Lesson summary of ORKSE in 4th grade

Topic: “Where the Motherland Begins”

Lesson type: learning new material

TARGET: developing a sense of pride in one’s homeland


    Developing a sense of love for the Motherland, the ability for civic action (civic engagement), responsibility and pride for the achievements of the Motherland;

    Formation of communication abilities, ability to conduct dialogue, work in groups and teams;

    Cultivating interest in studying the history of the country, a sense of responsibility for one’s actions, for the fate of the country

Teaching methods: verbal, partially search, visual-illustrative, problem dialogue

Forms of organization cognitive activity students: group, frontal.

Means of education: handouts, TCO.

Expected results: expanding the idea of ​​the Motherland, Fatherland, and the spiritual world of man

Educational Resources: 1.Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics: a textbook for the 4th grade of general education institutions\ A. I. Shemshurina. -M.: Education, 2015. 2. Handouts - information cards

3. Photos hometown 4. Video about Semikarakorsk



    Ability to define new concepts;

    Understanding the meaning of patriotism in human life and society

Personal universal learning activities

The student will have the following:

- positive attitude towards school and educational activities;

– interest in educational material;

– knowledge of basic moral standards of behavior.

The student will have the opportunity to form:

internal position the student has a positive attitude towards the classes of the "ORKSE" course and towards the school.

Meta-subject results

Regulatory universal learning activities

The student will learn:

– accept and maintain a learning task that corresponds to the stage of learning;

– understand the guidelines for action in a new environment identified by the teacher educational material;

– evaluate the results of your actions together with the teacher or classmates and make appropriate adjustments;

– perform educational actions in oral speech and internally.

in collaboration with the teacher and class, find several options for solving the educational problem;

adequately perceive the assessment of your work by teachers and comrades;

take a role in educational collaboration;

understand the action guidelines identified by the teacher in the new educational material.

Cognitive universal learning activities

The student will learn:

– search for the necessary information in the textbook, teaching aids;

– use signs, symbols, models, diagrams given in educational literature;

– construct messages orally;

– carry out analysis of objects highlighting essential and non-essential features;

– carry out synthesis as composing a whole from parts;

– establish analogies;

– establish cause-and-effect relationships in the range of phenomena being studied;

– make comparisons and classifications according to specified criteria.

The student will have the opportunity to learn:

search for the necessary illustrative material in additional literature sources recommended by the teacher;

perceive the meaning of an educational text;

draw analogies between the material being studied and your own experience.

Communicative universal learning activities

The student will learn:

– take part in work in pairs and groups;

– allow for the existence of different points of view;

– construct statements that are understandable to the partner;

– use the rules of politeness in communication.

The student will have the opportunity to learn:

ask questions appropriate to the given situation;

transmit the necessary information to the partner as a guide for constructing the action.

Organizational structure of the lesson:

I Psychological attitude, emotional entry into the lesson.

Target: inclusion of students in work

1. Energizer exercise:

T: - I ask those who came to class in a good mood to smile.

T: - Raise your hand those who like to communicate with classmates.

2. Mobilizing beginning of the lesson (“initial motivation”)

Greeting from the teacher “Drawing of Happiness”:

I would like to wish you happiness,

The most important thing is not to lose heart!

All the best, peace and clarity to you!

The brightest and most beautiful!

U: - Guys, tell me in your own words, what did I wish for you?

D: - Happiness, fun, good luck, health, peace, goodness and beauty.

U: - Why do people wish each other a lot of good things?

D: - To make it pleasant, to create a good mood, so that things go well.

T: - Does our mood affect our health and academic performance?

U: - May our lesson be successful for each of us! I wish everyone to work fruitfully. Together we will admire your deep knowledge on the topic of the lesson, pulling out all the most valuable things from the recesses of your memory. Don’t forget to treat each other kindly, think, work actively, create beautiful things. So, let's start our lesson, discover knowledge together.

II Self-construction - making a forecast using reference words. Discovery of new knowledge.

Target: activation of students’ knowledge and ideas on the topic being studied;

determination and formulation by students of the lesson topic

View video film “The Best City on Earth” (http://bojcko.ucoz.ru/index/moj_gorod/0-5)

T: - What thoughts did you have while watching the video?

Children's answers.

T: - Name the “scattered” word (on the slide: ONARID).

What will the lesson be about?

Determining the topic of the lesson “Where the Motherland begins...”

U: - How would you answer the question: where does the Motherland begin?

Emotional response, attitude to the topic of the lesson:

U: - What do you already know about this topic? Choose words on the topic of the Motherland.

U: - In what words can you convey your feelings for your Motherland?

(on the slide: joy, anxiety, delight, inspiration, admiration, pride, pain)

Children's answers.

U: - These subtle shades feelings convey your perception of the Motherland in memories, family stories, and personal attitude towards life. These difficult feelings are especially meaningful, and you will return to them throughout your life.

III Familiarization with new material, comparison with the forecast.

Target: joint search activities of teachers and students;

creating a problem situation, exploring it and formulating a conclusion on the topic of the lesson

U: - Let’s say the word “Motherland” out loud and feel the light, expanse, space, spirituality in its sound...

T: - Choose an adjective for each letter of the word “Motherland” - an epithet that reveals your understanding of this word.

R - native, razdolnaya, etc.

O – huge, charming, etc.

D – kind, dear, etc.

And – interesting, famous, etc.

N – best, immense, irreplaceable, etc.

A – active, etc.

U: - Let's listen to a song together Veniamin Basner to the words of Mikhail Matusovsky“Where does the Motherland begin…” and let’s think about the answer to the question.

U: - What pictures came to mind when listening to the song? Why different?

D: - They live in the country different people. Each person has his own feelings, his own little homeland.

T: - Tell me, what do you think unites all of us, those present in the class and all the living people in our country?

D: - We are all Russians!

U: - Our country is huge, and the people live there are very different. Each of us has our own memories of childhood, of our home. But everyone is united by the Motherland and an inextricable connection with it. From the threshold of your home and the lullaby that your mother sang to you, this connection begins, strengthens and expands throughout life.

Physical education minute

T: - I suggest you relieve tension and perform the “Load of weight off your shoulders” exercise.

Performed while standing. Raise your shoulders as sharply as possible, spread them wide back and lower.

