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Warehouse personnel management

Panasenko E.V.

The book is one of the few based on the extensive practical experience of a Russian logistics director.
The theoretical foundations of logistics are presented in a simple and in clear language, without an excessive number of formulas and scientific delights, with a large number of examples. An extensive set of applications allows you to use this publication in practice. Special attention focused on personnel management and building a system for improving the quality of logistics services.

Where to begin?

Warehouse personnel management

from the book Logistics: personnel, technology, practice .

So, a distribution company or logistics operator has entrusted you with the management of a large warehousing. By large I mean a warehouse with at least 15,000 pallet spaces, at least 10,000 types of goods, and at least 600 personnel. The warehouse provides comprehensive commissioning (pallet, box, retail), with round-the-clock operation and a full range of warehouse services (reception, storage, commissioning and organization of shipment of goods within 24 hours). The number of active clients (shipping addresses) is at least 4000. The warehouse is equipped with modern equipment and uses advanced IT -solutions, works within tight time frames when fulfilling customer orders. Resources are at your disposal. Your responsibility is to ensure an increase in labor productivity, reduce costs per unit of shipment, ensure a given level of quality, ensure the requirements of commodity accounting and storage conditions for goods.

Where to begin?

What needs to be done to make this huge mechanism work smoothly and exactly like a Swiss watch? The truism is the main task of the boss f warehouse - organize effective work and interaction of their subordinates. Let's divide this science into several sections. I labeled each section with well-known management axioms of the Chinese school of management.

"Rule the many as the few"

Divide managers into “operatives”, “technologists” and “controllers”. The first group includes managers involved in planning and managing labor resources. Their tasks are building teams, shifts, rationing and accounting of labor, planning the number of personnel for cyclical daily, weekly and seasonal workloads, monitoring compliance with technologies, the state of commodity accounting, organizing work to improve the quality of labor resources (training, certification, etc.) . These are managers who manage warehouse areas for technological operations (reception, storage and selection, picking and shipping). With round-the-clock operation, shift supervisors are of particular importance, as they are fully responsible for the operational management of all warehouse resources. The position of shift supervisors is one of the key ones in warehouse management. Their main task is the unconditional fulfillment of shift assignments and ensuring the continuity of technological processes in the warehouse. They have a wide range of powers, including the right to transfer resources from site to site without coordination with the managers of these sites. If you want to avoid being called to work in the middle of the night and on weekends, you cannot do without shift supervisors. In addition, the “operatives” include the technical service and a group of operator-dispatchers who manage the processes of moving and picking up goods using existing IT -technology. It is advisable to assign “operatives” to the deputy for operational work and completely delegate this block of issues to him.

“Technologists” are engaged, firstly, in intra-warehouse logistics - optimizing the processes of movement and selection of goods from various warehouses, restructuring warehouses, software electronic accounting of labor and output, monitoring the implementation of established regulations for operations with goods, prompt development of the necessary customizations in the existing database (DB) for current tasks. They are responsible for the optimal use of warehouse space. In addition, technologists prepare monitoring and reports necessary for operational warehouse management. One of the main functions is preparing the database for current and completed inventories.

Secondly, the “technologists” also include the commodity accounting group (GTU) - the most important function of the warehouse. The responsibility of GTU specialists is to carry out selective and complete inventories in accordance with existing regulations, withdraw goods with expired expiration dates, etc. Monitoring conducted by GTU specialists makes it possible to determine the status of commodity accounting for each section of the warehouse and promptly take action.

“Controllers” are divided into two types. Firstly, controllers of compliance with the storage conditions of goods in the warehouse. They monitor the compliance of temperature, humidity, dust and sanitary conditions in warehouses with the storage conditions of goods of this group. If necessary, the availability and compliance of medical records and the completion of a medical examination of employees are monitored.

Secondly, “controllers” process complaints received from customers, identify the cause and “source” of errors, monitor errors in each area of ​​the warehouse, and participate in the development of measures to improve the quality of work.

Of course, the name “controllers” is quite arbitrary - specialists from these departments participate in the development of the necessary procedures and instructions, help adapt them to the conditions available in the warehouse, train personnel, etc.

It is advisable to keep the “technologists” and “controllers” to themselves. Strategic planning is indispensable without them.

“Personnel decide everything”

It is necessary to understand that recruitment should be carried out constantly, regardless of the presence or absence of vacancies in staffing table! This is one of the tools to improve the quality of the workforce in your department. For this, a reserve of up to 5% of the total number of units is needed. In a well-functioning mechanism for working with personnel, there should be no vacancies in principle! At the same time, in my opinion, healthy rotation of the workforce is estimated at about 5-7% per year. Within these limits, rotation is a normal, healthy mechanism for correcting recruitment errors and improving the quality of the workforce. It is impossible at the stage of hiring and testing to identify, firstly, the existing potential of an employee, and secondly, his potential for further development. In addition, you must continually raise the bar for your employees. And for this, the dismissal of the “lagging behind” is inevitable. My experience is that out of 20 people who apply, only one is hired. Out of 10 hired, only one remains after a year. Can you imagine what a colossal amount of work needs to be done to recruit and train personnel with a staff of 1000 people! This work is organized by a special in-warehouse unit - the industrial training service (ITS). Its main functions are recruiting, organizing professional training, personnel certification, and organizing work with personnel. The number of the service itself is small, but when training personnel, they use a corps of mentors working in the production departments of the warehouse.

“The shortest path to the truth is the teacher’s advice”

(Chinese proverb)

Vocational training is divided into two types. The first is training for beginners. Training is carried out individually. The mentor is responsible for training and adaptation of the newcomer. On average, training is carried out within a month. Then, the newcomer is transferred to the line brigade. If the quality of his training does not suit the foreman (he acts as a “buyer” of the required resource from the mentor), the new recruit is returned to the hands of the mentor or a decision is made not to complete his probationary period.

The second type of training is targeted. There is nothing more pointless than learning for the sake of learning. Therefore, before starting training, it is very important to correctly formulate and digitize its purpose. What do we want to get as a result? Increased productivity - by how much? Quality improvement – ​​in what percentage compared to the initial level? Mentors are motivated not by the learning process, but by achieving specific production results for their mentees, together with the managers of the relevant departments. This is what distinguishes in-house training from impersonal external training. Mentors are some of the most respected people in the warehouse. Of course, they need methodological support and coaching, which is also part of the function of SPO. Why is this service not included in the company’s personnel department? Yes, because it is included in the general chain of responsibility for solving specific production problems of the warehouse. For training, secure a spacious and modernly equipped classroom. It will pay off.

« Move forward with benefits, hold back with punishment.”

(Control principle)

Any system is created for specific purposes. There's no point in discussing general recommendations on staff motivation. Let's consider specific examples. So, you have been given the task of increasing labor productivity by 25%, reducing specific amount typing errors by 30%. You need to transform this task into a simple and understandable motivational model. It should interest as many warehouse workers as possible in achieving the goal. The work of open source software, which we discussed in the previous section, is also “tailored” to this goal.

Here are several indicators used for motivation purposes in warehouses:

1. Labor productivity indicators:

Productivity of warehouse personnel (positions/person) by department and warehouse as a whole;

Fulfillment of the shipment revenue plan;

2. Quality indicators.

Quality of customer service (proportion of orders without complaints);

Plan fulfillment rate for sales revenue;

Exceeding the standard for failures;

The relative number of shipments to branches for which the delivery schedule was not disrupted due to storage;

3. Cost indicators.

Payroll costs for production personnel for 1000 rubles. on shipment;

Maintenance costs;

The amount of goods lost due to combat and mechanical damage.

4. Indicators of warehouse business processes.

Exceeding the standard for stock shortages;

Technical equipment utilization rate;

The relative number of positions in deliveries completed in the regulations;

Implementation of regulations for processing quota supplies.

In general, several dozen motivation indicators can be used for the warehouse. They are used in the form of motivation coefficients (Km), calculated according to the ratio - actual value / planned value. Planned values ​​are set based on the goals set by the company's management (see the beginning of the section).

Each manager receives no more than 3 indicators in his individual motivation scheme. As a rule, warehouse managers have indicators for labor productivity, quality and compliance with business process regulations in their area. I consider it advisable to also target senior warehouse managers to reduce wage fund (WF) costs per operation in their area of ​​responsibility. As a rule, payroll constitutes the main part of warehouse operating costs, because commissioning is a labor-intensive process. In many ways, this indicator is a mirror reflection of labor productivity. But at the same time, it also takes into account the growth trend of the average wages by warehouse.

