Having endowed them with a thin, sensitive, excitable, vulnerable nervous system, rich in intuition, emotionality, romance.

Cancer people love to dream, fantasize, and often need privacy. Until maturity, they retain a childish perception of the world around them; they are interested in everything that is incomprehensible, mysterious, strange, although it is quite possible that they will hide it from others. At the same time, Cancers are by no means sterile dreamers - they are real realists.

These are very impressionable and therefore vulnerable people. It is very easy to offend them, especially since they have a heightened perception of the slightest nuances in changes in the spiritual atmosphere around them, they notice changes in people’s moods that are not visible to others, they feel a change in attitudes towards them. They are especially sensitive to negative emotions directed at them, to ill will, sidelong glances, and hostility. They are hurt by someone else's callousness, a carelessly thrown word addressed to them, ridicule, a bad joke - everything that can hurt their pride. Moreover, this may even be a trifle, but Cancers perceive everything that is directed against them so acutely that because of a trifle they can be seriously offended and turn it into a tragedy.

Thus, Cancers' imagination can lead them to depression. They can get sick from feeling unnecessary, superfluous, unloved, from the fact that it seemed to them that they were treated poorly. And from real, real troubles, people of this sign can also become seriously ill. Positive emotions, a feeling of joy, happiness can suddenly cure them, illnesses go away as if they never happened. They really need a pleasant, kind attitude so that they perk up again.

Cancers are constantly looking for a friendly society. They want only friends everywhere.

These people avoid troubles, hide from adversity in their “shell”, hide there, and no life storms will be scary for them if they did it on time. And what helps them isolate themselves in time is their constant alertness and intuition, the desire to protect themselves and prevent what could harm them and lead to a breakdown. So sensitive Cancers know how to avoid life’s collisions; their vulnerable heart is not as defenseless as it might seem. They themselves believe in luck, in a happy future, in pleasant surprises.

Naturally, people who are keenly aware of other people’s moods are themselves subject to mood swings. They are sometimes cheerful, sometimes sad, sometimes friendly, sometimes gloomy, laughter gives way to tears, and again they joke, and again they cry in their hearts. And all these feelings are sincere. If Cancer laughs, he is truly happy and cheerful. If he cries, something really touched him to the core. You can never accuse Cancer of being an artist, “playing for the audience.”

The “public” is as susceptible to the mood of Cancers as they react to their surroundings. The mood of Cancers is transmitted to others instantly, their feelings are so strong. If Cancers are irritated, everyone around them also gets excited, and the atmosphere of the relationship can become tense. If Cancers are sad, their waves of melancholy envelop those around them, plunging them into despondency too. Therefore, it is quite difficult to live with these people - they seem to penetrate with their nerves everyone who surrounds them, and control this environment, as if pulling people’s strings, like puppeteers. And people obey the will of Cancers, without wanting it themselves, being constantly in an environment nervous tension. When leaving, Cancers cause a sigh of relief - people become masters of their feelings and moods. Therefore, it is not surprising that people often become irritated only by the very presence of Cancer and may unwittingly come into conflict with him.

Cancers are secretive people. They can hide their feelings and thoughts deeply, and experience grievances in solitude and loneliness, withdrawing into themselves for a long time. Their reproaches are silent. Cancers are distrustful of strangers and do not allow them to enter their lives. They are cautious and reluctant to share their impressions and thoughts: this may expose them to others. So it is not surprising that Cancers remain not fully recognized even by their loved ones.

However, friends, acquaintances, even unfamiliar people willingly talk, communicate with people of this sign, share their sorrows with them, because Cancers know how to make friends, they are very patient people, they know how to wait for years. Cancers love to help others and keep other people's secrets as securely as their own. They are endowed with the gift of attracting others to themselves, winning them over, delving deeply into their peace of mind, intuitively finding the right word, giving them your participation and sincerity. Their empathy is genuine, sincere, and people feel it and are grateful and devoted friends with them.

Cancers are not only ready to help, but also know how to do it, because they are wise, never repeat their mistakes, they are taught own experience, and over the years they become wiser, as they always take into account the lessons of life. Cancers never forget about them, control today's situations and are alert to future ones.

