Despite the undeniable convenience of storing countless photographs on digital media, the desire to have your favorite pictures always before your eyes with the passage of time and the development of technology does not decrease. Moreover, the ability to process photographs, combine them into collages, print them in any size and at any time open up new horizons for interior decoration using images of people dear to the heart and important points from life.

Basic rules for the correct placement of photographs on the wall

  • The desire to experiment and movement - an integral part of any living space - is best expressed by placing photos on the wall.

In other words, the placement of photographs on a vertical surface should not be taken too seriously, because at any time they can be outweighed, replaced with others, supplemented with new ones, or even removed out of sight. They are an even more temporary phenomenon than the color of the wallpaper or the texture of the curtains, so it is worth playing and trying with them, without particularly expecting the final result and completeness. In the end, a person can always appear in your life, whose photo will also be worthy of showing off in your living room, so let the composition be open.

In addition, in order for the selected photos to look advantageous, complement the interior, and not clutter it visually, it is reasonable to observe some common truths regarding placement on the wall:

  • photographs should be placed on the free space of the wall without sconces, sockets, switches, etc., and large bright prints on the wallpaper should not “argue” with the photographs;
  • images on the wall should not be blocked by pieces of furniture or curtains; moreover, there should be a certain distance to the window or cabinet, preferably at least half a meter;
  • the center shot or horizontal midline of the photograph composition should be approximately at eye level;
  • photographs should be placed on a well-lit area of ​​the wall. Also, the experience of designers suggests some tricks and secrets, using which you can visually change the parameters of the space and give the interior a thoughtful style.

How to beautifully post a photo

Color and size of photographs.

Before hanging photographs on the wall, you need to select them. It is difficult to start choosing images from a purely pragmatic point of view and stop only at those that are in harmony with each other, say, in color - because because of this approach, the very meaning of arranging memorable photographs on the wall is lost. However, the designers found a simple and ingenious way out of this situation - to hang only black and white photographs on the wall.

This idea, of course, was taken from the past, when no other photographs were taken, and it is easy to implement now by processing your favorite photos in just two clicks of the mouse. Whether to follow this approach or not is everyone's choice, but obviously it greatly simplifies the task of creating a unified composition from disparate images.

If this idea is difficult to implement, then frames and geometry will come to the rescue.

As for size, the following factors should be taken into account:

  • The amount of free space on .

Remember that ideally there should be a distance of up to half a meter from the window and the wall or cabinet (vertical lines) so that the pictures look separate and significant as an important part of the interior.

  • Room dimensions.

Standing against the opposite wall, you need to be able to at least roughly understand what is shown in the photo, that is, the pictures should not be too small for the sake of more of them on the wall.

  • The largest photograph is usually no larger than A1 size.

Otherwise, these are already photo wallpapers that you can look at for a long time, studying the details. And when placing several photographs on the wall, you need to remember that they should form a composition of more or less equal photographs.

Otherwise photos can be any size, both the same and completely different. The printing size should be selected based on the geometry of the location and/or artistic features photos.

Frame color

If the selected photographs together form a rather motley picture, then great way bringing them into harmony with each other and later composing them on the wall means putting them in uniform frames. There are several options to implement this idea:

  • Buy absolutely identical frames of the same color:
  • light and thin for bright, for example, children's;
  • black and wide for the interior of a living room or bedroom in pastel colors;
  • black and white or, for example, brown and green in equal proportions to create dynamics in the interior.
  • Paint frames of different sizes, widths and designs the same color.

Perhaps you still have frames made in the last century, or you yourself once bought baguettes, but for some reason they were not useful. It doesn’t matter at all how they look together at first glance - if you paint them with the same color paint, they will make an excellent composition.

In addition, you can take a risk and choose a different frame for each photo in color and width, and then try to create a gallery from them on your wall. And this option, of course, has the right to life if it is made taking into account the win-win geometry of the location.

Location geometry

The accommodation option depends not only on the style of the interior, but also on the character of its residents, which is why it can take quite a variety of forms:

  • Photos in random order.