Motivation of "sergeants". That's what we'll call foremen and shift supervisors. The corps of "sergeants" is extremely important for the warehouse. They support the 24/7 day-to-day operations of the warehouse. From among them, we mainly develop managers who form the backbone of warehouse operations management. For “sergeants”, two blocks of indicators are used when remunerating: labor productivity and quality. Here is how, for example, the salary of a foreman at a retail picking site is calculated:

ZP = P post + P production + K

where: ZP – salary amount, rub;

P post – constant part of wages, rubles;

P production - the variable part of wages depending on

crew productivity, rub. Calculated using the formula:

P variable = A 0 * (*Sum of standard hours worked by the team/number

working in a team);

TO – payment for the quality of shift work, rub. Calculated using the formula:

K quality = A/x, rub

Where: A - constant value;

X – the number of errors that resulted in claims from the client.

Note: * - standard hours are recorded electronically, provided that all operations are performed using personalized radio scanners and archived in the warehouse database. For this, additional software is required.

Worker motivation . Approximately 75% of our workers’ wages are piecework, 8-10% are the permanent part, and 15% are the bonus part. The calculation of daily and monthly bonuses for labor productivity and quality is mostly formalized and calculated automatically. As a basis for calculating performance bonuses,average hourly output per shift. If the established average hourly production level is exceeded, additional payments are applied in relation to the established piecework payment. As a result of applying this incentive, you need to form a core of “Stakhanovites” who will turn into a real locomotive capable of coping with any peak loads. At the same time, do not allow the “Stakhanovites” to form into such elite brigades. In addition to personal achievements, they have another important mission - to lead other, less capable and diligent comrades. Therefore, in managing a large number of “soldiers”, the “Stakhanovites” also perform the function of “foremen”. Distribute them among brigades so that 8-10 middle peasants and beginners work next to one “Stakhanovite”. By their example, they will motivate them to “deeds of labor.” Ideally, you should not have a problem getting people to work, you will have a problem sending them home to rest.

We know that labor productivity and quality are two “conflicting” factors. It is important to maintain an optimal balance between them. Enter the permissible number of typing errors per month for typesetters (for example, no more than 2 errors). If this standard is exceeded, a deduction is applied. If there are no quality complaints against the employee during the quarter, he is paid a bonus for stable quality. If the employee has not had any quality complaints for 1 year, apply an additional bonus. The main principle is that workers should feel that by working efficiently, they will not only not lose in salary, but can also earn extra money.

When relationships are built correctly, workers actively participate in technological developments. Abroad, informal associations of workers are called “quality circles.” I call themworking groups, since, firstly, the main composition of the groups is workers (unlike other types of technological meetings), and, secondly, they resolve issues not only of quality, but also of increasing labor productivity, safety precautions, working conditions, etc. P. Participation in these groups, firstly, increases the personal self-esteem of workers, and secondly, it helps reduce resistance to change, because all innovations are first passed through the participation of direct executors in their development. Thirdly, at this level a lot of small improvements and improvements are made that are not visible to “high science”, but very significantly affect the level of labor productivity and quality.

It is important to approach this work informally and realize its importance. Determine the scope of tasks that need and can be solvedonly in working groups. Do them regularly. Allocate a share in your bonus fund that you will use specifically to reward ideas and implement developments at the worker level.

By applying a set of these measures, you will achieve very high level quality of the working resource. Violations of labor discipline will decrease, and the degree of staff loyalty to their enterprise will increase.

To assess the efficiency of a warehouse as a technological system, the following indicators are used:

Coefficient beneficial use warehouse volume;

The turnover indicator of the useful volume of the warehouse isfor warehouses with high-rise and multi-tier storage;

Indicator of turnover of useful warehouse area –for warehouses with area storage (DC, depot).


