In order to improve the uniform procedure for considering applications and resolving issues of installation and maintenance of memorial plaques, taking into account the existing positive experience, it decides: 1. Approve the Regulations on the procedure for installing memorial plaques in the city of Moscow (Appendix). 2. Recognize the decree of the Moscow Government of January 5, 1999 No. 1 “On approval of the Temporary Regulations on the procedure for installing memorial plaques and other memorial signs in Moscow” as invalid. 3. together with the city of Moscow, within 6 months from the date of issue of this resolution, conduct an inventory of memorial plaques available in the city. 4. Entrust control over the implementation of this resolution to the First Deputy Mayor of Moscow, L.I. Shvetsova. P.P. Mayor of Moscow Yu.M. Luzhkov Appendix to the resolution of the Moscow Government of December 1, 2009 N 1287-PP Regulations on the procedure for installing memorial plaques in the city of Moscow I. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. Memorial plaques are small-form architectural and sculptural works intended for installation on the facades of buildings for the purpose of targeted perpetuation of the memory of outstanding historical events and personalities. The essence of the event or the merits of the individual are reflected in the laconic text of the inscription artistically executed on the memorial plaque. The composition of the memorial plaque may include a sculptural portrait image and elements of thematic decor. Memorial plaques are made in durable materials (natural stone, metal) according to artistic and architectural projects agreed upon in the established order. 1.2. This Regulation defines: - the criteria that are the basis for making decisions on perpetuating the memory of outstanding events in the history of Moscow, as well as individuals whose achievements and contributions in the field of their activities brought significant benefits to the city and the Fatherland; - the procedure for considering applications and making decisions on the installation of memorial plaques; - rules for installing and preserving memorial plaques. II. CRITERIA THAT ARE THE BASIS FOR MAKING DECISIONS ABOUT PERPETUATION OF MEMORY BY INSTALLING MEMORIAL PLATES 2.1. The criteria are: - the significance of the event in the history of Moscow; - the presence of officially recognized achievements of the individual in state, social, political, military, industrial and economic activity, in science, technology, literature, art, culture and sports; - confirmation by historical, archival and award documents of an individual’s merits to the city and the Fatherland in a certain field of activity; - long-term permanent residence and work of the immortalized personality in the city of Moscow. III. PROCEDURE FOR CONSIDERATION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF APPLICATIONS 3.1. Issues of perpetuating memory by installing memorial plaques are considered by the Commission for Perpetuating the Memory of Outstanding Events and Figures national history and culture (hereinafter referred to as the Commission). 3.2. The quantitative and personal composition of the Commission is approved. 3.3. The Commission includes representatives of the structures of the Moscow Government: , as well as the Ministry of Culture Russian Federation, Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Russian Academy Sciences, the Russian Academy of Arts, Moscow Creative Unions of Artists, the Union of Moscow Architects, the State Cultural Institution of Moscow "Museum Association "Museum of Moscow". The Commission is headed by the head. The Commission may invite representatives and specialists from other departments and public organizations. Meetings of the Commission are held at least once a quarter. 3.4. The commission considers applications received only from government organizations, public associations and legal entities. Petitions from relatives and others individuals Not considered by the commission. 3.5. List of documents submitted to the Commission: - petition of organizations; - historical or historical-biographical information; - copies of archival and award documents confirming the authenticity of the event or the merits of the person being immortalized; - proposal on the type of memorial plaque (text or with bas-relief) and the text of the inscription; - an extract from the house register indicating the period of residence of the person being immortalized; - a written obligation of the applicant organization to finance work on artistic and architectural design, manufacturing, installation and technical support for the grand opening of the memorial plaque, indicating bank details. 3.6. The installation of a memorial plaque must be agreed upon with the prefecture of the corresponding administrative district of Moscow and the owner of the building. The prefecture may refuse to approve the installation of a memorial plaque in the event of planned demolition or overhaul building on which the initiating organization intends to install a memorial plaque. In case of other reasons for refusal of approval, the prefecture sends its reasoned opinion to the Commission and the initiators. 3.7. As a result of consideration of the applications, the Commission makes one of the following decisions: - support the application and submit a proposal to entrust control and provision of advisory and methodological assistance on the organization of artistic and architectural design, production of durable materials, installation and technical support ceremonial opening of the memorial plaque at the expense of the petitioning organization; - postpone consideration of the application for a period determined by the Commission due to the need to obtain additional information and documents or for other reasons established by the Commission; - recommend to the applicant organization to perpetuate the memory of an event or person in other forms, including by installing a sculptural portrait, bust, thematic composition in the interior of the building or on closed area; - Reasonably reject the application. 3.8. The decision is made by a simple majority of the members of the Commission in an open vote. 3.9. After the Commission considers petitions and makes decisions, the minutes of the Commission meeting are approved by the First Deputy Mayor of Moscow - the head of the Social Sphere Complex of the city of Moscow. Decisions are considered adopted and accepted for execution only after their approval by the First Deputy Mayor of Moscow - the head of the Social Sphere Complex of the city of Moscow. After approving the minutes of the meeting, the Commission sends written notifications of the Commission's decisions to the applicant organizations. 3.10. exercises control over the implementation of the Commission’s decisions and for this purpose organizes: - advisory and methodological assistance in the artistic and architectural design of memorial plaques; - consideration of artistic and architectural projects at the Artistic Expert Council on Sculpture, Monumental and Decorative Art at; - coordination of projects and places of installation of memorial plaques with, and in the case of installation of memorial plaques at cultural heritage sites, identified cultural heritage sites and with; - coordination of issues of manufacturing in durable materials and installation of memorial plaques; - preparation and holding, together with interested organizations, of grand opening ceremonies or providing assistance to applicant organizations in their conduct. IV. RULES FOR INSTALLING MEMORIAL BOARDS 4.1. Memorial plaques are installed no earlier than 10 years after the historical event or the death of the person being immortalized. In the case of applications for the installation of memorial plaques on the buildings of organizations by decision of the Commission - no earlier than 2 years after the historical event or the death of the person being immortalized. For persons awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union, Hero of the Russian Federation, Hero of Socialist Labor, full holders of the Order of Glory, full holders of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, full holders of the Order of Labor Glory, as well as persons awarded the title “Honorary Citizen of the City of Moscow” and laureates The Moscow Government Prize “Legend of the Century” does not apply to installation time limits. 4.2. In memory of an outstanding personality or event, only one memorial plaque can be installed within Moscow - by former place work or residence of the person immortalized, the historical place of the event. 4.3. If the memory of a person has already been immortalized in other forms (assigning the name of the person being immortalized to an institution, naming a street, square, metro station in his honor, installing a monument, bust), memorial plaques are not installed, except in cases where the decision to install a memorial plaque is made The Mayor of Moscow, taking into account the special importance of the historical event or the special merits of the person being immortalized to Moscow or the Russian Federation. 4.4. Memorial plaques are not installed on buildings for entertainment purposes (theatres, cinemas, concert halls, museums, art galleries). 4.5. The design, construction, installation and technical support for the grand opening of memorial plaques is carried out at the expense of own and (or) borrowed funds provided by the applicant organizations. 4.6. Memorial plaques can be installed at the expense of the budget funds of the city of Moscow on behalf of the Moscow Mayor on the basis of a legal act of the Moscow Government defining the source of funding. 4.7. Memorial plaques installed by organizations or individuals independently without a decision of the Commission are subject to dismantling in the manner established by Article 8 of the Moscow City Law of November 13, 1998 N 30 “On the procedure for erecting works of monumental and decorative art of urban significance in the city of Moscow.” - nia". V. ORDER OF PRESERVATION AND CONTENT OF MEMORIAL PLATES 5.1. After installation, the memorial plaque is an integral artistic and architectural element of the building and is transferred by the applicant organization under an act of acceptance and transfer to the organization determined by the prefecture of the administrative district of the city of Moscow. 5.2. Organizations that own memorial plaques ensure their preservation and maintenance in proper aesthetic form at their own expense. 5.3. If it is necessary to dismantle memorial plaques, the organization-balance holder notifies about this in writing, after which: - when demolishing a house, dismantles memorial plaques at its own expense and transfers it according to an act in the prescribed manner for storage to the State Cultural Institution of Moscow "Museum". Association "Museum of Moscow"; - during repairs and reconstruction of the building, it dismantles, ensures the safety of memorial plaques and, upon completion of the work, restores it to its original place in accordance with the artistic and architectural project approved, at its own expense. 5.4. Control over the safety of memorial plaques is carried out by bodies and organizations that ensure control over the safety of the housing stock and law and order in a given territory in the manner prescribed by law. 5.5. In the event of loss of the proper appearance of the memorial plaque, the prefectures of the administrative districts of the city of Moscow inform the organization holding the balance of the need to restore the memorial plaque at the expense of the organization holding the balance. VI. ACCOUNTING OF MEMORIAL PLATES 6.1. The accounting of memorial plaques is entrusted to the State Cultural Institution of the City of Moscow "Museum Association "Museum of Moscow". 6.2. The State Cultural Institution of the City of Moscow "Museum Association "Museum of Moscow": - carries out an inventory of memorial plaques at least once every 5 years; - amounts to single register memorial plaques.

