Muscovite Galina Shubenina, who buried her only son, gave birth to a daughter at the age of 60. This year Cleopatra Khrustaleva will turn three years old, Komsomolskaya Pravda reports. The parents have already begun to prepare for the holiday: they bought a children's guitar; the girl has good musical abilities.

Galina Shubenina:

He loves Kirkorov very much. Listens to his songs, hums. And she is also very plastic girl. My husband and I practice in a professional dance studio, where, by the way, we met. Now, if we manage to escape, we take Clerochka with us. She performs on the floor with enthusiasm. Moreover, she doesn’t let my husband and I dance, she demands that I only dance with her. All attention is only to her.

Three-year-old Cleopatra spoke little; concerned parents had already taken their daughter to the doctors, and then decided to send her to kindergarten early, where she could communicate more with the children.

Galina Shubenina:

As soon as you tell her in the morning: “It’s time to go to kindergarten,” she immediately jumps up. Although he can go to bed at two in the morning. We don't force you. Now we are studying letters and syllables. At home, Cleo has a desk and a chair. She keeps herself busy. We are happy about this because we have so much to do right now. Recently our grandfather, my husband’s father, died. He was 90 years old. Now Cleopatra has neither grandparents nor grandparents. But aunts, nephews...

Galina said that this year she and her husband decided to move to a larger apartment - the family no longer fits in a one-room apartment. Parents are ready to do anything to ensure that Cleopatra has a happy childhood.

Galina Shubenina:

Recently, my classmate died, 63 years old. I somehow inadvertently thought that someone was already leaving, and with my husband everything was just beginning. Cleopatra keeps us on our toes. I want to see her grow.

Galina's 55-year-old husband Alexey

Galina and her daughter participated in popular talk shows. Andrey Malakhov has already become a family friend.

Galina Shubenina:

Yes, they invite you from time to time. Cleopatra knows Andrei Malakhov - he is her friend! The clerk is lively and sociable. Actor Ivan Krasko played with Cleopatra and praised her - what a cheerful girl she is. He said: I envy you that you have such a wonderful daughter, I would like one like her. But I think 60 years is the maximum when you can become parents. It's no longer worth it. Dzhigarkhanyan’s ex-young wife suggested he have a child - well, where at his age?! And we saw Krasko with his young wife - they look like a happy couple.

Doctors do not agree with Galina’s opinion. Doctors recommend that women give birth before the age of 35.

By age 45, the risk of having a child with Down syndrome is more than 3%. Further - even higher. Doctors recommend that women give birth before the age of 35. And when you give birth using IVF at 50 years or older, these are crazy risks! First of all, for the mother in labor - said Elena Uvarova, head of the department of gynecology of childhood and adolescence at the Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named after Academician Kulakov.

To give birth to a child at 60 years of age, donor eggs are usually used, which reduces the risk of mutations. At this age, pregnant women are at risk of stroke and heart attack, and bones also become more fragile and fractures are possible.

Psychologists say that in the future a child may be embarrassed by the age of his parents.

A three-year-old child does not feel the difference in how old his mother is; he does not compare his parents with others. Difficulties arise when parents grow old, and the child, on the contrary, socializes and matures. He may begin to feel shy - at some point he will notice that his parents are akin to his grandparents. Some difficulties in mutual understanding may also arise - people are of too different generations, which can affect the difference in interests, mentalities, and in part it is more difficult for them to find mutual understanding. It’s difficult for such parents to be an authority,” said psychologist Anetta Orlova.

However, experts say that older mothers may not always encounter such problems. If the woman is cheerful and the family has a comfortable psychological climate, then the child will develop normally, no matter how old the mother is.

According to statistics from the Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology, most women give birth at the age of 25-29 years, pregnancy after 45 years is generally considered rare. But just recently an amazing event happened in Russia: a woman gave birth at the age of 60. As you can see, there are exceptions to all rules.

Rare event: a woman gave birth at the age of 60 in Russia

A kind of record was set in the Russian capital. Galina Shubenina, a Muscovite, gave birth at the age of 60 and became a happy mother, giving birth to a girl. The record set in 1996 was broken when a woman gave birth at age 57. Galina was safely delivered of pregnancy in the capital. Filatova. According to the woman in labor, she is not going to stop there and plans to return for her second child. The woman had a planned pregnancy, which was facilitated by IVF. Despite the fears of doctors, the Muscovite was able to safely carry and give birth completely healthy child. The staff of the Filatov hospital noted that this is the first time they have given birth to a woman of this age, but added that in lately Cases of children being born to mothers aged 40-50 have become more frequent.

Basic Details

A Muscovite gave birth at the age of 60: doctors freed the woman from the burden using a caesarean section. Mother and baby were discharged home a few days after birth; they are completely healthy and feeling well. The happy woman in labor promised the doctors she would return.