“Concentration on meditative breathing” (breathing technique)

T: - Take a comfortable position. Relax your body. Direct your attention to your breathing. Try not to change the natural type of breathing, but just monitor it. Tell yourself: “I feel my inhalation... I feel my exhalation...”

IV Improving what has been learned: independent application and use of acquired knowledge

Target: formation of the ability to see new things in the known, to use acquired knowledge in new or greatly modified conditions

Opinion “For the beloved Motherland.”

U: - People have composed many wise proverbs about love for their homeland.

Working with proverbs (work in pairs). Game "Connect the beginning and the end."

1. One person has his own side.

2. The native side is the mother, he has one and the same Motherland.

3. Everyone’s sweet, stranger’s stepmother.

U: - How do you understand the meaning of these proverbs?

Children's answers.

Work according to the textbook - p. 142.

U: - Let’s turn to centuries-old experience. Choose a statement by great people about the Motherland that is close to your meaning, justify it using the creative survey technique “POPS formula” (P - position, O - justification, P - example, C - consequence).

Target: teach conciseness and develop logical thinking skills.

Students prepare answers according to the formula using the following sentences:

P - “I believe that...”

O - "Because..."

P - “I can prove this with an example...”

C - “Therefore, I conclude that...”

U: - Homeland begins with family. Do you associate your relationship with your homeland with your family? How?

Children's answers.

U: - Let’s try to develop advice for ourselves in order to promote general harmony in the family. What would you like to achieve in your family? I invite you to work in creative workshops. Choose your own place to work in the group.

Work in creative workshops:

Deconstruction – socialization.

Group 1 – develop rules for yourself"To prevent quarrels"

Group 2 - develop rules for yourself“So that there is no screaming”

(select rules from the proposed options)

Group 3 - develop rules for yourself "To enjoy being at home »

(select rules from the proposed options)

V Demonstration of completed work

Target: generalization of what has been learned

Reconstruction – advertising the work of group 1:

To prevent quarrels:

- Know how to forgive;

- Admit mistakes and forgive;

- Make a compromise;

- Avoid insults;

- Try to remain calm;

- Speak one at a time;

- Take criticism calmly;

- Do not accumulate irritation within yourself and do not harbor resentment;

- Don’t “cut rashly”;

- Do not give in if you are provoked into a quarrel;

- Try to calm down an irritated person, turn everything into a joke;

- Learn to understand yourself.

Reconstruction – advertising the work of group 2:

Examples of simple tips that will help get rid of screaming in the family, and not only in it.

1. Keep silent.

2. Switch to a whisper.

3. Conversation.

4. Engage in self-development.

5. Start barking

6. Wait out the storm.

Reconstruction – advertising the work of group 3:

    In any situation, put love first.

    Change your habits.

    Take care of each other.

    Put out quarrels.

    Feel free to be the first to reconcile.

    Know how to forgive insults.

    Put yourself in someone else's shoes.

    Anticipate each other's desires.

    Be honest about your feelings.

    Prove your love every day.

    Have holidays more often.

U: - Remember these rules, try to follow them, and everything will be fine in the family.

How do flowers make you feel? What is dear to us? What can they remind you of?

Often flowers are a living thread connecting us with expensive place our life. Since childhood, we have been surrounded by a world in which we grow and develop, which we keep in our souls for many years. And may the world of our Motherland always be decorated with flowers and give us joy and beauty.

VI Lesson summary. Reflection of activity.

Work using the “Unfinished Thesis” method – attitude towards the Motherland

In my understanding, the Motherland…………………………………………………………………………………

I am proud of my country for ……………………………………………………………

I like it in my country…………………………………………………………………………………

I can do for my country…………………………………………………………

Reception “Reflective Questions”

Target: receiving an emotional response from one person to the experiences of another

1. What is the most important thing for you in what you learned today?

2. What new thoughts and feelings did you have?

3. How did you benefit from this lesson?

U: - I would like you to always remember that you are citizens great country, which has a rich and glorious history, they honored its symbols and were proud of their country. You are citizens of a multinational country. You, children of Russia, are the hope and future of our country. All in your hands!

Our common home is called Russia,

Let everyone feel comfortable in it.

We will overcome any difficulties

And only in unity is the strength of Russia.

Exercise “Compliment”

(Compliment-praise, Compliment on business qualities, Compliment on feelings)

Target: the ability to satisfy the need for recognition of the personal significance of everyone

U: - What can you praise yourself for? Classmates? Teachers?

Reflection of mood and emotional state

"Bouquet of Mood"

T: - Guys, you have flowers of different shades on your tables. Let's create a “mood bouquet”. If you liked everything in the lesson, you will attach a red flower to the board (in a vase), if you didn’t like everything, a yellow flower, if you didn’t like anything, a blue flower.

U: - I thank you for your activity, creativity, initiative. The work is finished, but our cooperation will continue. Thanks to all. Your success in class is the best gift for me.

Lesson notes on cognitive development in the older age group

Summary of the lesson "Where the Motherland Begins" for students of the senior group

EQUIPMENT: Time axis, three circles of different sizes, photographs, map of the Kemerovo region, city model, coat of arms of Belovo, coats of arms of countries, globe, photograph memorial plaque, Russian flag blanks, felt-tip pens, player.

PRELIMINARY WORK: Excursion to school No. 19, conversations with children, looking at family albums, reading fiction, memorizing poems, making a time axis, involving parents in making a model of the city, working with a map and globe, stories about the history of the city, about its heroes.

GOAL: To arouse interest in your loved ones, yourself, and the origins of your family. Develop children's cognitive needs. Systematize and develop children’s ideas about their home country and their city, consolidate children’s initial ideas about ecology and its role in people’s lives. Start mastering modeling activities. To foster patriotic feelings, to promote the formation of a positive attitude towards the world in children.


