Means of enhancing speech expressiveness. The concept of a path. Types of tropes: epithet, metaphor, comparison, metonymy, synecdoche, hyperbole, litotes, irony, allegory, personification, periphrasis.

Trope is a rhetorical figure, word or expression used in a figurative meaning in order to enhance the imagery of language and the artistic expressiveness of speech. Tropes are widely used in literary works, oratory and in everyday speech.

The main types of tropes: Epithet, metaphor, comparison, metonymy, synecdoche, hyperbole, litotes, irony, allegory, personification, periphrasis.

An epithet is a definition of a word that affects its expressiveness. It is expressed mainly by an adjective, but also by an adverb (“to love dearly”), a noun (“fun noise”), and a numeral (second life).

An epithet is a word or an entire expression, which, due to its structure and special function in the text, acquires some new meaning or semantic connotation, helps the word (expression) gain color and richness. Used in both poetry and prose.

Epithets can be expressed by different parts of speech (Mother Volga, wind-tramp, bright eyes, damp earth). Epithets are a very common concept in literature; without them it is impossible to imagine a single work of art.

Below us with a cast-iron roar
Bridges instantly rattle. (A. A. Fet)

Metaphor (“transfer”, “figurative meaning”) - a trope, a word or expression used in a figurative meaning, which is based on an unnamed comparison of an object with some other on the basis of their common feature. A figure of speech consisting of the use of words and expressions in figuratively based on some kind of analogy, similarity, comparison.

There are 4 “elements” in a metaphor:

An object within a specific category,

The process by which this object performs a function,

Applications of this process to real situations, or intersections with them.

In lexicology, a semantic connection between the meanings of one polysemantic word, based on the presence of similarities (structural, external, functional).

Metaphor often becomes an aesthetic end in itself and displaces the original original meaning of the word.

IN modern theory In metaphors, it is customary to distinguish between diaphora (a sharp, contrasting metaphor) and epiphora (a familiar, erased metaphor).

An extended metaphor is a metaphor that is consistently implemented throughout a large fragment of a message or the entire message as a whole. Model: “The book hunger does not go away: products from the book market increasingly turn out to be stale - they have to be thrown away without even trying.”

A realized metaphor involves operating with a metaphorical expression without taking into account its figurative nature, that is, as if the metaphor had direct meaning. The result of the implementation of a metaphor is often comic. Model: “I lost my temper and got on the bus.”

Vanya is a real loach; This is not a cat, but a bandit (M.A. Bulgakov);

I do not regret, do not call, do not cry,
Everything will pass like smoke from white apple trees.
Withered in gold,
I won't be young anymore. (S. A. Yesenin)


Comparison is a trope in which one object or phenomenon is compared to another according to some characteristic common to them. The purpose of comparison is to identify new, important, advantageous properties for the subject of the statement in the object of comparison.

In comparison, the following are distinguished: the object being compared (object of comparison), the object with which the comparison is taking place (means of comparison), and their common feature (base of comparison, comparative feature). One of distinctive features comparison is a mention of both objects being compared, while the common feature is not always mentioned. Comparison should be distinguished from metaphor.

Comparisons are characteristic of folklore.

Types of comparisons

Known different types comparisons:

Comparisons in the form of a comparative phrase formed with the help of conjunctions as if, as if, exactly: “The man is stupid as a pig, but cunning as the devil.” Non-union comparisons - in the form of a sentence with a compound nominal predicate: “My home is my fortress.” Comparisons formed using a noun in the instrumental case: “he walks like a gogol.” Negative comparisons: “An attempt is not torture.”

The faded joy of the crazy years is heavy on me, like a vague hangover (A.S. Pushkin);

Below him is a stream of lighter azure (M.Yu. Lermontov);


Metonymy (“renaming”, “name”) is a type of trope, a phrase in which one word is replaced by another, denoting an object (phenomenon) that is in one way or another (spatial, temporal, etc.) connection with the object that is designated replaced word. The replacement word is used in a figurative sense.

Metonymy should be distinguished from metaphor, with which it is often confused: metonymy is based on the replacement of words “by contiguity” (part instead of the whole or vice versa, a representative of a class instead of the whole class or vice versa, container instead of content or vice versa) and metaphor - “by similarity”. A special case of metonymy is synecdoche.

Example: “All flags will visit us,” where “flags” mean “countries” (a part replaces the whole). The meaning of metonymy is that it identifies a property in a phenomenon that, by its nature, can replace the others. Thus, metonymy essentially differs from metaphor, on the one hand, by a greater real interconnection of the replacing members, and on the other, by greater restrictiveness, the elimination of those features that are not directly noticeable in a given phenomenon. Like metaphor, metonymy is inherent in language in general (cf., for example, the word “wiring,” the meaning of which is metonymically extended from an action to its result), but it has a special meaning in artistic and literary creativity.

In early Soviet literature, an attempt to make maximum use of metonymy both theoretically and practically was made by the constructivists, who put forward the principle of so-called “locality” (the motivation of verbal means by the theme of the work, that is, limiting them to real dependence on the theme). However, this attempt was not sufficiently substantiated, since the promotion of metonymy to the detriment of metaphor is illegal: these are two different ways of establishing a connection between phenomena, not exclusive, but complementary.

Types of metonymy:

General language, general poetic, general newspaper, individual author, individual creative.


"Hand of Moscow"

“I ate three plates”

“Black tailcoats flashed and rushed separately and in heaps here and there”


Synecdoche is a trope, a type of metonymy, based on the transfer of meaning from one phenomenon to another based on the quantitative relationship between them. Typically used in synecdoche:

Singular instead of plural: “Everything is sleeping - man, beast, and bird.” (Gogol);

Plural instead of singular: “We all look at Napoleons.” (Pushkin);

Part instead of whole: “Do you need anything? “In the roof for my family.” (Herzen);

Generic name instead of specific name: “Well, sit down, luminary.” (Mayakovsky) (instead of: sun);

The specific name instead of the generic name: “Take care of your penny above all else.” (Gogol) (instead of: money).


Hyperbole (“transition; excess, excess; exaggeration”) is a stylistic figure of obvious and deliberate exaggeration, in order to enhance expressiveness and emphasize the said thought. For example: “I’ve said this a thousand times” or “we have enough food for six months.”

Hyperbole is often combined with other stylistic devices, giving them an appropriate coloring: hyperbolic comparisons, metaphors (“the waves rose like mountains”). The character or situation portrayed may also be hyperbolic. Hyperbole is also characteristic of the rhetorical and oratorical style, as a means of pathetic elation, as well as the romantic style, where pathos comes into contact with irony.


Phraseologisms and catchphrases

"sea of ​​tears"

"fast as lightning", "lightning fast"

"as numerous as the sand on the seashore"

“We haven’t seen each other for a hundred years!”


Ivan Nikiforovich, on the contrary, has trousers with such wide folds that if they were inflated, the entire yard with barns and buildings could be placed in them.

N. Gogol. The story of how Ivan Ivanovich quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich

A million Cossack caps suddenly poured into the square. ...

...for one hilt of my saber they give me the best herd and three thousand sheep.

N. Gogol. Taras Bulba

Poems, songs

About our meeting - what can I say,
I waited for her, as they wait for natural disasters,
But you and I immediately began to live,
Without fear of harmful consequences!


Litota, litotes (simplicity, smallness, moderation) - a trope that has the meaning of understatement or deliberate softening.

Litotes is a figurative expression, a stylistic figure, a turn of phrase that contains an artistic understatement of the magnitude, strength of meaning of the depicted object or phenomenon. Litotes in this sense is the opposite of hyperbole, which is why it is also called inverse hyperbole. In litotes, on the basis of some common feature, two dissimilar phenomena are compared, but this feature is represented in the phenomenon-means of comparison to a much lesser extent than in the phenomenon-object of comparison.

For example: “A horse is the size of a cat”, “A person’s life is one moment”, etc.

Many litotes are phraseological units or idioms: “snail’s pace”, “at hand”, “the cat cried for money”, “the sky seemed like a sheepskin”.

Litotes is found in folk and literary fairy tales: “Tom-thumb”, “little-man-nail”, “thumbelina-girl”.

Litota (otherwise: antenantiosis or antenantiosis) is also called a stylistic figure of deliberate softening of an expression by replacing a word or expression containing a statement of some attribute with an expression that denies opposite sign. That is, an object or concept is defined through the negation of the opposite. For example: “smart” - “not stupid”, “agree” - “I don’t mind”, “cold” - “not warm”, “low” - “short”, “famous” - “not unknown”, “dangerous” - “ unsafe”, “good” - “not bad”. In this meaning, litotes is a form of euphemism (a word or descriptive expression that is neutral in meaning and emotional “load”, usually used in texts and public statements to replace other words and expressions considered indecent or inappropriate.).

