In the summer, children in kindergarten have the opportunity to get a huge number of interesting and new experiences. At this time, they are not busy with schoolwork and can devote more time to various games, excursions, sporting events etc. How to spend time with the children largely depends on the teacher, as well as on the suggestions of the parents. Some of the most favorite entertainment in hot weather For children there are games with water. Not all kindergartens have small pools on site. But this is not a problem, since the water can be poured into basins, bathtubs and brought to the playground. Such entertainment gives children great pleasure. They splash their hands in the water, splash, while joyfully “laughing” and “squeaking.” Also, in hot weather, you can arrange for children to be doused with water. This hardening procedure in the fresh air will not only appeal to children, but is also good for health.

Summer fun in kindergarten outdoors

A good teacher strives to make every day bright for the kids. During this period of the year, children can be taken on various walks outside the kindergarten territory. Various excursions are organized to the museum, cinema, theater, games are organized in parks, on special playgrounds, etc. Such events help children develop their horizons and contribute to the accumulation of knowledge. It is quite interesting to listen to their opinion after one of these excursions. You can also visit a zoo as a group, which gives you the opportunity to see various new animals, visit a botanical garden, etc.

In some kindergartens, workers plant a small vegetable garden, where children, with their own hands, under the guidance of adults, plant vegetables and flowers. The kids really like this, they are not only happy that they plant the seeds in the ground themselves, but also then get a lot of pleasure when the seed sprouts, then fruits appear or flowers bloom. This makes children feel proud and they happily boast about their achievements with their parents.

Other summer activities for children

In the summer, children's energy splashes out in various outdoor games. Arrange ball games for children. For example, football, “knocked out”, volleyball; for younger children - throwing the ball around in a circle. On the playground it is much more convenient to play “tag”, “hide and seek”, “the sea is agitated” and other games. You can organize various sports relay races using sports equipment. Also, summer is the most suitable period for holding games that teach children the rules traffic. In this case, you can use bicycles as transport.

Summer fun for kids in the dhow

Any kindergarten has a plot of green space on or near its territory. The teacher can conduct several lessons on environmental education. Using visual examples, the child will know the name of this or that plant (trees, flowers, shrubs). You can conduct a class on making crafts from natural materials.

In kindergarten in the summer, kids like to tinker in the sandbox, building “sand pies”; older children enjoy building various collective structures out of sand, but it is simply difficult to distract them from such activities. Also interesting for children are activities such as drawings with colored chalk on the asphalt. You can organize various competitions in the fresh air in the summer. For example, a summer holiday, a birthday party, a fairy tale holiday, etc. It is good if such competitions are held with parents, using costumes and prizes.

Summer activities in kindergarten are quite varied. At proper organization your baby will not get bored during leisure time. It’s good when the teacher communicates closely with parents, it is possible to organize a lot of events together. Many people note that children’s appetite increases after summer walks and their sleep becomes stronger.

Scenario for a summer holiday for children 3-5 years old “I’m lying in the sun”





Pictures of animals (frog, chicken, dog, cat, geese, cow)

Magic flower

The progress of the holiday

In a flowerbed near the kindergarten, on one of the flowers, children find an unusual fairy-tale butterfly.

Leading. Children, look what beautiful butterfly flew to us. She must be magical. And it seems to me that it was no coincidence that she arrived today. I will now very carefully sit her on my palm and listen to what she tells me. (Listen.) Guys, the butterfly says that she flew to visit you today and that she really likes you all. (Listen.) Children, the butterfly asks what you can do. Our children, little butterfly, may still be babies, but they already know a lot. (Listen.) Guys, the butterfly asks if you can fly like butterflies? Can? Let's try.

To the music of any waltz, children improvise the flight of butterflies.

Leading. Well done! (Listen.) Guys, the butterfly has prepared a surprise for us. Dear butterfly, what surprise have you prepared for our kids? (Listen) Wow! Children, the butterfly says that today we will meet the characters of one of the cartoons. And where can we see them, butterfly? (Listen) Are you taking us there? Fine. Guys, let's go after the butterfly. She says that they are already waiting for us.

Everyone goes to one of the kindergarten sections.

There they are met by the Lion Cub and the Turtle.

They lie on the sand and sing their song to the soundtrack.

Turtle and Lion Cub(stand up). Hello guys. Do you recognize us? (Answer.)

Turtle. That's right, I'm a big Turtle.

