A work book is a document reflecting history. labor activity employee and is the source for calculating length of service. It must be made on a standard form and correspond to the established template.

1.1. How to fill out a new work book?

A new document is issued to citizens who have not previously work book, when applying for a job. Filling occurs in their presence. By law, a new work book must be opened within seven days from the date of employment if the worker has worked in your organization for more than five days. An amount equal to the cost of the work book form is withheld from the employee. It is not recommended to exchange old books for new ones.

1.2. How, with what ink, what pen should I fill out a work book?

The recording is made carefully, without any kind of abbreviations. The words “disposition”, “order”, “translated” and the like are written in full. To indicate dates, characteristics expressed in numerical value, only Arabic numerals are used. The format for recording the date of hiring, dismissal and other actions is 04/08/2012 (example).

Fountain, gel, and ballpoint (rollerball) pens are suitable for writing. What ink should I use to fill out a work book? – Paste, gel, ink must be waterproof, fade-resistant, recommended colors are blue, black or dark purple.

1.3. Who should fill out the work book?

The employer is responsible for filling out the work book. No entries are made independently. The official who maintains and stores the work books of employees at the enterprise is appointed by order of the director of the organization.

This may be the director himself, but most often the preparation of this document is the responsibility of the personnel department, and in the absence of one, the appointed accountant.

2. Sample of filling out a work book

For personnel services, the registration, filling out, and storage of work books is regulated by the following decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation:

  • – No. 225 – “On work books” dated 04/16/2003;
  • – No. 51 – “Rules for maintaining and storing work books, producing work book forms and providing them to employers” dated 02/06/2004;
  • – No. 69 – “On approval of instructions for filling out work books” dated 10.10.2003.

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2.1. What is included in the work book?

The document contains information about the worker: full name, position, specialty, qualifications, information about the work he performs, records of transfer to another job or position within the organization, dismissal.

The document also reflects awards for success in work and increased qualifications. Information about part-time work is entered at the request of the employee on the basis of the documents submitted to the designer.

Information about penalties is not documented, except in cases where the violation was the reason for dismissal. Dismissal, that is, termination employment contract, must be justified in the work book.

VIDEO: Work book

2.2. What if the work book is filled out incorrectly?

Corrections are made locally former job or in a new place upon presentation of documents confirming the validity of this step.

The note must indicate when and who corrected it: full name, position, date, stamp, “corrected correctly.” To justify the correction, the new employer needs official document from your old place of work, confirming the mistake made.

A crossed out or incorrect entry after correction (a new entry) is not considered valid. The note also indicates the name of the document confirming the correction.

3.How to fill out a duplicate, work book insert?

3.1. Duplicate work book

The duplicate must fully correspond in actual content to the original.

Exceptions: incorrect entries, entries that caused the book to be replaced, entries that cannot be restored due to the lack of relevant documents.

On the title page of the new book an informational inscription is made - “Duplicate”, on the old one, if one has been preserved, - “Instead, a duplicate has been issued...” indicating the series and number of the new document.

A duplicate, that is, a repeated copy of the work book, is issued in the case of;

  • – its loss by an employee or employer;
  • – the presence of records declared invalid (including those about unlawful conviction);
  • – impossibility of its further use (dilapidation, damage)

3.2. Filling out the insert in the work book

If there is no more space for notes in the document, then the employer sews an insert sheet of the established form (No. 225) into it. For registration, you need a passport and documents certifying your education, qualifications, and employee.

The insert is not an independent document and is considered as part of the work record book. The document is stamped “Insert issued” in mandatory. The number and series of the insert are indicated.

4. How to fill out an individual entrepreneur’s work book?

Individual entrepreneurs are also required to prepare work books for all hired workers. Additions on the procedure for registering and maintaining work books for individual entrepreneurs are explained in the following document:

No. 5140-17 “Letter from the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation” dated August 30, 2006.

The registration and information entered, in general, correspond to the usual procedure for registering work books, with the exception of termination of employment contracts concluded before October 6, 2006, discussed in the above-mentioned document. But there are two important differences:

  • – Upon dismissal, an employee must read the entries in the work book made by the individual entrepreneur. The fact of reading is confirmed by a signature.
  • – If the individual entrepreneur does not have his own seal, then the entries in this document are not certified by it, and this does not serve as a basis for their invalidity.

Each employee, when enrolled in the staff of an enterprise or organization, is faced with such a procedure as drawing up a work book.

