The most amazing and wise thing that humanity has created is language.

Literary language is the main means of communication between people of the same nationality. It is characterized by two main properties: processing and normalization.

The refinement of a literary language arises as a result of a purposeful selection of all the best that is in the language. This selection is carried out in the process of using the language, as a result of special research by philologists and public figures.

Standardization is the use of linguistic means regulated by a single universally binding norm. A norm as a set of rules of word usage is necessary to preserve the integrity and general intelligibility of the national language, to transmit information from one generation to another. If there were no single language norm, then changes could occur in the language in which people living in different parts of Russia would cease to understand each other.

The main requirements that a literary language must meet are its unity and general intelligibility.

The modern Russian literary language is multifunctional and is used in various spheres of human activity.

The main ones are: politics, science, culture, verbal art, education, everyday communication, interethnic communication, print, radio, television.

If we compare the varieties of the national language (vernacular, territorial and social dialects, jargons), the literary language plays a leading role. It includes the best ways to designate concepts and objects, express thoughts and emotions. There is constant interaction between the literary language and non-literary varieties of the Russian language. This is most clearly revealed in the sphere of spoken language.

In scientific linguistic literature, the main features of a literary language are identified:

1) processing;

2) sustainability;

3) mandatory (for all native speakers);

4) normalization;

5) the presence of functional styles.

The Russian literary language exists in two forms - oral and written. Each form of speech has its own specifics.

The Russian language in its broadest concept is the totality of all words, grammatical forms, pronunciation features of all Russian people, that is, all who speak Russian as their native language. The more correct and precise the speech, the more accessible it is to understanding, the more beautiful and expressive it is, the stronger its impact on the listener or reader. To speak correctly and beautifully, you need to observe the laws of logic (consistency, evidence) and the norms of literary language, maintain the unity of style, avoid repetition, and take care of the euphony of speech.

The main features of Russian literary pronunciation were formed precisely on the basis of the phonetics of Central Russian dialects. Nowadays, dialects are being destroyed under the pressure of the literary language.

2. Multifunctionality of the Russian literary language. Differences in the functions of literary language and the language of fiction

The basis of speech culture is the literary language. It constitutes the highest form of the national language. It is the language of culture, literature, education, and the media.

Modern Russian is multifunctional, that is, it is used in various spheres of human activity. The means of literary language (vocabulary, grammatical structures, etc.) are functionally differentiated by use in various fields of activity. The use of certain linguistic means depends on the type of communication. Literary language is divided into two functional varieties: colloquial and bookish. In accordance with this, colloquial speech and book language are distinguished.

In oral conversation, there are three styles of pronunciation: full, neutral, colloquial.

One of the most important properties of a book language is its ability to preserve text and thereby serve as a means of communication between generations. The functions of book language are numerous and become more complex with the development of society. When identifying styles of the national language, many varieties are taken into account, covering linguistic material from “high”, bookish elements to “low”, colloquial elements. What functional styles is book language divided into?

Functional style is a type of book language that is characteristic of a certain sphere of human activity and has a certain

significant originality in the use of linguistic means. There are three main styles in book language: scientific, official business, and journalistic.

Along with the listed styles, there is also the language of fiction. It is classified as the fourth functional style of book language. However, what is characteristic of artistic speech is that all linguistic means can be used here: words and expressions of the literary language, elements of vernacular, jargon, and territorial dialects. The author uses these means to express the idea of ​​the work, give it expressiveness, reflect local color, etc.

The main function of artistic speech is impact. Used exclusively in works of art. Also, such speech has an aesthetic function, as well as an evaluation and communicative function. Fiction acts as an assessment of the surrounding world and an expression of attitude towards it.

Rhyme and rhythm are the distinctive features of speech. The tasks of artistic speech are to influence the feelings and thoughts of the reader and listener, and to evoke empathy in him.

The addressee is, as a rule, any person. Conditions of communication – participants in communication are separated by time and space.

Linguistic means of artistic speech (words with a figurative meaning, emotional-figurative words, specific words (not birds, but thunder), interrogative, exclamatory, incentive sentences, with homogeneous members.

ODA + signs

· presence of a corpus of texts;

1) presence of writing;

7) common use;
8) universally binding;

Literary and national language.

Comparison. Literary is included in the national

Non-literary forms of language, dialects.

A national language is a form of language that exists in the era of the nation.

A national language is a hierarchical integrity within which a regrouping of linguistic phenomena occurs.

National language:

· literary language:

· written form (book);

· oral form (conversational);

· non-literary forms:

· territorial dialects;

· social phraseological units;

· prison (argotic vocabulary);

· vernacular;

· jargon;

Dialect is a means of communication between people united territorially (national language + territorial features).

Jargon is a social dialect characterized by specific vocabulary, phraseology, and expressive means, without affecting the phonetic and grammatical basis. The main function is to express membership in an autonomous social group. ( 18th - 19th century based on borrowed words)

Slang ( from eng) is a set of special words or word meanings, also used in various social groups, but with a short lifespan.

Argotic vocabulary is the language of a closed social group that does not affect the phonetic and grammatical foundations.

Vernacular is a distorted, incorrectly used form of lit. language, i.e., in essence, a deviation from the literary language norm. (At all language levels) Opposes all other forms, because it distorts the lexical bases. The main features of vernacular: carelessness, loss of self-control, unclear articulation, the presence of erroneous forms, oversimplification. (oral speech is not the same as vernacular)

History of the formation of the Russian literary language

Indo-European linguistic unity

Common Slavic 1500 BC - 400 AD

Old Russian language

Beginning of formation 14th century

The special role of the Church Slavonic language

Two elements:

· Old Russian language (mostly without writing);

· Church Slavonic language (mostly bookish);

A lot of borrowings, different in time and source.

A large number of dialects of the Old Russian language.

The Russian language was initially part of the East Slavic language (Old Russian), which was spoken by the East Slavic tribes that formed the Old Russian nation within the Kiev state in the 11th century. Over time (XIV - XV centuries), the Russian language stood out from the general group and formed as an independent language, along with Ukrainian and Belorussian s k and m.

The ancient Russian language (the common ancestor of Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian) is reflected in written monuments. Of the surviving manuscripts that have come down to us, the earliest manuscript dates back to the 11th century (dated 1057).

Until the 14th century. The Old Russian language existed as the common language of the ancestors of Ukrainians, Belarusians and Russians. Russian language belongs to the eastern group of Slavic languages. This group includes Ukrainian and Belarusian languages. In addition to the eastern group, among the Slavic languages ​​there is also a southern group (Bulgarian, Serbo-Croatian, Slovenian, Macedonian languages) and a western group of languages ​​(Polish, Slovak, Czech and some other languages). All Slavic languages ​​are closely related, have many common words, and are significantly similar in grammar and phonetics. In the 14th century. There was a division of this East Slavic language (in connection with the formation of the Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian nations), and since then there has been a Russian language of the Russian people.

