In any university, during their studies, students need to undergo an internship in order to consolidate their theoretical knowledge and gain practical work skills. During the entire period of study, they undergo introductory (educational) and pre-graduation internships. Completion of the internship requires writing a report, which is accompanied by a diary and a description of the internship. To write a practice report yourself, you need to know the features of each type of practice.

Educational or introductory practice becomes the first test for students. It is taken in the 1st or 2nd year. The goal is to consolidate general theoretical knowledge acquired during the study process, as well as to obtain general ideas about the chosen specialty. During the internship, students are given the opportunity to become familiar with the work of the enterprise through lectures and excursions, as well as watch the work of employees of the specialization you have chosen.

Internship takes place in the 3rd-4th year and is the next step in mastering the profession. Trainees are given the opportunity to study the work of the enterprise from the inside under the supervision of a curator, study and analyze documentation, and collect materials.

Undergraduate practice is the final stage of training. Based on the information received at the enterprise, it will be necessary. Report on pre-graduation practice is often the second chapter of a thesis and represents an analysis of the operation of the enterprise.

The report on the work of the enterprise must comply with the requirements of the internship program of your university (See also:), as a rule, it contains:

- title page;

- calendar plan;

- diary;

- characteristics from the place of internship

- introduction;

- main part;

- conclusion;

- bibliography;

- applications

Title page drawn up according to the model from the guidelines. The title page contains information about the name of the university, type of practice (educational, introductory, industrial, pre-graduation), topic of practice, specialty, student, supervisor, place and year of writing.

Sample title page

Calendar plan is drawn up in the form of a table and contains data on the type, timing and location of the work you perform at the enterprise. Sometimes he enters the diary.

Example of a practice report schedule

Practice diary- similar to a calendar plan. The diary is the main document, along with the report, according to which the student reports on the implementation of the practice program.

The trainee notes every day what he did or studied today. Organizes everything in table form.

Example of filling out a practice diary

Characteristic from the place of industrial, educational or diploma internship must reflect data on the knowledge, skills and abilities of the trainee. About the level of his professional training, personal qualities, as well as about the work and assignments that the student performed during his visit to the enterprise. And, of course, the recommended rating.

The student must receive a reference letter from his supervisor and attach it to the report. But in practice, the leader shifts this responsibility to the student.

Sample characteristics from the place of internship

Sample contents of an internship report

Introduction contains:

  • information about the place of internship;
  • its goals and objectives, which are indicated in the guidelines;
  • object and subject of research;
  • assessment current state topic under study;
  • may contain the expected results of the internship.

Introduction example

Main part divided into chapters. Contains theoretical and practical parts. The practical part describes the structure and activities of the enterprise. Analysis is underway. Positive and negative sides in the work of an enterprise or institution. All calculations, graphs and tables are provided.

Conclusion written based on the material studied. Contains answers to the problems posed in the introduction. Includes all findings obtained in the main part. You can include an assessment of your own work and give recommendations for improvement. activity of the enterprise.

Sample conclusion of a practice report

Bibliography contains all the sources used in writing the work, including those indicated in. according to guidelines or GOST. It can include the names of documents received from the enterprise, as well as regulatory literature and Internet sources.

Applications include any data that can be referred to when writing a work in the text of the work. This can be reporting, the organizational structure of the enterprise, extracts from legislation, questionnaires, drawings, diagrams, tables. All documents that you found at the enterprise and that were useful for writing the reporting work.

Writing a practice report on your own is very interesting and informative. But if you have difficulties with writing or you were unable to complete an internship at a company, you can always turn to our specialists for help and receive qualified advice.

Pre-diploma practice is the final stage of the educational process. It is carried out after the student has completed his theoretical studies at the university.

The purpose of pre-graduation practice is to consolidate theoretical knowledge, acquire practical skills and information and analytical preparation for writing thesis(project).

During the period of pre-graduation practice, the student:

Studies the activities of the organization (structural unit) in which the internship is carried out;

Clarifies the objectives and content of the thesis in accordance with the needs of the organization to ensure the practical usefulness of the thesis (project).

Engaged in collecting and analyzing materials for writing a report and dissertation.

The place of pre-diploma internship is determined by the student independently and agreed with the supervisor of the internship.

The direction of a student for pre-diploma internship is formalized by an order from the university. The duration of pre-diploma internship is determined by the curriculum. The graduating department appoints a supervisor of pre-diploma practice (usually this is the supervisor of the thesis).

The specific objectives of the pre-diploma internship are established in the assignment given to the student by the supervisor of the thesis (see Appendix 3).

Pre-diploma practice is carried out in accordance with the schedule drawn up together with the head of practice from the department.

Approximate content of work performed during pre-graduation internship:

Setting the goals and objectives of the study;

Study of the activities of the organization (structural unit);

Studying literary, statistical and other sources on the topic of the thesis (project);

Studying the internal documentation of the organization;

Collection, systematization and preliminary processing of initial data;

Development of a detailed plan for the theoretical, practical or design parts of the thesis.

