This is the shadow of the Moon on the surface of the Earth. The diameter of this shadow is approximately 200 km, which is much smaller than the diameter of the Earth, because the Moon itself is smaller than the Earth. That is why a solar eclipse is observed only in a relatively narrow strip of the lunar shadow. Observers who are in the shadow band see a total eclipse of the Moon, with the Moon completely covering the Sun. The firmament, stars become visible on it, becomes cooler. In nature, you can notice how birds suddenly fall silent, puzzled by the sudden darkness, they try to hide in their nests. Flowers close and animals often show restlessness. A total solar eclipse does not last long.

People who are in close proximity to the lunar shadow or on its border observe a partial eclipse of the Sun. The Moon passes across the solar disk, not completely covering it, but only touching the edge. The sky darkens much less, the stars are not visible, the effect is more reminiscent of a thundercloud floating across the sky - so a partial solar eclipse may not be noticed. It is observed approximately 2 km from the total eclipse zone. A solar eclipse always occurs on a new moon, when the Moon is not visible from the Earth because it is not illuminated by the Sun. Therefore, it seems that there is a huge black spot on the Sun that came from nowhere. The shadow cast by the Moon on the Earth has the shape of a cone, the tip of which is further than the planet. Therefore, the shadow of the Moon is not a point, but a relatively small spot moving at a speed of 1 km/s across the surface of the planet.

Therefore, the maximum duration of the total eclipse phase is 7.5 minutes. A partial eclipse can last about two hours. Solar eclipse is a unique phenomenon and this is possible only because, due to the difference in distances in the celestial sphere, the diameters of the Moon and the Sun are practically the same when viewed from the surface of the Earth. After all, the Sun is 400 times farther from the Earth than the Moon; it is approximately 400 times greater than the Moon. The orbit of the Moon, which revolves around the Earth, is not circular, but elliptical, and therefore at moments favorable for eclipses, the lunar disk can be larger than the solar disk, equal to it, or smaller. If the disk of the Moon is equal to the disk of the Sun, a total eclipse occurs only for a second, and if it is less, then the eclipse is called annular, since a bright ring of the Sun is visible around the dark disk of the Moon. This is the longest eclipse, it can last up to 12 minutes. When a solar eclipse occurs, you can observe the sun's corona - the outer layers of the sun's atmosphere. In normal light it is not visible, but at the moment of an eclipse you can enjoy this stunning spectacle of beauty.

I was asked a question: how often do eclipses occur, with what frequency do solar and lunar eclipses occur?

Indeed, in different years we observe different quantities eclipses. Moreover, they are all also different depending on how much the disks of the planets overlap each other with shadow. For example, an annular solar eclipse occurs at the moment when it is farthest from our planet, and is not completely blocked by the disk of the Moon.

And last fall, we observed a hybrid solar eclipse, a rather rare phenomenon when the phases of the same eclipse are visible to us from different points on the Earth as a total eclipse and an annular eclipse. An interesting fact here is that it is gradually moving away from the Earth by 3.78 centimeters per year, and the time will come when earthlings will no longer see a total eclipse, but will only observe an annular one. But this, however, will not happen soon.

Let's return to the question of the frequency of eclipses.

It is known that their number in a year is not the same. Solar eclipses occur on a new moon, if it is no further than 12 degrees from the points of intersection of the Moon with the ecliptic; there are from 2 to 5 solar eclipses per year.

If we take the count of eclipses over a hundred years, then out of 237 solar eclipses the most are partial: namely 160. In the remaining 77: total - 63 and annular - 14.

A lunar eclipse occurs on a full moon - when the Earth is between the Moon and the Sun, there are never less than two eclipses of the Moon in a year.

The most productive year for eclipses in the near future was 2011, when there were 4 solar and 2 lunar eclipses, and ahead is 2029, when there will be 4 solar and 3 lunar eclipses. There were 5 solar eclipses (and 2 lunar) in 1935. That is, the maximum number of eclipses in a year is 7.

Solar eclipses in certain areas of the Earth are a very rare occurrence, and if you manage to see one or two eclipses in your life, consider yourself very lucky.

However, eclipses are far from being limited to purely spectacular functions, as many of us tend to perceive them. Their main and most important role is the need to change the consciousness of a person, no matter where on the edge of the Earth he is during an eclipse. Literally each of us undergoes the process of changing consciousness, and it lasts from several days to several years.

As astrology shows, the degree of influence of an eclipse may depend on how much resonance is manifested with natal chart person during the eclipse. The characteristics of an eclipse originate from the specific saros series to which it belongs, and the resonant horoscope shows the area of ​​​​life that is primarily affected by the eclipse.

I will add that eclipses play a deep karmic role, forcing a person to react to his external environment during a solar eclipse and to his internal qualities during a lunar eclipse.

You learned how often eclipses occur, although not everyone knows the astrological indicators for these events. In addition, almost each of us can approach the solution of any problematic issue in our lives, while showing our best qualities. The only difference is that eclipses provide enormous energy for our development, forcing us to immediately react to what is happening.

Be healthy and happy! See you again on the website ""!