In order to improve the uniform procedure for considering applications and resolving issues of installation and maintenance of memorial plaques, taking into account existing positive experience, the Moscow Government decides:

1. Approve the Regulations on the procedure for installing memorial plaques in the city of Moscow ().

2. Decree of the Moscow Government of January 5, 1999 No. 1 “On approval of the Temporary Regulations on the procedure for installing memorial plaques and other memorial signs in Moscow” shall be declared invalid.

3. The Department of Culture of the city of Moscow, together with the prefectures of the administrative districts of the city of Moscow, within 6 months from the date of issuance of this resolution, conduct an inventory of the memorial plaques available in the city.

4. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to the First Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government Shvetsova L.I.

Mayor of Moscow Yu.M. Luzhkov

on the procedure for installing memorial plaques in Moscow

I. General provisions

1.1. Memorial plaques are small-scale architectural and sculptural works intended for installation on building facades for the purpose of targeted perpetuation of the memory of outstanding historical events and personalities.

The essence of the event or the merits of the individual are reflected in the laconic text of the inscription artistically executed on the memorial plaque. The composition of the memorial plaque may include a sculptural portrait image and elements of thematic decor.

Memorial plaques are made in durable materials (natural stone, metal) according to artistic and architectural designs agreed upon in accordance with the established procedure.

1.2. This Regulation defines:

Criteria that are the basis for making decisions on perpetuating the memory of outstanding events in the history of Moscow, as well as individuals whose achievements and contributions in their field of activity brought significant benefits to the city and the Fatherland;

The procedure for considering applications and making decisions on the installation of memorial plaques;

Rules for installation and preservation of memorial plaques.

II. Criteria that are the basis for making decisions on perpetuating memory by installing memorial plaques

2.1. The criteria are:

The significance of the event in the history of Moscow;

The presence of officially recognized achievements of the individual in state, social, political, military, industrial and economic activities, in science, technology, literature, art, culture and sports;

Confirmation by historical, archival and award documents of an individual’s merits to the city and the Fatherland in a certain field of activity;

Long-term permanent residence and work of the immortalized personality in the city of Moscow.