Lion cub. And I'm the Lion Cub - r-r-r-meow!

Turtle. We came to visit you today from our cartoon to have fun and frolic with you.

Lion cub. I just love holidays and fun! Well, where do we start?

Turtle. How from what? Where do all adults and children start every day?

Lion cub.

I know, I know!

Who is friends with exercises boldly,

Who will drive away laziness in the morning,

He will be strong and skillful,

And have fun all day!

Together they do any set of morning exercises.

Wash your nose, wash your neck.

Lion cub.

I like to be clean too

My little face.

Leading. And our children are every single one of them. Really, guys? Let's show the Lion Cub and the Turtle how neat we are? (Answer.)

Turtle. It's nice to be friends with such clean and tidy guys. Lion cub (brings out the ball, throws it). And I also love to play. This is my ball.

Leading. Lion cub, please listen to what song the kids know about a ball.

The song “Ball” is performed, lyrics by 3. Petrova, music by N. Razuvaeva.

Lion cub. Great! Now let's play ball.

Ball game

Children stand in two large circles. In one circle, the Lion Cub throws a ball with the children, in the other, the Turtle.


We played well

Maybe you can dance some more?

Leading. Of course we'll dance! And you, Lion Cub and Turtle, are invited to dance with us.

Turtle. Well, we'll try.

The dance-song “We top-top with our feet” is performed (authors S. and E. Zheleznov).

Lion cub.

Danced from the heart!

Well done, kids!

Guys, have you heard how I can growl?

That's how! (Growls.) Can you do that?

(Children growl.) Wow! How else can you do it?

Leading. Our children can imitate many animals. Listen here.

The presenter shows one by one pictures of animals whose voices the children imitate: a frog, a chicken, a dog, a cat, geese, a cow.

Turtle. What smart children! I didn’t even think that your kids could know so much.

Leading. And that is not all. Our kids can show you something about animals.

Turtle. Amazing! I really want to clap for you. (Claps.)

Lion cub. And me too! (Claps.)

Leading. And now we will also clap for ourselves and sing the song “Clap!”

The song “Clap!” is performed, words and music by E. Makshantseva.

Turtle. Children, look at my hat. You like? (Answer.)

Lion cub. Turtle, please give us your wonderful hat, the guys and I will play another wonderful game with it.

Turtle. Please.

Game "Hat"

To cheerful music, children pass the hat around the circle, putting it on each other's heads.

When the music stops, the one with the hat goes to the center of the circle and dances (or performs any task of the leader), the children clap.

Lion cub. We had a lot of fun! I really don’t want to part with you guys!

Turtle. It's right. You and I have become friends. But, unfortunately, it's time for us.

Lion cub. And to say goodbye, sing with us our favorite song.

“Song of the Lion Cub and the Turtle” is performed, lyrics by S. Kozlov, music by G. Gladkov (phonogram).

The Lion Cub and the Turtle say goodbye and leave.

Leading. Children, our magic butterfly seems to want to tell us something. (Listen.) She asks: “Did you like the meeting with the Lion Cub and the Turtle?” (Listen to the children's answers, then to the butterfly.) The butterfly says that another surprise awaits you.

The children follow the butterfly back to the flowerbed.

There is a fabulous flower.

Children find candy in it.

They thank the butterfly, treat themselves, and go to the group.

Municipal preschool educational institution Child Development Center – Kindergarten No. 21, Istra Urban District

Musical director Svetlana Yuryevna Sidorova July 2017.

Celebration progress:

Children gather on the playground to cheerful music. They stand up in two round dances.


The miracle summer is flushed with kindness, love and light!
The rye is spiking in the field, the summer rain is jumping and jumping!
The sun is shining playfully, and in the ravine, by the river,
Wonderfully colorful flowers are blooming for everyone.

Song "Multi-colored round dance" (by show)

Host: It’s so good that summer continues! Everyone's mood is simply wonderful! The sun gives us its hot rays. We will not be bored, we will sing, dance, we will celebrate the holiday. What kind of holiday should we come up with today?

Summer has brought us a holiday, music flows all around,

Today we will call this holiday, the holiday of Friendship!

1 child:

Girlfriends and comrades, we live happily,
We love each other very much, we don’t give offense!

2nd child:

We are friendly guys, we don’t quarrel at all,
We are friendly guys, tell that to everyone!