This document must reflect all the data about where, by whom and for how long the person worked. The registration of a work book first begins with its issuance by the employer. Then, at each subsequent enterprise (when changing jobs), the necessary entries are made in the document.

Structure and content of the work book

This document accompanies a person throughout his entire life. working life. Based on her records, we can draw a conclusion about the specialist’s education, skills and experience. In addition, the procedure for registering a work book involves posting information about awards, incentives or disciplinary sanctions, which were applied to the employee.

It should be noted that the maintenance of a work book is carried out only by an employee of the personnel department or by that employee of the enterprise who is assigned the corresponding functions. At the same time, the owner of the book must be notified of all new entries in the document.

How work books and forms for them are stored

The state issues special forms for maintaining labor records. They arrive at enterprises and are stored in compliance with a fairly strict order:

  • The storage location should be a fireproof cabinet.
  • The employer is obliged to ensure the safety and integrity of the forms. Therefore, the cabinet is locked with a key, and only employees who have the right to work with work books have access to it.
  • The issuance of forms is carried out with the parallel entry of appropriate entries into the reporting documentation.

Registration and issuance of the document

In accordance with the law Russian Federation, a person cannot buy work book forms himself. They are provided directly to companies or employers who have the status of an individual entrepreneur.

When an employee appears on the staff for whom this is the first place of work, the employer must take care of issuing him required document. Registration of a new work book is the responsibility of a personnel department employee (or other authorized person).

The procedure for recording work books

Actions performed by personnel department employees with blank forms and documents belonging to the employees of the enterprise are recorded in the receipt and expenditure book. It should indicate here who, to whom, and on what grounds the papers were transferred (if it is necessary to complete a work book, issue an insert, or need to accept them for storage). Inserts are additional pages for those work books that are completely filled out. Their conduct is subject to the same standards. In order for the insert to be recognized as a full-fledged part of the document, it must be sewn into the work book.

When preparing a book for recording data on the movement of labor and inserts for them, you should take care of its firmware and sealing.

Why apply for a work book?

A document confirming the experience and qualifications of the employee may have great importance already at the interview stage. Many employers prefer to study it in parallel with conducting an oral interview. Further, when a work book is completed, it reflects all significant changes accompanying the employee’s work activity:

  • Hiring for a specific position.
  • Transfer to another department.
  • Promotion or demotion.
  • Change of status (for example, transfer of a contract employee to work under an open-ended employment contract or inclusion of a part-time worker among permanent employees).
  • Awards and promotions.
  • Disciplinary sanctions that served as the basis for removal from office.
  • Dismissal.

There are types of work activities that may not be reflected in the work book (for example, performing some part-time jobs). The employee should know that he has the right to ask the manager to include this data in his document. The employer cannot refuse him this.

While the original work book is stored at the enterprise, it is not issued to the employee. However, a situation may arise when a person needs to confirm the fact of his employment or demonstrate a list of enterprises at which he worked. Then an extract from the document or its full copy can be created.

Correct registration of a work book gives a person the right to receive a pension certificate. When calculating pension payments, the insurance fund studies the information specified in the labor contract.

Among other things, information about a person’s place of work is needed to obtain a foreign passport. For some categories of employees, traveling abroad may be prohibited due to the risk of disclosing classified information.

Registration of a work book: rules and deadlines

Regardless of whether they are starting a new work book or making entries into an existing one, employers require certain documents from future employees:

  • Identity card (passport).
  • Certificate of education or diploma.
  • Certificates of courses taken (if any).
  • Military ID (for citizens liable for military service).
  • Marriage certificate (if the surname was changed as a result).

The period for issuing a work book when a person enters a job is limited by law. It is no more than five days from the moment the employee began performing his job duties.

If an employer violates this deadline, they should prepare for legal consequences. This is true for absolutely all workers, even those who have not reached the age of majority.

In accordance with the law, citizens can be employed from the age of 14. However, in this case they must provide the employer with a letter from their parents or guardian with permission to work.

Copies of work records

If the document is lost or damaged, the employee may demand that the employer issue a new one.

To do this, he should write an application for a work book. It indicates the reason for the absence of the document. It should be noted that the same statement serves as the basis for issuing a work permit at the person’s first place of work.

Reasons for entries

Drawing up a work book for the first time (a sample title page is located below) includes filling out fields relating to personal information about a person.

To do this, the HR department employee uses the documents provided to him. In other cases, before one or another entry appears in the work book, the manager issues a corresponding order.

If we're talking about about admission to the enterprise or about the transfer of an employee to another department, then the HR department employee has seven days to make an entry in the labor record. Upon dismissal, the document is drawn up on the day the order is issued and given to the owner.

Despite the fact that the order indicates all detailed information about admission or transfer (with availability probationary period and other details), this information does not affect the preparation of the work book. Sample of entered data:

  • Hired.
  • Transferred to another position.
  • Was qualified, tariff schedule, category (which ones specifically).
  • Awarded, encouraged.
  • Fired.

That is, only the reason for the recording and the date of the order should be given. Any freely available example of a work book design illustrates exactly this principle of filling out document columns.

Grammar nuances

According to the law, dates in labor records are required to be indicated using only Arabic numerals.

The same applies to the assignment of serial numbers: each new entry has its own number, starting with the one that was made when the work book was registered for the first time, and ending with the registration of dismissal from the last place of work.

All information must be presented as completely as possible, that is, the HR employee cannot abbreviate words.

Making corrections and correcting errors in the document

Making mistakes is a natural occurrence when maintaining any documentation. They may be associated with the use of unreliable sources of information (outdated data, lack of complete information) or be of a mechanical nature (typos, typos, grammatical errors).

To correct an identified error, an HR employee can use several methods:

  1. Crossing out the wrong word and writing a new one above or below the line.
  2. Making a new entry that cancels the incorrect one.

If the employee has changed his last name or received new profession, this means that the information indicated on the title page of the work must be changed. This is done using the strikethrough method (first method). In parallel to inside The covers record the name and number of the document that became the basis for the changes, put the signature of the person who entered the data, and the seal of the company.

If the registration of a work book when applying for a job is accompanied by the discovery of errors in document management made at a previous enterprise, their correction is possible by an employee of the company that hires the employee to its staff. This procedure looks like this:

  1. Make a new entry and assign it the next sequential number.
  2. Indicate the date when the correction is performed.
  3. Write the phrase “record No. is considered invalid.”
  4. Enter correct information.
  5. The number of the order that served as the basis for the incorrect entry is given.

Reflection of the work activities of management employees

Registration of a director’s work book is a mandatory procedure for all enterprises, regardless of the form of ownership, because based on the entries made, a certificate will then be issued pensioner's ID. The procedure for maintaining this document for a manager has specific nuances and is more complex than preparing a work book when hiring middle and lower-level employees. In most cases, the director can make all the necessary entries himself.

Issuance of a work book after the dismissal of an employee

When an employee is fired from the company for one reason or another, his document is returned to him. Drawing up a work book (a sample is provided below) when dismissing an employee involves making an entry containing the reason for leaving, as well as the number of the corresponding order.

When formulating the reason, the employer must use the examples given in the Labor Code (according to at will, by agreement of the parties, upon liquidation of the enterprise). Most common cause becomes a dismissal of one's own free will, registration of a work book in this case is regulated by standard requirements.

The document is issued to the employee within three days after the end of his last working day. In cases where the employer cannot give the document to a former subordinate due to his absence, he must send a registered letter with notification to the employee’s home address. If a person has given written consent, the work book can be sent to him by mail. The same procedure is followed if the employee has died, and the document must be transferred to his relatives.

In situations where the document is not taken away, the company retains it for two years (in the personnel department, but not together with other books). Then it is transferred to the archive for 50 years, after which it is destroyed.

If the employer is an individual entrepreneur

Since 2006, individual employers have been required to make entries in the work books of their employees. Thus, their rights are equal to those enjoyed by legal entities.

When hiring a person who has never worked anywhere before, an individual entrepreneur must provide him with a work book (the cost of which will be deducted from the first wages employee), as well as make all necessary entries in it on time and correctly.

Often such subjects economic activity prefer to hire part-time employees. In this case, they do not enter anything into the employment record, but can issue a certificate at the request of the person, and based on it, an entry will be made at the main place of work.

Column No. 3 – name of the company, division, position. It also states here why the employee. All this data is taken from documents, brought by the employee.


03/02/2000. Limited Liability Company "Zvonok Plus".

Hired to the position of senior administrator of the city networks department.

04/16/2002. Transferred to the position of chief specialist of the long-distance communications department.

Book for recording the movement of work books and inserts includes entries about all these documents.

