Land gastropods (snails) are easy to care for and quite cute animals. Many owners of these mollusks claim that they are endowed with unprecedented intelligence, and caring for them is a pleasure.

These unpretentious mollusks have been found as pets for a long time, and on this moment- even more often. In their entire life, everyone has seen these slippery house carriers at least once.

They were found in different places: in vineyards, vegetable gardens, in forest areas, and soon they settled in the aquariums of every third apartment.

They have a number of advantages and features, namely:

  • They do not require large amounts of money or time to maintain.
  • Hypoallergenic.
  • They are not carriers of diseases that can be transmitted to humans.
  • Doesn't make any sounds (quiet animals), doesn't smell, doesn't need to be walked.
  • Not picky about food.
  • Doesn't bite or scratch.
  • Does not spoil or stain clothes or furniture.
  • He rarely gets sick and lives a long time (up to 12 years).
  • Easily portable, you can take it with you on a trip or leave it at home.

Appearance of snails

The body of each gastropod is formed from a trunk (leg and head) and a shell. The snail's body serves as both a belly and a means of transportation.

The top of the body is covered by a characteristic fold - the mantle. The space formed between them is the mantle cavity; in freshwater representatives the gills are hidden in it.

Also in this fold there are streams of kidneys, excretory system and the reproductive apparatus.

In land gastropods, instead of a mantle cavity, like their marine relatives, a specific lung was formed.

For breathing, they have a kind of hole, which is located at the edge of the shell.

At the top of the head there are horns-eyes, and at the bottom there are a pair or two tentacles with the help of which they perceive external world, and a mouth with a large number of radulas (perform the functions of both teeth and tongue).

They have very poor vision (react to the change of day and night) and hearing (deaf), but all this is compensated by the organs of touch and smell (a pair of tentacles), which help snails find food in the surrounding space.

The color of the snail is varied, it is relative to the species of the pet.

Mucus plays an important role in the body of a mollusk, because it protects the leg from damage and helps it glide easily on different surfaces.

Snail shells come in different colors; this variation is caused by their diet and the species they belong to. Their “house” consists of the protein they produce and calcium carbonate.

Shells grow throughout their lives, so don’t be intimidated by their size. There are 2 common shapes of shells: conical and spiral flat.

Usually the shell is completely smooth, but there are also types with characteristic growths on it.


The habitat of snails is scattered throughout the globe. They live in both temperate and hot climates.

The only places where snails are not found are areas covered with ice and waterless deserts. The main criterion for choosing their habitat is high humidity.

Gastropod nutrition

The diet of mollusks is varied and depends on the place of residence. Young individuals prefer fresh plant foods (grape and cabbage leaves, cucumbers, carrots, strawberries, etc.); with age, food preferences may change, and they may begin to eat meat and mushrooms.

Some species prefer to eat carrion. Oddly enough, there are also predatory species that eat various crustaceans and small relatives, as well as various insects.

Marine species (geographical cone) eat fish, using paralyzing poison to neutralize them.

Types of domestic snails

Pulmonary snails are usually chosen for home keeping. Namely, the snail, the African Achatina and the grape snail.

Let's analyze each species and look at photos of snails.


In appearance, the shell of this representative of gastropods looks like a mini version of a ram's horn, its diameter is maximum 40 mm, and its width is up to 1 cm.

The color of the shell matches the color of the leg, the color varies from beige, brown to orange-red.

It has a conical body shape, with a pair of light-sensitive horns on its head. In nature, the habitat is in shallow reservoirs with a lot of vegetation.

Grape snail

Is enough major representative gastropods that live throughout Europe. The diameter of the shell becomes 5-6 cm. The shape of the shell is spiral; 5 turns are formed over the entire life of the mollusk. The length of the body reaches up to 7 cm. The color of the shell ranges from delicate cream to red-brown tones.

The entire “house” is covered with stripes of light and dark shades. In nature they live up to 20 years.

This species lives throughout Europe and is a pest of vineyards. Young individuals are eaten.

African Achatina

This is the largest land representative of gastropods. The shell is conical in shape, from 10 to 15 cm long, and 9 turns are formed throughout its life.

The color of the shell depends on the diet and habitat, usually yellowish, brown, and red shades. The leg grows in length up to 25-30 cm. The most popular type for home keeping.

Snail photo

Land snails are unpretentious and cute pets. Many breeders believe that these gastropods have very high intelligence, and watching them is a real pleasure.

It should be noted that land snails at home are not that uncommon. The popularity of these gastropods is determined by various factors. So, snails are not at all boring, as it may initially seem. In addition, they are incredibly easy to maintain, since they do not require large financial costs and special care.

  • does not make noise;
  • does not require walking;
  • does not smell;
  • eats almost everything;
  • does not stain clothes and furniture with wool;
  • does not require expensive, complex or frequent maintenance;
  • does not scratch or bite;
  • does not take up much space;
  • you can take the snail with you on vacation, or leave it alone at home;
  • practically does not get sick and lives a long time;
  • does not cause allergies.

Types of land snails

These creatures are great for keeping at home. For example, the land snail Achatina is considered the most popular inhabitant of terrariums.

It is a large snail whose shell reaches 20 cm in length. She is not picky about food and is very inert. The snail rests most of the time.

Achatina immaculata is distinguished by a stripe along the entire head, as well as a pinkish rim running along its shell.

Achatina reticulata is a curious and active representative of the family.

The land snail Achatina vulgaris has a tiger coloring and gigantic size, its shell reaches 20 cm in length. At home, it has more modest parameters.

In addition to Achatina, Achatina is also popular among domestic breeders and is distinguished by a huge variety of colors, while being much smaller in size than Achatina. Their shells reach 5 cm in length and 4.5 cm in height.


The main advantages of these pets are their undemanding maintenance. The land snail lives well at home in terrariums or small aquariums. It is clear that such a pet does not need to be walked. While the financial costs are also insignificant, they can be fed fruits and vegetables in small quantities. For land snails can be done only once a month, and its cost is low.

It is worth noting that keeping land snails is very simple. To do this you will need a 10 liter glass terrarium. Top part The terrarium should have small holes for normal ventilation so that pets cannot crawl through them. The temperature in the terrarium should be constant and not exceed 27 °C.

It is advisable to place heating sources on the outside of the aquarium - they can be thermal cords or thermal mats. At the same time, internal heat sources pose a danger to land snails, as they can suffer serious burns.

It is better to use it as soil. The thickness of the flooring should correspond to the overall size of the snails, which will allow gastropods to completely bury themselves in it during daytime sleep. It is necessary to maintain constant soil moisture, for which it will be enough to lightly spray it with water once a day. It should not be over-watered.

The soil needs to be loosened periodically. But in the terrarium it is necessary to plant green non-toxic plants, for example, leaf salad or cat grass.

Continuing to figure out how to care for land snails, it is worth noting that their aquarium needs weekly cleaning of its walls every day with a damp cloth, without using household chemicals.

Land snails are very fond of water treatments. To do this, you can bathe them under a thin stream slightly warm water or in a shallow, separate bowl. The pet's sink also requires special care; it must be cleaned during bathing with a soft brush to remove dirt.

If something irreparable happens - for example, a sink breaks or there is a hole in it, try gluing it together with BF glue. Such a snail has very little chance of survival, but it still exists. At the same time, in young animals, any damage to the shell is healed without problems, while adults suffer much more severely (although their shell is more durable). But a snail with a shell split into pieces cannot be saved.


Land snails rely on plant foods as their main source of nutrition. Pets happily eat all kinds of greens, as well as fruits and vegetables, which are served cut into small slices. Solid foods should initially be grated.

Domestic land snails, as a supplement to their plant diet, happily consume various protein foods - fish food, seafood and meat purees, gammarus, daphnia. Such feeding should be offered to pets several times every week.

Domestic snails should not be offered various salty foods, since salt is poisonous to any gastropod!

For the proper development and strength of the shell, you can introduce calcium into the diet of your pets in the form of sepia or crushed eggshells.


Snails are hermaphrodites, which means keeping two or more snails in one terrarium can lead to their fertilization. The majority of these mollusks lay eggs, although viviparous species are also found. Basically, the snail buries its clutch in the ground, and it is advisable not to miss this moment, since the clutch is removed from the terrarium and carefully placed in a separate container.

In this case, it is necessary to maintain the same soil consistency and humidity where adult individuals live. Soon the small snails hatch and then crawl to the surface. The babies are completely ready for life and feed on the food that their parents eat, but until their shells get stronger, it is better not to put them with large snails.


Land snails do not need walks, like other domestic animals, and fresh air has a very good effect on them - the gastropods' appetite improves and activity increases. They are taken outside on a cool day in a container. A very short walk is enough for them - only about half an hour. At this time, you must carefully ensure that the snail’s skin does not dry out; for this, it is recommended to spray it with water from time to time. Also protect the container from direct sunlight.

Snails exist in almost all aquariums along with fish, crustaceans and shrimp. Some of them are extremely useful, but there are also harmful and even dangerous types. Sometimes snails reproduce so quickly that fill the entire aquarium and all living things in it die. However, for the most part, these are harmless creatures that can do more good than harm. The article presents harmless species of snails with the conditions for their maintenance.

What role do snails play in an aquarium?

