Since, according to the ancient Mayan calendar, the end of the world is supposed to come in 2012, and the Internet is constantly trumpeting about this, we need to celebrate 2012 in a special way. We have developed specially for this case New Year 2012 scenario, and it’s called “Saving the Earth or a Secret Message from Aliens.”

So, when all the guests are gathered, the sound of a flying spaceship is heard and space music plays. An image appears on the wall using a projector (which can be replaced with a plasma TV) (it must be recorded in advance). On the screen everyone sees 2 aliens:

First, first, I'm second. Can you hear me okay? Welcome!.. We are messengers from the distant constellation Pleiades, descendants of the ancient Mayans who lived on your planet. We have arrived to reveal to you the secret of the Mayan calendar. But first you must agree to visit your Earth and sit with you at the festive table!

After the earthlings allow the aliens to attend their holiday, the sound of an explosion is heard and smoke appears, this is exactly the effect suggested by the New Year 2012 scenario. Two disguised presenters enter the hall:

Greetings Earthlings!!! We are glad to meet you after so many light years. We want to get to know you better. Please, introduce yourself.

The aliens pass the microphone into the hall, and all the guests take turns saying their names. The aliens joke, paraphrase the names of the guests, approach some of the guests, start checking their pulses, look at their hairstyles, in general, they pretend to study people. While one alien walks around the hall, the second one writes down the observations of the first one in a notebook. Everything needs to be done with irony, but in such a way as not to offend anyone.

After all the Earthlings have been studied, the aliens, according to the New Year 2012 scenario, offer a drink to meet each other. The first toast sounds. And right behind him is the second one. One of the Aliens says that he knows an old earthly ritual, which says that there is a small break between the first and second!

After this, the Aliens hold several table contests. For example, “Message from Earth”. A text is prepared in advance where adjectives must be inserted. The guests' task is to name any adjectives that will then be inserted into the text. Usually it turns out very funny, since the guests do not know in advance what will be discussed. When all the adjectives are written down, the message is read out. Laughter and smiles are guaranteed.

After the table competitions, when it’s 12 o’clock at night, everyone listens to the president’s message on the big screen on the wall, drinks New Year. And the Aliens congratulate everyone on the holiday. After this, the Aliens call all the guests outside to see the cosmic starfall (fireworks) on the occasion of the New Year.

After the fireworks, everyone returns to the hall, where guests will find an incendiary star disco with dancing, competitions and prizes from the Aliens.

At approximately 2-3 o'clock in the morning, the cosmic Santa Claus arrives to visit the Earthlings. An old man in steel-colored clothes, with large false ears and a long nose, space antennas should stick out of his hat on his head, and there should be wings on his back. Cosmic Santa Claus says:

I flew from the vast intergalactic space in order to congratulate you Earthlings on the New Year, pick up these two dunces and inform you that no end of the world is expected on Earth in 2012! Humanity will live forever!!! But you must learn to love not only each other, but also Mother Earth, who waters and feeds you. Don’t litter it and don’t poison it, otherwise it won’t be possible to live on Earth!

After this, Santa Claus distributes gifts to everyone, takes the Aliens, space music sounds, and the alien guests hide in puffs of artificial smoke.

After this, the Earthlings continue to dance and have fun.

Scenario for New Year 2012 “Saving the Earth or a secret message from aliens”

Organization: MADOU No. 99

Locality: Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa


  • Expand children's knowledge about space;
  • Develop children's creative potential, the ability to approach a variety of situations in an unconventional way;
  • To attract the attention of children and their parents to the problem of waste disposal, to show the application household waste in making alien costumes. Treat and love nature with care.

I would like to fly to the moon

Plunge into an unsolved world.

And like a beautiful dream,

Touch the brightest star.

Fly to distant orbits,

Dimensions unknown to all of us,

Where the mysterious cosmos keeps

There are many secrets of the vast universe.

To visit other planets,

About which science does not know.

And to see unearthly creatures, -

That they fly on strange saucers.

Dear Earthlings! Today in our kindergarten there will be an intergalactic meeting of extraterrestrial civilizations. From different ends of the endless Universe, aliens flew to Earth on a friendly visit in their spaceships.

