Dear colleagues!

It's getting cool outside, and residents want warmth and comfort in their apartments and workplaces. They are especially concerned about the most valuable thing – the health of their children. Therefore, questions increasingly arise about the timing of the launch of heating systems for social facilities and residential buildings.

This memo is a reminder of how to properly start up an internal heating system so that consumers have warmth, there are no breaks in heating networks, there is a stable operating mode at heat sources, and all issues that arise are answered and resolved promptly.

Typically, the procedure for starting heating systems is carried out after the issuance of an order, resolution or instruction from the local administration about the beginning of the heating season. According to regulatory documentation, the heating period should begin on the day following the end of the 5-day period, during which the average daily outside air temperature remains below 8 degrees Celsius, but if the weather worsens, these measures can be taken in advance.

So, in what sequence does the water heating network start up?

Beginning of the heating season, filling the heating system

The procedure for turning on heat in a specific or other facility at the beginning of the heating season looks something like this: the heating supply organization begins to supply coolant, the internal heating systems of the facilities are filled to the pressure in the return pipeline of the heating networks, circulation in the heating networks is adjusted through the mixture of elevator units, and finally the supply of coolant to the internal heating system.

It is better to start heating at the site with a team of two or three people. Preliminary measures for starting heating begin at the heating point (ITP) by checking the presence of pressure in the heating networks - it must ensure that the internal heating system is flooded (for example, for a 2-story building - at least 1.5 atm, for 5 - 2, 5atm, 9-storey - 4atm).

Further description of actions will be carried out in accordance with the diagram of the elevator unit (EU) presented below:

Where are the shut-off valves:

1, 2 – on the supply and return pipelines from the heating network side

3, 4 – on the supply and return pipelines from the internal heating system

Further, in any connection diagram, with prior notification of the thermal inspection employee, it is necessary to fill out the internal system. To do this, if there is sufficient pressure in the network, it is necessary to open valves 2 and 4 sequentially.

Filling the system through the return line is done in order to prevent the destruction of radiators high pressure in delivery. Opening the valves should be done smoothly, gradually, without sudden movements. In this case, you need to look at the pressure gauge so that there is no too sharp drop in pressure. At the same time, after opening the valves, you need to open the vents at the highest points of the heating system. After water appears in them and air escapes, the vents close, the system is considered filled “under the pressure of the return network water.”

Starting the system with different connection schemes will be discussed in more detail below.

Dependent connection diagram

With a dependent connection scheme to the heat source, the pressure in the external networks will already allow for a difference in the internal heating system and its start-up.

First, it is necessary to ensure the circulation of the heating network coolant through the EI mixture; for this, first valve No. 2 is opened sequentially, and then valve No. 1.

After establishing coolant circulation through the elevator unit, it is necessary to open valve No. 4, and then No. 3. The valves should be opened smoothly, gradually, without sudden movements.

After circulation has been established, it is necessary to check the operation of the heating risers. Namely, the presence of water circulation. If there is no circulation, then it is necessary to bleed air from the highest points of the internal heating system (on the upper floors of the building). From experience it has been established that problems with airing arise in single-pipe systems, where there are jumpers (closing sections) on the risers to the radiators. In this case, in the radiators of the upper floors, the air seems to be “locked” because of these very jumpers, and you have to tinker a little to get it out of there.

Then you need to check the readings of the pressure gauges at the heating point - they must correspond to the operating conditions.

After the initial start-up, the release of air from the air collectors must be repeated periodically (approximately every day) until it is completely removed.

Dependent connection diagram with drainage pumps

A dependent circuit with pump-out pumps differs from a simply dependent circuit by the presence of pumping equipment at the central heating point (CHS), which allows to ensure the required pressure drop in the network when turned on. Without the operation of pumping equipment, the differential in the system is either absent or does not allow the operation of the internal heating system of objects (in exceptional cases, the hydraulic mode can be “inverted” - when the pressure in the return pipeline exceeds the pressure in the supply).

