The 40-year-old chimpanzee Jutta, the mother of young Mu (2 years old), was serious problem with teeth - two incisors were broken. Primates live at Aalborger Zoo, Copenhagen. The tooth stubs were so short that veterinarian Trin Hammer Jensen decided

40-year-old chimpanzee Jutta, the mother of young Mu (2 years old), had a serious problem with her teeth - two incisors were broken. Primates live at Aalborger Zoo, Copenhagen.

The stumps of teeth were so short that veterinarian Trin Hammer Jensen decided to have them removed.

“As soon as we started giving Jutta anesthesia, Mu became so nervous that we decided to leave her next to her mother.”

For the doctors performing the operation, the agitated baby chimpanzee meant additional stress. Mu was fidgeting a lot and didn’t want to sit still. In addition, she almost bit through the wires with which we regulated Jutta’s heart rate. However, everything went according to plan and the operation was successful.

The chimpanzee has two fewer teeth. Now Jutta and Mu are doing well, they have been returned to the rest of the primates.

It is not for nothing that monkeys are considered relatives of humans. In particular, chimpanzees demonstrate unprecedented achievements in the animal world, demonstrating their high intellectual abilities. Many studies show that these primates have self-awareness and self-identity, so it is not surprising that family ties are so important to them.

Man is far from the only creature capable of experiencing tender parental feelings. IN new section“Our foster brothers,” which we open in this issue of the magazine, will be about representatives of the class of living beings to which you and I belong. The class of mammals unites the most diverse animals in size and appearance - from the tiny dwarf shrew the size of a newborn’s fist and weighing a little more than a gram to African elephant 4.5 m high and weighing 7.5 tons and a blue whale, whose length reaches 33 m and weighs 150 tons. What unites them all? Every schoolchild knows the answer to this question: like humans, they all have mammary glands and feed their young with milk.

Varvara Meshik
Head of the Department of Primates of the Moscow Zoo, Ph.D.

It’s logical to start getting acquainted with the world of mammals with our closest relatives – great apes. This is a suborder of the order of primates, which includes two families - small apes, or gibbons, and large apes, or pongids (they are divided into three genera: orangutans, chimpanzees and gorillas). Apes live in tropical forests and the plains of Africa (chimpanzees and gorillas), South-East Asia, including Malacca and Sumatra (gibbons), on the islands of Kalimantan and Sumatra (orangutans). They live in small herds or family groups. Large apes build nests for themselves at night, while gibbons sleep in the dense foliage in the middle part of the trees. They usually move through trees using only their hands. They feed on plant foods, sometimes eating bird eggs and chicks, as well as ants and termites (chimpanzees). Chimpanzees and gorillas are considered to be closest to humans. Sometimes bonobos, close relatives of chimpanzees, which nevertheless have a number of significant differences, are identified as a separate genus of apes. It is bonobos that are more reminiscent of humans in terms of metabolic characteristics than other monkeys. social organization and behavior. Chimpanzees are more “advanced” in instrumental behavior, gorillas are known for their abilities in sign communication.

Most mammals, and higher primates are no exception, are distinguished by a gentle and attentive attitude towards their offspring. The more highly organized animals are, the more helpless their young are born, the longer their childhood period lasts, the more they have to learn.

The duration of pregnancy in apes approaches that of humans: 210 - 235 days in gibbons, 225 days in chimpanzees, 275 days in orangutans, 250 - 290 days in gorillas. Great apes breed all year round, females, like women, have menstrual cycles(lasting 30 - 40 days), the period of puberty begins at 7 - 10 years. Life expectancy ranges from 30 to 60 years.

Due to the fact that the Moscow Zoo specializes in breeding orangutans, we will tell you more about them.