So, let's meet:

  1. Miss Shurshunka from the planet Sheshineru. The Sheshiner people have a special language: they speak using rustling sounds. The planet Sheshineru lies away from major space routes, but despite this, its inhabitants love to travel. Animal world The planet is not rich - three hundred years ago it was uninhabited and bare, but then aliens from Rhodes flew to them and created an artificial atmosphere on it, planted gardens, and brought animals.
  2. And here Lady Winter has arrived from the third planet in the Medusa system. Four suns spin quickly over this planet and night falls on it only sometimes, and you can never guess when a brief darkness will fall on the planet. There are a lot of forests and oceans on the planet, which are teeming with fish and sea ​​snakes, the forests are full of all kinds of animals and butterflies with meter-long wings. And she flew to Earth to find out more about its inhabitants.
  3. And this important robot is from the planet Shelezyaka. Discovered by the Fixian expedition. Inhabited by a metallic culture of higher intelligence. There is an assumption that the inhabitants of the planet are the descendants of robots that escaped from an unknown spaceship. They are distinguished by straightforwardness and hospitality. However, they are very capricious and touchy. Therefore, be careful when communicating, do not inadvertently offend him.
  4. This alien came to us all the way from Palaputra itself.

He has arms and legs

And a big head.

All universal sciences

For him it’s like two and two!

He can eat and drink

This is what he lives for

Big-headed Cosmoglot!

Do you guys know that his daily diet is four tons of bananas and a jar of valerian.

5) On the eighth satellite of Aldebaran in the Sierra Barracuda mountains lives a very rare and intelligent animal - Bat Croc. Representatives of this race were almost exterminated by poachers from the neighboring planet Fix, but the Intergalactic Department for the Protection of Rare Space Animals, represented by the chief ecologist Gromozeki, stood up for them. And now we are happy to see him on our Earth.


On an unknown planet

The one that we only dream about

Foreign stars are shining in the sky

The wind whirls the leaves,

Children go to a foreign school

True, also in the morning.

These young representatives of the Ushanov are from our satellite the Moon. The Ushans have settled on the Moon in the Archimedes crater since time immemorial, and until recently people knew nothing about their existence. Therefore, they overcame their shyness and flew to us.

7) And these two cheerful friends are Flowers, residents of the Flower Planet. The planet is located in the very center of the Large Magellanic Clouds (this is a distant galaxy). There are just flowers living on it that can walk and talk, and they turn out to be very curious, and some of their representatives are even big gossips and fighters. But, of course, this does not apply to our dear guests today. They are simply wonderful.

8). But the resident of the Rainbow planet can’t wait to meet you. How far away he probably lives, but despite this, Chumaroz flew to our planet in his jalopy.

Well, that’s all the representatives of extraterrestrial civilization who were able to fly to us.

Leading. Dear aliens. We are very glad to see you on our Earth. Shall we play a game?

Game “Say a word.”

To equip the eye

And be friends with the stars,

To see the Milky Way

We need a powerful... (telescope)

Telescope for hundreds of years

Study the life of planets.

He will tell us everything

Smart uncle... (astronomer)

An astronomer is a stargazer,

He knows everything inside out!

Only the stars are visible better

The sky is full... (moon)

A bird cannot reach the moon

Fly and land on the moon,

But he can do it

Do it fast... (rocket)

The rocket has a driver

Zero gravity lover.

In English: "astronaut"

And in Russian... (cosmonaut)

An astronaut sits in a rocket

Cursing everything in the world -

In orbit as luck would have it

Appeared... (UFO)

There is darkness in black holes

She's busy with something dark.

There he ended his flight

Interplanetary... (starship).

Starship - steel bird,

He runs faster than light.

Learns in practice

Stellar ... (galaxies)

And the galaxies are flying

In loose form as they wish.

Very hefty

This whole... (universe)

Presenter: Well done! And now we invite you to try our “earthly” treats.

The children leave to the song “Grass near the House” by VIA “Zemlyane”.

