I have always been interested in various natural elements. One of the most interesting and amazing natural phenomena for me is the wind. How nice a light, refreshing breeze is on a hot summer day, but how it spoils the weather on a chilly and rainy autumn. :(

What is wind

Wind is movement air masses in horizontal direction.

But for me, the wind is a flow of air that refreshes the body in the summer heat, it is the feeling of a light caressing touch of the sea breeze, it is hair fluttering through the air, the rustling of leaves on the trees.

Where does the wind come from?

Previously, people thought that the winds were powerful creatures that had great power. According to legends, the winds blew for a reason. Reason strong winds, hurricanes, storms were considered the wrath of these creatures.

Now, our thinking has changed somewhat. Most of us no longer believe in the existence of spirits. Therefore, I will explain from a scientific point of view how wind is formed. This phenomenon occurs due to differences in atmospheric pressure. Areas with different pressures have different temperatures and density. Cold air is dense, it weighs more than warm air and the pressure in it is higher, so it tends to move into an area with warm, rarefied air. As a result of these processes, wind arises.

For me the wind is unique phenomenon. You can tell a lot of interesting facts about him. Here are just a few of them:

  • The wind can blow in a vertical direction, but at the same time significantly loses speed.
  • The most terrible winds blow in Antarctica. Their power lies in their enormous speed (just imagine, it reaches approximately 60 km per hour!), combined with exceptional low temperatures. I definitely wouldn’t be able to live in such conditions.
  • Wind with the highest speed - tornado. This a natural phenomenon usually lasts only a few minutes and for unexplained reasons always occurs in the afternoon. What's surprising is that every tornado is unique. It has its own exclusive look, shade, sound and even smell!
  • Highest wind speed fixed on the planet Neptune.

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How many associations does such an element as wind evoke in me? This is freedom of action, and the endless feeling that you don’t need to do anything, and power, since this element can be destructive, and much more. As for me, every person can associate himself with the wind, since every person loves freedom, and this element has no boundaries, no obligations and cannot be tamed.

Why does the wind blow on the planet?

Wind is the movement of air. The Sun makes it move, not directly, but indirectly. The sun's rays heat the Earth, and the resulting heat heats the air, causing it to rise. It cools at the top and goes back down. Also, another reason for air movement is the rotation of the Earth around its axis. Thanks to this feature of our planet, winds are formed in the Northern Hemisphere that move to the right, and in the Southern Hemisphere - to the left.

You can check how heat affects the air without leaving your apartment. To do this, you need to go to the door where the balcony is located and take with you 2 candles, or napkins or cotton wool. Place these objects at the bottom and top of the opening and see where they deviate. If you take candles, you need to light them and also place them. You can already check by the fire, where it leans, that’s where the wind will blow. At the top of the opening, the air will be warm and will flow out, and at the bottom there will be cold air that will move inward.

Wind is an element whose occurrence can be predicted, but sometimes it can be unpredictable. It is one of the factors that determine the weather for the near future.

Here are some Interesting Facts wind related:

  1. Port Martin is considered the windiest place on Earth. There average speed The wind is 20 meters per second.
  2. The fastest winds in the solar system blow on Neptune. Their speed can exceed 2000 km/h.
  3. Vertical winds occur in nature. This is not a long lasting phenomenon as they quickly lose their speed.
  4. In 1999, the fastest wind was recorded in Oklahoma, which reached a speed of 512 km per hour.

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One of the first pieces of knowledge I acquired as a child was precisely why the wind blows. I asked my mother this question when we were walking down the street, and the elements were almost raging around us. When I got older, I myself learned in detail about this phenomenon.

Cause the wind blows

Before you start talking about why the wind blows, you need to understand what this phenomenon is. In essence, wind is a stream of horizontally moving air. It's that simple.

The occurrence of wind is caused by the fact that Atmosphere pressure distributed unevenly over the Earth's surface. This difference, in turn, is largely due to differences in air temperature in different areas.

The wind blows from an area where the pressure is high to a direction where the pressure is low. To better understand this principle, you can imagine an ordinary balloon. When it is inflated, it is subject to the compressive forces of the rubber walls. Therefore, if the ball is untied, almost all the air will quickly leave it, creating a short-term weak gust.

