First, let's give a clear definition of life's mission, calling in life. The word “mission” comes from the Latin: miss - to send. This means that people live for a reason, we are sent to earth with a certain task that must be completed during life.

So, a mission is a task that lasts a lifetime or several lives (an explanation about several lives will follow), designed to help many people, even all of humanity.

Why do you need a life mission?

After all, you can just live, work, study. What's the point of spending your whole life on something? The fact of the matter is that without a life mission a person lives, works, studies, enjoys life... But at some point he thinks, what is all this for? Why do I need another higher education? Why should I do exercises in the morning, eat healthy food, because the end will come anyway - sooner or later. Why am I even here on this planet? And then apathy sets in, followed by giving up, devil-may-care attitude to one’s health, lack of self-development. A person simply slides down, slides down, becomes unhappy, angry at the whole world.

A calling in life (mission in life), first of all, is necessary for inspiration and encouragement.

You might think, but a person has goals - to buy a dacha, buy a car, build a bathhouse, build a career, why else is there a mission? Upon achieving goals, euphoria is first felt, and then a period of devastation and sadness sets in, which lasts until another goal appears. Your calling in life inspires you every day. Because all life is meant for him. And even when you achieve your next personal goal, you will not have time for sadness, because you still have to help the whole world. And for this you need to have both a good education and good health, and close people, and like-minded people.

How to find your calling in life?

Very often, many years are spent searching for the very calling given to us from above. People are waiting for a miracle, that one day they will say “eureka!” and will begin to do what will save the world from all problems. But, unfortunately, the years fly by, and “eureka!” it never comes. And then the thought appears: “maybe, well, a calling in life given by someone from above?”

And this is the most valuable thought. It’s a pity that sometimes it takes so long to realize it.

Don't wait for insight! As they say in my favorite movie: “Do you want to see a miracle? Be a miracle! Choose for yourself, according to your personal convictions, your calling in life. No one will put you in a corner for this.

If you can’t, ask your soul, and you will feel the answer with every cell.

To find your calling in life, spend a few hours, days, and you will tone your whole life.

Example: Alexander Aleksandrovich Lyubishchev, a famous biologist, mathematician and philosopher, inspired by the success of the periodic table of Mendeleev, once set out to create a periodic system of biological objects. It became his life mission. When calculating the time costs, Lyubishchev realized that he might not have enough rest of his life to implement the idea. Therefore, he began to clearly distribute and plan his personal time using timekeeping. Although Alexander Lyubishchev was never able to complete his mission, he still gave humanity 2 priceless gifts - a brilliant idea that has followers (that’s what the phrase “several lives” meant) today, as well as a functioning time tracking system. Thanks to this system, during his adult life (from 26 to 82 years old), Lyubishchev managed to achieve significant results in mathematical, biological, chronometric research, write 70 scientific papers, master 4 foreign languages(English, German, French, Italian). There was even enough time to create a family, raise children, communicate with friends and like-minded people. Oh so interesting person there is a book "This strange life", written by Daniil Granin.

Think about your calling in life right now. Get started. And happiness will not take long to arrive. There is no time for boredom, every minute counts.

Almost no one can avoid thinking about this topic. And I failed. In my head there was a rather familiar compote of the concepts “life’s work”, “meaning of life”, “human mission”, “vocation”... Like many people, I confused one with the other. I believed that I needed to choose my life’s work once and for all; this slowed me down and scared me. Especially, how to choose him at 20 years old?

– What if I want to change jobs? What is this - a failure?

- What if I love my business, but this is the third time my business has failed - it’s not mine?

– There are people who immediately came to their industry and work in it all their lives. And I’m drawn to try different things. Is there something wrong with me?

“I heard that you must first find your purpose, and then I will never work a day in my life.” So far I have only worked hard year after year. How to find purpose?

I constantly hear these and many other questions in conversations, from clients or from random fellow travelers, from friends and acquaintances. There are “simpler” answers based on current circumstances. Or you can look into the depths and give yourself the answers that none of the external people will give.

In this article, I will not indulge in a philosophical debate about whether a person has a Mission and whether there is meaning in life. This is one of possible systems coordinates And if it matters to you specifically, it will be great to sort it out.

Among all the variety of concepts surrounding this topic, I left three: Mission, Business of life, Meaning of life. You can call them differently, the main thing is to understand their relationships.

Let's take the metaphor of a traveling man. He walks along roads, mountains and valleys, he has a map and a compass, and some things he needs.

The compass always points strictly to the North, no matter where a person goes. The magnetic field that serves as a guide for the arrow is not visible to the eye. But it is, nevertheless, as real as the stones on the road. This - Mission. The deepest feeling, difficult to formulate in words, about “why am I”, “where am I”, “what am I for”. Absolutely illogical, clearly felt if you “check the compass”, and bringing a feeling of deep satisfaction if you follow it.

Life's work- this is the section of the road that a person goes to this moment, following the compass needle heading north. The landscape may change, mountains will appear or disappear, but man goes north. During his life, a person can drive a car, fly on an airplane, or walk. Meet with some or other people. But each such period will be a “reflection,” a “projection” of the magnetic field that leads it north.