Ponasenkov: I'm a historian... Black: I think you’re shit. Show me your diploma. A gentleman in a hat comes out from behind the scenes Mister in the HatPonasenkov: in the East, daggers and swords are always crooked, you know. Mean, crooked... Arutyunova straightens up, her eyes glaze over. Arutyunova(not in your own voice): In the Middle East, broadswords were common. A gentleman in a hat falls out of the fireplace Mister in the Hat: Yes, he's just kidding, obviously. Arutyunova brings her hands to her mouth and begins to take out a 17th-century Turkish broadsword. Ponasenkov: Very good. Because it's a disgrace. I don't intend to waste my time. My time is very precious. Ponasenkov:I note that in Europe there are French soldiers how decent They bought food from local residents for gold Napoleons. little man: But Marbo, in his memoirs, speaks directly about the looting of French soldiers in Germany and Portugal. A gentleman in a hat is lowered from above on a rope Mister in the Hat: Myna little by little! Stop. The gentleman in the hat hangs half a meter from the stage Mister in the Hat: Yes, he's just kidding, obviously. Ponasenkov: Many of our liberals have fallen ill with the same leftist disease. They sit in the kitchen, read Sartre there, discuss Sartre and Pasternak. More than Sartre, a bespectacled cretin, so to speak, who did not see, did not understand anything at all, rushed between communism one and the other. She was such a political prostitute. A freak both externally and internally. These words are heard by a social leftist crawling across the stage on all fours in search of a tin can. Social leftist: Who are you to throw a barrel at Sartre?! Maybe you were nominated for the Nobel Prize?! Everything is clear: you envy his talent and fame, you stupid mediocrity! A gentleman already familiar to us appears on the stage. There are empty tin cans hanging from the brim of his hat, making him look like the Wolf from Nu, Pogodi! in a scarecrow costume. Mister in the Hat(strumming the cans to the beat of the words): Yes, he’s just kidding, obviously.

there is a painting hanging on the stage
Ponasenkov's voice from behind the painting: This shows the execution of French prisoners by Russian troops.
Kolkhoz historian: But the picture shows French soldiers and, in general, it was painted by Vereshchagin in 1911.
A gentleman in a hat appears on the stage and walks around the picture several times.
Mister in the Hat (at a loss): But Ponasenkov did not claim anything like that.
Kolkhoz historian: Yes, I'm just kidding, obviously.

Ponasenkov: It’s good that, according to modern legal rules, the law does not have retroactive effect: otherwise Kutuzov would not have received an appointment, and would not have to erect monuments, but go to trial for malicious and recurrent pedophilia. In 1811-1812 instead of active work on the Turkish front, he had fun with 14-year-old Moldovan girl.
Brother: But Langeron further writes that this “Moldavian woman” has already been “married to one young boyar Gunian.” What does pedophilia have to do with it? This is, in extreme cases, adultery.
A gentleman in a hat appears on the stage. He rides on a toy white horse, pushing off the stage with his feet.
Mister in the Hat(breathing heavily): Phew... Yes, he's just kidding. Phew...
"Brother(holding back rage): Who is he? Langeron or Ponasenkov?
Mister in the Hat: Both, obviously.

Ponasenkov: No, well, firstly, the blood is different, because after all, Russians are not Slavs, they are not Slavs, but Ugo-Finnish, plus a small addition of Slavs, plus steppe people, and so on, and so on. These are different, this is already a study of two thousand... of the sixth year - our Academy of Sciences of Russia... Russian Academy Scientists conducted a study, there were haplogroups, everything was clarified: we have different... genetics. And this is evident from the languages ​​that, for example, Polish, Belarusian, partly Ukrainian, there, Slovak, Czech - they are very similar. Our story is completely different.
At the first sounds of the monologue, the linguist and the haplofuhrer, fighting in the corner, stop beating each other up and listen to Ponasenkov’s speech.
Linguist: But the Slavs are more a cultural and linguistic community than an ethnic one!
Haplofuhrer: Shaize! This dumkopf does not know about the distributung haplogroup Er-ain-a in Osten Europe?

The gentleman in the hat wisely does not rush to come out from behind the scenes and remains silent.

In a biographical sketch under the modest title "Renaissance Man", it follows detailed description all extraordinary merits: “director, singer (dramatic tenor), actor, TV presenter, producer, historian, political scientist, poet, writer and public figure, director of three musical, six dramatic performances, as well as many poetic and musical performances, “Person of the Year - 2003” by the Biographical Society of the US Congress and nominee of the International Biographical Center (Cambridge) (also included in the directory “2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century” ).

