This material discusses short biography Sergei Pavlovich Korolev- outstanding designer of the rocket and space industry. Influenced Sergei Koroleva There was a technological breakthrough for all of humanity. Under his leadership, the first artificial satellite entered Earth's orbit, the first manned flight into space took place, and the first man walked into outer space.

The childhood and youth of the great designer.

Sergei Pavlovich Korolev was born on January 12, 1907 in the city of Zhitomir in the North-West of Ukraine. Father (Pavel Yakovlevich Korolev) and mother (Maria Nikolaevna Balanina (Moskalenko)) were teachers. The father left the family when Sergei Korolev was 3 years old. For a long time the child lived with his grandparents. In 1917 he went to the first grade of a gymnasium in Odessa, where his mother and his stepfather (Grigory Mikhailovich Balanin) moved. The gymnasium was soon closed, and the child received home education. His stepfather, like his mother, Korolev, was a teacher and also had an education as an engineer. Sergei showed exceptional interest in aviation technology. In 1921 Having met the Odessa pilots, he began to show active position in the aviation community. Already at the age of 16, Korolev gave lectures on eliminating aviation illiteracy.

Student years

In 1924 he entered the Kiev Polytechnic Institute majoring in aviation technology. During his 2 years of study there, he mastered basic engineering disciplines and became a glider athlete. In the fall of 1926, Korolev is transferred to the Moscow Higher Technical School (Moscow Higher Technical School) named after Bauman. While studying at Moscow Higher Technical School, he actively developed as an aircraft designer and glider pilot. On November 2, 1929, he passed the exam for the title of soaring pilot. In the same year, he defended his diploma on the SK-4 aircraft under the guidance of Tupolev.

Korolev's interest in jet propulsion and career

In 1929 after meeting Tsiolkovsky and his works, he begins to take an active interest in the topic jet propulsion. In 1931 Korolev and a group of enthusiasts led by the inventor Friedrich Zander create the public organization “Group for the Study of Jet Propulsion” (GIRD). As a joke, the abbreviation GIRD was deciphered as a group of engineers working for nothing, since the group members for a long time did not receive money for their work. The work was based on enthusiasm and love for the job. In 1932 GIRD essentially becomes a research and development laboratory for the development and production of rocket aircraft. August 17, 1933 their first rocket was successfully launched. After that, in the same year, on the basis of the GIRD operating in Moscow, in which Korolev worked, and the Leningrad Gas Dynamics Laboratory (GDL), with the support of Marshal Tukhachesky, a jet research institute was formed. While working there, Korolev became the head of the rocket aircraft department in 1935 and was the deputy director of the research institute. He worked on the development of rocket aircraft, but in 1938, due to disagreements with his superiors, Korolev was transferred to the ordinary position of senior engineer. Subsequently, this event saves him from execution.

Arrest and serving sentence

Active repressions began in the highest military ranks. Marshal Tukhachesky was arrested and shot. Everyone associated with this case came under suspicion. Korolev was arrested on June 27, 1938 on suspicion of sabotage. Upon conviction by the Military Collegium Supreme Court USSR in the fall of 1938, Korolev was sentenced to 10 years in a forced labor camp.
Korolev ended up in Kolyma, where he worked at the Maldyak gold mine. Later in 1940 he was sent to Moscow, where the case was reviewed and the sentence was reduced to 8 years in correctional camps. However, on the instructions of Tupolev, Korolev was not sent to the camps, but continued to work, fulfilling a military order for the design of missiles. First in a Moscow special prison, then during the war in the Kazan prison-type design bureau. Korolev noted significant achievements during his work. Summer 1944 Sergei Pavlovich Korolev was released early from prison with his criminal record expunged on the personal orders of Stalin. After that he worked for another year in Kazan as a designer. rocket launchers. .

Development of missile weapons.

After the war, the country needed weapons of a new level. Summer 1946 Sergei Pavlovich Korolev was appointed Chief Designer of the specially created “Special Design Bureau No. 1”. The bureau was involved in the development of ballistic missiles long range. The first task set before Korolev was to create a copy of the German V-2 rocket. Reality showed that the Soviet industry of that time was not capable of producing weapons of the required level of quality. The process of formation of the newest space industry took place gradually. Under the leadership of Korolev, the R-1, R-2, R-5 missiles and the intercontinental ballistic R-7 were developed, which became the mainstay missile weapons USSR for the coming years. September 16, 1955 The world's first ballistic missile was launched from a Soviet submarine.