From Peter I to the 19th century - normalization of the Russian language.

Stalistic normalization - Lomanosov.

In the future: Ushakov, Vinogradov, Ozhegov...

You can find similarities between words in the Indo-European family of languages:

Russian language in the system of world languages

Map of language families

Genealogical and typological classifications

Language families. Basque language isolated. Japanese isolated. RF (???)

There are about 5,000 languages ​​in the world.

Languages ​​that come from the same “parent” language are called related. All related languages ​​going back to a single ancestor are usually called language family.

Languages ​​of the world:

· North Caucasian family of languages;

Indo-European family of languages:

Slavic group of languages:

· West Slavic subgroup:

· Polish;

· Czech;

· East Slavic subgroup:

· Ukrainian;

· Russian;

· Belarusian;

South Slavic subgroup:

· Bulgarian;

· Macedonian;

Basque family:

· Basque language;

Chinese → Eastern group of languages ​​→ Sino-Tibetan family of languages

There are about 1000 dialects in Papuan languages ​​*trollface*

Japanese language isolated

Example: the word "house"

Russian language: house

Serbian: home

Polish language: dom

Journalistic style.

A distinctive feature of the journalistic style is considered to be the combination of the opposite: standard and expression, strict logic and emotionality, clarity and conciseness, informative richness and economy of linguistic means.

The journalistic style is inherent in periodicals, socio-political literature, political and judicial speeches, etc. It is used, as a rule, to highlight and discuss current problems and phenomena in the current life of society, to develop public opinion formed with the aim of solving them. Let us make a reservation that the journalistic style exists not only in verbal (oral and written) form, but also in graphic, visual (poster, caricature), photographic and cinematic (documentary films, television) and other forms.

One of the central functions of the journalistic style of speech is the informational function. By implementing it, this style also performs another function - influencing the reader and listener. It is associated with the public defense of certain ideals, with convincing others of their justice and justification.

The journalistic style, unlike the scientific one, for example, is associated with simplicity and accessibility of presentation, and often uses elements of appeal and declarativeness.

His verbal expressiveness is manifested in the desire for novelty of presentation, in attempts to use unusual, uncanny phrases, avoid repetition of the same words, phrases, constructions, address directly the reader or listener, etc. Publicism is inherently accessible, because it is intended for the widest audience. The stylistics of journalistic speech allows us to realize the mass nature of communication.

Another important manifestation of the journalistic style is the use of so-called intellectual speech. It is characterized by strict documentaryism, focusing on the accuracy, verification, and objectivity of the facts presented. Such speech, as a rule, is replete with professional terminology, but the use of figurative, metaphorical terms is limited. It claims to be analytical and factual in its presentation of material. The author of the speech seeks to draw attention to the significance of the facts cited and the information published, and highlights the personal, personal, personal nature of the speech. In a word, the stylistic core of intellectual speech is its emphasized documentary and factual accuracy.

The most important role in the journalistic style of speech is played by emotional means of expressiveness. Among them are the use of words with a strong emotional connotation, the use of figurative meanings of words, and the use of various figurative means. Epithets, lexical repetitions, comparisons, metaphors, appeals, and rhetorical questions are widely used. Proverbs, sayings, colloquial figures of speech, phraseological units, the use of literary images, the possibilities of humor and satire are also means of emotional expressiveness. Emotional linguistic means appear in a journalistic style in combination with imagery, logic, and evidence.

Art style

The artistic style of speech is characterized by imagery and extensive use of figurative and expressive means of language. In addition to its typical linguistic means, it uses means of all other styles, especially colloquial. In the language of artistic literature, colloquialisms and dialectisms, words of a high, poetic style, slang, rude words, professional business figures of speech, and journalism can be used. HOWEVER, ALL THESE MEANS IN THE ARTISTIC STYLE OF Speech ARE SUBJECT TO ITS BASIC FUNCTION – AESTHETIC.

If the colloquial style of speech primarily performs the function of communication (communicative), scientific and official business function of message (informative), then the artistic style of speech is intended to create artistic, poetic images, emotional and aesthetic impact. All linguistic means included in a work of art change their primary function and are subordinate to the objectives of a given artistic style.

In literature, language occupies a special position, since it is that building material, that matter perceived by hearing or sight, without which a work cannot be created. An artist of words - a poet, a writer - finds, in the words of L. Tolstoy, “the only necessary placement of the only necessary words” in order to correctly, accurately, figuratively express a thought, convey the plot, character, make the reader empathize with the heroes of the work, and enter the world created by the author.

All this is accessible ONLY TO THE LANGUAGE OF FICTION, which is why it has always been considered the pinnacle of literary language. The best in language, its strongest capabilities and rarest beauty are in works of fiction, and all this is achieved through the artistic means of language.

The means of artistic expression are varied and numerous. You are already familiar with many of them. These are tropes such as epithets, comparisons, metaphors, hyperboles, etc. Tropes are a figure of speech in which a word or expression is used figuratively in order to achieve greater artistic expressiveness. The trope is based on a comparison of two concepts that seem close to our consciousness in some respect. The most common types of tropes are allegory, hyperbole, irony, litotes, metaphor, metomy, personification, periphrasis, synecdoche, comparison, epithet.

For example: What are you howling about, night wind, what are you madly complaining about - personification. All flags will visit us - synecdoche. A man the size of a fingernail, a boy the size of a finger – litotes. Well, eat a plate, my dear - metonymy, etc.

The expressive means of language also include STYLISTIC FIGURES of speech or simply figures of speech: anaphora, antithesis, non-union, gradation, inversion, polyunion, parallelism, rhetorical question, rhetorical appeal, silence, ellipsis, epiphora. The means of artistic expression also include rhythm (poetry and prose), rhyme, and intonation.

Each author has his own unique author's style. For example, when publishing classic literary works, the author’s neologisms and even obvious grammatical and spelling errors of the author are often preserved in order to convey the author’s style as fully as possible. Sometimes later they even become a new literary norm.

Conversational style

Conversational style mainly exists in oral form, but can also be written down.

Signs of conversational style:

· neutral, subject-specific vocabulary;

· expressive, emotionally charged words occupy a large place;

· folk phraseology;

· abstract nouns are uncharacteristic;

· Participles and gerunds are almost never used;

· simplified syntax: sentences are usually simple, often incomplete;

· word order is free, inversion is easily allowed;

· intonation with a clearly noticeable transition from rising to falling;

At the same time, spoken language is open to various intrusions, including foreign ones. So, it combines a purely colloquial word, like “bad”, with a term. In a conversational style, you can also speak on a business topic, if this is appropriate under the conditions of communication (for example, if friends are talking). The conversational style is not entirely homogeneous: it can be neutral, conversational, businesslike, or familiar. With all the freedom of the colloquial style, it still remains the style of the literary language, that is, it does not go beyond the limits of the language norm. Therefore, there is no place for vernacular and other types of profanity in it.