Orangutans - These are large monkeys. The height of adult animals reaches 130 - 150 cm with an average body weight of 100 - 150 kg (especially large males in captivity can weigh up to 300 kg). Female orangutans are significantly smaller than males. At 10-12 years old, orangutans start a family, and they choose their life partner quite carefully. IN natural conditions the male occupies a huge territory, within which there are territories of several females (with cubs). He visits them one by one, sometimes they all get together. A pregnant female orangutan has a special social status(for example, in captivity, she is the first to be allowed to the feeder; she is especially popular as a grooming partner 1). Childbirth occurs very quickly, the mother immediately takes the baby (a newborn orangutan weighs about one and a half kilograms) in her arms, licks it, eats the membranes and afterbirth, bites the umbilical cord and puts it to the breast. From this moment on, for two to three weeks, the mother will literally carry the newborn baby in her arms all the time, until he himself learns to hold her fur tightly with his fingers. For another 3 - 4 years he will have to feed on his mother's milk, and for the first two years he is practically inseparable from his mother. By six months the baby begins to walk. A one-year-old orangutan already has all its milk teeth, which are replaced by permanent teeth by the age of seven. Orangutans are very clean; the mother carefully monitors hygiene: she licks the baby’s face and genitals. The father does not take part in the birth and is generally somewhat wary of both the very process of the birth of an heir and subsequent communication with him. This is also facilitated by the behavior of the mother, who treats the baby very tenderly and reverently and is ready to protect him from any dangers. Subsequently, when the baby grows up, communication and games with dad occur on the initiative of the cub. In general, a calm, friendly atmosphere reigns in the orangutan family, the baby is never punished, and the attitude towards him varies from rudely good-natured to outbursts of the most tender love.

1 Grooming is a comfortable behavior in mammals, expressed in the care of fur and addressed to another individual. In primates, it serves as a mechanism for maintaining hierarchy (low-ranking individuals clean high-ranking individuals), as well as an element of sexual behavior.

Monkeys: Model Mothers

We are all familiar with the expression that reflects the social nature of man: “No man is an island” - literally meaning “Man is not an island”; a person cannot live alone. Most primates - including monkeys and monkeys - are social animals that spend their entire lives in groups. And the closest bond in the group is the bond between a mother and her baby. Baby monkeys seek contact with their mother as soon as they are born - they cling to their mother’s belly, warm and soft, where they find nutrition and protection; and having matured a little, the monkeys move onto their mother’s back, thus occupying an excellent position for a safe view of the world around them. Monkey mothers do not leave their babies alone - on the contrary, they carry them with them everywhere and everywhere, thereby further strengthening the bond between mother and child.
Mother and baby - the strongest bond

Newborn babies are a source of joyful excitement in a group of primates. However, mother monkeys are extremely jealous of protecting their young from the enthusiastic hands of the rest of their relatives. Only over time does the mother monkey allow others to hold her baby, and they pet, groom and play with it. The primate community plays an active role in raising children. Thus, macaques and most baboons live in communities with very close female bonds, and those who become mothers for the first time are treated with great care, fed and trained. Female vervet monkeys even help each other care for their young.

Yet the closest bond in primate groups is between mother and baby. Even adult male chimpanzees, after a quarrel with others, go to their aged mothers so that they can calm and care for them. Females of most primate species remain with their mothers throughout their lives, and as the mothers age, their daughters care for them. Primatologist Jessica talks about a very old rhesus macaque who lived on an island off the coast of Costa Rica: “She was 31 years old - very old for a macaque. She was so weak that she could barely keep up with the group of her relatives moving around the island. But she was always next to her youngest daughter, already a mother herself. She spent time next to her mother, once the alpha female, and now located only at the foot of social hierarchy, a lot of time. She was often seen next to her old mother when she was sleeping - her daughter combed her. If necessary, the daughter was the first to rush to her mother’s defense.”

Human exploitation of the mother-infant bond

IN wildlife hunters hired by experimental scientists to capture monkeys use the mother-child bond to their advantage. Primate mothers are killed right in the trees, and then baby monkeys are taken away, who in panic cling to the body of the dead mother. If other monkeys approach the body of a killed monkey, they are also caught. Many weaned babies soon fall ill and die from insufficient and unsuitable food, confined in cramped baskets while being transported away from their home and family.