Every person has observed a solar eclipse at least once in their life or at least heard about it. This phenomenon has attracted attention for a long time...

Every person has observed a solar eclipse at least once in their life or at least heard about it. This phenomenon has long attracted attention - at all times it was considered a harbinger of misfortune, some peoples perceived it as God's wrath. It really looks a little creepy - the solar disk is completely or partially covered by a black spot, the sky darkens, and sometimes you can even make out stars on it. This phenomenon causes fear in animals and birds - they gather in flocks and seek shelter. Why does a solar eclipse occur?

The essence of this phenomenon is quite simple - the Moon and the Sun line up in one line, and thus our earthly satellite blocks the star. The Moon is much smaller than the Sun, but because it is much closer to the Earth, a person observing a solar eclipse will see it covering the entire solar disk.

A solar eclipse can be total or partial, depending on how much the Moon covers our star.

On average, 2 to 5 eclipses occur on Earth annually.

Sometimes you can observe a rare astronomical phenomenon - the so-called circular eclipse. At the same time, the Moon appears smaller than the Sun, and covers only its middle part, exposing the solar atmosphere. This type of eclipse is extremely valuable for researchers of the processes occurring on our star. It makes it possible to better view the upper layers of the Sun. In particular, such eclipses have greatly helped in the study of the solar corona. It happens that the moon seems large sizes than the Sun, then the disk turns out to be so blocked that even the rays emanating from it are not visible from the Earth. This variety of eclipses is explained by the fact that the lunar orbit has an elongated ellipsoidal shape, therefore different time years, it turns out to be further or closer from the Earth.

Scientists have long found the answer to the question of how and why a solar eclipse occurs., saving humanity from prejudices towards this phenomenon. Moreover, it can now be predicted. This made it possible to take a fresh look at many historical events. Thus, chroniclers, describing battles and other important events, often mentioned that a solar eclipse occurred that day, without naming exact date. Now, thanks to the calculations of modern scientists, these dates have been restored.

Details Category: Sun Published 10/04/2012 16:24 Views: 9479

Solar and lunar eclipses are astronomical phenomena. A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon completely or partially blocks (eclipses) the Sun from an observer on Earth. During a lunar eclipse, the Moon enters the cone of the shadow cast by the Earth.

Solar eclipse

Solar eclipses are already mentioned in ancient sources.
Solar eclipse possible only on new moon, when the side of the Moon facing the Earth is not illuminated and the Moon itself is not visible. Eclipses are only possible if the new moon occurs near one of two lunar nodes(the point of intersection of the apparent orbits of the Moon and the Sun), no more than about 12 degrees from one of them.

Moon shadow on earth's surface does not exceed 270 km in diameter, so a solar eclipse is observed only in a narrow strip along the path of the shadow. If the observer is in the shadow band, he sees total solar eclipse, in which the Moon completely hides the Sun, the sky darkens, and planets and bright stars may appear on it. Around the solar disk hidden by the Moon you can observe solar corona, which is not visible in the normal bright light of the Sun. For an observer on earth, the total phase of an eclipse lasts no more than a few minutes. The minimum speed of movement of the lunar shadow on the earth's surface is just over 1 km/s.
Observers close to the total eclipse can see partial solar eclipse. During a partial eclipse, the Moon passes across the disk of the Sun not exactly in the center, hiding only part of it. At the same time, the sky darkens much less, the stars do not appear. A partial eclipse can be observed at a distance of about two thousand kilometers from the total eclipse zone.

Astronomical characteristics of solar eclipses

Full such an eclipse is called if it can be observed as total at least somewhere on the surface of the Earth.
When an observer is in the shadow of the Moon, he is observing a total solar eclipse. When he is in the penumbra region, he can observe partial solar eclipse. In addition to total and partial solar eclipses, there are annular eclipses. An annular eclipse occurs when, at the time of the eclipse, the Moon is further away from the Earth than during a total eclipse, and the cone of the shadow passes over the Earth's surface without reaching it. During an annular eclipse, the Moon passes across the disk of the Sun, but turns out to be smaller in diameter than the Sun, so it cannot completely hide it. In the maximum phase of the eclipse, the Sun is covered by the Moon, but around the Moon a bright ring of the uncovered part of the solar disk is visible. During an annular eclipse, the sky remains bright, stars do not appear, and it is impossible to observe the solar corona. The same eclipse can be visible in different parts of the eclipse band as total or annular. This eclipse is sometimes called full ring-shaped (or hybrid).
Solar eclipses can be predicted. Scientists have long calculated eclipses for many years in advance. From 2 to 5 solar eclipses can occur on Earth per year, of which no more than two are total or annular. On average, 237 solar eclipses occur every hundred years. different types. For example, in Moscow from the 11th to the 18th centuries. There were only 3 total solar eclipses. In 1887 there was also a total eclipse. A very strong eclipse with a phase of 0.96 occurred on July 9, 1945. The next total solar eclipse is expected in Moscow on October 16, 2126.