His biography has been published in encyclopedias "Who's Who: Russian Edition" (republished since 2003). The main epithets used in the press: "Renaissance Man" , "the last romantic" , "brilliant rebel" , "theater esthete" , "simply a genius" (Ogonyok magazine), "conceptual truth teller" etc. and so on. And the last thing - on top of all this, he is also an academician! Mr. Ponasenkov wrote, and indeed, quite a lot. As he himself assures, more than two hundred and seventy “scientific articles”. But, as you know, paper endures everything.

If you take even a cursory glance at the photographs of Evgeniy Ponasenkov, now popular in narrow liberal circles (on the picture) , abundantly scattered on the Internet, the resemblance to the famous “Turkish citizen” immediately catches the eye. The same loose-fitting jacket in the smallest kaleidoscopic check, a bow tie, like the actor Jurassic who brilliantly played Bender, white pants - even right now in blessed Rio de Janeiro!

No, however, the familiar captain's cap. But on the other hand, Mr. Ponasenkov’s well-fed face always has the most pleasant expression. It seems that as soon as he opens his mouth, he will immediately begin to talk about four hundred relatively honest ways of taking money from citizens. But no, in public he talks exclusively about history, recites poetry and even sings.

However, if you look into the biography of this “conceptual truth-teller” without the calf-like delight of his liberal admirers, and without paying attention to the exclusively truthful expression of his face, you will immediately discover that this “historian,” although he studied at the Faculty of History of Moscow State University, is not graduated and graduated higher education doesn't have one at all. As he has neither a master's degree nor a doctoral dissertation. The same applies to the title of “academician”. He, of course, is a member, but not of the Russian Academy of Sciences at all, but of a certain Russian Academy of Sciences and Arts (RuAN), which, as we know, anyone can join, just pay a membership fee. Hundreds of such “academies” proliferated across the Russian expanses after the collapse of the USSR and the “democratic reforms” launched by liberals.

Speaking about his family, Ponasenkov proudly declares that on his mother’s side he is from hereditary aristocrats who owned a house in St. Petersburg, as well as a palace and a stud farm in Crimea. Significantly adding at the same time that he himself likes to remember Napoleon’s phrase “my pedigree begins with the 18th Brumaire,” and “does not give of great importance lineage interrupted by the disaster of 1917."

Quite in the style of Ostap, the site describes other advantages of the owner of a beautiful jacket and bow tie in order to completely amaze the inexperienced reader (we quote verbatim):
“...from psychological stress during the play “The German Saga” staged by Ponasenkov (by the way, based on the play “My Friend Hitler” by Yukio Mishima); two spectators at different ends of the hall fell unconscious" .

“...Once, passing by the famous Fountain of Friendship of Peoples at VDNKh, Evgeniy called it the “Fountain of Friendship of Freaks,” after which word quickly picked up this apt remark...”

In a word, he is a “historian”, and an “academician”, and a creator of folklore, and a poet, and a “singer” and a trumpet player.

Mr. Ponasenkov also has a unique sense of humor. So, at his anniversary party (despite his youth, he is already celebrating anniversaries) Ponasenkov said that once, when his relative was called from the military registration and enlistment office to congratulate him on Victory Day, he stated that his grandfather fought on the side of the Nazis, which led the callers to stupor. After which Ponasenkov said with a laugh that this was how he tested the military registration and enlistment office employees “for a sense of humor.” Then, however, he explained this by the fact that in his opinion there was “no difference” between the Hitlerite dictatorship and the state system in the USSR.

The strange “truth” about the War of 1812

The scandal was caused by Ponasenkov’s first “scientific work” - the monograph “The Truth about the War of 1812”. In this opus, Ostap from History laid the blame for the outbreak of the conflict on the Russian side and accused the Russian command of mediocrity, including Emperor Alexander I and Field Marshal Kutuzov.

In Ponasenkov’s opinion, Russia itself was to blame for being invaded by countless hordes of Napoleon, who allegedly opposed the war in every possible way, allegedly did everything possible to avoid it and generally carried out “progressive reforms.”

This is our “original” point of view from history on the Patriotic War of the Russian people, who heroically repelled an unprecedented foreign invasion. But don't you think it looks suspiciously like something? Yes, yes, that’s exactly what Goebbels said, justifying Hitler’s attack on the USSR! They say that it was Moscow that allegedly threatened Germany, and the Fuhrer had no choice but to go to “liberate” the Russian people from Stalin and the Bolsheviks.