III. Procedure for consideration and implementation of applications

3.1. Issues of perpetuating memory by installing memorial plaques are considered by the Commission for Perpetuating the Memory of Outstanding Events and Figures of National History and Culture (hereinafter referred to as the Commission).

3.2. The quantitative and personal composition of the Commission is approved by the Moscow Department of Culture.

3.3. The Commission includes representatives of the structures of the Moscow Government: the Department of Culture of the City of Moscow, the Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning of the City of Moscow, the Committee for Public Relations of the City of Moscow, the Committee for Cultural Heritage of the City of Moscow, as well as the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Russian Academy of Sciences , Russian Academy of Arts, Moscow Creative Unions of Artists, Union of Moscow Architects, State Cultural Institution of Moscow "Museum Association "Museum of Moscow".

The commission is headed by the head of the Moscow Department of Culture.

The commission may invite representatives and specialists from other departments and public organizations to meetings.

Meetings of the Commission are held at least once a quarter.

3.4. The commission considers applications received only from government organizations, public associations and legal entities.

Petitions from relatives and other individuals are not considered by the Commission.

3.5. List of documents submitted to the Commission:

Petition from organizations;

Historical or historical-biographical information;

Copies of archival and award documents confirming the authenticity of the event or the merits of the person immortalized;

Suggestion on the type of memorial plaque (text or with bas-relief) and the text of the inscription;

An extract from the house register indicating the period of residence of the person being immortalized;

A written commitment from the applicant organization to finance work on artistic and architectural design, manufacturing, installation and technical support for the grand opening of the memorial plaque, indicating bank details.

3.6. The installation of a memorial plaque must be agreed upon with the prefecture of the corresponding administrative district of Moscow and the owner of the building. The prefecture may refuse to approve the installation of a memorial plaque in the event of a planned demolition or major renovation of the building on which the initiating organization intends to install the memorial plaque. In case of other reasons for refusal of approval, the prefecture sends its reasoned opinion to the Commission and the initiators.

3.7. As a result of consideration of applications, the Commission makes one of the following decisions:

Support the petition and contact the Moscow Government with a proposal to entrust the Department of Culture of the city of Moscow with monitoring and providing advisory and methodological assistance in organizing artistic and architectural design, manufacturing in durable materials, installation and technical support for the grand opening of the memorial plaque at the expense of the petitioning organization;

Postpone consideration of the application for a period determined by the Commission due to the need to obtain additional information and documents or for other reasons established by the Commission;

Recommend that the applicant organization perpetuate the memory of an event or person in other forms, including by installing a sculptural portrait, bust, or thematic composition in the interior of a building or in a closed area;

Reasonably reject the petition.

3.8. The decision is made by a simple majority of the members of the Commission in an open vote.

3.9. After the Commission considers petitions and makes decisions, the minutes of the Commission meeting are approved by the First Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government - the head of the Complex social sphere city ​​of Moscow. Decisions are considered adopted and accepted for execution only after their approval by the First Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government - the head of the Social Sphere Complex of the city of Moscow.

After approval of the minutes of the Commission meeting, the Moscow Department of Culture sends written notifications about the Commission’s decisions to the applicant organizations.

3.10. The Moscow City Department of Culture monitors the implementation of the Commission’s decisions and for this purpose organizes:

Advisory and methodological assistance in the artistic and architectural design of memorial plaques;

Consideration of artistic and architectural projects at the Artistic Expert Council on Sculpture, Monumental and decorative arts at the Moscow Department of Culture;

Coordination of projects and installation locations of memorial plaques with the Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning of the City of Moscow, and in the case of installation of memorial plaques at cultural heritage sites, identified cultural heritage sites and with the Committee for Cultural Heritage of the City of Moscow;

Coordination of manufacturing issues in durable materials and installation of memorial plaques;

Preparation and holding of grand opening ceremonies together with interested organizations or assistance to applicant organizations in their conduct.

IV. Rules for installing memorial plaques

4.1. Memorial plaques are installed no earlier than 10 years after the historical event or the death of the person being immortalized. In the case of applications for the installation of memorial plaques on the buildings of organizations by decision of the Commission - no earlier than 2 years after the historical event or the death of the person being immortalized.

For persons awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, Hero of the Russian Federation, Hero of Socialist Labor, full holders of the Order of Glory, full holders of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, full holders of the Order of Labor Glory, as well as persons awarded the title "Honorary Citizen of the City of Moscow" and winners of the Moscow Government "Legend of the Century" award, installation time restrictions do not apply.

4.2. In memory of an outstanding personality or event, only one memorial plaque can be installed within Moscow - at the former place of work or residence of the person being immortalized, or at the historical site of the event.

4.3. If the memory of a person has already been immortalized in other forms (assigning the name of the person being immortalized to an institution, naming a street, square, metro station in his honor, installing a monument, bust), memorial plaques are not installed, except in cases where the decision to install a memorial plaque is made by the Mayor of Moscow taking into account the special importance of the historical event or the special merits of the person being immortalized to Moscow or the Russian Federation.

4.4. Memorial plaques are not installed on buildings for entertainment purposes (theatres, cinemas, concert halls, museums, art galleries).

4.5. The design, construction, installation and technical support of the grand opening of memorial plaques is carried out at the expense of own and (or) borrowed funds provided by the applicant organizations.

4.6. Memorial plaques can be installed at the expense of the budgetary funds of the city of Moscow on behalf of the Moscow Mayor on the basis of a legal act of the Moscow Government defining the source of funding.