Space exploration under the leadership of chief designer Sergei Korolev

In 1955 S.P. Korolev and his associates came to the government with a proposal to launch an artificial Earth satellite into orbit using the R-7 rocket. The government approved the initiative and October 4, 1957 The world's first artificial Earth satellite was launched and put into orbit. " He was small, this very first artificial satellite of our old planet, but his sonorous call signs spread across all continents and among all peoples as the embodiment of the daring dream of mankind", Korolev said later about the launched satellite. Afterwards, active space exploration began under the leadership of the chief designer. Korolev led and organized the work of people in the previously non-existent space industry. November 3, 1957 The dog Laika was launched into space. October 4, 1959 was launched to the moon spacecraft who allowed me to photograph reverse side The moon, which no one had ever seen on Earth before. April 12, 1961 The first human flight into space takes place. On the Vostok-1 spacecraft, designed by Korolev, cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin flew in orbit around the Earth.
On March 18, 1965, the Voskhod-2 spacecraft took off with cosmonauts Leonov and Belyaev on board. During this flight, a person for the first time left the confines of a spacecraft and went into outer space. Korolev also hatched projects to create the world’s first orbital station and the landing of man on the moon.

Death of a great designer

January 14, 1966 Korolev had to undergo a simple operation to remove polyps in the intestines. They operated on him best doctors USSR of that time. After the polyps were removed, Korolev began to bleed heavily and doctors were forced to open the abdominal cavity. As a result, it was discovered malignant tumor. The decision was made to remove it. The tumor was removed, but Korolev’s heart could not withstand such high loads from the operation and stopped. It was decided to bury the ashes of Sergei Pavlovich Korolev near the Kremlin wall along with other great figures of our page. There he remains to this day. To summarize briefly all Queen's biography, we can say that a person worked hard and enthusiastically all his life and was able to contribute tangible contribution to history.
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outlined in this article.

Sergey Korolev short biography

Sergei Pavlovich Korolev- Soviet scientist, designer, main organizer of the production of aerospace technology and missile weapons USSR and the founder of practical cosmonautics.

Born on January 12, 1907 (December 30, 1906, old style) in Zhitomir in the family of a teacher of Russian literature.

In 1922 he entered the Odessa construction and trade school, from which he graduated two years later. In 1924 he entered the Kiev Polytechnic Institute. In 1926 he transferred to the evening department of the Moscow Higher Technical School.

Back in the early 20s, Korolev designed his first glider. Later, gliders of his design will take part in the All-Union glider competitions, receiving high reviews. After completing the Moscow Higher Technical School, Korolev works at enterprises in the aviation industry.

In 1930, Korolev defended his graduation project for a light-engine aircraft. The young designer’s scientific supervisor was Tupolev himself. After his defense, Korolev received the profession of aeromechanical engineer.

Together with Tsiolkovsky's follower Friedrich Arturovich Zander, in 1931 he organized one of the first rocket organizations in the USSR - the Jet Propulsion Research Group (GIRD). Supervises the construction and flight testing of experimental rockets, develops a design for a rocket plane - half-airplane, half-rocket.

In 1933, he was appointed deputy head of the Jet Research Institute (RNII). Designs experimental rockets, builds a rocket plane. He makes presentations at All-Union conferences on the use of cruise missiles to study the stratosphere.

In 1938, he was unreasonably repressed and sentenced to a long term of imprisonment. First he leaves for Kolyma. During the Great Patriotic War works in a special regime design bureau. He was released in 1944 and the following year he was sent to Germany, where, as part of the Technical Commission, he became acquainted with captured missile technology.

From 1946 until the end of his life Korolev - Chief Designer long-range ballistic missiles, rocket and space systems - launch vehicles "Sputnik", "Vostok" and its modifications, aircraft-ships "Vostok", "Voskhod", automatic interplanetary stations, specialized Earth satellites. Under the leadership of Korolev, the world's first artificial Earth satellite was launched in 1957, and the first manned one in 1961. spaceship"Vostok", a lunar project has been prepared transport system N-1.