Snails are necessary for the aquarium and its inhabitants for several reasons. Firstly, they clean the pond. Snails, like no other, do an excellent job of cleaning the walls, stones and everything else in the aquarium. They eat organic debris, fish excrement, and uneaten food. And also shellfish are some indicator of reservoir pollution: If there are a lot of these inhabitants, it means the aquarium is not clean enough. Perhaps the fish are overfed, the food settles to the bottom and serves as food for many shellfish.

The second function of snails is aesthetic side of the issue. There are incredible attractive views shellfish that are interesting to watch. Their slowness fascinates many and helps them relax after working day. The presence of snails in the aquarium will give it a unique flavor.

Another function of mollusks is to serve as food for predatory fish and other aquarium inhabitants. Small snails and their eggs are an excellent treat for predators.

Some types of snails (for example, melania) drain and loosen the soil, thereby enriching it with oxygen. This prevents hydrogen sulfide formation.

How do snails reproduce in an aquarium?

Snails begin to reproduce when they reach sexual maturity. These creatures are unisexual (for the most part), so there is no point in having several individuals. Mollusks lay eggs on pebbles or tree leaves, some on the walls of aquariums just above the water level. At first, the eggs are slightly transparent, then they turn brown and their offspring hatch.

At favorable snail conditions They reproduce quite quickly and often, so their reproduction must be controlled. If you want to start breeding snails, you need to take care of some conditions:

  • a container with a volume of about 30 liters will be useful;
  • settled water is required;
  • for reproduction you will not need more than 3-4 snails;
  • Algae will not interfere with the aquarium;
  • Boiled vegetables, some bread or fish food are suitable as food.

Types of aquarium snails

Let's list a few harmless and even useful species snails, suitable for aquarium keeping.


Description. Apple snails are the most common harmless mollusks, the shell of which can reach 7 cm in diameter. The shell is usually yellow. Dark striped apple snails are less common.

Reproduction. Unlike their counterparts, apple snails are bisexual, so for their reproduction you will need at least three individuals.

  • the water temperature should be from 18 to 27 degrees;
  • a filter for the pond is necessary;
  • apple snails feed on soft foods such as boiled vegetables, bread;
  • You can’t house apple snails with predatory fish;
  • there must be enough calcium in the water to keep the shell strong;
  • Apple snails are often placed in aquariums overgrown with algae, since mollusks love to feed on them.

Description. Fisas are brown or yellow-brown snails with a pointed shell that breathe with lungs and are able to clean the walls of the aquarium from plaque. These snails can reach the most inaccessible places and clean them.

Reproduction. Physae lay eggs on plant leaves. One clutch can contain more than 20 eggs, so reproduction occurs at a fairly rapid pace. However, fish and other inhabitants of the aquarium love to feast on eggs, and there is no need to worry about the rapid reproduction of eggs.

  • the water temperature must be at least 20 degrees;
  • required water hardness 8–18 dH;
  • Soft water is not suitable for physical exercise; its shell begins to collapse.

Description. Neritines - tropical small snails measuring about 2.5 cm in diameter. The colors are varied: from olive to almost black. There are also stripes of golden, black and other colors.

Reproduction. Neritines can only reproduce in salt water. In freshwater they also lay eggs, but mollusks do not hatch from them.

  • the capacity of the aquarium must be at least 40 liters;
  • water temperature - at least 24 degrees;
  • hardness should be medium or high;
  • the water must be changed frequently so that ammonia does not accumulate in it;
  • required acidity 7.5.

Description. Melanias have a color similar to the color of the soil, so they are difficult to notice. Their shell is gray-green with small inclusions. Melania hard shell protects her from predators. Melania are extremely useful mollusks. By cleaning the soil and mixing it, these snails greatly benefit the aquarium ecosystem.

Reproduction. Melanias multiply quite quickly, populating the entire space around them. Therefore, it is better to keep this process under control.

  • optimal water temperature is from 18 to 28 degrees;
  • Any food is suitable for melania; they can feed on leftover food from other fish or algae.

Description. The coil can often be found in modern aquariums. These snails natural conditions can reach up to 3 cm in diameter, but they will not grow in an aquarium larger than 2 cm. These molluscs have a protrusion of the mantle that serves as gills. This is how coils are designed., which quickly depletes oxygen reserves. This is quite dangerous for their lives.

Reproduction. Coils are hermaphrodites and are therefore capable of self-fertilization. They reproduce quite quickly, and to reduce their birth rate, it is necessary to reduce the amount of algae from the aquarium and the fish food.


Description. Tilomelania are real giants among their fellows. The size of their shell can reach 12 cm. The colors are very diverse: black, yellow, white, speckled. These large mollusks can have spines or a completely smooth shell.

Reproduction. Tylomelanias vary in gender and are also viviparous mollusks.

  • Telomelania cannot be housed together with other types of snails;
  • hard water is not suitable for keeping;
  • the acidity of the water should be high;
  • large individuals settle in containers at least 80 cm in height;
  • tilomelania need feeding 2-3 times a day, they are very voracious, but omnivorous;
  • these mollusks need shelter and do not tolerate bright light;
  • They require a lot of free space, so you should not plant the aquarium with a lot of algae.


Description. Helena is a snail that eats its own kind. If there are too many shellfish in the aquarium, Can we put Helena there?. If there is no live food, it feeds on organic debris or fish food. Helenas are quite small, reaching only 2 cm in shell diameter. Their conical shell has yellow and a spiral brown stripe.

Conditions of detention. IN special conditions Helena does not need it, but it is worth considering that she prefers to eat live shellfish. The soil for Helena should be soft so that it is easy for her to burrow into it.


Description. Another giant among snails is the marise. Its shell can reach almost 6 cm in diameter. The shell is gray or light brown, with a black spiral stripe. Maryses prefer to eat plants, often eating them at the root. If you need to thin out the vegetation, feel free to start a mariz.

Reproduction. To breed marise, you will need two individuals: male and female. They lay eggs on the walls of the aquarium or on plants. The eggs are a jelly-like mass with small snails inside.

Conditions of detention. Maryses are quite demanding and need the following conditions:

  • water should be of moderate hardness pH 7.5–7.8;
  • water temperature from 21 to 25 degrees;
  • the aquarium must be covered so that the mollusks do not get out of it;
  • however, you need to leave a small gap, since marises breathe atmospheric air;
  • Maryse can live in salt water, but cannot reproduce.

Which snails should you not keep?

The main types of snails are not capable of causing harm, however, natural mollusks are often sold on the market under the guise of aquarium ones. They not only eat plants at the roots, but are also carriers of various diseases. How to distinguish such a snail from an aquarium? Learn the basic types of shellfish and don't buy species you don't know.

So, snails are an integral part of any aquarium. They not only cleanse it of various types of contaminants, but are also a wonderful bright addition to the interior. However, when choosing snails, you should focus on only one type of snail, since different varieties often conflict with each other. Large individuals can eat small ones, only the strongest survive.

Today this type of amazing view pet, like the Achatina snail. She lives quite comfortably at home if the necessary maintenance requirements are met.

Today, such an amazing pet species as the Achatina snail is becoming increasingly popular.

These giant mollusks are very unpretentious and are suitable for people who are often on the move.

Description of giant snails and their types

Achatina is a giant land snail kept in a terrarium. This African mollusk as an adult can reach up to 20 cm in length and weigh up to 500 g. Appearance and color can vary depending on the type of Achatina. Initially, the snail lived exclusively in Africa, but in last years such an exotic pet has become popular in our latitudes.

More than 100 species of these mollusks live in nature. It makes no sense to consider each of them, since the conditions for detention are almost identical. Let's look at the most common types of snails that you can find in pet stores:

  1. Achatina fulica. This mollusk can have different colors, shell sizes and weights. The largest individual can grow up to 20 cm. As a rule, mollusks with black, brown or red shells are brought to us. This is the most unpretentious type of Achatina to care for, which is why it is the most popular.
  2. Achatina reticulata is an equally common type of mollusk, suitable for home keeping. As a rule, it has a black or brown head and neck, and the rim of the body is light. The shell has a characteristic pattern in the form of stripes or dots. Maximum size which can be reached in captivity is 20 cm.
  3. Achatina albopicta resembles in external color previous view shellfish But it can only grow up to 16 cm. The characteristic difference is a white or yellow columella on the shell, sometimes there may be a pink tip.
  4. Achatina immaculata can come in a variety of colors, but an indispensable feature of this type of snail is the presence of an even stripe running from the head to the shell. The rim of the shell can be pink or lilac.
  5. Brown Achatina is a mollusk that is so similar to Fulica that these two species can be distinguished only in adulthood - by the special structure of the shell. The brown snail's shell is more massive and has semicircular coils. While the shell of the fulica is cone-shaped and does not have prominent relief formations. Brown Achatina is very prolific. She is also distinguished by the fact that she is not timid when communicating with people.
  6. Lemon Achatina (Iradel). It got its name due to the characteristic yellowish color of the shell. These mollusks reach only 5-7 cm in length. Unlike all other types of snails, iradeli is viviparous. She can bring 20 to 25 babies at a time.
  7. The common Achatina is the largest species of mollusk, which is also called “tiger”. It reaches a size of 30 cm, but in captivity it grows only up to 22 cm. The color may vary. Depending on the subspecies, the background of the shell varies from yellow to orange. And the stripes can be black or brown. By nature, these snails are extremely calm.

Varieties of Achatina in the photo

Beautiful and calm albopicta snail

Active and inquisitive reticulata

Brown Achatina is the most “social” snail

Achatina iradeli - beauty with lemon color

Achatina tiger grows the most

The Fulica snail is the most picky snail.

The immaculata snail is distinguished by a smooth stripe from head to shell

Advantages and disadvantages of snails as pets

Achatina also has obvious advantages in keeping

Achatina is an ideal option for those people who are not able to pay much attention to their pet, but at the same time want to have some kind of animal. Of course, shellfish won't be able to provide the same returns as cats or dogs, but snails have their merits. So, let's look at all the pros and cons of keeping a snail in the house.

  1. Achatina is unpretentious. You can go on a business trip for several days without worrying about the snail dying. In general, shellfish can go without food for several weeks. At this time, they hide in a shell and fall into suspended animation. But it’s better not to risk your pet’s life.
  2. Achatina does not make sounds, so you don’t have to worry about your sleep.
  3. Shellfish are suitable for allergy sufferers.
  4. There is little pollution from Achatina. All you have to do is clean the terrarium.
  5. Achatina is completely unpretentious in food.

If you follow simple measures for keeping your snail at home, your pet will delight you for several years.

  1. Snails reproduce very quickly. If you do not want to get offspring, the clutch of eggs will need to be regularly removed from the terrarium.
  2. Achatina are very voracious. This also affects the amount of feces.
  3. If hygiene standards are not observed, midges and microbes may appear inside the terrarium.
  4. It is necessary to clean your pet's home frequently to ensure that the snail lives comfortably.
  5. If you keep two Achatina, at night you can hear unpleasant creaking sounds coming from the friction of the shells.

Content Features

Achatina is the least of all pets in need of care and special conditions. All actions will boil down to arranging the terrarium and setting it to optimal humidity, lighting and heating. You need to bring the living conditions as close as possible to natural ones so that the snail feels comfortable.

Preparing the terrarium

The terrarium needs to be arranged like a tropical home

It is not necessary to buy a special terrarium for Achatina, since it can be made from an ordinary aquarium. It is important to consider volume. There should be at least 10 liters per snail.

Important! The larger the terrarium, the larger the mollusk will grow.

Make sure that the top of the home is protected with a lid, as the snail can crawl out. For better ventilation, holes must be provided in the coating. As a last resort, you can simply lift the lid to create a small gap.

At the bottom of the aquarium you need to place pieces of wood (hard to rot), moss, and fragments of clay pots. This will serve as a shelter for the snail. daytime. Many Achatina owners plant living plants inside the terrarium. The most unpretentious species are fern and ivy. They not only look beautiful, but also purify the air and create a natural microclimate. However, in this case, the substrate should not be allowed to become waterlogged.

When arranging a terrarium, you need to provide a small container with water, because Achatina loves to swim. As it becomes dirty, it will need to be changed. As a rule, this happens every 5-7 days.

Important! The container should be shallow so that the snail does not choke in it by an absurd accident.

Also keep in mind that such a bath should be heavy so that Achatina does not turn it over. Spilled water will lead to increased humidity inside the aquarium.

The location for the terrarium can be anywhere. Make sure that there are no heating devices nearby, as this will create an unacceptable temperature contrast. For the same reason, keep Achatina’s housing away from windows so that direct sunlight does not fall on it.

What to fill, how and how often to clean

The equipment will allow the snail to feel safe

Achatina like to burrow into the substrate, especially during the day. Therefore, you need to place appropriate bedding at the bottom of the terrarium. Some people use flower compost (necessarily without fertilizers) or peat (neutral) for these purposes. However, this approach is not very aesthetically pleasing, since after a while pets stained with dirt will crawl on the glass, leaving no less creepy traces behind them.

An alternative solution is loose sand, which will need to be constantly moistened. It can also be replaced with hazelnut or walnut shells.

The terrarium must be cleaned regularly, at least once every 2 months. This means completely replacing the substrate, washing glass, etc. Otherwise, there will be a rotten smell inside the aquarium, and the walls will be covered with an impressive layer of mucus from Achatina. Feces should be removed more often as they become dirty. Clean owners carry it out every day.