With the specified connection diagram, it is not possible to independently turn on the system due to the absence of a differential.

In these cases, the launch is carried out centrally: by telephone message or call from a thermal inspection employee, a gathering of responsible representatives at the central heating station is organized at the appointed time. At the same time, at the central heating point there are also specialists in central heating and heating networks of the heating supply organization.

Ensuring circulation through the elevator units of residential buildings, in the absence of requests from residents to start heating, is necessary to create conditions for starting heating in the buildings social sphere: kindergartens, schools, hospitals, etc. Due to these circumstances, closing the valves on elevator units is not allowed, since the presence of circulation is one of the conditions for the normal operation of pumps, and, accordingly, of social facilities.

Dependent connection diagram

An independent scheme for connecting consumers is characterized by the presence at the central heating point (CHS) of not only pumping equipment, but also heat exchangers (heating) that provide circulation in the secondary (between the CHS and consumer objects) heating circuit, regardless of the presence of coolant in the primary (between the heat source and TsTP) circuit. Without the operation of pumping equipment in the central heating substation, there is no difference in the secondary circuit.

In this regard, ensuring circulation in the secondary circuit and starting building heating systems is in many ways very similar to the previously described start-up process when connecting consumers in a dependent circuit with pumping pumps:

The launch is carried out centrally: by telephone message or call from a thermal inspection employee, a gathering of responsible representatives at the central heating station is organized at the appointed time. At the same time, at the central heating point there are also specialists in central heating and heating networks of the heating supply organization.

To be determined at the time of collection estimated time opening shut-off valves No. 2 and No. 1 at the elevator units, necessary for starting pumping equipment and establishing circulation through the power plant mixtures. Next, consumer representatives need to carry out these measures to open the valves, after which they must report the completion to the thermal inspection employee, who, in turn, after collecting information from all consumers, approves the launch of the pumping equipment into operation and reaching the design parameters.

At the same time, ensuring circulation through the elevator nodes of residential buildings, in the absence of requests from residents to start heating, is necessary to create conditions for starting heating in social facilities: kindergartens, schools, hospitals, etc. In connection with these circumstances Closing valves at elevator units is not allowed, since the presence of circulation is one of the conditions for the normal operation of pumps, and, accordingly, of social facilities.

Putting the internal heating system into operation.

A description of these actions has already been performed in the “Dependent connection diagram” section, however, we consider it necessary to again recall the procedure in order to avoid pressure surges in the networks, emptying and airing of internal heating systems.

When making such a decision to launch, it is first necessary to notify the thermal inspection employee about the planned activities, and only after his approval begin to implement them.

After establishing coolant circulation through the elevator unit and making a decision to start the heating system, it is necessary to open valve No. 4, and then No. 3. The valves should be opened smoothly, gradually, without sudden movements.

After circulation has been established, it is necessary to check the operation of the heating risers. Namely, the presence of water circulation. If there is no circulation, then it is necessary to bleed air from the highest points of the internal heating system (on the upper floors of the building).

I would especially like to draw attention to the inadmissibility of removing air from the system by setting the system “to spillage” - long-term opening of the drain devices on the supply pipeline and draining the coolant. When performing these actions, the consumption of make-up water increases many times, the pressure in the system decreases, which can lead to airing of buildings connected to the system or stopping the pumping equipment and stopping circulation in the system.

After establishing circulation in the heating system, it is necessary to check the readings of pressure gauges at the heating point, as well as provide periodic (about once a day) monitoring of the presence of air in the system, which must be repeated until it is completely removed.


Strict implementation of these measures will allow the city’s system to be launched, and will also ensure high efficiency and trouble-free operation of the heat supply system during the harsh winter period.

The first start-up of the heating system is usually carried out by the person who installs it. Starting the heating, checking the reliability of the system and debugging its operation is included in the standard package of work for installing a heating system. The owner of the residential building can only accept the work.