Trauma of loss

For baby primates who are born right in the laboratory, life is just as tragic. Here, the cubs are taken from their mother just three days after birth. Children experience severe stress and are often unable to develop normal social relationships later in life. Monkeys are usually kept in cramped, single cages, which adds to the stress.

Primate mothers naturally scream and struggle when their babies clinging to their bellies are taken away from them. For them, the trauma of losing a baby is also very deep.

"Newborn monkeys that are blind or have disabilities musculoskeletal system, receive all the necessary care from the mother. The main thing is that the baby is able to cling to the mother’s belly - this the only test which needs to be passed. It worked out - and the mother will accept and love her baby. And then she will carefully support the cub, even if he is too weak and finds it difficult to hold on. A mother monkey becomes extremely attached to her baby. And even if the baby died, she will carry the weak-willed little body with her for whole days: very carefully, gently, leaving only a short time while he eats. Gradually, the distance between the mother and the object of her unfulfilled hopes grows. She goes further and further in search of food. Gradually she returns to the already dried-out body for shorter periods of time, until one day, reluctantly and with obvious doubts, the mother monkey leaves the body, which by that time has turned into a shrunken ball of fur.”
(Sarah Blaffer Hardy, anthropologist and sociobiologist-primatologist).

In laboratories, workers separate mother and child by placing the mother monkey in what is called a “squeeze cage,” a device made of metal wire with a panel at the back that can be pushed forward with two handles. The mother and the cub clinging to her are pressed against the front wall of the cage, so that the limbs, body and face of the struggling mother are literally crushed by metal bars. The "press cage" is equipped with leg holes, which are typically used to restrain the limbs of an adult monkey for injection or blood collection. In the case of a mother and calf, the technician grabs the tail or limb of the calf through these holes and drags it towards himself, tearing it away from the mother's breast. If she has the strength and opportunity, the mother resists and tries to hold her baby, so that the technician almost tears off his limb, trying to tear him away from the mother. During this “procedure” the mother screams or makes barking-like sounds; The baby also screams shrilly. Both mother and calf defecate out of fear and stress. The baby is eventually pulled out through the leg hole.

Primate mothers form a close bond with their newborn baby almost immediately after birth. Researchers show that mothers are able to distinguish their children from others already in the first days after their birth. The infants of most species of macaques and baboons depend on their mothers for long periods; breastfed for at least a year. The newborn's matured siblings remain close to the mother, and while she feeds the newborn, they learn what to eat, where to sleep, and how to behave in case of danger. It is therefore not surprising that when a mother's baby is taken away, she is very for a long time experiences loss.

Primatologist Jessica Gana and Nancy Megna, a former animal care assistant at the laboratory, described what they saw at the Yerkes National Primate Research Center: “A mother screams in vain for a response from the baby stolen from her, or cries in grief. - her screams are like sorrowful lamentations. She does this all the time, sometimes sitting away from the rest of the group of monkeys, sometimes sitting under the cage door and looking out. When she saw a car belonging to the research center passing, she began to scream even more desperately. If a worker passed by the cage, the monkey walked along the cage next to him, looking into his face and continuing to scream sadly. The kids also cry pitifully and mournfully, in the hope that they will be returned to their mothers. This depressing, traumatic experience is repeated over and over again when the babies are taken away from the monkey mothers by researchers.”

Baby animals sometimes have names that aren't obvious, and you may have even asked yourself questions like:

  • What is a female ferret called?
  • What is the name of a female deer, wood grouse, giraffe, peacock, woodpecker, wild boar?
  • What is the name of a baby seal, walrus, swan, sheep, elk, badger?
  • What is the name of a male duck, squirrel, cuckoo, pig, panther?
  • What is the name of baby animals? For example, elephants, eagles and so on.

In a word, in this article we have collected the names of females - mothers, males - fathers, as well as the names of baby animals, including animals (aka mammals), birds, fish, insects, reptiles and amphibians.

If you haven’t found someone, be sure to write about it in the comments, and we will add this material as soon as possible.