This book contains column No. 13, which is needed for signatures workers.

The signature is put by a person when he picks him up your work book, .

Not everyone is taken their books when they leave the organization.

This happens for various reasons.

But the book must be kept in a safe or in a special room for as long as necessary, that is, until the former employee claims it.


The insert opens when the work book is completely filled in one section or another and there is nowhere to make further entries. The insert should be carefully sew in in a book.

He is no less important document than a work book, and therefore is drawn up in accordance with the same rules.

When it is handed over to the employee, in the book put a stamp“The insert has been issued”, there must also be one number. Enter this phrase manually it is forbidden. The stamp is allowed to be placed in one of two places in the work book - either on the title page or on the spread.

If the work book is not available, then the stamp loses its power like a document. Sew it in at the end of the book, between the very last page and the cover. However, this is only a recommendation, since not a single regulatory act specifies specific place for sewing in the liner.

Pages in it must not start from the first- they go in order, from the beginning of the work book. The title card of the insert must have a stamp seal companies.

The work book is the main document of every working person. It can be used to confirm your work history and work experience. The information entered in the book will be required not only at the time of hiring, but to receive a pension, various benefits and guarantees.

Filling out a work book is regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In addition to this, changes to data entry are regularly published by the Ministry of Labor and the Government.

The basic procedure for filling out and storing work books and inserts is prescribed in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 225 “On work books”, adopted on April 16, 2003. It reflects the current form of the document and a sample for filling it out.

Who issues it and how

The work book contains information regarding professional activity citizen. After reaching retirement age, according to the document, disability benefits are accrued. The employer relies on books when calculating payments. Therefore, you need to fill out the document correctly.

Appropriate entries are made in the work book about all changes that occur in a person’s life as an employee. Installed in 2019 general rules filling out a work book for employees of individual entrepreneurs or legal entities.

The general director or individual entrepreneur does not create books on their own. According to Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the presence of a document is checked only for employees, since the length of service begins to count from the moment of registration with the tax service and after the receipt of contributions to the Pension Fund.

For the first time, registration of a book is required in the first week after official hiring. It is important that the employee has worked for the organization for more than 5 days. When combining, entries are made voluntarily. Then the corresponding document must be provided.

The work book contains information about:

  • applying for a job;
  • transfer to another position or to another company;
  • change of surname, name or patronymic;
  • military service or service in the system of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Drug Control Service;
  • increasing the qualification level;
  • termination of employment.

The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 225 of April 16, 2003 contains data on the procedure for changing the information reflected in the work book:

  • Entries can be made in blue or black ink. The data is provided in detail, without abbreviations. Each entry must have a serial number in the appropriate section.
  • Passport details are indicated on the title page.
  • After the order is issued, HR employees have a week to make changes. When dismissing, information is written down on the day the employee leaves, indicating the order and article from the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The document should not contain information about permanent bonus payments accrued monthly.

General information about work

The procedure for specifying information about work includes reflecting the name of the organization. If it has an abbreviation, then this fact is also indicated. After this entry, the date the person was hired is noted with a serial number.

When specifying information about the job, you must note the structural unit to which the employee is being hired and his position. The reasons for admission must be indicated. For each document, the date of issue and number are indicated.

If the work is carried out part-time, then the entry is made at the request of the employee. In this case, proof of employment in an additional position will be required.

Instruction required:

  • record numbers;
  • dates of entering information;
  • notes on part-time employment of the employee;
  • names of the department;
  • professional orientation;
  • position held;
  • qualification data.

Responsibilities are performed in accordance with the regulations specified in the document submitted last.

Information on the title page

The title page is filled out in accordance with certain requirements.

It must contain basic information about the employee:

  1. First name, last name and patronymic are written in full. There should be no cuts. You need to rely on the information from your passport. You can also take information from your driver's license, military ID, or other official document.
  2. The date of birth is entered in Arabic numerals. It is necessary to use double-digit numbers when specifying the day and month. The year is written in four digits.
  3. Next, the person’s education is indicated (secondary vocational, higher). It is possible to enter information about incomplete education. When filling out, you need to rely on the documents provided by the employee.
  4. In the “Specialty” field, enter information about what you received in educational institution qualifications. They are confirmed by a diploma.
  5. When filling out, the new work book must contain information about the first entry. The day is written in numerical values, and the month can be indicated in words.
  6. The employee for whom the book is issued must sign the document.
  7. Below is the visa of the HR department employee who is responsible for maintaining and filling out the work book. It is also possible to register as the head of the HR department, the head of the company or an accountant (in the absence of HR officers).

All information is certified by a seal. The official stamp of the organization or the seal of the personnel department may be used.

Rules for filling out a work book

In order to correctly fill out the work book, you need to focus on the sample. Features of entering data are available upon entry to work and termination of employment. The rules for providing information about incentives and awards are outlined. It is also important to familiarize yourself with the options for obtaining an extract and a duplicate of the work book.


It is important to provide proof of identity when applying for a job. Based on it, filling is carried out title page work book. If you follow the example, it is not difficult to fill it out.

The first page should reflect:

  • last name, first name, patronymic in accordance with passport data or other identification document;
  • date of birth of the owner of the book;
  • education with confirmation of its level using a certificate, diploma or certificate for incomplete studies;
  • specialty in accordance with the diploma;
  • date of completion of the document;
  • signatures of the employee and the person in charge;
  • seal of the institution.


Upon dismissal of one's own free will, the following changes must be made to the work book:

  • To indicate this fact, a serial number is placed in the first column.
  • The second column contains the date of termination of employment.
  • The third column contains information about the reasons for termination of the employment contract.
  • The grounds for dismissal are noted in the last column. The number and date of the document confirming the completion of the work are entered here.

The contract must be terminated on the day the employee last time goes to work. If there are reservations in the law or an additional agreement, the information is displayed in the work book.

Upon termination of employment in accordance with Labor Code RF, point and article are indicated.

In case of termination of relations at the initiative of the employer, the reasons must be noted in the work book. Here he refers to the rules of law. The same applies to dismissal due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties.

If the employee wishes to stop working, the entry “Dismissed at his own request due to...” is made. The following is a link to the legislation.

Incentives and Extras

The work book contains an insert, which is often not filled out by employers. It contains information about monetary bonuses and verbal thanks to the employee for his work.

Among the incentives are:

  • ranks;
  • awards;
  • certificates of honor;
  • diplomas;
  • badges.

No instructions are required to complete this section. The data is entered in the same way as the basic information in the work book.

The HR department employee must write down:

  • serial number;
  • date of award;
  • type of incentive and characteristics;
  • documentary reasons for issuing the award (number and date of the order, resolution).

If the document is not carried out by order, then there is no need to enter data into the work book. But if the employee insists on the mark, then the organization must draw up an administrative document.

Other information may be additionally entered into the work book. They are prescribed at the request of the employee. One of such information is part-time work.

To be marked, you must provide confirmation from the HR department of the second job. Based on the certificate, the specialist at the main place of work makes an appropriate note.

Issuance of a work book is excluded.

The employer's representative independently prescribes:

  • serial number;
  • date of hire;
  • name of the organization, structural unit, position;
  • number and date of the corresponding order.

Dismissal is carried out in a similar way.

Special consideration of information is required when renaming an organization. If the process is not a reorganization, then changes in the name or status of the institution are made to the employee’s work book. The entry is confirmed by a new seal.

The employer must do the same if an employee is transferred to another position. Each change is confirmed by making an entry in the work book.

Sample statement

The section reflecting information about the work is an extract from the work book. Employees often ask to make a copy of pages of a document. Such papers are subject to mandatory certification and entry into the journal.

The statement indicates:

  • date of hire and serial number in words;
  • data on the employee’s position (hiring, dismissal), position;
  • basis for drawing up an extract (order with date and number).


If an employee has lost his work book, he can issue a duplicate. A new copy is issued upon request of the former employee at his last place of employment. The procedure takes about 2 weeks. If a company loses a document, the responsible person must restore the data.

To ensure complete information, you must have:

  • management orders on hiring, dismissal, transfer to another position;
  • extracts from state archive(in case of liquidation of the enterprise);
  • labor agreements;
  • confirmation of length of service at a previous place of employment;
  • salary slips;
  • employee’s personal accounts in companies where the person previously worked;
  • court decision upon reinstatement of seniority.

The data is entered into an additional copy in chronological order.

Sample of filling out a work book upon reinstatement:

Cases of corrections

It is prohibited to make mistakes when maintaining a work book. But sometimes they all happen. It is then important to carry out corrections in accordance with certain rules.

It is forbidden to cross out entries. Incorrect information can be completely invalidated. To do this, put a serial number, the date the changes were made, and the phrase “The entry behind the number ... is considered invalid.” After this, the correct information is written down, indicating the supporting document.

If the responsible persons at the previous place of work made a mistake, then they should correct the data. In the absence of such an opportunity, it is allowed to do this by the current personnel service on the basis of an order, certificate or extract.

Often corrections are made when a woman's surname is changed. In this case, a certificate of marriage or divorce is provided.

The HR employee must:

  • cross out the previous surname with one line;
  • write a new one above it;
  • To the left of the title page (on the cover) write the date and number of the supporting document;
  • certify the information with your own signature and seal of the institution.

HR officers often allow the following types errors:

  • use abbreviations;
  • they make a mistake in their full name;
  • the date is written incorrectly, indicating the month in words;
  • leave information on the title page blank;
  • they do not put the date of the book’s establishment;
  • do not sign the document on the title page;
  • do not put the seal of the institution;
  • they confuse the “About work” section with the rewards column;
  • dismissal is confirmed by the seal of the personnel service instead of the stamp;
  • do not follow the procedure for indicating the details of official documents.

To eliminate the possibility of errors, data must be entered in a timely manner and duplicated in the employee’s personal card.

Standard Requirements

When drawing up a work book, it is important to remember the basic rules:

  • Entering information by the document owner himself is prohibited. If an error is found, you need to contact the personnel service that made it.
  • The document is filled out when hiring an employee who has worked for more than 5 days at the place of work. If the standard is not observed, the organization and the competent person can be held accountable.
  • Maintenance and registration of work books is carried out by an employee who is included in the management order. He fills out the accounting book, according to which the movement of documents and inserts is verified.
  • The work book must be purchased by the employee himself at the time of hiring. But sometimes organizations buy the forms themselves and then charge a certain amount from the person.
  • Storage is carried out in a place inaccessible to other people. In most cases, books are placed in safes and iron cabinets. Issue is made only after dismissal.
  • If an employee does not come to pick up a work permit, he can receive it by mail. Unclaimed books are stored for 75 years.
  • Record keeping individual entrepreneurs carried out in a manner similar to enterprises. An employment contract is signed only upon hiring.
  • A copy or duplicate of the work book can be obtained from the personnel service if you have an application.

A work book is a serious document for every citizen. Therefore, it must be filled out in accordance with legal requirements.

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Regulatory requirements and concepts have been developed that every employer must rely on. The Labor Code has legal force provided that the specified requirements are met. The main resolutions are defined in Ch. 10 and 11 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and Art. 66 defines the basics of labor.

Important are the Rules and Instructions, which define the requirements for maintaining and storing books, as well as the literal standards for filling out and making entries in them.

Sample of filling out a work book for employment:

If a young specialist gets a job after studying at a university or after graduating from a college or technical school, registration is carried out upon presentation of a diploma in the same way.

To directly include job details, you need to build the following legal chain:

  1. The person seeking employment writes an application to the employer, which he signs.
  2. An order is drawn up based on the signed application.
  3. Based on the order, an entry is made into the labor record.

The indicated information is alternately entered into four columns, each of which constitutes an independent group of data. The information entered should not differ in any way during the initial hire and for persons who previously worked. The primacy of the entry is determined only by the serial number of the information entered.

Filling out a work book when applying for a job - sample:

When hiring, the name of the organization is entered before making an appointment; no stamp is placed. The absence of a stamp on the admission information is dictated by reliance on the provisions of the Instructions (No. 69), indicated in paragraph 3.1.

  1. In the first column, enter the serial number of the entry. Carefully check that he continues the numbering, starting from the previous entry.
  2. In the second, enter the date.
  3. The third column contains the main base record. Here, enter information about where (in which division of the enterprise) the arrival is registered, with the name of the position. The entry is made concisely and clearly, using the wording adopted in the Instructions (clause 3.1). The position must strictly coincide with the official name.
  4. In the last, fourth column, enter the name of the document “order” and its outgoing data: number and date of issue. With this order, the person was employed in the position postulated by the entry.

Read what to do if your organization is renamed.

Keep in mind that The date of hire must be entered, that is, indicate the day on which the employee will begin his duties on the basis of the order. Do not confuse it with the day the entry was made in the book.

The date of entry into the book will be indicated on the title page if the employment record is started for the first time, but in the information about the work - only the day of release (Appendix 3 of the Rules).