Children, I want to invite you today on a journey with me. Do you agree? During the journey we will look for the answer to the question “Where does the Motherland begin?”
I bring the children to the photo stand. We look at the group photo, noting what a friendly, cheerful family this is.
- Everyone at home has family albums in which photographs of loved ones are stored - our relatives. I asked you to bring photographs of your relatives. Now think and answer, who are called relatives?
Answers of children (grandmothers, grandfathers, mothers, fathers, etc.)
- Right. Relatives are people who are closely related. What does the word “genus” mean?
Children's answers.
- If you combine all your answers, we can say: a clan is one big family. Each genus has its own beginning. Look at this time axis. This is you now. And if we look back a little, what do we see?
Children's answers. (the children have become very small, dad is holding them in his arms, but now mom and dad have become girls and boys, and grandma is very young)
- The oldest member of the family is considered the most respected. Who is the most respected relative in the family? Why?
Children's answers (because they have lived the most and know everything, we always turn to them with various questions. They advise how to enter difficult situations, help with everything.)
- Yes, that's right. And when you all get together in your house, you all feel comfortable and light, from the fact that you are together, nearby. I know that Alina learned the wonderful poem “Family”. Let's listen to him.
“Family is a native word,
There is so much light, goodness and warmth in it.
How proud we are of our family,
For all their merits, for all their deeds.
Mother's eyes warm us
Like the suns of radiance they are hot.
And my father’s hands shield me from trouble
The care of relatives is like the rays of the sun.”
- Thank you, Alina. Guys, no matter where you are, it’s always nice to return home to your family. And I would call my home – my little Motherland. Look, she looks like the sun (circle) yellow color), this is how I imagine her. Let's place our house on it: you, mom, dad (children paste images onto the layout)
Physical education moment. " Friendly family"
- Now let’s turn again to the time axis and look a little forward. Now you are already schoolchildren, you go to school yourself, you have become independent and your Motherland has grown up with you (showing a circle big size) What do you think this circle means now?
Children's answers (our city).
- Yes, we live, study and work in our city. What is it called?
Children's answers. (Belovo)
- How many of you remember the history of why the city has such a name?
Children's answers. (Fyodor Belov, a free settler, first built a settlement on the banks of the Bachat River, and the city of Belovo was named in his honor).
- Let's find our city on the map of the Kemerovo region. (We go to the map, find the city of Belovo)
- What is our region famous for?
Children's answers. (coal, there are a lot of black squares on the map indicating coal)
- What holiday will we celebrate soon?
Children's answers (City Day)
- Tell me guys, what is the name of the village in which we live?
Children's answers (New Town).
- Like any other city, we have heroes whose streets and cities are named after them. At school number 19. that boys studied in our village (I show photographs of the boys and the memorial plaque), the streets of the village of Achimov and Bagaev were named for their heroism.
What symbols of our city do you know?
Children's stories about the coat of arms of the city of Belovo.
- Let’s place the model of the coat of arms on the model of our city (children attach)
- So you graduated from school and moved away who - where: boys to join the army, girls to study, and the Motherland has become even bigger for you (I show a large-sized layout). What is this now? (pointing to the map)
Children's answers.
Physical education minute to the music “I, you, he, she...”
- Right. Russia, our country, is one of the largest in the world. Show it on the map
.(children show) . Everyone in the world knows that Russia is rich a country. Let's think about why?
Children's answers. (the bowels of Russia store huge reserves of wealth: oil, coal, gold, stones, etc.)
- Each state has its own main city - the capital. What is the name of the capital of Russia?
Children's answers (Moscow)
- Guys, what state symbols do you know?
Children's answers (flag, coat of arms, anthem)
- You are already familiar with these symbols. Find the coat of arms of Russia among these coats of arms. Who will tell about it? (child's story)
- Well done, Anlrey. Thank you. Place it on our layout. But you will need to make the flag yourself (children paint over the stripes on the flag and check the correctness back side) . We also place the flag on the layout.
- It’s very interesting to travel around your native country, but there are other countries in the world. There live boys and girls just like you. And we all live together on one big planet. Who knows what it's called?
Children's answers
- Yes, this is planet Earth. (I display the globe, look at the seas, oceans, deserts, plains, forests on the globe
- How diverse and multi-colored the earth is. We need to take care of the environment on our planet, because this is our home. And the house must always be taken care of and protected.. Why is it necessary to protect a green house?
Children's answers (do not litter, do not pollute the air, water bodies, do not destroy animals, birds, fish, etc.).
I am reading a poem by I. Mayanin.

Let's strive for this
So that both the beast and the bird love us,
And they trusted us everywhere,
Like your most loyal friends.
Let's save the planet
There is nothing like it in the whole universe,
All alone in the whole universe,
What will she do without us?

Lesson on the topic Where does the Motherland begin?

Completed by: Yakovleva Kalisa Nikolaevna

teacher primary classes

MBOU "Cadet School No. 14"

Cheboksary city



Explanatory note

For modern man It has become urgent to restore cultural and historical ties with the native land, one’s small homeland. This process must begin from childhood, from the most accessible for children - studying the history of their native places, cultural and spiritual heritage ancestors, the personality of the child himself, the life of his family, native nature.

Education of citizenship, hard work, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for the surrounding nature, Motherland, family is one of fundamental principles state policy in the field of education, enshrined in the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”.

Getting acquainted with the biography of their parents and grandmothers, children begin to understand the connection of times, the continuity of generations, and begin to understand their involvement in historical events.

By studying the history of their native land, children become more deeply acquainted with the history of their small homeland, their Fatherland. It is very important to instill skills from an early age careful attitude to the nature of the native land, to the cultural and historical heritage of their ancestors. The education of patriotic feelings should be carried out through the child’s awareness of involvement in all processes occurring in native land, through the choice of an active life position, through awareness of one’s significance and uniqueness.

In our practice, we often encounter the following problems among schoolchildren:

    lack of accessible information on the history of their region;

    lack of skills to independently search for information on a topic of interest;

    misconceptions about the significance of the native land in the history of the country and each person individually;

    poor ability to present acquired knowledge to others.


Love for the native land, native culture, native speech begins

from a small point - love for your family, for your home, for your school.

Gradually expanding, this love turns into love for one’s native

to the country, to its history, past and present, to all humanity.

D. S. Likhachev

The problem of patriotic education of the younger generation is one of the most pressing today. Historically, it has happened that love for the Motherland, patriotism at all times in Russian state were a feature national character. But due to recent changes, the loss of traditional Russian patriotic consciousness in our society has become increasingly noticeable.

In this regard, the urgency of solving the most pressing problems of instilling patriotism in working with younger children is obvious. school age.

Patriotism - complex and high human feeling, it is so multifaceted in its content that it is indefinable in a few words.

A child’s sense of homeland begins with his relationship to his family, to the people closest to him - mother, father, grandfather, grandmother, brothers and sisters.

