In 2012 in small village Holy Father Alexy died in Alekseevo-Druzhkovka, Donetsk region. He was not only a good man and a clergyman, but he also knew how to do something that others cannot - see the future. Before his death, Father Alexy said:

“In two years, a war will begin in Ukraine, our village will not be affected by the war, we will have to endure hunger and cold, and after that we will live very well.”

No one asked the priest when the war in Donbass would end, since the very idea of ​​a war in Ukraine seemed absurd and implausible.

But today for Ukraine, and for many other countries, this issue is one of the most pressing. In 2014 fighting moved from Slavyansk and Kramatorsk to Donetsk and Lugansk, without affecting several small settlements, including Alekseevo-Druzhkovka. It is obvious that Father Alexy was really able to foresee the course of future events. But, unfortunately, the end date of the war remained unknown.

If you turn to the predictions of other clairvoyants, you will find that the predictions of some of them coincide, while others, on the contrary, are radically different. For example, some psychics predict the end of the war for 2019, and some of them - for the end of 2017. There are also clairvoyants who see a global apocalypse in the near future.

In order to lift the veil of the unknown at least a little, you can try to analyze the prophecies of several clairvoyants at once. Thus, based on the available matches, we will learn as much as possible the exact date end of the armed conflict. So, when the war in Donetsk will end - clairvoyant predictions.

Mikhail Levin is a famous astrologer who founded the Moscow Academy of Astrology.

  • Mikhail foresees that military operations in the Donbass will last for at least another 60 years. During this time, Ukraine will experience many coups d'etat and will stop growing sunflowers and other agricultural crops.
  • Ukrainian fields, according to Levin, will be completely empty.
  • European countries will be involved in the production of vegetable oil and dairy products, and Ukraine will have to buy these products three times more expensive than before.

Sergey Shevtsov

Forecaster Sergei Shevtsov believes that the war in Ukraine will end in 2019.

  • Sergei also noted that there will be no economic stability in the country due to constant coups d'etat and changes in political direction.
  • Ukrainian rulers will alternately focus their policies on Western countries, then to Russia.

Alena Zelibora

According to the predictions of psychic Alena Zelibora:

  • At the end of 2017, Ukraine will face a coup d'état caused by unaffordable prices for public utilities and food.
  • Alena foresees an attempt to overthrow Petro Poroshenko, which will ultimately be unsuccessful.
  • In 2018, there will be a new government in the country, which will give the people a promise to improve relations with the neighboring country - Russia. The war will temporarily stop.
  • Although new government will manage to gain popularity among residents of the DPR and LPR, the young republics will still refuse to return to Ukraine. Nevertheless, Ukraine will be able to establish trade relations with these republics. However, they will not last long - soon a new coup will be carried out, during which power will again be in the hands of leaders seeking to set foot in the European Union. These events will lead to the resumption of hostilities in Donbass.
  • According to Alena Zelibora, the war in Ukraine will last several decades.


A famous fortuneteller who lived in Bulgaria made a lot of predictions regarding events taking place in different countries. Most of them turned out to be very accurate. For example, a blind seer predicted the disaster that occurred in the Ukrainian city of Chernobyl, and was also able to foresee the death of the Kursk submarine. The peculiarity of Vanga’s predictions is that the meaning of the words she said becomes clear only after the event she predicted has already occurred.

  • As for the conflict in Donbass, the seer mentioned back in the 90s that darkness, gunpowder, a cry, and, oddly enough, a rabbit awaited Ukraine. At the time, the meaning of this prediction seemed very unclear. Today, even a child can understand what kind of “rabbit”, “gunpowder” and “cry” we were talking about. Although, perhaps, the seer associated the “cry” with the cry proclaimed on the Maidan, and the word “gunpowder” can be understood in the literal sense: gunpowder is a weapon, shooting, war.
  • Vanga said that the culprit for starting the war in Ukraine would be a certain dwarf with a black face. People began to guess who this mysterious character was only in 2014.
  • The seer believed that Ukraine would lose several of its regions, including Crimea. From 2018, we should expect rapid developments, and the war will last until 2019.