4.7. Memorial plaques installed by organizations or individuals independently without a decision of the Commission are subject to dismantling in the manner established by Article 8 of Moscow City Law No. 30 of November 13, 1998 “On the procedure for erecting works of monumental and decorative art of urban significance in the city of Moscow.”

V. The order of preservation and maintenance of memorial plaques

5.1. After installation, the memorial plaque is an integral artistic and architectural element of the building and is transferred to the applicant organization according to the act of acceptance and transfer of the organization determined by the prefecture of the administrative district of the city of Moscow.

5.2. Organizations on whose balance sheets are memorial plaques ensure their safety and maintenance in proper aesthetic form at their own expense.

5.3. If it is necessary to dismantle memorial plaques, the organization holding the balance sheet notifies the Moscow Department of Culture in writing, after which:

When demolishing a house, it dismantles memorial plaques at its own expense and transfers it according to the established procedure for storage to the State Cultural Institution of the City of Moscow "Museum Association "Museum of Moscow";

During repairs and reconstruction of the building, it dismantles, ensures the safety of memorial plaques and, upon completion of the work, restores it to its original place in accordance with the artistic and architectural project approved by the Committee on Architecture and Urban Planning of the City of Moscow, at its own expense.

5.4. Control over the safety of memorial plaques is carried out by bodies and organizations that ensure control over the safety of the housing stock and law and order in a given territory in the manner prescribed by law.

5.5. In case of loss of the proper appearance of the memorial plaque, the prefectures of the administrative districts of the city of Moscow inform the Department of Culture of the city of Moscow and the organization holding the balance of the need to restore the memorial plaque at the expense of the organization holding the balance.

VI. Accounting for memorial plaques

6.1. The registration of memorial plaques is entrusted to the State Cultural Institution of the City of Moscow "Museum Association "Museum of Moscow".

6.2. State cultural institution of the city of Moscow "Museum Association "Museum of Moscow":

Conducts an inventory of memorial plaques at least once every 5 years;

Compiles a unified register of memorial plaques.

Decree of the Moscow Government of December 1, 2009 N 1287-PP “On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for installing memorial plaques in the city of Moscow”


With changes from:

In order to improve the uniform procedure for considering applications and resolving issues of installation and maintenance of memorial plaques, taking into account existing positive experience, the Moscow Government decides:

1. Approve the Regulations on the procedure for installing memorial plaques in the city of Moscow (appendix).

2. Decree of the Moscow Government of January 5, 1999 No. 1 “On approval of the Temporary Regulations on the procedure for installing memorial plaques and other memorial signs in Moscow” shall be declared invalid.

3. Lost power.

4. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government for Social Development L.M. Pechatnikov.

Mayor of Moscow

Yu.M. Luzhkov

on the procedure for installing memorial plaques in Moscow

I. General provisions

1.1. Memorial plaques are small-scale architectural and sculptural works intended for installation on building facades for the purpose of targeted perpetuation of the memory of outstanding historical events and personalities.

The essence of the event or the merits of the individual are reflected in the laconic text of the inscription artistically executed on the memorial plaque. The composition of the memorial plaque may include a sculptural portrait image and elements of thematic decor.

Memorial plaques are made in durable materials (natural stone, metal) according to artistic and architectural designs agreed upon in accordance with the established procedure.

1.2. This Regulation defines:

Criteria that are the basis for making decisions on perpetuating the memory of outstanding events in the history of Moscow, as well as individuals whose achievements and contributions in their field of activity brought significant benefits to the city and the Fatherland;

The procedure for considering applications and making decisions on the installation of memorial plaques;

Rules for installation and preservation of memorial plaques.

II. Criteria that are the basis for making decisions on perpetuating memory by installing memorial plaques

2.1. The criteria are:

The significance of the event in the history of Moscow;

The presence of officially recognized achievements of the individual in state, social, political, military, industrial and economic activities, in science, technology, literature, art, culture and sports;

Confirmation by historical, archival and award documents of an individual’s merits to the city and the Fatherland in a certain field of activity;

Long-term permanent residence and work of the immortalized personality in the city of Moscow.

III. Procedure for consideration and implementation of applications

3.1. Issues of perpetuating memory by installing memorial plaques are considered by the Commission for Perpetuating the Memory of Outstanding Events and Figures of National History and Culture (hereinafter referred to as the Commission).

3.2. The quantitative and personal composition of the Commission is approved by the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government for Social Development on the proposal of the Department of Cultural Heritage of the City of Moscow.

3.3. The Commission includes representatives of the executive authorities of the city of Moscow, scientific, historical, cultural, educational and public organizations, creative and artistic unions of Moscow.

The commission is headed by the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government for Social Development.

The commission may invite representatives and specialists from other departments and organizations to its meetings.

Meetings of the Commission are held as necessary, but at least four times a year.

3.4. The commission considers applications received only from government organizations, public associations and legal entities.

Petitions from relatives and other individuals are not considered by the Commission.

3.5. List of documents submitted to the Commission:

Petition from organizations;

Historical or historical-biographical information;

Copies of archival and award documents confirming the authenticity of the event or the merits of the person immortalized;

Suggestion on the type of memorial plaque (text or with bas-relief) and the text of the inscription;

An extract from the house register indicating the period of residence of the person being immortalized;

A written commitment from the applicant organization to finance work on artistic and architectural design, manufacturing, installation and technical support for the grand opening of the memorial plaque, indicating bank details.

3.6. The installation of a memorial plaque must be agreed upon with the owner of the building.

3.7. Within three months from the date of receipt of the documents specified in paragraph 3.5 of these Regulations, a meeting of the Commission for consideration of applications is held.