The development of love and affection for one’s home in its original meaning serves as the first stage in the patriotic education of school-age children. “Home” is a complex, multifaceted concept. It includes the attitude towards oneself as an individual, the attitude towards one’s family, and inclusion in family traditions. The child’s first friends, the kindergarten where he goes, the street on which his house is located - all this is included in the child’s ideas about his home, about his “original” homeland.

Gradually these ideas are expanding. The homeland is already associated not only with the house and the street, but with the native village (city, with the surrounding nature. Later comes the awareness of involvement in the region and in Russia, a huge multinational country, of which the child will become a citizen. Therefore, patriotic education is integrally connected with familiarization with the world around us.

Education should contribute to the development and formation of the child’s personality, all its spiritual and physical strengths and abilities; lead every child to a new worldview, a worldview based on the recognition of universal human values ​​as a priority in life.

Since our school has been renamed a cadet school, the emphasis should be on ensuring that our students strive to be a defender of their Fatherland, serve the Motherland, become a real citizen, and look their descendants in the eyes with pride. Patriotic education junior schoolchildren should become the unifying force that can raise a generation of true patriots who love their Motherland not in words, but in deeds. We must create conditions for the fullest development and practical implementation of the talents of today's girls and boys.

The leading direction in the development program of my class is educational work is a block of patriotic education: these are lessons of Courage, cool watch, conversations, collective creative activities, meetings with war and labor veterans, trips and hikes, meetings with librarians and tour guides, acquaintance with the historical past of the small homeland and Fatherland, acquaintance with the traditions and customs of the Chuvash and Russian peoples, meetings with interesting people, heroes, organization of exhibitions, excursions to National Museum, Museum of Military Glory, holding parent meetings, for example, “Educating a Citizen.”

What is patriotism and patriotic education?

There are many concepts of patriotism. Patriotism is love for the Motherland, devotion to the Fatherland, one’s people, a person who is ready to make sacrifices and perform feats in the name of the interests of his Motherland. Patriotism is a very secret feeling, located deep in the soul. Patriotism is judged not by words, but by the deeds of each person. A patriot is not the one who calls himself that, but the one who will be considered such by others.

Patriotic education is the interaction of an adult and a child in joint activities and communication, which is aimed at revealing and developing all the moral qualities of an individual.

Patriotic education includes a set of tasks:

Nurturing a child’s love and affection for family, home, kindergarten, native street, city;

Formation of a caring attitude towards native nature and all living things;

Fostering respect for people's work;

Expanding ideas about Russia, the capital;

Introducing children to the symbols of the state: coat of arms, flag, anthem;

Developing a sense of responsibility and pride for the achievements of the Motherland;

Formation of tolerance, feelings of respect and sympathy for other people, nations, and their traditions.

These problems are solved in all types of children's activities: in classes, in games, in work, in everyday life.

Problem: insufficient level of patriotism and citizenship among younger schoolchildren.

Target: identify the pedagogical conditions for the formation of patriotism and citizenship in the ORKSE course (through the study of the history of the native land and Russia as a whole).


    Summarize the purpose and objectives of the ORKSE course on the formation of patriotism and citizenship.

    Analyze the contents of the section “Russia is our Motherland.”

    Develop a plan - a lesson summary on the topic “Where does the Motherland begin?”

Expected Result: The teacher’s readiness to conduct a lesson on “Fundamentals of Secular Ethics” on the topic “Where the Motherland Begins”

Final product: Detailed lesson plan.

Planned educational outcomes:

Subject: recognize the state symbols of Russia (flag, coat of arms, anthem), know the name of the capital; understand the feelings of other people and empathize with them; name their addresses of residence, their ethnicity, members of their family and immediate relatives; characterize Russia as the largest and multinational state, the responsibilities of each member of his family.

Personal: show a positive attitude towards learning activities.


Regulatory: find, in collaboration with the teacher and the class, several options for solving a learning problem.

Cognitive: draw analogies between the material being studied and their own experience.

Communicative: convey to friends the necessary information as a guide for constructing action.

Types and forms of activity: frontal and heuristic conversations, commented reading, oral narrative on a topic, work with illustrative material, independent work with sources of information, creative tasks, presentation of independent creative works, preparing a creative conversation with family members.

Teaching methods: verbal, visual, practical.

Educational Resources: poems about the small and large homeland, messages about famous people and symbols of Russia, presentation (photos, film, musical recording of the anthem, etc.), photographs of the city of Cheboksary, symbols of the Russian Federation and the Chuvash Republic.

Main part

Lesson on the topic “Where does the Motherland begin?”

(Module “Fundamentals of Secular Ethics”)

    Organizing time.

Teacher: Good afternoon Stand up please! Hold hands.

Let's hold hands together

And let's smile at each other.

We know: both you and I -

Together - Friendly family!

Teacher: Guys, we are one whole, the common cause and its effectiveness depend on the work of everyone. Do you want to start working right now?

Students: Yes!

Teacher: Sit down please. Read the note on the board:

“The most common type of pride is national pride.”

Arthur Schopenhauer

2. Frontal conversation

Teacher: Solve the puzzle

Teacher: What word is encrypted here?

Student: Homeland.

Teacher: We will talk about what the Motherland is, why you should love and take care of your Motherland.

Answer the question: where does the Motherland begin?

Student 1: Where does the Motherland begin?

From the treasured bench at the gate,

From that very birch tree in the field,

Bowing in the wind, it grows. (V. Basner)

Student 2 : Or maybe it's starting

From the spring song of a starling

And from this country road,

Which has no end in sight. (V. Basner)

Listening to a song with lyrics by V. Basner, music by M. Matusovsky.

3. Conversation


What is Motherland?

Teacher: The word Motherland comes from ancient word clan, which denotes a group of people united by blood. Each of us is a descendant of some ancient ancient family. And the word genus itself means the most ancient god Slavs Rod. The main city of the Ross tribe was called Roden (Kinfolk). It was dedicated to the god Rod.

Teacher: Why do they say that love for the Motherland begins with love for your family, for your home? (children's answers)

4.Work on the topic of the lesson. Heuristic conversation. Presentation of creative independent works of students.

Teacher: Listen carefully to the poem called:

My good home

It’s cozy and warm in the house, We go to visit our neighbors all day long,

There is a lot of joy and noise in it, We have been friends with them for a long time,

He doesn’t know how to be gloomy - We give them smiles and jokes -

I'm lucky with our house. We are proud of our home!

On Sundays on the sites But Monday comes

Residents scurry here and there, And our noisy house freezes.