For reference, here are some examples of types of winds:

  • trade winds and monsoons - tropical;
  • westerly winds (temperate zone);
  • easterly winds (polar belt).

Detailed information at this topic you can easily find it yourself.

Why do hurricanes occur?

In everyday life, anyone is called a hurricane strong wind. But the real phenomenon may originate in the Atlantic or in the eastern part Pacific Ocean. A hurricane is a cyclone formed in tropical zone.

This phenomenon occurs when a certain area of ​​the ocean warms up to 26 degrees or more. This results in a very warm and wet air rises upward, where it condenses, thereby causing other air masses to rise. In the process, it all spins with enormous force, which causes a strong wind. At the same time, hurricanes are considered to be phenomena when air moves at a speed of 130 kilometers per hour or more.

Both ordinary and hurricane winds have the same nature. But the latter bring with them great destruction.

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One day I became interested in how to explain such a phenomenon as “gusts of wind”. After a little searching on the Internet, I came across a lot of information about Ancient Greece, where everything happened “thanks to the power of the Gods and their desires.” However, modern scientists have provided many more answers than the mythology of the Greeks.

What moves air flow

If we take away the many descendants and minor demigods, then we can note only a few main characters of mythology. In Ancient Greece there were 4 main gods of the winds:

  • Boreas - North wind.
  • Notus - South wind.
  • Evus - East wind.
  • Zephyr - West wind.

Mythology is silent about Notus and Evus, while whole legends and twisted myths were composed about Boreas and Zephyr, which told about their exploits, love affairs, battles, greatness and strength. With their power they described storms, gusts of wind, and bad weather.

Boreas was most revered, for several reasons:

  • The north wind destroyed the Persian fleet that attacked Greece.
  • Boreas's wife was Orithia.
  • He had the ability to crush enemies with the power of wind.

For his power, sanctuaries were erected in his honor in Athens, he helped the Greeks in future battles and the fertility of mares. Entire epics were written about the power of Boreas’s wings, which told how he swept away enemy regiments with just one flap.

The Greeks associated gusts of wind with the wrath of the gods if they caused destructive damage to merchant ships or buildings. In such cases, they made sacrifices to the gods in order to appease them, and hoped that the bad weather would stop.

How the Wind Blows - Modern Version

After reading scientific articles, I was able to find an explanation more or less in clear language. The sun's rays pass through our atmosphere, warming up all its layers. And, as you know, when the temperature increases, the air expands, but since the light passes unevenly, all areas acquire different temperatures, respectively, different pressure. Places where the pressure begins to drop can be said to “push out” less dense areas, allowing the air to gain speed.

This is roughly how we get that pleasant summer breeze that pleases us on hot days. Of course, it’s not particularly pleasing at -20 in winter, when the nose is already at the limit of freezing...

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For as long as I can remember, I have always disliked the wind. I don’t surf; I don’t plan to travel on sailing ships. Personally, the wind can be useful to me only in the heat, when it brings a little relief and a breath of air. But more often than not, the wind spoils my mood and hairstyle, persistently drives cold rain under the umbrella, or even turns the umbrella inside out, and most importantly, makes me indignant and exclaims “yes.” where does it even come from, this wind??. Since I walk to work every day, the last question arises more and more often, so I had to dredge up my knowledge from geography lessons from the depths of my memory.

What is wind and why does it appear?

Wind - it's fast,impetuous(that’s exactly how we feel the wind on us, in gusts) air movement. Air moves from a place where there is more of it to where there is less of it. Cold areas have more air per unit area. Heated air has less density and therefore does not have much impact pressure.

Example: why the wind almost always blows near bodies of water

Since childhood, I remember that our parents never allowed us to go swimming on the first hot day in June. They said: “The water hasn’t warmed up yet.” Really, water heats up slower than air. So, between water and air, until it stands for several days hot weather, a favorable situation arises space, where the wind can blow up - from the colder surface of the water ( region high pressure ) to warm land ( region low pressure ).

There are regular winds (depending on latitude, they are in a western or eastern direction), and there are those that are formed taking into account local characteristics. The wind could have been even stronger (I'm afraid to imagine it) if it had moved unhindered. But there are obstacles on the surface of the Earth that interfere with the rapid flight of air:

  • mountains;
  • hills;
  • forests;
  • built by man buildings.

Therefore, in a city, between houses you can hide from the wind, but in a field there is nowhere to hide. The wind is capable of demolishing trees and roofs of buildings in its path, and a person is defenseless in front of it.

The only thing I value about wind is that it is a renewable energy resource, which, moreover, humanity has already learned to use.

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Traditionally, in the summer, my family and I go to the lakes of Khakassia to relax from the noisy city. Tents, fire, fish soup, mountains, sunset and... wind. Like this peculiarity in the form of wind is inherent in Khakassia, there is almost constant wind there, although I see a very big plus in this - the absence of blood-sucking insects. But why the wind blows is worth understanding.

What is the wind?

The wind itself is a movingairflow. Winds vary in strength, direction and duration. Wind is a unique phenomenon. There is a holiday in his honor - wind day, and it is celebrated on June 15th. The purpose of creating such a holiday is to attract attention society to wind energy potential. After all, according to experts in this field, wind energy helps solve not only energy problems, but also economic and environmental ones.

Why is it windy?

More Halley explained occurrence of wind By the way, this was more than 300 years ago. His idea was as follows: when the temperature changes, it comes into effect archimedes power,there is a rise warm air and lowering the cold.

The scientific point of view confirms Halley’s thoughts; modern scientists formulate the reason for the occurrence of wind as follows: uneven heating of the earth's surface.

The most curious thing about the wind

You can observe the wind in absolutely different parts of the Earth. I will reveal the most interesting facts about the wind.

In addition to the many scientific varieties of wind, there is also a classification given by humanity.

  • The wind is a doctor. This is what people call the cool, summer sea breeze.

  • watermelon wind. It is present on the Turkish coast Aegean Sea, during the ripening period of melons.
  • Indian wind. The gentle Kamchatka wind helps women dry their clothes quickly.

Why does wind occur in the mountains?

So it’s time to explain the reason for the occurrence of wind in the mountains of the Republic of Khakassia. Mountains can act as wind-forming factor, so be it obstacle for him. At high altitudes in the mountains, air warms up faster than in the lowlands, and this creates low pressure zone, which leads to wind formation. This is such an interesting phenomenon that the wind is. And I’ll tell my children about it around the campfire on my next trip to the lakes.

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How to explain to a child why the wind blows

I'll tell you from personal experience what for children in early age quite often this phenomenon is of particular interest. The child cannot understand why the wind blows in one place and not in another. The main thing is to say that x cold wind is formed due to low air temperature.

So that my daughter understood everything, I showed her a clear example. She took a partially inflated balloon and started blowing it with a hairdryer. The ball is noticeable increased its volume and rose upward. So I made it clear that heated air is light, he always rises. After that, I took the same balloon and put it in the refrigerator. She began to tell her daughter that the Earth is huge, so one place can be cold, and on the opposite side will be hot at the same time. I took the ball out of the refrigerator and we saw that it reduced its volume.

Thanks to this experiment, my child realized that cold air always tends to occupy the territory of warm air. 0

The dominance of wind on the planet

In most places Earth air masses predominate and have a certain direction. Usually, at the poles easterly winds meet moderate climate - western, and in tropical The wind is again blowing in an easterly direction. Calm places, where the winds hardly prevail, are found in polar region And subtropical zone . Here the air moves mainly vertically, what is the reason high level humidity.

The role of wind in people's lives

Wind plays a huge role in people's lives, influencing:

  1. transport design;
  2. energy production;
  3. recreation and sports;
  4. increased destruction.

The first point includes the use of wind for propulsion on ships with sails or on non-motorized aircraft (for example, a hang glider). As a source energy wind was used for the first time Sinhalese() to light the stoves. Another example is the use of windmills for both mechanical processing and energy production. The first mention of the mill is attributed to Heron, who lived in 1st century AD. Currently gaining momentum wind power(wind power plants).

