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LITERARY CALENDAR: 198 years since the birth of Gustave Flaubert (1821-1888), a French realist prose writer, considered one of the greatest European writers of the 19th century, who worked a lot on the style of his works, putting forward the theory of the “exact word”. He is best known as the author of the novel Madame Bovary. IN mid-19th centuries, the novels of Gustave Flaubert were considered vulgar and immoral, and today the French writer is considered the leading national master of the pen on a par with Guy de Maupassant and Honore de Balzac. Flaubert's popularity was brought to him by the books Madame Bovary and Sentimental Education, written in the genre of realism with notes of psychologism and naturalism. Gustave Flaubert was born on December 12, 1821 in the historical capital of Normandy - Rouen. Surgeon Achilles Cleophas Flaubert and Anna Justine Caroline Fleuriot, the daughter of a doctor, waited with trepidation for this baby - before Gustave, three children died in the family: a girl and two boys. The future novelist was brought up with his older brother Achilles, who inherited from his father not only his name, but also his occupation, becoming a surgeon, and his sister Caroline, who was born 3 years later than Gustave. Their childhood was spent in the bleak atmosphere of the Rouen hospital, where the head of the family worked. They say that Flaubert became interested in writing at the age of 8, while studying at King's College. In 1832, the young man entered the Lyceum Pierre Corneille, where he met Ernest Chevalier, the future French politician. Two years later, friends organized a handwritten journal, “Art and Progress,” in which Flaubert’s first public text was published. In 1840, the future novelist went to Paris to study law. The capital of France seemed disgusting to Flaubert, and his chosen profession boring, so at the end of that year the student set off on a trip to the Pyrenees and Corsica. This period of the writer’s biography was reflected in “Memoirs of a Madman” (1901). At the beginning of 1846, Flaubert's father died, leaving his son 500 thousand francs. Then the young man realized that jurisprudence was not his field, and left the university. The fallen inheritance guaranteed young Gustave a comfortable life even in the event of unemployment, so he decided to devote himself entirely to writing. In September 1851, Flaubert, inspired by his friends Louis Bouyer and Maxime Ducamp, began writing the novel Madame Bovary (in other translations - Madame Bovary). Fifty-six months later, in May 1856, the book was completed. It was published from October 1 to December 15 of the same year in the Paris Review magazine. In February 1857, the director of the Paris Review and Gustave Flaubert were accused of “disrespect for public morals and religion.” The writer even stood trial for “vulgar and shocking portrayals of characters,” but escaped punishment. The dropping of the charges not only contributed to the publication of Madame Bovary as a separate book, but also ensured a surge in popularity. The plot centers on Emma Bovary, an unhappily married woman. Madame is not ashamed to cheat on her husband, who loves her deeply. The woman spends her family fortune on gifts for her chosen ones, and over time begins to pawn jewelry and real estate. A lethal outcome from dissatisfaction with life, surrounding shame and one’s own worthlessness - this is what ultimately awaits Madame Bovary, and her faithful spouse, who continues to communicate with his wife’s lovers is the mark of nonentity. The bold, naturalistic story of Gustave Flaubert struck a chord not only with contemporary French society, but also with directors of the 20th and 21st centuries. The first film based on the novel “Madame Bovary” was made in 1933 by the writer’s compatriot, followed by German, Argentine, American, Italian, Russian and British film adaptations. Flaubert's next work was significantly different from Madame Bovary - the historical novel Salammbô about the Libyan War in Carthage, which took place in 240-238 BC. e. The change in narrative style and the unusual choice of subject matter are due to the fact that the writer considered himself “the last romantic,” while a book about a dissolute wife labeled him a naturalist. Flaubert approached Salammbô with all responsibility - he studied about 100 volumes about Carthage and the events of those times, and visited Tunisia. After 5 years of painstaking work, in 1862, the novel was born. French society readily accepted oriental fictions, tired of realistic works. The work was also appreciated in Russia - a translated version appeared in the same 1862 in the journal Otechestvennye zapiski. Probably the most difficult novel for Flaubert to write was “Education Sentimental” (or “Sentimental Education”). He first began writing the autobiographical story in February 1843. The reason for writing was the writer’s meeting with Eliza Schlesinger, an older woman with whom Flaubert fell madly in love. What came from the pen of an inexperienced writer is usually called among writers “The First “Education of the Senses.” The debut version was completed by 1845, and published after Flaubert’s death - in 1910. “Education of Sentiments” caused mostly negative reviews from critics and Flaubert’s colleagues, but everyone noted the autobiographical motif of the work. Guy de Maupassant said that “a lot of personally experienced and depressingly sad things are contained in this novel,” Emile Zola called the work Flaubert’s “most personal book.” Somerset Maugham argued that "Frederic Moreau is partly a portrait of Flaubert himself, as the writer saw himself." Despite his rapidly deteriorating health and frequent attacks of epilepsy, in April 1874 Gustave Flaubert published the final version of the prose poem The Temptation of Saint Anthony. The idea for the work was born back in 1845, when the writer saw the painting of the same name by Pieter Bruegel the Younger. The hero of the poem, Anthony, like Faust, created by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, is forced to go through demonic temptations towards a happy life. In March of the same year, the collection “Three Stories” was published, including “A Simple Soul”, “The Legend of St. Julian the Merciful” and “Herodias”. Flaubert considered these works to be a rest between the creation of his final work, the novel Bouvard and Pécuchet. Due to the meticulousness of the author, the creation of each of the stories took six months. In the spring of 1846, Flaubert's long-term romance with the French poetess Louise Colet began. In letters to his beloved, which have survived to this day and were published in the book “Verbena and Musk,” the writer discussed the role of creativity, the subtleties French, relationships between a man and a woman. The last letter is dated March 6, 1855. Flaubert had mistresses in Brussels, Paris, Munich, he did not shy away from communicating with women of easy virtue, but, despite his active personal life, he never acquired a wife and children. This position is explained by a quote from a letter to Kolya dated December 11, 1852: “The idea of ​​bringing someone into the world fills me with horror. I would curse myself if I became a father. It’s better for my flesh to perish than for me to condemn someone to the shame of existence.” IN last years Gustave Flaubert was increasingly troubled by epilepsy. Forgotten by friends and impoverished, the light of French literature died on May 8, 1880 in the village of Croisset. The cause of death was a cerebral hemorrhage during another attack. The funeral took place on May 11 in the presence of famous writers - Emile Zola, Guy de Maupassant, Edmond de Goncourt, Alphonse Daudet. The writer's ashes rest in the monumental cemetery of Rouen. In memory of Flaubert, dozens of works, hundreds of films, universities and streets named after him remained. In Rouen, in 2008, they even built the Gustave Flaubert Bridge - the highest drawbridge in Europe, whose total height is 91 m, and the horizontal rise of the road surface is 55 m. But most importantly, Flaubert’s work influenced more modern writers: if not for Madame Bovary, the world would not have read the works of Franz Kafka or Jean-Paul Sartre. French writers still place Flaubert on the same level with such legislators of national creativity as Arthur Rimbaud and Charles Baudelaire, and his novels reach new round popularity.