Some people go out to exercise, Everyone has a lot of worries,

Others sing songs. But the house is not sad anyway.

Dads play with us, Our grandparents are in it

And mothers bake pies for grandchildren, cook dinners,

And they treat us to cakes - They wash the apartments, clean something,

Everyone in the house is waiting for Sunday. It is full of work every day.

(A. Lopatina, M. Skrebtsova)


How do you feel when you return home?

Do you communicate with your neighbors?

What do you think makes your home happy and what makes you sad?

Presentations by prepared students “My Family”, drawings on the theme “Family”

Teacher: So, where does the Motherland begin?

Teacher: Our home, family, relatives are our small Motherland. For someone small homelandsmall village or a village, for others - a city street or a green courtyard with a swing, a sandbox and a wooden slide. In a word, everyone has their own small homeland!

Mine, because here is my family, my friends, my home, my street, my school...
Small, because it is a small part of my vast country.
Homeland, because people dear to my heart live here.
What is the Motherland for a person? What he considers his homeland: the country in which he lives; the house where you were born; a birch tree on your native threshold; the place where his ancestors lived? Probably, all this is the homeland, that is, the native place.

Homeland begins with the fact that you suddenly understand: Russia will not live without you, and you will not live without it. You need her, and she needs you - that’s the whole secret. And no other country can replace it, because Russia is native to you, and all the rest are foreign lands, even the most beautiful ones, with evergreen palm trees and colorful orchids. You are not needed there, they will live there without you, but here, where your Homeland is, you are always welcome, understood and loved.
The homeland is the land, the state where a person is born.
5. Competition for knowledge of the same root words “Kinfolk”.
It is suggested to name as many words as possible with the root “genus”.
(Options: give birth, parents, relative, relatives, relatives, pedigree, people, nationality, spring, native, etc.)

Vocabulary work:

Parents are the father and mother who give birth to children.

Kinsman is a relative, a member of a clan.

Relatives are relatives.

Pedigree – a list of generations of one family. People are proud of their

pedigree, study it
The people are the nation, the inhabitants of the country.

Teacher: And what can we call our small Motherland?

Student: Our city is Cheboksary, our region is the Chuvash Republic.

6. Creative performances of groups. Working with the symbols of the city and the republic.

Group 1: The Day of State Symbols of the Chuvash Republic is celebrated on April 29. Each nation creates and honors its own national-state symbols. The symbols of the state are, like any monument, a national treasure, a heritage of national culture. In every element state symbols contains the deepest meaning.

Group 2: The author of the State Emblem and State Flag of the Chuvash Republic is Ellie Mikhailovich Yuryev. National emblem The Chuvash Republic is a gold bordered cut-out (Germanic) shield, crossed into yellow (above) and purple (below) fields, with the purple ancient Chuvash emblem - “Tree of Life” located in the center of the shield. The shield, framed by a purple motto ribbon lined with gold with the inscription in gold letters "Chavash Republic - Chuvash Republic", ending with a stylized gold image of leaves and hop cones, is crowned with a gold bordered in purple emblem "Three Suns".

Group 3: The state flag of the Chuvash Republic is a rectangular panel with an aspect ratio of 5:8, crossed into yellow (above) and purple (below) fields, with purple ancient Chuvash emblems - “Tree of Life” and “Three Suns” located in the center of the flag. The colors of the state flag are yellow (gold) and purple (sandalwood red) - the traditional colors of the Chuvash people. Yellow (sara) color in Chuvash folklore is endowed with the concept of the most beautiful color, personifying all that is most beautiful and bright. Gold in heraldic interpretation - wealth, justice, mercy, generosity, constancy, strength, loyalty. Purple color is one of the most common colors among the Chuvash, which was used to create the main elements of folk ornament. Purple in heraldic interpretation means dignity, power, courage, strength. The upper yellow field, constituting 4/5 of the height of the flag, denotes the space under the sun inhabited by the people of the Chuvash Republic. The lower purple field, constituting 1/5 of the height of the flag, denotes the Chuvash land.

Group 4: The national anthem of the Chuvash Republic was written by German Stepanovich Lebedev to the words of Ilya Semenovich Semenov (Tuktash)


Teacher: Guys, please stand up.

National anthem of the Chuvash Republic

When the vault is high in spring

Living rays pour generously, -

Resolving fate in a good way,

The soul sings about its native land.

Chorus: Bow to you, O Motherland,

A beauty for all time.

Bow to you, O Motherland,

Let the Motherland be glorified!

Having taken the place of our fathers, we set out on the road,

You, youth, be their support.

Resolving fate in a good way,

The great soul sings about life.


People are friends and brothers,

From now on the Chuvash have wings,

Resolving fate in a good way,

The soul sings about human strength.

(lyrics by I. Tuktash, music by G. Lebedev)

Group 5: Many people lived and live in our city famous people. They are also called honorary residents of the republic.

Student performances:A.G. Nikolaev - pilot-cosmonaut. and the city of Cheboksary (1962)

Elena Nikolaeva - specialist in . The title was awarded.

The title was awarded.

Leader and chief conductor. The title was awarded.


Do you love your small Motherland?

When you go to another city for a while, do you miss your hometown?

7. Relaxation. Exercise “My Motherland”.

Instructions: “Close your eyes, relax and go into your inner space. Ask yourself just one question: “What is the Motherland for me?” Maybe this is your mother, remember the warmth and caress of her hands. Maybe this is your home or a street where you know every corner. Or maybe it's your grandmother's old photo album containing old photos of your relatives. Or maybe this is the garden where you and your friends played. Or something else…

Open your eyes and answer the question: what is the Motherland for me.”

Conversation on questions:

1. What did you see?

2. What sensations did you experience?

3. What is the Motherland in your understanding?

Why do you love your small Motherland, for what can you be grateful to it?

8. Work in groups.

Teacher: Come up with pet name for his small homeland. Write it down on pieces of paper and then read it out.

Game "My Associations".

Goal: development of associative thinking.

Now let's play a little, I will name a word, and each of you will say what this word is associated with.

Example: Motherland, Cheboksary, Volga, Kremlin, nesting dolls, Moscow, birch, Maslenitsa, etc.

Teacher: In addition to a small Motherland, every person also has a large Motherland.

What is the name of our big Motherland?

Student: Russia

Teacher: Have you ever wondered where the name “Russia” came from?

The guys will tell us a story about this.