Pavel Globa

The famous astrologer Globa predicted the collapse of Soviet Union, mentioned Putin as the future Russian President, and was also able to see the wreck of the ferry "Estonia". It is worth noting that some of Globa’s predictions turned out to be not entirely correct, and some did not come true at all.

However, Paul himself emphasizes that errors in astrological forecasts- this is a normal and completely natural phenomenon.

  • As for the conflict in Donbass, the astrologer predicted the disintegration of Ukraine into several parts back in 2013. One of them will leave the subordination of Kyiv, but it will not be able to join Russia, while the other will become part of the Russian Federation.
  • The young Donbass republics face a very difficult future, which is reminiscent of the scenario that happened in Transnistria.
  • Globa also noted that 2014 will mark the beginning of the third world war.
  • Settle conflict situation in the Donbass, a new Ukrainian leader who will have strong support from the people will succeed. After he comes to power, the situation in the country will normalize, and Ukraine will be able to reach the same level as Poland and other rapidly developing countries.
  • Thanks to the very tough character of the new leader in Ukraine, it will be possible to eradicate corruption, which will have a positive impact on the further development of events.
  • However, such a leader will not appear in the country soon, so in the near future Ukraine will face instability and a difficult political and economic situation.

By the way, Glob’s economic prosperity portends not only for Ukraine, but also for Russia. However, this will happen no earlier than after 2023.

Predictions of Ulyana Kosheva

Ulyana Koshevaya lived in the Lugansk region, and with the advent of the war she left for the Poltava region. In 2015, the woman turned 104 years old. But, despite such an advanced age, Ulyana enjoys respect and popularity among her neighbors. The fact is that she has the gift of foresight and knows how to heal diseases. Despite being almost completely blind, Grandma can see what others ordinary people, they can’t see.

Prophetic visions come to Ulyana in her dreams. Most often, prophetic dreams occur at the beginning of each year - they show what it will be like.

A year before the start of the war, my grandmother began to dream of soldiers, shed blood and battles. Already living in the Poltava region, fields sown with rye and a peaceful, calm sky began to appear in her dreams.

When asked when the war in Donbass will end, Ulyana replies that very soon - at the end of 2017-beginning of 2018.

Alexander Zarev

Famous astrologer Alexander Zarev suggests that the war in Donbass may end in 2018.

Interestingly, Zarev’s predictions for 2018 for both Ukraine and Russia are very similar.

  • So, in both states next year the government may change.
  • It is these events that will lead to the fact that countries will begin to conduct peace negotiations among themselves, which will end in reconciliation.
  • The astrologer sees economic growth in both Russia and Ukraine, which will be preceded by many government reforms aimed at improving life.
  • Zarev predicts economic growth for most other countries as well.

Sergey Shevtsov

According to psychic and parapsychologist Sergei Shevtsov-Lang, the cause of the war in Donbass was Uranus, which is in Aries, and Uranus is ruled by Mars. Such an arrangement of planets always leads to destruction, conflicts, famine and misfortune.

  • Ukraine will remain under the fire until 2019, after which the situation will gradually normalize.
  • When the war ends, Ukraine will experience a significant increase in the standard of living of the population.
  • The new young republics will again become part of Ukraine, although the model of their new governance will now resemble the former Crimean autonomy.
  • As for Crimea, the peninsula will never become Ukrainian.

Seryozha Vertinsky

Currently, Seryozha Vertinsky is 10 years old. The boy lives in Crimea and suffers from autism. Serezha’s mother, and all the people around him, claim that he is an unusual child. Sometimes a boy predicts upcoming events, which subsequently come true. At first, the parents did not pay attention to the baby’s words, but gradually they began to understand that their son had the gift of clairvoyance.

A year before the events in Crimea and its annexation to the Russian Federation, the boy said: “We will soon become Russia.” Later, the kid began to talk about the bloody events that were about to happen in Kyiv, on the Maidan. And recently Seryozha spoke again - the boy foresees the imminent end of the war - in the summer of 2018.

The Odessa elder Jonah many times accurately predicted future events that were about to happen in Ukraine.

Jonah Gnatenko accurately indicated the date of the start of the conflict in the south-east of Ukraine, and before his death he spoke about the future that awaits the country - the end of the military confrontation will be at the end of 2018.