This wariness and analysis of future consequences often make Cancers hesitate. They can wait for someone to get ahead of them and come to their aid earlier. You should not, having noticed this, reproach them for callousness, selfishness or laziness. This speaks to their instinct of self-preservation, forcing them to be cautious, prudent, and to keep changing situations under control.

Cancers are the kind of people who do not like to obey. They have a very developed desire for self-affirmation, strong pride, they want to dominate others. They go adamantly towards everything they want to achieve and do not stop there. They always need more and more of everything than they have. They always lack something, and they have a goal - to achieve it. Let it be success, or someone’s love, or a position, or material wealth. However, this desire is hidden from those around them; Cancers hide their goals from prying eyes. But their goals are definite, and their grip is tenacious, their “claws” will not miss their target.

They hold on to what they have just as tightly. Cancers are characterized by hoarding and frugality. This applies equally to their property, money, food, and family traditions. Cancers do not throw away old things, books; they are connoisseurs of good food and gourmets, they stock up on food for future use; will never be left with only a penny in their pocket. Home and family are dear to them, they love their parents and children, and preserve family foundations and traditions. They are adherents of everything proven, old, reliable, familiar and do not like to change either their appearance or their tastes, they cannot stand rearrangements in the house, nothing sudden, no innovations or changes in anything.

The past is dearer and more valuable to them; they are distrustful of the new. History occupies and attracts them, they delve into it and remember everything. These are true patriots of their region, city, village.

Cancers are also nature lovers, passionate travelers, and they know how to see beauty around them - this sense of beauty is highly developed in them. They love solitude near the water, in general they love water, water tourism, sports, and swimming.

With age, Cancers do not lose their romanticism; they believe in success and good luck. Their hopes are not in vain: the older they get, the luckier they are, the less grief they have, the more fortune accompanies them.

The sign of the water element is under the protection of the night luminary. The control of the Moon influences the character of representatives of this sign, making them vulnerable and sensitive people. Moon and water element signs give Cancer the ability to empathize, the ability to instantly guess the thoughts and aspirations of other people. These are determined and noble people, often patriots. But if the life of Cancer was full of hardships and injustice since childhood, then they have the cunning and charisma of a gangster.

They influence other people and can subjugate them in order to achieve a common goal or survival. Tough and insightful leaders.

Character of the sign

Cancer is the most emotional sign among the entire zodiac. But he himself does not like to share personal emotions. Cancer understands the feelings and mood of those around him instantly, but is rarely frank. The problem with expressing one's feelings is associated with protective mental mechanisms. WITH early years Cancer builds a personal defense system against accidental penetration into the soul and acquires stereotypes and prejudices. He is very attached to his family, especially his mother.

Cancer absorbs the feelings and emotions of those around him, but tries to keep his own to himself. Likes to take initiative both in work and in personal relationships, accurately choosing associates and useful people. Cancer is a born psychologist, with a deep understanding of the causes of phenomena, strong desire get to the root of the problem. They are difficult to deceive, but easy to offend. This is a sign of accumulation, conservation and skillful use of all resources, primarily family ones.

He surrounds himself with completely different people whom he loves to take care of. Needs consistency in relationships and long-term connections.

An excellent strategist, has excellent analytical skills, is rarely poor, on the contrary, he often lays down substantial capital for his heirs, and is at the head of family dynasties. They retain childlike liveliness and naivety for a long time, are sentimental, attached to past connections, places and objects. Cancer is both cautious and curious when encountering a new phenomenon or person. Caution and foresight are necessary for Cancer to avoid failure and maintain self-respect.

Cancers often have hurt pride; they experience failure in business, resentment, separation or collapse of love for a long time.

Sign compatibility

A typical Cancer intuitively identifies the best possible, instantly establishes contact with the person he likes, but then pulls away, afraid of someone else's influence. In love, Cancers are loyal, but do not forget about themselves and their desires. They can flirt with many, but they always love one. They prefer to take the first step towards rapprochement, but then choose to passively wait for manifestations of feelings on the part of their partner. They are very sensitive to beauty, love sex, but are shy and seek real feelings.

