It is inexpensive, and you can now even buy it at the grocery store checkout.

It can be used any day after the delay; it is recommended to do the test in the morning.

The most common types of tests are: test strip. A thin white stripe with a blue (maybe another color) inclusion and arrows. To the mark, you need to lower it for a few seconds into a container with fresh urine, and after 2-5 minutes you can observe the result.

Two stripes- pregnancy confirmed. Moreover, the intensity of coloring of the second stripe does not matter, if it, in principle, does not remain light, empty, and even though it is light, it is still purple - there is a pregnancy.

Women usually do one or more follow-up tests.

If the second stripe is not saturated enough, the period of the special situation is probably still short. Try taking the test after another three days, and then after another three days. The strip should darken.

You can go to the clinic for an analysis of hCG levels. – a special human hormone that is produced during pregnancy.

6-10 days after conception hCG levels will be informative; it turns out that pregnancy can be determined already at such an early stage.

HCG levels will rise rapidly until a certain period of pregnancy.

A doctor can also prescribe an hCG test; this is done in cases where:

  • dynamic monitoring of pregnancy is required;
  • there is a threat or ;
  • an assessment of the completeness of artificial termination of pregnancy is required.

There are several other cases not related to pregnancy.

HCG analysis is paid, not all clinics offer it, so check in advance with your medical institution’s help desk to see if such a service is available.

10 main signs of pregnancy

And although every story of bearing a child is individual, there are the most typical signs of pregnancy. There are ten main ones.

Delay– the most reliable pre-diagnostic sign. This means that before the test and examination by a doctor, the most important sign of pregnancy is a delay in menstruation.

, vomit. This is how the body manifests itself - a specific reaction to the birth of a new life.

There is still no consensus on the nature of toxicosis and its role. Some women do not have even the slightest hint of this condition; there is also a category of those who suffer from painful nausea for the entire nine months.

On average, it passes safely by the end.

Breast swelling. The breasts increase in size, become sensitive, and sometimes even painful. This can also happen during the premenstrual period, but during pregnancy this phenomenon is more pronounced.

Sensitivity to odors. There is a feeling as if the strength of the odors has increased by several orders of magnitude. It is not necessary that some previously loved scent will become hated, just that the olfactory reflex will be stronger.

Psychological imbalance. The mood jumps: it drops sharply, appears from every little thing, then there are sudden gusts of joy, a surge of strength. These are hormonal games, and from a physiological point of view, they are quite normal.

. The uterus has not yet grown enough for frequent urges to go to the toilet to be natural, but the body is already preparing for such a course of events.

The volume of blood in the body increases, and this invariably leads to excess fluid in the bladder.

Feeling of bloating. A feeling of discomfort appears, you want to unbutton the buttons on your jeans or sit more comfortably. This is also due to hormonal changes.

Light bleeding. This doesn't happen to everyone, but it still happens often. For several days, the pregnant woman observes small vaginal discharge from light brown to dark brown.

This may be explained by implantation bleeding associated with this reaction of the body to the process of attachment of the fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus.

Sometimes the discharge occurs on the days when your period should have started. They go away on their own after a few days, but if the doctor advises going to the hospital, then there is a risk of pregnancy, and it is better to do so.

Promotion. If you constantly measure your basal temperature (temperature in the rectum), you should know that on normal days it is below 37 degrees.

It rises during the period, and by the onset of menstruation it falls again. If the basal temperature has increased and has not decreased for several days, and there are no periods, there is a high probability that conception was successful.

Increased salivation. Precedes toxicosis. Most often observed in the morning. There is a feeling that a lot of saliva accumulates in the mouth in the morning, which may be accompanied by a sharp feeling of hunger.

These are. They may not exist, but you need to be prepared for them; they all fit well into the physiological norm.

Threat in early pregnancy

Most often, the threat of miscarriage occurs in the early stages. Sometimes it is not possible to establish the causes of this phenomenon. Every fifth pregnancy ends in early miscarriage.

It’s interesting that in the West they often don’t even try to maintain a pregnancy in the first weeks if there is a threat. It is believed that the body itself has the power to decide whether the fetus will be viable.

Domestic medicine is not so categorical: any threat of miscarriage means sending the woman to hospitalization.

The most common causes of threatened spontaneous abortion:

  1. Hormonal disorders. Progesterone deficiency can interfere with the successful development of pregnancy. If the corpus luteum does not cope with its function properly, it happens hormonal disbalance. The female body lack of a hormone that supports pregnancy. This can happen due to endocrine problems, increased levels of male hormones and certain medications.
  2. Pathologies of the structure of the reproductive organs. For example, a horn-shaped or saddle-shaped uterus. Irregular structure of organs is not a hindrance to pregnancy, but increased medical supervision will not be superfluous.
  3. Genetic abnormalities. Serious chromosomal mutations lead to spontaneous miscarriage; nature discards the non-viable fetus.
  4. . Serious and widespread pathology. For some reason, the cervix loses its ability to be a protective point for the baby’s intrauterine life and begins to open. If this is not prevented, a miscarriage will occur.
  5. Injuries. Falls, physical stress, and wounds can cause miscarriage.
  6. Reception of unauthorized persons. In the first trimester, any medications are prohibited: a doctor can prescribe them, and he does this only if absolutely necessary.