Of course, the appearance of this kind of “historical” book immediately caused a storm of indignant responses in Russia. Here are just a few comments that appeared on the Internet:

“Russian history has been repeatedly erased and distorted, both by venerable historians and amateur historians (science fiction writers from history), one of these amateurs appears before us with his opus, which is proudly called a monograph, that is scientific work"The Truth about the War of 1812." This, as you may have guessed, is Evgeniy Nikolaevich Ponasenkov... It also seems to me that it doesn’t hurt the author to be more delicate in “bashing Russians in Russia”... The book is essentially empty... it has no value for historical science, since it does not contain anything new, until now unknown. In the development of the book, the author did not use written materials from the era described, eyewitnesses of the events are poorly represented, the expert material referred to by the author is the material of specialists mainly of the present time and, as they say, second-hand authors, that is, a book “by the author about authors” .

And another comment: “I just can’t understand why E.N. Kutuzov didn’t please me so much. Ponasenkov in his work, he repeats all historical anecdotes and insinuations. It’s funny to judge Kutuzov, history has already judged everything, and the rest is just words. To cite in your book the stupidest statements of Count A.F. Langeron, fabrications about Kutuzov’s military unsuitability by Count L.L. Bennigsen, who, after 43 years of acquaintance, could not understand the person next to him, or did not want to understand Kutuzov. One can object to this with the words spoken to Bennigsen by Kutuzov himself: “We will never, my dear, agree with you; you only think about the benefit of England, but for me, if this island goes to the bottom of the sea today, I won’t groan.” .

Authoritative historians also gave their assessments of the opus. Thus, Candidate of Historical Sciences, chief curator of the Battle of Borodino panorama museum Lydia Ivchenko believes that “the lack of professionalism, in our opinion, is most clearly manifested in those cases when a historian or someone who considers himself a historian is convinced that he himself is outside of ideology, protected from its harmful influence by “elementary common sense” .

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Deputy Head of the Department of History of the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Igor Shein in a review of post-Soviet historiography of the War of 1812, ranks Ponasenkov among "ultra-radical wing" claiming sensationalism.

Lev Agronov in his dissertation “Post-Soviet Russian historiography Patriotic War 1812" notes that “in 2001, at the intersection of historiography and journalism in Russia, a fundamentally new phenomenon arose, which we define as historical journalism about the War of 1812 with an emphatically “anti-patriotic” orientation, caused largely by the modern desire for a total rewriting of history with extremely negative assessments of all aspects of Russian reality" .

Suvorov got it too

The Russian military genius Suvorov also got a lot of trouble from Ponasenkov. In his writings, Bender claims from history that Suvorov is “not a military genius,” etc.

Sergey Gorsky, outraged by the writings of this “historian,” made a large selection of his slanderous statements on the Internet, caustically commenting on all the absurdities that Ponasenkov piles up about the great Russian commander.

Ponasenkov about Suvorov: “ Painfully, clinically eccentric"

A comment: “The book of Robert Wilson, an English agent in the Russian army in 1812, says: “Even Suvorov’s eccentric manners testified to the superiority of his mind. They harmed him in the eyes of superficial observers, but he contemptuously “ignored the grins of people less enlightened, and stubbornly followed the path that wisdom had destined for him to achieve the high patriotic goal.” .

Retired sergeant recalls Ivan Sergeev, who was with Suvorov for sixteen years continuously: “Suvorov’s imaginary foolishness had a great purpose and deep meaning. The main deviation from ordinary life others - his habit was to get up at midnight and walk naked for several hours. Other oddities were the consequences of these first ones. It is not at all surprising that a person who got up at 12 o’clock at night had dinner at 8 o’clock in the morning.

Whoever wanted to accustom himself and his warriors to always be ready to repel enemies, to march at night through forests and fields in order to find himself above the heads of the enemies, he had to not know ordinary sleep and rest; that's what happened the main reason the end of order in his life. But he woke up his army before dawn, and his quick marches at night gave rise to folk tale about Suvorov, the invisible man.