Vyacheslav Novikov

“Take care of the forest from fire!”, “Take care of nature—your mother!” Calls familiar to everyone. But not every person listens, not everyone looks closely. Pigs of all ages and both sexes land in the clearings, light fires, have picnics and leave behind everything that they could not eat. Really, if you came by car, is it difficult for you assholes to collect the garbage in bags and take it to the container? How to stop the outrage? Probably only huge fines will save us. There is little hope for conscience. Go deep into city parks - under every tree there are cans, bottles and bags of chips. Turn to forest lakes away from the city - the same thing. And that's not so bad. The forest is burning from your fires and abandoned cigarette butts. Sometimes it burns out over hectares, claiming the lives of animals, birds, frogs and insects. Isn't it a pity? Especially in hot summers, when dry grass instantly flares up and fire begins to devour everything around. How to reach the unconscious? Driving a nail into your head? Tied by the legs to bent birch trees and released to the will of providence? Pinching your hands in a crevice and leaving them to be devoured by midges? No answer.

Forest - air, life. Fires, predatory felling and various aphids can completely destroy all our resources if we don’t come to our senses at some point. It’s a completely different thing to enter an untouched forest, breathe in the pine trees near Krasnoslobodsk, cut honey mushrooms in the Staroshaigovsky aspen forest, pick a handful of strawberries near Zubovaya Polyana, where Lake Inerka is in the lower reaches of the Vad River. And naval leader Ushakov went on pilgrimage through the Temnikovsky forest. He probably didn’t throw a rolled-up cigarette into the dry grass, or leave iron cans of stew after a rest. There was no plastic in those days, thank God. And Stepan Erzya wandered through the Ardatov copses, peered into the snags, tenderly touched the bark of centuries-old linden trees, and rested on a stump. And how many milk mushrooms are there in the Kochkurovsky birch forest even today! How many birds are nesting, how many animals are prowling, hiding from us behind the foliage. And we will be the last criminals, if we don’t preserve the forests, we will turn them into dead ash.

Do they think about this at the very top? Probably yes. And they even came up with a national project “Ecology”, which has a special clause “Implementation of measures to restore and replant at least 50% of forests in relation to the area of ​​cut down and dead forest plantations.” They say that in 6 years 24 new specially protected natural areas with a total area of ​​5 million hectares will appear in Russia, 11 special programs will increase populations rare species animals.

Particular attention is paid to the development of ecotourism. If in 2018 less than 3.6 million people visited nature reserves and national parks, then in 2024 their number should increase to 7.9 million. By the way, 91 protected natural zones of Mordovia and two local reserves participate in the program. Their preservation is the most important task, because pure nature is necessary for humanity for basic survival. We need to take care of forest areas. In 2018, just over 60% of deforested and destroyed forests were restored in the country. By the end of 2024, this figure, according to promises, will be increased to 100%. At the same time, damage from forest fires will be reduced almost threefold. Our republic will be allocated 343 million rubles for forest restoration! Specialized firefighters will be 87% equipped. Organizations carrying out forest regeneration activities are 100% complete.