The practice ends with the preparation of a report reflecting the content and main results of the production practice.

A report on pre-graduate practice is provided to the supervisor. It must contain systematized initial data for writing a thesis (project) and meet all the requirements for all types of practices.

The head of the pre-diploma internship evaluates the results of the internship in accordance with the assessment form laid down in the curriculum: “passed”, “fail”. Upon receipt of an unsatisfactory grade in practice, the question of the student’s admission to diploma is decided by the graduating department.

The defense of the report must be carried out within one week after the end of the pre-diploma internship.

6. Drawing up and execution of a program and report on practice

Practice program must contain:

1. Indication of the place of internship;

2. Duration of internship;

3. Individual tasks;

4. Materials and documents required for internship.

6.1. Preparation of an internship report

The report is drawn up on A4 sheets and must contain at least 20 sheets of typewritten text. Each page of the report must have margins: top and bottom - 20 mm, right - 10 mm, left - 30 mm. Paragraph indentation- 5 characters. The work is printed in the text editor Microsoft Word; font - Times New Roman, spacing - one and a half, font size - 14. The report should not have spelling errors or typos. Pages are numbered below, in the middle. The title page (see Appendix 4) is considered the first page, but it is not numbered. Digital material is presented in the form of tables. Each table must have a title and number.

The report must reflect the solution to the tasks assigned to the trainee. The report must include practice diary And review-characteristic from the supervisor at the place of internship. The review must have the signature of the practice manager from the enterprise and a round seal.

The report on the internship must contain a minimum of theory, a maximum of description, analysis, calculations, and research conducted by the student at the enterprise or organization according to the tasks issued by the supervisor. Information collected during practice should be analyzed.

At the end of the report there should be a list of references used, including internal documents of the enterprise.

In addition to the main content, the report must have appendices. The appendices to the report include various materials collected during the internship: sample document forms, instructions for the preparation and execution of documents by type of activity used in organizations, formulas and calculation results, graphs, diagrams, tables, etc. The report is written in an impersonal form.

The report includes:

Title page (see Appendix 1)

Practice assignment (see Appendix 3)

Feedback from the internship site

Trainee's diary (see Appendix 4)


Main part



List of used literature

Everyone knows that students encounter practice many times throughout their studies. Typically, internships are completed several times in the summer and once before the final qualifying work. After each pass, most universities require you to prepare a practice report. Such work may differ depending on what kind of internship you completed - pre-graduation, industrial, or summer orientation

Any type of practice has its differences and some nuances that are worth paying attention to. For example, educational or introductory practice must be completed before the last year and at least twice during the entire period of study. Typically, during an educational internship, a student is not involved in participating in the work of the enterprise, but is more involved in observation and note-taking.

Industrial practice, or technological practice in other words, is more complicated. Here the student is already required to participate in the activities of the enterprise, albeit minimally. Of course, no one will burden the trainee with responsible work. Usually they give a job that does not imply much responsibility and, of course, someone will definitely look after the student.

Pre-graduation practice is probably the most serious type of practice. Everything here is already adult-like. Completing a pre-diploma internship implies that the student is already ready to professionally perform the assigned duties. And at least there is still the opportunity to find a job, if, of course, the student is happy at the place of internship. In addition, all the information material that will be collected and expressed in the pre-graduation report will be used when writing the final work

Despite the apparent differences, in general the goals pursued by the practice are all approximately equal:

  • Assessment of knowledge gained as a result of internship;
  • Learn to apply the received theory;
  • Application of practical knowledge in real work;
  • Understanding what you will encounter in practice in real conditions;
  • Analysis of the organization's activities during activities in practice.

The end result should definitely be a written report on the practice. Those. the result of the internship is always expressed in a text document that reflects the knowledge acquired by the student and, in fact, what exactly the student learned as a result of the internship at the enterprise. To what extent the student’s studies contributed to professional growth and whether he can independently work for enterprises in a given specialization.

The most common option for practice is to immerse the student in real conditions that are familiar to people who have already completed their studies, but are unusual for a typical student who has never worked. Well, accordingly, to write “beautiful” i.e. a clear report will have to fully understand all the features of the enterprise’s activities, on what regulatory framework the features of the organizational structure and document flow are based.

You will have to describe what exactly the student did during the internship, and even if, as usual, he was not allowed anywhere, you will have to look at what he could hypothetically do there and describe it all correctly.

How to start writing a report on internship (industrial, pre-graduation)

Writing a practice report is not at all difficult, the main thing is to know where to start. And the beginning is very simple - you need to take it in educational institution practice assignment, get guidelines and it is advisable to take a peek, if of course there is an opportunity to see how reports were written before you at your university.

Manuals usually live in departments or with fellow students who have already become confused. This super-important reading will contain all the requirements for what to write and how to format it.

The basis for preparing a practice report will be the plan (content). The plan will display all the questions and tasks that must be addressed by the student. The plan usually includes 3 to 5 basis points.

A good, high-quality report, which teachers usually like, includes not only bare water, but also analytics, some virtual recommendations regarding business processes in the enterprise. You can, of course, not attend and just make up everything; it’s unlikely that anyone will check your visit to the practice. But if everything is done correctly, then at a minimum you need to visit the place of pre-graduation or industrial practice and see what is there and how.

Let's consider the case when you are doing the practice for real, i.e. We decided to take this seriously and thought - let it come in handy. First, you need to take notes on everything you had to deal with, but only as much as necessary - and you don’t need to describe every step you took in production. It’s better to approach the practice manager and clarify what information is best saved for the report, and what may be superfluous.

As soon as you have all the necessary information about the enterprise, and at a minimum organizational form, organizational structure, some kind of reporting and analytics - you can start processing and studying.

After you have completed studying the information available about the enterprise, you can safely begin to create a report base. Distribute all the text into logical chapters and slowly bring your report into a readable structured form.

The structure of the practice report may vary, but there is always a structured format that is familiar to everyone, similar to any publication. Preamble, ambulatory and conclusion. Or in scientific terms - logical sequence. Those. standards for structuring information that everyone is accustomed to.

Practice report structure and content

Typically, in a typical non-Harvard university, the structure of a practice report looks like this:

  1. Title page, . Usually on title page the following information is indicated: the name of the educational institution and specialty, the topic and type of the practical training report, the surname and initials of the teacher checking the report and the student completing it, the name of the group in which the student is studying, the name of the enterprise where practical classes are held, the city in where the educational institution is located and the year the practice report was written.
  2. Report plan (contents) with all chapters and subsections.
  3. Introduction, which indicates the goals and objectives of the practical training. They are usually already given in methodological recommendations to writing a report. In addition, the introduction indicates the expected outcome of the internship.
  4. Main part. This section must be divided into theoretical and practical parts. In addition, the theoretical part should be divided into sections, and the practical part - at the discretion of the educational institution. In this part, all calculations are made, the activities of the enterprise are described, and all necessary information about the organizational structure, analysis and comparative characteristics are provided.
  5. The conclusion is perhaps the main section of the practice report. The conclusion includes all conclusions made by the student during practical training. Your own work is immediately assessed, and the efforts made are adequately assessed. In addition, in conclusion you must give your recommendations for improvement. professional activity enterprises.
  6. Attachments - not always, but sometimes especially experienced teachers will forgive you to attach something. If the report was written in the field of accounting, then attach the balance sheets of the enterprise, and so on, depending on the specialization.

Different types of practice reports in writing may have some differences, but usually they are not significant.

Types and types of practice reports

Study practice report

As we have already written, educational practice is not particularly labor-intensive and one cannot expect that the work should contain deep analytics and a detailed practical part..

In general, to put it simply, in educational practice you just need to pour a lot of water and all sorts of “blah blah blah” about the process and place of the internship. There is no need for any detail on how things are done at the enterprise. In the introduction we write that we are undergoing educational practice in order to consolidate knowledge and study subject area in practice, well, and a plus about the work site itself. In conclusion, we state that we completed the practice and consolidated our knowledge.

Industrial Practice Report - Main Differences

Industrial practice - what is it and conceptual differences? Yes, in fact, it is no different; it’s just that back in the USSR, this name was applied to almost all reports, since almost all students of that time worked in production. Now the concept is rarely used and the design of such a report is no different from the standard one.

The main thing is not to forget that industrial practice is still designed for independent work and the trainee’s own thoughts, hence, at a minimum, your ideas and value judgments about the place of passage should be present in the report.

Report on pre-diploma practice - emphasis and nuances

Pre-graduation practice is not just some kind of writing; it is already a possible foundation for your diploma project. Typically, the basis of a thesis can be based on information and analytics prepared as part of a report on pre-graduation practice. However, in order for the report to go further into the basis of the diploma, the topic must correspond, i.e. for example, they had an internship in accounting, the report included elements of accounting at an enterprise, but the topic of the diploma should also be related to this.

From here it's very helpful advice! When you already have the topic of your thesis project in hand, write a report within the framework of this topic, i.e. start writing your thesis and submit two chapters of this work as a report.

Also, before writing a report, look for samples (examples) on this site, we have a lot of free reports and there is something to download. Well, if it’s completely unclear or you don’t want to bother, it’s easier to order!

Each type of report must be accompanied by certain documents. This is a mandatory rule for every educational institution. The documents are usually a practice diary, a description from the place of practice and an explanatory note.

How to prepare an explanatory note for an internship report

In essence, an explanatory note is an abbreviated summary of the internship report prepared by the intern. The note usually describes step-by-step the student’s workday and the general content of the internship completed.

An explanatory note is rarely required and only in the most sophisticated universities. All the same, the report is not a graduation project and it is not entirely clear what else can be explained within the framework of the written report.

But if required, an explanatory note is usually written on one sheet and includes summary report plus some terms and definitions that appear in the report.

I almost always require a description for a practice report.

Characteristics for the internship report are asked to be provided from the place of internship. Characteristics are usually needed only for a report on pre-graduation or industrial practice

In your characteristics, your practice manager describes your useless time during the internship extremely well. And usually, the less of you were hanging around at the enterprise, the better the description they will write. But you will most likely be asked to prepare a text about how great you are, which will then be signed by the practice manager.

To be honest, no one reads the characteristics in an educational institution, at least because the majority of students do internships at enterprises through acquaintances and they will write anything there, but no one has abolished this bureaucracy.

Very important - Internship Diary

Without a diary, the report will definitely not be accepted. The diary usually records the student’s visits to practice. The diary form is provided in the university manual or I suggest you write it in any form.


1. General characteristics of Progress LLC…………………………………......5

2.Analysis of the financial position of Progress LLC…………………………10

3. Proposals for optimizing the financial and economic situation

LLC "Progress"…………………………………………………………………………………16


Diary of pre-diploma practice……………………………………………..21

Final feedback from the practice manager from the organization......................23

Appendix 1……………………………………………………………..............24

Appendix 2…………………………………………………………..25


The relevance of pre-graduation practice is due to the need to generalize, systematize, consolidate and deepen the theoretical knowledge acquired during training at the Branch of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of Moscow State University of Technology in Cheboksary, and apply it in practical activities in relation to the specialty and profile future profession.

The purpose of pre-diploma practice is to analyze the financial and economic indicators of the enterprise, as well as to identify and substantiate areas for increasing the efficiency of financial and economic activities.

The object of the study is Progress LLC.

The subject of the study is accounting (financial) reporting and economic activity enterprises on the basis of which the analysis of financial and economic indicators will be based.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to complete the following tasks:

Study the functioning and development of an enterprise as a management system;

Collect information characterizing the main directions of production, economic and financial activities of the enterprise;

Review and summarize information related to the external and internal environment of the object being studied;

Collect and analyze the financial statements of the enterprise;

Develop proposals for improving and improving the system of indicators of financial and economic activities of Progress LLC.

During the practice, the following methods were used: analytical method, method of calculating indicators, grouping method, comparison and comparison method.

The practical significance of the work done is determined by the fact that during the internship, information was collected that characterizes the organizational and economic parameters of the activities of Progress LLC. In addition, information characterizing the main directions of production, economic and financial activities of the enterprise was studied. Experience has been gained in using such work methods as the analytical method, the method of calculating indicators, the grouping method, the method of comparison and comparison, directly according to the profile of the future profession. Experience has been gained in analyzing the financial and economic activities of an enterprise and developing proposals for optimizing financial and economic performance indicators. Of fundamental importance is the fact that during the internship, practical material was collected for preparing and writing a final qualifying thesis.

1. General characteristics of Progress LLC

Limited Liability Company "Progress", a small enterprise for the production of bread and flour confectionery products for non-durable storage.

The company was established at the beginning of 2006 and has been carrying out its financial and economic activities to the present time. Location of Progress LLC: Chuvash Republic, Shumerlinsky district, 62nd quarter of Mysletsky forestry of Torkhansky rural settlement, D 2.

According to the Charter of Progress LLC, the enterprise is the legal successor of all rights and obligations of the affiliated Shumerlinsky Production Plant Chuvashpotrebsoyuz LLC.

The history of the creation and operation of the enterprise is relatively short; Progress LLC began its entrepreneurial activity at the beginning of 2006 The main goal of the enterprise is to make a profit and expand the market for goods and services.

Organizational structure management of Progress LLC is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 - Organizational structure of Progress LLC

The organizational structure of the enterprise as a whole corresponds to the scale and nature of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise

The production structure of Progress LLC is presented in Figure 2.

Figure 2 - Production structure of Progress LLC

The enterprise employs an average of 63 people, with an average monthly salary of 20.4 thousand rubles. For the Mysletsky forestry of the Torkhansky rural settlement this is high level wages, as a result of which there are no problems with labor resources. If there is a slight staff turnover, it is due to reasons such as workers moving to other cities, going on maternity leave, etc.

In the economy of the Mysletsky forestry of the Torkhansky rural settlement, Progress LLC plays an important role, because There are few enterprises engaged in production activities here. In addition, Progress LLC operates not only in the local market, but also at the regional level.

The company is obliged to maintain accounting records and provide financial statements in the manner established by the legal acts of the Russian Federation. Responsibility for organization, condition and reliability accounting in the Company, the timely submission of the annual report and other financial statements to the relevant authorities, as well as information about the activities of the Company provided to creditors and the media, is the responsibility of the manager in accordance with the legal acts of the Russian Federation.

External environment Progress LLC is presented in Figure 3.

Figure 3 - External environment of Progress LLC

Let's consider the property structure of Progress LLC at the present time (Figure 4).

Figure 4 - Property structure of Progress LLC as of 01/01/2010, thousand rubles.

At the beginning of 2009, the shares of non-current assets and current assets in the property structure were 38.5% and 61.5%, respectively, and at the end of 2009. – 40.5% and 59.5%, respectively. The structure of the property corresponds to the area of ​​activity of Progress LLC, i.e. production.

Figure 5 shows the dynamics of revenue for ordinary activities, i.e. from the sale of bread and flour confectionery products with non-durable storage for the period since 2006. to 2009

Figure 5 – Dynamics of revenue from the sale of bread and non-perishable flour confectionery products, thousand rubles.

The dynamics of sales revenue indicate that the company has been operating quite successfully in the market for the sale of bread and flour confectionery products during 2006 - 2008. revenue is constantly calculated. Income from the production and sale of bread and flour confectionery products decreased only in 2009, and then only relative to 2008. The reason for this is not the global financial and economic crisis, since bread is an inelastic product in demand; it has no substitute goods. The reason for this is the pricing policy of the enterprise, since Progress LLC made a slight reduction in prices for flour confectionery products in order not to lose customers. Bread prices remained at the 2008 level, because... changing them would not lead to people eating more or less bread than usual.

The dynamics of net profit from sales corresponds to the dynamics of sales revenue (Figure 6).

Figure 6 – Profit dynamics of Progress LLC for the period 2006 – 2009, thousand rubles.

2.Analysis of the financial position of Progress LLC

Financial block (or analysis financial condition) the process of assessing the financial and economic condition of an enterprise is a set of universal indicators calculated on the basis of basic forms financial statements.

The main aspects of this performance analysis that need to be assessed include:

Analysis of liquidity and solvency;

Financial stability analysis;

Analysis business activity;

Analysis of the efficiency of the enterprise.

The basis for the analysis of the financial position of Progress LLC was the following forms of accounting (financial) statements:

Balance sheet(form No. 1) as of 01/01/2008 and Income Statement for 2007;

Balance sheet (form No. 1) as of 01/01/2009. and Income Statement for 2008;

Balance sheet (form No. 1) as of 01/01/2010. and Profit and Loss Statement for 2009.

In tabular form, the indicators of these forms of financial statements are presented in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 of this report on pre-diploma practice.

Figure 7 shows the structure of the company's current assets as of January 1, 2010, where it is clearly visible that most of the assets are concentrated in short-term accounts receivable. Approximately equal shares of assets (32% and 27%) are concentrated in cash and inventories. Similar picture of the structure working capital may already indicate an excess amount of funds.

Figure 7 - Structure of current assets of Progress LLC as of 01/01/2010, in%

The calculation of liquidity and solvency indicators of Progress LLC is presented in Table 1.

Table 1

Calculation of liquidity and solvency indicators of Progress LLC

Indicator name

Calculation method based on aggregate balance data

Calculation method according to accounting reporting lines

Normal limit

Calculation of indicators

1. General indicator of solvency



page 250 + page 260 + 0.5 x (page 240) + 0.3 x (page 210 + page 220 + page 230 + page 270) / page 620 + 0.5 x (page 610 + page 630 + page 660) + 0.3 x (page 590 + page 640 + page 650)

> either = 1

2. Absolute liquidity ratio

(page 250 + page 260) / (page 610 + page 620 + page 630 + page 660)

from 0.2 to 0.5

3.Critical (intermediate) liquidity ratio


(p. 250 + p. 260 + p. 240) / (p. 610 + p. 620 + p. 630 + p. 660)

4.Current ratio

(A1+A2+A3)/ (P1+P2)

(p. 290) / (p. 610 + p. 620 + p. 630 + p. 660)

The dynamics of liquidity and solvency indicators are shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8 - Dynamics of liquidity and solvency indicators of Progress LLC for 2006 – 2009.

The dynamics of the coefficients is not entirely unambiguous, but in general shows an increase over the period of time under consideration.

An assessment of these ratios suggests that Progress LLC has excessively excess liquidity of funds. In general, the enterprise is solvent, as evidenced by the values ​​of the general solvency indicator. The company is able to pay off its short-term obligations (and it does not have long-term obligations, judging by its financial statements) at the expense of its current assets.

Despite the fact that the current financial and economic crisis in Russia is often called a liquidity crisis, it is clear that it did not affect Progress LLC, since at the end of 2009. there were so many funds in the company’s accounts (633 thousand rubles) that it was able to more than pay off all its financial obligations (490 thousand rubles).

The values ​​of liquidity and solvency indicators most likely indicate poor quality cash management.

The calculation of financial stability indicators is presented in Table 2.

table 2

Calculation of financial stability indicators of Progress LLC

Indicator name

Calculation method

Normal limit

Actual value of indicators

1.Capitalization ratio


not higher than 1.5

2.Ratio of availability of own sources of financing


> 0.1; optimal >or =0.5

3.Financial independence coefficient


4.Financing ratio

p.490/ (p.590+p.690)

>either = 0.7; optimal =1.5

5.Financial stability coefficient

(line 490+line 590)/ Balance currency

> or =0.6

The values ​​of the calculated indicators significantly exceed the necessary optimal limits, which, on the one hand, indicates ultra-high financial stability, on the other hand, it is alarming: what is the reason for this state of affairs?!

Firstly, the enterprise has more than enough of its own working capital, as evidenced by the values ​​of the ratios of its own sources of financing, the values ​​of which range from 0.65 to 0.75 during 2006 - 2009.

In the structure of Progress LLC's liabilities, its own sources of financing significantly predominate, as evidenced by the values ​​of the financial independence indicator, which during 2006–2009. did not fall below 0.8. The company is not financially dependent on external sources of financing.

For a comprehensive analysis of the financial situation, an analysis of the property turnover of Progress LLC is also necessary (Table 3).

Table 3

Business activity indicator system Progress LLC


Actual value of indicators:

number of revolutions

(Turnover rate in days)

Asset turnover ratio

(Sales revenue – Indirect taxes)/ (0.5(Non-current and current assets at the beginning of the year + non-current and current assets at the end of the year))

Turnover ratio of current assets

(Sales revenue - Indirect taxes)/(0.5 (Current assets at the beginning of the year + Current assets at the end of the year))

Equity capital turnover ratio

(Sales revenue-Indirect taxes)/(0.5(Capital and reserves + Deferred income + Reserves for upcoming expenses at the beginning of the year + Capital and reserves + Deferred income + Reserves for upcoming expenses at the end of the year))

Inventory turnover ratio

Cost of work performed/(0.5(Inventories at the beginning of the year + Inventories at the end of the year))

Receivables turnover ratio

Sales revenue/(0.5(Accounts receivable at the beginning of the year + Accounts receivable at the end of the year))

Business activity indicators indicate a fairly high turnover of funds at Progress LLC. On average, the property of an enterprise turns over 4.4 times a year or 82 days, i.e. During this period of time, all funds invested in the turnover are scrolled through, and the company receives income.

Accounts receivable turns around in an average of 26 days. Own capital turns over on average 66 days.

The values ​​of turnover ratios of Progress LLC indicate a high level of business activity of the enterprise.

However, it should be noted that during 2008 there was an increase in the level of business activity, and in 2009. There was a slight decrease in the rate of turnover of the enterprise's property. Probably the reason for this is the general economic crisis situation in the country, which cannot affect economic entities.

Table 4

Assessment of enterprise performance efficiency, %

Indicator name

Calculation formula

Return on assets based on net profit

Net profit /(0.5(Non-current and current assets at the beginning of the year + non-current and current assets at the end of the year))

Return on equity on net profit (retained)

Net profit/(0.5(Equity capital at the beginning of the year+Equity capital at the end of the year))

Return on sales at cost of sales

Net profit/(Cost of sales)

Return on sales based on net profit

Net profit/(Revenue-VAT)

The company is characterized by low profitability of financial and economic activities. In 2008, there was an increase in operating efficiency; in 2009, there was a decrease in profitability indicators relative to 2008, but they did not fall below the values ​​of these coefficients in 2007.

Overall in 2009 Progress LLC:

From 1 ruble invested in the property (assets) of the enterprise, 11.1 kopecks of net profit were received;

From 1 ruble invested in the enterprise’s own capital, 13.4 kopecks of net profit was received;

From 1 ruble spent on expenses for the production and economic activities of the enterprise, 2.8 kopecks of net profit were received;

From 1 ruble invested in the turnover (income) of the enterprise, 2.6 kopecks of net profit were received.

In general, we can talk about the well-being of the financial and economic condition of Progress LLC, although it would not be superfluous to take a number of measures aimed at increasing the economic efficiency of activities and optimizing liquidity and solvency indicators.

3. Proposals for optimizing the financial and economic situation of Progress LLC

An identified excess of liquid funds is an undesirable phenomenon; its presence is insufficient evidence effective use LLC "Progress" temporarily free cash and other current assets.

It is assumed that the higher the current liquidity ratio, the more reliable the position of the creditors, since in the event of failure to fulfill loan agreements, the borrower will be able to satisfy the creditors' claims due to the excess of current assets over short-term debt.

The growth of this ratio is facilitated by the growth of long-term sources of financing for inventories and a decrease in the level of short-term liabilities.

At the same time too high current liquidity, observed at Progress LLC, from the point of view of the actions of the organization’s management, is a sign of insufficiently effective operational management of the assets entrusted to them by the owners of the organization. It indicates funds stuck in bank accounts and not involved in economic turnover, a level of inventory that has become excessive compared to the real needs of the organization, and an incorrect credit policy.