...and his love for his wife will grow cold


Irony (“mockery”) is a trope, while the meaning, from the point of view of what it should be, is hidden or contradicts (contrasted) with the explicit “meaning”. Irony creates the feeling that the subject of discussion is not what it seems. Irony is the use of words in a negative sense, directly opposite to the literal one. Example: “Well, you are brave!”, “Smart, smart...” Here positive statements have a negative connotation.

Forms of irony

Direct irony is a way to belittle, give a negative or funny character to the phenomenon being described.

Anti-irony is the opposite of direct irony and allows you to present the object of anti-irony as underestimated.

Self-irony is irony directed at oneself. In self-irony and anti-irony, negative statements may imply the opposite (positive) subtext. Example: “Where can we fools drink tea?”

Socratic irony is a form of self-irony, constructed in such a way that the object to which it is addressed seems to independently come to natural logical conclusions and find hidden meaning an ironic statement, following the premises of a subject who “does not know the truth.”

An ironic worldview is a state of mind that allows one not to take common statements and stereotypes on faith, and not to take various “generally accepted values” too seriously.

"Have you sung everything? This is the thing:
So come and dance!" (I. A. Krylov)


Allegory (legend) is an artistic comparison of ideas (concepts) through a specific artistic image or dialogue.

As a trope, allegory is used in poetry, parables, and morality. It arose on the basis of mythology, was reflected in folklore and was developed in fine arts. The main way to depict an allegory is generalization human concepts; representations are revealed in the images and behavior of animals, plants, mythological and fairy-tale characters, inanimate objects that acquire figurative meaning.

Example: justice - Themis (woman with scales).

The nightingale is sad near the fallen rose,
sings hysterically over a flower.
But the garden scarecrow also sheds tears,
loved a rose secretly.

Aydin Khanmagomedov. Two loves

Allegory is the artistic isolation of foreign concepts with the help of specific ideas. Religion, love, soul, justice, discord, glory, war, peace, spring, summer, autumn, winter, death, etc. are depicted and presented as living beings. The qualities and appearance attached to these living beings are borrowed from the actions and consequences of what corresponds to the isolation contained in these concepts, for example, the isolation of battle and war is indicated by means of military weapons, seasons - with the help of flowers, fruits or activities corresponding to them, impartiality - through scales and blindfolds, death - through a clepsydra and a scythe.

Then with reverent relish,
then the soul of a friend in the arms,
like a lily with a poppy,
the soul kisses the heart.

Aydin Khanmagomedov. Kissing pun.


Personification (personification, prosopopoeia) is a trope, attributing properties and characteristics of animate objects to inanimate ones. Very often, personification is used when depicting nature, which is endowed with certain human traits.


And woe, woe, woe!
And grief was girded with a bast,
My legs are tangled with washcloths.

folk song

Personification was common in the poetry of different eras and peoples, from folklore lyrics to the poetic works of romantic poets, from precision poetry to the creativity of the OBERIUTs.


In stylistics and poetics, periphrase (paraphrase, periphrase; “descriptive expression”, “allegory”, “statement”) is a trope that descriptively expresses one concept using several.

Periphrasis is an indirect mention of an object by not naming it, but describing it (for example, “night luminary” = “moon” or “I love you, Peter’s creation!” = “I love you, St. Petersburg!”).

In periphrases, the names of objects and people are replaced by indications of their characteristics, for example, “who writes these lines” instead of “I” in the author’s speech, “fall into sleep” instead of “fall asleep,” “king of beasts” instead of “lion,” “one-armed bandit” instead of "slot machine". There are logical periphrases (“the author of “Dead Souls”) and figurative periphrases (“the sun of Russian poetry”).

Often, periphrasis is used to descriptively express “low” or “forbidden” concepts (“unclean” instead of “devil”, “get by with a handkerchief” instead of “blow your nose”). In these cases, the periphrasis is at the same time a euphemism. // Literary encyclopedia: Dictionary of literary terms: in 2 volumes - M.; L.: Publishing house L. D. Frenkel, 1925. T. 2. P-Ya. - Stb. 984-986.

4. Khazagerov G. G.The system of persuasive speech as homeostasis: oratory, homiletics, didactics, symbolism// Sociological journal. - 2001. - No. 3.

5. Nikolaev A. I. Lexical means of expression// Nikolaev A.I. Fundamentals of literary criticism: tutorial for students of philological specialties. - Ivanovo: LISTOS, 2011. - pp. 121-139.

6. Panov M. I. Trails// Pedagogical speech science: Dictionary-reference book / ed. T. A. Ladyzhenskaya, A. K. Michalskaya. M.: Flint; Science, 1998.