3rd child:

Today the holiday brought us together:
Not a fair, not a carnival!
Here the holiday of friendship has come
And he invited everyone into the circle of guys.

4 Child. I love my kindergarten
It's full of guys.
One two three four five…
It's a pity that we can't count them all.

Maybe there are a hundred of them, maybe two hundred.
It's good when we are together!

Song "Kindergarten" (Filippenko).

Leading. Today we have the most fun party, dedicated to Friendship. After all, it is in kindergarten that we have our first friends and girlfriends.

I want to check if you know polite words.

A game "Say the word" .

  1. Even a block of ice will melt from a warm word... (Thank you).
  2. The old stump will turn green when it hears... (Good afternoon).
  3. If you can’t eat anymore, tell him at the table... (Thank you).
  4. In both Belarus and Denmark they say goodbye...... (Goodbye).

5. If you don’t want to be considered ignorant,
I beg you, be wise,
Begin your request with a polite word:
Be... (kindly), be... (kind).

Leading. I want to know if you can distinguish good deeds from bad ones.

A game "Good bad"

The presenter names an example of an action, the children indicate the correct one with applause: he tore his clothes, defended the weak, quarreled with his mother, warmed and fed the kitten, tore a branch from a tree, broke a toy, broke a vase, helped the baby get dressed, shared candy, offended the girl, thanked her for her help) .

The Lying Bully enters to the music.

Liar-Bully. Hi all! Yeah! This is where I need it! (rubs hands).

Leading. Where does this “here” go?

Liar-Bully. Where, where... Yes, here, where there are many children. I will make my assistants out of them.

Leading. Who are you?

Liar-Bully. I am the Bully Liar. I heard you are having some kind of holiday here?

Leading. Not just any holiday, but the Festival of Friendship, the celebration of true friends. And we came to have fun.

Liar-Bully. Are these short little kids friends? Do they know how to be friends? Oh, they made me laugh! (laughs).

Leading. Wait, wait, Lying Bully, to find out whether our guys really know how to be friends, we need to test them in games, in dances, in songs.

Liar-Bully. Check it out, right? Please! (Takes out the ball). Here's the ball. Whoever doesn’t catch him hasn’t grown up and, therefore, hasn’t learned to be friends!

He starts randomly, deceiving the children, throwing the ball to them.

Leading. Oh no! This will not work! If you're going to play, then for real.

Liar-Bully. How is this for real?

Leading. This means according to the rules. Look, we’ll now take the ball and pass it around, and you can catch up. Agreed?

A game "Pass the ball around"

Liar-Bully: That's it, I don't play like that. It's not fair. Now, if I were the only one playing with a ball, and you all would run after me, it would be great!

Host: Do you want to play with the guys? interesting game "How are you?" . Let me teach you and you guys. Or to the music "If life is fun" .

Liar-Bully. Well, we'll see who will teach whom. What, I don’t know such a game or something.

Game "How are you living?"

Children use their movements to show what the text says.

How are you? - Like this! (thumb forward)

How are you going? - Like this! (walk in place)

How are you swimming? - Like this! (imitate swimming)

How are you running? - Like this! (running in place)

How sad are you? - Like this! (sad)

Are you naughty? - Like this! (make faces)

Are you threatening? - Like this! (they shake their fingers at each other)

The game is repeated 3-4 times, each time the pace becomes faster.

The Lying Bully plays incorrectly, the presenter asks her to see how to play.

Leading. Guys, I know who I need to introduce Vraka-Bully to so that she stops playing pranks and becomes kind and cheerful. With the clown Smeshinkin. But in order for him to appear here, you need to laugh loudly and heartily. Let's laugh together!

Children laugh. The bully liar hides to the side and covers his ears.

The clown Smeshinkin enters to the sound of cheerful music.

Smeshinkin. Here I am! I heard laughter and realized that they were waiting for me here. Really, guys?

Smeshinkin. Are you having a holiday or fun? How I love all this!

Leading. Yes, Smeshinkin, we all met together today and decided to have fun.

Leading. To us on a long wet leg
The rain is bouncing along the path.
Dance "Rain" (girls)
Liar-Bully. Yes, of course! Shorty kids!

Smeshinkin. Ah, Lying Bully, are you already here and being mischievous again?

Leading. Can you imagine, Smeshinkin, the Lying Bully claims that our

Boys and girls are still very small and do not know how to be friends.