On his initiative and under his leadership, the first artificial Earth satellite and the first cosmonaut on the planet, Yuri Gagarin, were launched.

Sergei Korolev was an academician of the Academy of Sciences, a member of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1960-1966), twice Hero of Socialist Labor (1956, 1961), laureate of the Lenin Prize (1957). Was awarded the Gold Medal. K.E. Tsiolkovsky Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1958), 2 Orders of Lenin, the Order of the Badge of Honor and medals.

Sergei Pavlovich Korolev passed away January 14, 1966(heart stopped after surgery).

Personal life

Korolev was married twice. In August 1931 he married his former classmate Ksenia Maximilianovna Vincentini. In 1935, their daughter Natalya was born, but the marriage was unsuccessful and they divorced in 1948.

Second wife - Nina Ivanovna Kotenkova (1949-1966).

Sergei Pavlovich Korolev (1907-1966) is an outstanding designer and scientist who worked in the field of rocket and rocket-space technology. Twice Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Lenin Prize, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, he is the creator of domestic strategic missile weapons of medium and intercontinental range and the founder of practical cosmonautics. His design developments in the field of rocket technology are of exceptional value for the development of domestic missile weapons, and in the field of astronautics they are of global importance. He is rightfully the father of domestic rocket and space technology, which ensured strategic parity and made our state a leading rocket and space power.

S.P. Korolev was born on January 12, 1907 in Zhitomir in the family of Russian literature teacher P.Ya. Queen. Already in school years Sergei was distinguished by an indomitable craving for the then new aviation technology. At the age of 17, he had already developed a project for an aircraft of an original design - the “K-5 engineless aircraft.” Having entered the Kiev Polytechnic Institute in 1924 with a specialization in aviation technology, Korolev mastered general engineering disciplines there in two years and became a glider athlete. In the fall of 1926, he transferred to the Moscow Higher Technical School (MVTU), where he gained fame as a young, capable designer and experienced glider pilot. The aircraft he designed and built: the Koktebel and Krasnaya Zvezda gliders and the SK-4 light aircraft, designed to achieve a record flight range, showed Korolev’s extraordinary abilities. He was especially fascinated by flights in the stratosphere and the principles of jet propulsion. In September 1931 S.P. Korolev and F.A. Zander are seeking to create it in Moscow with the help of Osoaviakhim public organization- Jet Propulsion Study Groups (GIRD). In April 1932, it essentially became a state research and design laboratory for the development of rocket aircraft, in which the first domestic liquid-propellant ballistic missiles (BR) GIRD-09 and GIRD-10 were created and launched.

In 1933, on the basis of the Moscow GIRD and the Leningrad Gas Dynamics Laboratory (GDL), the Jet Research Institute was founded under the leadership of I.T. Kleimenov. S.P. Korolev is appointed as his deputy. However, differences in views with the heads of the laboratory on the prospects for the development of rocket technology force S.P. Korolev switched to creative engineering work, and as the head of the rocket aircraft department in 1936, he managed to bring cruise missiles to testing.

In 1938, Korolev was arrested by the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR under Article 58-7, 11. He was sentenced to 10 years in the camps. In 1940, the term was reduced to 8 years in the camps, released in 1944, and he was completely rehabilitated in 1957. The arrest and stay in the Gulag forever infected Korolev with a pessimistic attitude towards the surrounding reality. According to the recollections of people who knew him closely, Sergei Pavlovich’s favorite saying was the phrase “They’ll slap you without an obituary...”

He spent a year in Butyrka prison. During interrogations, he was subjected to severe torture and beatings, as a result of which Korolev’s jaws were broken (he also received a concussion). In 1939 he ended up in Kolyma, where he was at the Maldyak gold mine and was busy with “general work.” In 1940, he was sent to a new place of detention - to the Moscow NKVD special prison TsKB-29, where, under the leadership of A.N. Tupolev, also a prisoner, took an active part in the creation of the Pe-2 and Tu-2 bombers and at the same time proactively developed projects for a guided aerial torpedo and a new version of a missile interceptor. This was the reason for Korolev’s transfer in 1942 to another prison-type design bureau - OKB-16 at Kazan Aviation Plant No. 16, where work was carried out on new types of rocket engines for use in aviation.