The collected material is presented in the form of a table with 4 columns. The first column is the name of the male, the 2nd is the name of the female, the 3rd is the name of the baby animal, and in the last column is the name of the baby animal in the plural.

Note also that there are both colloquial names , which are acceptable in speech, but use them in a scientific report, or when preparing an essay, it will be incorrect .

Names of baby animals

Parents Cub (child) singular Plural cubs
Father (male) Mother (female)
Ram Sheep or ewe Lamb Lambs
Walrus Walrus Walrus Walrus
Giraffe Giraffe, in colloquial speech there is a name - giraffe. A calf is the name given to all young artiodactyl animals, but there is also a baby giraffe. Calves or colloquially - giraffes.
Elk Moose Elk calf Elk calves
Seal Female seal; in colloquial speech you can find the name seal. Belek, and in the scientific literature a baby seal is usually called a puppy. Squirrels, and in scientific literature, seal pups are usually called puppies.
Badger Badger Badger Badgers
Zebra Zebra Foal Foals
Hedgehog Hedgehog Hedgehog Hedgehogs
Deer That's right - a deer (Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary), and not a deer, as it might seem. The name Lanka also appears in Efremova’s dictionary. Fawn Fawns
Wild reindeer or sokzha is the name given to reindeer by the peoples inhabiting the tundra. Wild female reindeer or female reindeer. A fawn up to one year old is called “neblyuy” or “non-spitter”, and only the baby that is born is called “fawn”. Fawns up to one year old are called “neblyui” or “non-spitting”, and only those born are called “fawns”.
Serpent Snake Snake Baby snakes
Rhinoceros Female rhinoceros Calf, in colloquial speech there is also a rhinoceros. Calves, colloquially known as rhinoceroses.
A boar is a male pig. Descendant of the boar. You can also meet a boar, but a boar cannot reproduce, since it is a castrated boar. Pig Piglet Piglets
Male lynx Lynx A lynx cub or a kitten, since the lynx is from the cat family. Lynx cubs or kittens.
Stallion (Horse) Horse (Mare) Foal Foals
Ostrich Ostrich Baby Ostrich Ostrich chicks
Swan Swan A chick, and in simple colloquial speech it is called a swan or a swan. Chicks, swans.
Male panda Panda Panda cub, panda bear, since the panda belongs to the bear family. You can find the names “pandenok” or “pandenysh”, but the terms are not used in the scientific literature - only in common parlance. When a panda cub grows a little, it is called a little panda. Panda cubs, panda bears.
Fish Malek Fry or juveniles
Crocodile Crocodile Crocodile Crocodiles
Raccoon The correct word would be a female raccoon, but you can also find the names raccoon or raccoon. Puppy Puppies
Eagle Eagle Eaglet eaglets
Male monkey Monkey A baby monkey, and colloquially a baby monkey can be called a “monkey.” Baby monkeys
Bull Cow Calf Calves
Whale Female whale In scientific publications they use either the phrase “baby whale” or “calf”; in colloquial speech you can find a baby whale. Baby whales, calves, whales
Male squirrel Squirrel Little squirrel Squirrels
Leopard Female leopard Kitty Kittens
Donkey Donkey Foal Donkeys
Wolf She-wolf Teen Wolf Wolf cubs
Male toad Toad Zhabyonka (feminine), zhabyonok (masculine) according to Dahl’s dictionary Toads
Hippopotamus (hippopotamus) Hippopotamus Baby hippopotamus, or you can also call the baby a hippopotamus. We also note that hippos belong to the artiodactyl family. In scientific language, the young of all artiodactyls are called calves. Hippopotamus cubs, calves
Fox Fox, fox little fox Fox cubs
Nerpa (a type of seal) Seal Belek (belek), and in the scientific literature seal cubs are usually called puppies. Squirrels, and in the scientific literature seal cubs are usually called puppies.
Kangaroo Kangaroo Kangaroo Kanguryat
Goat Goat Kid Goats
Camel camel baby camel Camels
Arctic fox Female Arctic fox A cub of an arctic fox, but it can also be called a puppy, since the arctic fox is a mammal of the canine family, and a puppy is called a cub not only of a dog, but also of a wolf, fox and other canids. Arctic fox cubs or puppies
Male turtle Turtle Turtle
Fur seal Female fur seal Puppy Puppies
Male marten Marten Puppy Puppies
Pigeon Dove A dove chick, colloquially known as a baby dove. Dove chicks, colloquially - pigeons.
Gusak (Goose) Goose Gosling Goslings
Elephant Elephant Baby elephant baby elephants
Male magpie Magpie Magpie Sorochata
Martin Swallow chick. In Dahl's dictionary the name swallowtail is found. Swallow chicks.
a lion Lioness Lion cub Lion cubs
Male mouse - colloquial version Mouse Mouse Little mice
Male panther Panther A kitten, since a panther is from the cat family. In colloquial speech you can sometimes find: panther cub or little panther. Kittens
Male frog Frog Tadpole (frog larva emerging from the egg). After the process of metamorphosis, he becomes a frog. Little frog is a young frog. Tadpoles, frogs
Dolphin Female dolphin Baby dolphin agrees explanatory dictionary Efremova from 2000. Baby dolphins
Dog Dog Puppy Puppies
Sable Female sable Puppy, sable is also used in colloquial speech. Puppies
Crow Female crow (accent on 1 syllable - crow) or crow Baby crow or chick raven. Crows or raven chicks.
Male crow or corvid Crow Crow chick, crow. Crow chicks, crows.
Stork Stork in colloquial speech. stork Storks
Cheetah Female cheetah A kitten, since a cheetah is a member of the cat family. Kittens
Male shark Shark baby shark Baby shark
Hare hare little hare Bunnies. In general, hares have offspring 3 times a year. First brood at the end of March. They are called “Nastoviks”, the second brood is born in June, and they are called “Kolosoviks” and “Travniks”. Autumn hares are called “deciduous ones,” and they appear in September. Thus, late hares are called “deciduous”.
Tiger Tigress Tiger cub Tiger cubs
Male red panda Red panda Baby panda or baby red panda Panda cubs or red panda cubs
A male cuckoo, and names like: cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo are not correct. Cuckoo Cuckoo Kukushata
A male roe deer, and the Altai people call him kuran or guran. Hunters call a male roe deer a goat. Roe deer or roe deer. You can also find the Altai name for the female - kerekshin. And in some places the name is used - goat. Kosulenok in Efremova's dictionary. Roe deer
Lizard Lizard Lizard Lizards
Male heron Heron Heron chick Heron chicks
Ferret Female ferret Puppy Puppies
Male antelope Antelope Calf, although in colloquial speech you can find such names as “antelope”, “antelope” or “antelope”, which in literary speech should not be consumed. Calves
Male doe Doe Calf Calves
Male killer whale Killer whale, sometimes you can find the spelling killer whale, but the correct option is still killer whale. In colloquial speech, you can use killer whale, or rather orca calf, but in general killer whale calves are called that way - baby orca. Baby killer whales
Starling Female starling little bird Starlings
Male mink Mink Puppy Puppies
Turkey Turkey, but when cooked, for example, fried it will be turkey. Turkey Turkey poults
Penguin Penguin Little Penguin Little penguins
Male gorilla Gorilla Baby Gorilla Baby Gorilla
Male weasel Weasel Puppy Puppies
Gopher The female is a gopher, and options like gopher, gopher, gopher are not correct. Baby gopher. But the name like gophers is not correct. Baby gopher
Mole A female mole, but in colloquial speech a mole is allowed. Krotenok or mole in accordance with Dahl's dictionary. Moles
Sparrow or diminutive for sparrow - sparrow, sparrow Sparrow - according to Ozhegov's dictionary A little sparrow or colloquially a little sparrow or little sparrow and you can even find a little sparrow. sparrow
Male otter Otter Puppy Puppies
Rabbit Rabbit Little rabbit Baby rabbits
Crane Female crane, female crane, female crane baby crane Cranes
Polar bear Polar bear Teddy Bear Bear cubs
Male jackdaw Jackdaw Galchonok Galchata
Rook Rook Rook Grachata
Buffalo Buffalo buffalo Buffalo cubs
Bear Ursa Teddy Bear Bear cubs
Rooster Chicken Chick Chickens
Chipmunk Chipmunk Chipmunk Burmunkata
Cat Cat Kitty Kittens
Drake Duck Duckling Ducklings
Buffalo Buffalo Calf Calves
Beaver is also a beaver, but the word “beaver” means the animal itself, but “beaver” means the fur of this beautiful animal. Beaver is used in scientific literature, and beaver in colloquial literature. Beaver Beaver Beavers
Goat Goat Kid Goats
Male tit Tit Tit chick, colloquially known as titmouse Tit chicks, also used colloquially as titmouse
Woodpecker Woodpecker female Woodpecker chick, woodpecker calf is used in zoology Woodpecker chicks, zoologists use - woodpeckers
Boar Kabanikha Little boar Boars
Mammoth Mammoth or female mammoth baby mammoth Baby mammoths