List of used literature:

  1. Kir Bulychev "Alice's Journey";
  2. Evgeny Kislyakov “I would like to fly to the moon”;
  3. Magazine "Pedagogical Council" No. 2 1996;

Scenarios of alien conquest of the Earth that science fiction writers don’t like to write about September 28th, 2017

We discussed something like this and at least However, when you read science fiction books and watch films, in them aliens usually try to conquer us with rude military force. It is assumed that their technology and weapons are better and we are fighting back. Sometimes successful, sometimes not.

But imagine that there could be more than just violent or military scenarios...

1. Military trade

Aliens secretly establish contact with the government of one of the earthly states. They offer him a weapon that provides superiority over anything existing on Earth, but, naturally, inferior to their own. For a fee valuable resources, or in the version of a military alliance - they say, we are waging a war in space here and we need a strong, united, highly developed planet as an ally, and not the mess that you have. Stick with us, you will eat meat. It is advisable to choose weapons that do not pollute the planet for delivery.

As soon as those benefited go to war with other states, the enemy is also offered high-tech weapons. It is possible on behalf of another alien race: they say, we don’t want the Earth to be for our enemies, beat the traitors and be free. Or for a fee, nothing personal, just business. As the conflict develops, the parties are supplied with increasingly cool wunderwaffles at higher prices, and so on until complete mutual extermination.

2. Economic.

The aliens, having arrived, establish friendly relations with earthlings and offer mutually beneficial trade. If their civilization is capable of moving among the stars, it means they are at least several technological levels and tens of generations of technology ahead of us. They offer us high-tech consumer goods that are about 30 years ahead of the level of development of earthly science and technology. That is, they do not give earthlings technological superiority.

If we suddenly manage to reproduce production technologies, generation + products are released onto the market. They take it inexpensively - the same as their earthly “analogues” cost, so that they cannot be accused of dumping. They accept our money as payment, which is invested in the purchase of land and deposits of raw materials. Properly pay all taxes and duties. Additionally, they offer transport services - from space tourism for the rich to cheap cargo transportation within the Earth, as well as delivery of raw materials that are scarce on earth from other planets.

To ensure the loyalty of local governments, some of the production can even be located on Earth, employing local workers who perform the simplest operations, even those that could be performed automatically. Earthlings are happy, there are no reasonable arguments for refusal - if some state begins to act, an embargo is declared on it.

After several decades of such cooperation, not only does the main part of the earthly industry die - there is no point in investing in it, both light and heavy, since no one needs earthly machines or ships with trains, but earthlings lose the ability to produce even what they could previously . There is no point in studying to become an engineer or scientist - there is no job anyway. At this stage, the aliens already have pocket governments and pocket armies, which begin to reduce excess food, up to minimizing the Earth's population.

3. Scammer

The aliens arrive, conduct a cultural exchange for some time, ingratiate themselves, demonstrate high level science and technology, some of them are simply donated, but without fanaticism, explaining the restraint with the risks of unbalancing the development of civilization. They admire earthly culture, take state leaders and the cultural elite to visit them, show how well they live, admire the wisdom of earthly scientists and politicians, and applaud the concerts of earthly musicians.

Then they report that their science has discovered that the Sun will soon - within a few years - explode. They express their readiness to take free of charge to a safe planet and save a part of the Earth’s population of our choice - be it children, or great scientists and athletes, or the unfortunate with Down syndrome, or some of those whom they decide for themselves.

At the same time, “representatives of the third force” secretly appear on Earth - supposedly a different race of aliens, or not so disinterested fellow citizens of the first. They are ready to take out additional people who can pay dearly for tickets. Non-ferrous and radioactive metals and their deposits are accepted as payment - with their technologies they can be quickly extracted.

Panic begins on Earth, a fight for resources that can be used to buy a ticket, anarchy on the eve of the inevitable end. The elite, which could establish order, has no time for it, every man for himself. If someone resists and doesn’t even accept a free ticket, others eliminate him for the same ticket. A couple of years later, the Earth was thrown back into barbarism, the elite was taken out and sold into slavery/for organs/meat, nuclear warheads and planes were torn up for scrap, the new owners dictate their terms to those left behind.