Wind power plants

In sports and recreation used for hang gliding, paragliding, hot-air balloon And so on. If speak about destructive wind, it can both destroy a poorly constructed bridge with sudden gusts and damage power lines. Also, wind can intensify the fire. Wind speed from 12 m/s capable of felling a large tree. Wind speed 35 m/s can damage buildings, strip paint from cars, or break windows. And, here, in front of the wind at speed 90 m/s Not a single building in the world can stand anymore.

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Like some other planets solar system The earth is surrounded by a layer of gases. This layer is called the atmosphere. The Earth's atmosphere consists mainly of nitrogen and oxygen.

Individual gas molecules are constantly moving at high speed in different directions. All together they are firmly tied to the Earth by the force of its gravity.

What is wind?

Wind is the joint movement in one direction of large masses of molecules of atmospheric gases. A stream of such synchronously moving molecules can whistle, blowing high building, and tear off the hats of passers-by, but if there is a whole river of molecules, and even several kilometers wide, then such a wind can fly around the entire planet.

In an enclosed space, where the air barely moves, you can even forget about its existence. But if you put your hand outside the window of a moving car, it becomes clear that air exists, and although it is invisible, it exerts noticeable pressure. Indeed, we constantly experience air pressure that seems ephemeral and weightless. But in fact, the entire atmosphere of the Earth weighs no less than 5 quadrillion tons.

Interesting fact: The wind blows because air pressure varies in different parts of the atmosphere.

Winds occur because atmospheric pressure varies slightly in different parts of the atmosphere. Why does the difference in pressure cause wind? Imagine a dam. The height of the water level on one side is 6 meters, on the other - 3. If you open the sluices of the dam, the water will quickly flow in the direction where the water level is 3 meters, and will flow until the water levels are equal. Something similar happens with air.

Close eyes. It's simple. Just close your eyes.
How stupid I am anyway, but how are you going to read?
Let's agree that you will read to someone, and that someone will close their eyes.
And then you close your eyes and someone will tell you about it wonderful place, where ancient mountains give serenity, and an ever-young wind drives a wave first across the sea and then over the mountains, blowing their grassy hair.

So, are your eyes closed? Is it dark enough?
Okay, look closely, it's the sky. You see, the bright stars are scattered like pearls that the moon dropped while running away.
Don't look for the horizon, there isn't one. The sky doesn't end, it just becomes the sea.
The sea is the same sky, but without stars. The black bottomless abyss quietly whispers indistinguishable words. They say that those who were able to disassemble them went to sea, turning into dolphins. Because people are not given the opportunity to understand the meaning of the music of the sea, and those who do understand have nothing to do among people.

You see, on the right - a dark yellow giant - this is an old volcano. Once upon a time he was hot and threw red-hot blocks into the sea. But the sea turned out to be stronger, and now only the dreams of the old giant remind of his stormy youth; lightning and large drops of rain disturb the million-year-old slumber of the gently sloping neighboring mountains.

And only the wind is timeless. He saw the volcano when he was young. The wind changed its appearance, carving wrinkles on the hard rocks. He spread the seeds of steppe flowers along the smoothed slopes of ancient mountains. He saw the sea, which was still a fresh lake. And when, filled with salt water, it became a real sea, it raised huge waves that sank ships.

There will always be wind as long as the Earth exists, only the stars will survive it. The wind has always been here. It didn't stop for a minute. Because this is where he belongs. A place where the wind always blows.

You see, on the left, above the cape, the sky begins to turn red. This is the sun rising. The darkness recedes and the sky changes color. The sea turns from black to blue, the mountains turn bright yellow, and the peaks of the volcano turn green.

You see? Now open your eyes and listen further.

One day, in the light of day, a man came there with a bulky bag on his back. He climbed to the top of a table-like mountain, and the wind immediately hit him backhand - How dare he, a mortal, invade the domain of the wind?
But the man just smiled. He was dry, but strong. Gray hair covered his head, but there was a cheerful sparkle in his eyes. During his life he received many blows, but all of them only hardened him.