Without true love They quickly become disillusioned with relationships and continue to search for real feelings. Rigidity, touchiness, rancor and a tendency to exaggerate problems make them difficult partners. If they live in an uncomfortable, aggressive environment, they are prone to cheating, but divorce is difficult. Best Compatibility with the signs Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio. With Aries, Libra and Capricorn they can form a very viable business alliance, much depends on the personal horoscope.

Cancer Man

She has a powerful analytical mind, but allows her feelings to disrupt any logic and consistency. They often occupy leadership positions, have a good understanding of people, and are able to calculate and intuitively guess the shortest path to the goal. Read full description.

Cancer Woman

This is the Mother of the world, she is caring and prudent. She is very demanding in love, sensitive to the intimate side of relationships, loves sex, but will always notice falsehood and deception in feelings. He does not forgive either his partner or himself for his disappointments, and remembers insults and failures for a long time. Read full description.

Cancer Child

If your child is Cancer, then it is important to take care of his personal space and protect him from unnecessary aggression. Such a baby does not tolerate a change of residence or divorce. Read full description.

Health sign

Containing emotions and suppressing aggression often leads to nervous disorders, exhaustion, illness gastrointestinal tract. Overeating, a love of sweets, and a sedentary lifestyle are the main enemies of Cancer's health, along with nervous tension. Often workaholics, Cancers forget about rest, and lack of sleep leads them to chronic fatigue. They need a diet and sleep schedule, a positive charge of communication with a select circle of people, and meditation to calm the mind.

Changing activities, frequent travel and growing income from activities will help maintain health for many years.

Interesting countries: India, Nepal, Uzbekistan, partly middle Asia, Holland, Scotland, Denmark, Canada, Paraguay, New Zealand

Significant cities: Amsterdam, Bern, Cadiz, Deptford, Görlitz, Lubeck (12°), Janow, Magdeburg, Manchester, Milan, New York, St. Andrew (Scottish city), Istanbul, Stockholm, Trier, Tunisia, York

Celebrities born under the sign of Cancer: Meryl Streep, Valery Meladze, Zinedine Zidane, Timur Bekmambetov, Alsou, Laysan Utyasheva, Ralph Schumacher, Mike Tyson, Pamela Anderson, Princess Diana, Liv Tyler, Natalia Rudova, Lindsay Lohan, Anna Mikhailovskaya, Tom Cruise , Tutta Larsen, Sylvester Stallone, Zhanna Aguzarova, Zhanna Friske, Dmitry Pevtsov, Tom Hanks, Harrison Ford, Pelageya, Alexander Vasiliev, Leonid Agutin, Grigory Leps, Vitaly Klitschko, Sergey Zverev, Nonna Grishaeva, Robin Williams, Tatyana Lazareva, Yegor Creed

People born under the same zodiac sign are incredibly similar, they have something in common. But not all external beliefs are true. For example, those born in the sign of Cancer are often considered gloomy and overly emotional, but in reality this is not entirely true.

Such people have many unique traits and characteristics that are not immediately revealed to others. To help you better understand the personality of this zodiac sign, check out this list of the most characteristic features Cancer:

1. Excellent intuition and good ability to see through people. People under the sign of Cancer have a unique intuition that allows them to notice little things that others would not pay attention to. Cancers have a natural talent for understanding people, so they can immediately sense unusual or strange behavior. These people should rely on their instincts more often; they will not let them down.

2. Cancers are passionate lovers. In love affairs, Cancers are never satisfied with little, so they make very passionate and ardent lovers. Cancer's love is like nothing else - feeling it, you feel alive.

3. They get their hearts easily broken. Cancers are very sensitive, they take it very hard when someone plays with their heart or, even worse, breaks it. It often takes them a very long time to recover from unsuccessful relationships and regain their balance.

4. Cancers can be extremely generous. These are some of the most generous people in the world. They often give gifts to their friends and loved ones just like that, without any special reason. And they do this not because they feel obligated - they like to see smiles on the faces of their loved ones.

5. They are mysterious and impenetrable. This sign has a penchant for mystery; they sometimes seem too mysterious. These are not the people who immediately reveal their secrets; they do not like to tell others about their every thought and emotion, unlike other signs. On the one hand, this makes them completely impenetrable to unfamiliar people, but on the other hand, this attracts new people to them.

