In 2014, Rostelecom and the Russian Pension Fund (PFR) signed an agreement on cooperation in teaching pensioners how to use a computer. The purpose of the agreement is to improve the quality of life through training in computer literacy and working on the Internet, as well as to assist the older generation in obtaining government services electronically.

As part of the implementation of the agreement, in 2014, Rostelecom and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation prepared a special educational manual for older people, “The ABCs of the Internet.” The manual was developed by teachers, gerontological psychologists and IT specialists. The course program is constantly evolving, and the textbook is supplemented with new modules and up-to-date information.

The manual can be used as a self-instruction manual for working on a computer and on the Internet, and also as a textbook for specialized courses on computer literacy for pensioners, which are held throughout Russia. Electronic version The ABC of the Internet textbook is posted on the educational portal It also contains visual aids, presentations for each topic in the textbook, useful links, guidelines on the peculiarities of teaching people of the older generation, the necessary technical equipment of classes.

The first courses in the ABC of the Internet program were held in 2014 in Bryansk, Volgograd, Vologda, Stavropol and Tula. Special computer courses were organized for classes. IN Nizhny Novgorod and the Nizhny Novgorod region, social protection authorities equipped and provided 128 computer classes for ABC training.

In November 2015, the program was presented at the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Yerevan. As a result of the event, materials adapted for Russian-speaking pensioners living in the Republic of Armenia appeared on the ABC portal.

The Internet portal is visited monthly by over 20 thousand users; 8,433 people are registered in the “Teacher” section. Since 2014, more than 305 thousand pensioners have taken part in the program, of which about 55 thousand people in 2019. In addition, regions of the Russian Federation use program materials as part of their own projects. For example, in the Tyumen region there is a program “Expanding Horizons”, which takes into account methodological developments and recommendations from the ABC of the Internet program.

The training is divided into two courses: basic - for beginners and advanced - for those who have already mastered the basics of working on a computer and the Internet. In 2015, modules were published that talk about choosing a home computer and additional equipment for it, and provide recommendations on the use of social networks and regional Internet services: websites regional bodies authorities, enterprises providing housing and communal services. In 2016, the ABC portal published materials devoted to financial Internet literacy, searching for work on the Internet, and programs necessary for employment. In 2017, modules were developed on working on tablets and video communication programs. Today, materials from seven modules of the extended training course have been published on the website.

A significant contribution to the development of the project was online seminars for teachers and course organizers on the “ABC of the Internet”. The first seminar was attended by students from 13 regions; in the seminar, which took place in May 2019, more than 1,400 representatives regional ministries social policy, library staff and various social institutions, university teachers from 51 regions.

The publication of “The ABCs of the Internet” is a charitable project for the company: the preparation, publication and free distribution of the textbook allows us to increase the number of pensioners who know how to use a computer and work on the Internet, and to facilitate older people’s access to electronic government services and social services.

In support of the “ABC of the Internet” project, an annual competition “Thank you to the Internet!” was organized, the participants of which in their works talk about how the Internet is useful for an audience of 50+, how it has changed and improved their lives. Participants V All-Russian competition in 2019, over 4.5 thousand applications were submitted from 79 regions of Russia. This is 23% more than in 2018. At the same time, 81% of the works came from residents of medium and small cities, as well as from rural areas. The oldest participant is 95 years old. 63% of competitive entries came from pensioners who completed specialized courses - 37% of pensioners studied independently, incl. according to the ABC of the Internet program.

You can download a free textbook and teaching materials on the portal

Currently, Russia is widely implementing electronic form communication between authorities and citizens. The country is large, there are many regions, among them there are those in which the level of computerization is quite high, but there are many others where these issues are more difficult. It is here that computer courses for pensioners are now becoming so popular, which can also be taken absolutely free.

The state is implementing an industry development strategy information technologies, and increasing the literacy of the population in this area is one of its main tasks. They are trying to attract citizens to the Internet, to communicate with relatives and friends using it; to use e-mail, various editors.

The ability of citizens to communicate with government agencies without leaving home, through their home computer, is especially encouraged. Such communication is distinguished by accuracy, increased efficiency and convenience.

The only thing is that a person learns to handle a laptop and other modern means of communication competently. And for pensioners this is simply an urgent need, since it makes life much easier.

The Russian version of the international program was used specifically to increase the level of computer literacy of the population, including pensioners. e-citizen, that is, "Electronic citizen".