When the woman gave an interview, she said that 10 years ago she lost her only son, who at the moment I would have been 39 years old. All these years, Galina endured the pain of irreparable loss and at the same time prepared her body for the birth of another child. All that remained was to bring your plans to life. When she decided to take this step, doctors tried their best to dissuade her from doing so, warning that pregnancy at her age could be a great test for the whole body and lead to unforeseen consequences; the child could experience serious complications. However, this did not stop her: the woman gave birth at the age of 60. Everything went well, a girl was born, who was given the name Cleopatra in honor of her great-grandmother, who lived to be 96 years old. Mother and child have several planned visits to the clinic ahead. Galina hopes to live a long time and have time to get her daughter back on her feet, since there are long-livers in her family.

A woman gave birth at the age of 60 in Moscow: happy parents

Galina Shubenina’s wife’s name is Alexey, according to some assumptions, he is younger than her. Galina tries to match her husband and is slim and beautiful figure, youthful and physically active. IN free time is engaged skiing, ice skating. And the couple met more than ten years ago while dancing. Each of them had a family in the past; Alexey has a daughter, who is currently 27 years old.

Her husband supported Galina in every possible way in her desire to have a child together, even though they were seriously preparing for this event together. Galina, not yet pregnant, underwent a full medical examination. After all, her main goal- not only give birth to a child, but also raise him, give him a decent upbringing and education.

When the couple found out about the pregnancy, they didn’t even tell their relatives anything, carefully hiding this fact. Galina was registered at a regular clinic, but was not in conservancy, since there were no prerequisites for this: the pregnancy proceeded without any complications. IN medical center where the birth took place, she was admitted shortly before it began. Loving husband During the birth of my daughter, I was on duty at the operating room without leaving. And, in the end, a woman from Russia at the age of 60 gave birth to a healthy child. The photo can be seen below.

Positive attitude of a new mother

A woman from Russia at the age of 60 gave birth to a child: as a result of a caesarean section, a full-fledged girl was born weighing 2 kg 830 g with a height of 49 centimeters. Doctors are confident that neither the mother nor the child should develop any abnormalities in the future. During the first month of her life, the girl gained 1 kilogram 270 grams in weight, which is considered a good rate of development.

According to doctors’ observations, the woman is positive about the future and plans to raise the child until the “right time.” As a last resort, she relies on her nephews, who have small children. According to Galina, she must live longer for a long time for the son I lost. She admits that in adulthood the birth of a child is perceived completely differently than in her youth, and says that she and her husband have a girl both as a daughter and as a granddaughter. This Muscovite gave birth at the age of 60. The photo you see shows how happy she is.

Can this case be considered sensational?

The fact that a woman gave birth at 60 years old should not be taken as a sensation. As the chief Moscow obstetrician-gynecologist explains, this incident should not be considered unusual. In the capital's clinics there are now about 15-20 elderly women awaiting the birth of a child. Thanks to the IVF procedure, they conceive, safely bear a child and are eventually delivered from pregnancy. It is strange that this case in Russia causes so much talk; all over the world, thousands of women of this age give birth safely, and this does not surprise anyone.

In Russia, the oldest woman in labor who conceived a child naturally is Natalya Surkova, who at the age of 57 gave birth to a girl in 1996. The oldest woman in labor in the world is the Englishwoman Ellen Ellis, who gave birth to her thirteenth child in 1776 at the age of 72, but unfortunately he was stillborn.

Sensational discoveries of scientists

British scientists have come to the unexpected conclusion that children of middle-aged parents are healthier than children born to young parents. Basically, this rule applies to men, even if they are at risk, for example, have overweight. They have fewer problems with high cholesterol, blood pressure, and have a reduced risk of diabetes. Observations were carried out on men with an average age of 46 years who lived in New Zealand. What factors give this result: the age of both parents or the father or mother separately? Unfortunately, scientists could not establish this.

Last chance for career women

Recently, many women are increasingly concerned about moving up the career ladder, postponing having a child until later. For example, in the UK, women giving birth for the first time reach the age of 30 years. Therefore, for many representatives of the fairer sex, the results of scientific research are a kind of salvation. After all, if they miss time, they risk being left without continuing their family lineage. And now they have a chance. And this is once again proven by an event that occurred recently in Russia: a woman gave birth at the age of 60.

But still, doctors warn that late pregnancy entails certain risks. In older women, complications occur much more often than in young women. Their risk of miscarriage increases, and there may be genetic problems. There is also a risk of diabetes, increased blood pressure, problems with the placenta.

Conceiving at 60: how is this possible?