Successful conversational speech prevents conflicts, significantly contributes to making optimal decisions, and establishing the desired moral climate in the family and team.

We emphasize that the conversational (colloquial-everyday) style fully performs the function of communication. Along with the domestic environment, it is also most widely used in the professional sphere. In everyday life, the conversational style manifests itself both orally and in writing (notes, private letters), in the professional sphere, mainly in oral form.

Everyday communication situations, especially dialogical ones, are characterized by an emotional, primarily evaluative, reaction. Such communication is characterized by the unity of its verbal and non-verbal manifestations.

The conversational style is also characterized by the sensually concrete nature of speech, the lack of strict logic and inconsistency of presentation, discontinuity, the predominance of emotional and evaluative information content, frequent manifestations of violent expression, and the personal nature of speech. All this, of course, significantly affects the functioning of linguistic units serving the conversational style, i.e. on the general direction of their use.

The conversational style is characterized by active manipulation of lexical, syntactic and grammatical synonyms (words that sound different, but are identical or similar in meaning; constructions that have the same meaning).

Literary language. Its main features.

ODA + signs

A literary language is an exemplary, standard, codified, processed form of the national language:

· presence of a corpus of texts;

· processed and codified;

· universal use;

· stylistic differentiation;

Literary language is a national written language, the language of official and business documents, school teaching, written communication, science, journalism, fiction, all manifestations of culture expressed in verbal form (written and sometimes oral), perceived by native speakers of this language as exemplary. Literary language is the language of literature in a broad sense. The Russian literary language functions both in oral form and in written form.

Signs of a literary language:
1) presence of writing;
2) normalization is a fairly stable way of expression that expresses historically established patterns of development of the Russian literary language. Normalization is based on the language system and is enshrined in the best examples of literary works. This method of expression is preferred by the educated part of society;
3) codification, i.e. consolidation in scientific literature; this is expressed in the availability of grammatical dictionaries and other books containing rules for using the language;
4) stylistic diversity, i.e. variety of functional styles of literary language;
5) relative stability;
7) common use;
8) universally binding;
9) compliance with the use, customs and capabilities of the language system.
The protection of the literary language and its norms is one of the main tasks of speech culture. Literary language unites people linguistically. The leading role in the creation of a literary language belongs to the most advanced part of society.
Literary language must be generally understandable, i.e. accessible to all members of society. Literary language must be developed to such an extent as to be able to serve the main areas of human activity. When speaking, it is important to follow the norms of the language. Based on this, an important task for linguists is to consider everything new in a literary language from the point of view of compliance with the general patterns of language development and the optimal conditions for its functioning.


The most amazing and wise thing that humanity has created is language.

Literary language- This is the main means of communication between people of the same nationality. It is characterized by two main properties: processing and normalization.

Processed literary language arises as a result of a purposeful selection of all the best that is in the language. This selection is carried out in the process of using the language, as a result of special research by philologists and public figures.

Standardization– the use of linguistic means, regulated by a single generally binding norm. A norm as a set of rules of word usage is necessary to preserve the integrity and general intelligibility of the national language, to transmit information from one generation to another. If there were no single language norm, then changes could occur in the language in which people living in different parts of Russia would cease to understand each other.

The main requirements that a literary language must meet are its unity and general intelligibility.

The modern Russian literary language is multifunctional and is used in various spheres of human activity.

The main ones are: politics, science, culture, verbal art, education, everyday communication, interethnic communication, print, radio, television.

If we compare the varieties of the national language (vernacular, territorial and social dialects, jargons), the literary language plays a leading role. It includes the best ways to designate concepts and objects, express thoughts and emotions. There is constant interaction between the literary language and non-literary varieties of the Russian language. This is most clearly revealed in the sphere of spoken language.

In scientific linguistic literature, the main features of a literary language are identified:

1) processing;

2) sustainability;

3) mandatory (for all native speakers);

4) normalization;

5) the presence of functional styles.

The Russian literary language exists in two forms - oral and written. Each form of speech has its own specifics.

The Russian language in its broadest concept is the totality of all words, grammatical forms, pronunciation features of all Russian people, that is, all who speak Russian as their native language. The more correct and precise the speech, the more accessible it is to understanding, the more beautiful and expressive it is, the stronger its impact on the listener or reader. To speak correctly and beautifully, you need to observe the laws of logic (consistency, evidence) and the norms of literary language, maintain the unity of style, avoid repetition, and take care of the euphony of speech.

The main features of Russian literary pronunciation were formed precisely on the basis of the phonetics of Central Russian dialects. Nowadays, dialects are being destroyed under the pressure of the literary language.


The basis of speech culture is the literary language. It constitutes the highest form of the national language. It is the language of culture, literature, education, and the media.

Modern Russian is multifunctional, that is, it is used in various spheres of human activity. The means of literary language (vocabulary, grammatical structures, etc.) are functionally differentiated by use in various fields of activity. The use of certain linguistic means depends on the type of communication. Literary language is divided into two functional varieties: colloquial and bookish. In accordance with this, colloquial speech and book language are distinguished.

In oral conversation, there are three styles of pronunciation: full, neutral, colloquial.

One of the most important properties of a book language is its ability to preserve text and thereby serve as a means of communication between generations. The functions of book language are numerous and become more complex with the development of society. When selecting styles national The language takes into account many varieties, covering linguistic material from “high”, bookish elements to “low”, colloquial elements. What functional styles is book language divided into?

Functional style- a type of book language characteristic of a certain sphere of human activity and having a certain

significant originality in the use of linguistic means. There are three main styles in book language: scientific, official business, and journalistic.

Along with the listed styles, there is also the language of fiction. It is classified as the fourth functional style of book language. However, what is characteristic of artistic speech is that all linguistic means can be used here: words and expressions of the literary language, elements of vernacular, jargon, and territorial dialects. The author uses these means to express the idea of ​​the work, give it expressiveness, reflect local color, etc.

The main function of artistic speech is impact. Used exclusively in works of art. Also, such speech has an aesthetic function, as well as an evaluation and communicative function. Fiction acts as an assessment of the surrounding world and an expression of attitude towards it.

Rhyme, rhythm- distinctive features of speech. The tasks of artistic speech are to influence the feelings and thoughts of the reader and listener, and to evoke empathy in him.

The addressee is, as a rule, any person. Conditions of communication – participants in communication are separated by time and space.

Linguistic means of artistic speech (words with a figurative meaning, emotional-figurative words, specific words (not birds, but thunder), interrogative, exclamatory, incentive sentences, with homogeneous members.


Speech– this is the main way to satisfy personal, and not only personal, communication needs.

Speech communication- this is a motivated living process of interaction, which is aimed at the implementation of a specific, vital goal, proceeds on the basis of feedback in specific types of speech activity.