Smeshinkin. But I think quite the opposite. For example, do you know, Lying Bully, what you need to do in the morning?

Liar-Bully. Of course I know! They still ask. You get up in the morning and immediately start doing all sorts of nasty things, lying and playing pranks.

Smeshinkin. But no! We will now teach you what to do in the morning.

"Fun exercise" (“Hey, couch potatoes!” )

Liar-Bully. You’re so grown up in kindergarten, but when you come home... You can’t do without me there, what will you do without me, so pretty and mean?

Leading. But there’s nothing like that, our kids are not only friends in kindergarten, but also friends with their moms and dads and always try to obey them

Liar-Bully. Eh, you! You didn't turn out to be my assistants. Why am I so unlucky?! Why doesn't anyone want to be friends with me?! (Crying).

Smeshinkin. And you still ask?! Just look at yourself: is it possible to find friends with such a harmful face, on which there is never a smile?

Leading. But Smeshinkin is right. Other people are only drawn to a kind, cheerful person. Listen to what a kind, good song our girls will sing for you.

Song “We divide everything in half” .

(lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, music by V. Ivanov)

Lying Bully (claps his hands). What a wonderful song! I've never heard this before!

Smeshinkin. Friends, a miracle happened! The bully liar told the truth for the first time!

Liar-Bully. How? This can't be true! What's wrong with me?! Who will I be now if I forget how to lie? (Whines).

Leading. With us you will become good, kind and cheerful. We are your name

We'll give you a new one. Want?

Lying Bully (embarrassed). Well, I don't know... Will I be able to...?

Smeshinkin. You can do it, you can! And the guys and I will help you.

Leading. Guys, let's give the Bully Liar a new one good name-Veselushka-Laughter..

Smeshinkin. But from now on you must do only good deeds and always smile. Agree?

Liar-Bully. How to do these good deeds? I don't know.

Smeshinkin. Here's one of them to start with. I picked it up along the way different colors. But they are unusual. Each of them contains a riddle. Here are the flowers for you, and these for me. Now we will take turns asking the guys riddles. Agreed?

Liar-Bully. I will try.

1. He got leeches
I sold Karabasu.
The whole smell of swamp mud.
His name was... (Pinocchio - Duremar)

2. He walked through the forest boldly.
But the fox ate the hero.
The poor thing sang goodbye.
His name was... (Cheburashka - Kolobok)

3. Poor dolls are beaten and tortured,
He is looking for a magic key.
He looks terrible.
Who is this... (Aibolit - Karabas)

4. Lived in a bottle for hundreds of years.
Finally saw the light.
He has grown a beard,
This kind... (Father Frost - Old Man Hottabych)

5. He somehow lost his tail,
But the guests returned him.
He's grumpy like an old man.
This sad... (Piglet - Eeyore)

6. He is a big naughty man and a comedian,
He has a house on the roof.
Braggart and arrogant,
And his name is... (Dunno - Carlson)

Or riddles about flowers
Leading. And now my boys
Listen to the riddles together.
And my riddles are about summer flowers. Ready?

What's my name? Tell?
I often hide in the rye,
A humble wildflower,
Blue-eyed… (cornflower)

Here is a rough stem
In the middle there is a coal.
- The petals shine like varnish.
Red blossomed... (poppy)

The little blue bell is hanging,
He never calls. (Bell)

On a green fragile leg
The ball grew near the path.
The breeze rustled
And dispelled this ball.


Familiar to everyone since childhood
Their white shirt
With a bright yellow center
Cheerful… (chamomile)

Dance "Daisies"

Smeshinkin. Well done boys! And you said (addresses the Bully Vrake) that our children know nothing. Would kids be able to solve such difficult riddles?

Liar-Bully. Now I really see that the guys have grown up and become wiser. Do you know why? Because I’m slowly turning into a Merry Laugher. I even wanted to play a game with you "Carousel" .

A game "Carousel" (with umbrella)

Dance "Friendship" (group "Barbariki" )

Smeshinkin. Well, Veselushka-Laughter, did you like our holiday?

Liar-Bully. Still would! After all, I have become completely different!

Leading. And our guys helped you with this.

Smeshinkin. And it’s time for me and Veselushka-Laughter to go to our fairy-tale country of Laughter. And as soon as we hear your cheerful, friendly laughter, we will always be guests in your kindergarten.