It’s another matter if the heating in the house is done by hand. In this case, you will have to master all the intricacies of commissioning work and learn how to start the heating yourself.

First of all, you need to fill the heating system with coolant. Before starting work, you need to open the shut-off valves on the radiators and expansion tank.

How to fill coolant?

The functionality for filling the coolant must be provided at the design stage of the heating system, taking into account its features.

Typically, coolant is poured in the same way as it is topped up during operation. The simpler and more convenient it is to add water to the system, the easier it is to operate.

The most convenient way to replenish the coolant volume automatically is with the help of an automatic refill unit. In this case, it is enough to open the water supply tap and wait until the system is filled and the pressure level in it reaches the set value.

In this case, the air is also released automatically, because the automatic make-up is equipped with automatic air release valves.

The disadvantage of an automatic replenishment system is its energy dependence: if there is no constant access to electrical energy, or the automation is not used for another reason, you will have to fill in water manually, using a pump as auxiliary equipment.

Filling coolant into open system heating with an open expansion tank does not require special knowledge and skills.

Usually, to fill the system, a special tap with a fitting is installed in its lower part. A hose is put on it, through which the coolant is supplied. If it is water, the hose is connected directly to the water supply, the pressure in which is sufficient to fill the heating system.

If there is no access to a water supply network, or antifreeze is used as a coolant, the coolant is pumped into the heating system using a pump. For example, you can use a submersible pump of the Malysh type.

Water is supplied until the expansion tank is completely filled. Then you need to bleed the radiators and make sure there are no air pockets in them. To do this, open the Mayevsky taps and release the air completely. Then the coolant is added to the freed volume.

You can fill an open heating system in another way, directly through the expansion tank. The coolant is simply poured into it until the system and tank are completely filled. Then the air is released in the same way and water is added.

Filling a closed heating system

Coolant is poured into a closed heating system in the same way as into an open one, through the coolant drain valve, but after filling, the air is bled not only from the radiators, but also from the circulation pump.

This must be done in accordance with the instructions for the device. Typically, circulation pumps have an air release valve in the form of a screw: you need to loosen it a little using a screwdriver until the air comes out completely, and then close it again.

In a completely filled heating system, the pressure should be approximately 1.5 atmospheres. Its value must be constant.

Checking radiators

At the next stage of preparation for the first start-up, you need to perform a control release of air from the radiators. To do this, you need to open all the Mayevsky taps one by one again and make sure that there is no air in the system at this stage.

If after venting the air the pressure in the system drops, you need to add coolant again and bleed the air again.

It should be noted that during heating of the coolant the air will have to be released several more times. It is more convenient if the system is equipped with automatic air vents. If they are not there, then in the first month of operation you will have to manually bleed air from the radiators at least once a week until the air is completely removed from the system.


The main purpose of crimping is to check the strength of connections and the reliability of the system as a whole. Typically, the craftsmen who installed the heating system demonstrate to the customer the quality of the work performed when performing pressure testing.

  • If the heating is done by yourself, and the system does not have hidden installation areas, for example, heated floors, pressure testing may not be done.
  • If you decide that you cannot do without a strength test, pump coolant into the system, raising the pressure to 2.5-3 atmospheres and observe it for 15 minutes. In this case, the pressure in the system must remain constant.
  • If the pressure level drops, you need to find the leak, fix it, and carry out the pressure test again.
  • If the pressure is at a constant level, the boiler can be started.

Starting up the heating boiler

Before starting the heating system for the first time, the boiler must be prepared for operation in accordance with the instructions supplied with it. It's better to do this in advance.

You can turn on the heating system only after making sure that the heat generator is completely ready for operation, if necessary, connected to the electrical network.

Initially, the boiler starts at minimum load. In this case, the main task is to preheat the coolant to a temperature of 35-40 degrees.

If the boiler is equipped with a thermostat, then the appropriate temperature must be set on the control panel. If we're talking about About a non-volatile device, you will have to control the heating process of the coolant manually, changing the gas flow rate for combustion and visually monitoring the heating temperature of the coolant.