Random order means that there is no pattern in the arrangement of photographs. As soon as there is even a hint of a checkerboard order or a smooth horizontal line uniting several photos, the color and mood of chaos is lost, and the rest of the photos fall out of the overall picture. The main advantage of deliberately choosing clutter in placing photographs on the wall is an open composition, when you can again and again add new images to existing ones.

  • Strict geometry of the same size photographs, for example, several photographs placed in a row, or four photographs forming a square.

This option is perfect if you need to place portraits of family members (for example, adult children) or photographs that capture events of the distant past (say, a cycle from the first primer, graduating from school, entering university and receiving a diploma). Such a closed composition, which has nothing and nothing to complement, usually decorates a living room or office.

  • Can mentally draw any readable figure on the wall and fill it with photographs same or different sizes.

It can be a long rectangle or a cross, a circle or a pyramid, filling which you kind of play a game. There is no central title part, each photo fits into a specific niche, and together the pictures create an interesting composition on the wall, which invariably attracts the attention of guests.

  • Photos that are positioned relative to a single line, such as a fireplace or staircase.

For such a composition, an object is selected that has a symbolic meaning for the inhabitants of the apartment. Everyone gathers around the fireplace for the holidays and admires the photographs hanging above it, and going up the stairs, you can see how one person or an entire family has grown and changed.

  • One central object and several around it.

With such an unusual choice, small photographs can surround one title photo, or, for example, fill exactly the same amount of space next to it, completely repeating its outline.

  • Photos mixed with other interior items.

This is the riskiest option, which can involve absolutely all things that can somehow be placed on the wall. In such a composition, on the one hand, the ideological and semantic load photography as a document, a tribute to memory and the past, and on the other hand, placing objects on the wall without rules and dogmas gives impetus to creativity and the creation of a real installation, and not just a gallery of images.

Whatever option for placing photographs on the wall is chosen, a gallery of photographs depicting important milestones in the life of one person or an entire family is a stylish decoration for any interior.

At first glance, the placement and design of photographs does not imply anything complicated.

In fact, by simply pinning them to the wall in any order, you can get a not entirely expected effect and be considered a tasteless designer. It is also worth considering that any interior design looks truly impressive if it is individual. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with several rules for posting and designing photographs, which will insure against mistakes, but otherwise trust your imagination and feelings.

Found on AliExpress / Photo Frames

Family photo: features of placement in the interior

The main task is to combine several images of different shape, size and genre. Of course, you can buy absolutely identical frames, print several photos of the same size and hang them on the wall in a synchronized order, but they will look boring and are unlikely to delight anyone. A creative approach and dynamics in the interior are the key to success.

You can decorate any room in your house or apartment with photographs. The main thing is that the chosen principle and style correspond to the general spirit of the room and echo it in color and mood. If you don't want to fuss with shapes and sizes, you can actually buy identical frames. But in this case there should be a lot of them in order to cover the entire wall with them, like tiles. This is how you can decorate your hallway or office.

Photos can serve as the main decoration of the interior. We recommend placing several blocks of framed photographs throughout your home. Despite the age of color digital photography, black and white photographs never go out of style. Even modern photos in monochrome they have their own special charm. They focus attention on the image itself.

Photos arranged in ascending order by size look very ugly. One of the strongest techniques is considered placing one large photo on one wall.

The most beloved and dear to the heart family photos must always be the center of attention. Framework– these are not just photo frames. They can become the main accent in the interior, so you need to choose them very carefully, taking into account what function you plan to assign to them.

The frames look very impressive self made. You need to place a photo on the wall so that the fictional the center line of the entire composition was at eye level person in a standing position. If you hang the pictures below, you can look at them on the sofa, but if you hang them higher, it will turn out to be very inconvenient for viewing.

Found on AliExpress / Photo Frames

How to make a photo frame with your own hands

When placing two photographs of different sizes side by side, the one What is larger should be placed slightly above eye level, so that smaller photos are easier to look at.

Before hanging on the wall, you need to lay out the pictures in the intended order on the floor. Step back a couple of steps and evaluate the intended placement, and if necessary, rearrange, move or replace some photos. If there is little basic lighting in the room, you can use it for photography additional lighting.

Found on AliExpress / Photo Frames

Lifehacks for decorating a wall with photographs

Lifehack No. 1. When posting photographs of a child, you can use bright frames different sizes. Colored and black and white photos in combination with children's colored drawings in frames different colors create an amazing effect.