Smeshinkin and Vraka-Zabiyaka. Bye!

The heroes leave to the sound of cheerful music.

Drawing "My friends" .

At the end of the holiday, another surprise awaits the children: the teachers hand out colored crayons to the children. Children draw their friends.

Goals: development of children's imagination and revelation of parents' talents; broadening the horizons of children, developing their creativity, familiarization with beauty, education of aesthetic qualities.

Children are invited to the playground, decorated with flags, balloons, flowers. Girls perform "Exercise with flowers."

Chamomile. Hello everyone who loves holidays, summer, beauty, and fantasy!

I am the beautiful Chamomile,

And I really like it here.

There are colorful kids here,

Both girls and boys.

Today a holiday is being declared throughout our Flower Country.

To the Flower City, where the children

They live very happily

The guests have arrived, the guests have arrived

Unprecedented beauty.

Children perform the song “Multi-Colored Planet” (music by N. Lukonina, lyrics by L. Chadova. See in the collection: Matinees in kindergarten: scenarios about nature. M.: Iris-press, 2002).


And today, child,

It's our hat festival! Hooray!

Dunno appears.


I'm a little unlucky

A mischievous and brave rogue,

Everyone teaches me something

And they call her Dunno.

Hello everyone from me.

I heard “Hat Festival”.

Something is boring here. I have prepared a song for you. Listen:

Let's show our tongue like I do.

Let's show our tongue like I do.

Come on, everyone is in harmony, everyone is at once

Let's be camels now!

Let's pinch each other like I do.

Let's give each other a bruise...

Chamomile. Enough, what are you teaching our guests?! Look how beautiful and friendly they all are. Really, guys? (Children's answers.) And to show you what we are like, we will perform “Dance of Hearts.”

“Dance of Hearts” to the music “Dance of Friendship” (music by W. Pröger). Children are dancing; when the music stops, the children find a partner, that is, choose a child with a heart of the same color, and continue to dance.

Toropyzhka appears.


I was in a hurry to get to you, in a hurry.

I almost fell off my horse.

I flew into a birch tree,

My nose hit two bushes.

And then he fell five times,

Finally I got to you.

Are you not happy with me? And if you are happy, then when I wave my hand, you shout loudly: “Hurray!” Hello! I am Toropyzhka from your favorite book.

Dunno. And now I’ll tell you a poem about you:

Toropyzhka was hungry,

Swallowed a cold iron.

And here's another:

Toropyzhka got scared -

He rushed naked from the river.

I was in such a hurry to have lunch,

I forgot to get dressed.

Chamomile. Shame on you, Dunno!

Dunno. I was joking and I won't do it again, I swear on my fine hat. Toropyzhka. Okay, don't tease anymore, especially since today is a holiday. Look how beautiful the children are all, like me, and I have prepared a surprise for you.

Chamomile. Which?


In your magic box

I put the cat in.

Let's wait a little...

Get ready, kids!

You've never seen anything like this

Never in the world.

I'll turn over my box -

Everything quickly, quickly, quickly.

I open it, and from there

A sparrow appeared.

(The trick uses a box with a partition: a cat is placed on one side, and a sparrow is taken out from the other side.)

Dunno. But I have the most beautiful hat.

Now I'll take off my hat

And I’ll start playing with her.

Come on, little people,

Join the round dance!

Game "Funny Hat". Cheerful music plays and children pass hats around. The music stops, whoever has the hat in his hands goes out into the circle and dances, the children clap their hands.

Chamomile. And I also prepared a surprise for the guys. I want our Flower Country to become even more beautiful, and the guys will help me with this.

Game "Merry Flowerbed".

Children are divided into two teams and compete to see which team can move flowers and make a “flower bed” faster.


Planet of people, planet of children,

Planet of cheerful and kind friends!

The song “Colorful Planet” is playing.

Chamomile. It is a holiday today! Hat Festival!

Toropyzhka. And everyone knows it!

1st child.

Worn by our grandfathers

Caps and Panama hats.

Fashionable berets

It's in my mom's closet.

2nd child.

If the sun is shining,

What will save us from the heat?

This is a hat and a Panama hat.

Mom puts them on for us.

3rd child.

Preserved grandfathers

An old cap.

And he plays it

My brother, little one.

4th child.

Very in fashion now

Straw hats.

In an old chest of drawers

Granny Toma has it.

5th child.