7. Toporov V. N. Trails// Linguistic encyclopedic Dictionary/ ch. ed. V. N. Yartseva. M.: Soviet encyclopedia, 1990.

Type of trail


1. Comparison

A figurative definition of an object, phenomenon, or action based on its comparison with another object, phenomenon, or action. Comparison is always binary: it has a subject (what is being compared) and a predicate (what is being compared with).

Under blue skies Magnificent carpets, Shining in the sun snow lies(Pushkin).

Seven hills like seven bells (Tsvetaeva)

2. Metaphor

Transferring a name from one object, phenomenon or action to another based on their similarity. Metaphor is a collapsed comparison in which the subject and predicate are combined in one word

At seven bells– bell tower (Tsvetaeva).

Lit East to the new dawn (Pushkin)

3. Metonymy

Transfer of a name from one object, phenomenon or action to another based on their contiguity

You can just hear a lonely woman wandering down the street somewhere harmonic(Isakovsky)

Figurative (metaphorical, metonymic) definition of an object, phenomenon or action

Through wavy The fogs The moon sneaks through sad glades it's pouring sadly she is light (Pushkin)

5. Personification

This is a metaphor in which inanimate objects are endowed with the properties of a living being, or non-personal objects (plants, animals) are endowed with human properties

Sea laughed(M. Gorky).

6. Hyperbole

Figurative exaggeration

A yawn tears your mouth apart wider than the Gulf of Mexico(Mayakovsky).

Figurative understatement

Below a thin blade of grass We must bow our heads (Nekrasov)

8. Paraphrase

Replacing a word with a figurative descriptive phrase

With a clear smile nature greets you through a dream morning of the year(Pushkin).

Morning of the year - spring.

Using a word in a sense opposite to its literal meaning for the purpose of ridicule

Otkole, smart, are you crazy? (address to the donkey in Krylov’s fable)

10. Allegory

Two-dimensional use of a word, expression or whole text in the literal and figurative (allegorical) sense

“Wolves and Sheep” (the title of the play by A. N. Ostrovsky, implying the strong, those in power and their victims)

2.3.Figuration is a set of syntactic means of speech expressiveness, the most important of which are stylistic (rhetorical) figures.

Stylistic figures - These are symmetrical syntactic structures based on various kinds of repetitions, omissions and changes in word order in order to create expressiveness.

Main types of figures

Type of figure


1. Anaphora and epiphora

Anaphora (unity of principle) – repetition of words or expressions at the beginning of adjacent text fragments.

Epiphora (ending) – repetition of words or expressions at the end of adjacent text fragments.

Us drove youth

On a saber march,

Us abandoned youth

On the Kronstadt ice.

War horses

Carrying away us,

On a wide area

Killed us(Bagritsky)

A syntactic structure in which the beginning of the next fragment mirrors the ending of the previous one.

Youth did not perish -

Youth is alive!


3. Parallelism

Identical syntactic structure of adjacent text fragments

We have a place for young people everywhere,

We honor old people everywhere (Lebedev-Kumach).

4. Inversion

Violation of the usual word order

Discordant sounds were heard from the bells (Nekrasov)

5. Antithesis

Contrasting two adjacent structures, identical in structure, but opposite in meaning

I am a king - I am a slave,

I am a worm - I am God


6. Oxymoron

Combining in one construction words that contradict each other in meaning

“The Living Corpse” (the title of the play by L.N. Tolstoy).

7. Gradation

This arrangement of words in which each subsequent one strengthens the meaning of the previous one (ascending gradation) or weakens it (descending gradation).

Go, run, fly and avenge us (Pierre Corneille).

8. Ellipsis

Intentional omission of any implied part of a sentence in order to enhance the expressiveness of speech

We sat down in ashes,

Cities - to dust,

Swords - sickles and plows


9. Default

Deliberate interruption of a statement, giving the reader (listener) the opportunity to independently think about it

No, I wanted... maybe you... I thought it was time for the baron to die (Pushkin).

10. Multi-union and non-union

Intentionally using repeated conjunctions (multi-conjunction) or omitting conjunctions (non-conjunction)

And snow, and wind, and stars flying at night (Oshanin).

Or the plague will catch me, Or the frost will ossify me, Or a barrier will slam into my forehead A slow disabled person (Pushkin).

Swede, Russian - stabs, chops, cuts (Pushkin).

11. Rhetorical questions, exclamations, appeals

Questions, exclamations, appeals that do not require an answer, intended to attract the attention of the reader (listener) to what is being depicted

Moscow! Moscow! I love you like a son (Lermontov).

What is he looking for in a distant land?

What did he throw in his native land?


12. Period

Circularly closing syntactic construction, in the center of which is anaphoric parallelism

For everything, for everything you Thank you I:

Behind secret torment of passions,

Behind the bitterness of tears, the poison of a kiss,

Behind enemies' revenge and slander

Behind heat of the soul, wasted

in a desert,

Behind everything I've been deceived by in life

Just stand so that you

I won't be for long thanked


Three styles:




Cicero wrote that the ideal speaker is one who knows how to speak about the low simply, about the high - important and about the average - moderately.

March 22, 2015

Every day we come across a lot of artistic expression, we often use them in speech ourselves, without even meaning it. We remind mom that she has golden hands; we remember bast shoes, while they have long gone out of general use; We are afraid to get a pig in a poke and exaggerate objects and phenomena. All these are paths, examples of which can be found not only in fiction, but also in the oral speech of every person.

What are means of artistic expression?

The term "paths" comes from the Greek word tropos, which translated into Russian means "turn of speech." They are used to give figurative speech; with their help, poetic and prose works become incredibly expressive. Tropes in literature, examples of which can be found in almost any poem or story, constitute a separate layer in modern philological science. Depending on the situation of use, they are divided into lexical means, rhetorical and syntactic figures. Tropes are widespread not only in fiction, but also in oratory, and even everyday speech.

Lexical means of the Russian language

Every day we use words that in one way or another decorate our speech and make it more expressive. Vivid tropes, examples of which are countless in works of art, are no less important than lexical means.

  • Antonyms- words with opposite meanings.
  • Synonyms- lexical units that are close in meaning.
  • Phraseologisms- stable combinations consisting of two or more lexical units, which in semantics can be equated to one word.
  • Dialectisms- words that are common only in a certain area.
  • Archaisms - outdated words, denoting objects or phenomena, modern analogues of which are present in human culture and everyday life.
  • Historicisms- terms denoting already disappeared objects or phenomena.

Video on the topic

Tropes in Russian (examples)

Currently, the means of artistic expression are magnificently demonstrated in the works of classics. Most often these are poems, ballads, poems, sometimes stories and tales. They decorate speech and give it imagery.

  • Metonymy- replacing one word with another by contiguity. For example: On New Year's midnight the whole street came out to set off fireworks.
  • Epithet- a figurative definition that gives an object an additional characteristic. For example: Mashenka had magnificent silk curls.
  • Synecdoche- the name of the part instead of the whole. For example: At the faculty international relations A Russian, a Finn, an Englishman, and a Tatar are studying.
  • Personification- assignment of animate qualities to an inanimate object or phenomenon. For example: The weather was worried, angry, raging, and a minute later it began to rain.
  • Comparison- an expression based on the comparison of two objects. For example: Your face is fragrant and pale, like a spring flower.
  • Metaphor- transferring the properties of one object to another. For example: Our mother has golden hands.

Tropes in literature (examples)

The presented means of artistic expression are used less often in speech modern man, but this does not diminish their importance in literary heritage great writers and poets. Thus, litotes and hyperbole are often used in satirical stories, and allegory in fables. Periphrasis is used to avoid repetition in a literary text or speech.

  • Litotes- artistic understatement. For example: A little man works in our factory.
  • Periphrase- replacing the direct name with a descriptive expression. For example: The night star is especially yellow today (about the Moon).
  • Allegory- depiction of abstract objects with images. For example: Human qualities - cunning, cowardice, clumsiness - are revealed in the form of a fox, a hare, a bear.
  • Hyperbola- deliberate exaggeration. For example: My friend has incredibly huge ears, the size of his head.

Rhetorical figures

The idea of ​​every writer is to intrigue his reader and not demand an answer to the problem posed. A similar effect is achieved through the use of work of art rhetorical questions, exclamations, appeals, omissions. All these are tropes and figures of speech, examples of which are probably familiar to every person. Their use in everyday speech is encouraged, the main thing is to know the situation when it is appropriate.

A rhetorical question is posed at the end of a sentence and does not require an answer from the reader. It makes you think about pressing issues.

The incentive sentence ends with a rhetorical exclamation. Using this figure, the writer calls for action. The exclamation should also be classified under the “tropes” section.

Examples of rhetorical appeal can be found in Pushkin (“To Chaadaev,” “To the Sea”), in Lermontov (“The Death of a Poet”), as well as in many other classics. It applies not to a specific person, but to an entire generation or era as a whole. Using it in a work of art, a writer can blame or, on the contrary, approve of actions.

Rhetorical silence is actively used in lyrical digressions. The writer does not express his thoughts to the end and gives rise to subsequent reasoning.

Syntactic figures

Such techniques are achieved through sentence construction and include word order, punctuation; they make for an intriguing and interesting sentence design, which is why every writer strives to use these tropes. Examples are especially noticeable when reading the work.

  • Multi-Union- deliberate increase in the number of conjunctions in a sentence.
  • Asyndeton- absence of conjunctions when listing objects, actions or phenomena.
  • Syntactic parallelism- comparison of two phenomena by depicting them in parallel.
  • Ellipsis- deliberate omission of a number of words in a sentence.
  • Inversion- violation of word order in a construction.
  • Parcellation- deliberate division of a sentence.

Figures of speech

The paths in the Russian language, examples of which are given above, can be continued endlessly, but we should not forget that there is another conventionally distinguished section of means of expression. Artistic figures play an important role in written and oral speech.

Table of all tropes with examples

It is important for high school students, graduates of humanities faculties and philologists to know the variety of means of artistic expression and cases of their use in the works of classics and contemporaries. If you want to know in more detail what types of tropes there are, a table with examples will replace dozens of literary critical articles.

Lexical means and examples


We may be humiliated and insulted, but we deserve a better life.


My life is nothing but black and white stripes.


Before buying jeans, find out about their quality, otherwise they will give you a pig in a poke.


Barbers (hairdressers) do their job quickly and efficiently.


Bast shoes are an original and necessary thing, but not everyone has them today.


There were roes (snakes) in this area.

Stylistic tropes (examples)


You have nerves of iron, my friend.


The foliage sways and dances with the wind.

The red sun sets below the horizon.


I've already eaten three plates.


The consumer always chooses quality products.


Let's go to the zoo to see the king of beasts (about a lion).


You are a real ass (about stupidity).


I've been waiting for you for three hours already!

Is this a man? A little guy, and that's all!

Syntactic figures (examples)

There are so many people with whom I can be sad,
There are so few people I can love.

We'll go through the raspberries!
Do you like raspberries?
No? Tell Danil,
Let's go through the raspberries.


I think about you, I miss you, I remember, I miss you, I pray.


Because of you, I began to drown my sadness in wine.

Rhetorical figures (appeal, exclamation, question, silence)

When will you, the younger generation, become polite?

Oh, what a wonderful day it is today!

And you say that you know the material perfectly?

You'll come home soon - look...


I know algebra, geometry, physics, chemistry, geography, and biology very well.


The store sells shortbread, crumbly, peanut, oatmeal, honey, chocolate, diet, and banana cookies.


Not so (it was)!


I would like to tell you one story.


You are everything and nothing to me.


Living Dead.

The role of means of artistic expression

The use of tropes in everyday speech elevates every person, makes him more literate and educated. You can encounter a variety of means of artistic expression in any literary work, poetic or prosaic. Paths and figures, examples of which every self-respecting person should know and use, do not have an unambiguous classification, since from year to year philologists continue to study this area of ​​the Russian language. If in the second half of the twentieth century they singled out only metaphor, metonymy and synecdoche, now the list has increased tenfold.

Fine- means of expression Languages ​​allow not only to convey information, but also to clearly and convincingly convey thoughts. Lexical means of expression make the Russian language emotional and colorful. Expressive stylistic means are used when an emotional impact on listeners or readers is necessary. It is impossible to make a presentation of yourself, a product, or a company without using special language tools.

The word is the basis of visual expressiveness of speech. Many words are often used not only in their direct lexical meaning. The characteristics of animals are transferred to the description of a person’s appearance or behavior - clumsy like a bear, cowardly like a hare. Polysemy (polysemy) is the use of a word in different meanings.

Homonyms are a group of words in the Russian language that have the same sound, but at the same time carry different semantic load, serve to create sound play in speech.

Types of homonyms:

  • homographs - words are written the same way, change their meaning depending on the emphasis placed (lock - lock);
  • Homophones - words differ in one or more letters when written, but are perceived equally by ear (fruit - raft);
  • Homoforms are words that sound the same, but at the same time refer to different parts of speech (I’m flying on an airplane - I’m treating a runny nose).

Puns are used to give speech a humorous, satirical meaning; they convey sarcasm well. They are based on the sound similarity of words or their polysemy.