Meaning of life- these are the details and features of the surrounding landscape that can help or hinder. For example, a man noticed a mountain on the horizon to which his road leads, admires it, walks, it became easier to navigate. Some time passed, and the mountain was left behind; it was no longer a landmark on the road to the north, or even part of the landscape. And sometimes there is nothing to catch the eye in the desert. It’s hard to walk, and it’s unbearably hot to boot. The meaning is not visible. Someone gives up. And someone continues to believe the compass needle and walk.

Now let’s look at this metaphor using a “real” example.

Let’s imagine a certain girl Masha, for whom, conventionally speaking, her mission is “to do good.” It is quite difficult to describe the mission of any person in words, since often it is just a feeling (while for companies, the mission can and should be clearly formulated).

Masha, three years old, can come to her mother and hug her. And this will be the highest expression of her inner intention. Masha, who is ten years old, has been helping her friend understand mathematics and chemistry, and is proud that she is useful to them. This is all an expression of her Mission in the conditions and circumstances in which she lives.

By the age of 17, this mission leads her to medical University, where she explores one way to “do good.” At the same time, she can be a volunteer and go to orphanages, and feel like she belongs there too. Questions arise about the meaning of life, and towards the end of her studies, Masha asks herself which path to choose. Go to work for the Red Cross, putting your education aside, or to a clinic, where you will continue your chosen line and start earning money. At this moment, one of the parents loses their job, and the family is in dire need of money. And Masha wants to dress beautifully, go for walks and travel. This meaning gives an additional color to the situation (one of the meanings), and Masha chooses to work in medicine.

At the age of 30, Maria becomes a successful dentist, because she not only treats teeth, but also knows how to talk to patients, feel their problems, and really help. Treating teeth is her life's work at this stage of her life.

Let's say, at the age of 35, Masha moves with her family to another city, and while she is looking for a permanent job, she is offered temporary options: to work as a nanny in kindergarten, assistant wedding planner and fitness center administrator. She doesn’t like the latter at all, she has enough communication with children at home, and she decides to help with weddings - because this allows her to make people happy.

A year later, having returned to full-time work in dentistry, Masha copes with difficult case, decides to put aside practice and go into science to benefit even more people. And for a couple more years she “does good” by working on the text of her book.

At the age of 45, Masha has grandchildren, she draws attention to the imperfections of kindergartens and decides to open her own.

Mission one life - life's work may change. And the truth at this very moment is your answer to the question “What can I do now that best expresses why I?” By giving yourself the freedom to search for this answer, you can come to a level of stability that you don’t even know you have.

Meaning of life– internal deep values, which often manifest themselves most clearly in difficult life situations and serve as support. Moreover, in the same life situation different people will find their meaning. Having learned about his fatal illness, one person will begin to act based on the meaning of life “health”. Another at this moment will throw all his efforts into completing the project he was working on. Last year, submitting to the inner importance of “creation”. The third can sell everything material and go traveling, finally learning “freedom” as the meaning of life.

How can you feel your Mission? Start looking for it inside yourself. Start listening to your feelings. If it’s hard to understand what you want on an emotional level, start by feeling yourself on a physical level. And trust yourself!

Anti-drug campaign “Mission - to live!”
is carried out in order to strengthen anti-drug propaganda among students and parents, improve interaction between educational institutions, families and the public in matters of developing a persistent rejection of the use and spread of drugs among students, increasing students' awareness of the inadmissibility of drug use, intensifying work with students to form healthy image life.

“Our mission is to live! And live without drugs!”

Members of the Youth Parliament under the Novogrudok District Council of Deputies became organizers and active participants in the anti-drug campaign “Mission - Live!” near. The event is coordinated by the Novogrudok Regional Center for Children and Youth Creativity.

In the Novogrudok region, 17 anti-drug squads operate in educational institutions. These are the guys who gathered to show that life is wonderful, to prove that an active lifestyle can prevent harmful temptations. The guys cooperate with the Republic of Kazakhstan NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union", the RS NGO "BRPO", employees of the group for drug control and combating human trafficking of the Novogrudok district department of internal affairs.

During the existence of the movement, students determined for themselves a simple formula for the action “Mission - to live!” INFORMATION plus INTERACTIVE, the use of the “PEER TEACHING PEER” methodology, multiplied by ACTIVE AND USEFUL LEISURE.

INFORMATION. Each day of the campaign is held under a certain life-affirming motto: “Live smartly!”, “Live interestingly!”, “Be healthy and active!”. The guys publish bulletins, leaflets, newspapers, place the anti-drug emblem and thematic materials on the pages of the Internet sites of educational institutions, the Novogrudok district TsTDiM, in the group social network“VKontakte” of the regional anti-drug movement VEK.

INTERACTIVE. Not a single action “Mission is to live!” can't do without flash mobs. Participants of the actionhand out anti-drug leaflets and booklets about the dangers of smoking and alcohol to passers-by.

“PEER TEACHES EQUAL”. In educational institutions, children from anti-drug squads conduct training sessions for their peers, develop booklets and leaflets on a healthy lifestyle.

As part of the school campaign “Mission to Live” on the prevention of substance abuse, I organize and conduct “Know Yourself” trainings for high school students, an hour of psychological relief for teachers and students, and conversations about a healthy lifestyle in elementary schools.



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Interactive lesson with elements of the training “Formula of a Good Mood”


Components of a good mood Healthy body Clear mind Positive emotions and feelings

Laughter is a means that nature itself has equipped humans with.

