Baths and saunas for birthdays in Moscow are perfect for organizing an extraordinary and unforgettable celebration. And even if there is no time to prepare, you definitely won’t be bored there.

Modern bath establishments are equally designed for steaming and subsequent procedures, as well as for exciting and varied relaxation. Availability of opportunities for sports and board games, audio-video equipment, karaoke, disco equipment make them a wonderful platform for events of any format. It is especially good to arrange in new generation saunas themed parties for a birthday. We bring to your attention some of the most popular holiday themes.

Hawaiian style

Bright swimsuits and swimming trunks, funny glasses, Hawaiian shorts and shirts, African wigs, wreaths and flower necklaces - all this is perfect for the hot atmosphere of the sauna. For ambience, you can decorate the room with multi-colored lanterns, home or fake palm trees, put a surfboard and play fun Latin American music. Serve smoothies, fruit and small finger foods as treats. Greet each other with traditional Hawaiian: Aloha, dance Hula and organize competitions and jokes.

Beach party

Suitable for sauna with swimming pool. Guests wear swimsuits, swimming trunks, flip-flops, hats and sunglasses. For atmosphere, you can set up beach umbrellas, sun creams and towels. Throw inflatable mattresses and circles into the pool. Serve Sex on the Beach and any refreshing drinks. Sushi, seafood, and fish are suitable for appetizers. For dessert - ice cream. Entertainment includes games and competitions in the pool, body art.

pirate Party

It is better to choose a sauna with a ready-made interior and a swimming pool. You can rent pirate costumes or simply dress up in black headbands, bandanas, “golden” rings and sailor suits. Girls will need fishnet stockings, corsets and bouffant skirts. Bottles with scrolls, ship models, compasses, magnifying glasses, maps, ropes, toy swords and water pistols are suitable for decorating the hall. They offer rum and cocktails made from it, as well as beer and kvass, and there is barbecue. Use pirate vocabulary. Arrange a “Game of Survival” - who can last the longest in the sauna, shoot with water pistols, tie sea knots, look for a treasure chest.

Spa bachelorette party

The most popular entertainment for ladies in Moscow and beyond. You will need professional and homemade bath cosmetics, bath caps, beautiful towels and bathrobes. For food, order sushi, tartlets, canapés, cupcakes and other mini-snacks. Drink juices and special teas for the sauna. Exchange cosmetics and tips on caring for your face and body, visit all possible spa treatments, invite a steamer to the bathhouse, and a massage therapist to the hammam.

Useful tips

You need to start organizing a sauna party long before the appointed day. Even if you have a suitable establishment in mind, it is better to book it in advance. If not, the search may take longer because you will have to travel and look. Next, you need to agree on a number of issues with the administration. Who decorates the room, can you bring snacks and drinks, maximum amount guests and so on.

When everything is organized, you need to have an explanatory conversation with your friends about alcohol. Everyone knows that strong drinks and a sauna are not compatible, but this stops few people. In order not to ruin the birthday boy’s day, ask the establishment’s employees to periodically carefully examine guests for alcohol intoxication, or entrust this function to the least drunk person in the company.

When organizing a party, some saunas may offer a special discount, a gift from the establishment, or include room decoration or a birthday cake in the price. The total rental price of a sauna establishment usually depends on the number of guests and hours. Moreover, both up and down, which is always worth asking about in advance. Special discounts in saunas for birthdays are provided if you have proof: the birthday person’s passport and are valid only on the specified date.

It's hard to find a person who doesn't love holidays. A large number of unusual celebrations have been invented. Sometimes they take place in unusual places. For example, they are increasingly organizing holidays in the bathhouse. Non-traditional entertainment is becoming increasingly popular, as steam room lovers appreciate the opportunity to combine business and pleasure.

Cool Holiday: Pleasant with useful.

As practice has shown recent years, it is quite possible not to forget about healthy way life during any celebration. The wonderful effect of bath procedures is known. The immune system is strengthened and peripheral blood circulation improves.

What holidays can be celebrated in Banya?

Here you can organize, in fact, any holiday, including a corporate party. As a result, the team becomes more coherent and a friendly atmosphere arises.

  • Any Corporate Events ()
  • March 8 and February 23
  • , Anniversary
  • Hen-party, .
  • Bachelor party.

The bathhouse gives a whole bouquet of positive emotions, which also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the body. Experienced chefs can prepare your favorite dishes.

We think through everything down to the smallest detail. Script, Fun competitions.

To make your dreams of an excellent vacation come true, you need to think through everything down to the smallest detail.