“In 2019, work on reforestation on the lands of the forest fund of the republic was carried out within the framework of the regional project “Forest Conservation,” says Evgeniy Cheshuin, head of the forest protection department of the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Moldova. - Activities were carried out by 20 tenants of forest plots using forests for timber harvesting, and 19 executors of state contracts for forest reproduction. The volume of forest reproduction completed this year amounted to 1,407 hectares, or 100% of the planned volume. Forest reproduction was carried out through artificial reforestation - planting forest crops on an area of ​​674 hectares and by carrying out work to promote natural reforestation on an area of ​​733 hectares. The share of tenants of forest plots of the total volume completed is 78% (1102 hectares), including through artificial reforestation - 57% (395 hectares). Based on the results of the autumn inventory of forest crops and measures to promote natural reforestation, 2,030 hectares of land have been converted to forest cover this year. 119 hectares of forest crops were lost, including 100 hectares due to forest fires in 2019. In forest areas affected by fires, clearing and soil preparation for planting forest crops in 2020 have already been carried out this year. In accordance with the regional project “Forest Conservation”, in 2020 the Ministry of Forestry of Mordovia plans to carry out forest reproduction on an area of ​​more than 1.5 thousand hectares.”

How many trees are destroyed during construction? shopping centers, gas stations and other joys of humanity. Before you have time to blink one eye, a hefty piece of the park, where you once walked with a baby and fed titmice, is already being cleared by bulldozers, and floors of chain stores are already growing. How is this possible? Two years ago, Russian President Vladimir Putin noted that one of the priorities of the Russian state and government for the coming years will be the development of infrastructure, which means that one must feel the line, skillfully balance ​—both economically developing the country and preserving the environment. In the case of infrastructure projects, it is necessary to carry out compensatory tree plantings.

“You and I know that such a problem arises always and everywhere: between protecting the environment, protecting nature and development,” Putin said firmly. - ​You always need to look for a middle ground. We have already made a decision in this area, according to which, in the case of the implementation of certain industrial and infrastructure projects, and if this is related to deforestation, it is necessary to carry out the so-called replanting of forests. That is, as many trees need to be planted as were cut down during the implementation of an industrial or infrastructure project. Now, if we approach solving problems of development and nature conservation in this way, it seems to me that we will be on the right path!”

And look at the beauty of the Smidovich Nature Reserve! With what desire do guests from all over the republic and from all neighboring regions go there! What little houses have grown up on the cordons, how clean every square is. We rode snowmobiles along frozen rivers, saw hundreds of hare and squirrel tracks, read from these tracks how a lynx followed a hare, met roe deer, and they, shuddering, ran away from us to somewhere quieter. We wandered around with environmental methodologist Vladimir Ivanovich Nikitenkov national park“Smolny”, they looked for mushrooms, took out strange plants from Mitryashka - a forest lake, and he kept talking about his favorite places, took everyone around secret meadows. We drove the combat Niva into the most dense corner, and from there we could hear the howl of a wolf, the crackling of dead wood from elk hooves.

Last summer, fires did not touch this rich region, they bypassed it. Thanks to the staff — ​they prevented the fire and took all measures. But in the past, a fire broke out on an area of ​​1.23 hectares. And in 2010, a disastrous fire whirlwind swept through the national park with terrible force - more than 300 hectares burned! Now, on the site of the fire pits, the forest has been restored on an area of ​​132 hectares. So says the head of the Smolny National Park branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Reserved Mordovia, Evgeniy Artyukh. “In 2018–2019, forest infrastructure was actively created,” says Evgeniy Sergeevich, “recreation areas and gazebos along the roads were established. Such recreation centers as “Mayevka”, “Mitryashki”, “Alatyr”, “Chaika”, “Chugunovsky cordon”, “Gorky cordon”, “Kuzolei”, “Tashkinsky cordon”, “Zhuravlikha” were put into operation, 7 springs."

The names alone make the heart sing and the soul rejoice. “Crane” - ah, what a name! Surely a serene, heavenly place. And there are enough such places throughout Mordovia. Our task is to clean and protect them for future generations. “We plan to continue the development of forest infrastructure,” continues Evgeniy Artyukh. - We will attract visitors to national park. From the beginning of the year to November 1, 8,195 people visited us.”

And how can you not visit Smolny? I haven’t been to Smolny - I haven’t seen any beauty! Here linden trees coexist with oak groves, birch forests move into aspen forests. Here you can find honeysuckle and bramble. Do you know what cuckoo flax is? For example, we didn’t know until we met his tenderness in the thickets of Smolny. In the ravines we tried not to crush the meadowsweet and admired the black alder in the Alatyr valley. One day we were frightened by a black grouse that suddenly jumped out from under our feet, and for this we scared away a gray heron looking out for frogs in the swamp. She rose above the forest, looked down with contempt and didn’t even say anything.

The Ministry of Forestry of Mordovia will do everything possible, the forest inhabitants will come to our aid, and the fires will go out in the mushroom rains. A wide rainbow will shine over the entire republic.