Laughter has a beneficial effect on function human body: Relieves feelings of hopelessness, creates positive emotions that help to recover; Has a beneficial effect on the human immune and endocrine system; Reduces the level of stress hormones and releases joy hormones; Eliminates fatigue and improves blood circulation; Stimulates activity nervous system, soothes pain, normalizes intestinal function, increases Creative skills; Decorates any face, which means it improves appearance– toning the facial muscles.

However, the ability to laugh must be learned in the same way as the ability to walk and talk. This is taught through the mother's eyes during the first 4-8 weeks of life. And at the age of 2-3 months he begins to smile and laugh on his own. By age 6, a child smiles and laughs about 300 times a day, and his laughter sounds cheerful and carefree. However, as people grow older, behavioral adjustment reduces the number of smiles and the person smiles approximately 15 times a day. Doctors consider this process of “boring” people to be unfavorable for health.

Studies have proven that a person who laughs commits less unseemly acts, solves problems more easily, and is distinguished by great generosity and willingness to help.

The famous expression says: all stupid things in the world are done with a serious expression on your face.

“You must laugh ten times during the day and be cheerful: otherwise your stomach, the father of sorrows, will bother you at night.” Friedrich Nietzsche

What are the secrets of a smile? Secret 1. When people smile, they become beautiful. Secret 2. Psychologists have calculated that 80% of success in life depends on the ability to communicate with a smile. Secret 3. Smile itself is a way of communication. Secret 4. It is important to be able to smile, because... this helps to treat each other kindly, to achieve the favor of the interlocutor, and helps to make friends.

Secret 5. With the help of a smile you can improve your mood and the mood of those around you. When a person smiles, special substances enter the blood - hormones, which are responsible for good mood. Secret 6. They say that 5 minutes of laughter prolongs a person’s life by 1 year. And negative emotions (resentment, anger, discontent) cause illness. Blues leads to death.

Frowning and unsmiling entail Bad mood. Therefore, laugh to your health!


Say pleasant words to each other more often, learn to live with a positive mind and a healthy body, and your good mood will never leave you! Teacher-psychologist MAOU “Secondary School No. 8” Ershova Larisa Petrovna


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The younger generation chooses: "Healthy lifestyle"


From Explanatory dictionary S.I. Ozhegova Health is the correct¸ normal activity of the body, its complete physical and mental well-being.

“The size of health” can be measured according to N.M. Amosov If you have not been sick for school year- you have the most high level health. If the disease occurred during an epidemic or exams, the level of health is average. And if you get sick during normal training loads, your health level is at its lowest. Analyze your health over the past year and draw conclusions.

test according to L.P. Buteyko Sit comfortably, relax; Take a calm breath and exhale partially; Pinch your nose with your fingers and notice how many seconds you can not breathe. If after holding your breath you take a deep breath, it means that the test was carried out inaccurately. There is no need to overpower yourself when holding your breath: as soon as you want to breathe, open your nose and breathe calmly.

The Buteyko test is assessed as follows: more than 40 seconds – healthy, from 20 to 40 – poor health, less than 20 seconds – there are some diseases.

(1533–1592), French writer and philosopher M. Montelier “Health is the only jewel.”

Herodotus - ancient Greek historian (about 484 - about 430-420 BC) “When there is no health, wisdom is silent, art cannot flourish, strength does not play, wealth is useless and reason is powerless.”

Rules for a healthy lifestyle 1.Keep clean. 2.Eat right. 3. Combine work and rest. 4. Don't develop bad habits.

nutrition movement mode hardening Main health factors: Main health factors:

Let's say "No!" everything that is harmful! Let's answer “Yes!” everything that is useful! Hello, charging! Hello walking! From now on and forever it will always be like this

Eat more vegetables, You will become stronger, healthier, Vitamins live in them, And they don’t let us get sick. Do exercises, Don’t be lazy weeding the beds. Run, jump and swim, all diseases are behind you!

It's good to be healthy! Temper yourself, get wet, do different sports, And don’t be afraid of diseases, B warm home without hiding, walk freely on the earth, marveling at the natural beauty. Then you will begin to live. It's great to be healthy!

You need to learn to maintain emotional balance in various life situations. Try to be a source of positive emotions for the people around you

Health cannot be bought or sold, it cannot be taken or given away. Take care of your health! We have one! It suffers, and it’s hard for us!

May there be health always and everywhere - in a huge country and in a small hut. After all, we can strengthen our body and spirit through hardening, exercise, sports, and peace.

Continue the proverbs 1. In a healthy body,... 2. Keep your head cold,... 3. If you have a stomach ache, keep... 4. Fast and agile

Continue the proverbs 5. The heat dries the earth, man... 6. To the weak and illness... 7. Worked -...

Health is cool, Health is cool! And if you want, then sport is for you. Take care of your health, You love your health, And as you want, May it always come true. To be healthy, you need to love life, always be cheerful, don’t smoke, don’t drink.

Eat right, dress appropriately for the weather, don’t forget to do exercises, try to live according to a routine. Don’t forget about hygiene. Don’t be sad, be cheerful. Follow these tips - you will live a hundred years in the world.

It's time to take stock.

Why do we need to know this? - What seemed important to you?

Thank you for your attention!


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Training “No means no!”