Interaction between people communicating- this is an exchange in the process of communication not only of speech statements, but also of actions and deeds. Interaction is carried out in the form of contact, conflict, partnership, cooperation, competition, etc. Speech and non-speech interaction of communication participants is distinguished.

The means of verbal communication is language, and the method is speech. The communication channels of non-verbal communication are vision, gestures, motor skills, kinesthesia (smell, touch, sensations). Speech interaction is preceded by social interaction.

Social interaction begins with the establishment of psychological contact (saw, nodded, smiled or turned away sharply). Social interaction (began to listen and understand the purpose of what the interlocutor is communicating) moves on to influence (began to look at the message through the eyes of the partner), and then to semantic contact. There are three interrelated components in the structure of interpersonal interaction:

1) behavioral component. It includes the results of activity, speech actions and non-speech actions of each of the participants in communication, as well as facial expressions, pantomime, gestures, everything that other people X can observe in their interlocutors. By observing the behavior of a person, one can interpret his personal characteristics, motives of behavior, character, and temperament. Thanks to auxiliary means of communication (gestures, facial expressions), a person more easily and quickly assimilates the information conveyed by the interlocutor;

2) effective component. Includes everything that is associated with the expression of the emotional state of a particular person, for example, satisfaction and dissatisfaction with communication;

3) information component– awareness by the interlocutor of the goals and objectives of interaction, the communication situation as a whole.

Living and working together, people constantly communicate: exchange knowledge, thoughts, feelings, agree on joint work, and consult with each other. Thus, human interaction is a diverse manifestation of joint human activity. It is carried out in the labor process, friendly conversation, scientific debate, etc. Interaction in the labor process involves understanding production activities, developing a strategy and its improvement, change, transformation.

Interaction is a complex process between people, the purpose of which is to establish contacts in the process of joint activities. For communication to be successful, you must first of all know the language and have a good command of speech. We must always take into account for what purpose and to whom we are addressing, i.e., the characteristics of the addressee of the speech. After all, we will ask for something in different ways or convince a loved one or a stranger, an adult or a child, of something, which means we must be familiar with the elements of speech etiquette. According to linguistics and psychology, the main types of speech activities are listening, reading, speaking and writing.


Communication– this is a complex process of interaction between people, a phenomenon that is far from unambiguous. Therefore, the characteristics of people’s behavior in the process of communication, the use of various methods and techniques, the use of speech means are largely determined by the type and method of communication that has to be dealt with in each specific case. The main components of communication:

1) a conversation will take place if at least two people participate in it (the subject and the addressee), and often there are many more participants in the conversation;

2) this is a thought, i.e. the main and current topic for conversation;

3) knowledge of the language in which they communicate. Depending on various characteristics, both everyday and business communication can be divided into the following types:

1) contact – remote;

2) direct – indirect;

3) oral – written;

4) dialogical - monological;

5) interpersonal - mass, etc. The effectiveness of communication depends on the extent to which a person involved in the process imagines the actually existing conditions of communication and adjusts his verbal communication in accordance with it. Usually a person does this intuitively, without thinking.

For communication to take place, interlocutors need a communication channel. When speaking, these are the organs of speech and hearing (auditory contact). The form and content of the letter are perceived through the visual (visual) channel. A handshake is a way of conveying a friendly greeting through the kinesico-tactile (motor-tactile) channel, i.e. the message came to us through visual contact, but not visual-verbal, since no one told us anything verbally.

The perfect means of communication is language. Thanks to language, it is possible to exchange information in different areas of life. For communication to be successful, you need to know the language and have a good command of speech. We must always take into account the purpose for which we are contacting, as well as the peculiarities of the addressee’s speech, since each person communicates differently: with a loved one - one way of communication, and with a stranger - another, with an adult - one way, with a child - another, and Accordingly, we must be familiar with the elements of speech etiquette.

The ability to communicate allowed man to achieve a high civilization, break into space, sink to the bottom of the ocean, and penetrate the bowels of the earth. Mastering the art of communication, the art of words, the culture of written and oral speech is necessary for every person, regardless of what type of activity he is engaged in or will be engaged in. Being able to communicate is especially important for business people, entrepreneurs, managers, production organizers, and people involved in management.

Communication is carried out through speech, in the process of speech.

Speech- this is language in action, this is the use of language, its system for the purposes of speaking, transmitting thoughts, communicating.

Communication– a complex process of interaction between people, a phenomenon that is far from unambiguous. Therefore, the characteristics of people’s behavior in the process of communication, the use of various methods and techniques, and the use of speech means are largely determined by the type of communication that has to be dealt with in each specific case.


The scientific style belongs to the number of book styles of a literary language, which are characterized by a number of common linguistic features: preliminary consideration of the statement, monologue character, strict selection of linguistic means, and a tendency towards standardized speech.

At first, the scientific style was close to the artistic style. The separation of styles occurred during the Alexandrian period, when scientific terminology began to be created in the Greek language.

In Russia, the scientific style began to take shape in the first decades of the 8th century.

The scientific style has a number of common features that appear regardless of the nature of the sciences and genre differences. The scientific style has varieties (substyles): popular science, business science, scientific and technical, scientific journalistic and educational scientific.

The scientific style is used in the works of scientists to express the results of research activities. The purpose of the scientific style is to communicate and explain scientific results. The form of implementation is dialogue. Typical of scientific speech are semantic precision, ugliness, hidden emotionality, objectivity of presentation, and rigor.

The scientific style uses linguistic means: terms, special words and phraseology.

Words are used in their literal meaning. It is characterized by genres: monograph, article, dissertation, report, etc. One of the features of scientific speech is the use of concepts that reflect the properties of entire groups, objects and phenomena. Each concept has its own name and term. For example: console(a term that names the concept being defined) is a significant part of the word (generic concept), which is located before the root and serves to form new words (species characteristics).

The scientific style has its own phraseology, which includes compound terms (angina pectoris, solar plexus, right angle, freezing and boiling points, participial revolution etc.).

The language of science and technology is also characterized by a number of grammatical features. In the field of morphology, this is the use of shorter variant forms, which corresponds to the principle of “saving” linguistic means (key – keys).

In scientific works, the singular form of nouns is often used to mean plural. For example: wolf - a predatory animal of the dog family(a whole class of objects is named, indicating their characteristic features); linden begins to bloom at the end of June(a specific noun is used in a collective concept).

Among the syntactic features of the scientific style, there is a tendency towards complex constructions. For this purpose, sentences with homogeneous members and a generalizing word are used. Various types of complex sentences are common in scientific literature. They often contain subordinating conjunctions characteristic of book speech.

To combine parts of text and paragraphs, words and their combinations are used, indicating their connection with each other.