As a result of consideration of applications, the Commission makes one of the following decisions:

Support the petition and contact the Moscow Government with a proposal to entrust the Moscow Department of Cultural Heritage with monitoring and providing advisory and methodological assistance in organizing artistic and architectural design, manufacturing in durable materials, installation and technical support for the grand opening of the memorial plaque at the expense of the petitioning organization;

Postpone consideration of the application for a period determined by the Commission due to the need to obtain additional information and documents or for other reasons established by the Commission;

Recommend that the applicant organization perpetuate the memory of an event or person in other forms, including in the form of installing a sculptural portrait, bust, or thematic composition in the interior of a building or in a closed area;

Reasonably reject the petition.

3.8. The decision is made by a simple majority of the members of the Commission in an open vote.

3.9. The decisions of the Commission are documented in the minutes of the Commission meeting, which is approved by the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government for Social Development within 10 working days from the date of the Commission meeting. Decisions are considered adopted and accepted for execution only after the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government for Social Development approves the minutes of the Commission meeting.

Within 5 working days from the date of approval of the minutes of the Commission meeting, the Moscow Department of Cultural Heritage sends written notifications about the Commission’s decisions to the applicant organizations.

3.10. The Department of Cultural Heritage of the City of Moscow monitors the implementation of the Commission’s decisions and for this purpose organizes:

Advisory and methodological assistance in the artistic and architectural design of memorial plaques;

Consideration of artistic and architectural projects at the Artistic Expert Council for Sculpture, Monumental and Decorative Arts under the Department of Cultural Heritage of the City of Moscow;

Coordination of projects and locations for installation of memorial plaques with the Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning of the city of Moscow;

Coordination of manufacturing issues in durable materials and installation of memorial plaques;

Preparation and holding of grand opening ceremonies together with interested organizations or assistance to applicant organizations in their conduct.

IV. Rules for installing memorial plaques

4.1. Memorial plaques are installed no earlier than 10 years after the historical event or death of the person being immortalized, and when perpetuating the memory of persons holding the titles “People’s Artist of the USSR”, “People’s Artist of the USSR”, “People’s Architect of the USSR”, “People’s Doctor of the USSR”, “People's Teacher of the USSR” - no earlier than 5 years after the death of the person immortalized. In the case of applications for the installation of memorial plaques on the buildings of organizations by decision of the Commission - no earlier than 2 years after the historical event or the death of the person being immortalized.

For persons awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, Hero of the Russian Federation, Hero of Socialist Labor, Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation, full holders of the Order of Glory, full holders of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, full holders of the Order of Labor Glory, as well as persons awarded the title " Honorary Citizen of the City of Moscow" and laureates of the Moscow Government Award "Legend of the Century" are not subject to installation time restrictions.

4.2. In memory of an outstanding personality or event, only one memorial plaque can be installed within Moscow - at the former place of work or residence of the person being immortalized, or at the historical site of the event.

4.3. If the memory of a person has already been immortalized in other forms (assigning the name of the person being immortalized to an institution, naming a street, square, metro station in his honor, installing a monument, bust), memorial plaques are not installed, except in cases where the decision to install a memorial plaque is made by the Mayor of Moscow taking into account the special importance of the historical event or the special merits of the person being immortalized to Moscow or the Russian Federation.

4.4. Memorial plaques are not installed on buildings for entertainment purposes (theatres, cinemas, concert halls, museums, art galleries).

4.5. The design, construction, installation and technical support of the grand opening of memorial plaques is carried out at the expense of own and (or) borrowed funds provided by the applicant organizations.

4.6. Memorial plaques can be installed at the expense of the budgetary funds of the city of Moscow on behalf of the Moscow Mayor on the basis of a legal act of the Moscow Government defining the source of funding.

4.7. Memorial plaques installed by organizations or individuals independently without a decision of the Commission are subject to dismantling in the manner established by Article 8 of Moscow City Law No. 30 of November 13, 1998 “On the procedure for erecting works of monumental and decorative art of urban significance in the city of Moscow.”

V. The order of preservation and maintenance of memorial plaques

5.1. After installation, the memorial plaque is an integral artistic and architectural element of the building.

5.2. Organizations on whose balance sheets are memorial plaques ensure their safety and maintenance in proper aesthetic form at their own expense.

5.3. If it is necessary to dismantle memorial plaques, the organization holding the balance sheet notifies the Moscow Department of Cultural Heritage in writing, after which:

When demolishing a house, it dismantles memorial plaques at its own expense and transfers it according to the act in the prescribed manner for storage to the State state-financed organization culture of the city of Moscow "Museum Association "Museum of Moscow";

During repairs and reconstruction of the building, it dismantles, ensures the safety of memorial plaques and, upon completion of the work, restores it to its original place in accordance with the artistic and architectural project approved by the Committee on Architecture and Urban Planning of the City of Moscow, at its own expense.

5.4. Control over the safety of memorial plaques is carried out by bodies and organizations that ensure control over the safety of the housing stock and law and order in a given territory in the manner prescribed by law.

5.5. Lost power.

VI. Accounting for memorial plaques

6.1. The accounting of memorial plaques is entrusted to the State Budgetary Institution of Culture of the City of Moscow "Museum Association "Museum of Moscow".

6.2. State budgetary cultural institution of the city of Moscow "Museum Association "Museum of Moscow":

Conducts an inventory of memorial plaques at least once every 5 years;

Compiles a unified register of memorial plaques.

This Regulation defines:
- criteria that are the basis for making decisions on perpetuating the memory of outstanding events in the history of Moscow, as well as individuals whose achievements and contributions in the field of their activities brought significant benefits to the city and the Fatherland;
- the procedure for considering applications and making decisions on the installation of memorial plaques;
- rules for installing and preserving memorial plaques.