LLC "Progress" needs to use the excess funds accumulated in bank accounts and in the cash register of the enterprise for development production activities, possibly to expand technological processes.

Due to the low profitability of the production and economic activities of Progress LLC, the company is faced with the acute task of optimizing costs by choosing the most rational and effective methods accounting and cost control.

In conditions of market relations and competition, the most progressive is the normative method of cost accounting, which is a set of procedures for planning, rationing, releasing materials into production, drawing up internal reporting, calculating the cost of products, carrying out economic analysis and control based on cost standards. Therefore, Progress LLC can be recommended to fully use the standard cost accounting method.

The effectiveness of this method is also evident in the fact that it involves timely intervention in the formation of production costs and strict adherence to technological and production discipline. Essentially, this is a method of daily ongoing monitoring and identification of new savings reserves, which serves as a way to reduce production costs and increase the profitability of a business entity.

The main advantage of the system of normative accounting and control is the prompt identification of deviations of actual costs from the current norms of consumption of raw materials and supplies, wages and other production costs, their causes and impact on production costs.

The basic principles of the standard cost accounting method are as follows:

1) preliminary preparation of standard cost calculations for each type of services provided based on the standards and estimates in force at the enterprise; keeping records of changes in current standards during the month to adjust the standard cost, determining the impact of these changes on the cost and effectiveness of the measures that caused their changes;

2) accounting of actual costs during the month, dividing them into costs according to norms and deviations from norms;

3) identification and analysis of the causes, as well as the conditions for the occurrence of deviations from the norms in the places of their occurrence;

4) determination of actual cost as the sum of standard cost, deviations from standards and changes in standards.

A reserve for increasing the profitability of manufactured and sold products (goods) can also be a reduction in the volume of work in progress balances. During the period under review, according to the balance sheet data, a significant increase in the structure of non-current assets in the value of work in progress is clearly visible: from 5 thousand rubles. in 2007 up to 353 thousand rubles. in 2009

Work in progress includes products that have not passed all stages (phases, repartitions) of processing provided for by the technological process, as well as incomplete products that have not passed testing and technical acceptance. But the profile of Progress LLC is bread and flour confectionery products with short shelf life. Therefore, an increase in the amount of work in progress can generally lead to serious problems sales in the future, if this process is not activated today. Thus, Progress LLC needs to focus its efforts on reducing the amount of work in progress.

The enterprise has a huge amount of additional capital. In particular, in 2006 additional capital amounted to 2036 thousand rubles, in 2009. its value was 2410 thousand rubles.

The sources of formation of additional capital of Progress LLC are:

Amounts of additional valuation of fixed assets and intangible assets;

The excess of the value of the participant’s contribution to the authorized capital of the limited liability company over the nominal value of the share paid by the participant;

Additional contributions to the company's property.

Since the amounts credited to account 83 “Additional capital”, as a rule, are not written off, Progress LLC can recommend the following options for its use:

Increasing the authorized capital due to additional capital amounts;

Payments to participants when the authorized capital is reduced.

Thus, the implementation of the above proposed measures will allow Progress LLC to maintain a high level of solvency, overcome excess liquidity, expand the turnover of production and economic activities, optimize costs and increase the efficiency of financial and economic activities. In general, the enterprise will strengthen its financial and economic position in today’s unstable business conditions.


In the process of completing pre-graduation internship at Progress LLC as an analytical economist, the opportunity was realized to consolidate the theoretical knowledge acquired during training at the Branch of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of Moscow State Technical University in Cheboksary, and to use it in practical activities in relation to the specialty and profile of the future profession.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were completed during the internship:

The functioning and development of an enterprise as a management system has been studied;

Information has been collected characterizing the main directions of production, economic and financial activities of the enterprise;

Information related to the external and internal environment of the object under study, namely Progress LLC, was reviewed and summarized;

Collected and analyzed the financial statements of the enterprise;

Instructional and regulations regulating the indicators of liquidity and financial stability of the enterprise, as well as the procedure for its functioning as an economic entity;

An analysis of the financial condition of Progress LLC was carried out based on financial reporting data, in particular forms No. 1 “Balance Sheet”, No. 2 “Profit and Loss Statement” for 2007 – 2009;

Proposals have been developed to improve the efficiency of the financial and economic activities of Progress LLC.

Annex 1

Data from the balance sheets of Progress LLC, thousand rubles.

End of 2007

End of 2008

End of 2009


Intangible assets

Fixed assets

Construction in progress

Long-term financial investments

Deferred tax assets

Others fixed assets

TOTAL for section I


Reserves, incl.

raw materials, supplies and other similar assets

costs in work in progress

finished products and goods for resale

goods shipped

Future expenses

Value added tax on purchased assets

Accounts receivable (payments for which are expected more than 12 months after the reporting date)

Accounts receivable (payments for which are expected within 12 months after the reporting date), including:

buyers and customers

Short-term financial investments


Other current assets

TOTAL for section II

BALANCE (sum of lines 190 + 290)

End of 2007

End of 2008

End of 2009


Authorized capital

Extra capital

Reserve capital

Retained earnings of the reporting year

TOTAL by section III


Loans and credits

Other long-term liabilities

TOTAL for section IV


Loans and credits

Accounts payable, including:

suppliers and contractors

debt to the organization's personnel

debt to the government off-budget funds

debt on taxes and fees

other creditors

revenue of the future periods

Other current liabilities

TOTAL for Section V

BALANCE (sum of lines 490 + 590 + 690)

Appendix 2

Data from the profit and loss statements of Progress LLC, thousand rubles.

Indicator name

Income and expenses from ordinary activities

Revenue (net) from the sale of goods, products, works, services (less value added tax, excise taxes and similar mandatory payments)

Cost of goods, products, works, services sold

Gross profit

Business expenses

Administrative expenses

Profit (loss) from sales (lines (010 - 020 - 030 - 040))

Other income and expenses

Interest receivable

Percentage to be paid

Income from participation in other organizations

Other income

other expenses

Profit (loss) before tax

Deferred tax assets

Deferred tax liabilities

Current income tax

Other payments to the budget

Net profit (loss) of the reporting period

Permanent tax liabilities (assets)

Basic earnings (loss) per share

Diluted earnings (loss) per share

If you purchase higher education, then be prepared not only to attend theoretical classes presented in the form of lectures, but also to complete practical assignments. They consist of undergoing various practices throughout the entire training period.

The need to carry out work related to practical application knowledge is associated with the acquisition of modern Russian education a more practice-oriented approach aimed at obtaining and consolidating skills associated with mastering a particular profession. IN educational process you not only comprehend the basics of science, but also learn to implement them in practical activities. Therefore, show a willingness not only to study and memorize the basic postulates, but also to apply them.

Completion of the internship is confirmed by writing a report. There are several types of reports. These are reports on production and pre-graduation internships.

In most universities, depending directly on the specifics of training, reports can change their focus. For example, in pedagogical universities, fourth-year students submit a report on teaching practice. Students studying technical and IT specialties submit reports on technological practice.

The main features of the report on pre-diploma practice, we will explore ways to fill it out.

Undergraduate practice pursues the goal of collecting and analyzing practical material for the thesis. The quality of the final qualifying work depends on how successfully the student completed this type of internship. Undergraduate practice, in fact, contains material that is subsequently formed into the second chapter of the diploma, recognized as experimental. Therefore, graduating departments try to send a student to undergo practical training in a specific organization, education in which will bring him as close as possible to the field of future activity, and fully reveal the problem of the diploma. At the session before pre-graduate practice, the student gets acquainted with the terms and duration of the internship, consistent with the university curriculum, and receives an assignment for practice. The progress of the passage is controlled scientific supervisor of the thesis. He formulates the goals and objectives of the practice and monitors its implementation. At the enterprise, the student’s work is supervised by a supervisor from the place of practice, appointed individually by the director of the organization.

Structure of the report on pre-graduate practice

The result of the practice is confirmed by a report, which is submitted to the department and contains the following materials:

  1. , which contains a list of goals and objectives.
  2. Practice diary, main part.
  3. Feedback from the manager from the practice base and feedback from the supervisor.

5. The main part of the report should include a description of the enterprise-base of practice. The student gets acquainted with information about the organization in the first days of practice, marking in the report the characteristics of the industry in which the company operates, general characteristics organization, describes the functions of structural units, provides analysis and offers solutions to certain problems, evaluates the activities of the organization’s services. The main part is reinforced with conclusions and suggestions.

The head of the company's practice writes a review in which he indicates a list of work completed by the student, his attitude towards practical assignments, and the recommended assessment. The leader thus makes job description completed by the student and evaluates it.Scientific directorthe university also writes a review.

6. Report on pre-graduation practice contains a list of references, includes applications designed in accordance with GOST.

Here are some tips for writing a report on pre-graduation practice:

1. Don't delay creating the report. Try to start filling out forms on the first day of your internship. Put a date in the practice calendar plan, describe your actions, place the materials collected initially in reports, and put some of them in appendices.

2. Enter the dates associated with your internship in your report every day. Try to create a bibliography on the go: found - noted.

3. Try to describe the experimental work in detail, post the documents you have compiled, and focus on the details.

4. After finishing, conduct a self-analysis of the practice. Analyze your achievements and failures, make a plan to improve your results.

The main thing is not to waste time with the report. No need in last days PBefore submitting it, collect material, trying to somehow create a report for reporting. In practice, don't hesitate to take the initiative. From your attitude for pre-graduate internship, will directly dependgrade in the report card. If you manage to collect detailed material during practice, then you will have no difficulty.