A threat can be identified by the following characteristics:

  • strong or continuous;
  • bleeding from the vagina;
  • sharply deteriorated health;
  • severe, exhausting vomiting.
  • (blood clotting test).
  • Smear on the flora of the vagina, urethra, cervical canal.
  • STI smear.
  • It is worth mentioning the rules for taking tests. Blood is donated in the morning, on an empty stomach, you can drink plain water - this does not affect the result.

    Analysis is taken both from a vein and from a finger. The last procedure is unpleasant for many women; inexpensive ones can be purchased in most large clinics and consultations. special devices for painless drawing of blood from a finger.

    It's better to collect urine at home. The same in the morning, and the same on an empty stomach. An ordinary glass jar of baby purees is suitable as a container. It needs to be thoroughly washed and sterilized. Before emptying your bladder, you need to wash your genitals in the shower.

    A smear is taken by a gynecologist, no preliminary preparation is needed.

    You can and should talk to your gynecologist about all the features of the first trimester, precautions, changes in lifestyle, and nutrition.

    If for some reason the doctor does not talk to you about this, does not explain the most important points, you have the right to ask questions and demand attention(within reasonable measures, of course).

    Don’t forget about the psychological attitude, whose role in the successful bearing of a baby is more than great.

    Happy pregnancy!

    Hello, dear women! Almost all of us sooner or later become mothers. But this is preceded by long months of waiting for the baby, queues at the antenatal clinic, endless tests, examinations and... dreams of a healthy baby.

    But did you know that most, if not all, of them are destined to come true? And for this you need very little - a healthy lifestyle, good mood And proper nutrition for pregnant. The 1st trimester, the menu of which is discussed in this article, is considered one of the most important. Simply because it is during this period that all the organs and systems of the fetus are formed, and the fetus itself gradually develops.

    And in the best case, so to speak, the lack of nutrients now in the future can turn into a pathology for him, and in the worst case, it can become fatal.

    You shouldn’t radically change your diet in the first months of pregnancy! It's much smarter to just adjust it.

    Will help with this not complicated general rules power supply:

    • A pregnant woman's menu should be as diverse as possible and contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates in required quantities. Of course, only a nutritionist can determine these amounts in each individual case. If you have the opportunity to contact him, great, if not, don’t be upset. Especially if there were no problems with excess weight before pregnancy. After all, this means that the diet is correct and does not need changes. If they were, it needs to be reconsidered, reducing the amount of fats and carbohydrates (sweets) consumed. You shouldn’t eat more than usual and eat for two in the first trimester.
    • At first it is advisable increase the portions of fruits and vegetables you eat. The latter can be filled with oil. In this form, they are not only absorbed faster, but also improve digestion.
    • Important take care of your diet. It is advisable to replace three meals during this period with 5-6. The main thing is that the portions are small.
    • We must not forget about drinking. The expectant mother needs 2 liters of fluid per day. Moreover, it can be not only water, but also fruit juices, compotes, milk or cocoa.
    • The last factor is the way food is prepared. During pregnancy It's better to avoid fried foods in favor of boiled, baked or steamed.

    2. What should be in the diet

    Proper nutrition of the expectant mother can reduce the risk of developing congenital pathologies of the fetus. That is why it needs to be thought through with special care.

    What does a pregnant woman need?

    In vitamins, because they play a vital role. Judge for yourself:

    1. Vitamin B9, or folic acid. Doctors prescribe it from the first days. Do you know why? It is responsible for the proper development of the nervous system and protects the fetus from anencephaly, hydrocephalus, spinal fissures and other dangerous ailments. It is found in nuts, legumes, apples, citrus fruits, mushrooms and greens.
    2. Vitamin E. It is also well known by many as it prevents miscarriage. You can find it in vegetable oils, eggs, nuts, liver and herbs or... in the pharmacy.
    3. Vitamin C. It not only increases the immunity of the expectant mother during pregnancy, but also strengthens the walls of blood vessels and the placenta, and also promotes the absorption of iron, on which, by the way, the level of hemoglobin depends. But keep in mind that it is too a large number of Vitamin C may be harmful because Vitamin C stimulates the immune system, which is undesirable in the 1st trimester.
    4. Vitamin D Do you want to preserve the health and beauty of your teeth? Don't forget about fish, seafood, egg yolks and butter, in which it is contained. This vitamin allows the future baby not only to form a strong skeletal system, but also to prevent the development of allergic reactions.
    5. Vitamin B12. Women suffering from anemia need it. It is found in fish, eggs, meat and milk.
    6. Vitamin A. It affects the condition of the placenta and is found in eggs, dairy products, green and yellow vegetables.

    In addition to them, a pregnant woman needs zinc, iron, selenium, honey, cobalt and other trace elements on which the development of the fetus depends. How not to get confused in all this diversity and enrich your body with all the useful substances?

    Just make sure that there is room in your diet for all food groups, namely:

    • vegetables and fruits;
    • cereals and cereals;
    • meat and fish;
    • dairy products.

    3. What a pregnant woman should not do in the first trimester

    • Fast food and semi-finished products.
    • Chips, crackers and any overly salty or spicy dishes- they violate metabolic processes in the body, causing swelling.
    • Coffee and caffeinated drinks. They increase blood pressure, which can result in miscarriage. Meanwhile, doctors still allow coffee lovers 1 cup of coffee per day.
    • Canned food, carbonated drinks.
    • Alcohol.

    4. Approximate food menu for a week in the first trimester

    Now let's look at a sample menu for a week that will provide mother and baby with all the necessary nutrients:
