Behind last decade if not all, then many have acquired microwave ovens.

It’s convenient and fast, and in a team workplace it’s an absolutely irreplaceable thing. At one time, there were debates about the dangers of using the method of heating food using radiation, while microwaves are popular and only a few have abandoned them.

Potatoes in the microwave: benefits and harms

There are quite a lot of recipes according to which you can cook potato tubers in the microwave. Undoubtedly, it is convenient and fast, but how useful is it or can it be harmful?

Traditionally, potatoes themselves are not considered a healthy food, and their use microwave oven does not contribute in any way to increasing the amount of nutrients.

As for cooking, radiation does not harm the product; it can theoretically harm a person at the moment when the dish is being prepared. The cooking time is very limited, the door is tightly closed and practically no radiation escapes. The damage from the stove is reduced to zero.

The benefit of potatoes cooked in a microwave oven is that the product is heated from the inside, and not on the frying surface. Even if oil is used, it does not burn and does not emit harmful substances.

You can even cook French fries in the microwave and give them to children. It is much safer than deep frying or a gas stove and children can heat or cook their own food. In the worst case, the product will be ruined.

Another advantage is the time and amount of dirty dishes. This is especially important when every minute counts.

Cooking time

Often people simply don’t have time to stand at the stove, and in such a situation, cooking your favorite potatoes in the microwave is the best solution. Meals are prepared in an average of 3 to 25 minutes.

The higher the power setting on the microwave oven, the faster the potatoes will cook. However, by setting the maximum power to 800–1000 W, the potatoes may cook unevenly and become partially dry.

Optimally, set the power to medium and cook for 5–15 minutes. In addition, when preparing dishes you need to use a baking sleeve or an ordinary bag.

You can also cook in a plastic or glass container with the addition of a small amount of water, broth, sauce or oil.

How to cook potatoes in the microwave in a bag: a very quick recipe

Almost all dishes prepared in a microwave oven require the presence of a bag or lid. Without the bag, the potatoes dry out on an open plate. Except when potatoes are cooked with the addition of water or broth.

To prepare delicious potatoes in a bag, you need to peel the potatoes (0.5 kg), cut them into small bars of any shape and put them in the bag. Add seasonings to taste, mix and seal the bag.

Make 2-3 small holes on the top so that steam can escape. Place the prepared bag of potatoes in the microwave for 5–9 minutes.

You can also add finely chopped garlic or dill, a little lard or bacon, or any other additives to your taste.

French fries in the microwave

The famous French fries or French chips are loved by both adults and children. Traditionally, this dish is considered very harmful, if not dangerous. In fact, all the danger and harm is in the oil.

In fast food, the oil is of unknown quality and it is not clear how often it is changed, but potatoes cooked in pure high-quality oil in moderation do not cause harm.

French fries can be made at home and you don’t have to use a deep fryer or a whole pan of oil.

To make French chips you will need:

  • Fresh potatoes;
  • Salt;
  • Some seasonings to taste or you can use special spiced salt;
  • A little vegetable oil;
  • Cellophane bag or baking sleeve;
  • Paper napkins;
  • Knife, board, plate and microwave.

The potatoes are peeled and cut into cubes, after which they must be thoroughly washed to remove starch; if this is not done, unsightly dark spots will remain on the surface.

The washed potatoes are dried with napkins. Pour 3-5 tablespoons of oil onto a plate, add the dried potatoes and stir. Each piece should be generously greased with oil.

The finished blocks are placed on a plate in one layer so that they do not touch each other. Cover the top loosely with the bag. The potatoes are cooked in 2 stages of 4 minutes each; if the potatoes are not cooked, you can leave them for another couple of minutes.

Sprinkle the finished potatoes with salt and spices. Ordinary chips are prepared in the same way, with the only difference being that they need to be cut into thin circles, and salt and seasonings are mixed immediately with oil.

This method has only one drawback - the potatoes are not so beautiful, but they are tasty, safe and relatively low in calories.

Jacket potatoes cooked in the microwave

You can cook aromatic jacket potatoes (in their own skins - for those who don’t know) in the microwave in just a few minutes.

To begin, the potato tubers must be washed and dried, then wiped with vegetable oil and spices.

You need to make several punctures with a toothpick and put the potatoes in the microwave for 5-7 minutes, then check for readiness and, if necessary, put them in for a little longer. You can serve the potatoes with finely chopped dill, butter or garlic sauce.

In addition, you can cook potatoes in the microwave. Simply place a few potatoes in water (several potatoes) in a plastic or glass bowl, or in a bag, soaked in a bag, in the microwave for 3-7 minutes, depending on the power setting.

If you keep the potatoes in the bag for a minute or two longer, you will get interesting snack“dried potatoes”, and the aroma will be like potatoes baked in the coals of a fire.

Potato dishes in the microwave

What interesting and tasty things can be cooked in the microwave from potatoes - this question has always worried housewives. And it’s not in vain! A microwave oven is not just for heating food.

You can cook interesting and complex dishes in it, for example, aromatic potatoes with mushrooms, vegetables or even meat. Shall we try?

Potatoes with mushrooms

This dish is very fast, tasty, satisfying and, most importantly, dietary.

  • Fresh potatoes - 4–5 pcs;
  • Champignons (fresh) - 4–5 pcs;
  • Onions - 1 piece;
  • Garlic - 1 clove;
  • Fresh carrots - 1 piece;
  • Salt, black pepper;
  • Greens or green onions;
  • Vegetable oil a few (4–5) tbsp. spoons

Onions and carrots are peeled and cut into strips. Place chopped vegetables and a clove of garlic into a microwave-safe bowl, add oil and place in the microwave for 4 minutes at medium power.

Mushrooms and potatoes are peeled and cut into cubes, as convenient as possible, but not too large.

After this, mushrooms and potatoes are added to the frying, salt, pepper and a small and half a glass of water are added. Can add Bay leaf and paprika if desired.

The dish is closed with a lid; if there is no suitable lid, then one will do. plastic bag. You just need to make a few holes in it so that the steam can escape.

The dish is prepared at medium power for 20-25 minutes. The finished dish is decorated with herbs.

Potato pie with meat

The present holiday dish, fast and tasty.

To prepare you will need:

  • Fresh potatoes - 4 pcs;
  • Minced meat, any - 400 g;
  • Carrot - 1 piece;
  • Sour cream - 2 tablespoons;
  • Onion - 1 piece;
  • Greens (preferably freshly picked);
  • Hard cheese - 60 gr;
  • Salt, black pepper.

Sour cream, salt, pepper and thinly sliced ​​onions and herbs are added to the prepared minced meat.

The minced meat is thoroughly mixed. The carrots are grated. The potatoes are peeled and cut into thin slices half a centimeter thick.

The prepared dishes are greased with vegetable oil, after which potatoes are evenly laid out on the bottom, grated carrots are sprinkled on top and minced meat is evenly laid out, after which you need to add a few tablespoons of water or broth.

The top of the dish is covered with a lid or cellophane and placed in the microwave at 500-600 power for 15 minutes.

After that, the dish is sprinkled with cheese on top and left to cook for another 7-8 minutes without a lid. If the cheese does not brown, you can increase the oven power for a couple of minutes.

After cooking, the pie should cool slightly so it will be easier to remove it from the plate.

The pie can be served warm as a second course or cold as a snack.

Cooking food in a microwave oven has its own characteristics.

For example, you cannot use dishes with metal elements or shiny decor. Shiny dishes in a microwave oven spark, the shine on the dishes will fade, and it will also damage the microwave oven.

If the dish needs to be covered with a lid, then even a glass lid trimmed with a metal side or having a screw that fastens the handle will not be suitable for such purposes.

Better to use cling film by making several holes.

Cooking utensils should be glass, ceramic or good heat-resistant plastic.

The cooking time for each microwave oven is different, the indicated power is very arbitrary, and each oven works differently, so the dish must be checked every few minutes and, if necessary, set for a few more minutes.

The microwave must be wiped down after each use. Even if it seems clean. This will prevent the appearance unpleasant odor. In any case, steam and oil particles settle on the walls of the oven.

You can cook only a few potatoes or 1-3 servings at a time. When cooking French fries or chips, do not let the pieces touch each other as they will stick together.

Bon appetit!

Potato dishes

How to cook potatoes in the microwave at home. Recipe with step by step photos and video instructions. We cook deliciously and quickly. Bon appetit!

12 min

120 kcal

5/5 (3)

Potato - universal ingredient, probably the only one of its kind, which is capable of undergoing absolutely any metamorphosis in the culinary field and at the same time being especially tasty every time. Judge for yourself: we boil, fry, and bake potatoes, we eat them both peeled and in uniform, add to first courses and such as, for example, stews.
Some potato gourmets even enjoy cooking and eating sweet dishes containing potatoes!
Well, with the appearance in modern world With a very convenient to use microwave oven, creating culinary works has become much easier, even cooking and 5 minutes of potatoes in the microwave.
Let's look at some recipes with photos, where I will describe how you can bake potatoes in the microwave, as well as quickly and effortlessly prepare other potato dishes using this technique.

How to choose the right ingredients:

  • Depending on the type of dish, as well as the cooking time you expect, choose the appropriate tuber size, since larger whole potatoes or pieces take a little longer to cook than smaller ones.
  • Also the potatoes should be approx. same size so that the dish cooks evenly.
  • Do not use greenish potatoes in cooking - such tubers contain toxic substance solanine, which, if insufficiently or incorrectly cooked, can cause serious food poisoning!

What you need to know before cooking

Kitchen appliances: microwave.


Cooking sequence

Video recipe

Watch how jacket potatoes are cooked in a microwave oven

Boiled potatoes can be seasoned to taste and eaten in this form and in combination with any meat dish or salad. You can make a puree from it or use it, for example, as a component of a vinaigrette or herring under a fur coat.

Recipe for jacket potatoes in the microwave

Cooking time: 5-9 minutes.
Number of servings: 1.
Kitchen appliances: microwave.

  • potatoes – 300-400 g;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt, pepper, spices - to taste.

Jacket potatoes can be sprinkled with fresh finely chopped herbs and supplemented with mayonnaise sauce with garlic. This dish goes well with meat without gravy and with fish.

Microwave baked potato recipe

Cooking time: 5-12 minutes.
Number of servings: 1.
Kitchen appliances: microwave.

  • potatoes – 300-400 g;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking sequence:

Use these potatoes in combination with various sauces, butter and herbs, optionally - with any side dish to taste.

Microwave potato chips recipe

Cooking time: 2-5 minutes.
Number of servings: 1.
Kitchen appliances: microwave.

  • potatoes – 100 g;
  • salt and spices - to taste.

Cooking sequence:

Important! Cut a parchment paper circle to the size of the microwave circle. This way, the paper will not cling at the corners to the walls of the microwave and move out.

Video recipe

See how to use various ways cutting potatoes for chips, and the recipe itself for making homemade chips

  • It is very convenient to wash unpeeled potatoes with a clean kitchen sponge - this way, it will be much easier for you to remove even particularly corrosive dirt.
  • If the potatoes are "old", it is better to peel the skins for most dishes. Just wash the new potatoes.
  • Use ceramic, heat-resistant plastic or special microwave-safe dishes. Bags for cooking potatoes should be used that will not melt when exposed to high temperature, or a special baking sleeve.
  • The speed of cooking potatoes according to various recipes, like any other product, depends on the power of your microwave oven. Therefore, if you are preparing any dish in it for the first time, it is better to monitor the degree of readiness of the dish through the window in the door and set for yourself the time during which it is cooked.

Many delicious dishes can be prepared using other kitchen appliances. For those who don't know, I suggest you study

Even an inexperienced housewife, knowing , how to cook potatoes in the microwave quickly, you can quickly prepare different vegetables from this vegetable delicious dishes. A microwave oven will not only save time, but also ensure the preparation of healthy dishes. Such potatoes in their own way taste qualities is not inferior to dishes that are boiled, fried or baked using a conventional electric or gas stove.

Whole boiled potatoes

Boiled crumbly potatoes are often served as a side dish for meat, fish or chicken dishes. It also works great as a meal on its own. It can also be prepared in the microwave if you don’t have a stove at hand or have little time to prepare lunch or dinner.

Potato chips are incredibly popular all over the world. It's amazing how plain potatoes maybe like this...

When you have to prepare a lot of salads for festive table, a lot of time is spent boiling potatoes in their jackets. A microwave oven will help speed up this process. In it, you can boil the tubers in 10 minutes and immediately start chopping vegetables and other salad ingredients.

To get quickly boiled potatoes, you need to correctly select the tubers and correctly calculate their quantity for one load. It should be remembered that potatoes big size You can't cook it this way. You should choose small tubers of the same size. You can cook no more than 8 potatoes at a time.

Before heat treatment, you need to wash the outside of the vegetables very well, freeing them from soil. You can use a stiff brush or the rough side of a dish sponge to do this. Then the peel needs to be pierced in several places so that the potatoes do not burst or fall apart during cooking.

Using this recipe, you can easily make a separate dish from unpeeled tubers. You don't have to pierce the skin to do this. Deep cuts are made on whole potatoes and a piece of lard is inserted inside. This tasty and simple dish can be served with meat salads or snacks.

Unpeeled vegetables are placed on a glass plate, which is placed in the oven and covered with a glass cap, which is used when heating ready-made dishes. The timer is set for 10-12 minutes. As soon as the oven turns off after sound signal, the potatoes need to be checked. If it is a little damp, you should keep it in the heated oven for a few more minutes.

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Cooking in a bag will be a way out if you don’t have special microwave-safe utensils in your house. Cook in a regular container like this household equipment under no circumstances. If you do not have a special utensil set for microwave ovens, you can use a simple plastic bag or baking sleeve.

To cook potatoes in a bag, you need:

  • Peel the potato tubers and wash under running water;
  • cut large potatoes into several pieces;
  • V vegetable oil add salt and spices, then pour it over the prepared potatoes;
  • let the oil and salt soak into the raw tubers;
  • put the salted semi-finished product in a clean plastic bag, tie it with threads and make punctures in the film so that air can escape from it during exposure to microwaves;
  • Place the package in the microwave oven and turn it on at full power for 10 minutes.

Cooking time may be adjusted depending on the size of the vegetables. Large potatoes It will take longer to cook.

Using a microwave oven, you can cook French fries that are not only tasty, but also healthy. Unlike the traditional recipe, you don't need to use large quantities of oil here. These fries will not be high in calories; even people on a diet can safely eat them.

For this recipe you will need:

  • half a kilo of raw potato tubers;
  • 40 ml light sunflower oil;
  • salt;
  • seasonings for potatoes.

The tubers should be washed and peeled, then cut into long and narrow bars. Remove excess starch from potatoes before cooking. To do this, the bars are washed with water until the water becomes clear. After this, dry the bars on a paper towel.

Feed unexpected guests or prepare a hearty dinner when working day no energy left to pore over the stove? Easily! A lifesaver vegetable will come to the rescue - potatoes, and the "fastest" kitchen assistant - a microwave oven. I’ll tell you how you can cook delicious, aromatic, crumbly potatoes in the microwave quickly and easily, spending a maximum of 10-12 minutes. In this case, a very simple microwave oven can be used, without any additional functions (grill, convection). It is enough that it can heat food. All!

I offer the simplest and, one might say, basic option - baked potatoes, seasoned only with salt and spices. But if you wish, you can add a clove or two of garlic, a handful of grated cheese or some other vegetable. In general, the thing is great! Be sure to try it, it's really fast, simple and delicious!


  • potatoes – 0.5-0.7 kg (you can take more if desired),
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.,
  • salt – 1/3 tsp,
  • seasonings and spices - any to your taste and in the desired quantity.

How to quickly and easily cook potatoes in the microwave

You can use any potato for baking in the microwave oven. Young ones just need to be washed with a brush. The elderly will first have to be thoroughly washed, dried and peeled using any of your usual methods - a knife or a vegetable peeler. We cut out all the holes and wormholes along the way.

After peeling, the potatoes should be cut into slices so that they are all approximately the same size. I usually cut a medium tuber into 4 parts.

Next, take a simple cellophane bag and load all the potato slices into it. Pour oil into the bag, add salt and selected seasonings. I use: seasoning for potato dishes, dried herbs (parsley and basil), a little mixture of ground peppers and a pinch of paprika to give the potatoes an appetizing color.

Now we tie the potatoes, trying to release as much air as possible, and begin to shake very intensively or even grind the potatoes with all the seasonings. The oil will cause them to stick together a little, so you need to shake and rub so that they evenly cover all the potato slices.

The final touch - to allow steam to escape (so that the bag does not burst during baking) we make 3-4 holes in the bag.

In this form we put the potatoes in the microwave. You can put it on the microwave tray directly in the bag - there’s nothing wrong with that. But I prefer to put it on a plate, and then load the potatoes into the micro. For what? Yes, it will simply be easier to remove from the oven.

We put the microwave at maximum power (mine has a power of 700 W) and set the timer for 10, maximum 12 minutes. If baked for longer, the potatoes will begin to dry out and lose their juiciness. After the signal, remove the potatoes from the microwave and open the bag. We check for readiness by piercing it with a knife: it goes in easily and maybe crumbles a little - it’s ready! If it seems to you that it is still damp, return it to the micro for another couple of minutes (but I have never had to do this).

Remove the potatoes from the bag, place them on plates and serve. A quick and tasty side dish of aromatic, crumbly potatoes is ready! Bon appetit!

My family loves potatoes, especially fried ones, but french fries are unbeatable. Of course, I try to use as little oil as possible when frying, but then the taste turns out different. We constantly hear that “it tastes better in a cafe.”

Not long ago I came across a recipe for potatoes in the microwave, which described how you can cook delicious potatoes in 10 minutes. The recipe was called: “Potatoes in the microwave quickly and easily.” Since I use a microwave oven exclusively to heat up food, I doubted it, but still decided to check it out; the process, speed, and most importantly, the taste of the dish were very temptingly described. Thinking that I was not losing anything anyway, I placed the bag of potatoes in the machine and began to wait. And imagine my surprise when, after the allotted 10 minutes, the potatoes were completely ready! The bonus was a simply amazing aroma throughout the kitchen!

Having served pieces of potatoes with mayonnaise and ketchup, I heard the cherished: “better than in a cafe.” My family was completely satisfied with the taste and aroma, and I was pleased with the simplicity and speed of preparation and use. minimum quantity oils A quick and easy microwave potato recipe - a lifesaver when you're short on time.

Microwave LG intellowave.


  • potatoes 8 pcs.
  • sunflower oil 2 tbsp. l.
  • mixture of Italian herbs 0.25 tsp.
  • mixture of ground peppers to taste
  • salt to taste

How to cook potatoes in the microwave quickly and easily

  1. I am preparing everything necessary. I peel and wash the potatoes.

  2. I cut each tuber into 4-6 pieces depending on size. I put the pieces in a baking sleeve.

  3. I add Italian herbs, salt and a mixture of peppers.

  4. I add vegetable oil. I mix everything right in the bag, gently kneading it in my hands so that each piece is covered with a thin layer of oil and spices. I tie my sleeve tightly, trying to leave as little air inside as possible. I make sure to cut several small holes with a knife to allow steam to escape. If this is not done, the bag will swell and may explode inside the microwave.

  5. I put the sleeve with the potatoes in a plate, this will make it easier to remove the dish from the microwave. I set the timer for 10 minutes, the power is maximum (700 W in my model).

  6. After the allotted time, the potatoes will be completely ready and can be easily pierced with a fork or knife.

Now you know how to cook potatoes in the microwave quickly and easily.

On a note:

  • try to cut the potatoes into pieces of approximately the same size so that the dish cooks evenly,
  • The set of spices can be anything, it’s good to replace sunflower oil with olive oil, it will turn out tastier.