The hiring date indicated in the second column of the employment record always coincides with the information in this regard:

  • in the order,
  • in the employment contract.

The slightest discrepancy in this regard can become a problem for both the owner of the work document and the person who made the mistake. However, any mistake made must be corrected immediately. At the same time, do not cross out an erroneous entry or correct the date in any other way; this is a serious offense. Proceed as follows:

  1. Enter the next serial number.
  2. Indicate that the entry under the corresponding number is invalid and here, under the same number, enter the correct information.

For example:

  • “Record number 45 is invalid
  • Hired to the position of 3rd category cook from 11/11/2011.”
  • Enter the order for the correct entry.

Pay attention to the most important nuances:

  1. The name of the organization is entered before entering the serial number and date, that is, the entry ends with a line higher than the basic information is entered.
  2. In numbering, a “0” is not placed before the current number of the serial number.
  3. All information and wording must coincide with the data from the order by which the person is hired. But in labor they have a more concise presentation (clause 10 of the Rules).
  4. When making an entry in a book, punctuation marks are not used: periods and commas.
  5. Information not provided for in the Instructions is not included in the TC.
  6. When recording, only Arabic numerals are used.

Shift work

When working in shifts or on a rotational basis, as well as in other cases, the employee’s first working day may occur on the day off of the person authorized for registration workers. This point shouldn't bother you. In accordance with the regulations, making an entry in the labor record can come true within a week, but not later.

So in this case, do not rush to make an entry in advance; it is better to formalize everything in a calm atmosphere after the day off, and at this time the employee will establish himself in the workplace.

According to the situation, an employee who has worked for less than 5 days is not required to make an entry in the employment record.

If your new employee, after making an entry and registering for work, still does not show up for workplace– both the contract and the entered information can be canceled. In order for an annulment to have the status of a legal precedent, You need to collect documents confirming this fact, which can be:

  • certificate of absence from work;
  • memorandum from the head of the department.

Cancel hiring can be done by a separate order, within 5 working days from the date of hiring the unscrupulous worker. In this case:

  1. A new serial number is placed in the first column, for example 7.
  2. The second column contains the date that corresponds to the date in the order to cancel the employment contract. It coincides with the first planned but never completed release day.
  3. In the next column you write: “entry number 6 is considered invalid due to the cancellation of the employment contract.”
  4. In the last column, enter the outgoing data of the order that canceled the employment contract.

What is the deadline for making an entry in the work book about hiring? In accordance with clause 10 of the Rules, information about work is entered into the Labor Code no later than 7 days from the date of hiring. In this case, the date on the title page of the book may be later than in the information about the work. This is normal, don’t let this disagreement bother you. If a person is employed for the first time, then, based on clause 8 of the Rules, enter the information in his presence.

The entry made into the Labor Code has some features, if admission is carried out by transfer. When hiring, the data you entered must be preceded by an accurate record of dismissal with a link to the transfer to your organization.

These entries are made on the basis of applications that are registered by employers, one of which dismisses the employee, and the other accepts him.

Based on the applications, orders are drawn up, which include the facts of dismissal and hiring in the order of transfer. Based on them, the following entry is made:

  1. Your company name.
  2. The serial number of the record following the previous one.
  3. The date of hiring, which coincides with the date of dismissal from the previous place of work with a difference of 1 day, except in cases of weekends, which can determine the difference of 2-3 days.
  4. Information about hiring, indicating that the hiring is carried out in the order of transfer from an organization (enterprise), the name of which must be entered in full. The position, rank and other necessary data are also indicated here.
  5. Link to the order hiring in the order of transfer.

Please keep in mind that under no circumstances should you add labor record about admission if there is no record of dismissal. If the organization in which the subject worked collapsed without making the appropriate entries, he has the opportunity to restore the legal content of the Labor Code by carrying out procedures for recognizing the right to make an entry, but this is not within the competence of the employer.


Drawing up a technical documentation is a responsible job that relies on a variety of nuances. The employer and the authorized person are obliged to know them sufficiently so as not to ruin the employee’s work career, and not to get into a cycle of litigation.

Mistakes made should be avoided by everyone accessible ways. And if they occur, it is necessary to correct them in all permitted ways, without leaving behind unresolved situations.

Keep in mind that the entry in the Labor Code will be accompanied by your signature, which will not relieve you of responsibility throughout the employee’s entire career.