head, to which one quickly gets used to. Ergonomically fitted, the mask can provide protection against ballistic penetration from the face with maximum comfort. Linings inside the mask (2 specially shaped on the forehead and 2 in the jaw/cheek area) reduce impacts. 6 pcs. Elastic straps allow you to adjust the mask to suit you for maximum comfort.

Additional feature - produces a frightening effect (a la Jason) and a significant reduction in the visibility of the face through thermal imagers

Notes have been received from military personnel using these masks in Iraq that they fit perfectly with the MICH type helmets currently used by military personnel in Iraq - you just need to remove the frontal pad from inside the helmet and you have complete head and face protection.
This mask does not fit the PASGT helmet type.

Lifetime warranty subject to proper use.

But I just recently finished watching the third season of “Game of Thrones” - is it similar to “Unsullied”? :-)