6. Cancers love tenderness. These people love to feel loved and needed, and their sensual side really needs tenderness! Cancer will not pass by tenderness, especially if offered correctly.

7. They are quiet and calm... as long as they are not bothered. People of this sign have a relaxed attitude towards life, but do not think that they will allow you to sit on their heads. If Cancer is provoked, he will take out his claws and put anyone in their place, and it won’t seem like much.

8. Cancers have violent mood swings.

Sometimes the mood of these people changes like the wind. When they feel good, they feel just great, but when they feel bad, they feel really bad. They try to restrain their emotions until the last moment, but sometimes they are overwhelmed by feelings.

9. They will never leave a friend in trouble. Cancers value friendship very highly, so they are ready to do anything to help a close friend. People of this sign know how to listen, and when someone close to them is having a hard time, they are ready to give up everything to provide moral support.

10. Cancers can fall into sentimentality and nostalgia. Sometimes they get so caught up in memories of the past that they forget about the present. These people find it difficult to leave anything behind.

11. Cancers strive for deep and meaningful relationships. Typically, representatives of this sign are not interested in short-term romances; they are more devoted to close, long-term relationships. They take a long time to find the right person, but once this happens, they invest in the relationship to the fullest.

12. They need their own cozy home. Such people tend to be homebodies and feel most comfortable within their own walls. To achieve this, they spare no time and effort to create a comfortable and cozy home that they can call their own.

13. When Cancers are unhappy, they become unsociable. If something upsets them, they can build a wall between themselves and others and hide behind it. Close people should not take this as a personal insult... it’s just that Cancer sometimes needs time to be alone and come to its senses.

14. Cancers do not get along with impudent and unceremonious people. They are able to find a common language with the most different people, but if you are impudent, demanding and try to push Cancer around, then nothing will work out for you. Cancers are repulsed by people who think only about themselves, so they immediately turn away from such individuals.

15. They need time to open up. Cancers can be quite timid and shy, especially in an unfamiliar situation. But once you earn their trust and friendship, you will see that they are not really quiet! Just don't rush them - they need time.

16. Cancers are open-minded and creative. These people are dreamers, their imagination knows no bounds. They are open to everything new and prefer to think things over themselves rather than take other people’s conclusions on faith.

17. Cancers are very vindictive. Cancer tries to treat people as he treats himself, but if someone betrays his trust or commits some unforgivable act for him... He will not forget this for a long time. It is better not to spoil your relationship with Cancer, because he has a good memory and will not soon forgive betrayal.

18. Cancers are strong and resilient. Despite the fact that Cancers are famous for their sensitivity, they are not at all weak. No matter what happens, they will withstand the blow of fate until the end, this shows their incredible endurance.

19. They always instinctively protect their loved ones. For these people, family and friends always come first. They have a developed instinct to care and protect. It is very unwise to quarrel with someone close to him... Cancer will not let you get away with it.

20. Cancer is a complex and multifaceted personality. Those born under this sign are difficult to squeeze into any rigid framework; they are quite multi-layered natures. Just when you decide that you finally understand everything about Cancer, he takes it and does something completely unexpected.

21. Cancers are sympathetic and compassionate. Compassion and empathy are integral traits of Cancers, since they are almost the most attentive and caring people in the world. They know how to understand others well because they are always able to put themselves in the place of another and look at things through their eyes.

Following simple logic, you can find out that approximately 1/12 of the planet's population is Cancer. People born under the protection of the element of water. It is difficult to give a universal characteristic. Because all people, even Cancers, are different. But they still have something in common. Well, it’s worth telling the most fun facts O


So the first one interesting feature people born under this sign lies in their dependence on lunar phases. In this regard, they really react like water. Close people may notice this. The point is that in different time Cancers exhibit different qualities, features or maybe mood. By observing their behavior, you can notice such a cyclical pattern.

Here are more verified facts about the Cancer zodiac sign - these people have a very weak lymphatic system and, although these people are excellent cooks, the digestive tract. Usually all health problems are associated with them.

These people are also very thrifty. They can earn good money and save all the money for something practical and useful. They really manage to create an excellent material base for themselves and their family.