Target : discussion of the problem of using psychoactive substances and bad habits in terms of making life choices and its impact on the future of students.Forming a conscious position in adolescents regarding bad habits and developing the skills of reasoned defense.


  1. Informing adolescents about the harmful effects of psychoactive substances on the human body and the consequences of their abuse;
  2. Creating conditions for personal growth teenagers and self-realization;
  3. Formation by teenagers of their own value system;
  4. Formation of responsible behavior skills in adolescents, skills of conscious refusal of psychoactive substances in a situation of group pressure;
  5. Creating conditions for the formation of a positive attitude towards yourself and the world around you.

Expected result of the lesson:students' awareness of responsibility for life choice, the formation of initiative, the ability to distinguish the true motives of one’s behavior and the ability to say “No!” in a difficult life situation

I. Ritual of greeting.

Hello, dear friends! I say hello to you. This means that I wish everyone health! Have you ever thought about why greeting people involves wishing each other health? Probably because health is the most important value for a person. Let's greet each other. (Children say “hello” to each other in a circle)

II. Main part.

Unfortunately, we start talking about health only when we lose it. Today we will talk about what can be harmful to our health. We will talk about psychoactive substances (PAS). Who can say what a surfactant is? (adolescent responses).Psychoactive substance is any substance that, when introduced into the human body, can alter perception, mood, cognition, behavior and motor functions. IN Everyday life psychoactive substances are commonly referred to as "drugs". However, psychoactive substances include not only drugs, but also alcohol, tobacco (nicotine), caffeine, etc.

Alcohol ( beer, wine, spirits, some medicinal products and syrups, some perfumes)

Nicotine (cigarettes, cigarettes, cigars, pipe, chewing, snuff, tobacco)

Hemp (marijuana, anasha, hashish)

Stimulants (coffee, tea, amphetamines, coccus products, mixed drugs such as ecstasy)

Depressants (sedatives, sleeping pills)

Volatile inhalants(aerosols in cylinders, butane gas, gasoline, glue, solvents, paint thinners)

Goal: awareness of a personal goal in life and possible options for achieving it.

Draw a time line. Imagine the time perspective of your life as a line. (The presenter gives each person a sheet of paper and asks them to draw a time line.) Mark birth, childhood and your current age on the time line. Now mark your current goal on the line and sign the ways to achieve it, indicating time intervals. Answer two questions: “What do I want to achieve in the next two years and what can I do to achieve this?” Each of you has 3-4 minutes to tell your neighbor about this. The main task is to draw up a program of your actions for the coming period.

Information material. A goal is what we want to get, an image of the desired result (if desired, the students’ goal is voiced)

Now let's discuss your long-term goals and your steps towards achieving them.

3. Conversation. Factors preventing goal achievement

Students call possible options, and the psychologist records them on the board.

Possible options:


Lack of time



Bad habits

Inability to refuse a person

Say “No!” when someone offers you something

Conclusion: a person lives in an environment where he can obey external factors or look for ways to resolve the situation, look for ways out. In any case, in life a person always makes a choice.

Information material.Choice is selection, preference, one of two, alternative, dilemma (Ozhegov’s dictionary). The choice is based on a person’s values, needs, and interests.

How bad habits can interfere with achieving the goal?

One person is selected who needs to achieve the goal (it is set by the student himself at the beginning of the lesson). The word “goal” is written on the board. Between the student and the goal are bad habits - students who fulfill their role (“drug”, “cigarette”, “beer”, “energy drinks”, “computer”, “conversation in ICQ”). The student tries to break through them to the goal, but “bad habits” prevent him from doing this. Each of the “habits” speaks on behalf of its role about how it will interfere with the main character, and he must come up with a way to cope with it. Each student gives arguments from his own position.

Issues for discussion:

Was it easy or difficult to reach your goal?

How did you feel in this role?

Game "Situation"

The group is divided into teams of 4-6 people.

Instructions for teams:Within 5 minutes, each team will come up with a situation where, with the help of a friendly disposition or group pressure, they will try to seduce one or all members of the other team to drink, smoke, or inject themselves, and the members of the other team must confront them without conflict, but firmly (a confrontation plan can be drawn up by a team and only one person will perform). Then the teams switch places."

2. Questions for discussion:

How did you feel in both roles? When was the temptation recognized? What difficulties did you experience during the confrontation? What helped you successfully cope with the situation?

“We have found ways to resist temptation. Let’s compile a “Book of Big Ideas” with a list of the ways that helped us.

"The Big Book of Ideas":

Often we agree too quickly to do what is asked of us, fearing the disapproval or anger of others, considering ourselves “good” only if we gave in to please someone.

· Know how to say “NO!” “Thank you for contacting me, unfortunately I will not be able to do this.”

· Take a break and say, “I’ll think about it and tell you the solution tomorrow.”

Use your break effectively:

· a) find out how to similar situation others did (call your friends);

· b) ask for help from a respected person, from the Helpline service, from a specialist (psychologist);

· c) make a plan for further action.

· d) having collected information, be persistent in your desires. Speak directly: “No, thank you, I don’t want a cigarette (wine, drug). I want...”.

· Refuse in such a way that others will feel your determination and your belief in achieving success in any situation.

· Reward yourself for your victory!


What new did you learn during the lesson?

What exercise has benefited you? Which one?

III. Farewell ritual.

I have a candle in my hands. Imagine that a candle is our life, which is trying its best to burn brightly so that we can feel light and warm. She calls us to live and be real people who have a spark of living fire in them and who do not allow it to be extinguished within themselves.

I want to give you a candle as a symbol of bright healthy life. Let her fire ignite in our hearts the desire to live, create, and benefit people! As you pass it on, tell each other your wishes.

(He passes the candle around and says a wish. The candle is returned to the psychologist)

Psychologist: Our meeting has come to an end, and I want to tell you a parable.


“Once upon a time there lived a magician, revered by the people, who was envied by a less successful magician. The envious man dreamed of taking the place of the magician in the minds and hearts of people and therefore decided: “I’ll catch a butterfly, put it between my palms and ask the magician: “Is the butterfly alive or dead?” - If the magician answers: “Alive,” I will clasp my palms, and everyone will see that the magician was wrong. If he says that the butterfly is dead, then I will open my palms, the butterfly will fly away, and again it will be obvious that the magician is not as great and omnipotent as it seemed.”

The wizard did just that. I caught a butterfly in a meadow, placed it between my palms and came to the magician with the question: “Is the butterfly alive or dead?” To which the magician replied wisely: “Everything is in your hands.”

Psychologist: Guys, remember: yours future destiny- only in your hands.



Ershova Larisa Petrovna

In search of truth with the Little Prince. Suicide prevention in elementary school.


the formation in schoolchildren of positive adaptation to life, as a process of conscious construction and achievement by a person of relatively stable relationships between himself, other people and the world as a whole.


  • Identification of children in need of immediate help and protection and provision of emergency first aid, ensuring the safety of the child, relieving stress.
  • Studying the characteristics of the psychological and pedagogical status of each student with the aim of timely prevention and effective solution problems arising in mental state, communication, development and learning.
  • Instilling existing social norms of behavior in society, developing children's compassion, developing value relations in society.
  • Formation of a positive self-image, uniqueness and originality not only of one’s own personality, but also of other people.

Event plan

  1. Single Classroom hour"Life as the highest value"
  • Watch the video “Butterfly Lesson”
  • Conversation "My life values. How to avoid trouble?”, “Do you know how to solve your problems?”, “Crime and punishment. Formation of independent decision-making skills”, “The path to yourself”, etc.
  • Paper craft “Do-it-yourself sun”
  1. Campaign "Dreamers"Goal: creation positive mood, development of the ability to notice positive traits in yourself and talk about it. (The paper butterflies complete the phrase: I like that I...)
  2. Action "Builders"Goal: developing a positive perception of the world around us. (On a large Whatman paper they create a model of an ideal world from paper crafts)
  3. Action "Creators" Goal: to help students address their feelings, analyze their attitude towards values. (On whatman paper with the image of the globe, draw palms and write down the phrase: I can...)
  4. Promotion "Wizards"Goal: determine the degree of self-esteem; identify significant experiences and problems for each student. (The child is asked to identify himself with a wizard who can do anything. 3 questions are asked: a) what would you do for yourself; b) for people; c) what would you destroy. The answers are added to a magical mailbox.)
  5. Campaign “Message to the Future”Goal: to update the process of social self-determination; promote understanding of your life in the present and future; (On a paper scroll, children write how they see themselves in 10 years)
  6. Training “I love you life”Goal: formation of tolerant attitudes towards life situations. (Group reading and continuation of the chain of aphorisms about the value of life, written on multi-colored paper stars)
  7. Training “Life by choice”Goal: formation of adolescent self-awareness, personal growth.

I Warm-up “Good animal”

In order to feel like one, I suggest doing the “Kind Animal” exercise. Stand in a circle shoulder to shoulder and take each other's hands. You are one big kind animal. The animal is breathing. Step back - inhale. Step forward - exhale. The animal's heart is beating. Two steps back - stomping, two steps forward. Thank you.

II. Game "Fish for Thought"

Each group member “fishes” by taking out a card with an unfinished sentence from the basket. He then reads out the sentence, completing it in his own words.

Offers on cards:

The biggest fear is...

I don't trust people who...

I get angry when...

I don't like it when...

I feel sad when...

When I argue...

The saddest thing for me...

A person is considered a failure if...

I'm bored when...

I feel insecure when...


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If a person smokes 1 cigarette a day, his life is shortened by 3 years! Death can occur if a teenager smokes half a pack of cigarettes at once.



Observations For several years, scientists observed 200 smoking and 200 non-smoking schoolchildren. The comparative results were as follows: Smokers Non-smokers 1. Nervous system disorders: 14 1 2. Hearing loss: 13 1 3. Bad memory: 12 1 4. Poor physical condition: 12 2 5. Poor mental condition: 18 1 6. Unclean: 12 1 7. Poor grades: 18 3 8. Retardation: 19 3 85% of all those who died from lung cancer were smokers. 25% of all those who died from myocardial infarction were smokers.

Along the shores of lakes, seas and rivers, it happens that a person drowns. As soon as he starts calling for help, they, of course, rush to save him. And if the house is buzzing, engulfed in fire, And a person remains unconscious in it, Someone will immediately rush to help - His good heart tells him so. When a schoolboy smokes a cigarette and gives years of his life for it, understand, he is drowning, he is burning... Trouble! Now his fate is being decided. Don’t be an indifferent person, Hurry to save! He may become crippled!


Teacher-psychologist MAOU "Secondary School No. 8"

Ershova Larisa Petrovna

Subject: Live in style, but don't take foolish risks.

Target : provide knowledge and help schoolchildren clearly define their moral principles in relation to the problem under discussion; to form a belief in the need to avoid forms of behavior associated with unjustified risks to health and life.

Equipment: Cards depicting a group of teenagers (one per desk). Text “The History of Thomas S.” (on the teacher's desk). Excerpts from the Universal Declaration of the Rights of People with AIDS and HIV (one per group). Rules for writing syncwine (on the board). Tests “Routes of HIV transmission” (each individual).

Form: workshop with elements role playing game, discussions.

Lesson plan:

  1. Organizational moment 1 min
  2. Situational task for reflection 5 min
  3. Teacher's explanation 10 min
  4. Role play 10 min
  5. Discussion (work in groups) 10 min
  6. Summing up (writing a syncwine) 6 min
  7. Reflection 3 min

The lesson includes three blocks:

1 block “First wave”

Task : updating the entire body of student knowledge about HIV infection and AIDS (essence, methods of infection, concomitant diseases, the situation with HIV infection in the world and in Kazakhstan, prevention).

For this purpose it is usedtext “The Story of Thomas S.” (teacher reads aloud):



Ask students to listen carefully to the story so that they can then answer the questions provided.

Make sure your students are able to follow the material you are teaching.

As you read the text, decipher terms unfamiliar to students and record them on the board:

The source of infection can be bedding or garbage contaminated with the feces of sick cats, and sometimes contaminated and undercooked meat.

Characteristic symptoms:

  • Muscle pain
  • Fatigue
  • Swollen lymph nodes in the neck


  • Avoid contact with cat feces
  • Wear gloves and a mask when working with soil
  • It is good to boil any meat.

Collapse – one of the forms of acute vascular insufficiency, resulting from a violation of the normal relationship between the capacity of the vascular bed and the volume of circulating blood.

Do not worry students unnecessarily: explain the symptoms of AIDS very carefully, because students will encounter many of these in common illnesses.

Teacher's explanation(as the explanation progresses, students listen and write down in their notebooks keywords on this topic):

A mistake can never become truth, no matter how many times it is repeated.
Truth can never be wrong, even if no one has ever heard it.

Mahatma Gandhi

The emergence of AIDS was predicted back in the early seventies of the 20th century. The brief formulation of the forecast read: “In the 80s, an influenza-like illness with high mortality may appear.” The prediction was based on two ecological rules. First: the niche cannot be empty. Second: an empty niche is most quickly filled by a small-sized, very variable and evolutionarily more primitive organism.

The ecological niche began to empty as a result of medical advances, when many pathogens infectious diseases were almost completely destroyed. Measures to destroy them were taken quickly and correctly, but the strategy was risky: in the fight against infections one had to fear absolute victory - the complete destruction of infections. We weren't careful. HIV, “dormant on the outskirts of the biosphere,” quickly began to occupy the vacated ecological niche...

HIV – human immunodeficiency virus, which causes AIDS. The disease, called AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome), was first registered in June 1981 in the United States and described in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, for short term spread across all continents and countries.

The spread of AIDS continues at a rapid pace, and the prognosis remains grim. The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) was discovered in 1982 in France (by a group of scientists led by L. Montagnier), and then in the USA in the laboratory of Professor R.T. Gallo. HIV is a tiny virus that is only visible under an electron microscope. The source of HIV infection is humans. The causative agent of AIDS enters the human body through microtraumas of the skin (through contact with infected blood, when using infected equipment for drug administration) and microtraumas of the mucous membranes during genital, oral and anal sex.

HIV causes enormous harm to the human immune system, preventing it from doing its job. It has the ability to destroy specific cells immune system- so-called T-auxiliary cells, T-helpers. HIV penetrates T-cells, there it multiplies quickly, and when there is no longer enough space in the cell for thousands of new viruses, the T-cell “explodes”, HIV is released into the blood, and the T cell dies. Every new virus finds a new T-cell and destroys it. The immune system is weakened and then destroyed.

AIDS is a slow infection. From the moment a person is infected until the first signs appear, 3 to 6 weeks pass. This is the so-called incubation period. Clinical manifestations can sometimes be delayed for many years. At the end incubation period Antibodies to HIV are determined in the blood of infected people using the generally accepted ELISA method (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay).

Although most people develop antibodies to HIV within 3-4 weeks after infection, for some people this period extends to 3 months. This is the so-called “window phase”. In the window phase, antibodies to HIV are not detected and the HIV test gives a negative result, despite the fact that the amount of virus in the blood is very high, this is the so-called “viral load”, which can be determined using a special laboratory test called PCR or polymer chain reaction. This study is quite complex and expensive, so in everyday practice it is used to detect HIV infection in newborns and in the process of treating AIDS patients to determine the correct treatment tactics.

Global The spread of HIV infection is manifested by numerous epidemics in different regions with their own dynamics of development, characteristics of transmission routes, the number of infected people, and the mortality rate among infected people.

Most of the men and women infected are in the prime of life (aged 20 to 49 years) and the social impact of this pandemic will be devastating in many parts of the world, especially in those regions least able to cope with it.

According to UNAIDS experts, at the end of 2001, the estimated number of adults and children with HIV/AIDS in the world was 40 million people, including 2.7 million children under 15 years of age and 17.6 million women. In total, AIDS claimed the lives of 22 million people. AIDS has increased the number of orphans in the world by 13.2 million, and 95% of them live in Africa.

AIDS is very dangerous because vaccines and medications for specific prevention and treatment of AIDS patients have not yet been developed.

AIDS is very dangerous because anyone can become infected with it and those with AIDS always die, despite the fact that doctors are gaining more and more experience and qualifications in treating HIV-infected people. According to official data, in Kazakhstan, cumulatively since 1987, as of February 1, 2004, 4052 HIV-infected people were registered, of which 161 were AIDS patients. Cases of HIV infection have been registered in all regions of the republic. The epidemiological problem is determined by the city of Temirtau, Karaganda region, where 1,322 HIV-infected people have been identified to date. The epidemiological situation has also worsened in the Pavlodar region, where as of February 1, 2004, 809 cases of HIV infection were registered. As of February 1, 2004, 129 AIDS patients died in the republic. Kostanay region ranks fourth in the republic in terms of the number of identified cases - 284 cases.

Every day, 16 thousand people in the world become infected with HIV, and every minute five people aged 10 to 24 years old. The deadly virus affects 2.6 million people every year. Every year, 1.7 million young people become infected with HIV in Africa, 700 thousand in Asia and Pacific region. In addition to intravenous drug use and unprotected sex, piercing also poses a risk of contracting HIV. various parts bodies for wearing earrings and other jewelry), tattoos performed in unsanitary conditions.

Every day AIDS claims 7 thousand lives.

The virus is transmitted through certain body fluids. The AIDS virus can be transmitted to a healthy person only through the blood, semen, vaginal secretions and breast milk of a patient or carrier of the virus. Anyone can become infected. The virus does not discriminate between white and black, rich and poor. In order for infection to occur, contaminated fluids must enter the body of another person.

The onset of AIDS is characterized by the following signs: fever above 38 degrees with profuse sweating, more often at night, signs of general intoxication (lethargy, depression, decreased performance). There is a defeat gastrointestinal tract: pain when swallowing, ulcers of the esophagus, stool disorder caused by protozoa and helminths, which leads to weight loss of up to 10%. Increase lymph nodes: mostly axillary and occipital, with at least 2 groups for 3 months or more.

Researchers found HIV in all the biological fluids of infected patients. At the same time, it was found that the concentration of the virus in individual liquids is different.

Getting infected with HIV is not that easy. The virus is extremely sensitive and remains viable outside the human body only under sterile conditions, such as in a flask. When placed in a space without air access, the virus dies. Ordinary hygiene measures at home and in the hospital also quickly render the virus harmless.

Is it possible to kill the causative agent of AIDS?

1. 50–70° alcohol

few seconds

2. Entry into the gastrointestinal tract

destroyed by digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acid

3. t°=56°

30 minutes

4. Skin contact

5. Boiling


6. Disinfectants (chloramine, bleach)


Infection is possible only when a certain amount of the virus is in the body. Through biological body fluids, which contain only a trace amount of the virus, infection is virtually impossible. Saliva also contains endogenous substances that have a protective effect, so an already small amount of the virus becomes harmless.

HIV can be transmitted when body fluids with a high concentration of the virus penetrate directly into a person's bloodstream, for example through microscopic, invisible cracks in the mucous membranes of the rectum (which is especially prone to damage), female and male genital organs, and also through a syringe, which contains the remains of infected blood.

Test task: in the proposed tests, indicate with a “+” or “–” sign in which situations HIV transmission is possible and in which it is not.

Test “Routes of HIV Transmission”

  1. Handshake, hug, kiss on the cheek
  2. From mother to child (in the womb, during childbirth, during breastfeeding)
  3. Cooperative games
  4. Sneezing, coughing, through saliva
  5. Using reusable tableware in the dining room
  6. Pets
  7. Sexual contacts
  8. Sports activities
  9. Public toilets
  10. Working and living together with infected people
  11. Caring for AIDS patients while maintaining hygiene standards
  12. Drug addicts sharing injection needles
  13. A passionate kiss

Joint verification of results, correction of errors.

Block 2 “Simultaneous game session”

Task : developing your own model of behavior in a critical situation.

Students receive cards that depict a group of teenagers and are given instructions for work. It is necessary to perform all the described actions and draw a conclusion (listen to one student).


Here is a group of teenagers. Each of them has a number from 1 to 15. It is known that:

  • No. 1 – observes chastity (there is such a person in any company)
  • No. 2 and 3 – in love and faithful to each other. Circle them.
  • The rest of the teenagers “communicate” sexually. They flippantly change partners and none of them know that one is already infected with HIV. Mark it specifically (for example, in red).
  • Take a pencil and connect the partners with lines (except No. 1,2,3).

Do this 3 times, each time forming new pairs, not excluding the infected one (preferably in different colors).

  • Now mark those who were in contact with the HIV-infected person and those who were in contact with them.

What was the result?

No. 1,2,3, thanks to their choice, were not at risk, they are healthy and calm.

What about the rest?

Where were you in this game?

Did you win or lose?

Think and make a decision!

Block 3 “Reverse splash””


  • Formation of new and clarification of existing ideas of schoolchildren about HIV infection and AIDS
  • Generalization of the experience gained

At this stage, it is most effective to conduct a discussion in groups (it is convenient to divide the class into 6 groups - three in support and three - opponents) to discuss the following issues:

Make sure that students discuss their answers openly in groups and do not pressure their peers' opinions. They should agree/disagree with ideas, not the people who cause them.

Everyone should have the opportunity to speak out. When discussing with the class, make sure that all ideas are considered carefully and no one's opinion is treated with ridicule.

Moving from one group to another, watch how the students perceive the questions and how they prepare answers to them; perhaps they will need your help.

Try to keep the group work focused and interesting.


Arguments in defense


Control: it is necessary to create a strict control system that reduces to a minimum the possibility of contracting AIDS healthy people through legal regulation and control system.

Rehabilitation : people with AIDS are full citizens of society; they need medical and social assistance.

Education : creation of a public awareness system and formation of positive moral values

The result of the work in the lesson can be creative work students on writing syncwine.

Sinkwine is special short note the main problem under discussion, taking into account a number of requirements.

Rules for writing syncwine:

There are 5 lines in syncwine:

  1. concept (one word)
  2. adjectives (two words)
  3. verbs (three words)
  4. sentence (four words)
  5. noun (one word)

Adjectives and verbs must reveal the concept, and the sentence must have a semantic character.

An example of a syncwine on this topic:


2 . Dangerous, deadly.

3. Cripples, disfigures, destroys.

4. Spreads due to ignorance.

5. Pain.

Each group writes its own syncwine, then representatives read out the options.

General conclusions about the lesson(written in notebook):

  • “Nature abhors a vacuum”: an empty ecological niche is certainly “filled” with another living system.
  • AIDS is not only a viral or social disease. AIDS is a multifactorial process.
  • Young people can only prevent HIV transmission if they have accurate information and the decision-making skills to use it wisely.
  • Anyone who engages in activities that pose a risk of contracting HIV can become infected with AIDS. No one is immune from illness if they put themselves at risk.
  • Each person is responsible for his own actions.
  • December 1 is World AIDS Day.

Conclusion: WE DECIDE!

Reflection : complete the phrases:

I thought…

Now I think...

I did…

I will do…


  • discuss with family members the most effective and feasible elements of a personal strategy to combat AIDS
  • create a question about a topic that the student really wants an answer to.

Appendix No. 1

Text “The History of Thomas S.”

Every night comes fear. Then Thomas wanders into his mother's bedroom. The mother has already experienced many such nights and knows what to do. She stands up and hugs her son. This lasts 2, 3 minutes until he calms down a little.

Thomas S. from Berlin, he is 25 years old. He suffers from acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, an acquired weakness of the immune system. AIDS? Thomas thinks this is not 100% proven yet. “The doctors are honest with me,” he says, “I even hope that I will get out of difficult situation" Thomas's face is wrinkled, with sunken cheeks. Within 4 months he lost a lot of weight, losing a third of his body weight. In early 1974, Thomas was admitted to the hospital. He had no strong complaints. He just wasn't feeling well, and that's why he wanted to get examined. The hospital did not find any significant abnormalities in his health. Because Thomas felt better, after 3 days he packed his things and left the hospital.

Thomas already knew that a virus called HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) had entered his body, which can cause the disease AIDS. In America there was great concern about this disease, and he decided to test himself. The results of the analysis corresponded to his fears: antibodies were detected in the blood. The HIV test was positive. However, the doctor told Thomas that months or even years could pass between the time of infection and the onset of the disease. Thomas also learned that in fact only a fraction of those infected develop AIDS.

A week after leaving the hospital, the guy had an attack of fever, the next day a severe headache and an upset stomach began, and the pills usually used in such cases did not help. He had to go to the hospital again. Upon admission to the hospital, the following was written in the chart: “The patient is disoriented and severely inhibited. Appetite has worsened. Headache. White coated tongue. The diagnosis is toxoplasmosis.” During the examination, doctors also discovered severe hepatitis. Now Thomas felt much worse.

Since acquired immunodeficiency cannot yet be treated, doctors were looking for ways to help Thomas. They gave him pills. He couldn't eat, his stomach was upset. In the first weeks he could still get out of bed, but every day he became weaker. One day there was a collapse in the toilet: convulsions began and he fell. After this, Thomas did not get out of bed for about a month. But his mother continued to fight for his life. Every day she appeared at the hospital with a thermos of fresh broth, although the attending physician believed that the patient had only a few days to live. But Thomas got back to his feet. On May 1, 1985, he was discharged from the hospital.

Thomas felt stronger and even recovered a little. He tried to take small walks along the street, but after a couple of hundred meters his strength left him. Previously, this guy could be compared to an oak tree, but now only a shadow remains of him. The pain did not leave him. It became difficult for him to hide his thoughts. He said, “I don't care what happens. If this has to happen, then I don’t want to die in the hospital.”

Thomas S. died at home.


  1. A teacher's guide to AIDS and its prevention. Plotnikova M.M. Ryazanova G.L. Kalinich N.F.
  2. A guide to training and resources for HIV/AIDS prevention in schools. March 2001 (material prepared in collaboration with SDS, UNAIDS, UNESCO, UNICEF, FNV).