Synonyms - describe the same concept from different sides, have different semantic load and stylistic coloring. Without synonyms it is impossible to construct a bright and figurative phrase; speech will be oversaturated with tautology.

Types of synonyms:

  • complete - identical in meaning, used in the same situations;
  • semantic (meaningful) - designed to give color to words (conversation);
  • stylistic - have same value, but at the same time relate to different styles speech (finger);
  • semantic-stylistic - have a different connotation of meaning, relate to different styles of speech (make - bungle);
  • contextual (author's) - used in the context used for a more colorful and multifaceted description of a person or event.

Antonyms are words that have opposite lexical meanings and refer to the same part of speech. Allows you to create bright and expressive phrases.

Tropes are words in Russian that are used in a figurative sense. They give speech and works imagery, expressiveness, are designed to convey emotions, and vividly recreate the picture.

Defining Tropes

Allegory Allegorical words and expressions that convey the essence and main features of a particular image. Often used in fables.
Hyperbola Artistic exaggeration. Allows you to vividly describe properties, events, signs.
Grotesque The technique is used to satirically describe the vices of society.
Irony Paths that are designed to hide the true meaning of an expression by easy ridicule.
Litotes The opposite of hyperbole is that the properties and qualities of an object are deliberately understated.
Personification A technique in which inanimate objects are attributed the qualities of living beings.
Oxymoron Connection of incompatible concepts in one sentence (dead souls).
Periphrase Description of the item. A person, an event without an exact name.
Synecdoche Description of the whole through the part. The image of a person is recreated by describing clothes and appearance.
Comparison The difference from metaphor is that there is both what is being compared and what is being compared with. In comparison there are often conjunctions - as if.
Epithet The most common figurative definition. Adjectives are not always used for epithets.

Metaphor is a hidden comparison, the use of nouns and verbs in a figurative meaning. There is always no subject of comparison, but there is something with which it is compared. There are short and extended metaphors. The metaphor is aimed at external comparison objects or phenomena.

Metonymy is a hidden comparison of objects based on internal similarity. This distinguishes this trope from a metaphor.

Syntactic means of expression

Stylistic (rhetorical) - figures of speech are designed to enhance the expressiveness of speech and artistic works.

Types of stylistic figures

Name of syntactic structure Description
Anaphora Using the same syntactic constructions at the beginning of adjacent sentences. Allows you to logically highlight a part of the text or a sentence.
Epiphora Using the same words and expressions at the end of adjacent sentences. Such figures of speech add emotionality to the text and allow you to clearly convey intonation.
Parallelism Constructing adjacent sentences in the same form. Often used to enhance a rhetorical exclamation or question.
Ellipsis Deliberate exclusion of an implied member of a sentence. Makes speech more lively.
Gradation Each subsequent word in a sentence reinforces the meaning of the previous one.
Inversion The arrangement of words in a sentence is not in direct order. This technique allows you to enhance the expressiveness of speech. Give the phrase a new meaning.
Default Deliberate understatement in the text. Designed to awaken deep feelings and thoughts in the reader.
Rhetorical appeal An emphatic reference to a person or inanimate objects.
A rhetorical question A question that does not imply an answer, its task is to attract the attention of the reader or listener.
Rhetorical exclamation Special figures of speech to convey expression and tension of speech. They make the text emotional. Attract the attention of the reader or listener.
Multi-Union Repeated repetition of the same conjunctions to enhance the expressiveness of speech.
Asyndeton Intentional omission of conjunctions. This technique gives the speech dynamism.
Antithesis A sharp contrast of images and concepts. The technique is used to create contrast; it expresses the author’s attitude towards the event being described.

Tropes, figures of speech, stylistic means of expression, and phraseological statements make speech convincing and vivid. Such revolutions are indispensable in public speaking, election campaigns, rallies, presentations. In scientific publications and official business speech, such means are inappropriate - accuracy and persuasiveness in these cases are more important than emotions.


Trope is a word or expression used figuratively to create artistic image and achieving greater expressiveness. Paths include techniques such as epithet, comparison, personification, metaphor, metonymy, sometimes they include hyperboles and litotes. No work of art is complete without tropes. The artistic word is ambiguous; the writer creates images, playing with meanings and combinations of words, using the environment of the word in the text and its sound - all this constitutes the artistic possibilities of the word, which is the only tool of the writer or poet.
Note! When creating a trope, the word is always used in a figurative sense.

Let's look at different types of trails:

EPITHET(Greek Epitheton, attached) is one of the tropes, which is an artistic, figurative definition. An epithet can be:
adjectives: gentle face (S. Yesenin); these poor villages, this meager nature...(F. Tyutchev); transparent maiden (A. Blok);
participles: edge abandoned(S. Yesenin); frenzied dragon (A. Blok); takeoff illuminated(M. Tsvetaeva);
nouns, sometimes together with their surrounding context: Here he is, leader without squads(M. Tsvetaeva); My youth! My little dove is dark!(M. Tsvetaeva).

Any epithet reflects the uniqueness of the author’s perception of the world, therefore it necessarily expresses some kind of assessment and has a subjective meaning: a wooden shelf is not an epithet, so there is no artistic definition here, a wooden face is an epithet expressing the speaker’s impression of the interlocutor’s facial expression, that is, creating an image.
There are stable (permanent) folklore epithets: remote, portly, kind Well done, It's clear sun, as well as tautological, that is, repetition epithets, the same root with the defined word: Eh, bitter grief, boredom boring, mortal! (A. Blok).

In a work of art an epithet can perform various functions:

  • describe the subject figuratively: shining eyes, eyes- diamonds;
  • create an atmosphere, mood: gloomy morning;
  • convey the attitude of the author (storyteller, lyrical hero) to the subject being characterized: “Where will our prankster?" (A. Pushkin);
  • combine all previous functions in equal shares (in most cases of using the epithet).

Note! All color terms in a literary text they are epithets.

COMPARISON is an artistic technique (trope) in which an image is created by comparing one object with another. Comparison differs from other artistic comparisons, for example, likenings, in that it always has a strict formal sign: a comparative construction or a turnover with comparative conjunctions as if, as if, exactly, as if and the like. Expressions like he looked like... cannot be considered a comparison as a trope.

Examples of comparisons:

Comparison also plays certain roles in the text: sometimes authors use the so-called detailed comparison, revealing various signs of a phenomenon or conveying one’s attitude towards several phenomena. Often a work is entirely based on comparison, such as, for example, V. Bryusov’s poem “Sonnet to Form”:

PERSONALIZATION- an artistic technique (trope) in which an inanimate object, phenomenon or concept is given human properties(don’t get confused, it’s human!). Personification can be used narrowly, in one line, in a small fragment, but it can be a technique on which the entire work is built (“You are my abandoned land” by S. Yesenin, “Mother and the evening killed by the Germans”, “The violin and a little nervously” by V. Mayakovsky, etc.). Personification is considered one of the types of metaphor (see below).

Impersonation task- to correlate the depicted object with a person, to make it closer to the reader, to figuratively comprehend the inner essence of the object, hidden from everyday life. Personification is one of the oldest figurative means of art.

HYPERBOLA(Greek: Hyperbole, exaggeration) is a technique in which an image is created through artistic exaggeration. Hyperbole is not always included in the set of tropes, but by the nature of the use of the word in a figurative meaning to create an image, hyperbole is very close to tropes. A technique opposite in content to hyperbole is LITOTES(Greek Litotes, simplicity) is an artistic understatement.

Hyperbole allows the author to show the reader in an exaggerated form the most character traits depicted object. Often hyperbole and litotes are used by the author in an ironic way, revealing not just characteristic, but negative, from the author’s point of view, aspects of the subject.

METAPHOR(Greek Metaphora, transfer) - a type of so-called complex path, figure of speech, in which the properties of one phenomenon (object, concept) are transferred to another. Metaphor contains a hidden comparison, figurative likening of phenomena using figurative meaning words, what the object is compared with is only implied by the author. No wonder Aristotle said that “to compose good metaphors means to notice similarities.”

Examples of metaphor:

METONYMY(Greek Metonomadzo, rename) - type of trope: figurative designation of an object according to one of its characteristics.

Examples of metonymy:

When studying the topic “Means of Artistic Expression” and completing assignments, pay special attention to the definitions of the concepts given. You must not only understand their meaning, but also know the terminology by heart. This will protect you from practical mistakes: knowing firmly that the technique of comparison has strict formal characteristics (see theory on topic 1), you will not confuse this technique with a number of other artistic techniques, which are also based on the comparison of several objects, but are not a comparison .

Please note that you must begin your answer either with the suggested words (by rewriting them) or with your own version of the beginning of the complete answer. This applies to all such tasks.

Recommended reading:
  • Literary studies: Reference materials. - M., 1988.
  • Polyakov M. Rhetoric and literature. Theoretical aspects. - In the book: Questions of poetics and artistic semantics. - M.: Sov. writer, 1978.
  • Dictionary of literary terms. - M., 1974.