While the coolant is being heated, you need to check how heat is supplied to the heating devices. To do this, you need to inspect all the radiators in the house. If the heating device is heated unevenly and there is no heat in the upper part of it, you will have to bleed the air again.

In this mode, the heating system should operate for at least two hours. Then you can increase the gas flow and heat the coolant to 70 degrees. In this mode, the boiler must operate for at least five hours.

If during this period of time the heating system operates without failures, the supply temperature is approximately 20-25 degrees higher than the return temperature, the first start-up of the heating system of a private house can be considered successful.

Starting a heating system in a house is an important undertaking and you need to know how to do it correctly, since its efficiency, reliability and overall service life depend on this. When carrying out this work, a certain sequence of actions should be followed.

Preparatory stage

As a rule, in warm time the heat supply structure is not used. Therefore, before starting heating in a private house, you need to make sure the integrity and reliability of its elements and perform a series of preparatory work. Before using a closed heating system, you need to determine the amount of deviation of its actual indicators from the calculated parameters.

According to the rules, preparation for the heating season is carried out in a certain sequence. First of all, a visual inspection of communications and heating equipment is carried out. For the property owner, the first question should not be how to put the radiator into operation. First of all, he needs to make sure that there is no mechanical damage to the device body and check the reliability of its connection to the pipeline.

Also, before starting the heating system, a number of preventive measures are carried out:

  1. Checking the condition of the smoke exhaust system. To start the boiler, there must be sufficient draft force in the chimney to maintain combustion. For this reason, the internal cavities are cleaned of soot and the integrity of the pipe is inspected. In a brick structure, if necessary, replace damaged elements. Rust, if any, is removed from galvanized pipes.
  2. Visual inspection of pipes. Without this, running the heating system is dangerous. You need to find out how tight the pipes are and whether there are any cracks or noticeable defects.
  3. Battery condition monitoring. Management Company Before starting heating in an apartment building, residents should be warned about this, and they should check the integrity of the radiators. You cannot disconnect individual devices from the heating network. When filling the pipelines, make sure there are no coolant leaks.

This is a list of rules without which the first start-up of the system should not be done. In order for the heating season to start correctly, a number of measures must be taken. A test run of the heating system in an apartment building is carried out 1–2 months before heating starts. It is best for property owners to stay home during this time to ensure there are no leaks.

Filling the heating system with coolant

Previously, it was recommended how to check the heating system in a private house - including a visual inspection of all its components. If any malfunctions are found, replace them individual elements. Then they begin the process of filling the risers with coolant.

If radiators are not filled with water, a slight rusty coating appears on their walls. Therefore, before filling the heating system, experts recommend cleaning it. If there are liquid residues in the pipes, they should be removed. To do this, use a special pipe located in the lowest point of the heating system; the make-up unit should also be located there.

Then you can begin to solve the problem of how to start the heating correctly. For closed systems with forced circulation of liquid, hydrodynamic flushing is used. To do this, you need to purchase or rent a special pump with filtration and a chamber designed for cleaning agent.

Washing is done in a certain sequence:

  • the pump pipes are connected to the system;
  • launch and visually monitor the degree of contamination of water that has passed through the pipeline through a full cycle;
  • if necessary, change the fluid to a new one;
  • flushing procedures are performed several times until the water becomes clear.

When to start the system closed type, an increased volume of coolant or air is pumped into the pipeline and thus the reliability of the joining of structural elements and assemblies is checked. In this case, the pressure value should exceed the nominal value by 1.2 times.

The liquid used in the flushing process must not be discharged into the sewer system, as it contains harmful substances that can negatively affect the functioning of the autonomous sewer system.

Adding coolant volume to the heating structure

The working medium can be ordinary distilled water and antifreeze. Filling is carried out before starting the heating system in a private house, through the make-up unit located at the lowest point. This order is very important, since trying to add liquid through other pipes located above leads to the formation of air locks.