4. Conspiratorial

The aliens secretly take back some of the promising earthlings, show them their prosperous society and explain that those taken out are in fact the descendants of representatives of their race who accidentally got stuck on Earth. There shouldn’t be any problems convincingly portraying humanoids in stationary conditions for representatives of such a race, even if you present humanoid robots to earthlings, even if you use hypnosis with drugs. They let you stay at home and taste the delights.

After this, the guests are told that humanity is dangerous to the peace of the Universe, and it must be destroyed, but the galactic UN does not order this to be done by forces of external invasion; it must be persuaded to the right path of development. Those processed as familiar with local specifics are thrown back to Earth, well prepared, with the task of infiltrating key positions and preparing the capture process. It’s like a link, but with the opportunity to save time by doing faithful service and receive a hearty ration for completing the task.

Zaslantsev is supported financially and informationally, advised on what to say, who to rely on, etc. To simplify the seizure of power and the development of chaos, you can feed the rest of the Earth's population information that they have alien agents operating, and give some false signs to expose the agents, such as a certain chromosome set. As a result, after several decades, the finances, governments and armies of the Earth are headed by people convinced that they are representatives of a different race, the invasion of which they in their posts contribute in every possible way, agreeing to any unequal treaties and blocking resistance.

5. Theologically sadistic

The aliens arrive and hang their ships in the distant orbits of the Earth, where they are practically inaccessible to earthly weapons. They don’t make contact, perhaps they even remain invisible to us. Sometimes, completely spontaneously, they carry out targeted strikes, the logic of which is impossible to understand.

Then they will take and destroy some Big City. Then they will release a virus that eradicates a specific plant or animal species, but leaves others untouched. Then they will incinerate the temples of one particular religion. Then they will begin to methodically shoot at planes and ships in a certain area of ​​the Earth. All weather satellites will be destroyed. They will burn out a piece of remote taiga, etc.

Not only will the global economic system, since the volatility in the markets is already tens of percent daily, and insurance premiums have skyrocketed, but the earthlings are also psychologically broken. The sword of Domocles, constantly hanging over one’s head, the blows of which cannot be predicted, provokes mass psychoses, the emergence of totalitarian sects, group suicides and pogroms.

When the aliens finally decide to make contact, the society, which has fallen into anarchy, will willingly submit to them, happily accepting the version that the gods have descended to it. The will to resist will be broken, humanity will fulfill any, even the most idiotic demands. The earth will be conquered without much destruction and casualties, but with a huge amount of lulz for the invaders.


Scenario "Space Travel"

Educator: Hello, dear guys!

On April 12, our country celebrates a wonderful holiday - Cosmonautics Day. This big celebration in honor of pilots, cosmonauts, designers who create rockets, spaceships and artificial earth satellites. And our holiday is dedicated to the flight into space of the world's first cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.

Children recite poems:

1.In a space rocket called “Vostok”

He was the first on the planet to rise to the stars.

The spring drops sing songs about this:

Gagarin and April will be together forever.

2. A Russian guy took off in a rocket,

I saw the whole Earth from above,

Gagarin was the first in space,

What score will you be?

3.Cosmonaut. There was no such word

Among many, many thousands of words,

They brought him to Earth from the sky

Pilots: Gagarin and Titov.


Guys, you have already learned a lot about space, and today I suggest you go on a journey to uncharted planets, in order to better tune in to the journey, let's sing a song

Children perform the song “Song of Young Cosmonauts” (V. Shestakova)

Educator: A difficult journey awaits us, are you ready for the challenges? (children's answers) I offer you a space workout.


One, two - there is a rocket, three, four - an airplane,

One, two - clap your hands, and then on every count.

One, two, three, four - arms higher, shoulders wider.

One, two, three, four - and they walked on the spot.

Fizminutka-2 “Rocket”

5, 4, 3, 2, 1 - here we are flying into space - (for each number, jerk your arms higher and connect them at an angle above your head)

The rocket rushes quickly towards the radiant stars - (run in a circle)

We flew around the stars, we wanted to go into space - (I imitate “weightlessness”, they scatter around the hall)

We fly in zero gravity, we look out the windows - (hands above eyebrows),

Only friendly starships can take you on a flight! - (they join in a circle, then go to their places).