Lifehack No. 2. Fans of creative designs can complement their interior by placing photos in a simple but original way. Having secured the improvised clothesline in the room and attaching a photo to it with clothespins, you will surely surprise your guests. In addition, the pictures can be changed periodically, thereby updating your interior.

Lifehack No. 3. Having created memory wall in your living room, you can place photos of different generations here, constantly adding more and more new ones. The accent can be one large frame with a photo of the youngest, oldest in your family, or a family portrait, around which smaller cards of different sizes will be placed.

Lifehack #4. Modern interior styles, for example, high-tech, allow you to use photo without frames. They look like large posters or canvas paintings, randomly placed on the wall.

Lifehack #5. Why not put many, many small photos in one huge frame? This approach to placing photographs will make them a kind of addition and an integral decor in the interior. Thematic collage of photos has always been popular.

Lifehack #6. Take a photo from the album of your grandmother or mother in your youth, or even your interesting situational card from childhood and turn it into photo wallpaper. This approach will not go unnoticed.

Lifehack No. 7. Fans of antiquity prefer the same old photos. And if you place photographs in different sizes, they will become a real highlight of the interior.

Lifehack #8. Split one multi-part shot and arrange the photographs in such a way that they create a single harmonious picture.

Lifehack #9. Interior items with photographs printed on them are very popular. Transfer portraits of family and friends to dishes, watches, etc.

Digital technologies They have been surrounding us in everything for a long time. But sometimes it’s so nice to have paper photographs in the house. It is not at all necessary to simply store them in a photo album, which will rarely be taken out for viewing. Photos can be hung throughout the house in different places to remind you of the most pleasant moments. If you have the desire to make a beautiful wall gallery, then it will not be difficult at all.

Decorating a wall with photographs is by no means an echo of the past. There are many interesting interior solutions for this. After all, you can hang not just framed photos, but also large posters or collages.

Selecting a location

Old ideas about design said that photos should be placed above the fireplace, in the living room, near the stairs or in the bedroom. Modern houses and apartments with their improved layouts have great potential for decorating spaces with photographs.

It is not at all necessary to follow traditions in our time. For example, you could create a collage of photos in the dining area for your family or guests to enjoy while dining. Also, pictures are placed in the hallway, corridors, kitchen and bathroom.

First you need to decide what kind of photographs you want to decorate the wall. Landscapes, portraits or maybe general photos? In any case, you need to choose a place with enough space.


To give photographs on the wall special expressiveness and originality, it is necessary to choose the right lighting. The ideal option is LED lamps. You can also use small wall sconces, the light from which will be directed towards the photo.

The color of the lighting should not be bright so as not to interrupt the impression of the images themselves. If there is enough light in the room or you do not want to highlight the photo separately, then this is not at all necessary.

Methods for posting photos

Many people wonder: how exactly to hang photographs so that the collage looks appropriate and attractive? The photo can be hung without a frame, with a frame, or you can create a composition with your own hands.

A good option would be a ready-made composition of several frames. Will save time and avoid unnecessary holes in the wall.

To create a composition with your own hands, you need to think it through carefully. Don't forget about symmetry. It will not allow the order in the room to be disturbed. And the asymmetrical composition will add originality to the interior.

With images large sizes It is worth remembering about centering. In the case of collages, the photo must be placed in the center, and if it comes to a single image, you should start from the furnishings of the room and place such an image in combination with a sofa, fireplace or other large interior elements.

To create a composition from beautiful photos there is one on the wall original idea with layout different types images: photos, posters and, for example, postcards.

Style selection

A composition in the form of a family tree will help create a cozy homely atmosphere. A frame in the shape of a large romantic heart will suit a young family.

A frame in the shape of famous cartoon characters or a child’s favorite toy will look interesting in a child’s room. The more individual the approach to the design of a photo gallery, the more unique it will look.

To correctly compose a collage, it is recommended to first draw it on paper. There are many interesting gallery templates, but you can follow the call of creativity and draw a unique design. In the case of collage, you should remember the rule of contrast.