And, of course, we cannot forget how strong habits are in the life of Cancer. These people, as a rule, have an established way of life. They really don't like to change anything. And if this is really necessary, then loved ones will have to push Cancer to take appropriate action.

About character

When telling facts about the Cancer zodiac sign, one cannot help but note them as bright personalities. This is very interesting people. They can be said to be unsolved mystery. And for everyone, except himself. Because these people keep everything to themselves. They have this principle. And their feelings and emotions are practically not accessible to anyone. Cancers “reveal” only to that person who will be time-tested and worthy of it.

And they are such people because of their subtle spiritual nature. After all, their feelings are very easy to hurt. That’s why they try to keep everything to themselves.

Everything that Cancers do, they try to do for the benefit of themselves and their loved ones. Or, at least, so as not to cause harm. They have very strong protective energy, and it is necessary because the sensual sphere of people born under this sign is as vulnerable as possible. And it is for this reason that Cancers feel most comfortable in the family. After all, this is the closest environment for them.

About Cancer's shortcomings in love

It's pretty interesting topic. Facts about the Cancer zodiac sign make it clear that men born during this period tend to show their resentment at any hint of criticism. If you offend them with a word, they will immediately distance themselves from their beloved. They are so touchy that they can behave like children in this situation.

But this is not all the facts about the Cancer zodiac sign. Girls born during this period can talk about their emotional dramas on the first date without being at all embarrassed. But the one who invited her to the meeting will have to act as a personal psychologist. These women also sometimes make a mistake - they move too quickly to the intimate component of the relationship. They hope that this will help to win over their partner, and more tender feelings will awaken in him. And often such girls reciprocate those guys who are unworthy of them. And then they regret it and feel like victims. But often they step on the same rake for the second and even third time.

About jealousy

There are some more Interesting Facts about the zodiac sign Cancer. They concern jealousy. Well, these people are suspicious and rather restless people. For Cancer, one small reason for jealousy is enough. He will figure out all the details himself. But only if he can cope with his ideas, realizing that this is all not serious, then he will sense real betrayal and betrayal in his gut. This is another feature of people who appeared under the auspices of this sign.

In order not to arouse suspicion, you need to share your secrets, doubts, problems and experiences with Cancers. It’s okay if he doesn’t do it himself - that’s his nature. But, seeing the openness of the interlocutor, he will be confident in his devotion and fidelity.

What do they like?

Facts about Cancers can tell you something interesting and useful. The zodiac sign is quite specific. Since people born under his protection are secretive personalities, it can be difficult for their loved ones to understand what they want.

So, the Cancer girl values ​​warmth and comfort most of all. If her lover wants to surprise her, then there is nothing better trip to a small wooden house with a fireplace outside the city, by the sea or river. A romantic dinner near the fire after a walk under the moon in the arms of a loved one will become an unforgettable memory for her. And, by the way, in relationships they value constancy.

The Cancer man likes timid, charming and modest girls. His chosen one will be the one who can keep the family hearth. And if you want to conquer him, then you need to show respect towards his home and family. He will appreciate such a gesture.

10 unusual facts about the zodiac sign Cancer will be of interest not only to representatives of the sign, but also to those who communicate closely with them. Therefore they need to be listed. And you can start with the first “five”.

  1. As already mentioned, they are vulnerable, shy, and often withdraw into themselves. And because of this, they develop a variety of fears and fears: claustrophobia, high speed, flying, depth, public, etc. But in no case should you laugh at their fears. This will hurt them and they will become even more withdrawn.
  2. They have keen intuition. And therefore they often predict events.
  3. Cancers love their friends very much. Sometimes they are even closer to them than family.
  4. Cancers are quite independent, and they can always count on themselves. However, if they fall in love, they begin to “strangle” their partner with their feelings.
  5. These people amazingly combine romanticism and sensitivity with rationality and practicality. And this also applies to relationships. For example, before proposing to a girl, a Cancer man will weigh the pros and cons a hundred times, even if they had been dating for several years before.


And the remaining 5 facts.

  1. Cancer girls are ideal wives. They are worth marrying for men who want to provide for their rear and have offspring. After all, such girls are excellent housewives who love children.
  2. Cancers are very passionate and insatiable natures. In sex, they try to get maximum pleasure. Therefore, someone from Taurus and Scorpio becomes an ideal partner for them. This can be confirmed by the most interesting facts about the zodiac sign Cancer and its compatibility.
  3. Cancers are statistically the most careful drivers. They are the ones who follow the principle that says that the quieter you drive, the further you will go. They practically do not make any dangerous maneuvers, do not rush and do not take risks. And they prefer large and roomy cars, as they like to travel with friends and family.
  4. Cancers will be happy only if they choose a job they like. They are people of mood, and it is important for them to enjoy their work.
  5. Cancers hardly argue. They are ideal conversationalists! It is not important for them to always be the winner in an argument. If the opponent wants to prove that he is right, then all he has to do is present arguments - and the question is settled.

Let us present to your attention a detailed description of a person born under the zodiac sign Cancer.

Secrets of Cancer's happiness

You are not always able to maintain smooth, happy relationships, because you are a person of moods with a tendency to indecision. This is especially noticeable in Cancer men, who are inclined to change their assessments of what is happening, despite the fact that they are zealous defenders of people dear to them and have a noticeable sentimental streak.

You are a wonderful “getter”, you are persistent and reliable. You have an instinctive, almost telepathic understanding of your partner's feelings and moods, but you certainly need to learn firmness and determination, as well as curbing your tendency to be grumpy and dislike criticism. Don't over-emphasize of great importance your parents' opinion about you family life and do not resort to odious comparisons that can destroy family happiness.

However, you can be called a good, if not brave, lover. Learn to manage sudden changes in your mood wisely. As a rule, representatives of your sign tend to naturally calm down and settle down soon after starting married life. Home and household mean a lot to you.

Astrological characteristics of the zodiac sign Cancer

Symbol: crab.

Ruling planet of Cancer: Moon.

Characteristics of the Cancer sign: watery-cardinal-negative.

Sign of a teacher, prophet.

The character of the owner of this sign is: sensitive and compassionate, subject to mood swings, persistent, ambitious, attentive and careful, susceptible to the influence of subtle energies.

Positive qualities of Cancer: perseverance, sensitivity, compassion, heightened mental sensitivity, the gift of persuasion, law-abidingness and idealism, a vivid imagination.

Negative qualities of Cancer: changeability of moods, pronounced inferiority complex, indecisiveness, inability to forgive, pessimism, vulnerability.

Cancer Personality

According to the traditional view, Cancer people are big lovers hearth and home. For all their great commitment to family and home, others are also known special properties their personalities. So, they crave to be visible and in the spotlight.

You are unusually receptive; your sensitivity borders on hypersensitivity. Your main desire is the desire to be loved, despite the fact that your personal freedom is also dear to you. You have great determination and are able to stubbornly hold on, tightly clinging (not in vain your symbol is the crab) to your loved one, your idea or property. You have the power to achieve the impossible. Your attitude towards the world truly brings to mind a crab, first moving forward, and then immediately moving back.

Let us also note the grandiose desire to earn and save a lot of money, which you realize in life only to a very small extent. This drive makes you a hard worker in big organizations and corporations. However, the original reason for your desire for money is rooted in an excessively large sense of insecurity.

Sometimes this makes you overly cautious and timid, discouraging you from taking risks and taking advantage of good opportunities. Learn to be more entrepreneurial, it's in your best interest. You are a person of strong likes and dislikes, as well as great loyalty.

Your other passion involves a strong sexual drive - perhaps largely due to your affectionate and grasping nature. You need completeness and completeness, and otherwise you tend to suppress and prohibit; it all comes from the same feeling of insecurity. The undoubted fact is that you are sensitive and sentimental and at the same time love money and good food. You have very strong intuition.

"Cancer" as a friend

People of your kind are worth their weight in gold where loyalty and love for people are important. You are always ready to give, but you are disappointed and sad if it does not bring rewards. You'll never end a relationship, but don't expect too much from a friendship either.

Cancer is like a father

You have excellent qualities as a father, but you feel best in this capacity while your children are very young. Keep up with them and their ideas about life as they grow. Don't be intolerant or reprimand them too harshly. Your imagination can be very rich and you can encourage your children's creativity. Please pay Special attention to look at life through their eyes.