What do you think an astronaut should be like? (children's answers)

Game "Don't be late for the rocket"

(There are hoops on the floor, everyone walks around the hall together and says the verse, after saying last word you need to stand in hoops 4 people at a time; those who do not have enough space are eliminated from the game and one hoop is removed, the game continues.)

Words: Fast rockets await us for walking around the planets,

Whichever one we want, we’ll fly on that one,

But there is one secret in the game - there is no place for latecomers!

Ved: We played a little, and now it’s time to go, but we don’t have a rocket. Let's build them

Game “Assemble a rocket” (puzzles)

Ved: The rockets are ready! Let's go to the Cosmodrome

March. Move to the other half of the hall. Installing the rocket .

Ved. All crews take their places in the rocket. (Children take their seats)

Minute readiness is announced... 10 seconds before start. Let's start the countdown. (Children count in unison from 10 to 0.) Start! (Cosmic music sounds.)

The rocket takes you into the starry sky. 10 seconds - normal flight.

Look, the starry sky opens up before you

Video Space

Ved: While we're flying, let's remember the planets we know:

Any of us can name all the planets in order:

One - Mercury, two - Venus,

Three - Earth, four - Mars.

Five - Jupiter, six - Saturn,

Seven is Uranus, followed by Neptune.

He is the eighth in a row.

And behind it, then, is the ninth planet

Called Pluto.

So we arrived at the first planet - Planet Toys. Look how many toys there are! Let's play with them

Game "Who will take the toy faster" (group senior)

Dance "Kuklyandiya" (preg)

Game "Zero Gravity"

relay race “Deliver balloon».
On a platter, without the help of the other hand, you need to carry the balloon, approach the Astrologer and return back to your team, pass the item to the next participant in the game. The team that follows all the rules without errors wins.

We are approaching the planet Mysterious

Astronauts, be careful and listen to the riddles.

1.To equip your eyes and make friends with the stars,

To see the Milky Way you need a powerful........(telescope)

2. An astronomer, like an astrologer, knows everything in detail.

Only the full ............(moon) is visible in the sky better than the stars.

3. A bird cannot fly to the moon and land on the moon,

But fast..........(rocket) can do this

4. The rocket has a driver, a lover of weightlessness,

In English “Astronaut”, and in Russian...................(cosmonaut)

5. An astronaut sits in a rocket, cursing everything in the world,

In orbit, as luck would have it, ....................... (UFO) appeared

6. He sees a hole in space, it’s black....................(hole)

7. In black holes, the darkness is occupied by something black.

There the interplanetary ............ (starship) ended its flight

8. The starship is a steel bird, it rushes faster than light,

Learns in practice stellar ................................... (galaxies)

9.And the galaxies fly in all directions as they please.

This whole thing is very hefty........................... (universe)

Leading: You guys are great at solving all the riddles!

Attention! All crews take their places in the rocket. New planets and new adventures await us. (space music)

There are a lot of stars in outer space. Attention! Crews can leave the ship, go into outer space and play the game.

The game "Constellation" is played.

Children, holding hands, form 2-3 circles and, at the command of an adult, begin to lead a kind of “cosmic round dance”, “star”, circling, disperse throughout the hall, stop, recite the text and gather in a “constellation”.

In the sky the stars sparkle and sparkle merrily.

And they want to play with the guys.

Come on, stars, shine brighter in the sky,

Start the star carousel in the sky.

One-two-one, one-two-one

Constellation for each star

we'll find it now.

Leading: st-e

stars dance (old gr.)

Competition game "Star Bouquet"

Educator: This game requires 2 players. Five blue stars and five red stars are laid out on the floor. The boys are blindfolded. More stars of a different color are added to the floor. You need to collect as many stars as possible of only your color. Assistants have the right to shout “Take it!”, “Don’t take it!”

Ved: Attention! Attention! All crews must return to the ship immediately! An alarming message was received from space - an SOS signal. We are called to help. All crews take their places in the rocket. We urgently fly to Planet Zhelezyaka

Attention! Get ready to land!