Thrush A female blackbird or a female blackbird. In colloquial speech it is found - thrush. Thrush chick, colloquially a blackbird. Thrush chicks
Muskrat or Ukrainian muskrat Female muskrat A baby muskrat, colloquially a muskrat calf. Cubs muskrats, colloquially - muskrat pups.
Teretev, kosach, aka polyuh. Female black grouse, you can also find names - black grouse, black grouse, female black grouse, hen. Black grouse chick Black grouse chicks, popular name - porshki.
The male owl is called owl by hunters. Owl Owl Owls
Male partridge. Ornithologists call the male a rooster, hunters call it a partridge. Among the local names there are the following names: drummer, pitun. Partridge, there are also many local names: hen, partridge, partridge, white grouse, talovka, alder, birch. Partridge chick Ptarmigan chicks
Skunk Female skunk Puppy, colloquially - skunk Puppies
Ant-eater Female anteater, colloquially an anteater Baby anteater Baby anteater
Vulture Female vulture Vulture chick Vulture chicks
Toucan Female toucan Toucan chick Toucan chicks
Tapir Female tapir Tapir foal or baby Tapir foals or cubs
Male nosuhi or male coati Nosuha, scientific name - coati. Baby Nose or Baby Coati Nosi babies or coati babies
Meerkat Female meerkat, colloquially meerkatiha A baby meerkat, colloquially a meerkat. Meerkat cubs, colloquially - meerkats.
Tamarin or saguin Female tamarin Baby tamarin Baby tamarin
Jackal Female jackal Jackal puppy or cub Jackal puppies or cubs
Ermine Female ermine Baby stoat Baby ermine
Bison or European bison A female bison, also called a cow, colloquially known as a bison. A calf or baby bison, colloquially known as a bison. Calves or young bison, colloquially known as bison.
Male bat Bat Bat pup or baby Puppies or baby bats
Snow leopard, snow leopard or snow leopard Female snow leopard either a female snow leopard or a female snow leopard Snow leopard kitten or cub, or snow leopard cub, or snow leopard cub Snow leopard kittens or cubs, or snow leopard cubs, or snow leopard cubs
Jerboa A female jerboa, in colloquial speech you can sometimes find a jerboa Baby jerboa. Also on the Internet you can find the name - jerboa. This option can be considered conversational. Baby jerboas, colloquially known as jerboas.
Hamster Female hamster, female hamster. A baby hamster, or colloquially a baby hamster. Baby hamsters, colloquially known as hamsters.
Yak. Tibetans call it g-yak. Female yak. Tibetans call a female yak dri. Calf, baby yak or baby egg. Calves, baby yak or baby yak.
Male heron Heron Heron chick Heron chicks
Male gull or male gull. And no seagulls or gulls! Gull Seagull chick, chabar (outdated version from Dahl's dictionary). In colloquial speech you can find - chayonysh. A seagull chick is also called a gull chick. This name also applies to goslings and ducklings, but is used very rarely. Seagull chicks, chabars, gulls.
A male pike, and in Ukraine a male pike is called a shupak. Pike Little pike, baby pike, there is also a name for pike. Pike pikes, pike babies. In the fairy tale "Po pike command"The name of pike fish appears.
Fennec or fennec or male fennec Fennec female Fennec puppy or baby fennec Fennec puppies or fennec babies
Male gazelle Gazelle Baby gazelle, colloquial version - gazelle Baby gazelles, colloquially - gazelles
Parrot Female parrot, colloquially - parrot Parrot chick, colloquial version - parrot, little parrot Parrot chicks, colloquial version - parrots
Male echidna Echidna Baby echidna, in English language Echidna cubs are called puggle, which translated into Russian means “cutie” or “cute”, also the name puggle is a zoological name. In colloquial speech you can find the name - baby viper. Baby echidnas, colloquially called echidnas.
Platypus A female platypus, colloquially known as a platypus. Baby platypus. In colloquial speech you can find the name - platypus, which is a diminutive of the name platypus. Baby platypuses, colloquially known as platypuses.
Bullfinch, people call them mockingbirds. The female bullfinch, colloquially known as the bullfinch, is also popularly known as the female snow maiden. A bullfinch chick, colloquially a bullfinch. Bullfinch chicks, colloquially known as bullfinches.
Kinglet Female kinglet Kinglet chick Kinglet chicks
Quail Quail Quail chick Quail chicks
Swift Strizhikha - in colloquial speech. Haircut - in colloquial speech. Haircuts - in colloquial speech.
Perch Female perch Perch - colloquially Perch