This program was immediately transmitted regional authorities, in order to organize its launch locally, to find funds and opportunities for training teachers, equipment, classrooms and other things.

The project proposes to train citizens, including the elderly and disabled, to work with a computer, and they are not charged money for this. Pensioners gain access to modern equipment and information technologies and learn the necessary skills to use them.

This gives them the opportunity to feel at a decent level among other citizens, increases their mobility, and makes them more free and confident. So there is a direct reason to learn.

In addition, in every city there are places where computer literacy classes can also be held, for example, in the city library.

Each city's website contains information about the regional Electronic Citizen program. This is, first of all, a telephone number, by calling which you can find out whether your application to attend courses will be accepted immediately, or whether you will have to wait.

Those interested apply to participate in the program in advance, groups are formed and classes are planned.

On the official website of the Ministry of Transport and Communications there is full list settlements in which such free computer courses operate.

In the Sverdlovsk region, for example, there are more than 50 centers in various municipalities, including all major cities region. The same is observed in other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and it all depends on how successful things are with financing the needs of the population in a particular region.

In Moscow and St. Petersburg, for example, such courses are more numerous, their programs are broader and cover broader topics.

How is the training carried out and what will an elderly person be taught?

The educational course within the framework of the “Electronic Citizen” program takes place face-to-face. Classes are held in specially equipped classrooms, At least 40 hours are allocated for the entire course.

The course is designed in such a way as to take into account the characteristics of the age and mentality of pensioners, and at the same time provide them with the necessary knowledge and skills regarding the use of Internet resources.

A specialist who is fluent in a subject will always find a way to convey it to listeners in an extremely understandable and interesting form.
Such specialists, tutors, are specially trained. These are certified teachers who provide individual approach to each of his wards.
In such a favorable environment, pensioners are introduced to what may be most useful to them, namely:

  • working with popular office applications, the most convenient and understandable;
  • searching the Internet for the necessary information using various search engines;
  • use of e-mail;
  • working with Skype, customizing it and using it;
  • making purchases via the Internet.

At the next stages, course participants are trained in electronic communication with local and federal authorities. For example, course participants will learn how to access the website of the president or governor; how to find out details regarding housing and communal services; how to ask a question or submit an application to the Pension Fund; how to use legal information systems.

Students are taught how to fill out a declaration, a questionnaire, how to download a form, book a train ticket or a hotel room, how to protect your computer from malware, and how to behave on thematic forums.

If there are enthusiasts on the ground, then the success of promoting the “Electronic Citizen” program increases sharply. For example, in Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug this project has been operating since 2006, and several stages of this program have already been implemented.

The simplest and most necessary skills make up the first stage. It mainly covers preferential categories of citizens, which include pensioners.

At the second stage, students have the opportunity to organize a personal account and engage in commerce via the Internet. For some pensioners, it is acceptable and even tempting to trade without leaving home, especially if they are familiar with the specifics of the profession.

Since 2012, it has become possible to teach students how to use the e-government service ( and its regional segment. This course reaches a wider audience and is also very interesting for retirees.

Here we introduce you in detail to this effective tool receiving services like UEC - universal electronic card. It works at both the state and municipal levels and is the key to a wide range of electronic services.

Course participants are provided with the necessary kit educational materials. They take an independent test at the end of the class that shows how much they benefited from the class. When successful completion test, each student is awarded a Certificate of Completion of the course.

Among pensioners there are those who, due to the nature of their work, came across computers, and they will not consider it necessary for themselves to take up courses, even if they are free.

And others, perhaps, no longer want to go to classes, it’s awkward to feel like an inexperienced student at such an advanced age. The motivation for avoiding face-to-face courses may vary, but the need to learn how to receive services online still exists. And then we need to look for other ways alternative to face-to-face classes.

You need to find courses that are suitable for the topic, online or remotely, and take them on. Look for offers, make contact, ask questions. Many of these courses are paid, but they may have a discounted promotion specifically for retirees.

A query in a search engine is formulated, for example, like this: “Free computer courses in …” or “Computer literacy training for pensioners for free in …”, and put the name of your city (Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Omsk, etc.). If you know that there is no such service in your city, then all the more you need to look on the Internet.

It happens that in paid courses the first lesson is provided without payment - take part. Perhaps during the lesson it will become clear that there are special groups with preferential treatment for pensioners. Sometimes this is practiced, especially in regional centers of the Russian Federation.

YouTube, if you own it, can also be very useful resource– what’s not there. Some pensioners, very advanced for their age, communicate, share knowledge with other visitors, acquire their own video channels and even earn money from user views.

Pensioners, as a rule, are active and curious people. Having devoted their whole lives to work and raising children, they were constantly busy, and then suddenly they had a lot of free time at their disposal.

Mastering the computer and its capabilities is not only useful for them, but also excitingly interesting. And they are happy to start life anew, almost like the postman Pechkin, but at a higher, absolutely modern level.

The Ministry of Social Development of the Moscow Region has launched a pilot project to provide free internet for residents of the Moscow region over 60 years of age who have completed computer literacy courses. On this moment This service is available to residents of Elektrogorsk, Kurovsky and the village of Davydovo in the Likino-Dulevo urban district.

Who is the project aimed at?

Source: Press service of the Governor of the Moscow region

Pensioners over 60 years of age can participate in the project. They must register on the portal of state and municipal services of the Moscow region and complete computer literacy courses at third-age universities in the Moscow region.

The project provides for the installation of home cable Internet. The project participants will have to purchase the router themselves, but it is possible that over time they will be able to provide it for free.

How to participate

Source: Photobank of the Moscow region, Alexander Kozhokhin

An application for the service must be submitted to the local social security office.

Before this, pensioners must take computer literacy courses at third-age universities near Moscow. Proof of course completion must be submitted to the Comprehensive Center social services population.

Third Age Universities

Source: , press service of the Kotelniki city administration

The work of third age universities is aimed at enlightening and educating older people, developing their creative and social activity, and promoting healthy image life and physical activity. They are available in almost all municipalities at social service centers and boarding schools for the elderly and disabled in the Moscow region.

Computer literacy courses

Source: Ministry of Social Development of the Moscow Region

At third age universities, older people can learn the basics of computer literacy. Pensioners get acquainted with the structure of a computer and software, learn to use the Internet, email, Skype and the government services website. Here they will learn how to make an appointment with a doctor online through an electronic registry, and will also master the operation of the Sberbank Online service.

A resident can complete computer literacy courses even without temporary registration in the Moscow region; the fact that the person lives in the project area is sufficient.

Pilot sites

Greetings, dear readers.

If you opened your browser and found this article, you have already taken a big step towards new knowledge and skills. Today I will talk about what computer literacy courses you can take to quickly master the basics of working with technology and the most necessary programs.

This material will be useful for older people and all novice personal computer (PC) users. Let's talk about different training formats and consider several online services. At the end of the article there will be addresses and telephone numbers of the “living” free courses for older people in large cities of Russia.

There are several options for learning how to use a computer from scratch. Let's consider each of them, highlighting the pros and cons.

Gaining knowledge online on special sites

On online learning platforms there is a lesson plan for different topics, tests and assignments can be provided to test knowledge, and there is also support and answers to questions in the comments to the materials. The main advantages of this approach:

  • you plan your own time for studying;
  • you can return to the information you have covered at any time and refresh it in your memory;
  • You can take only relevant lessons; it is not at all necessary to go through the entire training program from beginning to end.

Now about the disadvantages of the method. Studying online requires discipline and intrinsic motivation. There is no teacher who grades and forces you to carefully study the topic. Even with well-established and fairly quick responses to comments, it can be difficult to get a detailed answer to your question.

It is also difficult to master anything beyond the given lesson. That is, the site simply may not have the information you need.

In general, this option is quite convenient if you find a good website where the material is presented simply and clearly, and feedback is provided promptly. Below I will talk about several successful projects.

Studying courses in a group or individually with a teacher

In many cities you can find private schools that teach beginners how to use a computer. You need to come and sign up for a group or individual lessons with a teacher. The advantages of this method of learning:

  • the presence of a teacher does not allow you to relax, you have to work at full strength;
  • the mentor answers all questions, helps when difficulties arise, all this happens quickly, there is no need to wait for an answer for several hours or days, as is the case with online resources;
  • Studying in a group additionally stimulates the acquisition of knowledge and skills, helps to cope with shyness and indecisiveness.

The main disadvantage of such lessons is the need to allocate time and adapt to the schedule training center. But for older people this is even a plus. You can take a walk, meet fellow students and communicate, which is also important at an older age. Another drawback is that it is often a paid basis, but there are social projects with free training for pensioners. I'll tell you about them a little later.