Student 3 : In ancient times it was called Russia. The word “Rus”, as some scientists believe, comes from the word “channel” - a depression through which a river flows.

Student 4 : Rus' is a country of rivers and lakes. Rus' is a bright place. This is a country of light, sun, kind people. Russians are also called Rosses, and the country where they live is called Russia.

Student 5 : For clear dawns, washed with dew,

For a brown field with tall ears of corn,

Overflowing rivers in blue flames

They called you Russia in Slavic. (Anatoly Levushkin)

Teacher: Tell me, what do you think unites all of us, those present in the class and all the living people in our country?

Children: We are all Russians!

Teacher: Say the word Motherland out loud, and you will feel in its sound light, expanse, space, spirituality...

9.Working with reproductions of paintings.

Teacher: Try to find adjectives for the word “Motherland”. What is it like for you? How do you see her?

(map of Russia) Russia stretches from its western borders to the Pacific coast for more than 10 thousand kilometers. Russia is the biggest country in the world. Representatives of more than 100 nationalities live here. Among the religious denominations, the most numerous is the Orthodox. Many believers profess Islam, Buddhism, Catholicism, Judaism, and Protestantism.

Teacher: The Motherland begins with memory,
From honoring our origins,
From the coat of arms, anthem, Russian banner,
With respect for the covenants of the saints. (V. Orlov)

10.Working with the symbols of the country.

Teacher : All of you, of course, know that each state has its own symbols. – What are these symbols?

Student: The flag is an official symbol state power, which personifies sovereignty and territorial integrity states.

Work in pairs.

Teacher: Color the flag of the Russian Federation.

(The children’s work is pinned on the board)

Teacher: Check if you have colored the Russian flag correctly. What do the colors of the flag represent?

Student: White means peace and purity of conscience, blue means sky, loyalty and truth, red means fire and courage. The white and blue flag of Russia is more than 300 years old.

Student: The coat of arms is an image of a golden double-headed eagle on a red field. The double-headed eagle is a symbol of the eternity of Russia, a symbol of preservation among the Russian people Orthodox faith. The two heads remind us of the historical need for Russia to defend itself from west to east. Three crowns above them, fastened with a single ribbon, symbolize blood brotherhood and the common history of the three East Slavic peoples - Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians. The scepter and the orb in the talons of an eagle are a figurative expression of the inviolability of the state foundations of our Fatherland.

Russia has a majestic
The coat of arms has a double-headed eagle,
To the west, to the east.
He could have looked right away.
He is strong, wise and proud
He is Russia's free spirit. (V. Stepanov)

It appeared more than 500 years ago - in 1497. It was first introduced by Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, the Prince of All Rus'. It was the coat of arms of the Moscow State, Russian Empire, and now this is the coat of arms of the Russian Federation. Inside Russian coat of arms- coat of arms of Moscow.


What is an anthem?

Student: An anthem is a solemn song that is listened to and performed while standing. A song that reflects people's love and patriotism. The words of the anthem reflect the history of the country. The music for the anthem was composed by A. Alexandrov, the words were written by S. Mikhalkov.

(A fragment of the Russian anthem plays, children listen while standing)


What plant do you think is the unofficial symbol of our Motherland?

Student: Russian birch – unofficial symbol our Motherland. Russian people have long considered the dear, native birch a symbol of Russia. Birch is sung in poetry and prose, music and painting.

Teacher: Maybe some of you know poems dedicated to the Russian birch tree?

11. Reading poems.

12.Secure the material.

Teacher: We lovingly call our country Motherland because we were born and live in it. We respectfully call our country the fatherland, because our fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers worked and defended their land to preserve Russia for future generations. Our ancestors called their Fatherland Holy Russia. This does not mean that everything about her was holy - it means that she strived for holiness. This is the ideal of the Russian people.

The world is endless and diverse. The world that our ancestors left us is called the world of culture. Russia is a country with a rich culture. Some architectural and historical and cultural monuments on its territory are included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Culture is the spiritual and material values ​​created by man throughout his history.

Culture is everything that man has created. Culture is not what it was in the past. What someone created before you: this is what everyone is involved in. How is culture formed? Every person in his life performs actions, creates some things, writes essays, letters, books...

All this remains in human memory. We must always remember that each of us contributes something to the culture of our country.

Culture was born from cult. The word cult means reverence for God, worship, worship and service to God, who created the world and man. The origins of Russian culture are in Orthodox religion. Orthodoxy is the Russian translation of the Greek word (direct, correct). Culture gives a person knowledge of spiritual values. The spiritual world has its own roads. They are called traditions. Cultural traditions are the wealth of our multinational country.

Culture is not only the area of ​​art and aesthetics. Culture helps us preserve everything that is beautiful, reasonable, kind and eternal.

Culture needs our help!
God gave you his calling,
He gave you a bright destiny,
Preserve the property for the world
High sacrifices and pure deeds!

We must treat every tradition with respect and care. We are all different, but we all live, work, study and are proud of our Motherland.

13. Game moments.

1) Exercise “Let’s think about the Motherland.”


How should you take care of your homeland?

Listen to statements about in what cases does a person care about his homeland and in what cases does he not? If you agree, then clap your hands; if not, shake your head to the sides.

A man returned from the forest with a bouquet of lilies of the valley;

Plants trees near the house;

Washing the car in the river;

I took the old, broken car to a special junkyard;

He threw the garbage into the ditch near the house;

After relaxing in the forest, I took all the garbage to the landfill;

I planted flowers near the house;

He walked up to the tree and broke a branch.

2) Opinion “For the beloved Motherland.”

Teacher: - People have composed many wise proverbs about love for their homeland.

Read one of them.

“The homeland is more beautiful than the sun, more valuable than gold.”

Teacher: - How do you understand it?

What else can you compare the Motherland with? (More beautiful than a star, a rainbow, more valuable than money, etc.)

A man has one mother, and he has one Motherland.”

Don’t spare your strength or your life for your Motherland.”

How do you understand the meaning of these proverbs?

3) Game. Connect the beginning and the end.
Native land - (paradise for the heart)
There is no more beautiful country in the world (our Motherland)
Homeland - mother, (foreign land - stepmother)
A person has one mother, (he has one homeland)
Native land (and sweet in a handful)
The peoples of our country (are strong in friendship)
If friendship is great, (the Motherland will be strong)
Everyone loves (its own side)

14. Lesson summary

In memory of our meeting today, I would like to give the commandments that you need to remember and always follow in your life:

    Love for the homeland begins with love for your family, your home and yard.