First, keep in mind that between traditional sitting at a table and going to the sauna (swimming pool), it is important to fill the pauses in a meaningful and interesting way.

  1. For example, a rather simple but effective competition is always fun, the essence of which is the beautiful, erotic tying of a sheet.
  2. Organizers of various competitions know that the swimming pool is a suitable place for various competitions. The winner is the one who swims across the pool the fastest. You can also reward the “amphibian man” who managed to stay under water the longest. With your imagination, it’s easy to come up with other fun things to do.
  3. A fun game "Crocodile" - see the words for the game.

Super idea for a bath: Body art.

The use of body art in the sauna invariably delights all party participants. Where else if not here to transform beyond recognition by painting your bodies! Suitable instead of paints familiar products, for example, cream in cans or colored syrups. Just make sure everything is washed well.

With the holidays approaching, every company, team and just friends are thinking about how to have more fun New Year. A corporate event in a sauna is a popular and extraordinary idea, which often becomes the best solution for holding an event. The most important thing is to prepare and think through the program.

Why it’s good to have a corporate party in a sauna

A visit to the bathhouse itself is an interesting thing, because it:

  • Good for your health.
  • Allows you to completely relax in an informal atmosphere and forget about everything in the world.
  • At a corporate event in the sauna, unusual skits can be staged and competitions organized.
  • And just spend time in a place where there is no one except the company that went to celebrate the New Year or another holiday.

These are just a few positive points holding a corporate party in the sauna. Everyone will find their own advantages in such an event.

How to prepare for such an event

A corporate party in a sauna is a special type of celebration. No one here will need elegant evening dresses and tailcoats. However, you can come up with a theme to make it more interesting. For example, you can organize Hawaiian party. Everyone will wear bright beach suits and beads of flowers or other decorations.

Preparation in this case is more about morale and a positive disposition to have fun.

New Year's corporate party in the sauna for the team

If a celebration in a sauna is organized for a company with a lot of people, then you definitely need to think through the event so that it is fun and creates light atmosphere. To do this, you should come up with a scenario for a corporate party in a sauna. As an example, you can take this option:

The heroes of the occasion enter, they are greeted by a host dressed as Zeus with a crown on his head and wrapped in a sheet:

Presenter: “I see that guys and girls came today.

I think that with steam and swimming, we will have a great time.

Are you ready to have fun, sit in the steam room, swim in the pool?

If yes, then I’m waiting for you, in the dressing room in suits, my friends.”

Celebrants change into the clothes that were originally agreed upon and enter the dressing room.

Host: “So that you forget modesty,

They entered competitions

I advise friends

Fill the glass and drink to the bottom.

So that steam only gives us joy,

And he lit up the holiday with a smile.”

Presenter: “I see you are having fun,

Now I want to tell you,

The time has come to participate in competitions,

Who's ready to start our holiday party, friends?

For the competition I need two men with glasses of beer.”

The participants leave.

Presenter: “Place your glasses on a chair opposite each other. Now comes the fun part. You must empty glasses without using your hands."

The winner is awarded with the inscription “Beer Lover.”

Presenter: “Our second competition is very interesting. I need three pairs for it.”

The participants leave, the presenter hands them a hat containing notes. On each of them it is written what props the participants should take. Some will get a washcloth, others a towel, and others a broom. The essence of the game is that, using the received details, couples must dance a certain dance, which is voiced to them by the presenter.

Presenter: “The couple who got the washcloth must dance rock and roll. The couple who received the towels dances to “Gypsy”, and the couple with brooms dances “Macarena”. So, we invite the first participants to our improvised stage.”

There is no need to determine winners in this competition. Each participant can receive a symbolic gift, for example a Christmas tree toy, if the New Year is celebrated. Or you can determine the winner by voting or applause. Everyone will receive gifts, and the winners will receive certificates.

Presenter: “It’s time for us to steam the bones and check the temperature of the pool. And after the bathhouse, experience new entertainment for yourself.”

Everyone goes to the steam room. Upon everyone’s return, the presenter is waiting for everyone with an offer to play a twist.

Presenter: “We had a wonderful time, I hope that you will remember this holiday.

I wish you to enter the New Year with pure soul and body.

And after a steam room and fun ideas, we won’t be able to do it any other way.

Happy New Year everyone, friends,

I wish you smiles, a lot of money and health!!!”

Corporate party in the steam room for girls

If a group of girls is going to the bathhouse, then they also need to think through a program first so as not to get bored at the event. Photos of corporate parties in the sauna, in which girls participate, confirm that this is an unusual, fun and simply wonderful idea to spend time in this way. The event scenario could be like this.

Host: “To get you ready for the fun, I suggest we start our program. Not a single corporate event for girls in the sauna is complete without body masks and massages. I suggest you visit a non-standard beauty salon, in which you will be the main character. I need four girls to participate.”

Two girls each approach the chairs on which the presenter has previously placed jars with unknown filling. The girls are blindfolded and must smear their partner, who is standing opposite, from several jars, not knowing what is in them. Finely granulated activated carbon is placed in one of the jars, similar in consistency to coffee grounds. Ketchup is poured into another jar, and the participants may think that it is honey or sour cream. The third jar may contain gouache paint bright color. The fourth is cosmetic clay. When the girls take off the blindfolds, they will be very surprised by the color of their bodies. But in a bathhouse this is not a problem; you can immediately wash off the results of the competition. But the audience will have a lot of fun watching the participants.

Presenter: “After the massage, I suggest you have some food. I invite six participants for this competition.”

Each girl is invited to sit on a chair and hide her hands behind her back. The host takes plates, each of which contains either sweets or fruits. Without using her hands, a blindfolded girl must take what is on the plate and guess what dish is offered to her. The competition is serious, but at the same time fun and interesting.

Then the presenter invites the girls to play the famous game “Crocodile”. In this game, each participant in the event must show the given word without words.

Presenter: “Today we had a good holiday, you all took a steam bath, and it’s time for me to go home.

Enter the New Year with a pure soul,

After all, the long-awaited, golden holiday is coming.

Let the day of the corporate party be remembered for a long time,

I wish you positivity and lots of laughter.”

The presenter leaves, leaving a pleasant aftertaste in the memories of each participant women's corporate party in sauna. This holiday is unusual and gives you the opportunity to spend time in an unconventional way.

Corporate party in the steam room for men

For men, staying in a steam room is not uncommon. After all, many guys periodically visit the bathhouse with friends or companies. The sauna is always fun. But when we're talking about about a corporate party, and even a New Year’s party, then the program should be thought out from A to Z. To do this, the celebration should be carried out according to the script, so that the holiday does not develop into banal gatherings and heart-to-heart conversations.

Presenter: “Hello, knights and heroes, boys and men, low and tall. In general, I welcome everyone who today decided to take a steam bath and raise a toast to the long-awaited New Year holiday in an atmospheric establishment. I promise that you will not be bored for a second, because I have prepared amazing contests and fun competitions for you. Welcome to our themed party “Steam is no barrier to fun!”

All event participants are accommodated in the waiting room. And the presenter continues his speech.

Presenter: “To help you warm up before going to the steam room, I offer you a competition that everyone will definitely like. I hope you've stocked up on beer? Because it will definitely come in handy right now. I need three men for the competition.”

The participants come out, the presenter seats them on chairs and gives each one a liter bottle of beer and a straw.

Presenter: “Our competition is that you must drink as much beer as possible in one minute. But you won’t drink it normally, but through a straw. Open your bottles and I'll start the timer. Spectators, you can cheer loudly for your friends by shouting their names. Let the whole neighborhood hear how much fun we have here.”

Presenter: “Time is up. Now I have to take a ruler to determine which of you is the real man. I will use a ruler to measure the amount of beer remaining in the bottles. I see that thirst tormented each of you, because there was almost nothing left in the flasks. But the winner is clearly visible in the belly. I think the man with the biggest belly is the winner! Moreover, he has the least amount of beer left! Applause to the winner!

Now I suggest you get what you came here for. Namely:

Go to the steam room and steam your bones,

Dive into the pool and swim there with all your heart.

And then start having fun again

And eat beer with chips and salty cookies.

Everyone is heading to the steam room.”

Host: “I see you liked the beer competition, so I propose to organize another similar competition. I invite two people to participate.”

The presenter places bottles of beer in front of each player, each with a long straw. The bottles are placed on the floor and participants must empty the contents of the bottles without using their hands. The first one to complete the task wins. The winner is given a medal with an award for the highest rate of beer consumed.

You can also organize a competition for men to see who can make the best broom, after giving them some twigs. Then they will use these brooms when visiting the steam room.

Such a holiday will be remembered for a long time, the most important thing is that this is an extraordinary idea for holding such a celebration.

Sauna songs to create an atmosphere

In order to diversify a private corporate event in a sauna, you need to prepare not only competitions, but also songs about the sauna. For example:

Song to the tune of “Three White Horses”

Today we will warm ourselves up,

Nice park and beer.

This means we'll go to the steam room,

And we will celebrate the holiday together there in a crowd.

Let's warm up our bodies and cleanse our hearts,

Let's go to the bathhouse with you.

Let's heat the steam room and take brooms,

Then the crowd went to the pool.

This version of the song can be offered to all participants of the event. Another good idea would be:

Song to the tune of "Little Christmas Tree"

Our company is cold in winter,

We took slippers, we'll go to the bathhouse.

There we will go into the steam room and go with a broom,

Let's warm up the bones and sing songs.

How much fun surrounds us,

We are having a great time in the bathhouse now.

Such songs can dispel sadness and give the desired atmosphere during the event. New Year's corporate party in the bath.

What details may be needed

To ensure that all competitions are available, you should bring the following details with you:

  • Game "Twister".
  • Towels.
  • Washcloths.
  • Beer.
  • Brooms.
  • Small souvenirs.

These are the details for standard competitions. Or you can spend an unusual time using improvised means that will help organize fun relay races.

What needs to be taken into account in such a corporate event

Sauna - quite unusual place for a corporate event. If in a restaurant all dishes and drinks are served by waiters, then you need to prepare a trip to the sauna yourself. Namely, buy everything necessary products, beverages. Although, if you wish, you can order mobile waiters who will make this fate easier.

How to make an event memorable

Of course, every holiday is memorable in itself. But in order for every single participant in the event to never forget such an unusual New Year celebration, you need to try. You don’t need to put in a lot of effort to do this, the most important thing is:

  • Appoint someone responsible for taking photographs. After all, bright pictures will remind you of the holiday even after many years.
  • If the presenter is not hired, but someone from the company is selected as a toastmaster, then this person must think through the program so that no one gets bored.

A holiday like a corporate party in a sauna will undoubtedly be remembered by everyone. And if you think through everything down to the smallest detail, the event will turn out to be unforgettable.

A trip to the sauna is a great opportunity to relax with a large group. Have you decided to celebrate a birthday, hold a bachelor or bachelorette party, a reunion of classmates or a corporate party, organize a holiday for clients or partners, or maybe you have another reason to bring a lot of people together? In this case best place You can't find anything better than a sauna.

Many people believe that a sauna or bathhouse is a place where you can only wash yourself and take a break from ordinary affairs. In fact, a modern sauna is a real club, offering a full range of services for an interesting and fulfilling relaxation. A bath complex may include not only the obligatory steam rooms and swimming pools. Many of the saunas presented on the website portal have restaurants, bars, banquet halls, where you can spend the beginning of the celebration and taste Russian, European or Caucasian cuisine. Billiards, home cinema, table tennis, karaoke, strip show or disco on a specially equipped dance floor will be an excellent continuation of the party. And of course, the bathhouse itself, which includes spacious steam rooms, plunge pools and deep pools that can accommodate everyone. But that’s not all – the services of professional bathhouse attendants and massage therapists, SPA therapy, and a wide selection of healing procedures will help you completely relax and recuperate. And for exotic lovers, some saunas even offer tea ceremonies.

Having rented a sauna, you won’t have to complain that guests are cramped and bored. The bath complexes presented in this section of the site are planned and decorated so that even large quantities people all felt free and could find pleasure to suit their taste. In addition, if you do not have time to prepare, the administration of the complex will take over the organization of the event.

A cozy atmosphere and a large selection of entertainment make the sauna ideal place to celebrate any event. Only here can you provide an environment conducive to complete relaxation, allowing you to forget about current affairs and have a great time with friends, colleagues, classmates or clients. And the convenient location near metro stations and the availability of parking are another argument in favor of holding a party in the bathhouse complex.

For large groups, you can find a sauna in almost any area of ​​the capital - both in the center and on the outskirts. Kurskaya, Prospekt Mira, Rimskaya, Yugo-Zapadnaya, Rechnoy Vokzal, Bibirevo - this is just a small list of metro stations where complexes accommodating more than 10 people are located. And near the Park Pobedy metro station there is a sauna club that can easily accommodate up to 60 people.

An event with a large number of guests usually lasts several hours, so holding it in a sauna is also cost-effective. In addition, you can choose a bathhouse in a wide price range - from 700 to 8000 rubles per hour, and for large companies renting the complex for several hours, very serious discounts are usually offered. And if you rent a sauna for the whole night, you can get even greater savings. The administration provides an individual discount to regular customers.

For clients who prefer special comfort, the portal offers to choose a VIP sauna or a bath club, for example, VIP level saunas near the Prospekt Mira metro station or close Kutuzovsky Prospekt, in Bolshoy Koptevsky Proezd or on 1812 Street near the Fili metro station. They will provide you and your friends with a complete and safe holiday, offering elite drinks, cigars and other services at the highest level.

The portal site will help you find a vacation spot that best suits the occasion for the meeting and your wishes. Convenient filters, photographs, descriptions will help you make right choice, and contact numbers so you can immediately find out the details and place an order.

Choosing a sauna for big company on our website, you will not regret the time spent and you can be sure that your guests will be satisfied. After all, a good sauna is a pleasure for both body and soul.

Nowadays, there are many options for holding a bachelorette party. One of the most popular ideas is a bachelorette party in a sauna. Modern saunas, in addition to steam rooms and swimming pools, offer additional services, such as massage and serving barbecue. Therefore, this particular option is quite good and in demand.

Bachelorette party customs

During times ancient Rus' The bride and her friends always visited the bathhouse on the eve of the wedding. This event was extremely tragic. All evening the young woman cried because she had to give up her freedom. Her friends unraveled her braids and handed her ribbons younger sister or an unmarried friend. Fortunately, in our time, bachelorette parties are of a completely different nature. Fun is the priority.

Bachelorette party ideas

For those who do not want to turn their last evening of single life into banal get-togethers, theme parties are suitable. The following options are suitable for a sauna:

  • Bachelorette party in Hawaiian style. Organizers will need to worry about decorations in advance. As accessories you can use garlands of flowers, bowls of sand, various shells and others. It is important to warn guests in advance so that everyone looks appropriate. In this case, it is appropriate for girls to wear bright swimsuits and pareos.

  • Russian bath. This option represents a combination of traditions and reality. Girls traditionally wear long shirts and wear a wreath on their fluffy hair. It is worth decorating a sauna or bathhouse with wildflowers and candles. At this party, instead of competitions, various fortune telling is often held.

  • Spa party. The sauna is just the place where you can take care of your skin and hair. At such an event, the bride and girls will have an excellent opportunity to get themselves in order before the upcoming wedding.

What kind of entertainment can be used in the sauna?

Many will say that there is nothing to do in the sauna except steam and swim in the pool. But that's not true. Modern baths are equipped with music and even karaoke. Consequently, there is a huge opportunity to hold a variety of games and competitions. To relax you can:

  • invite professional massage therapists or bathhouse attendants to the holiday;
  • organize a fun disco;
  • sing karaoke songs;
  • invite a professional bartender who will delight you all evening with his delicious cocktails;
  • Call a stripper to your bachelorette party, but this needs to be agreed upon with the bride in advance.

Original competitions and games

To make the holiday fun and memorable for a long time, many recommend diluting it with competitions and games. Among the most popular are:

  1. Find yourself the perfect guy. To carry it out you will need magazine clippings with images of handsome guys, whatman paper and glue. Photos of guys are cut and mixed. The bride’s task is to assemble a portrait of an ideal man from parts.
  2. Sheet. Girls need to use pins and a sheet to create an elegant outfit and walk along a conventional catwalk. The one with the loudest applause wins.
  3. Farewell to free life. To run this competition you will need Balloons(preferably gley) and a marker. On the balloons you need to write everything that you wanted to leave in past life. Then release them into the sky. It would be a good idea to hold this competition at the end of the evening.
  4. Best kiss. To carry out you need a picture with an image handsome man, lipstick and a scarf. The task is this: blindfolded, you need to kiss the guy and try to hit him on the lips. The girl who does it best wins.
  5. Game "Touch". The bride is blindfolded. The task is to recognize by touch what fruit or vegetable is in her hand. For fun, you can adjust other similar shaped objects.
  6. What men love. It is carried out according to the principle of the famous city game. The presenter calls the first statement, the second girl must say a word that begins with last letter the previous word. For example: car - pineapple - sex - striptease and so on.
  7. The best dance number. The girl must dance the dance after pulling out a card from the hat with an attribute written on it (umbrella, hat, broom, etc.).

Rules for organizing a bachelorette party in a sauna

To make the holiday a success, you should follow these tips:

  1. No men in the sauna except for the masseur or waiter.
  2. It is important to book the venue in advance and arrange for food delivery.
  3. Some aspects of the scenario must be discussed with the bride, for example, a stripper.
  4. You should only invite close friends to your bachelorette party.

The success of the upcoming bachelorette party depends entirely on proper organization. There are many options for this; the main thing is to decide on the style of the party.