Music. It turns out Alien:

Hello, aliens! Glad to welcome you to the Zhe-le-zy-ka-plane! Who you are?

Ved: We arrived from planet Earth.

Alien: What planet is this?

Ved: And now we’ll sing you a song about it

Song "Colorful Planet"

Alien: Your planet is beautiful. And a disaster happened on our planet: the entire planet was filled with space debris. I need your help.

Ved: We are ready to help! Guys, let's divide into 2-3 teams and help our space friends!

Relay game “Cleaning the Planet”

Alien: Thank you very much, friends! Now my planet is clean. I'm so glad! Let's have fun. I want to teach you to dance my favorite dance

Dance "Heel and Toe"

Ved: Thank you for such a fun dance! But it's time for us to return home. Goodbye!

(The alien says goodbye and leaves)

Guys! We had a lot of fun with you, you did a great job with all the tasks, but our journey has come to an end and it’s time for us to return to Earth. Attention! Everyone get ready to launch, the countdown begins 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1. Here we are back. Where did we go today, what do you remember?

(Exit to march music)

Tatiana Kolomytseva
“Aliens and earthlings” Scenario of thematic entertainment for Cosmonautics Day in senior group

« Aliens and Earthlings»

Scenario of thematic entertainment in the senior group of MBDOU MO g. Krasnodar « Kindergarten No. 17"

Children enter the festively decorated hall.

Ved. Guys, you already know that every year on April 12, our country and the whole world celebrate astronautics. The fact is that it was on April 12, 1961 that our astronaut accomplished 1st in the world space flight. Do you know what the name was cosmonaut No. 1, the first to visit space?

Children. Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin.

Ved. Now Katya Petrova will read a poem to us.

Katya P. V space rocket with the name"East",

He was the first on the planet to rise to the stars.

The spring drops sing songs about this,

Gagarin and April will be together forever.

Ved. So, guys, the first person in the world to fly in space, was Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. He is at spaceship"East" flew around the globe. And since April 12, 1961, we have celebrated every year astronautics. In honor of this holiday, I propose to perform "March of the Young astronauts» .

Children perform "March of the Young astronauts»

Ved. Cosmonautics The day is our joy and pride.

The day when man took flight.

For astronauts hardness is inherent in character,

She leads you to victory with faith in success.

Ved. And now we are starting the parade of planets!

(Children-planets come out)

1. In order, all the planets,

Any of us will name it.


2. two - Venus,

3. Three - Earth,

4. four - Mars.

5. Five - Jupiter,

6. six - Saturn,

7. Seven - Uranus,

8. eighth - Neptune.

9. And the ninth planet,

Called Pluto.

Ved: Guys, do you know where all these Planets are?

Children: In the solar system!

Ved. Right! Come on, planets, don’t be lazy, dance around the sun!

(Children perform the dance of the planets to the song « The earth in the porthole...» .)

The children take their seats and the sound of a rocket sounds.

Ved. Attention guys, it's coming towards us. spaceship . They told us on the radio that residents of other planets were flying to visit us. Let's greet them with applause and listen to what they tell us.

1. One, two, three, four!

We are waiting for the signal, we are on the air!

Five, six, seven, eight! 3 gr.

There The earthlings are waiting for us to visit!

2. One, two, three, four!

Spread your ears wider.

This is the one with the cheerful song,

Are they walking together in a row here? Egor S.

It's a change astronauts -

Our space squad!

We flew from Jupiter,

They wanted to look at you.

3. Children from Mars and Earthlings!

Let's be true friends.

One two three four five! Polina S.

We wanted to tell you

That the planet is yours Earth

You can see it from Mars.

From Mars to the inhabitants Earth

We brought gifts.

4. One, two, three, four, five!

We continue to play.

Speed, quickly picking up, 3 degrees.

We fly through the Universe.

To a distant planet

We want to get there quickly!

We sat down in a chair, gave the gas -

And the rocket took off!

5. One, two! Speed ​​of light!

Three four! We are flying!

To a distant planet

We want to get there quickly.

If you jump up from the moon, Dasha x.

You might lose your pants

And with the Big Dipper

We can meet in the sky!