To ensure correct startup of the radiator, check the presence and functionality of Mayevsky taps. To do this, each of them is opened.

Then a certain procedure follows:

  1. It is necessary to open the air and bleed valves found in most high point designs.
  2. Next, smoothly open the tap of the make-up unit, while keeping the water pressure low so that air pockets do not occur.
  3. After coolant begins to flow from the pipes of both valves, they are shut off.
  4. Mayevsky's taps remain open until working fluid flows out of them instead of air. This moment is important, since starting the heating boiler if there are air pockets can lead to damage to the entire system.

If pressure testing has not been carried out previously, it is done during the process of filling with coolant. When starting the heating system, pressure gauges installed on the collectors, safety group, and boiler help control the pressure when filling with water.

First start of the heating boiler

The sequence of actions when starting the boiler for the first time before the start of the heating season largely depends on the model of the device and its type, but it requires a visual inspection. This is one of the important stages that precedes the final start of heating in the house.

The heat exchanger is the most vulnerable component of the unit. Checking it is a mandatory measure, since during work it is constantly exposed to high temperatures. Simultaneously with starting the radiator, inspection of the boiler refers to the most important tasks preparatory stage.

Solid fuel unit

Before starting the heating system, check the condition of the boiler operating on solid fuel. It is necessary to clean its surface from rust and make sure that devices such as thermometers and pressure gauges are working.

Then a series of works are performed:

  1. Clean the combustion and ash chambers from soot using a metal brush.
  2. Check the condition of the chimney - its pipe must be securely connected to the unit's branch pipe.

For pyrolysis and pellet devices, the functioning of the electronic control unit, nozzles and fans must be tested. When heating is started, if these elements do not work correctly, sudden temperature changes may occur, which will directly affect the condition of other components.

It is prohibited to store flammable substances in the room where the solid fuel unit is installed. To store fuel, you should arrange a separate utility room or build an extension.

A gas boiler

To live in a house in comfort, you need to know how to properly start the heating system if the water is heated by a gas boiler. For different models of units, the startup sequence is different, which is due to differences in their design.

This especially applies to condensing devices, in which condensate must form correctly during operation, because without it, heating the secondary heat exchanger is impossible.

To correctly start heating with a gas boiler, after filling the system with liquid, you need to perform certain actions:

  1. The valve located at the bottom of the unit should be opened to prevent liquid from entering the circuits, since it is usually closed after the end of the heating season. As a result, the pressure gauge readings change, and the pressure value cannot exceed 3 atmospheres.
  2. When the coolant has heated up, open the make-up valve again. In order to remove the remaining air pockets, Mayevsky cranes are used. During this procedure, the pressure decreases slightly.
  3. In reality, you have to start the radiators 2 times - when filling hot water and when the boiler is turned on.
  4. The correct operation of the unit is monitored using the values ​​that appear on the dashboard.

If you strictly follow the instructions for starting the heating system, it will maintain a stable temperature without pressure surges in the pipelines.

It is advisable that the first start-up of a gas boiler be carried out by employees of specialized service centers for maintenance of this heating equipment. It also doesn’t hurt to know what to do if the gas boiler blows out with the wind, in order to solve such a problem if necessary.

Checking heating system elements

Without the correct functioning of all components of the heating system, it will not be possible to start it correctly. First of all, you need to check the operation of measuring devices - thermometers and pressure gauges.

It is also necessary to check the functioning protective elements. The system may not start if the bleed valve or air vent seats do not move due to limescale or rust. For this reason, each of them is opened manually.

The pressure of the air chamber controls the expansion tank; it must exceed the nominal value in the system by 5-7%. If the design of the tank allows you to change the membrane, it should be disassembled and checked in what condition it is.

The cost of the service for launching a heat supply system in a private household depends on many factors and is determined individually.