Unfortunately, cases of physical disability are not uncommon among monkeys. Many of them lose limbs in traps left by hunters for other animals. However, among chimpanzees there are also people with disabilities from birth. But if wild nature is not a fertile springboard for studying the social skills of great apes, then in the conditions of reserves, research into the behavioral skills of chimpanzees becomes possible.

Baby chimpanzee with symptoms of Down syndrome

A team of scientists closely monitored a family of chimpanzees living in the Mahale Mountains, in national park Tanzania. It was there that a sick cub with signs resembling Down syndrome was spotted. At first, the researchers did not notice any abnormalities in the two newborn chimpanzees, one of which, a girl, was named XT11. The cubs' mother, Christina, cared equally for each of her offspring.

However, 6 months after birth, the first signs of developmental abnormalities in XT11 began to be noted. Her brother was more active, could sit independently, and was socially interested. The sick baby, on the contrary, did not show social interest in other members of the group of wild chimpanzees; she could not sit independently and was completely dependent on her mother.

Symptoms of the disease

Along with the supposed mental disability, scientists have noticed some physical abnormalities in the XT11. The baby had a large hernia on her abdomen, visible damage to her spine, areas on her body with bald patches, and an extra finger on her left hand. In addition, she often kept her mouth half open. Despite all this, the mother's care helped XT11 survive for almost two years.

Amazing mother behavior

In this study, the scientists were most interested in 37-year-old chimpanzee Christina. Previously, scientists had never seen how mothers in the wild interact with their disabled babies. When Christina realized that something was wrong with the cub, she completely adapted her usual behavior to the new realities: she carried the offspring on her chest, held it while feeding, and gave up hunting for her favorite delicacy - wild ants. In addition to this, Christina's eldest child also helped her mother in caring for the disabled person.

Collective family interaction

So, the poor cub could not move independently and constantly clung to its mother. Christina adapted to this, moving with only one free hand, while the second was busy supporting the disabled cub. Christina was ready to make all sorts of sacrifices, even giving up catching ants completely. However, she came to her aid eldest daughter, who temporarily took XT11 under her care, thereby allowing the tired mother to get enough of her favorite delicacy.

Hints of social activity in wild apes

This study gives us a clear idea that social care and mutual aid exist among wild chimpanzees. It was previously thought that apes did not show signs of social support and that this phenomenon in the process of evolution became an exclusive feature of ancient people. In reality, everything turned out to be somewhat different. It turns out that not only people can take care of their own kind.