6. Get ready, brave ones,

On a valiant journey,

Through the storm, and the wind, and the storm.

Overtaking thought, the rockets will go away,

And we, friends, will lead them. Polina Sh.

One-two! Guys, go ahead,

Three or four, guys, let's fly!

7. We didn’t want to wait long,

On the ship and off we went,

Because space and Earth - 3 g.

Our best friends!

8. Our crew flew over yours Earth.

And we flew next to the Moon.

We saw a lot both at night and during the day, Styopa I.

We'll put everything in our logbooks!

9. One, two, three, four, five!

We start to play.

Picking up the speed of light, 3 degrees.

We fly through the universe.

To a distant planet

We want to get there quickly!

Ved. Thanks to our guests for the information. Well, friends, let's play with our alien friends?

The game is being played "Rockets" for 3 groups.

Relay race underway « Aliens» for 4 groups.

Ved. Dear guests and all the guys. And now I invite you and our guests to listen to what we know about the planets of the solar system. Attention to the screen.

A video is played and the presenter reads the story along with it.

Ved. We know that Mercury is the planet closest to the sun. Mercury always faces the sun with only one side, it is a yellow planet covered with a layer of dust and long, deep cracks.

Venus is the brightest luminary in the earth's sky after the Sun and Moon. Venus is called the evening or morning star because it is visible only in the evening or morning, since it is closer to the sun than Earth.

Earth- the only planet in the solar system that is more than 70% covered with water, which is why it is called "Blue Planet", and it is suitable for life. But if The sun did not illuminate the earth, she would be cold, dark and dead.

Mars is the red planet, the most studied planet after Earth: it has been studied by many astronomers and powerful telescopes, more have landed on it spacecraft than to another planet.

Jupiter – largest planet solar system, it weighs twice as much as all the other planets combined. Jupiter has no solid surface to land on spaceship. Jupiter often experiences lightning storms with numerous lightning strikes.

Saturn is the king of the planets, almost as big as Jupiter. The planet is beautiful with its smooth, glazed surface and sparkling belt of rings. Saturn's rings are made up of millions of rock and ice fragments.

Uranus is a blue planet, the third largest after Jupiter and Saturn. Uranus is very far from the Sun, so it is very cold.

Neptune - this planet is similar to Uranus, but more gentle blue color with white clouds. The winds on Neptune are the most strong winds in the solar system.

Pluto is the most distant planet from the Sun. This is the last planet discovered, it is 5 times smaller Earth.

The moon is a satellite of our planet, the only world, except Earth where man left his mark.

The Sun is a medium-sized star, a ball of hot gas.

Ved. And our boys and girls also dream of flying to space. Now they will talk about it in poetry.

1. Children love blue stars,

Fly in colorful dreams. Lisa K.

Everything comes true in the world,

If you just want to.

2. Like a light air balloon,

Sadness will fly into the clouds.

What we are not allowed - Julia A.

They will definitely allow it.

3. I wish I could touch it with my finger,

The very edge of a dream.

Find your way to her, Styopa N.

You definitely can.

4. If very try,

If you really want to. Sonya T.

You can rise to the sky

And fly to the Sun.

5. Seriously, not for fun,

Meet Luna.

Walk along it a little, Vanya M.

And return home again.

6. And if in space you will take off,

That's from the rocket window.

You will see our blue ball, Denis G.

Favorite planet.

Ved. Yes, our planet is amazingly beautiful and we all love it very much and will always take care of it, because we are all children of this planet and children of the sun, that’s why they love to smile and laugh so much. Children will talk about this in their dance.

Children performing a dance "Give a smile to the world"

Ved. Our Earth is a blue planet,

Dressed in fresh air and sunshine.

No, believe me land of pigeons,

From the blue of rivers, lakes and seas.

Mountains, plains, forests and fields -

This is all our planet Earth.

The winds sing, playing with the clouds,

Showers are noisy...and from edge to edge,

You won't find anything more wonderful in the world,

Our beautiful and kind planet!

Ved. Guys, did you like our holiday? Fine. But it's time to return to our groups.

Children return to groups.