The man stood leaning forward, resisting the furious pressure of the wind. Squinting his eyes, he looked at the valley, mountains, bay and rocks.
- My journey is over. - the man thought - I can’t find a better place than this. Places where Sun rays The hilly mountains warm up and warm air currents rush from the ground to the sky.
He took off the bag and untied it. Then he took a tightly tied piece of fabric out of the bag and began to unroll it. The wind died down a little; it seemed to be examining the stranger and his belongings with interest.
Having unrolled a huge piece of material, the man threw the straps over his shoulders and belt and stepped towards the wind, holding the lines sewn to the fabric with his hands. And suddenly the long cloth, filled with wind, rose, turning into one large wing. The man took a step, then another, and... lifted himself off the ground.

The wind, recovering from such impudence, swooped down on the man in a squall to break his wing, throwing him where he was supposed to be, on the ground. But the man, deftly parrying the gust, straightened his wing and whispered something to the wind.
The wind had never heard such words before. Amazed, he fell silent, then carefully picked up the wing and carried it up towards the sun.

They flew together, man and wind. The man said something to the wind, and the wind answered him. And the mountains, the sea and the volcano below listened to the conversation.

Since then, every year, at a time when the sun painted the mountains into yellow, at the top of a table-like mountain a man appeared with a bag over his shoulders. And the wind met an old friend.

I don’t know if that man eventually became a bird, because I don’t know if the one who understood the music of the wind will be able to find his place among people.

In fact, which way does the wind blow? Can you answer this question? Today - one way, tomorrow - the other! And yet the answer is possible, and not even that difficult. To begin with, all you have to do is... light the stove! As soon as the fire flares up, bring the feather clutched in your fingers to the firebox and release it. The feather seems to fly into the fire by itself! What took him there?

Warm air is lighter than cold air and therefore always tends upward. Having heated up in the stove, it flies down the chimney along with the smoke. And in place of the warm air that has flown away from the room, cold air rushes into the stove. It was he who took away the feather.

The same thing happens in nature. The only stove there is the sun, which sends its hot rays to the earth. Heat from the heated soil is transferred to the air. Entire rivers of air float straight up from the earth. But the earth is heating unevenly. It is more difficult to warm up a forest or water than, say, a field. And now, in place of the warm air rising from the field, colder air rushes from the forest. That's why on a hot summer day there is a cool breeze from the forest!

Well, why does the wind still blow? Because warm air weighs less than cold air. It puts less pressure on the ground. And in places nearby, where it is colder, the pressure is stronger, and it forces the cold air to take the vacated space. The place where the weight of the air cargo has decreased is called a low pressure area. Winds are blowing here from all sides. But not directly to the center, but obliquely, because our planet rotates, and rotation deflects the direction of the wind. As a result, a ring of winds appears around the low pressure area. It reaches hundreds and even thousands of kilometers in diameter. This phenomenon is called a cyclone. The cyclone moves, making 30 or more kilometers per day. At its border the sky becomes cloudy, it rains, and in the middle it is warm.

But, having climbed greater height, the masses of warm air, of course, do not remain in the same place. They quickly fly to where the cold, heavier air has descended. Moving at high altitudes, warm air flows cool and become heavier. Arriving at the vacated place, they also begin to descend... This is how an area of ​​high pressure arises. The accumulated masses of cold air put more pressure on the surface of the earth than in surrounding places. Of course, the winds arise again. They should blow in all directions from the middle of the high pressure area, but, as we have already said, the rotation of the earth deflects their direction, and again it turns out to be a ring of winds. This is an anticyclone.

Different winds rush over our planet. The paths of some are so bizarre that even meteorologists cannot always calculate them in advance, while other winds have constant roads, like the pendulum of a clock. For example, a pendulum wind is a breeze. It blows only on the coast. Why? The sun rose and began to warm the earth and sea. Earth's surface It heats up faster than the sea, the waves continuously mix the upper - warm, and lower - cold water. Therefore, during the day the air above the hot earth is warmer than above the sea. It rises, and in its place a light breeze begins to blow from the sea to the land - the sea breeze. At night everything happens the other way around. The earth is cooling faster than water, and now the wind blows from the land to the sea; This is the onshore breeze.

There are other pendulum winds, for example, monsoons. Their permanent address is the tropical zone, stretching on both sides of the equator. They blow especially diligently in countries lying on the banks of Indian Ocean. Monsoons are seasonal winds. Of course, you remember that while it is winter here, it is summer in the tropics. So the monsoons blow where it is warmer, where the air pressure is less.

In summer, monsoons blow from the ocean to land, and in winter from land towards the ocean.

IN tropical zones In the oceans, another “disciplined” wind blows non-stop - the trade winds. At the equator, the vast water surface of the ocean, like a giant central heating radiator, warms and warms the air. Light, warm, it continuously flows upward, and in its place flows of colder air fly from the north and south. These are the trade winds. The rotation of the earth deflects them to the west. Using this feature of stable and reliable trade winds, sailors have accomplished a lot geographical discoveries. The trade winds inflated the sails of Columbus, Magellan and other brave sailors. The Spaniards called them “winds of travel,” and the British dubbed them “trade winds.”

The wind does many useful things. It turns the silver wheels of wind engines, it pollinates the flowers of many plants, and the wind carries seeds. But most importantly, he is the master of the weather.

The wind brings with it clouds, rain, snow...

The laws of movement of air masses are studied by meteorologists. All their winds are strictly recorded.

Hundreds of weather stations are scattered throughout the earth. Our meteorologists hunt for the weather in sultry deserts, go to meet storms on ships without seeing the sun for months, live at drifting stations " North Pole", they are not stopped by the eighty-degree frosts and hurricane winds of Antarctica.

Day and night, scientists monitor the life of the air, measure its temperature, humidity, and determine the strength and speed of the wind. In different parts of our country, weather scouts rise up every now and then. These are rubber balloons inflated with hydrogen. The passengers of these balls are small automatic devices. Using a radio transmitter, they talk about everything that is happening in the ocean of air. Special meteorological rockets are launched above the balloons, and thousands of radio signals - reports - are broadcast day and night.

In Moscow, at the Central Institute of Forecasts, information received from all weather stations in the world is put on maps in hundreds of thousands of numbers and icons. Looking at such a map, a scientist will not only tell what the weather is like today in Kazakhstan or Brazil, he will be able to roughly determine what it will be like tomorrow, in a week. But, in order to say not approximately, but precisely, you need to calculate where and at what speed the winds blow, how they will behave along the way, where they will meet, where they will heat up, where they will cool, where they will turn... To calculate this, a person needs months. But now there are electronic calculating machines; They make all the calculations in a few minutes, and we find out what the weather will be like tomorrow in Moscow, Kyiv or Cuba. The machine will say everything.

The more information about the weather is collected from all corners of the earth, the more accurate the forecasts will be, the further ahead scientists will be able to look.

Razg. Iron. Have an exceptional instinct for changing situations and circumstances and quickly (often obsequiously and hypocritically) adapt to them. BMS 1998, 79; SHZF 2001, 84; ZS 1996, 67; Glukhov 1988, 78.

"Knowing where (where) the wind blows" in books

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“The sleepless wind is blowing in my face...” The sleepless wind is blowing in my face. I'm hiding a gold ring under my cloak. An ancient lunar opal flickers in it, Its pale light is a thousand stings. And the same radiance in your eyes is slow and gentle, like a slow verse. A green, evil star rises - I know

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tomorrow_98 THE WIND OF CHANGE IS BLOWING FROM THE CAUCASUS Minister Kulikov threatened that he would raise a squadron and begin to bomb viper farms in the territory of the breakaway Chechnya, where killers breed. They crawl out to Dagestan, to the Stavropol region. Russian tanks are being burned. They shoot at soldiers and police. They steal

author Lopukhin Alexander

25. Then some of the Jerusalemites said, “Isn’t this the one whom they are seeking to kill?” 26. Behold, He speaks openly, and they say nothing to Him: have not the rulers been convinced that He is truly the Christ? 27. But we know Him where He comes from; When Christ comes, no one will know where He comes from. Words

14. Jesus answered and said to them, “If I testify of Myself, My testimony is true; because I know where I came from and where I am going; but you do not know where I come from and where I am going.

From the book The Explanatory Bible. Volume 10 author Lopukhin Alexander

14. Jesus answered and said to them, “If I testify of Myself, My testimony is true; because I know where I came from and where I am going; but you do not know where I come from and where I am going. To the objection of the Pharisees, Christ answers, firstly, that He can testify of Himself, as