One of the most important issues problems that utility services face is the heating start-up. The risk of errors occurring in an apartment building is, of course, higher than in a private building. But in each case, it arises mainly due to non-compliance with the rules. To avoid unpleasant situations when connecting heating, you need to follow the sequence of necessary actions.

When the heating season begins, it often happens that the heat is distributed unevenly on the top floors. The reason for this is that the heating system starts up too quickly, which creates air pockets that prevent the uniform heating of all apartments in the house.

When the heating season ends, the system remains idle, causing its pressure to drop. That is why the question of how to properly do heating, as well as its further regulation in an apartment building, is a fairly pressing issue.

The main mistakes that are made when starting and adjusting heating in an apartment building

In order not to encounter many problems when starting the heating, as well as during its operation, you should know the main mistakes that are made in this process:

  1. Starting the heating via the flow line too abruptly.
  2. Getting rid of water or coolant in the basement. It would be correct to skip this step, because the air will not leave the system in any case - it rises up.
  3. There is also no need to drain water and air from all living areas in the house.

If everything is done correctly, this need will disappear on its own.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that in order for the system connection to go smoothly, the participation of 2-3 people is necessary. This is necessary so that the speed of actions and their coordination are as effective as possible.

How to start heating without making mistakes in an apartment building

So, in order for the heating system to function as efficiently as possible, it must first be started correctly. For those who do not know how to properly and safely start heating in an apartment building, the action plan is as follows:

  1. Slowly introduce coolant into the system. Make-up pumps must be turned on at the lowest power so that filling occurs gradually.
  2. To ensure that the procedure is not violated, you need to fill the system through the return line. The bottom-up starting system is suitable for all types of houses. With this type of operation, the coolant will smoothly displace the air that has accumulated during the entire period of inactivity of the system. These steps can be used to adjust the launch in such a way as to avoid the occurrence of air locks.
  3. The next step is to get rid of any remaining air in the system. This is necessary to ensure that the heating works correctly and that there are no complaints about its malfunction throughout the next season. This should be done in the attics of a multi-story building, where the air collectors are located. You need to lower the start valve on them, waiting until the characteristic sound, which signals the absence of air, stops.
  4. While continuing to connect the system, you need to remove water from the system, finally getting rid of any remaining air. This must be done extremely carefully, using any container, so as not to flood the residents of the upper floors.
  5. If the house does not have an attic, the water must be drained on the top floor using a Mayevsky tap. The system starts only after this action.

Ways to correctly connect the necessary heating radiators in an apartment building

If heating is carried out correctly, the house is warm and comfortable. To achieve this, you need to properly connect the radiators. There are many schemes for this action:

  • parallel connection;
  • diagonal;
  • single-pipe;
  • single-pipe with jumper;
  • single-pipe bottom;
  • single-pipe bottom with a jumper or tap;
  • two-pipe;
  • two-pipe bottom;
  • two-pipe diagonally.

Despite the abundance of radiator connection schemes, in practice one-pipe and two-pipe connections are used. In order to know how to set up and then start heating in an apartment building, you need to know the advantages and disadvantages of each type. The first connection method has a number of disadvantages, although it requires less costs. The main one is the loss of heat as you travel. In this case, water is supplied vertically from the basement to all floors, enters each of the apartment’s radiators, and, when cooled, enters the same pipe. In the end, the last floor is almost reached cold water, causing dissatisfaction among the residents in the house.

As for the two-pipe heating system, it can be open or closed. However, in any case, the level of heat conservation is an order of magnitude higher than with a single-pipe scheme. This effect is achieved by the fact that the cooled water no longer enters the pipe, but leaves through the return channel. This keeps the order of supplying a constant temperature.