Syntactic structures in scientific prose are more complex and richer in lexical material than in fiction. Sentences in a scientific text contain one and a half times more words than sentences in a literary text.


Instructions- This is a document drawn up in an official business style. Consequently, the language of the instructions is strict and specific in its content. The instruction belongs to the incentive genre, so the main one in its text is the construction of the imperative mood. Typically, instructions come from higher ranks to lower ranks. It consists of points where each indicates safety rules at a given enterprise. The instructions relate to business documents, therefore the terms of this genre correspond to the style of all business documents, i.e. the language is standardized. The vocabulary in such documents is closed. And here business etiquette comes into play, influencing the entire language in an official business style. The presence of an emotional aspect in such texts is considered bad form. The instructions do not contain authorship, but they are compiled according to a certain scheme, although each enterprise has its own conditions, there are certain standards for these documents. They are all compiled according to a certain pattern, from which one should not deviate. The main difference between documents in an official business style is standardization. This concept unites all documents. In the instructions you can find constructions of the following type - Should not be used., Not recommended., etc.

But instructions can be not only general, but also targeted, coming, for example, from the director of an enterprise. Then, as in all legal documents, each paragraph will begin with first person singular verbs in the imperative mood. For example, I don't recommend... I don't recommend...

In literary texts, the imperative mood is marked by exclamatory sentences. In the instructions the situation is different. Most of them are declarative sentences, and exclamation marks are used to emphasize particularly important points. Thus, exclamatory sentences can be sentences that warn against any action or indicate a threat of danger.

Linguistic forms of official business style are also standardized and regulated. They are not diverse and are used within the framework of existing rules. The instruction, or rather its text, refers to written speech, and therefore fully possesses the properties of this genre. A prerequisite for it is the logic of presentation, clarity of formulation, and simplicity of language. Such documents usually do not contain participial and participial phrases. They can make the document difficult to understand. Epithets, adjectives and, in general, artistic stylistic devices with which people usually diversify their speech are also not used. The language of the documents is quite dry, but this is a necessary condition for their existence, since the legal side of the matter does not allow for discrepancies.

When an instruction is signed by an engineer or director, it acquires legal force. Thus, the instruction becomes an official document along with orders, instructions, and official letters.

Advertising is a special form of creativity with its own techniques. This is part of the business style with the same laws to some extent. For example, like business style documents, advertisements should contain the essence of information about the subject. Advertising must be clear and memorable. All components of advertising work for this. And they, in turn, depend on the type of advertising, i.e. on where the advertising is located - on radio, television, in a newspaper, etc. Advertising is a purely commercial concept, and therefore the style and language of advertising depend on the price . But its main goal is efficiency. This in turn depends on the impression the advertisement makes on potential customers. And when choosing vocabulary for advertising, you don’t have to stop at strict, limited, business vocabulary. In this regard, advertising, or rather its texts, gravitate toward journalism. Namely: advertising should be an appeal. It should influence not only people’s brains, but also the subconscious and emotions. Hence the choice of linguistic means. Compilers often address the person directly, using second-person singular and plural pronouns, which is not allowed in strict business style, in which the address is to the organization rather than to the individual. In addition, adjectives, vernacular and other stylistic means are used in abundance in advertising texts to help individualize advertising and promote it on the market. Unlike the journalistic style, the author should not appear in advertising, since the very purpose of advertising implies a positive assessment of the goods or services stated in the advertisement.

Another distinctive feature of advertising is its extreme simplicity. The advertising text should not contain complex phrases or difficult to remember words. Advertising writers often use poetry techniques, rhyming short phrases that in turn are aimed at instant memorization.

Advertising also has its own etiquette. When talking about the positive qualities of one product, you cannot criticize similar products from other companies. You also cannot use identical names. This is not only a violation from an ethical point of view, but also legally punishable.

One more thing. Unlike business documents, advertising does not have legal force. It should tell you that there is this or that product, this or that service, but the information contained in the advertising text does not necessarily have to be a fact. And if the essence of the advertisement does not correspond to reality, then this is considered a commercial move rather than an offense.

Thus, advertising is difficult to attribute to any specific style. It contains both the features of an official business and journalistic style. Although, based on its purpose, advertising should be classified specifically as business speech.

A few words should also be said about advertising correspondence. A business advertising letter should be aimed at the interests and practical needs of a potential customer. His language style is freer. Although written and oral advertising are different phenomena, they are fundamentally aimed at attracting potential customers. Therefore, the language in it should be more open.


For the preparation of documents, there are certain GOST rules, if violated, the document will be considered invalid.

For example, the text is printed at certain intervals. If the document is in A5 format, you can print in single space. When publishing by typographic method, two spacing is used. The first line is printed five characters from the field boundary. Documents with a shelf life of up to three years are printed on both sides of the sheet. In documents of two or more pages, the second and subsequent pages must be numbered. The text of the organizational and administrative document is presented in the third or first person. The components of a date are listed on one line in the following sequence: day, month, year. In acts, official letters, orders, etc., you can use the verbal-numeric method of formatting dates.

In official texts there should be no discrepancies in the spelling of names, geographical names, terms, positions, etc. Modern business speech is replete with special words and various kinds of professionalism, which are often written in abbreviations. To avoid confusion, all abbreviations should be generally accepted. For example, ton - t; hectare - ha; second - s(names of units of measurement). Names of positions and titles (with last name): manager - manager; deputy - deputy; professor - prof. Various other designations: city ​​- city; ruble - ruble; look - see; chapter - ch.

Many abbreviations have been officially legalized

X names of institutions, organizations, enterprises, etc. Some of them have become independent words. Abbreviations for the names of institutions can be formed:

1) according to the first letters of the full name – Moscow State University;

2) according to the syllabic principle - Ministry of Health;

3) mixed method – Hyprocold. Abbreviations help you fit a lot of information into a minimum amount of text. But when making cuts, a number of conditions must be met:

1) abbreviations must be clear to the reader;

2) the abbreviation should not be in a context in which it will be understood in two ways. For example, the word “comrade” is usually written as t. in the middle of a sentence and tov. at first;

3) the editor must also take into account the fact that the saturation of the text with abbreviations “shortens” the official tone of the document. For example, abbreviations like “Min. culture” are inappropriate in a report to a mass audience;

4) the editor’s intervention is also necessary in cases where the author of an official document seeks to save time and space by abbreviating even words and phrases that are not customary to abbreviate (for example, instead of business trip – teams.), or abbreviates the word so that it cannot be understood (for example, about instead of obligation);

5) writing abbreviations should be unified. It is unacceptable to abbreviate the word “district” and R., and district;

6) you cannot abbreviate the designations of units of physical quantities, the words “billion”, “million”, even if they are without numbers and not in tables;

7) you cannot replace words with letter designations, for example V- speed;

8) you need to understand that rounding numerical values ​​to the first, second, and so on decimal places must be the same;

9) it is unacceptable to use the minus sign in the text, only the word. You cannot use number and percent signs without numbers.