Using Contrast in Gallery Design

  • Large photos are contrasted with small ones.
  • Use centering rules and place large frames in the center and small ones on the sides.
  • If there is a large frame in the collage, then it should not dominate.
  • Black and white photographs will look great with captions.
  • If the gallery is large and consists only of photographs, it may look boring.

Using a photo without frames

Garlands - lining up several photographs in a row. It is suitable if you have photos from Polaroid or Instagram. They should be small and the same size. You can arrange photos on a string vertically or horizontally. The photos are attached with glue or clothespins.

Cork board. This option in lately quite popular. The main advantage is that photos can be changed. Ideal place will become a children's room or kitchen. A cork board can be used in an interesting way in the interior of a room.

Drawing frames on the wall. The drawn frames must be in contrast to the wall. It's better to use one color scheme. This choice of gallery design gives you an unlimited number of ideas. You can also write interesting sayings or quotes from your own life on the wall.

Photos in frames

Using photo frames in your gallery design will ensure its visibility and clear outline. This method can also be used in different ways in the interior and make it not boring by using unusual shapes framework


Another great collage design option. The multiframe consists of frames different forms and sizes. Such options should be selected based on the interior of the room. Remember that a photo gallery is separate element in the interior and it requires special attention in design.

The photo gallery should fit perfectly into the interior so that guests and loved ones do not think that the collage is superfluous.

Not best option place a lot of photo frames on the wall. This will make the interior heavier and ruin the pleasant atmosphere that photos with memories create.

The option with a photo on a string - the so-called garland - was described above. In the case of frames, this method is also relevant, but you should not get carried away with the number of photos and remember that the frames must be the same size.

A unique option would be frames made by yourself. Individual approach Taking into account the features of the interior and the image itself, it will help to create an unusual piece of furniture.

Clock with photos

One more interesting idea, which also has a useful function. Ideal for decorating a living room or kitchen. You can purchase them, as well as invent them yourself, because it’s not at all difficult.

An interesting gallery format is a frame in the shape of a house. A simple silhouette, understandable even for a child, will help create an interesting collage with family photos, which is appropriate to hang in the living room or hallway.

As you can see, there are dozens of ways to decorate your home with photographs. When choosing, be sure to think carefully about whether this option will fit into the interior of the room, whether it will look inappropriate, bulky or tasteless.

Rely on your taste, consult with your family and create your own unique gallery that will remind you of the best moments in life.

Photos of photographs on the wall

There are situations when you really need to hang a picture on the wall without nails or drilling: for example, the apartment is rented, you don’t want to spoil the wall with holes, bother the neighbors, or your husband is simply not at home. It is then that very simple and effective ways that will help you hang a picture, panel, poster or photograph on the wall without using a drill. Choose which one you like best!

1. How to hang a picture on the wall without drilling the wall: a paper clip or a coat hook

If you have wallpaper on your wall, make a small horizontal cut in it, fill it with superglue and place a paper clip, bent into a hook or a regular coat hook, and then cover the cut with wallpaper. Step by step instructions you can read by “implanting” a paper clip into the wallpaper .

2. Button

This method is similar to the previous one. Here, too, the base itself is “hidden under the wallpaper” and glued, and the protruding part acts as a nail on which you can hang a not very heavy picture. In the video below you can learn how to effectively hide the base of a button behind wallpaper.

3. Spider hook

You can buy it at a hardware store special device called "spider hook": o but has four pointed ends, which are easily attached to the wall with a hammer and leave practically no marks on it.This hook holds securelyon any wall, you can hang a picture or frame weighing up to 2 kg on it.

4. Needle

Another way to place light paintings is to stick a sewing needle into the wall. For example, you can carefully drive it into the wallpaper at an angle tailor's pin with head. Another option: break off the eye of a sewing needle with pliers and simply hammer it into the wall with the sharp end. This way, the hole in the wall is small and unnoticeable, unlike nails or screws. At the same time, withama needle, steel and durable, holds the frame securely.

5. Double-sided tape

This method is suitable for walls with thin paper wallpaper or plasterboard partitions. Just apply regular double-sided tape to the edges of the frame and attach it to the wall. True, the disadvantage of this method is that the tape can leave marks on the wall; to prevent this from happening, it is recommended to keep the tape under glob 90 degrees in relation to the wall when removing the painting.