How to watch a solar eclipse

When observing a solar eclipse, special attention should be paid to protecting your eyes from sunlight. To do this, it is recommended to use special filters coated with a thin layer of metal. You can use one or two layers of high-quality black and white photographic film coated with silver. A total solar eclipse can be observed through optical instruments even without darkening screens, but at the slightest sign of the end of the eclipse, you must immediately stop observing. Even a thin strip of light, greatly amplified through binoculars, can cause irreparable damage to the retina, and therefore experts strongly recommend the use of darkening filters.

Moon eclipse

A lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon enters the cone of the shadow cast by the Earth. This is clearly visible in the diagram presented. The diameter of the Earth's shadow spot is about 2.5 times the diameter of the Moon, so the entire Moon can be obscured. At each moment of an eclipse, the degree of coverage of the Moon's disk by the Earth's shadow is expressed by the eclipse phase F. When the Moon completely enters the Earth's shadow during an eclipse, the eclipse is called a total lunar eclipse, when partially - a partial eclipse. Two necessary and sufficient conditions for the occurrence of a lunar eclipse are the full moon and the proximity of the Earth to the lunar node (the point of intersection of the Moon’s orbit with the ecliptic).

Observing lunar eclipses


It can be observed on half of the Earth's territory where the Moon is above the horizon at the time of the eclipse. The appearance of the darkened Moon from any observation point is almost the same. The maximum possible duration of the total phase of a lunar eclipse is 108 minutes (for example, July 16, 2000). But during even a total eclipse, the Moon does not disappear completely, but becomes dark red. This is explained by the fact that the Moon continues to be illuminated even in the phase of total eclipse. Sun rays, passing tangentially to the earth's surface, are scattered in the earth's atmosphere and, due to this scattering, partially reach the moon. The Earth's atmosphere is most transparent to rays of the red-orange part of the spectrum, therefore it is these rays that reach the surface of the Moon to a greater extent during an eclipse. But if at the moment of an eclipse of the Moon (total or partial) an observer was on the Moon, he would be able to see a total solar eclipse (eclipse of the Sun by the Earth).


If the Moon falls only partially into the total shadow of the Earth, then a partial eclipse is observed. With it, part of the Moon is dark, and part, even in its maximum phase, remains in partial shade and is illuminated by the sun's rays.


Penumbra is a region of space in which the Earth only partially obscures the Sun. If the Moon passes through the penumbral region but does not enter the umbra, a penumbral eclipse occurs. With it, the brightness of the Moon decreases, but only slightly: such a decrease is almost imperceptible to the naked eye and is recorded only by instruments.
Lunar eclipses can be predicted. At least two lunar eclipses occur every year, but due to the mismatch of the planes of the lunar and earth's orbits, their phases are different. Eclipses repeat in the same order every 6585⅓ days (or 18 years 11 days and ~8 hours - this period is called saros). Knowing where and when complete moon eclipse, you can accurately determine the time of subsequent and previous eclipses that are clearly visible in this area. This cyclicality often helps to accurately date events described in historical records.

If you do not delve into the essence of the phenomenon, then we can say that an eclipse is a temporary disappearance of the Sun or Moon from the sky. How does this happen?

Solar and Lunar Eclipse

For example, the Moon, passing between the Earth and the Sun, completely or partially blocks the Sun from an earthly observer. This is a solar eclipse. Or the Moon, making its way around the Earth, finds itself in such a position that the Earth appears on a straight line connecting the Moon and the Sun.

The shadow of the Earth falls on the Moon, and it disappears from the sky. This is a lunar eclipse. Eclipses happen because celestial bodies constantly change location. The Earth revolves around the Sun, and the Moon revolves around the Earth. Both of these processes occur simultaneously. If for a few minutes the Moon, Earth and Sun are on the same line, an eclipse begins. A total solar eclipse is a very rare and dramatic event.

During a total solar eclipse, it seems as if some huge monster is devouring the Sun piece by piece. When the Sun disappears, the sky darkens and stars are visible in the sky. The air is rapidly cooling. Soon there is nothing left of the Sun except a thin luminous ring, as if hanging in the sky, this is what we see as part of the blazing solar corona.

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Interesting fact : During a total solar eclipse, the air temperature decreases, the sky darkens and stars appear on it.

What happens during a solar eclipse

Ancient Chinese artists depicted a solar eclipse as a dragon devouring the Sun. In fact, after a few minutes the Sun comes out of its “shelter” and the night turns into a clear day again. This dragon turns out to be the Moon, passing between the Earth and the Sun. To finally understand what happens during an eclipse, carry out a simple experiment. Turn on the desk lamp and look at it.

Now take a piece of cardboard and slowly move it in front of your eyes so that at the end of the movement the cardboard is between your eyes and the lamp. The moment when the cardboard covers the lamp from your eyes corresponds to the moment the solar eclipse begins. The cardboard is far from the lamp, but once in front of your eyes, it blocks the light of the lamp from you. If you move the cardboard further, the lamp will again open to your view.

Total and partial solar eclipse

The same can be said about the Moon. You see a solar eclipse when the Moon, crossing the daytime sky, comes between the Sun and the illuminated face of the Earth, blocking the light of the Sun from it. If the Moon blocks only part of the Sun, then a partial solar eclipse occurs.