Official business style is part of the normative Russian language. It has its own rules for the use of words and speech ethics.

Document– this is not just text, it has legal force, therefore a neutral tone of presentation is the norm of business etiquette. The subjective moment, personal qualities should be kept to a minimum. Consequently, words with emotional connotations are not used in business speech. The use of colloquial, colloquial, dialect words and phraseological units in business speech is unacceptable. But sometimes, depending on the purpose, a document, to one degree or another, still acquires an emotional overtones. For example, a document may express a request, gratitude and demand, sometimes in a categorical form. However, first of all, means of logical rather than emotional and expressive assessment of the situation and facts should be used.

As for people working in the system, the degree of knowledge of business etiquette determines the degree of professional suitability of a person. This primarily applies to civil servants, politicians, and so on, i.e. to those who, by the nature of their activities, must be fluent in the official business style. Knowing the rules of speech etiquette and observing them allows a person to feel confident.

Speech etiquette is, first of all, a system of stable communication formulas. To this we can add that speech etiquette is also the ability to correctly and competently draw up documents - from simple certificates to business letters and documents.

When drawing up business papers and documents, you need to follow certain conditions. Concepts and terms must be unambiguous, devoid of any layers and synonymous connections. Hence the need for a business person to have a good knowledge of the language. Despite the rigor of business speech, the language must be varied and clear enough to express the full meaning of the document. The vocabulary of the request should be different from the vocabulary of the demand. When composing a document, you should be aware that this is an official document, and phrases expressing a personal attitude are inappropriate here. Of course, knowledge of grammatical rules and syntax remains important. The rigor of style does not exempt the writer from observing the rules of penmanship. Any statement must be based on consistent and evidence-based thinking. As mentioned above, logic is the basis of writing any official document. The text should contain only facts. The speech etiquette of a document in an official business style does not allow discussions on the topic of this paper (statements, protocols, etc.).

In addition, speech etiquette has national specifics. Each nation has created its own system of rules of speech behavior. For example, you should not use personal pronouns in business papers, documents, letters, since when composing them, you are addressing primarily the organization. If the specifics of the document are such that the address refers to a specific person (director, head of the enterprise), then you should address it as “You”, i.e. use the 2nd person plural pronoun. Strictly following these rules of speech etiquette means showing yourself to be competent and highly professional.


Word "speaker"(from Latin orare - “to speak”) is used in two meanings:

1) a person making a speech, speaking in public;

2) a person who knows how to speak well in public, has the gift of eloquence, and has mastery of words.

According to A.F. Merzlyakov, “Orator. tries not only to convince with reason, but especially wants to act on the will. The conviction of reason serves as a means to achieve the goal - the strongest ignition of passions."

Oratory is the art of constructing and delivering a speech in public in order to have the desired effect on the audience. This art refers to skillful use of words, a high degree of mastery of the speaker. Being in the center of attention of the audience itself, the speaker is subject to comprehensive evaluation, ranging from appearance, demeanor and ending with personal charm, i.e., in order to count on the attention and respect of this audience, the speaker must have a certain set of skills and abilities. This must be a highly intelligent, erudite and visually attractive person. He must be free to navigate both in the field of literature and art, and in the field of science and technology.

A special point in oratory is audience. The person who is speaking must take into account that at the beginning of a lecture or meeting, the people sitting in front of him are not yet the audience. The speaker must attract the attention of more than a dozen people, so that from individual listeners they form into a socio-psychological community of people with special collective experiences.

The already established audience has some characteristics. For example, one of these signs is homogeneity (heterogeneity) of the audience, i.e. gender, age, level of education and professional interests of listeners. The quantitative composition of those present is also important. You should not organize a discussion in a large audience, where it is difficult to use arguments that everyone understands. But a small audience is characterized by a lack of integrity. But it is easier to manage a small audience and discuss controversial issues with it; you can focus on the discursive nature of communication. In this case, the speaker must know the subject and objectives of his speech very well. But reading from pre-prepared notes in this situation is unlikely to work.

Sense of Community- This is another sign that distinguishes the audience. It manifests itself when the listeners are in a certain emotional mood, when the entire audience in one emotional outburst applauds the speaker or shakes their head disapprovingly. In such an audience, each person lacks a personal “I”; everyone submits to the general and unconscious “we”.

Another motive is the motive listener actions. When attending a lecture, people are guided by certain considerations. Psychologists distinguish three groups of points:

1) intellectual and cognitive (they come because the topic is interesting);

2) moral plan (obliged to be present);

3) emotional-aesthetic (I like the speaker, it’s nice to listen to him). Hence the different mood of listeners when perceiving the performance. The speaker must immediately understand and take into account all of the listed signs. A good speaker is distinguished by the ability to align his goals with the level of preparation of the audience.


In any dispute, the main thing is to correctly and logically prove your point of view. To prove means to establish the truth of something. There is a distinction between direct and indirect evidence. With direct proof, the thesis is substantiated by arguments without the help of additional constructions. When constructing a logical proof, the speaker needs to know and follow the rules for putting forward a thesis and arguments. For example, true provisions and real facts should be used as arguments, where phenomena such as approximation and inaccuracy are not acceptable. The truth of the arguments must be proven regardless of the thesis. The arguments must be sufficient and weighty for this thesis. When these rules are violated, logical errors occur. There are many classifications of arguments. Since ancient times, it has been customary to divide arguments into logical, addressed to the mind of the listener, and psychological, affecting the feelings.

Logical arguments include the following judgments: theoretical or empirical generalizations and conclusions; previously proven laws of science; axioms and postulates; defining the basic concepts of a specific field of knowledge; statements of fact.

In the process of argumentation, it is necessary to separate the concepts of “fact” and “opinion”.

Fact- this is an undoubted, real phenomenon, something that actually happened.

Opinion it expresses an assessment, one’s own or someone else’s view of some event or phenomenon. Facts exist on their own, regardless of our desire, of how we use them and relate to them. Opinions are influenced by various subjective factors and may be biased and erroneous. And that is why facts are more reliable arguments that should be trusted and believed. One of the most serious arguments is statistical data. It’s hard to argue with numbers, but you can’t abuse them, as you can lose the audience’s attention. But the main thing is that these data reflect the real state of affairs.

In a dispute between the speaker and the audience itself, an important role is also played. psychological arguments. If a speaker skillfully influences the feelings of listeners during a speech, then his speech becomes more colorful and better remembered. With the help of psychological arguments, you can touch any feelings, which helps to achieve the desired result. This type of argument can be divided into the following subtypes: to self-esteem; from sympathy; argument from promise; from condemnation; from distrust; from doubt.

When using psychological arguments, we must not forget that rhetorical ethics prohibits the speaker from appealing to the baser feelings of people and evoking emotions that give rise to conflict between those discussing.