Cancer is like a mother

You have the highest maternal power over the family and home, you are an example of self-denying maternal love. You are gentle and loving, you gather your chicks closer to the nest and, nevertheless, you are overly inquisitive about the deep, spiritual feelings of children and worry too much about them. Only by giving these inclinations their due can you experience the serene happiness of motherhood.

A look at the decades:

Although everyone born between June 22 and July 22 was born under the sign of Cancer, a more thorough study, taking into account the characteristics of your decade, will help you better evaluate the qualities of your character.

If you were born between June 22 and July 1 (first decade), then you are ruled by the Moon, and the features of a typical “cancer” are very prominently expressed in your character. You are tenacious and tenacious, compassionate, loyal and idealistic, but can be fickle, suspicious, pessimistic and unsure of yourself. Try to rely more on positive features your personality.

If your date of birth fell between July 2 and July 12 (second decade), then your ruler is the planet Mars with all his strength and valor, and he imparts these qualities to you.

You are an even stronger “cancer” and are capable of becoming almost a dictator. You have tremendous energy and mobility and will gravitate towards fame and attention from people.

If you were born between July 12 and July 22 (third decade), then you are ruled by the “great benefactor” Jupiter, and you are guaranteed fame, luck and a considerable amount of money. You were born happy, except for the unfortunate tendency to be overweight! Education and travel will benefit you the most.

About people of dual nature - for those born on the days of changing signs

If you were born between June 20-23, then your birth date fell during the Gemini/Cancer transition.

Extraordinary people. They have psychic abilities, are witty, and easily susceptible to mood swings; attractive and somewhat evasive at the same time, and sometimes reserved and cold; in some cases there may be a wonderful interaction of mind and heart and, unfortunately, disorder (when one falls under the control of the other), in others, however, whatever the real reason, they are undoubtedly captivating and charming creatures, often living in their own world . These people are either very sociable or very taciturn and calm. Like water, they are able to take any form, to be almost anything they want to be - and this is their peculiarity, their distinguishing feature. If only they understood this and made a sustained, sincere, concentrated and sustained effort!

Diseases of the chest, stomach, intestines, nervous attacks, colds, allergies, and skin diseases can pose a threat to health.

The most important years will be 2, 5, 7, 11, 14, 16, 20, 23, 25, 29, 32, 34, 38, 41, 43, 47, 52, 55, 59, 62, 65, 68, 70, 74 , 77, 79, 83, 86, 88, 92, 95, 97, 101 years.

As a rule, these are somewhat pompous, but inexplicably pleasant people. "Your Lordship" would suit them perfectly. True dignity is different from pomp and circumstance - that is the lesson you should learn in life. By all accounts, you are amiable, often generous, law-abiding, and gifted beyond the ordinary. creative abilities; you are a good father (or mother) to your children, a wonderful host (or hostess), artistic, and often gifted with psychic abilities. Your sensitivity is well known, and this trait can poison your life. Don't let it come to this. This is undoubtedly your “fatal mistake”, a “flaw”, as if in Shakespeare’s tragedy “Hamlet”. Another contradiction is that although you are artistic and imaginative, you are also traditional and conservative, even if you are a bohemian. It's all you. A certain magnetism and the ability to attract and captivate people is inherent in you from birth. You can be a very private person and at the same time have a brilliant public image. It's you too.

Health problems can be caused by the condition of the stomach, chest, heart, circulatory system, back and spine.

The following years will be especially important: 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 11, 19, 16, 20, 22, 28, 29 (critical), 31, 34, 38, 40, 43, 47, 52, 55-56 ( turning point years), 58, 64-65, 67, 73-74, 76, 82-83, 85, 91-92.

Know what's good for you:

Lucky number Cancer: 2, 7, 11, 20, 29, 25, 34, etc. (series of twos and sevens).

- Cancer's lucky colors are pink, pale green and white (mostly).

— Happy Cancer Day: Monday and Thursday.

Happy flowers and Cancer herbs: White Rose, white lily, poppy, honeysuckle.

— Cancer's lucky stones: rubies, pearls, moonstone.