Even in a good fairy tale,

What we all read

Little Red Riding Hood

The girl was named.


Hey! Which children are there?

Forget everything in the world!

Open your mouths wider -

And she, and he, and you.

Toropyzhka will now ask:

“Who wears which hat?”

Game "Guess who wears which hat."

Gnome - ... (cap).

Santa Claus - ... (hat).

Baba Yaga - ... (scarf).

Snowman - ... (bucket).

Mushroom - ... (hat).

Firefighter - ... (helmet).

Cook - ... (cap).

Sailor - ... (peakless cap).

Tanker - ... (helmet).

Dunno. So let's start our show!

Chamomile. And to evaluate your hats, you need to walk along the catwalk and tell them the name of your hat.

Children present their hats.

Suddenly a “living hat” appears - with the help of a fishing line, the teacher imperceptibly pulls the hat.

Dunno. Look, we have a living hat visiting us.

Toropyzhka tries to catch her, the hat “runs away.”

Chamomile. Want to know what's in it? To do this we need to dance, then the hat will reveal its secret.

Children stand in a circle and perform the Boogie-Woogie dance.

After the dance, the teachers hand out gifts from the hat to everyone.

Characters: Presenter, Bear, Cornflower, Kikimora, Leshy, Lesovik.

Children go to the site and sit on chairs.

Leading: Summer has come, you will go to the village, to the dacha and, of course, go to the forest, listen to birds singing, smell flowers, admire the beauty of nature. Who can we meet in the forest?

Children: Fox, bunny, bear.

Leading: It seems the bear himself decided to come to us.


Congratulations on the arrival of summer,

I brought honey as a gift,

While I took it from the bees,

They bit my nose!


Children, Teddy Bear,

Join the round dance!

All the guys will be happy

Dance and eat honey!

Children dance to any dance tune.


Oh, and I danced!

Goodbye friends!

Sunbathe, eat honey,

May you be lucky in the summer

Come to the forest quickly

You will find friends there.

1st child:

The bear invited us to the forest,

And the forest is full of miracles!

2nd child:

Here is the pink porridge,

There's white chamomile here too!

3rd child:

For bouquets and wreaths

We need a lot of flowers.

Leading: Guys, what forest, meadow and wildflowers do you know?

Children: Bluebell, chamomile, buttercup, lily of the valley, cornflower...


Let's say these words:

“Cornflower, cornflower!

Our favorite flower

Come visit us

And bring your friends!”


I am the famous flower

Blue-blue Cornflower,

I'll tell you a secret:

I was waiting for you to visit me,

I barely waited for you,

We'll play with you,

On the flower carousel

We'll have fun riding.

Game "Flower Carousel"

The players stand in a circle. There is a rope on the ground, forming a ring, the ends of the rope are tied. The children lift her from the ground and, holding on to her, right hand, walk in a circle to the music. For example, to the song “A Million Roses”. Music by Pauls, poetry by Voznesensky. The melody suddenly changes to another. For example, "Lilies of the Valley". Music by Feltsman, poetry by Fadeeva. When changing the melody, the players quickly take the rope with the other hand and move in the opposite direction. In the game you can change not only the direction, but also the rhythm.


We have a Lesovik in the forest,

He's good, in general, he's an old man,

But he became sad from melancholy,

I called him to you now.

Don't let him get bored

Entertain the forest man!

And I will return again to flowers,

The bees there really need me!

Bye, and don't be bored,

Meet Lesovik.

Cornflower leaves. Lesovik appears, walks with his head down, not looking at the children, and sits down in front of them.


Balalaika swear and swear,

It's boring if you're alone.

If only someone would come

That would be good!

Eh, it’s so boring, there’s no one there. Summer has already begun a long time ago, but there is no one to play and have fun with. (Raises his head, sees the children and gets scared.) Oh, who is it? Why are there so many children? Why are you here?

Children: We want to cheer you up!

Lesovik: Oh, how great! What will you do?

Children: Play, sing, have fun.

Lesovik: Then I suggest playing a game.

Game "Maple Leaf"

The game involves two children or two teams. On the trays lie one maple leaf (or according to the number of children in the team), cut into pieces. At the signal, the children collect the leaf. The winner is the one who is the first to make a piece of paper from scattered parts.

Lesovik: Well done, you completed the task quickly. Look what I have. (Takes colored handkerchiefs out of his pocket.)