It should be remembered that psychological arguments can be used as tricks and speculative devices.

Arguing is an art. An experienced speaker does not rush forward; he studies the opponent’s mistakes, but is in no hurry to take advantage of them. He tries to win over the audience with good and correct remarks, saving the main thing for the decisive part of the discussion. In a dispute, you should always have a clear idea of ​​the subject of the dispute and leave the strongest arguments in reserve.


Literary language is not only the language of writers, but also a sign of an intelligent and educated person. Unfortunately, not only do people not own it, but not everyone knows about its existence, including some modern writers. The works are written in very simple words; a lot of jargon and slang are used, which is unacceptable for a literary language. For those who want to master the language of poets and writers, the features of a literary language will be described.


Literary language is the highest form of language, which is opposed to vernaculars, jargon, and dialectisms. Some experts contrast it with the spoken form because they consider it a written language (for example, in the Middle Ages they only wrote in the literary language).

This form is considered a historical category because this category is formed in the process of linguistic development. A literary language is an indicator of the level of national culture, because works are created in it and cultural people communicate in it.

There are many definitions: some are constructed from a linguistic point of view, others use delimitation with the help of native speakers of the language. Each definition is correct, the main thing is that you know how to distinguish it from other categories. Below we will give the concept of features of a literary language.

The formation of a cultural linguistic form

The basis of the literary language is considered to be a dialect, which is dominant in the political, economic and cultural center of the state. The Moscow dialect served as the basis for the Russian language. The Church Slavonic language had a great influence on the formation of this species. The first written translations into our language were Christian books, which later affected the development of the language. For a long time, the teaching of writing took place through the church, which undoubtedly influenced the culture's written language.

But one should not combine literary and artistic language, because in the first case it is a broad concept that includes the variety with which works are written. The hallmarks of a literary language are its strict normalization and accessibility to everyone, while some authors of works of art do not have sufficient knowledge of the literary form of the language in the broad sense.

How to identify writers' language

The cultural form of speech does not tolerate the excessive use of slang words, bureaucracy, speech cliches, and vernacular. There are norms that help preserve the purity of the language by providing a linguistic standard. These rules can be found in grammar reference books and dictionaries.

There are main features of a literary language:

Literary language as part of the national

Each language has its own national boundaries, thus it reflects the entire cultural heritage of its people, its history. Due to ethnic characteristics, each language is unique and original, and has characteristic folk features. National and literary languages ​​are closely interconnected, which creates limitless possibilities of the language. But it is still possible to identify the characteristics of a national literary language.

The form under consideration, along with the national one, also includes the use of non-literary styles. Every nation has its own dialect. Russian is divided into Northern Russian, Central Russian and Southern Russian. But some words end up in the literary language for various reasons. They will be called dialectisms. Their use is permissible only from a stylistic point of view, that is, it is considered possible in a certain context.

One of the types of national language is jargon - these are words used by a certain group of people. Its use is also possible in literary language; jargon was especially widely used in Russian literature in post-Soviet times. Their use is strictly regulated by literary norms:

  • characteristics of the hero;
  • with proof of the appropriateness of use.

Dialect is another feature of the national language, which is characteristic of people living in the same territory or united along social lines. In literature, dialect words can be used in the following cases:

Signs of the modern Russian literary language

In the traditional sense, the language has been considered modern since the time of A.S. Pushkin. Since one of the main features of a literary language is a norm, you should know on what norms the modern one is based:

  • accent norms;
  • orthoepic;
  • lexical;
  • phraseological;
  • word formation;
  • spelling;
  • punctuation;
  • grammatical;
  • syntactic;
  • stylistic.

A literary language is characterized by strict adherence to all norms in order to preserve the entire cultural heritage. But the modern literary language has problems related specifically to maintaining the purity of the language, namely the large use of depreciated vocabulary (foul language), a large number of borrowings, and the frequent use of jargon.

Functional-style types

As was written above, the characteristics of a literary language include its stylistic diversity.

  1. Written and book speech, which is divided into official business, journalistic and scientific.
  2. Artistic speech.

The colloquial form of speech is not included here, because it does not have strict regulation, that is, one of the main features of a literary language.

Russian literary language at the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st centuries.

The processes occurring in language are a natural phenomenon, because it is not a static unit. It also changes and develops with society. In the same way, in our time, new signs of a literary language have appeared. Now the media is becoming an influential sphere, which is forming new functional linguistic features. With the development of the Internet, a mixed written and spoken form of speech begins to develop.

Literary language performs a very complex and important task: to preserve accumulated knowledge, unite all cultural and national heritage and pass everything on to new generations, preserving national identity.

Getmanova Valentina Leonidovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: OGAPOU "Alekseevsky College"
Locality: Alekseevka, Belgorod region
Name of material: article
Subject: Functions of the modern Russian literary language
Publication date: 29.06.2016
Chapter: secondary vocational