His simplicity, self-control, patience, alien to any bliss, made him akin to the warriors who loved him like a father. He taught them by example to endure all the difficulties of life. Loving simplicity, Suvorov sometimes appeared in all his splendor, in all his stars and orders, but this was on solemn Royal days, in the Holy Church, where he bowed his gray forehead to the ground and sang spiritual songs for the sexton. Such an example of piety ignited faith in the hearts of the soldiers. They considered him invincible, and they were invincible with Suvorov." .

Ponasenkov: “He lost the Swiss campaign, and not to Bonaparte, but to his Marshal Massena” .

A comment: “This unsuccessful campaign,” wrote D. Milyutin, “brought more honor to the Russian army than the most brilliant victory.” Clausewitz called the escape from encirclement a “miracle.” Engels believed that this transition “was the most outstanding of all the Alpine crossings completed up to that time.” .

Suvorov not only received the title of Generalissimo from Emperor Paul for this campaign, but the glory of these battles remained for centuries. Moreover, this is remembered not only by grateful (unlike E. Ponasenkov) descendants, but also by the Swiss, who carefully guard everything connected with the name of Suvorov.

Nuns lead “Suvorov excursions”, second-hand book dealers open museums, and politicians restore monument houses with their own money. Himself Massena said later: “I would give all my 48 campaigns for 17 days of Suvorov’s Swiss campaign” .

Ponasenkov: Suvorov “did not spare the soldier, unlike the Westerners” .

Ponasenkov Evgeniy Nikolaevich is one of the most famous public, literary, in the Russian Federation.

early years

Evgeny Panasenkov was born in the capital of the Soviet Union in 1982. As a child, he could gather children around and start telling them something. Already at this age it became clear that he had certain inclinations

Zhenya was precocious and, as he himself claims, already at school he wrote one of his first historical works. Evgeny Panasenkov owes his love for history to his father. The young man grew up and was brought up in a decent and educated family. His mother worked as an engineer, and his father was a military doctor.

His parents noticed that they were not sent to study in secondary school, but to one where he could study in depth in English. The guy graduated from school in 1999 and immediately entered Moscow State University. He studied at the Faculty of History and paid most attention to the personality of Napoleon, as well as his military campaigns. Panasenkov gave presentations at various conferences more than once. These conferences were always fascinating because the student knew how to intrigue people.

In fact, very Evgeny Ponasenkov. Photos from his scientific conferences show a truly passionate person about science. The talented young man did not want to receive a diploma indicating that he had graduated from the university. He completed his studies in 2004.

Historical activity

As a historian, Evgeny Ponasenkov managed to achieve considerable heights, and this despite his age. Participation in conferences regarding Napoleon's wars did not pass without a trace. After graduating from Moscow State University, he published a book called “The Truth about the War of 1812.” This book was interestingly written, but received many negative reviews. The fact is that the author did not praise the Russian army, as they are always used to doing, but looked at events from a different angle. Eugene wrote that not only France, but also Russia was to blame for this war. He also mentioned that the political and military leadership of the country at that time showed themselves to be incompetent. The book became very popular and helped Panasenkov become a prominent figure in history.

In the summer of 2014, he read out a report where he described the model for reforming Europe, which was proposed by Napoleon and Alexander I. He also talked about how Russian foreign policy relations developed during the reign of Alexander I. The work again received both opponents and adherents. The whole point is that the historian never praised Russia in his works, but tried to look at what was happening as an independent figure.

Reviews of historical works

As mentioned above, not everyone shared Panasenkov’s views. For example, Agronov stated that the work of a young historical figure is aimed at rewriting history, as well as sowing anti-patriotic sentiments in society. He also believed that Evgeniy assessed Russian history in his works biasedly.

Another historical figure, named Ivchenko, also agreed with Agronov. He accused Panasenkov of a lack of professionalism and of banal rewriting of history.

There were also those who took the side of the young author. These include Irina Gennadievna Dagrysheva. In her dissertation, she supported everything that was written in the work “The Truth about the War of 1812”, and added that Napoleon really did everything to avoid a bloody war, but Russia’s policy towards France forced him to start hostilities.

Literary activity

Evgeny Panasenkov did not write many books, however, this fact takes place in his biography. It is worth noting that he is the author of a huge number of scientific works, which were published not only in Russian.

The first book is the famous “The Truth about the War of 1812.” The second book was written in 2007 and was called “Tango Alone.”