Look what colors summer has painted these scarves with. I will name the color, and you say that it can be decorated with this color. These are my handkerchiefs. The boys will dance with them now.

Dance with handkerchiefs

Lesovik: Oh, and you’re good at dancing! Who is this coming to us?

The children sit down, Kikimora appears.

Kikimora: Hi all! Girls are spinners, boys are stumps! You recognized me?

Children: Kikimora!

Kikimora: I was collecting fly agarics here, I see some children. Let me, I think, I’ll go in and see what they’re doing. What do you have here?

Children: Summer holiday.

Kikimora: Yes?! I also love holidays. What do they do with them?

The children answer.

Kikimora: Are they playing? How I love to play! I know such wonderful games! For example: smear a stump with marsh mud, and when someone sits on it - what fun! Good game?

Children: No!

Kikimora: Then another: a man walks through the forest, and from a tree I pour a bucket of dirty swamp water on him. Great?

Children: No!

Lesovik: Listen, Kikimora, get out of here. What games do you teach children?

Kikimora: That's it, that's it, that's it, I won't do it anymore. Lesovik, can you help me? There at the end of the path on a bush ripe berries They are growing, go and gather them, treat us and eat them yourself.

Lesovik: You forgot to say something.

Kikimora: Oh please.

Lesovik: Okay, I'll go, but don't teach your children anything bad. And you guys will tell me later.


Kikimora: Gone, finally! I invite this boy (chooses) to play a game with me. I was walking through the forest and lost a magic cone (drops a cone tied on a string to the floor). Boy, help me, lift the bump, please.

The child bends down to pick up the pine cone, and Kikimora pulls the string, the pine cone “runs away.”

You can't, boy! (Invites another.)

Lesovik(appearing): Kikimora deceived me. There are no berries there. What did she teach you here? Good?

Children talk.

Lesovik: Well, Kikimora! Now we'll play another game.

Game "Bank and River"

On the ground, two lines are marked with ropes at a distance of about 1 m. Between these lines there is a river, and along the edges there is a shore. All the guys are standing on the banks. The forest worker gives the command “River”, and all the guys jump into the river; at the command “Bank” everyone jumps out onto the bank. The Lesovik gives commands quickly and randomly in order to confuse the players. If someone ends up in the water at the “Shore” command, they are out of the game. Those inattentive players who ended up on the bank during the “River” command also leave the game.

Kikimora: It's a tough game, it's hard for me.

Lesovik: Don’t be upset, we will amuse you with a song! A song about summer sounds.

Kikimora(offended): I really need your songs! They don’t want to smear the stumps, they don’t want to douse themselves with swamp water either... I’ll arrange a holiday for you!


Lesovik: But we are not afraid! Let's continue the holiday! I have a riddle for you:

No sun and no rain

Not a single nail

And they built it in no time

Celestial Gate. (Rainbow)

What are the colors of the rainbow?

Names and distributes ribbons to children. Dance with ribbons.

Lesovik: It's time for a treat, I'll bring it now.


Kikimora(appears on the other side): You won't get anything! I took everything and hid it.

Runs away.

Lesovik: Guys, all the treats have disappeared somewhere. You don't know where it is?

Children talk.

What do we do? I know! We will call my friend Leshy for help. Do you know who this is?

The children answer.

Well, let’s all shout together: “Leshy!”

Goblin: Hello, children, what happened to you?

Lesovik: Kikimora stole all the treats, she needs to return them.

Goblin: I will definitely help, but I just need the guys’ help.

Can you stomp your feet? (Shows, children repeat.)

How about buzzing like airplanes? (Shows, children repeat.)

And growl like wild animals? (Shows, children repeat.)

Now listen to me carefully.

Goblin: Kikimora, give up, you're surrounded! An army of brave soldiers came with me. Can you hear them coming? (Indicates that the children should stomp.) Planes are flying in the sky. Do you hear, Kikimora, their roar? (Shows the children to buzz.) And terribly angry tigers hid in the bushes! (Indicates that the children should growl.)

Kikimora: Oh, I'm afraid, I'm afraid! (Runs out.) Take your treat. I will never come to you again!

Runs away.

Lesovik: That’s great, that’s nice, that’s good.

Goblin: Wow, you not only have guests, but also treats, well, we can start celebrating.

Lesovik: We had a good summer holiday this year, it was fun! Help yourself, kids, and you, Leshy.