Functions of the modern Russian literary language
Of all living beings, only man is gifted with speech Aristotle. The modern Russian literary language is multifunctional: it is used in various spheres of social and individual human activity for various communicative purposes - transferring information, mastering experience, expressing emotions, inciting action, etc. Main areas of use Russian literary language: print, radio, television, cinema, science, education, legislation, office work, everyday communication of cultural people. In accordance with the diverse functions, the means of literary language are functionally differentiated: some of them are more common in some areas of communication, others in others, etc. Such differentiation of linguistic means is regulated by the norm. The dependence of a literary norm on the conditions in which the literary language is used is called its communicative expediency. What is appropriate to use in a newspaper is not suitable in a lyric poem; scientific expression is inappropriate in everyday speech; colloquial construction is unacceptable in official writing, etc. The Russian language in the broadest sense of the word is the totality of all words, grammatical forms, pronunciation features of all Russian people, i.e. everyone who speaks Russian as their native language. The Russian literary language is rightly considered the highest form of the national language. From written monuments we can trace the development of our language over a thousand years. But in return for everything that had been preserved and strengthened, we received a new system of language, a system in which the thinking of our time was gradually deposited. A simple example in the language of an ancient person there are three genders (masculine, neuter and feminine), three numbers (singular, plural and dual), nine cases, three simple tenses. Modern language chooses a more strict and convenient, binary opposition. The system of cases and tenses is also simplified. Each time the language turns its edges in the way that is required by this particular era. From endless speech practice a renewed language is born. The Russian language ensures the continuity of the cultural traditions of the people, the possibility of the emergence and development of a powerful stream of national literature. On the other hand, major social upheavals that affect the foundations of the social order always leave a very noticeable mark on the language. Language is a multifunctional system that deals with information - its creation, storage and transmission. The functions of language are related to its essence, nature, purpose in society and at the same time interconnected.
The term “function” in linguistics is used in several meanings: 1) purpose, the role of language in human society, 2) purpose, the role of language units. In the first case, they talk about the functions of language, in the second – about the functions of linguistic units (phonemes, morphemes, words, sentences). The functions of language are a manifestation of its essence. Language researchers do not agree on the number and nature of functions. Language performs many functions (scientists identify up to 25 functions of language and its units), but the main function of language, its main purpose, is to be a means of communication between people. The main functions of the modern Russian literary language include communicative, cognitive, cumulative. The main function of language is communicative. Language serves, first of all, as a means of human communication. Language arose and exists so that people can communicate. Information is information that is understandable and important for the behavior of the person to whom it is addressed. It is known that one can know well the norms of pronunciation, words and rules of their use, grammatical forms and constructions, be able to use different ways of expressing the same thought (possess synonymy), in other words, be linguistically and linguistically competent, but not be able to use this knowledge and skills in an adequately real speech situation, or, as scientists say, a communicative situation. In other words, for language proficiency, the skills and abilities of using certain words, grammatical structures in specific conditions of communication, or communication (communication - from the Latin communico - I connect, communicate) are important. Communicative competence is the ability to understand others and generate one’s own programs of speech behavior that are adequate to the goals, areas, and situations of communication. It includes knowledge of the basic concepts of linguistic speech - styles, types of speech, structure of description, narrative, reasoning, ways of connecting sentences in the text, etc.; skills in retelling text. However, the described knowledge and skills do not yet provide communication adequate to the communicative situation. A very important place in the communicative function is occupied by communicative skills themselves, i.e. skills of verbal communication in accordance with the communicative situation. Currently, the components of the situation, or speech conditions, have already been determined, which dictate the choice of words and grammatical means for the speaker. This is, firstly, the relationship between the interlocutors (official/unofficial) and their social roles. There is no doubt that the nature of verbal communication will be different, depending on who we are communicating with, what the social status of the speakers is: teacher, student, what is their age, gender, interests, etc. Secondly, the place of communication (for example, communication between a teacher and a student during a lesson, during
change, in a friendly conversation). The third, very important component of a speech situation is the goal and intentions of the speaker. Thus, an order, request or demand, of course, will differ from a message, information or their emotional assessment, expression of gratitude, joy, resentment, etc. Thus, communication skills themselves are the skills of verbal communication, taking into account who we are talking to, where we are talking and, finally, for what purpose. There is no doubt that their formation is possible only on the basis of linguistic and linguistic competence. So, it’s worth agreeing with the idea: communication, communication through language, is one of the most important factors that “created” humanity. Communication between people presupposes certain knowledge about the surrounding reality, and one of the universal and effective means of understanding the surrounding world is language. Thus, language also performs a cognitive or cognitive function. With the help of language, cognition and study of the surrounding world occurs to a large extent. The Russian language ensures the continuity of the cultural traditions of the people, the possibility of the emergence and development of a powerful stream of national literature. Linguistic competence ensures the cognitive culture of the individual, the development of logical thinking, memory, imagination, mastering the skills of introspection, self-esteem, as well as the formation of linguistic reflection as a process of a person’s awareness of his speech activity. It should be noted that the distinction between language and linguistic competencies is to a certain extent conditional. Isolating linguistic competence as an independent competence is important for understanding the cognitive function. Mastering a language involves not only acquiring knowledge about the language and mastering the language material itself. Scientists recognize the complex relationship between language and thinking. In general, the relationship between language and thinking is as follows. The ability to correlate linguistic units with phenomena of reality is based on thinking, on the ability of the human brain to reflect reality. Without such correlation, communication between people would be impossible. Indeed, in one of the definitions of language, language is called practical, actual consciousness (K. Marx, F. Engels). Consciousness, thinking as a property of the brain is ideal; it does not have the properties of matter - smell, taste, temperature, etc. Language, or rather its units, has sound, i.e. material side. Thinking materializes in language, in sounds, through which it is transmitted to other people. The results of knowledge of the world are consolidated in words, since the lexical meaning of a word is based on a concept. Thus, it becomes possible to transfer previous life experience to subsequent generations through the word. Based on existing knowledge results,
enshrined in words, further knowledge of the world is carried out, therefore language is characterized as a tool, an instrument of thinking. The relationship between thinking and language is also revealed in the question of the origin of the concept and the word. There is a widespread opinion that it is impossible for a concept to appear without a word, i.e. According to this concept, the concept arises together with the word, or on the basis of the word. In this case, the word is a means of creating a concept. According to other ideas, the content of a concept is formed before the appearance of a word, but only when combined with sound does the content of the concept acquire clarity and formality. A concept is formed as a result of cognitive activity and human life practice, and the appearance of a word is associated with the need for communication. Informativeness is the essential property of a linguistic sign, which underlies its most important function along with the communicative one: the cumulative function. Language in this function acts as a connecting link between generations, serves as a “storage” and a means of transmitting extra-linguistic collective experience. The cumulative function is most clearly manifested in the area of ​​vocabulary, since it is precisely this function that is directly related to objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality. The lexical system is largely determined by the categories of the material world and social factors. A word is the name of a specific thing, a specific phenomenon - unambiguously, but it is not a simple sign of a thing or phenomenon. A word can tell about both the time and the environment in which it exists. First of all, the vocabulary reflects fragments of social experience determined by the main activities of a given people. The existence of certain lexical units is explained by practical needs. The connection between the history and culture of a people and language is especially clearly manifested at the phraseological level. A large number of proverbs and sayings reflect specific national features and have a linguistic imagery that is rooted in the history of the people, their way of life, customs, and traditions. Some layers of vocabulary are more obviously determined by social factors, others less obviously. If national-cultural content represents the core of phraseological units, then in proper names it is a kind of connotation. The most complex group from the point of view of determining their national and cultural content is formed by background vocabulary. It has been proven that if we compare conceptually equivalent words in different languages, they will differ from each other due to the fact that each of them is associated with a certain body of knowledge. Language learning should develop cultural competence, which ensures the formation of a Russian linguistic picture of the world, mastery of national language units, and Russian speech etiquette.
The main function of the modern Russian literary language is to be a means, an instrument of communication between people. On the basis of this function and in connection with it, other functions are carried out by language - influence, communication, formation and expression of thought. We can say that society has the language that society created, and uses the language as it knows how and can. The influence of language on society increases with the development of society itself - this influence increases with the development of production, technology, science, culture and the state. Language participates in the organization of labor, in the management of social production, the activities of institutions, in the implementation of the process of education and upbringing of members of society, in the development of literature and science. Society influences language, but language, in turn, influences society, participating in various areas of people’s lives and activities. The main functions of the modern Russian language: communicative, cognitive, cumulative. The communicative function is manifested in the purpose of language to serve as a tool, a means of transmitting information, exchanging thoughts and communicating about experienced emotions. The cognitive (cognitive) function is closely related to the first. The basis of the cumulative function is information content.
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