You can also learn how to use a computer for free if you ask a friend to become a teacher. It is often difficult for older people to find a common language with their grandchildren and children: it is difficult for them to learn, and teachers and students lack patience. But you can find a good mentor among friends of your grandchildren or children.


A good book can replace online learning and even a teacher. Advantages of this method:

  • availability at any time;
  • information is always at hand in a convenient format, you can pick up a textbook and immediately apply your knowledge at the computer;
  • you can make notes, bookmarks, take the book with you for a walk, to the clinic, the subway, to the beach;
  • a fairly detailed discussion of what online courses may lack.

The disadvantages include the need for discipline and a great desire to learn, as well as the cost of books. Good benefits don't come cheap. Try asking your acquaintances and friends, perhaps they have such a textbook, and you can study with it for free. Another option is to ask your children or friends to give you a good allowance.

I like the books in the “For Dummies” series. They are written in clear language and analyze all the actions in detail with examples. This series contains the following textbooks on the basics of computer literacy:

  • a guide to working with the latest version of the most common operating system today, “Windows 10 for dummies”,
  • “Internet for dummies”,
  • “PC for dummies” and “Computer for dummies”,
  • “Laptops for pensioners.”

If you are used to learning from books, then this method will help you master the computer.

“The ABCs of the Internet” – a textbook for pensioners

The resource “AzbukaInterneta.rf” was created by PJSC Rostelecom together with the Pension Fund of Russia specifically for training older people, but training can be completed at any age, there are no restrictions on free acquisition of knowledge. The website provides online lessons, and you can also download a textbook and study without access to the Internet.

The course covers 14 topics:

  1. Computer structure in simple terms.
  2. Working with files and folders in the Windows operating system.
  3. Text Word editor for newbies.
  4. Basics of working with a browser, accessing the Internet.
  5. Searching for information on the Internet.
  6. Internet safety.
  7. Creating and using email.
  8. Registration and receipt of information on the State Services website “”. Websites of Armenian authorities.
  9. Websites of Russian federal bodies. Social online services in Armenia.
  10. Working with a web resource pension fund RF.
  11. Useful services and online shopping.
  12. Social media.
  13. Installing and using Skype.
  14. Search for work on the Internet.

In my opinion, this is one of the most successful free courses, which teaches you how to use a computer for everyday tasks from the very beginning and without unnecessary information. To start studying the materials, go to the website “Azbukainterneta.rf” and click on the “Start classes” button.

If you are new to using a computer, start with the very first lesson. At any time, you can open the section that is relevant to you and go through the material on it. To do this, click on the “Watch lesson” button.

The information is presented in text form with screenshots. At the end of the material on the topic there are test questions to consolidate the knowledge gained. To return to section selection, click on the arrow in the browser window.

Another option is to use the menu on the left. To do this, you need to go to the site header.

You can download the textbook to your device at any time to view the information at a convenient time and print it if necessary.

The only drawback of the “ABC of the Internet” project that I saw was the obsolescence of information. In particular, work with Windows 7 is considered, but now Windows 10 is the most common one. Their interface is significantly different.

“Neumeka” – a course for mastering computer programs

  1. “Computer for Beginners”, including the basics of working with Windows.
  2. “Working on a Computer” helps you understand the structure of the device and basic terms, as well as operating system settings at a basic level.
  3. "Education computer programs” includes the basics of the most popular programs: Word, Excel, Paint.
  4. “Internet for Beginners” is needed to master working with a browser, popular social networks, and Skype. The author also paid attention to modern slang on the Internet.
  5. "Email". This block discusses working with such popular email clients as, Gmail, Yandex.Mail.
  6. “Master class” allows you to study services and programs and work with information on the network in more depth.

This course is designed for the path from a beginner to an advanced user; it is more in-depth compared to the “ABC of the Internet”. After mastering it, you can find and start earning money while at home. But there are no topics related to government services and online shopping.

To start training, go to the website “”. There are 3 tabs at the top of the screen:

  1. “Computer from scratch” – this includes the first 3 blocks of lessons described above.
  2. “Internet training” – all the information on working with programs and services on the Internet is collected here.
  3. “Lesson Archive” is full list materials.