2.Every person is responsible for the place in which he lives.

3.Every person should strive to preserve the beauty of their homeland.

Take care of Russia!
There is no other Russia.
Take care of her peace and quiet.
This is the sky and the sun
This bread is on the table
And the dear window
In a forgotten village.
Take care of Russia!
We can't live without her
Take care of her
To live in it forever
With our truth and strength,
With all our destiny,
Take care of Russia!
There is no other Russia.
(Words by E. Sinitsina, Music by M. Andriakhin)


Well, now express your opinion or impression about today's lesson.

16. Homework.

    Consult with your parents and name a few traditions accepted in your family.

    Tell us what values ​​underlie your family's traditions.

    Draw a picture on the topic “Motherland, what are you like!”


Outstanding Russian religious philosopher Ilyin said: “No one can show a person his homeland... Patriotism is a spiritual state, and therefore it can only arise independently... Any order coming from outside can only interfere with this experience or lead to an ill-fated simulation. You can’t love under duress or at someone else’s orders.”

When solving the problem of patriotic education, a teacher, in my opinion, should set himself very specific goals:

cultivate interest in the past through studying the life and culture of people of different eras;

give children the opportunity to see Russia itself: its nature, sights;

Organize the participation of children in solving public problems (at a level possible for schoolchildren)

to form a civic position - an understanding of connections with people living in society;

develop the ability to resist intolerance.

Issues of patriotic education through the study of one’s small homeland become of great importance. A child’s Small Motherland is also the nature that surrounds him, family, home, school, these are memorable places of his native village, its historical and cultural centers, enterprises operating in the rural area
administration and, of course, these are the people, the pride and glory of their native village.
Studying your native land is necessary, since the basic
personality qualities. “You won’t know the world without knowing your land!” Understand the inextricable connection, the unity of the history of your region, family, school with the life of our country; to raise children as citizens of their homeland, who know and respect their roots, culture, traditions, customs native land, schools. Students should know what the Small Motherland means, where a person’s biography begins, historical memory in relation to their Small Motherland, why it is important for a person, what responsibility should be for the Small Motherland today and in the future, what it means to think and worry for the fate of the Small Motherland.

The work is aimed at developing in students a sense of patriotism and love for their small Motherland, forms respect for the historical past, and introduces students to the events of this period. Helps broaden students' horizons and increase interest in national history, develops creative artistic thinking.

Carrying out this event has methodological, theoretical and practical significance, and can be used not only in the educational process, but also for presentation to a wide audience.


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Target: show the importance of the homeland in the life of every person.

  • generalize the concepts of “homeland”, “small homeland”;
  • correction and development personal qualities students, emotional-volitional sphere;
  • nurturing interest and desire to learn more about our native land, our small Motherland.

Equipment: multimedia equipment, presentation.

Progress of the lesson

1. Org. moment.

Hello guys! We smiled. Cheerfulness and good mood we must maintain throughout the lesson.

2. Report the topic of the lesson.

In order to find out the topic of our lesson, you need to complete the following task.

Classification exercise “What’s extra”

You have envelopes on your desks, take out the cards, proverbs are written on them. One of these proverbs is superfluous; it will tell us the topic of our lesson.


  • Friendship is strong not through flattery, but through truth and honor.
  • Friendship is paid for with friendship.
  • Friendship is like glass: if you break it, you won't be able to put it back together.
  • If you want friendship, be a friend.
  • A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song.

Dana individual work(lay out the words MOTHERLAND, MOSCOW, color the flag).

Read the proverbs. What is each of them about? Which proverb is missing? What is it about?

That's right, guys, the topic of our lesson is “Where the Motherland Begins.”

3. Main part.

Tell me, what is the name of our country in which we were born and live?

Look and find it on the map? Which city is the capital of our Motherland?

What area do we live in? Which city is the regional one?

In what area? What is the name of the main city in our region?

Do you know the cities of our country?

Educator. So, where does the Motherland begin?

The song “Where the Motherland Begins” is played.

Guys, have you ever wondered what the word “Motherland” means?

In a big country, every person has his own small corner - a village or city, a street, a house where he was born. This is his small homeland, and our common, great Motherland consists of many such small corners.

Homeland... the country in which a person was born and of which he is a citizen. The Motherland is our entire vast country with its forests and fields, seas and rivers, cities and villages

Why is our country so vast? ?

Educator. The Motherland is vast, because if you get on a plane and fly over the territory of our country, you can see snow-white layers of ice and sultry deserts, free steppes and cold tundra, high mountains And mighty rivers, and the pride of our state is its green attire - forests.

The homeland is so large that the sun almost never sets over its expanses. When the hands of the Kremlin clock show 3 o'clock in the afternoon in Moscow, then midnight comes in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

The homeland is the territory, the geographical space where a person was born, where his grandfathers and fathers lived, where his father’s home is.

Conventionally, a distinction is made between a large and a small Motherland. A big country is a country where a person grew up, lives and which has become native and close to him. Malaya is his birthplace.

Guys, do you know where your small Motherland is, where you live?

Educator. Your homeland is not around you, it is inside you, in your heart, in your thoughts, soul and memory. She is a part of you, and you are a part of her. This is your love for the country in which you live, for the place in which you were born, for your first toy, for the paths in the forest along which you walked, for the games you played with your friends, for the sunrise that you saw early in the morning, to the people who surround you; this is the branch from which you fell and hurt yourself, these are your grievances, joys, sorrows, happiness, laughter and tears, these are all your feelings and experiences and this, of course, is your mother. This is all that is inside you, in your soul.

Educator. Our country is big. Huge. There is no end in sight. Many people live in our country, many nations.

Guys, what do you think is the size of Russia?

According to the latest population census, which took place in 2010, the population of Russia is more than 141 million people.

And what can you call them all, in one word? All people living on the territory of Russia are Russians. We are Russians! We are Russians, Tatars, Bashkirs, Chechens, Karelians, Komi, Udmurts, Mari, Nanais, Chukchi and others.

Many poems and songs have been written about our homeland; poets and musicians glorify it.

Poem about the Motherland

If they say the word “homeland”,
Immediately comes to mind
Old house, currants in the garden,
Thick poplar at the gate,

A modest birch tree by the river
And a chamomile hillock...
And others will probably remember
Your native Moscow courtyard.