  • When asked whether a third world war awaits us, the elder replied that this war will not happen. And most countries, including Ukraine and Russia, will live in abundance and prosperity.
  • Regarding the future of the United States, the elder said that the great power would have to endure a terrible default, but America would quickly overcome the current situation and stabilize the economic situation.
  • As for America's relations with Russia and Ukraine, in the future these states will cooperate as equal partners. However, this will happen only after the rulers change in the Slavic states.
  • The elder also made a prediction about Novorossiya: when asked how the current conflict would end, Jonah replied that the young state would face difficult times. Despite the end of the war and the stabilization of the situation in the world, Novorossiya will not receive official status and will not be recognized by the world as a full-fledged state.

Vlad Ross

Astrologer Vlad Ross accurately predicted the resignation of Yatsenyuk, the departure of Yanukovych, the signing of a visa-free regime, and many others important events that occurred during last years in Ukraine.

  • Ross argues that after 2017, Ukraine will begin to gradually improve its economic situation.
  • By 2023, when the symbol of wealth, Pluto, enters Aquarius, Ukrainians will become as wealthy as the Czechs, Poles and residents of other developed countries of Eastern Europe. Ross predicts the same economic stability for residents of the neighboring state - Russia. The war in Donbass will end in 2019.
  • According to the astrologer, the cause of the armed conflict was the passage of Pluto across the ascendant of Ukraine. But the complete departure of the planet from the Ukrainian ascendant will occur precisely after 2019.
  • Russia and Ukraine will again become equal partners. And after 2021-2024, the Ukrainian government will begin negotiations on joining the European Union. In 2025, good money will begin to be invested in Ukraine, and Ukrainians who left the country will soon return to their homeland.
  • When Pluto enters Aquarius, a very favorable period will begin for Ukraine to improve the economy, improve the standard of living of the people, develop business and gain recognition in the international arena.

If the course of events does not go according to the scenario of Mikhail Levin and other predictors, who foreshadow a long and protracted conflict, then we can hope for a quick end to the war in Ukraine.

War in Donbass

Not stability modern world, threats of collapse of world economies, local wars, which threaten to develop into global, increasingly destructive natural disasters are forcing an increasing number of people to turn to predicting the future made famous astrologers and predictors.

For us, the most interesting are the predictions that relate to events in Ukraine, and more specifically the war in Donbass. Having begun with a peaceful protest of students at the end of 2013, the conflict quickly escalated into a violent confrontation between the authorities and the protesters. Burning tires and Molotov cocktails led to the use of firearms.

The subsequent displacement of Yanukovych and the rise to power of politicians, with the help of radical nationalists, led the country to the loss of some territories and a bloody war with the direct participation of Russia. Already at the beginning of 2014, people with fear and hope began to search the Internet for predictions about the fate of Ukraine, Russia, Crimea and Donbass.

Let's try to identify the main questions to which we are looking for answers:

    When will the war in Donbass end?

    When will the territory of Donbass return to Ukraine?

    When will Crimea return to Ukraine?

    When will the era of prosperity come to Ukraine?

Pavel Globa predicts a transition to a frozen state of the conflict in Donbass

For all these questions we find completely different predictions and prophecies that are not similar to each other. Let's compare the predictions of the future about Donbass by Russian and Ukrainian astrologers. Famous Russian astrologer Pavel Globa made sensational predictions in 2009, in his interview with the Argumenty i Fakty newspaper, for 2014, in which, although he did not show 100% success, he identified the main trends in the development of the situation in the world. Here is the removal of Yanukovych, the split of Ukraine into three parts and multiple world crises.

Of course, as is the tendency of many predictors living in the Russian Federation, this is a fantastic rise of Russia. Pavel Globa’s latest prediction talks more specifically about when the war in Donbass will end. This is a transition to a frozen state of conflict, until the arrival of a strong leader who will be able to resolve this conflict.

Donbass will remain, albeit not part of Russia, but with a government very close to Russia, somewhere related to Transnistria. Pavel Globa also expects the arrival of more pro-Russian governments in Ukraine, which will be able to maintain a balance between Russia and the West. Ukrainian astrologers, in turn, predict the future: Ukraine will win in this conflict.