On this moment Eugene wrote no more books. Do not forget that he is only thirty-three years old, which means that he will be able to write many more interesting works.

Activities on television

As a student at Moscow State University, Evgeny Panasenkov begins working on television. He first appeared on television in 2003. He was the presenter of a column in the weekly Kommersant-Vlast.

In 2006, he became a participant in another project and now runs his own column in the Queer magazine. He contributed a wide variety of articles on many different topics.

In 2012, when all of Russia celebrated the centenary of the victory over Napoleon in the war, Evgeniy appeared on the Dozhd channel, where Once again confirms that this war is more far-fetched, and denies that this date is worth celebrating. On the same channel, he participated in many programs in which the internal and foreign policy Russian Federation.

In 2013, Panasenkov became the host of a program in which he regularly reviews new products in world cinema.

Six months later, he hosts another program called “Dramaturgy of History.” It is worth noting that he was not only the presenter, but also one of the authors.

In the spring of 2015, Panasenkov spoke on the radio for the first time, where he entered into a discussion with one of the deputies.

Cultural activities

Evgeny Panasenkov created a theater called “The Secret”.

In 2008, he had the honor of leading the Russian delegation. All this happened during the Olympic Games.

A year later, he wrote the script and directed the performance, which took place in honor of Elena Obraztsova’s anniversary.

In 2011, Evgeny Ponasenkov became the host of a program in which he talks about the lives of outstanding people. The focus, as a rule, is on those people who made a huge contribution to world history.

In the fall of 2012, Evgeniy’s film will be released. The painting was called “Mysteries of the Bay of Naples.” Filming took place in Italy. This was the debut film work, which was undertaken by Evgeny Panasenkov. The director made the film interesting and exciting, for which he received recognition in the world of cinema.

Participation in plays and films

In 2010, he starred in a film called “Back to the USSR.” He plays the role of a psychologist, whose name is Alexander.

In 2011, Panasenkov took part in several projects at once. The first was the film “Boris Godunov”, where he got the role of the Polish prince.

Evgeny Ponasenkov stars in the TV series “Web-5”. He played the role of the director, whose name is Maxim.

His last work in 2011 was his role in the long-awaited film “Shadowboxing: The Last Round.” Evgeniy played a small role as the director of a television program.

He had to wait almost three years for his next film work, and only in 2014 Panasenkov starred in the film “On the Razor’s Edge.” Plays the role of one of the officers German army named Heinz.

Evgeny Panasenkov: biography, family

There is not much information available about what Evgeniy is like in life, outside of television screens. This is due to the fact that the young man is completely focused on his career. As he noted more than once in interviews, you must first have a successful career and then think about something else. This is exactly what Evgeny Ponasenkov thinks, whose personal life does not indulge in an abundance of information.

If you look closely at the biography of this person, you will notice that after graduation, he annually became a participant in some projects or worked on something of his own.

The young man is a native Muscovite. After all, his parents were born in glorious city Moscow, where Evgeny Panasenkov now lives. Biography, personal life - all this regularly becomes a subject of interest for journalists. And about the latter there is not as much information as we would like.

Family occupies an important place in a man’s life. He has stated more than once that it was his parents who made him into who he is at the moment. It was they, as well as their instructions, that formed in him those views that many historical and cultural figures of Russia consider today.

Results. Brief personality profile

Today the historian, actor and director is extremely popular. It is difficult to find a person who does not know who Evgeny Ponasenkov is. Despite the fact that his views often contradict public opinion, he is respected and revered as a very talented person.

Evgeniy became one of the first who was not afraid to speak out in a way that was not customary. Despite his age, he managed to achieve a lot. He is known as a person who always has his own view on any situation. He became the one who was not afraid to speak out against public opinion, and this can be seen in the book “The Truth about the War of 1812.”

In the book “Tango Alone,” Evgeniy Ponasenkov made it clear that he really had a hard time sometimes. His personal life is a vivid example of this. After all, many simply turn away from him because of his views.

Despite everything, he managed to achieve success. If Evgeniy continues in the same spirit, then, without a doubt, he will be able to become one of the most famous figures in the world of cinema, history and in many other areas.

Ponasenkov is the idol of many young scientists. They strive to achieve at least part of what Evgeniy Konstantinovich managed. Of course, this man will go down in history.