Designation: Resolution 1287-PP
Russian name: Regulations on the procedure for installing memorial plaques in the city of Moscow
Status: active
Date of text update: 08.10.2010
Date added to the database: 08.10.2010
Effective date: 01.12.2009
Designed by: The government of Moscow
Approved: Moscow Government (01.12.2009)
Published: Bulletin of the Mayor and Government of Moscow No. 68 2009

On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for installing memorial plaques in the city of Moscow

In order to improve the unified procedure for considering applications and resolving issues of installation and maintenance of memorial plaques, taking into account the existing positive experience, the Moscow Government decides:

1. Approve the Regulations on the procedure for installing memorial plaques in the city of Moscow ().

2. Decree of the Moscow Government of January 5, 1999 No. 1 “On approval of the Temporary Regulations on the procedure for installing memorial plaques and other memorial signs in Moscow” shall be declared invalid.

3. The Department of Culture of the city of Moscow, together with the prefectures of the administrative districts of the city of Moscow, within 6 months from the date of issuance of this resolution, conduct an inventory of the memorial plaques available in the city.

4. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to the First Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government Shvetsova L.I.

Mayor of Moscow Yu.M. Luzhkov


Regulations on the procedure for installing memorial plaques in the city of Moscow

I. General provisions

1.1. Memorial plaques are small-form architectural and sculptural works intended for installation on building facades for the purpose of targeted perpetuation of the memory of outstanding historical events and personalities.

The essence of the event or the merit of the individual is reflected in the laconic text of the inscription artistically executed on the memorial plaque. The composition of the memorial plaque may include a sculptural portrait image and elements of thematic decor.

Memorial plaques are made in durable materials (natural stone, metal) according to artistic and architectural projects agreed upon in the established order.

1.2. This Regulation defines:

Criteria that are the basis for making decisions on perpetuating the memory of outstanding events in the history of Moscow, as well as individuals whose achievements and contributions in their field of activity brought significant benefits to the city and the Fatherland;

The procedure for considering applications and making decisions on the installation of memorial plaques;

Rules for installing and preserving memorial plaques.

II. Criteria that are the basis for making decisions on perpetuating memory by installing memorial plaques

2.1. The criteria are:

The significance of the event in the history of Moscow;

The presence of officially recognized personal achievements in state, social, political, military, industrial and economic activities, in science, technology, literature, art, culture and sports;

Confirmation by historical, archival and award documents of an individual’s merits to the city and the Fatherland in a certain field of activity;

Long-term permanent residence and work of the immortalized personality in the city of Moscow.

III. Procedure for consideration and implementation of applications

3.1. Issues of perpetuating memory by installing memorial plaques are considered by the Commission for Perpetuating the Memory of Outstanding Events and Figures of Russian History and Culture (hereinafter referred to as the Commission).

3.2. The quantitative and personal composition of the Commission is approved by the Moscow Department of Culture.

3.3. The Commission includes representatives of the structures of the Moscow Government: the Department of Culture of the City of Moscow, the Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning of the City of Moscow, the Committee for Public Relations of the City of Moscow, the Committee for Cultural Heritage of the City of Moscow, as well as the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Academy of Arts, Moscow creative unions of artists, the Union of Moscow Architects, the State cultural institution of the city of Moscow "Museum Association "Museum of Moscow".

The commission is headed by the head of the Moscow Department of Culture.

The commission may invite representatives and specialists from other departments and public organizations to meetings.

Meetings of the Commission are held at least once a quarter.

3.4. The commission considers applications received only from government organizations, public associations and legal entities.

Petitions from relatives of other individuals are not considered by the Commission.

3.5. List of documents submitted to the Commission:

Petition from organizations;

Historical or historical-biographical information;

Copies of archival and award documents confirming the authenticity of the event or the merits of the person immortalized;

Suggestion on the type of memorial plaque (text or with bas-relief) and the text of the inscription;

An extract from the house register indicating the period of residence of the person immortalized;

A written commitment from the applicant organization to finance work on artistic and architectural design, manufacturing, installation and technical support for the grand opening of the memorial plaque, indicating bank details.

3.6. The installation of a memorial plaque must be agreed upon with the prefecture of the corresponding administrative district of Moscow and the owner of the building. The prefecture may refuse to approve the installation of a memorial plaque in the event of a planned demolition or major renovation of the building on which the initiating organization intends to install the memorial plaque. In the event of other reasons for refusing approval, the prefecture sends its reasoned opinion to the Commission and the initiators.

3.7. As a result of considering the applications, the Commission makes one of the following decisions:

Support the petition and contact the Moscow Government with a proposal to entrust the Moscow Department of Culture with monitoring and providing advisory and methodological assistance in organizing artistic and architectural design, manufacturing in durable materials, installation and technical support for the grand opening of the memorial plaque at the expense of the petitioning organization;

Postpone consideration of the application for a period determined by the Commission due to the need to obtain additional information and documents or for other reasons established by the Commission;

Recommend that the applicant organization perpetuate the memory of the event or person in other forms, including the installation of a sculptural portrait, bust, or thematic composition in the interior of the building or in a closed area;

Reasonably reject the petition.

3.8. The decision is made by a simple majority of votes of the members of the Commission in an open vote.

3.9. After the Commission considers the petitions and makes decisions, the minutes of the Commission meeting are approved by the First Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government - the head of the Social Sphere Complex of the city of Moscow. Decisions are considered adopted and accepted for execution only after their approval by the First Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government - the head of the Social Sphere Complex of the city of Moscow.

After approval of the minutes of the Commission meeting, the Moscow Department of Culture sends written notifications about the Commission’s decisions to the applicant organizations.

3.10. The Moscow Department of Culture monitors the implementation of the Commission’s decisions and for this purpose organizes:

Advisory and methodological assistance in the artistic and architectural design of memorial plaques;

Consideration of artistic and architectural projects at the Artistic Expert Council on Sculpture, Monumental and Decorative Arts under the Moscow Department of Culture;

Coordination of projects and locations for installation of memorial plaques with the Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning of the city of Moscow, and in the case of installation of memorial plaques at cultural heritage sites, identified cultural heritage sites and with the Committee for Cultural Heritage of the city of Moscow;

Coordination of issues related to the production of durable materials and installation of memorial plaques;

Preparation and holding, together with interested organizations, of grand opening ceremonies or providing assistance to applicant organizations in their conduct.

IV. Rules for installing memorial plaques

4.1. Memorial plaques are installed no earlier than 10 years after the historical event or the death of the person immortalized. In the case of applications for the installation of memorial plaques on the buildings of organizations by decision of the Commission - no earlier than 2 years after the historical event or the death of the person being immortalized.

For persons awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, Hero of the Russian Federation, Hero of Socialist Labor, full holders of the Order of Glory, full holders of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, full holders of the Order of Labor Glory, as well as persons awarded the title "Honorary Citizen of the City of Moscow" and laureates The Moscow Government's "Legendaveka" award does not apply to installation time limits.

4.2. In memory of an outstanding personality or event, only one memorial plaque can be installed within Moscow - at the former place of work or residence of the person being immortalized, or at the historical site of the event.

4.3. If the memory of a person has already been immortalized in other forms (assigning the name of the person being immortalized to an institution, naming a street, square, metro station in his honor, installing a monument, bust), memorial plaques are not installed, except in cases where the decision to install a memorial plaque is made by the Mayor of Moscow, taking into account special importance of a historical event or special merits of the person immortalized to Moscow or the Russian Federation.

4.4. Memorial plaques are not installed on buildings for entertainment purposes (theatres, cinemas, concert halls, museums, art galleries).

4.5. The design, construction, installation and technical support of the grand opening of memorial plaques is carried out at the expense of own and (or) borrowed funds provided by the applicant organizations.

4.6. Memorial plaques can be installed at the expense of the budgetary funds of the city of Moscow on behalf of the Mayor of Moscow on the basis of a legal act of the Moscow Government defining the source of funding.

4.7. Memorial plaques installed by organizations or individuals independently without a decision of the Commission are subject to dismantling in the manner established by Article 8 of Moscow City Law No. 30 of November 13, 1998 “On the procedure for erecting works of monumental and decorative art of urban significance in the city of Moscow.”

V. The order of preservation and content of memorial plaques

5.1. After installation, the memorial plaque is an integral artistic and architectural element of the building and is transferred by the applicant organization according to the acceptance certificate of the organization determined by the prefecture of the administrative district of the city of Moscow.

5.2. Organizations on whose balance sheets there are memorial plaques ensure their safety and maintenance in proper aesthetic form at their own expense.

5.3. If it is necessary to dismantle memorial plaques, the organization holding the balance sheet notifies the Moscow Department of Culture in writing, after which:

When demolishing a house, it dismantles memorial plaques at its own expense and transfers it according to the established procedure for storage to the State Cultural Institution of the City of Moscow "Museum Association "Museum of Moscow";

During repairs and reconstruction, the building is dismantled, ensures the safety of memorial plaques and, upon completion of the work, is restored to its original place in accordance with the artistic and architectural project approved by the Committee on Architecture and Urban Planning of the City of Moscow, at its own expense.

5.4. Control over the safety of memorial plaques is carried out by bodies and organizations that ensure control over the safety of the housing stock and law and order in a given territory in the manner established by law.

5.5. In case of loss of the proper appearance of the memorial plaque, the prefectures of the administrative districts of the city of Moscow will inform the Moscow Department of Culture and the balance-holder organization about the need to restore the memorial plaque at the expense of the balance-holder organization.

VI. Accounting for memorial plaques

6.1. The accounting of memorial plaques is entrusted to the State Cultural Institution of the City of Moscow "Museum Association "Museum of Moscow".

6.2. State cultural institution of the city of Moscow "Museum Association "Museum of Moscow":

Conducts an inventory of memorial plaques at least once every 5 years;

Compiles a unified register of memorial plaques.


to the decision of the Council of Deputies

city ​​of Murmansk from 01/01/2001

No. 21-216 (as amended by decisions



These Regulations have been developed in accordance with the rules of external improvement of the city of Murmansk and establish the criteria that are the basis for making decisions on perpetuating the memory of outstanding events in the history of Murmansk, as well as individuals whose achievements and contributions in the field of their activities have brought long-term benefit to the city and the Fatherland.

Commemorative (memorial) plaques are memorial signs installed on the facades, interiors of buildings, structures and closed areas.


1.1. The following are subject to perpetuation through the installation of memorial (memorial) plaques:

Significant historical events in the history of Murmansk;

The presence of officially recognized achievements of individuals in state, public, military, industrial and economic activities, in science, technology, literature, art, culture and sports, a special contribution to a certain field of activity that has brought long-term benefit to the city and the Fatherland.

1.2. In order to objectively assess the significance of the event proposed to be immortalized through the installation of a memorial (memorial) plaque, proposals to install memorial (memorial) plaques in memory of events that are no less than 5 years distant from the time of installation of the plaque are considered.

The decision to install a memorial plaque perpetuating the memory of an outstanding fellow countryman, whose life and work was connected with the city of Murmansk, can be made a year after his death.

1.3. When deciding on the installation of a memorial plaque, the presence or absence of other forms of perpetuation of this event in the territory of the city of Murmansk is taken into account.

1.4. The requirements of these Regulations are mandatory for all organizations that decide to install a memorial plaque on a building or structure of any form of ownership.



2.1. Commemorative (memorial) plaques can be installed both on the facades and inside buildings and structures and in closed areas.

When perpetuating the memory of personalities associated with architectural monuments, especially public buildings (theatres, educational establishments, libraries, scientific institutions, etc.), memorial (memorial) plaques are recommended to be installed indoors.

2.2. When deciding on the installation of a commemorative (memorial) plaque, the features of the proposed location for its installation (technical condition, the need for repair work, requirements established by monument protection authorities, other conditions) must be taken into account.

The architectural and artistic design of the memorial plaque should not contradict the nature of the place where it is installed or the characteristics of the environment into which it is introduced as a new element.

2.3. Commemorative (memorial) plaques must be made only from durable materials in strict accordance with the requirements stipulated by the architectural and planning assignment.

2.4. The text of the commemorative (memorial) plaque must contain in a laconic form a description of the event (fact) or period of life (activity) of the person to whom the commemorative (memorial) plaque is dedicated.

The text must contain dates that specify the time of involvement of a person or event at the place where the memorial plaque was installed.

In the text of a memorial plaque dedicated to an outstanding personality, the full indication of the last name, first name, and patronymic of this person is required.

In addition to text, the composition of memorial (memorial) plaques may include portrait images and decorative elements.

The subject matter and content of the text should determine the architectural and artistic image of the memorial (memorial) plaque, its decorative and compositional solution.



3.1. A proposal to install a memorial plaque can be made by enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership, state and municipal institutions and public associations. Applications from relatives and other individuals are not considered.

3.2. The proposal to install a memorial plaque is considered by a commission, the procedure for which is determined by the Council of Deputies of the city of Murmansk.

3.3. A written proposal to install a memorial plaque is submitted to the commission and contains:


Historical or historical-biographical information;

Copies of archival documents confirming the authenticity of the event or the merits of the person immortalized;

Suggestions on the text of the inscription on the memorial (memorial) plaque, the address and place of its installation;

An extract from the house register indicating the period of residence of the person being immortalized;

5.2. When installing commemorative (memorial) plaques on the initiative of local governments or using funds from the city budget, the customer for the installation of a commemorative (memorial) plaque is the Culture Committee of the Murmansk City Administration.

5.3. Project development, implementation in material and installation of memorial (memorial) plaques are carried out by creative teams and specialized organizations at the request of the customer.

5.4. The project of a memorial plaque, developed on the basis of an architectural and planning assignment, is agreed upon in mandatory with the Committee for Territorial Planning and Urban Development of the Murmansk City Administration, and when placed on buildings that are architectural and historical monuments - with the Committee for Culture and Art of the Murmansk Region.

5.5. The construction of a memorial (memorial) plaque in the material and its installation must be carried out in strict accordance with the agreed project.

The customer issues an acceptance certificate for installed memorial plaques. Acceptance commissions are appointed by the departments of the city’s administrative districts. The acceptance committees include representatives of the Committee for Territorial Planning and Urban Development of the Administration of the City of Murmansk, the Committee for the Development of Urban Services of the Administration of the City of Murmansk and other interested organizations.


6.1. All memorial (memorial) plaques installed on the facades of buildings and other structures in the city of Murmansk are the property of the city of Murmansk, part of its natural, historical and cultural heritage and are subject to preservation, repair and restoration.

6.2. Installed memorial (memorial) plaques are placed on the balance sheet of the customer organization.

In the event of liquidation of the customer organization, memorial (memorial) plaques are transferred to the balance of the Committee for the Development of Municipal Economy of the Murmansk City Administration.

6.3. After the installation of commemorative (memorial) plaques at the expense of the budget, the Committee for the Development of Municipal Economy of the Administration of the city of Murmansk accepts them on its balance sheet, records them and monitors their condition.

The Committee for the Development of Municipal Economy of the Murmansk City Administration keeps records of all commemorative (memorial) plaques installed on the territory of the city.

6.4. Enterprises, institutions, organizations and citizens are obliged to ensure the safety of memorial (memorial) plaques installed inside or on buildings that are their property, are on their balance sheet or provided to them for use or rent. Control over the condition and safety of memorial plaques on the territory of the city of Murmansk is carried out by them together with the Committee for the Development of Municipal Economy of the Administration of the city of Murmansk.


to Murmansky's decision

city ​​council






1.1. These Regulations determine the procedure for the formation and work of the commission to consider proposals for the installation of memorial (memorial) plaques in the territory of the city of Murmansk.


2.1. The composition of the commission is approved by the Council of Deputies of the city of Murmansk from among deputies, Honorary Citizens, representatives of veteran and trade union organizations of the city, representatives of the city administration.

The commission consists of no more than 9 people.

2.2. The chairman of the commission and the deputy chairman are elected by open voting at the first organizational meeting.

2.3. The form of work of the commission is a meeting.

A meeting is valid if more than half of the commission members are present.

2.5. The date and time of the commission meeting are appointed by the chairman, or in his absence - by the deputy chairman of the commission.




3.1. Proposals for the installation of memorial plaques in the city of Murmansk are submitted to the commission.

3.2. Proposals received by the commission are reviewed quarterly as they are received.

3.3. The Council of Deputies of the city of Murmansk decides to install a memorial plaque on the territory of the city of Murmansk.