In 1946, a unified research institute “Nordhausen” was created, of which Major General L.M. Gaidukov was appointed director, and S.P. was appointed chief engineer. Korolev. In 1948, S.P. Korolev began flight tests of the R-1 ballistic missile and in 1950 successfully put it into service. In parallel with S.

Doing martial arts ballistic missiles, S.P. Korolev strived for more - to conquer outer space. In 1955 S.P. Korolev, M.V. Keldysh, M.K. Tikhonravov goes to the government with a proposal to launch an artificial Earth satellite into space using the R-7 rocket. And already on October 4, 1957 S.P. Korolev launches the first artificial Earth satellite in the history of mankind into low-Earth orbit. Work on satellites is being carried out in parallel with preparations for human space flight.

April 12, 1961 S.P. Korolev again amazes the world community. Having created the first manned spacecraft "Vostok", he realized the world's first flight of a human citizen of the USSR, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, in low-Earth orbit.

S.P. Korolev was the generator of many extraordinary ideas and the progenitor of outstanding design teams working in the field of rocket and space technology; his contribution to the development of domestic and world manned astronautics is decisive. One can only be amazed at the versatility of Sergei Pavlovich’s talent and his inexhaustible creative energy. He is a pioneer in many main areas of development of domestic missile weapons and rocket and space technology. It is difficult to even imagine what level it would have reached if the premature death of Sergei Pavlovich on January 14, 1966 had not interrupted the creative flight of his thoughts. Urn with the ashes of S.P. Korolev is buried in the Kremlin wall on Red Square in Moscow.

The personal life of the outstanding Soviet design engineer, the main organizer of rocket and space technology and rocket weapons, the founder of the Russian cosmonautics cannot be called calm and cloudless, and in many ways the reason lay in his character.

Sergei Korolev's first wife, Ksenia Vincentini, was his first youthful love. Ksenia always had many admirers, and in order to win her favor, Sergei was ready to do the most reckless things - he even did a handstand on the roof of the Odessa morgue.

Such exploits did not leave the young girl indifferent, and she began dating him. Before going to study at the Kiev Polytechnic Institute, Sergei Pavlovich proposed to Ksenia, but she refused to marry him because she decided that she must first get an education and become an independent person.

After graduating from the Kharkov Medical Institute, Ksenia Vincentini was assigned to the Donbass, where Korolev came more than once from Moscow, where he was studying at the Moscow Higher Technical School at that time. However, getting consent to marriage turned out to be not so easy - Ksenia did not see the point of getting married and then living separately for several years. However, Sergei, not accustomed to retreating from difficulties, ensured that the girl was released early, and in the summer of thirty-one she became the wife of Sergei Korolev, and they left for Moscow together.

In the photo - Sergei Korolev with his first wife and daughter

But family life did not please his wife - Korolev, who had been trying to ensure that Ksenia Vincentini became his wife for seven whole years, quickly lost interest in her and other women began to appear in his biography.

The wife suspected her husband’s infidelity and more than once found evidence of this, but remained his wife for seventeen years, of which they were destined to live together for no more than eight - in 1938, Korolev was arrested on charges of sabotage, and he spent several years in the camps .

After seventeen years of marriage, Korolev’s wife wrote a letter to his mother, in which she said that she had decided to leave her husband in order to let him live the way he wanted. The daughter of Sergei Korolev and Ksenia Vincentini Natalya, who learned about her father’s infidelities at the age of twelve, took it very painfully and was able to forgive only when she herself became adult woman. She didn’t understand why her two most beloved people treated each other this way, and her father, who had sought her mother’s favor for so long, suddenly changed a lot.

In the photo - Natalya Sergeevna, daughter of Korolev, with her mother

When Sergei Pavlovich was in the camp, and he managed to forward letters to his wife, they were filled with love, tenderness and hope for their happy future, but after returning home, the family life of Korolev and Ksenia did not work out. Natalya Sergeevna did not maintain a warm filial relationship with Sergei Pavlovich, and when she got married she did not even invite him to the wedding. Korolev was very worried that he and his daughter were like strangers and almost never saw each other.

When her daughter Korolev herself became an adult, she explained the separation of her parents by saying that they were strong personalities and it was difficult for them to get along with each other. After many years, Natalya Sergeevna was able to find the strength within herself and take a step to get closer to her father. She called him first, and when he arrived, she told him how much she loved him.