6. Command Velcro

The special technology of Command Velcro allows you to glue them to almost any surface and easily hang pictures weighing up to 2 kg on them. The advantage of this brand of Velcro is that it can be easily removed without damaging the walls. They Sold as a set of several strips: one strip is glued to the frame, the other to the wall. The more stripes, the heavier the painting can be.

7. Liquid nails

Liquid nails are a special glue that securely connects surfaces. Just apply to reverse side frames with liquid nails in small dots (if the picture is heavy, you can coat the entire frame). Then press the painting flat against the wall surface and hold for a few seconds.

8. Polymer glue

Polymer glue is convenient because it does not leave greasy marks behind. The principle is the same as with liquid nails: we glue the heavy picture around the entire perimeter, and the light one only around the edges. For better adhesion to the surface, the frame needs to be pressed firmly and even left for a day, propped up with something.

9. Wine cork

The wine cork is cut into circles approximately 1 cm thick and glued to the wall with quick-drying glue (Moment glue or BF-2). After the glue dries, a nail is stuck into this cork. small size, on which the picture is hung.

Today people have more photographs at their disposal than at any time in history. So why not decorate your home with them? Family or other photographs close to your heart on the wall will make the interior of your home more lively, cozy and memorable. But to do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the secrets of creating stylish compositions. In this article you will learn how to beautifully hang photos on the wall and see best examples gallery design for photo rooms.

Photos on the wall: step-by-step room design

At first glance it may seem that for beautiful design room with photographs, just buy a collage or the right number framework, and that's the end of it. However, a poorly thought out scheme will not only bring you no joy, but can even turn into a constant source of irritation. With a little more effort, you can make the photos on your wall look like real works of art.

The basic steps for this look like this:

  1. Decide exactly where you want to hang your photos on the wall. The most suitable rooms for this are the entrance hall, corridor, living room and dining area.

Also read:

2. Determine the boundaries within which the collage or collection of photo frames will be placed. The area of ​​this area should be in harmony with the individual interior details. For example, it can match the size of the window, the width of the sofa or the carpet on the living room floor.

3. Choose the design of the frames and the type of pattern: will it be symmetrical or asymmetrical? In both cases, the size and shape of the frames do not matter - you can play with them to your heart's content. At the same time, in a strictly symmetrical scheme it is recommended to compare frames of the same color and design, and in an asymmetrical scheme it is recommended to balance them in terms of visual mass and shades relative to the center.

4. Make a diagram for hanging photo frames on the wall. We will dwell on this point in more detail later.

To hang your photos beautifully on your wall the first time, use a simple trick. Spread a large sheet of paper on the floor (or tape several sheets together). Arrange photo frames on this sheet, moving them around until you are completely satisfied with the composition. Trace the outlines of the frames with a pencil, then use pins or needles to attach the sheet to the wall to finally verify the result. If no changes need to be made, mark the photo locations with nails and remove the sheet.

For greater clarity, you can even cut out the outlines of the frames from paper, as shown in the photo below.

You will find several ready-made useful diagrams for creating a photo gallery on the wall in our article:.

How to beautifully hang photos on the wall - ideas with photos

Whatever scheme you choose to hang photos on the wall, try to combine all its parts into a single whole using a common element. This could be the color of the photographs, the material of the frame, or the size of the image. For example, photographs of different sizes will look great together if they are all in black and white.

Also read:

If you want to go a complex, but also more interesting way, and combine completely different frames and photographs, then remember the need to visually balance the composition in the center and that the frames should be located at approximately the same distance from each other.

7 original ways to hang photos on the wall

Want to know how to beautifully hang photos on your wall without frames? Or how to decorate a wall with a lot of photos without having to drill a lot of holes? Read about the most creative ways to design a home photo gallery in the final part of this article.

  1. Use threads and branches

3. Place photo frames on both sides of the corner where the walls meet

4. Mount photos on a special backing

7. Use clothespins and other available materials

Which method did you like best? Tell us in the comments!

How to arrange photos on the wall - 30 photos in the interior updated: October 20, 2016 by: Margarita Glushko