I feel comfortable looking at the topics in this last section. Go to it and click on the title of the lesson we want to learn. Example in the screenshot.

When you have read the information and want to return to the list of lessons, click on the arrow in the browser window.

The Windows tutorials contain screenshots and explanations of latest version programs, materials are constantly updated, the author maintains contact with his students through comments. The site “” can be a good assistant in mastering the computer and many popular programs and services.

Other online materials for beginners

In our age digital technologies to the modern generation It is impossible to imagine life without a computer. A personal computer has long ceased to be a luxury or an item used by the elite; now it is a necessary technical gadget, an assistant that allows you to keep up with the times. Children grow up with gadgets, so for them computer literacy is absorbed naturally, but their grandparents have problems with it. It’s easy for elderly parents to buy a computer, but not everyone can teach them how to use it, since it requires a long time and a lot of patience. But this does not mean that the road to the world of information technology is closed for the older generation. Learning computer literacy for retirees is a complex science that requires skill and practice. This task is best accomplished by special computer courses for retirees, where experienced teachers know well how to present this or that material to older people. We invite you to enroll in our computer literacy course for seniors from the CODDY school in Moscow. This is a full-time course, adapted to the capabilities of people of retirement age who want to master the basics of computer literacy and learn how to use the Internet.

Computer courses for pensioners. Why is this necessary?

Mastering a computer opens up completely new opportunities for people of retirement age:

  • Read the news, find out the weather forecast or program schedule without buying newspapers and magazines.
  • Watch your favorite films and shows at a convenient time, and not what is shown on TV.
  • Communicate on thematic forums with people who share your interests.
  • Search and download the necessary information.
  • Find relatives, classmates, classmates, colleagues whom you have not seen for a long time in in social networks and video chat with them.
  • Free communication via Skype along with phone calls for a subscription fee.
  • Make an appointment at the clinic or find out which pharmacy in the city has the necessary medicine and where it is cheaper.
  • Buy a ticket to an event of interest, train or plane.
  • Pay public utilities and make purchases in stores without leaving home.
  • Advanced users of retirement age become video bloggers and their own channel on YouTube, where they can share their experience, becomes an excellent assistant for them and a source of additional income - more about this in the course.

And even though some features may seem very difficult at first, beginner older users can master basic skills in our course without any particular difficulties. The main objective of the course is to teach the basics of using a computer and the Internet. ​The classes are divided into module blocks, each of which is dedicated to specific topic. Teaching pensioners computer literacy begins with the basics, with general concepts, without complex and abstruse terms, without “water” and gradually moves to more complex issues, all this is accompanied by mandatory practice. Classes are held at a calm pace, study groups are staffed exclusively by age, which allows our grandparents to relax when surrounded by peers and learn the material more effectively and with interest.

The curriculum includes all aspects of working with a personal computer and on the Internet necessary for novice users. The training course consists of 3 blocks covering topics such as the components and control elements of a computer built into operating system applications and Explorer, working in a text editor, working with the Internet, navigating and searching for information on the global network, communicating via email, instant messengers and social networks, security rules and much more.

Computer courses for pensioners in Moscow are effective practical training in computer use in small groups, accessible presentation, comfortable environment, friendly atmosphere. By enrolling in computer literacy courses for seniors at our school, you acquire only specific applied knowledge and practical skills, without wasting time studying abstract and unnecessary theory.

As a result of the training you will be able to:

  • work confidently on a computer, using all its functionality;
  • easy to navigate the controls of the PC and its desktop;
  • independently install programs and useful gadgets;
  • perform operations with files and folders;
  • work with documents in Microsoft program Office Word;
  • find the necessary information on the Internet and save it on your computer;
  • work with USB drives;
  • communicate via e-mail and on social networks;
  • take advantage of all the benefits of free instant messengers;
  • protect your computer and learn the rules of safe behavior on the Internet.

And this is not a complete list of opportunities that our computer courses will open up for pensioners.

Do you want your personal computer to become your friend and reliable assistant? Forget about your age! We are waiting for you in class and will be happy to help you discover new opportunities for communication and self-realization with the help of information technology.

How do we understand that a student has mastered the program?

During training, we evaluate both the practical side of the issue (how to do it?) and the understanding of the topic (why and why).

Students demonstrate their knowledge by solving problems in their own way, explaining algorithms in their own words, helping classmates correct mistakes, and creating presentations on their completed projects.