The second wife of Sergei Korolev was the translator Nina Ivanovna. When they met, Sergei Pavlovich was forty, and she was twenty-seven years old. At first she simply came to him to translate articles from English and American magazines, and then she felt that Korolev began to show her signs of attention. Then he was still married to Ksenia Maximilianovna, but this did not stop him. A romance began between the young translator and Korolev, which ended in a wedding. The news that he was leaving the family was a terrible blow for everyone, but, having recovered from this blow, his first wife told her daughter only good things about her father.

In the photo - Korolev with his second wife

Nina Ivanovna completely devoted herself to Korolev, left work and always waited for him at home, but he did not get out of endless business trips and was constantly busy at work. They had no children, and Natalya became the only daughter of the great designer. Later, her relationship with her father was restored, and she began to visit him often with her husband and son Andrei. Her relationship with her father’s second wife, Nina Ivanovna, also improved.

This man survived so that, having gone through thorns, he would be the first to lead humanity to the stars. His name - Sergei Pavlovich Korolev. There was probably no other person on Earth before him who loved the sky so much. And women.

Love and space

Even his first kiss with the girl of his dreams happened on his roof. He lived then in Odessa. U Ksenia Vincentini, or at Lyali, as everyone called her, there were always many fans. Earring Korolev is just one of them. But he tried to do everything so that she would become only his girlfriend: he walked around her upside down, swam under a barge in the sea, and even did a handstand for her on the edge of the roof of a two-story Odessa morgue. Apparently, all this made the necessary impression on Lyalya. And then, right on the roof, she finally allowed him to kiss her for the first time.

While leaving to study at the aviation department of the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Seryozhka proposed to her. She replied that, although she loved him, she did not intend to get married until she learned to earn money on her own.

It turned out that he studied in Kyiv, then at the Moscow Higher Technical School in Moscow, and she in Kharkov, to become a doctor. After graduation, Ksenia is assigned to work in Donbass. While there, Korolev again tries to get Lyalya’s consent to the marriage. She refuses again, citing a new reason: what’s the point of getting married if you still have to live apart for two or three years while you work as assigned. And Korolev decides to get his superiors to release Ksenia early. In the end, in August 1931, she became his wife, and soon he still took her to Moscow...

Sergei Korolev with his wife Ksenia Vincentini. 1932 Photo: RIA Novosti

But here’s a mystery: as soon as Korolev achieves what he has dreamed of all these 7 years, he quickly loses interest in his wife and begins to get carried away with other women. They told the following story: “One day Lyalya was cleaning Sergei’s jacket. And suddenly... two tickets to the Bolshoi Theater fell out of her pocket. Korolev didn’t say anything about them. So, Lyalya decided, she would go with some lady. And Lyalya had an admirer from high-ranking military officers. And it was not difficult to persuade him to take her to the Bolshoi. Both couples collided during intermission. With Sergei there was a beautiful brunette. Seeing his wife, Korolev rushed away from his beauty like a cat from a table, and immediately began to make excuses, saying: “They accidentally suggested tickets... It was inconvenient to refuse... Where will we meet after the performance?" - "Why should we meet? - asked Ksenia. “They will escort me out.” And she looked at her military man. Here Korolev could not stand it: “No. We'll go together!" Where he took his lady is unknown. But he took his wife away from the theater himself..."

Such adventures of her husband brought Ksenia to the point that in the spring of 1948 she poured out all her feelings in a letter to Korolev’s mother: “You know the whole story of our love well. There was a lot of grief even before 1938 (the year of Korolev’s arrest. - Author) to survive, and, despite the remaining feeling of affection and some kind of love for S., I firmly decided... to leave him so that he could continue his life under his favorite slogan “Let everyone live as he wants...”

Sergei Korolev and Ksenia Vincentini dated and were “listed” as married for a quarter of a century, but lived together for about 8 years, and only in fits and starts. Their daughter Natasha, who was under the influence of her mother, learned about her “father’s infidelities” at the age of 12. She tore into small pieces all the photographs of him that came to hand, and declared that she did not want to see him anymore. The rift between daughter and father remained for life. They met rarely, but most often they were like strangers. The Queen was not at her wedding either. In turn, according to the famous chronicler of the space age Yaroslava Golovanov When Korolev called her from Baikonur to congratulate her on her birthday, she hung up. And he sat and cried...