Optimal temperature and illumination

It is important to maintain a day and night routine

Since Achatina are African mollusks, they need to be provided with conditions that are as similar as possible to their natural habitat. Therefore, the following aspects should be highlighted:

  1. It is not necessary to equip the terrarium itself with lamps, since the intensity of the rays does not play a special role for snails. It is important to observe the change of “day” and “night”. Achatina lead an active lifestyle in a darkened terrarium, and in the light they hide in the substrate. However, if plants that need light are planted inside the home, then you will have to install lighting above the aquarium.
  2. Giant snails are tropical inhabitants. The optimal temperature inside the terrarium should vary between +20°C..+28°C. Therefore, the adjustment will depend on how warm it is in your apartment.
  3. An equally important criterion for the life of Achatina is humidity. Its deficiency or excess can be determined by the behavior of the snail. If it hangs on the walls all the time, this indicates increased humidity. Otherwise, the mollusk constantly hides inside the shell. To increase humidity, just spray the substrate with a spray bottle. And to drain the home, you need to open the lid of the aquarium and shine light into it.

Features of care

As mentioned above, Achatina - perfect pets for lazy owners, since they require minimal care. But certain subtleties still exist.


Achatina is not picky about food

Achatina happily eats greens, vegetables and fruits, although in natural conditions they do not disdain meat. Feed is given as it is eaten, and leftovers must be removed regularly. In captivity, snails are given cabbage, cucumbers, and carrots. This is a standard diet, which, however, is better to diversify.

It is known that each individual snail has its own gastronomic preferences. Therefore, you will need to identify them experimentally.

So, among the permitted products for Achatina are the following:

  1. Fruits and berries: apples, cherries, strawberries, apricots, watermelon, figs, plums, pineapple, mango, avocado, bananas, strawberries, pears, melon, grapes.
  2. Vegetables: broccoli, pumpkin, carrots, rutabaga, tomatoes, lettuce, zucchini, celery, champignons, cucumbers, spinach, cabbage.
  3. Legumes and peas.
  4. Greens: meadow plants, clover, daisies, nettles, elderberry and fruit tree inflorescences, sprouted oats, dandelion, yarrow, plantain, alfalfa.
  5. Other: softened bread, fermented milk products (without salt, sugar and spices), low-fat minced meat, boiled egg, baby food (vegetable and meat), gammarus.

Important! Plants should not be picked within the city or factories, wastewater, or landfills.

List of prohibited products for Achatina:

  1. Everything is spicy and salty.
  2. Fried or smoked foods.
  3. Pasta.
  4. Sweets.
  5. Acidic foods.

To form a shell, Achatina needs calcium. Its lack in the diet leads to deformation and softening of the shell. In captivity, a snail can obtain calcium from eggshells, sepia, shell rock, food chalk and gammarus.

For quick results, you can prepare a special composition. Kalcekasha is a special nutritional mixture made from various sources this element. It is prepared in the following proportions:

  • grain mixture - 70% (millet, flax seeds, oats, barley, wheat);
  • eggshells - 3%;
  • wheat bran - 5%;
  • fish food - 5%;
  • tricalcium phosphate - 12%;
  • gammarus - 5%.

Along with food in the terrarium there should be drinking water. It is needed for mucus secretion.

Video: feeding Achatina

Bathing: how and how often

Achatina loves water procedures

Achatina loves to swim. For owners, this is an additional way to establish contact with their pet. The procedure is carried out under a tap or shower, but always in warm water. The pressure can be adjusted by monitoring the behavior of the snail. If Achatina is unhappy, she will definitely hide in the shell.

Video: Tutorial for bathing a snail

The issue of reproduction

Achatina eggs are laid 3 cm deep into the substrate

Most Achatina begin to reproduce at the age of 9-18 months. Incubation period can last from 4 to 8 weeks, depending on the specific type of mollusk. However, keep in mind that if the substrate thickness is less than 3 cm, Achatina reproduce poorly, since they have nowhere to place a clutch of eggs.

Giant snails are hermaphrodites, like all land gastropods. Therefore, if you do not want to get offspring, get one snail or place your pets in different terrariums. If unwanted masonry does appear, it must be removed from the aquarium and placed in the freezer or boiled.

The resulting snails should not be released into the wild. They can cause serious harm to gardeners, as they readily reproduce and consume everything in their path.

In England there is even a special law prohibiting the release of African mollusks into the street.

Caring for the health of snails

With proper care, Achatina will not get sick

Health problems include:

  1. Overheating or hypothermia. This occurs due to incorrectly set temperature conditions inside the terrarium. Symptoms in this case include lethargy, refusal to eat, and lethargy. If the snail is overheated, wet its body with water. Otherwise, arrange a warm wipedown with a soft cloth.
  2. Poisoning. Achatina may die upon contact with products household chemicals or salt. In this case, the mortality rate reaches 95%. Symptoms of poisoning: bubbling around the mouth, the appearance of foam, discharge of white mucus on the body of the mollusk. You can try to help your pet by washing him under warm water. If after bathing the mouth is still bubbling, do not torture the snail. She can be put in the freezer, where she will fall asleep and die.
  3. Falling out of the shell. Due to genetic predisposition, the harmful effects of carcinogenic substances, the development of fungus and other bacteria, the snail may lose its shell. The mortality rate is 97%. However, if this happens to a small Achatina, there is a chance that it will grow a new shell. It is better not to torture an adult and freeze it.
  4. Shell disease. As a result of an unsuitable substrate, the appearance of fungal infections, waterlogging or high humidity inside the terrarium, the shell can be seriously damaged. The cause may also be a lack/excess of calcium or vitamin A. Externally, the shell becomes lumpy, deformed, becomes brittle, and flakes off. In this case, the mollusk needs to be switched to a diet with maximum saturation of food with calcium-containing components.
  5. Domestic injuries. Snails can harm their health by crawling on the lid of the terrarium and often falling. As a result, part of the shell or even the first 2-3 whorls of the shell (top of the head) may break off. If this happens, there is no need to panic. Carefully inspect the affected area. If the soft body is not visible on the chip or it protrudes by 1-2 mm, treat the edges with an antiseptic. Place the wounded snail in a separate terrarium. In a few days, healing will begin - Achatina’s body will secrete tissue that will close the chip and dull the edges.

Giant Achatina snails - a good option to have pet for forgetful or too busy people. Their maintenance does not require particularly difficult conditions, and in the absence of food for a long time, the mollusks fall into suspended animation. Otherwise, these amazing animals do not require exquisite food; they are quite capable of contacting the owner, remaining an unobtrusive pet.

The snail has been known since ancient times. The ancient Roman polymath Pliny the Elder reported in his writings breeding grape snails compatriots to feed the poorest classes. Specialized farms are still being created on modern style, but the taste of shellfish is now more familiar to gourmets.

The name of the terrestrial gastropod has taken root because of its harmfulness to grapevines, but there are other variants of their names: apple snail, roof snail, Roman snail, Burgundy snail, or simply edible snail.

Features and habitat of the snail

Mollusks live not only in accordance with their name in vineyards, but also in gardens, deciduous forests and ravines with thickets of bushes. Limestone soil and alkaline reaction are the favorite environment of heat-loving snails.

European part, North Africa and Western Asia, South America inhabited by numerous populations of mollusks living not only in natural conditions nature, but also within the city limits, close to highways and residential buildings.

Due to their predilection for young shoots of plants, snails are classified as pests and are legally prohibited from being imported into some states. But at the same time benefits of grape snails obvious for the food and medical industries.

It is no coincidence that there are special farms for growing grape snails for various purposes. Ads " I'll buy a grape snail"is not uncommon today.

In size, this mollusk is perhaps the largest land mollusk in Europe. The body consists of a trunk and a shell, spirally twisted by 4.5 turns. The height of the snail's house is up to 5 cm, and its width is 4.7 cm. This is enough for the body to fit completely.

The ribbed surface of the shell's turbo spiral allows it to retain more moisture and enhances the strength of the house, which can withstand load pressure of up to 13 kg. The weight of the snail reaches 50 g.

The mobile and elastic body is usually beige-brown in color, covered with wrinkles to retain fluid and allow movement. Each snail has its own convex body pattern, sometimes barely noticeable. Breathing is pulmonary. Blood has no color.

The movement of the mollusk is ensured by a large leg. It glides along the surface due to the contraction of the muscles located in the sole and the stretching of the surface of the body. The length of the leg reaches 5-8 cm.

As the snail moves, thanks to special glands located in front, it secretes mucus that reduces friction. average speed the cochlea moves approximately 1.5 mm per second on any surface: horizontal, vertical, inclined.

It was believed that the mucous secretions simply dried out, but observations showed how the mollusk absorbs liquid using a groove on the sole. There is a constant circulation of mucus, which conserves fluid inside the body. If the weather is rainy, the snail does not spare the mucus and leaves a trail, since replenishing the supply is not at all difficult.

The shell color is usually brownish-yellow with dark transverse stripes. There are monochromatic, sandy-yellow individuals without stripes.

Shades may vary depending on the nutritional characteristics of the mollusk and the habitat in which it is necessary to camouflage itself from numerous enemies: frogs, shrews, lizards, birds, mice and predatory insects. Snails suffer from beetles that crawl into their breathing hole.

On the head of the mollusk there are tentacles with important vital organs. They are very mobile and rise and fall in a vertical position, usually forming an obtuse angle between themselves.

The anterior ones, up to 4-5 mm long, provide the olfactory function. The posterior ones, up to 2 cm in size, are the eye tentacles. Snails do not distinguish colors, but they see objects close up, up to 1 cm, and react to the intensity of lighting. All tentacles are highly sensitive: when touched lightly, they hide inside.

Character and lifestyle of the snail

Snail activity is manifested in warm time: from early spring to autumn frosts. During the cold period they go into suspended animation, or hibernation. The rest period lasts up to 3 months. For wintering, mollusks prepare chambers in the soil.

Being good diggers, they make indentations with their muscular legs. The depth is from 6 to 30 cm depending on the density of the soil and other conditions. If the snail cannot burrow into hard ground, it hides under the leaves.

The mouth of the snail shell is covered with a special film of mucus, which, after hardening, turns into a dense cap. A small vent is maintained for air flow.

You can check this by immersing the snail in water - bubbles will appear as evidence of gas exchange. The thickness of such a plug depends on wintering conditions. The calcareous shell reliably protects the body of the mollusk from external environment. During hibernation, weight loss reaches 10%, and recovery lasts for a month after awakening.

When a snail hibernates, it always lies down with its mouth facing upward. This allows you to maintain a small air layer, protects against bacteria and makes it easier to wake up in the spring. In order not to be flooded, she needs to get to the surface as quickly as possible in a few hours.

During the day, mollusks are passive, hiding in inconspicuous places under the cover of leaves or stones, on damp soil or damp moss. Air humidity affects the behavior of snails.

In dry weather, they are lethargic and inactive, sitting in shells covered with a transparent veil from evaporation and dehydration. On rainy days, the snail comes out of hibernation, eats the protective film at the mouth of the shell, the speed of its movement increases, and the period of active search food.

An interesting fact is the regeneration, or restoration, of missing body parts by snails. If a predator bites off the tentacles or part of the head of a mollusk, the snail will not die, but will be able to regrow what is missing within 2-4 weeks.

Breeding grape snails at home today it has not become a rarity. This explains that in a number of countries, despite bans on the import of shellfish, interest in them remains and price of grape snail growing.

Grape snail nutrition

The main diet of herbivorous snails is young shoots of living plants, for which they are considered pests. What to feed a grape snail at home? They love fresh vegetables and fruits: bananas, pumpkin, zucchini, apples, cucumbers, carrots, beets, cabbage and more. In general, the list of plant crops includes more than 30 items, including plantain, burdock, dandelions, sorrel, and nettle.

In captivity, soaked bread becomes a delicacy for them. They can feed on other fallen greens and food leftovers only in conditions of lack of food. Then rotten plants and fallen leaves will definitely attract snails.

The tongue of a mollusk is like a roller with many teeth. Like a grater, it scrapes parts of plants. The greens turned into pulp are absorbed by the snail. Even nettle does not cause harm with its stinging hairs.

To strengthen the shell, the snail requires calcium salts. Animal food can also occasionally attract mollusks. Snails are endowed with a wonderful sense of smell. They can smell the smell of fresh melon or cabbage about half a meter away. lung condition breeze. Other odors are felt at a distance of about 5-6 cm.

Snail reproduction and lifespan

Grape snails are considered hermaphrodites. Therefore, two mature individuals are sufficient for reproduction. The mating period takes place in spring or early autumn.

Photo of snails mating

Eggs are laid in a prepared hole or in some natural shelter, for example, near the root weaves of plants. The clutch consists of 30-40 white shiny eggs up to 7 mm in size. The incubation period is 3-4 weeks.

Newborn snails emerging from eggs have a transparent shell with a curl of one and a half turns. Snails have been living independently since birth.

The young animals eat the remains of the eggshell, feed on the soil and the substances contained in it until they get out of the shelter. Formation occurs within 7-10 days in the nest, and then on the surface in search of plant food. Over the course of a month, snails increase in size by about 3-4 times.

In the photo the snail lays eggs

Only by 1.5 years does the snail reach puberty, but only 5% of those born reach this period. About a third of the mollusks die after the breeding season.

Average duration life in natural conditions is 7-8 years, if it does not fall into the hands of a predator. Under favorable artificial breeding conditions domestic grape snail lives up to 20 years. There is a known case of record keeping a grape snail at 30 years old.

Despite the wide territorial distribution of shellfish, they have always been objects of human consumption due to the nutritional value of meat as a food product and medical significance in the treatment of eye diseases, musculoskeletal diseases, stomach problems and for cosmetic purposes.

The mucus of gastropods improves the restoration processes of the skin after damage. Snails enhance collagen production and blood microcirculation, which help improve skin structure and rejuvenate it.

Preparing grape snails traditionally in Mediterranean countries and many European countries. Rich in protein and minerals, shellfish dishes are appreciated by gourmets. Best Recipes grape snails known to residents of France, Spain, Italy, Greece.

The snail is simple and mysterious at the same time. Coming from ancient times, it has changed little and still attracts human interest in its natural life.