Julia Wang predicts the end of the war in Donbass in 2017

This is how the winner of the TV show “Battle of Psychics” Julia Wang makes predictions about the end of the war in Donbass. The war will end by 2017, Donbass will remain part of Ukraine, but with a special status. A very interesting point is the predictions nuclear strike on the problematic territories of Donbass from Russia.

Another famous Ukrainian astrologer from Kharkov, Elena Maksimova, when asked when the war in Donbass will end, makes a new prediction: in 2017 there will be a final failure in the economy, after which Ukraine will experience a smooth transition to a state of economic growth. During this period, Ukraine will be able to regain not only the eastern regions, but even Crimea. As for hostilities, the conflict in Donbass will be frozen until its completion by the summer of 2017.

As we see, modern psychics are often influenced by the general politics of their country. As they say: “Every sandpiper praises his swamp.” In this regard, we are interested in the predictions made by seers of past years.

When will the war end in Donbass according to Vanga

Famous Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga(Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova), who lived in the last century, gained worldwide fame thanks to her clairvoyant gift. Having been blind since childhood, she saw this world much more clearly than many sighted people. People turned to her for help not only simple people, but also many the mighty of the world this. Among Vanga’s many predictions, there are predictions about Ukraine. In these predictions, one must make allowance for the fact that Vanga was a poor, uneducated peasant woman.

Vanga assumed that the war would end after the current leaders of both Russia and Ukraine replaced themselves.

Although Vanga had a good understanding of diseases and the destinies of individual people, she had little understanding of the modern world order. Another aspect is that during the years of Vanga’s life, she did not know such a state as Ukraine. Searching bit by bit, different researchers of Vanga’s life interpret her predictions differently.

Vanga’s words about the fate of the Crimean peninsula were taken literally for many years and caused distrust among many. The erosion of the isthmus connecting the peninsula with mainland Ukraine was more attributed to the prediction of a natural disaster than to political storms. Now we are convinced that yes, the isthmus is washed out.

Railway communications have been stopped, there is no water supply to the peninsula, which helped irrigate agricultural land, and the supply of electricity and food has stopped. Why not an island? After the completion of the bridge across Kerch Strait, providing Crimea with everything necessary, one can only hope for a miracle predicted by Ukrainian astrologers, for the return of Crimea to the jurisdiction of Ukraine.

Vanga did not forget to make predictions about the war in Donbass and its end. An increase in aggression and intolerance in society, according to Vanga, will cause a fratricidal conflict, where brother will go against brother, mothers will forget about their children. A fire will break out in the east, grinding the entire country into powder. It can be assumed that the Sagittarius man who started the war in Donbass (just or criminal - as you like) is none other than Igor Ivanovich Strelkov (Girkin).

Like many modern predictors, Vanga assumed that the war would end after a change in the current leaders of both Russia and Ukraine. Only tolerance and understanding that we are all fraternal peoples will contribute to the peace and well-being of our states, and will hasten the day when the war in Eastern Ukraine will end. The time of the end of the conflict, though not so rosy, but not apocalyptic either. Everything should get better by 2030.

Elder Schema-Archimandrite Jonah (Jonah of Odessa) predicted that the war in Donbass will end in 2016

The elders' predictions confirm Vanga's words

One of the last elders who predicted the war in Donbass and its end was the great elder Schema-Archimandrite Jonah (Jonah of Odessa). Having lived a long and righteous life (born 1925 and died in December 2012), his latest predictions was about the beginning of a great bloody conflict in Ukraine a year after this death, and about the three subsequent Easters.

The first Easter will be bloody, the second will be hungry, the third will come with victory. With the victory of Russia. We can say with certainty that the predictions about the first two Easters came true, but it is too early to talk about the third. The only thing that is clear with great certainty is that, according to the elder’s prediction, the conflict will end in 2016.

Another great authority in Orthodox world are Athonite elders, living on sacred mountain Athos. Answering numerous questions from believers about the end of the war in Donbass, the elders constantly repeat that Ukraine is going through difficult, but extremely necessary times for the formation of a strong state.

According to the elders, Ukrainians will be helped along this path by the Orthodox faith, which should unite people within the country, give consolation and hope for restoration to all the disadvantaged. Only with Orthodox faith It will be possible to build fraternal relationships and try on warring nations with each other.

Today, the age of information accessibility, everyone already knows what esotericism is, master classes are held in this area, and mass interest is generated in the side of life that is hidden from the average person.

People always want to know what will happen to them in the future, to the state in which they live and about developments in world events. That's why we turn to magicians, witches, and psychics. Some make money from this fraudulently, others really see the future. You can increasingly hear that there will soon be a Third World War, and when the recent events in Donbass began to unfold, everyone thought that the time had come.

Many astrologers spoke on this issue, and often their opinions coincided. But does anyone know when peace will come? Almost everything I said came true. Events concerning Ukraine are the most interesting and relevant for us now.

Vanga's predictions

A world-famous soothsayer, she foresaw many events that came true in the world. According to her, 2014 became the starting point in resolving the conflict. She saw what would happen on Ukrainian soil, and what horror the people would have to endure. Literally, the clairvoyant said this: “When Ukraine falls, Russia will perk up.” What is actually happening, despite external attacks from the United States and European countries in the form of sanctions, Russia is now going through not the worst of times.

Vanga said that Ukraine would completely collapse as a country before 2020, but in her predictions there was not a word about the formation of two separate states - the DPR and the LPR. Vanga practically did not name specific dates, so many perceived her visions with skepticism. Although there will always be people who believe in clairvoyants and who do not. However, by listening to astrologers, some destructive events could have been prevented.

Vanga predictions and prophecies about Donbass- message for 2015 in brief:

  • Donbass, under severe pressure, will turn into an independent unit of government and will be connected with Russia and Ukraine.
  • The war that began in 2014 will not end in 2015, a new wave of bloodshed will come and Russia will have no choice but to use its forces to protect the Donbass people.

Political scientists and historians can also compare all the facts and predict the situation based on past experience. Therefore, you don’t need to be a predictor to “feel out” the events of 2015. Despite the fact that Vaga’s prophecies are closely intertwined with the conclusions of experts, she and many other clairvoyants refused to work for the state, because the interests of the people are paramount to them. For the most part, the soothsayer's predictions for 2015 came true. And, if something has not yet come true, perhaps she mixed up the year, or some kind of catastrophe was avoided. As a result, although Donbass will not become part of Russia, relations between the states will be very close.

The modern world is completely devoid of stability, political, economic, and fear of war is in the air. All this leads to destructive natural disasters and people increasingly began to turn to astrologers and predictors in order to somehow clarify the situation, to find out what awaits in the future.

The prophecy of this Athonite elder was remembered quite recently, when the Russian SU-24 airliner was shot down in the skies over Turkey. This Greek monk, who has gained respect throughout the world, has long foreshadowed a military confrontation between Russia and Turkey. Therefore, it is no coincidence that Paisius Athossky’s predictions about Russia 2018 are now of interest to many people in our country.

In fact, this Athonite elder predicted more than one event concerning our state, which has already come true:

A little history

Paisiy was born on July 25, 1924 in Greece. After graduating from school, he, like an ordinary guy, went to serve in the army. In 1950, he became interested in religion and went to the Kutlumush Monastery. Here he lived almost his entire life, engaged in religious practice. In May 1978, the monk moved to the Athonite cell, where he began to receive a huge number of people. He died near Thessaloniki in 1994. Orthodox Christians all over the world continue to come to the grave of this famous elder, which is located in the Theological Monastery. In 2015, the Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate canonized Paisius the Holy Mountain. At the same time, the reverend monk was included in the calendar of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Terrible predictions for Russia

The elder's prophecy regarding the Middle East looks quite frightening. With his words, he did not try to intimidate anyone, but only indicated what consequences await humanity that has forgotten God. The immorality of people, the cynicism of politicians and the selfishness of the West will lead to unprecedented bloodshed in the East. His prophecy literally goes like this:

“When the Turks block the Euphrates, wait for the arrival of an army of two hundred million at sunrise.”

Until recently, these words seemed like fiction. Today, the predictions of Paisius of Athos are already coming true. Turkey is indeed building a dam on the Euphrates River, and its commissioning is scheduled for 2018. According to a further prediction that Svyatogorets made back in the nineties of the last century, between Russia and Turkey there will be terrible war. As a result of this confrontation between Christians and Muslims, a third of the Turks will convert to Christianity, another third of the Turkish population will die, and the rest will be forced to leave their homeland. Back in 1991, Paisius mentioned the fall of Constantinople and the destruction of the Turkish state. The bloodshed will be so large-scale that three-year-old bulls will “swim” in a sea of ​​blood. Schemamonk said the following verbatim about these events:

“During the battle, the Mosque of Omar will be destroyed, which will be the beginning of the restoration of Solomon’s Temple. China's army of two hundred million will cross the Euphrates and come to Jerusalem."

Western European countries will also take part in the war, but they will oppose Russia. Constantinople will be handed over to the rightful owner of this city - Greece, although it will not fight.

The events of recent times indicate that the elder’s words are already coming true. The Russian Federation is already at war in Syria with Islamic State. Türkiye is also indirectly present in this conflict. The situation in this country is quite tense and it is unclear what it will lead to, especially after the strengthening of the power of leader R. Erdogan after the attempted military coup. Western countries, Israel and the United States also do not remain aloof from the flaring fire of war. Everything suggests that the Third World War may begin in this region. World War. Soon a new redistribution of the world will begin.

What awaits Russia in the future?

The Athonite elder predicted that Russia would become the leader in the defense of Orthodoxy and the Russian-speaking population. He is echoed by other elders of Athos, who claimed the beginning of a new era. In this new time in the territory Russian Federation a new leader must emerge, sent by God to save the world from destruction.

Other predictors of the world also spoke about the appearance of the savior of mankind, such as:

  • Nostradamus;
  • Edgar Cayce;
  • Vanga.

Approximately identical forecasts regarding the emergence of a new world leader can be explained quite simply. To obtain the necessary information, the media use various practices:

  1. prayer;
  2. meditation;
  3. immersion in trance.

Thus, a slowdown in human brain oscillations is achieved, and he gains access to the Earth’s Noosphere. In a state of altered consciousness, various information comes to him from the information field depending on the request.

It is also worth noting that almost all the Athonite elders, speaking about the new leader, mentioned joint prayer and repentance. That is, we all must admit to the collective unconscious (God) that we are not able to find a worthy leader and ask him to be revealed from above. It is necessary that a psychologically significant image understand our request and give the new ruler the strength to restore order throughout the world.

Athonite elders about Ukraine

At one time, Paisius of Athos spoke about the confrontation between two fraternal peoples. He also mentioned attacks in Ukraine on the Russian Orthodox Church.

Many monks from Mount Athos also predicted the development of events in Ukraine. They warned this country about the dangers of its choice. So Elder Parfeniy did not stop talking about insincerity European Union. He argued that Ukraine would plunge into crisis and the situation would be much worse than in Greece. The hardworking and sincere Ukrainian people are alien to the sins of Sodom, which are legalized in Europe.

Elder Tikhon, who lived in the Trinity Monastery fifty years ago, predicted a conflict in Ukraine. The cause of the war, in his opinion, will be overseas forces. Those who unleashed the bloodshed in Ukraine will ultimately be the losers. Soon there will be a renewal of power in Russia and the conflict in Donbass will end quickly.

The Greek elders are confident that Ukraine will cope with all problems and get out of this situation if it builds its future together with its Slavic brothers - the Russian and Belarusian peoples.


The seer Father Zosima (Sokur), revered by believers, the founder of the Holy Dormition St. Nicholas Monastery in the Volnovakha district of the Donetsk region, reposed in 2002. And his prophecies surprisingly accurately convey the essence of the current situation in Ukraine. Schema-Archimandrite.

Zosima enjoyed unquestioned authority in the Donbass. Actually, not only in Donbass. Believers knew and revered the ascetic far beyond the region, from Moscow to Mount Athos, from Jerusalem to Kyiv. The elder enjoyed the special favor of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Kirill.

The parishioners revered Father Zosima both during his lifetime and after his departure to another world (by the way, he accurately predicted the day of his death and was buried on the territory of the monastery he founded) as a saint. Although he is not canonized.