How to adjust the heating level in an apartment building

To ensure that the heating system is adjusted properly, pipes of different diameters are installed in an apartment building. The speed and pressure of the liquid together with steam, and accordingly the level of heat, is directly related to the size of the pipe opening. That is why, in order to ensure that the adjustment is carried out correctly, pipes of different diameters are used. Maximum size, amounting to 100 mm, are located in basements. This is where the connection of the heating system begins. As for the entrances, for uniform distribution of heat, pipes are installed there, the diameter of which does not exceed 50-76 mm. However, such adjustment does not always give the desired heating effect. Residents of the top floors of the house suffer from this, where the temperature drops noticeably. To regulate this process, use the launch of the hydraulic heating system. This is the connection of circulation vacuum pumps, which ensures the launch of an automatic pressure control system. Installation, as well as subsequent startup, is carried out in the collector of a separate building. Accordingly, the order of heating distribution along the entrances and floors in the house changes. If the number of floors is more than two, then it is mandatory to start the system along with pumping for water circulation.

What is needed in order to properly connect the heating system.

Requirements for the start-up procedure and correct operation of the heating system are regulated project documentation. In order to regulate the heat supply in an apartment building correctly, it is carried out in accordance with the requirements of this documentation. All heating system radiators have thermostats, temperature meters, manual and automatic start-up and control balancing valves. Radiator adjustment does not require special tools; it is done by the residents themselves. As for the start-up and adjustment of other types, they are carried out directly by professionals in this field. At the same time, the most efficient operation of the radiators and, accordingly, the heating system itself as a whole is achieved.

Thus, in order to know exactly how to regulate the heating, as well as to ensure an even supply of heat in an apartment building, it is necessary to take into account many details.

Home » Interesting articles » About Heating » The procedure and errors for starting the heating of a multi-storey building. The procedure for starting the heating of a multi-storey building.

Start heating a multi-storey building often associated with troubles arising from ignorance of the rules.

To start the heating, a certain order and sequence must be followed.

The beginning of the heating season in housing and communal services is often complicated by problems of uneven heating on the upper floors of a high-rise building, as well as entire risers and apartments.

Such problems arise due to the rapid startup of the heating system. When the pipelines of a high-rise building are quickly filled, air pockets form in the heating system of a multi-storey building, which prevent the risers and entire apartments from warming up.

In the summer, after a hydraulic test of the pipeline, the heating system remains motionless and the pressure drops. To ensure that the system does not swallow air or accumulate air pockets when starting up, it is necessary to observe certain rules starting the heating system of a multi-storey building. How to properly fill the heating system with water apartment building, namely:

    • 1. Perform a smooth launch of the coolant into the system. Turn on the make-up pumps in the central heating substation at minimum speed so that the coolant fills the system not abruptly, quickly in leaps and bounds, but slowly and gradually.
    • 2. The filling of the system must be carried out through the return line of any system of a low-rise and high-rise building, that is, from the bottom up. With this filling, water, the coolant, smoothly displaces all the air that has accumulated in the system over the summer period, thus displacing the air lock from the system.
    • 3. After a smooth start, you need to release remaining air from the heating system from air collectors located at the highest points multi-storey building in the attic.
    • 4. On the air collector, open the drain valve slightly, waiting for the characteristic whistling of air to stop.
    • 5. After air stops coming out of the drain valve, it is necessary to drain the water from the heating system, to release any remaining air. Drain a small amount of water until bubbles stop coming out. Water should be drained into a bucket or any other container so as not to flood the upper floors.
    • 6. In houses where there is no attic, for example, in five-story buildings, air is vented independently through Mayevsky taps on the top floor of the house. By slightly opening the Mayevsky tap with a screwdriver, the air descends and the radiator immediately begins to warm up.

Basic errors when starting the system.

  • 1. Mistake #1 is to quickly start the system through the supply line.
  • 2. Mistake No. 2 is draining water, the coolant, from the system in the basement. It’s an absolutely pointless thing, since the air rises up, and there’s no point in letting it down from the lower points; it won’t work anyway.
  • 3. Mistake No. 3 is draining air and water from the battery in each apartment of a multi-story building. When the system is started correctly, this procedure disappears on its own.