As a rule, a woman can only act as an incubator, so fertilization is done using IVF. Your own eggs stop being produced, so natural conception is often impossible. The main thing is that the egg is taken from a young woman, and the sperm from a healthy man. Then the risk for the child is minimal, he will be healthy and be born safely.

A woman after a late birth needs to be wary of serious consequences, since hidden diseases that did not manifest themselves before may worsen. You should not hope that late pregnancy will lead to rejuvenation of the body. But still, the fact that a woman gave birth at the age of 60 in Moscow will force some Russian women mature age who don’t have children yet, think: what if they still have one last chance.

Be careful

It is important to remember that no matter how energetic and full you are vitality, childbirth in old age is unsafe. Due to hormonal changes, exacerbation of chronic diseases is possible. If a woman nevertheless decides to do so, doctors advise spending her pregnancy somewhere outside the city, away from the hustle and bustle and stress.

In conclusion, I would like to once again draw attention to the fact that this woman (who gave birth at the age of 60 in Russia) is worthy of praise. Her act can be considered truly courageous: she was not afraid of any complications, difficulties, or hassles that arise with birth little man. I would like to wish her patience, good health and longevity.


A Muscovite who gave birth at 60: “I’m not Alla Pugacheva, I didn’t want any fuss”
We lived peacefully for a whole month until we started filling out the documents,” says Galina Shubenina. “That’s where the calls and questions started.” But I’m not Alla Pugacheva and I didn’t want anyone to know about it. We didn’t even tell our relatives until after the birth.

But no matter what Galina says, it is impossible to hide such a case. It's no joke - at the age of 60, she gave birth to a healthy baby Cleopatra, weighing 2830 grams and 49 cm tall! The miracle happened on January 13th.

Looking at Galina, glowing with happiness, I can’t believe that she is 60. She certainly doesn’t look young, but many 30-year-olds would envy her energy.
“My only son died 10 years ago,” says Shubenina. - He was 29 years old. He had no children. I was left alone, but I really wanted to have a full-fledged family.

In 2008, Galina met 45-year-old Alexei Khrustalev. Both went to a dance club for pensioners, and the pair danced to a quick foxtrot. Both of them could not even imagine what they would get to.
“We got married in 2010, and four years later I became pregnant,” the woman recalls.

She told her husband about the good news at breakfast, he was silent at first, and then could only say: “How?”
Journalists also asked Galina the same question. “How did you get pregnant at such, excuse me, age? Eco?"

But she delicately dodged the question. They supposedly managed it on their own, and even if they had decided to undergo artificial insemination, they still wouldn’t have told the journalists.

The pregnancy was going so well that Galina, with a rounded belly, planted vegetables in the country and danced rock and roll.

Galina came all the way and we gave her C-section, - said obstetrician-gynecologist Nestor Meskhi. “Three days later, they and the baby were discharged.

During the interview, Cleopatra, who was named after her father's 96-year-old grandmother, was sleeping peacefully in her crib.

My daughter doesn’t give me any trouble at all,” Galina smiles. - I breastfeed her, no formula. My husband works. By the way, he and I are thinking about having another child.

Now Cleopatra is already 3 years old.
The girl is growing up active and inquisitive. She likes to do everything herself, does not eat sweets and does not beg for toys in the store.

“Clera likes to pretend to be a rock musician: she hangs a guitar over her shoulder and pretends to play,” says her mother. – She has good musical abilities and hearing. He loves Kirkorov very much. Listens to his songs, hums. And she is also a very flexible girl. My husband and I practice in a professional dance studio, where, by the way, we met. Now, if we manage to escape, we take Clerochka with us. She performs on the floor with enthusiasm. Moreover, she doesn’t let my husband and I dance, she demands that I only dance with her. All attention is only to her,” says the mother.
The girl loves to go to kindergarten.

As soon as you tell her in the morning: “It’s time to go to kindergarten,” she immediately jumps up. Although he can go to bed at two in the morning. We don't force you. If he doesn’t want to get up, I say: “Nikita is waiting for you there, otherwise he has no one to bite.” She immediately jumps up and gets ready. She has a friend in the kindergarten who bit her,” the woman laughs.

An older mother is actively involved with the baby: she teaches her to read and write. A woman is constantly invited to television and she agrees.

At home, Galina also works with the baby: “We study letters and syllables with her. Cleo has a desk and a chair.” In addition, the aged mother and daughter have time to attend various talk shows on television. Galina admits that her little daughter adds vitality to her.

Recently, a classmate of mine died at the age of 63,” the woman sighs. “I somehow inadvertently thought that someone was already leaving, and with my husband everything was just beginning.” Cleopatra keeps us on our toes. “I want to see how she grows,” says the child’s mother.

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