People came to Father Zosima for advice, spiritual support, and blessing. His sermons enjoyed enormous popularity. Of course, the insightful words of the schema-archimandrite occupied a special place. After all, such a gift is rarely given to anyone.

Here, for example, is how Father Zosima predicted the upcoming war, which has been shaking the Donbass for the fifth year:

“The wrath of God - war - is approaching rapidly, and we are not going anywhere,” he said, “No matter how much we shout about peace... We ourselves are already bringing the wrath of God closer. This fiery cup of God’s wrath will fall on our heads, there will be trouble.”*

Isn’t this a reliable description, but only in the format of a sermon, of what news agencies bring us daily from Ukrainian territories?

“And soon the time will come, there will be more criminals than us, even more or less normal people.”

“Times are hard, don’t hope for the best. The future generation is even worse: everyone has glass eyes, weapons are everywhere. He can shoot at you at any moment for fun. Such an evil time is now coming, the world lies in grave evil. The struggle of the Antichrist is already approaching and there is terrible corruption and decline in morals in our society, which is what we see.”

Many people remembered Elder Zosima today in connection with the events in Istanbul. Consequences of the actions of an excommunicated layman Denisenko(also known as Filaret) and, more than aspirations, the Patriarch of Constantinople warmed him Bartholomew a seer from Donbass saw this:

“What an allowance there will be! The same Gethsemane will happen again in our country soon, it is already being prepared. Betrayal of the Church, betrayal of the Motherland, betrayal of all that is holy.”

“The autocephalists will drive us out, somewhere the Lord will give us shelter. Prison awaits us all. They’ll give you a shelf there somehow, and that’s all, “never renounce prison and scrip” - that’s what the people say, like that.”

“Western crests will twist and turn against the holy Orthodox faith. Well, I need to go to jail. You won't be a priest if you don't go to prison. And you need to prepare for this, and for the path of confession. Well, as God willing. It's better to avoid it. But don’t renounce prison and scrip at all. God is all around us—both in prisons and wherever we are—God is all around us. And with God, nothing in life is ever scary.”

However, the schema-archimandrite knew for sure that there was a force capable of resisting the darkness that had overwhelmed Ukraine.

“Monasticism will stand as an army against the Antichrist until the end of the age. How many more venerable martyrs will there be monks, how many more ascetic monks will there be who will stand up courageously when everyone bows to the Antichrist.”

“We stand in the temple of God, and the Lord has already prepared for us the crown of martyrdom. And some of us will have to suffer, and shed blood, and innocent, grievous suffering - Golgotha, in order, through this, having been cleansed of sins, to reach the Kingdom of Heaven, to reach eternity.”

“The most terrible thing for the Antichrist will be monasticism and monastic clothing. The Antichrist will be afraid of this apostle and the monastic mantle. Although he will torment the monks severely, he will not be able to defeat them.”

Of course, Father Zosima made terrible prophecies, but he also gave us faith, firmly indicated on whose side the truth was and who would ultimately have victory.

“So the spirit of Rus' is mighty, always invincible!.. The Russian bear sleeps and sleeps, suffers and suffers, but as soon as he wakes up, as soon as he takes this shaggy club in his paw, as soon as he unwinds, then all of Masonic Europe will fly away from this club real, Russian, holy."

“And now, in our time, the beating all begins from Kyiv - the mother of Russian cities, from the cradle. And from there this drum will roll across the entire Russian land, it will not pass Russia or anything, there will be a frenzy all around. But Russia will stand, and there will be very great grace there; even the forces of hell and the Antichrist will not overcome the Russian Orthodox Church.”

“The holy elders said: “Orthodoxy will be preserved in purity only in the Russian Orthodox Church. The rest will all leave, they will all fall into demonic delusion, and the Russian Orthodox Church will preserve the purity of faith until the coming of the Antichrist”... This is the last day of the Antichrist. The lamps of true faith will burn in Rus'. And neither demonic deception, nor persecution, nor any other satanic tricks will extinguish them. The lamps will burn on the holy Russian land.”

* All quotations are based on collections of sermons by Schema-Archimandrite Zosima (Sokur), prepared in different years Publishing house of the Sretensky Monastery.