The first boats are in the puddles,
Where was the skating rink recently?
And a large neighboring factory
Loud, joyful whistle.

Or the steppe is red with poppies,
Virgin gold...
Homeland is different
But everyone has one!

Guys, what state symbols of Russia do you know?

What non-state symbols of Russia do you know?

Educator. Right. And we’ll talk about the dear, dear birch tree, which has long been considered a symbol of Russia.

White birch

Yesenin Sergey Alexandrovich

Below my window
Covered with snow
Exactly silver.
On fluffy branches
Snow border
The brushes have blossomed
White fringe.
And the birch tree stands
In sleepy silence,
And the snowflakes are burning
In golden fire.
And the dawn is lazy
Walking around
Sprinkles branches
New silver.

Educator. Conscious love for the Motherland arises in every person at one time. But one thing is certain - with the first sips of mother's milk, love for the Fatherland begins to awaken. At first, this happens just as a plant reaches out to the sun, so a child reaches out to its father and mother. Growing up, he begins to feel attached to friends, his native street, village, city. And only as he grows up, gaining experience and knowledge, he gradually realizes the majestic truth - that he belongs to the Mother-Fatherland and is responsible for it.

Guys, what pictures appear in your imagination if they say “small Motherland”?

Homeland is the land, city or village in which you were born and live, friends and neighbors. This is mother and father, which is why the Motherland is also called Fatherland, fatherland, father’s house.

When you say the word “Motherland,” you most often remember something from childhood. We all come from childhood. Everyone has relatives - these are our ancestors who created and defended our Fatherland, our Motherland, whose name is Russia! They knew that they could defend it only when “One for all and all for one.” Boundless love for the homeland, for the people, for the people - this is what gave birth to exploits, this is what turned fragile boys and girls into fabulous heroes. They loved Russia, so they defeated the country's enemies. They bequeathed to us to take care and defend our Motherland. We will always be proud of such people and remember them.

Guys, what did we talk about today?

What new did you learn? What kind of homeland is there?

What new non-state symbol have you learned about?

Every person living on the planet feels a sense of pride in their homeland, their people, their country, their land and its history. And today we should remember the past, know the present in order to build a bright future. We have touched only on the present of our Motherland, and in the next lessons we will learn about the past.

Abstract open class“Where does the Motherland begin?” with presentations

(For children middle group)

Teacher of MBDOU DSKV No. 21 “Herringbone” Nevgodovskaya Lyudmila Anatolyevna

Target: Form patriotic feelings; cultivate love for your small homeland.

Tasks: 1) Develop cognitive activity; 2) consolidate knowledge of home address; 3) form a primary idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe small homeland. 4) expand lexicon children.

Material: photographs of houses, streets of each child, interactive board, ball.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: What is the Motherland? Our Motherland is Russia, a large and strong country. But for us, the Motherland is the place where you were born and live. This is our small homeland. Where does our small homeland begin? What do you guys think?

Children: from mom, dad, family, home, street, friends.

Educator: Correct. We can say that our homeland begins with the “father’s house,” that is, the house where you were born and live, where your parents live. And everyone has their own home.

Presentation of the poem by V. Palchinskaite “Everyone has their own home”

1 slide By the fox in the deep forest

There is a hole - a safe home

Slide 2 Snowstorms are not scary in winter

A squirrel in a hollow on a spruce tree.

3 slide Under the bushes a prickly hedgehog

Rakes leaves into a pile,

They'll be stuck in them until spring

And he dreams all winter.

4 slide From branches, stones, bark

Beavers make huts—

They are building a house by the pond;

The entrance there is from under the ice!

Slide 5: Strive for your home

From afar the stork is a bird:

Arrives every year

And he lives in his native nest.

Slide 6 Would you ask without a smile:

Well, where is the snail's home?

And the preschooler will laugh:

She won't part with him!

Slide 7 Everyone has their own home

Everyone is warm and comfortable in it.

Educator: And now we will play the game “Find your house, street.”

Didactic game"Find your house, street"

(The children in the photographs are looking for their house, street).

Goal: learn to recognize your house or street from a photograph.

Finger game "House"

I knock with a hammer (knock your fists together)

I want to build a house (connect the fingertips of both hands)

I am building a tall house (raise your straightened palms upward “house”)

I will live in that house. (clap palms).

Educator: Guys, let's play some more.

Didactic game “Which house?” presentation

For example: wooden house—wooden house

Purpose: to teach how to select definitions that correspond this example.

Educator: Guys, do all of you know your home address? (children's answers)

Didactic game "Radio broadcast"

Goal: to consolidate knowledge of home address.

Educator: Where else does the homeland begin?

Children: from mom, dad, family, grandparents.

Educator: Correct! From mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle, friends, that is, from “close”, “relative” people.

Ball game "Name a couple."

Children stand in a circle (in a row).

Educator: I remind you of the rules of the game:

I will throw the ball one by one and say the word, and you catch the ball and
name a couple to my word, throw the ball to me.

Dad mom),

grandmother grandfather),

brother - ... (sister),

husband wife),

children -... (parents),

son daughter),

Aunt Uncle).

Educator: Let's now play the game “Name it kindly.”

The ball game “Call it kindly” is played.

Children stand in a circle. In the center of the circle stands a teacher with a ball. He throws the ball to the child and calls any family member, for example: “mom.” The child who caught the ball must call his mother affectionately: (mommy, mummy, mummy, mother).

Reading of Y. Akim’s poem “My Relatives”

Mom and dad are my relatives.

I have no relatives more dear to me.

And sister relatives, and brother,

And the flop-eared puppy Tishka.

I love my family very much.

I'll buy gifts for everyone soon.

Dad will have a motor boat,

A magic brush for mom in the kitchen,

A real hammer for my brother,

Ball for sister, candy for Tishka.

And I also have a friend,

Friend Seryozhka is also related to me.

I run to him in the morning,

Without him, the game is not a game for me.

I tell him all the secrets

I will give him everything in the world.

Educator: Look, guys, what wonderful houses you have made!

Educator: What is the Motherland? (Children's answers). Where does the Motherland begin? (Children's answers). Where does our small homeland begin? (Children's answers).

Educator: Who do we call “close”, “relative” people? (Children's answers).

Educator: Guys, choose an emoticon that matches your mood after class.