The second wife could probably subscribe to many of the pain-filled words of the first.

To get an idea of ​​how he started relationships with the weaker sex and how he behaved further, let’s use the memories of his second wife, Nina. She told Yaroslav Golovanov about this with all the details. So: “In the spring of 1947, at NII-88 I was the only “English” woman, the rest of the translators were “Germans.” One day the boss says: “Korolev has accumulated a lot of English magazines. Go, he will show you what to translate..."

I'm coming. The secretary says: "He's busy." I hear him talking on the phone. The conversation ended, and the office door opened slightly: “Are you coming to me? Please... Sit down...” He introduced himself: “Sergei Pavlovich Korolev.”

Nina Ivanovna,” I say. - Unemployed translator.

“That’s what I understood,” Korolev smiled and took out a pile of English and American magazines. - Translate this article, please.

I understood that I had made a bad translation because I didn’t know the meaning of purely technical terms... “Yes, it’s really bad,” said Korolev. They gave me an engineer with whom I could translate the article correctly. I'm going to see Korolev again. And so he began to call me more and more often. Somehow I put the translation in front of him, he reads it, and he... takes my hand. I move my hand away. He paused. Asks:

What are you doing on Sunday?

I don't have any plans yet...

Do you mind relaxing together?

What do you mean?

Well... let's go to the restaurant... let's dance...

I don’t like restaurants, but let’s go, I say, just somewhere away from the city...

His driver took us to Khimki. We walked along the embankment near the River Station. Then we had lunch at a restaurant. We drank a little. And suddenly he began to tell me so openly about his life, about Germany, about the family to which he decided not to return... I was even confused: we only met quite recently...

When we were returning to Podlipki, I asked where to take me. She gave the address. To our great surprise, it turned out that we live not only in the same house, but also in the same entrance: my mother’s apartment is on the first floor, and the Queen’s is on the second. We went up to him. What to dissemble now: I stayed with him that first evening. And, as it turned out, for the rest of my life... I was 27. He was 40.”

What happened next?

His wife has changed, but Korolev is again on indefinite business trips, and he is again tormented by loneliness. More than once, as if apologizing, Sergei Pavlovich writes to his new wife about his difficulties and experiences. He writes that he has no one else to tell about this, since his closest friend and girlfriend is her! It is no coincidence that he always adds the words: “After all, I have no one to talk about this with except you.” Apparently, his new wife is also starting to get tired of his “outpourings” about eternal problems at work and in the soul. And with new woman, whom he loves so much, feels lonely. In general, geniuses are most often unlucky in their personal lives. I remember the words Natalia Nikolaevna Goncharova to Pushkin: “And how tired I am of you with your poems!” And Korolev writes: “Well, I can’t help but write to you, my friend, and pour out my soul...” The eternal tragedy of geniuses!!!


S. Korolev was born on January 12, 1907. Under his leadership, the Jet Propulsion Research Group (GIRD) launched the first Soviet rocket on August 17, 1933. Then there was the Jet Research Institute (RNII), then the arrest. He was accused of “sabotage as part of an anti-Soviet organization.” At first they gave me 10 years. Then, in 1940, the term was reduced by 2 years. He spent his time working in the “Tupolev charaga” - the design bureau behind barbed wire. For work that was of “important defense significance”, he was awarded a personal letter Beria to Stalin- released early in August 1944. In September 1945, Korolev was sent to Germany to study the experience of Nazi engineers. Returning in January 1947, he quickly and successfully designed and tested his own missiles, which immediately increased the power of the USSR Armed Forces many times over.

In 1957, the R-7 rocket was successfully tested, with the help of which the world's first artificial Earth satellite was soon launched into orbit. On April 12, 1961, the same rocket ensured Gagarin's flight. The first female astronaut also broke through into the Universe on it. V. Tereshkova, And A. Leonov, who performed the first ever spacewalk in March 1965. Unfortunately, this success was the last in the life of the great designer; he died in 1966.

By the way

There is a legend among astronauts: after the cremation of the body of Korolev Gagarin And Komarov asked for part of his ashes to send it to the interplanetary station in a special container with a coat of arms Soviet Union to the moon. How was it really? Probably no one knows anymore. Komarov died tragically. A year later, Gagarin passed away no less tragically.